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Writing MICO applications using the IDE

All the examples that come with MICO depend on Makefiles for the building process. The advantage
of a tool like Visual-C++ is that it offers an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which
combines editor, compiler and debugger in one tool. The IDE also manages all the files which belong
to a project. This section gives you an indication on how to use the IDE together with MICO. First
you have to tell Visual-C++, where MICO is located. You do this in the Tools/Options dialog, in the
Directories tab, you have to set the Include path to the following directories:


These lines have to be first in the list (use the move buttons to move them to the first position). Next,
set the Library path to (order does not matter):


and the Executables path accordingly to:


In the project settings you have to make the following changes:

You have to define _WINDOWS in the Preprocessor options. In the Code Generation options
you have to use the Multi-Threaded DLL version of the runtime library, because that is the
way MICO was compiled.
You have to add micoXXX.lib and wsock32.lib (where XXX is the three digit version
number of MICO without the dots) to the Object/Library modules input field (Hint: Before you
do this select All configurations in the upper left combo box named Settings for)

Additionally, you can integrate your IDL files in the build process. First you have to add the IDL file
to your project, then goto Project/Settings and select this file, or right click on the IDL file and
choose Settings, select the Custom Build tab and enter:

idl --c++-suffix=cpp [other options] $(InputPath)

into the Build Command listbox. In the Output files list box enter:

For inserting $(..) you can also use the popup buttons at the bottom of the dialog, or you can use
the real filename instead. The output files of the IDL compiler are created in the current directory;
normally the root of the project. If the output filename is foo.cpp, then you have to add foo.cpp
to the project. This can be done even before the file exists, by entering it into the file dialog.

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