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1. What is industry 4.0?

How modern definition of mechatronics

engineering is related to industry 4.0?

Answer: We’re in the midst of a significant transformation regarding the way we

produce products thanks to the digitization of manufacturing. This transition is so
compelling that it is being called Industry 4.0 to represent the fourth revolution that
has occurred in manufacturing. From the first industrial revolution (mechanization
through water and steam power) to the mass production and assembly lines using
electricity in the second, the fourth industrial revolution will take what was started
in the third with the adoption of computers and automation and enhance it with
smart and autonomous systems fueled by data and machine learning.
Even though some dismiss Industry 4.0 as merely a marketing buzzword, shifts are
happening in manufacturing that deserves our attention.
Mechatronic Engineering is the discipline built up on the fundamentals of Machine
design, Control Systems and Computers to develop automated    systems. A
Mechatronic Engineer designs automated systems by integrating sensing and
actuation with intelligent software thereby giving the machine the decision-making
Industry 4.0 connect all physical system to virtual and cyber processes. After all,
one of the key characteristics of Industry 4.0 is a further deepening of the use of
automation in a wide range of sectors, including manufacturing. Many of these
automation solutions replace people who previously did the work manually. And
we know automation is strongly connected with creates a bridge
between mechatronics and industry 4.0.Mechatronics technology develops and
helps in the revolution of industry 4.0.
2. How mechatronics can help service industries? Explain with
Answer: Mechatronics is used in service industries to provide service to
consumers. Health care, financial service, travel industries, hospitality using
mechatronics components.
Health care: In modern surgeries robotic hand are used who follows the
instructions of an expert surgeon to do the operation. Thus an expertise surgeon
can give service to people who are far away from him/her. Here robotic hand is a
mechatronic component. Automated nurse, pacemaker are some examples of
mechatronic components in health care.
Financial service: In financial services bank uses ATM machine which is
automated. In online banking automated tools are used. Thus mechatronics
components can help financial service industries.
Travel industries: Nowadays travel agency uses automated workers in service who
can help travelers correctly. In security checkups automated machines are used
instead of human. Robots are used as an air hostage, worker. In crisis moments
sometimes human brain can’t take right decision here robots can be used. Thus
mechatronics can develop tremendous progress in travel industries.
Hospitality: Mechatronics can also be used in hospitality. In hotels, in restaurant’s
robots can be used instead of human. Thus faster service, clean service can be
ensured. Rather robots seems to be a very important and exciting device for child,
teens even older people. Using robots can increase profit of a hotel manager.
In conclusion we can say that mechatronics can help service industries a lot.

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