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Episode 5- The Nature of Astrology

[00:00:00] Dominique: [00:00:00] Mystical transformations, podcast, a space for

superstars to bring all things, mindset, manifestation, and mysticism into alignment, and
use the language of astrology for self-empowerment and to create the magic they want
and deserve in their lives. I'm your host Planet Dominique your self-empowerment
[00:00:24] Join me as we activate our mysticism and ride the cosmic waves
[00:00:49] hey superstars. Thanks for tuning in I'm your host planet, Dominique. Your
self-empowerment astrologer. And today I am here with Mr. Gordon Mullings is
[00:01:00] an amazing astrologer that I was able to meet in this lifetime.He's also known
as the unlikely astrologer, his website is
[00:01:11] And today we're gonna to talk about, nature and astrology, you know, just
making astrology a part of your everyday life and, the, responsibilities of an astrologer
,responsibilities,, as an individual when you would want to apply astrology in your
everyday life. And just how he basically approaches the chart.
[00:01:36] In his astrological consultations. So Hey Gordon, what's going on? How are
[00:01:43]Gordon: [00:01:43] I am doing well.
[00:01:45]Dominique: [00:01:45] Thank you so much for joining me today. Thank you
for being here. So first I want to ask you, , how did you, I know you said this story many,
many times before, but how did you become [00:02:00] known as the unlikely
[00:02:02] Gordon: [00:02:02] So astrology kind of caught me out the blue again, it was,
it wasn't something I was fairly interested in. Like if you meet people that I've known for
20 some years, they'll be like, I have, I would have no clue that you'd be interested in
astrology. Like you seem. Yeah, I have more like a military people think most people
think I'm ex-military when I, when they meet me.
[00:02:23]Dominique: [00:02:23] And I think, yeah, I remember I did, but you did
[00:02:28] That's right. You were like, oh, you have no prior experience?
[00:02:31] And you're
[00:02:31] Gordon: [00:02:31] ex-military so, yeah, that's the funny thing about me,
right? So I have people that use the, I mean, even military guys have come up to me like,
Hey, where'd you serve? And I'm like, I didn't, you know, so so I think with that kind of
external template, you recall,astrology is not really attached to that.
[00:02:51] So use that catch people off guard because I I've been always intellectually
curious and I really don't like to be told what to do or told that I [00:03:00] can't question
things that always upsets me to be like, all right, you just told me. But if I have a question
that is Offensive. If I ask you a question and you feel it's offensive and there's something
wrong with you versus me and I bucked up on astrology and it just kinda made sense.
[00:03:15] Again, it was something that I was, you know, understood the tide and the
moon and the bulging of the, tide and the, you know, just a matter of based on the moon
cycle. And I was like, okay, if we're, you know, 70% water at least our brain is, or might
be a high percentage in that. But if, what does that affect?
[00:03:37] And you start looking at the data and start looking at like, you know or we
start speaking with people that deal with people in public and they say, oh, it must be a
formal, like, you know, I know my wife's a nurse and she had nurses that would map out
the full moon for the month and not work that day.
[00:03:52] I'm not working that day because the ER is crazy. Or you speak to somebody
that works in retail and like it's crazy. Or you speak to somebody as a [00:04:00] teacher
and be like, oh, that's. What the hell is going on? Is it a full moon? Or then you start to
look at the right and you start to look at even the you know, the, the lunatic take law that
was in England, you know, an 18 hundreds, I believe where you would get a reduced
sentence, you know, if it was a form one, because that's where you got the term lunatic
where you would kind of stay kind of hook your influence a little bit more on the cycle of
the moan and they reduced their sentence.
[00:04:23] I'm like, all right, well, okay. Now understanding the moon. Right. And I
understand the tie chart and I used to do urban farming. So again, if you look in a
farmer's Almanac, you start seeing the moon cycles as well. I'm across to planting things.
And I was like, wait, this is interesting. Like, this is no, this is more than justyou know, if
I'm using it in regards to sailing, there's something called a tide chart, which they've
basically taken the moon cycles.
[00:04:49] And then seeing if you're getting low tide or high tide, I'm like, okay, that
makes sense. That makes, you know, And I got my first reading, [00:05:00] like many
moons ago, but, when I did do it, you know, it was the guy passed. His name was,Robert
Hand he was a really, really brilliant astrologer, butI didn't know, phone can of paint and I
had my stuff and he wrote it.
