Past Simple - Affirmative: A) Plaied B) Played C) Playied

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Past Simple – affirmative

A. What did they do yesterday? b
Read the sentences and choose the best option.
Then match them with the pictures.

1. Lucy ______________ basketball with her friends.

a) plaied b) played c) playied c d

2. Susie and Michael ______________ to the beach.

a) went b) goed c) gone

3. Jack ______________ in the swimming pool.

a) swim b) swam c) swum

4. Paul ______________ his homework. e

a) did b) doed c) do

5. Silvia ______________ fun at the birthday party.

a) have b) haved c) had

B. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. Brad _____________ (visit) his grandmother last weekend.

2. Yesterday Mary _____________ (see) a great film at the cinema.
3. Paul _______________ (eat) Chinese food for the first time last night.
4. Jill _______________ (write) me an email today.
5. I _______________ (wash) my dad’s car last week.

C. Complete the text with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

Yesterday it (1)____________ (be) Lisa’s birthday.

She (2)____________ (go) to a restaurant with her
parents and sister to celebrate. They all
(3)___________ (drink) lemonade, and then they
(4)____________ (order) dinner. Lisa
(5)____________ (want) vegetable soup, but her
sister (6)____________ (prefer) chicken soup. They all (7)____________ (have)
grilled fish and mashed potatoes.

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For dessert, they (8)____________ (eat) Lisa’s birthday cake. It (9)____________ (be)
made of chocolate. After dinner, Lisa’s family (10)____________ (give) her presents.
Lisa and her family (11)____________ (enjoy) their dinner very much.

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