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Psychology 13 Jan
SAD & Light Therapy



    Main Ideas / Key Words Notes    

SAD is a type of depression which is associated with seasons. It
What is SAD? repeats every year. It’s caused by the reduced levels of sunlight
during winter.

Endogenous Pacemakers: Serotonin Levels, production of melatonin

Depressed mood everyday, fatigue, weight gain or loss

Treatment: Light therapy is used to treat SAD. It’s the artificial exposure to
light from a light therapy box.

How circadian rhythm is related Circadian Rhythm is the sleep/wake cycle. When the retina detects
to SAD? light, it sends out a signal to the SCN, which commands the Pineal
Gland to stop the production of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone
that promotes sleep.
In winter, most patients with SAD become depressed because of the
lack of sunlight & later dawn which causes their circadian rhythms
to drift out of phase with the sleep/wake cycle.
Depressed patients often show altered circadian rhythms, sleep
disturbances & diurnal mood variation.
Evaluate the use of Light Therapy
in SAD Treatment for the seasonal affective disorder may include light
therapy, medications and psychotherapy. Light Therapy is the
exposure to artificial light from a light therapy box. It is a way to
treat the seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is associated with
seasons & sunlight. It’s considered safe and helps in reducing
depression which is caused by reduced levels of sunlight.
However, Light therapy boxes are not able to filter out UV light. UV
light is harmful & can cause skin and eye damage. Light therapy
can trigger mania (mental illness of being high) in some people
with bipolar disorder.
In conclusion, Light therapy cannot cure SAD alone but it can assist
in easing symptoms & increasing energy levels. Light therapy
involves exposure to intense levels of light under controlled


SAD is a kind of depression caused in winter/fall due to lack of sunlight. It repeats every year and is
associated with seasons. It can be treated by light therapy or anti-depressants.

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