[00:05:15] It was like a reading while I was like, this is crazy. Like, it was just one of
those things that you couldn't unsee and you couldn't, you know, so it kind of, you know,
I kind of went down that rabbit hole and I'm kind of glad I did it, you know, it really has
helped to open up things and in regards self understanding first.
[00:05:31] And then you get to the point where you started before to be proficient in it,
where you're like, Hey, you know, want to go help other people. Andduring the cycles
that I got, I actually had a rough Saturn cycle when I first got introduced to it. So, I was
like, Hey, if I can help somebody through this cycle It will be worth it, it'll be worth it.
[00:05:52] And I think a lot of things that, regardless of, even when I practice, I have a
couple of therapists that I havecontact with that I, if I, if there's [00:06:00] something
within the chart, that's really, you know, if I've identified trauma andI'll send them to the
therapist. Cause I'm like, I can't, you know, I gotta, you know, throw my ego out the door
and be like, Hey, that you need help to fix this.
[00:06:11] I had identified it, but I can't fix it. So having that introduction to it really
again from, you know, understanding the moon cycle, understanding the farming cycle,
always thinking, you know, I know our topic is nature, but always thinking of myself as a
part of nature versus just using nature. Like people just say like I'm out in nature and I'm
[00:06:35] Dominique: [00:06:35] What does that essentially mean?
[00:06:38] Gordon: [00:06:38] What does that mean? You're outside of that. So when
you're in your house, you're not in nature or when you're on a plane, are you in nature or
are you not, are you just in the sky? Like how, how do you define where that stops and
ends in regards to nature? My always my thought process is you're part of it.
[00:06:54] Like again, you know, you know, you're part of, you know, the, the, [00:07:00]
you know, the astrological cycles, the frequencies, when you have things in regards to
even like music, like these things can influence you. And I'm just like, Hey, it's not a
matter of taking you over influence, but. If you have the seasons or the seasons in life,
there's things that you, you know, keeping the energy right.
[00:07:17] In regards to other things, you know, I let you know, I'm part of energy healing
as well. It's like, all right, these things are all a part of nature. Like it's about like even the
Fibonacci sequence. When you start looking at how your face is structured, how flowers
are structured, how DNA is structured, how you, you know, how you feel looking at
tornado or a storm from like a satellite, you see that Fibonacci sequence in it.
[00:07:42] And I'm like, it's all nature. It's all part of you. So it doesn't stop at our ozone
layer. It's say like, Hey, if you start to chart the data points with the form owns, you can
start seeing additional arrests, additional you know, events that start to surge around that
point. Now, again, it's not going to make you [00:08:00] go, you know, that lunatic type
of thing, but if it has that influence and you start not fight nature, but you start adjusting a
sale towards that, you know, Instead of fighting the current, you're going with the current
or saying it's time not to do anything or it's time to push forward.
[00:08:17] It makes your life a little bit more relaxing when you're more proactive versus
reactive. So I love that.
[00:08:23]Dominique: [00:08:23] I think whenever you when you allow yourself to
really integrate and embody the energy of astrology, you know, if you're able to self-fund
to create that self-empowerment in your world, that's where the magic really occurs when
you realize that astrology is not just,what am I saying?
[00:08:46] It's not, it's not just,A game. Yeah. It's more than just symbols and glyphs and
things of that nature. It's an actual tool. It's an actual tool to do life. And when we're able
to [00:09:00] actuallydo that, incorporate it into our everyday life. That is when we start
creating magic. That's where alchemy is born and we're able to, do, you know, live our
stars, allow our stars to dance in the, in the manner in which they are positioned in our,
natal chart.
[00:09:17] Gordon: [00:09:17] And,one of the biggest things also with astrology is just,
you know, having people understand the uniqueness. Like I think a lot of people, you
know, we're externally trying to, we're trying to film fit into boxes because of external
influences, whether it was family, TV, media, social media, traditions.
[00:09:37] And I'm not saying all those things are rubbish. I would never do that. But
there's a part that you got to say, like that might not fit for this person. And you have to be
fine with that. And if you haveexternal influence, like for me, right. I'll give you an
example. I laughed when my dad I think it was last week.
