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Differentiate Writ of Amparo from Writ of Sandiganbayan, and Regional Trial Court of the
Habeas Data place where the threat, act or omission was
committed (Sec. 3). A petition for Habeas Data
As to the remedy of each writ: may be filed before the Supreme Court, Court of
Appeals, Sandiganbayan, and Regional Trial
A petition for Amparo is a remedy for any Court of the place where the petitioner or
person whose right to life, liberty, and security is defendant resides which has jurisdiction over the
violated or threatened with violation by an data gathered (Sec. 3).
unlawful act or omission of a public official or
employee, or of a private individual (Sec. 1). A As to payment of docket fee:
petition for Habeas Data is a remedy for any
person whose right to privacy in life, liberty, or A petition for Amparo is exempt from
security is violated or threatened with violation of payment of docket fee (Sec. 4). A petition for
by an unlawful act of a public official or employee Habeas Data exempts only indigent petitioner
or of a private individual or entity engaged in the from payment of docket fee. (Sec.5)
gathering, collecting or storing of information as
regards the family, home and correspondence of As to the requirements of verification:
the aggrieved party (Sec. 1).
Petition for Amparo requires the petition
As to person who may petition: to be signed and verified (Sec.5). Petition for
Habeas Data requires it to be verified (Sec. 6).
A petition for Amparo may be filed by the
aggrieved party or by (a) Any member of the As to duration of the summary hearing:
immediate family, namely: the spouse, children
and parents of the aggrieved party; (b) Any Petition for Amparo requires that the
ascendant, descendant or collateral relative of summary hearing be not later than 7 days from
the aggrieved party within the fourth civil degree the date of the issuance of the writ (Sec. 8).
of consanguinity or affinity, in default of those Petition for Habeas Data requires that the
mentioned in the preceding paragraph; or (c) Any summary hearing be held not later than 10 days
concerned citizen, organization, association or from the date of its issuance (Sec. 9).
institution, if there is no known member of the
immediate family or relative of the aggrieved As to the return:
party(Sec. 2). A petition for Habeas Data may be
filed as a general rule by the aggrieved party and Period to file return in petition for Amparo
in case of extralegal killings and enforced can only be extended on highly meritorious
disappearances by his immediate family, grounds (Sec. 9) Period to file return in petition
ascendants, descendants, or collateral relative up for Habeas Data can only by reasonably
to 4th degree of consanguinity or affinity. extended for justifiable grounds (Sec. 9)

As to venue: As to whether defenses may be heard:

A petition for Amparo may be filed before Defenses cannot be heard in chamber in
the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, petition for Amparo. Defenses in petition for

Habeas Data may be heard in chambers (Sec. relative up to 4th degree of consanguinity or
12). affinity.

2. What are the elements constituting Enforced 4. What is the burden of proof and standard of
Disappearance as defined under RA 9851? diligence required in the Writ of Amparo?

The elements constituting enforced The burden of proof required of in a Writ

disappearance under RA 9851 are the following: of Amparo substantial evidence is substantial
a) there is an arrest, detention, evidence or that amount of relevant evidence
abduction, or other form of liberty; which a reasonable mind might accept as
b) such is carried out by or with adequate to support a conclusion. The standard
authorization, support of, or of of diligence required of in a Writ of Amparo
the State or political depends on whether the respondent is a private
organization; or a public official or employee, the former
c) it is followed by the State or
requires ordinary diligence while the latter
political organization’s refusal to
requires extraordinary diligence in the
acknowledge or give information
on the fate of or whereabouts of performance of their duty.
person subject of amparo
petition; 5. What must a petition for writ of Habeas data
d) the intention of the refusal is contain?
to remove person from
protection of the law for an Section 6 of the Rule on Habeas Data
extended period. provides that a verified written petition for a writ
of habeas data must contain the following:
3. Who may file the Writ of Amparo and Writ of a) The personal circumstances
Habeas Data petitions? of the petitioner and the respondent;
b) The manner the right to
A petition for a writ of amparo may be privacy is violated or threatened and how
filed by the aggrieved party or by (a) Any member it affects the right to life, liberty or
of the immediate family, namely: the spouse, security of the aggrieved party;
children and parents of the aggrieved party; (b) c) The actions and recourses
Any ascendant, descendant or collateral relative taken by the petitioner to secure the data
of the aggrieved party within the fourth civil or information;
degree of consanguinity or affinity, in default of d) The location of the files,
those mentioned in the preceding paragraph; or registers or databases, the
(c) Any concerned citizen, organization, government office, and the
association or institution, if there is no known person in charge, in possession
member of the immediate family or relative of the or in control of the data or
aggrieved party(Sec. 2). A petition for habeas information, if known;
data may be filed as a general rule by the e) The reliefs prayed for, which
aggrieved party and in case of extralegal killings may include the updating,
and enforced disappearances by his immediate rectification, suppression or
family, ascendants, descendants, or collateral destruction of the database or

information or files kept by the protection of the law for an
respondent. In case of threats, extended period.
the relief may include a prayer
for an order enjoining the act In this case, since the DSWD officers did
complained of; and not conceal Baby Julian’s whereabouts, contrary
f) Such other relevant reliefs as to the requirements 3 and 4, writ of Amparo is not
are just and equitable. the proper remedy.

