Strength-Related Checks: Shear Stress in Reinforced Concrete Frame Columns

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Strength-Related Checks

As per IS 15988:2013
Shear Stress in Reinforced Concrete Frame Columns
The average shear stress in concrete columns,τcol,
computed in accordance with the following equation
shall be lesser of,
a) 0.4 MPa; and
b) 0.10 fck , fck is characteristic cube strength
of concrete:

nc = total number of columns
nf = total number of frames in the direction of
Vj = storey shear at level j; and
Ac = total cross-sectional area of columns

Floor Storey
Level Shear(KN) nc nf Ac τ col( MPa)
Roof 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Nd Floor 200.04 13 4 1.17 1.44 0.247
1 st Floor 398.43 14 4 1.26 1.40 0.443
Base 502.12 14 4 1.26 1.40 0.558

Here, the generated shear stress in column section found to be greater than the permissible
shear stress. The building is not safe against shear strength demand.

Axial Stress in Moment Frames

The maximum compressive axial stress in the columns
of moment frames at base due to overturning forces
alone (F0 ) as calculated using the following equation
shall be less than 0.25fck.

VB= 502.125 KN
nf= 4
H= 9.4 m
L= 12.95 m
Fo 60.75 KN
σ 0.67 Mpa
Permissible value is 5 Mpa. For M20 Grade of concrete. So, the building is safe against
axial compression under seismic loading.

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