[00:09:55] I wanted to major in psychology [00:10:00] when I was in college. And my
dad was like, what? Like I'm Jamaican, like I'm third world. You know, when you're from
the third world, there's like three options, like lawyer engineer or doctor, like pick one of
those or you're, you're not, you're going to be hungry. Right. I mean, it maliciously.
[00:10:15] Right. But it was a point that he literally was like, how are you going to eat
that? Like you can't, we want to be a school counselor, like, come on. And I was like,
nah, you know, like a therapist, he's like, no, I'll make all money. However, you know,
that's and that's 25 years ago, I was been, have a thriving practice with them that I
actually really enjoy it, you know, versus going pre-med when I started college.
[00:10:37] So that's just a little story and it never fit my personality in regards to what I
wanted to do. But that's where you can kind of say like, Hey, you know, this would fit
well with Gordon's personality. Like, let them go for it because if he really loves it, he's
going to Excel at it. No matter what, like, and that's kind of finding your unique space
and saying, this is what I feel and enjoy.
[00:10:57] And again, yes, there has to be that level of [00:11:00] balance, right. There
has to be that level of you have your dream in like a Piscean way, but you still have to
understand the work in a Virgo type of way. So and then there's also that toy way to say,
will you actually make money? Like, you know, it's, it's sometimes that conversation with
it, the creative that says like, Hey, you know, you still have bills to pay.
[00:11:18] And I get that. But again, it's just, if my dad had that level of insight that I
have now with my children, Right. Cause I just had a daughter that graduated college and
she just graduated with early education, but she's Magnum Columbia. And I was like, I
went into that mode, like a moron. Like I was like, you know, you could call it med
school, like this, you like that?
[00:11:40] I don't like that. And literally I looked at her chart and I called her like, I
apologize. Cause whatever you really love to do, you're actually going to be really good
at it. And just think of it. You're in a different world where you can have
interconnectivity. So think outside the box in regards to how you deliver this, your love
to, you know, are you doing [00:12:00] YouTube or, you know, you can market your
services better than of course when we couldn't, you know, mid nineties.
[00:12:07] Dominique: [00:12:07] So that's one of the things that, We as parents can do
what using astrology, incorporating astrology in our parenting methods, like looking into
looking into our children's charts and being able to see their best, their best assets with
their natural energy instead of, and instead of setting them up on a path based on survival,
we set them up on a path that is geared more towards their fulfillment in life.
[00:12:36] Because at the end of the day, that is what's gonna win over anything. I mean,
you could put all this money and make all these investments and in a child's education,
but if they are living a life of unfulfillment, They're likely to quit or not to be successful
in whatever endeavor it is that we've pushed them to do.
[00:12:55] So I think that's one way that astrology can help as well.
[00:12:59] Gordon: [00:12:59] Or even just the, [00:13:00] the, like, I'll give an
example. I have two girls, one boy, and my son has a beautiful arrangement when he has
his moon, his Neptune are conjunct. So I know, you know, my son might see something
and start crying from it. I mean, he's young, but I never stopped him from that.
[00:13:16] I never say like, Hey, stifled that feeling like I'm like, it's okay. Like it's okay.
Talk to me about what's going on. I mean, it's not accessible, whatever, or sometimes it's
hard to say that what is excessive, but if externally people that don't know astrology will
say, Hey, why is your son? So there's something like, no, my son does.
[00:13:33] You've just so, and he really kicks ass too, but but certain things he's very he
lets his emotions out and he's only, you know, nine. So let's, let's not try to stifle. Let's
not, I'm not trying to create a. You know, an emotionally impotent person, I'm trying to
create somebody that he, if he feels his feelings again and make it to the point that if it's
overwhelming, but I talked to him, do it not make him feel not to shame him for that to
say, Hey, you know, stop acting girly.
[00:13:59] I [00:14:00] stopped doing this, doing it. I'm like, no, that's, it's it, it could scar
him in a way that he can never, you know, express himself. That's the magic of, of even
understanding how to parent your kids? Cause I got three, they're all different. And I got
to look at all three of them differently and say, how do I adjust my message?
[00:14:18] So the frequency is resonating with this child versus the other one. And again,
there is times of you just like, all right, I got to, you know, the, you know, you guys are
doing stuff I'm trying to, you know, I have to be a disciplinary and when they, you know,
but not immediately or pre-judge how the message is going.
