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Sustainability is becoming a global trend with that many companies are adopting it. Total Quality
Management (TQM) is one of the methods that not only enhance sustainability but also helps to achieve
overall corporate goals.

European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) is a quality management tool used in Europe,
which determines characteristics in a company and how it affects organization by respective techniques.
Companies can use EFQM effectively for the self-evaluation process. EFQM holds greater importance in
fostering motivation towards improvement so this ultimately brings effectiveness in the organizational
process and its performance. Companies are in dire need of model that has appropriate and successful
management skeleton regardless of industry, size and maturity of company. The EFQM excellence
model is pragmatic model that assists firms to:

 Examine their path of excellence.

 Find gaps and strengths in the stated mission and vison.
 Integrate existing and planned initiatives, removing duplication and identifying gaps.
 Provide a single and common language and way of thinking about the organization that
facilitates the effective communication of ideas, both within and outside the organization.
 Provide a basic structure for the organization’s management system.

The European Foundation of Quality Management is a not-for-profit organization, which was established
in 1989 and from then its operating in 30,000 Companies from all business sectors. This model applies
globally used practices, that helps companies to analyze their status quo and how to establish and
improve organization. EFQM model assists to determine company’s voids as well as alternatives to
enhance the performance in order to gain the desired objectives.

Fundamental concepts of Excellence

Adding value for customers: Companies add value to the customer by meeting their demands and
foresee them in the future. Companies understand which target groups they serve, and they aim for
consistent innovation and value creation.

Creating a sustainable future: Companies need to implement sustainable process and implement them
in their performances and have therefore positive ecological footprints.

Developing organizational capability: Companies raise capabilities by successfully managing change and
by inter alia developing a high-performance value chain.

Harnessing creativity & innovation: Value creation and implement innovation and improvements need
to be done by Companies.

Leading with vision, inspiration & integrity: Companies should stand on high moral ground and act as
role models for its values and ethics.

Managing with agility: Companies are having a positive public image in place, which shows that the
Companies can manage opportunities and threats efficiently.

Succeeding through the talent of people: Companies support the talent in people on the way to
organizational and personal goals.

Sustaining outstanding results: Companies aim for results that meet short- and long-term needs of


The EFQM Model consist of two parts: enablers and results. The Model itself consists of nine criteria.
The points given to each criterion is 100, equally divided between the sub-criterions. Furthermore,
customer results and business results are the only two criterions that can achieve 150 points, with a
total of 1000 points. While the enablers include the Companies tasks, the results, caused by enablers,
include the performance. Only when the enablers are instilled in an organization, the organization will
then accomplish the set results.

Leadership: Companies employ leaders who have charisma to act as a role model for its values and

People: Companies support the talent in people in order to deploy skills and knowledge in the
organization. There is a fair recognition system in place.

Strategy: By generating a stakeholder focused strategy, Companies instill their mission and vision.

Partnership & Resources: In order to have a supported strategy in place, Companies administer external
partnership, suppliers and internal resources.

Processes, Products & Services: Organization’s design, administer and increase performance on
processes, products and services in order to instill higher value for customers.


People Results: Companies implement and obtain excellent results that satisfies the needs and desires
of their employees.

Customer Results: Companies implement and obtain excellent results that satisfies the needs and
desires of their customers.

Society Results: Companies implement and obtain excellent results that satisfies the needs and desires
of stakeholders within society.

Business Results: Companies implement and obtain excellent results that satisfies the needs and desires
of business stakeholders.



Hauber, D. C. (2020). A STUDY OF THE EFQM MODEL: Financial Results, Sustainibility, % the relations
with ISO 9001.

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