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Module #3.

In this module I’ve learned that self-denial a restraint or limitation of one's own desires or interests that
puts you in charge of your thoughts and feelings and not at the mercy of them and this is useful when
you're feeling low or obsessing about something. To have the power to stop thinking about that which
upsets you is an advantage. It is no good just denying yourself things. Self-denial can constitute an
important element of religious practice in various belief systems, the word “deny” means to refuse to
accept as true or valid. Deny implies a firm refusal to accept as true, to grant or concede, or to
acknowledge the existence or claims of. Self-sacrifice, sacrifice of oneself or one's interest for others or
for a cause or ideal. Self-sacrifice is giving up something you want or something you desire for the
greater good or to help others. An example of self-sacrifice is when you go without your morning latte
so you can donate that amount of money to charity instead. To “take up your cross” is something that
has to take place in your thoughts. When thoughts that aren't pleasing to God come to your mind during
the day, you “put them to death” on an inner “cross.”... As these thoughts come up in your mind, you
choose to deny them. In the last part I’ve read a phrase that say “The more we love others, the more we
open ourselves to suffering” it makes me think that why do we need to suffer when we love someone?
And answer myself like this “because when we love, we are selfless that we are ready to give everything
and anything to someone we love though it will hurt us or not. We faith in them, hope and love and
willing to sacrifice ourselves and breath and Jesus prove all of us that. He sacrifice himself for us to save
us from our sins even though he knew that it will kill him. He loves us unconditionally and I am forever
thankful to God and to those people who love me.


In this module, as followers of Jesus Christ we should strive to have homes where Jesus is always the
unseen guest. We should strive to live the kind of lives in private that could be viewed publicly without
any embarrassment or shame. Honoring Jesus in your home means making Him the Lord or Master of
your home. It means that if Jesus were to come to your house today He would feel right at home. It
means you would not have to spend hours getting rid of things or hiding things you would be ashamed
for Him to see. It means there is no room, no closet, no drawer or cupboard into which He could not
look. It means He would have free reign to go wherever He wanted and you would have nothing to hide.
Honoring Jesus in your home means He would feel comfortable watching what you watch, listening to
what you listen to, joining in your conversations and reading your magazines and books. Honoring Jesus
in your home means that His presence is always taken into account. When you love Jesus like Mary did,
what other people say doesn't matter. All that matters is that you demonstrate the love you have for
Jesus from your heart. That's what I love about Mary. She doesn't care what others think, she doesn't
care how public it is, or how much it might humiliate her. She is there to worship Jesus and she doesn't
let anyone get in her way. When you're in love with Jesus, the aroma of that love, of that reverence, of
that fellowship bleeds out all around you. Even as the aroma filled the house where Jesus was, it will fill
the place wherever you are. We must honor Jesus from our hearts. Mary has truly understood both the
trajectory of Jesus’ special vocation and the very nature of God. The extravagance of her act mirrors the
extravagance of God’s love. We got a glimpse of that extravagance last week in the story of the Prodigal
Son. We see it again today. Here is a God who does not know when to stop. Whose love knows no
limits? The pouring out of Jesus’ own life later that same week for the sins of the whole world will also
be an extravagant act of love. Jesus gives the first and greatest, essentially, the most important
commandment, love God with everything you have. Then he tells the man that the second most
important is to love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus shows that every commandment springs from these
two as their root and principle. There are no disjointed commands, everything must spring from a life of
love to God and man.

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