6. Can both petitions for Amparo and Habeas It was also clear from the pleadings filed
Data be consolidated? that what is involved is the issue of child custody
and the exercise of parental rights over a child,
Petitions for Amparo and Habeas Corpus who, for all intents and purposes, has been
can be consolidated. These are twin special legally considered a ward of the State, the
proceedings covering cases of extrajudicial Amparo rule cannot be properly applied.
killings and enforced disappearances committed
or threatened to be committed by public officials 8. What about in the case of Canlas vs. Napico
or employees or private persons. Homeowners Assn?

7. What is the reason why the petition for Amparo In the case of Canlas v. Napico
was denied in the case of Infant Julian Caram, Homeowners Association, the Supreme Court
GR 193652, Aug. 5, 2014? denied the application of Amparo because the
writ only applies in cases of extralegal killings
The Supreme Court denied the petition and enforced disappearances as provided under
for Amparo in the case of Infant Julian Caram Section 1 of the Writ of Amparo. The threatened
since it is clear that Amparo only covers demolition of a dwelling by virtue of a final
extralegal killings and enforced disappearances. judgment of the court is not included among the
The enforced separation of Baby Julian does not enumeration of rights as stated in the above-
fall within the context of enforced disappearance. quoted Section for which the remedy of a writ of
The elements constituting enforced amparo is made available. Their claim to their
disappearance under RA 9851 are the following: dwelling, assuming they still have any despite the
a) there is an arrest, detention, final and executory judgment adverse to them,
abduction, or other form of liberty; does not constitute right to life, liberty and
b) such is carried out by or with security. There is, therefore, no legal basis for the
authorization, support of, or of issuance of the writ of amparo.
the State or political
organization; 9. In Rhonda Vivares vs. St. Theresa’s College,
c) it is followed by the State or GR 202667, Sept 29, 2014, give the material
political organization’s refusal to facts, issue/s, ruling/s in not more than 10
acknowledge or give information
on the fate of or whereabouts of
person subject of amparo
petition; Facts:
d) the intention of the refusal is
to remove person from

Nenita Julia V. Daluz (Julia) and Julienne a business or whether such undertaking carries
Vida Suzara (Julienne) together with other the element of regularity, as when one pursues a
students of St. Theresa’s College (STC) took business, and is in the nature of a personal
digital photos, clad in their undergarments, which endeavour, for any other reason or even for no
was posted in Angela Tan’s Facebook account, reason at all, is immaterial and such will not
in violation of STC’s student handbook. One of prevent the writ from getting to said person or
their teachers, Mylene Rheza T. Escudero, upon entity.
learning that some students posted such photos,
asked her students if they knew who were 2. STC did not violate the right to
involved so some student logged in their personal privacy of the petitioners’ children and therefore
Facebook account using STC’s computer to does not necessitate the issuance of a writ of
show the photos. Julia and Julienne together with habeas data. Assuming that the photos are
other students involved were barred from joining visible only to the sanctioned students’ Facebook
the commencement exercises. This forced friends, respondent STC cannot be taken to task
Angela’s mother to file a petition for injunction for the privacy invasion since it was the minors’
with damages for STC to refrain from Facebook friends who showed the pictures to
implementing the sanction, however, STC still Tigol who was a mere recipient of what were
barred the students from participating in the posted; as such, they did not resort to any
commencement exercises. Petitioners thereafter unlawful means of gathering the information as it
filed a petition for issuance of Habeas Data which was voluntarily given to them by persons who
the Regional Trial Court dismissed after hearing had legitimate access to the said posts.
both sides.
10. In your opinion, must there be a revision
Issues: already on the rules of writ of Amparo? How
about Writ of Habeas Data?
1. Whether STC is an entity
engaged in the gathering, collecting, or storing There is no need to revise on the rules of
data of information regarding the person family, Writ of Amparo. The Rules of Writ of Habeas
home and correspondence of the aggrieved Data however, needs to amend the portion where
party. only the indigent are exempted from payment of
2. Whether STC violated the right docket fees, it must be the same with Amparo
to privacy of the petitioners’ children which where anyone is exempted from payment of
necessitates the issuance of a writ of habeas docket fee since it is the right of everyone, in the
data. light of the present information bloom where
violations on the life, liberty and security of a
Ruling: person are rampant and imminent, to be
1. Yes, STC is an entity engaged in
the gathering, collecting, or storing data of
information regarding the person family, home
and correspondence of the aggrieved party since
to engage in an activity does not necessarily
mean that the activity must be done in pursuit of

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