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okay so in this lesson we're going to

look at how to describe a graph

specifically a pie chart in your work in

your studies or for exams you may often

be asked to describe a pie chart of some

kind for example it's a very common

question in the IELTS exam task one of

the writing section what we're going to

look at here today is showing you how

this is not rocket science

so that you don't have to be nervous

about it some pointers on describing

graphs this question will not require

your opinion it will require factual

observations so you'll need to firstly

understand the data you'll have to

compare and contrast and write an

intelligent report using natural

professional and appropriate language

and structures so let's look at some of

the challenges that you the student face

when you are trying to do this kind of

exercise either in school college work

or in an exam one of the biggest

challenges that our students tell us

they face is that they find it difficult

to actually begin they don't know where

to start

so let's start there let's have a look

at some good introduction phrases that

you can use when you want to get moving

here we can see a pie chart showing here

we can see a pie chart illustrating here

we can see a pie chart

comparing or another option could be the

following pie chart shows student

numbers illustrates nationality

breakdown compares nationality here you

can see that the verb form is the third

person s it's not ing and this is where

most of the mistakes are made in the

actual construction of sentences and

this can damage your report at work in

college or in an exam and that's very

important to bear in mind even

high-level students get this wrong so

that's something for you to avoid

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