[00:14:33] So. Yeah, it's, it's, it's a beautiful thing when you start to really understand it
and when it comes to nature, right? I think people don't understand how many elements
of that is helpful in regards to frequency of grounding, horticulture therapy, which is
actually used and taught in schools. You can go and get a certification in that.
[00:14:55] It's not just, you know, for, you know, senior citizens or people [00:15:00] in
hospice is for people to say like, Hey, it's a good time to kind of break a way out of the
matrix of electronics and say like, Hey, let me just go in my garden and maybe weed in
the garden and keeps you at a level of, you know, relaxation or being out in your garden
and just taking in and closing your eyes and feeling.
[00:15:17] And the wind is like understanding or going out and being by a body of water
or if that's not your level of meditation, but just understanding what works for you. Like
again, if you see the elements, you know, it's not just the elements of fire earth, air water.
But it's also the elements of actual nature, which encompasses all those things.
[00:15:37] Because without soil, the earth, right, you can't have the plants. Right. But
without the air, you can't have strengthened the stem of the plan without the soil. You
can't have that, but without the fire, you can't have you know, there's no sort of
photosynthesis, you know, it's all encompassing. Like it's all, all these elements take apart
of the growth process.
[00:15:58] And it's not just for plants. [00:16:00] It's for us. People only think of like, you
know, soil and plants. I'm like, no, actually they keep, like, if you do farming, they have
to keep, you know, let's say corn, right. Corn is, is German. It does pollination by air. So
it needs the wind in order to grow, can't grow without it.
[00:16:21] And when you have a certain level of plants, you need that level of movement.
So it gets strengthened. It doesn't create mold in your soil. So all of these elements that
you see imply to us as well, like again, when you feel stuck, right? Sometimes you need
that level of movement. Or sometimes you need that determination and steady, steady
fastness of like earth type energy to push forward or to have patience.
[00:16:45] Right? A lot of our society is very hard, you know, ready, fire, aim, hurry up
and get it done yesterday. But there is a point of like nature where you'd be like, Hey, a
lot of things that aren't working in our food system is because they've rushed things. They
[00:17:00] want things faster and you can't rush nature.
[00:17:02] Like again, I would love to have. My wife only pregnant for five months, but
that ain't going to work, you know? So there's certain things that you just
[00:17:09] Dominique: [00:17:09] I'm sure your wife would only like to be pregnant for
five months.
[00:17:13] Gordon: [00:17:13] She had a rough pregnancy.
[00:17:15] Dominique: [00:17:15] Woof.
[00:17:16] Gordon: [00:17:16] Right. So once you get in that last trimester starts to get
to the point of, you know, but even understanding, you know, that level of like, Hey, it's,
it's sometimes you got to slow down to speed up, you know, and, and, and taking that
level of nature to say, sometimes it's good to enjoy things because a lot of people just
want it now, like, even with astrology, I see a lot of these people now that I'm like, I'm
listening to them and it's not from a level of like critiquing them to be bad.
[00:17:43] Like I hear them wanting to be, but it just takes a level of seasoning. Like
there's a reason why you got to season your meat and let it stay overnight. And we'd say
two nights for it. You'd be like, wow, it marinades. And it just feels, you know, and it
takes that level of time and understanding even with your arm chart [00:18:00] cause I'll
look at my chart and see new stuff every day.
[00:18:02] I'm like, shit, that's not since I've been looking at it for a decade plus, but I
start to understand other things because of the time that I put in. And I can't rush that.
Yeah. Like again, if you, I don't care if you're a speed reader, you're not going to
understand strategy any faster.
[00:18:19] Dominique: [00:18:19] Very few people have those placements where they
can just read something one time and like, and understand the whole book and retain all
the information that they read.
[00:18:27] Many people have to read a book two, three times, go back in and highlight or
whatever. It's across that information.
[00:18:33] Same thing, like you said, with the astrology.
[00:18:36] Yeah. I mean, I have books that I go back and reread. I'm like, geez. Wow.
[00:18:41] No, you learn something new every time you go back, just like watching a
movie, you watched a movie like, oh my God, it's funnier than the first time.
[00:18:48] We're funny than the first time. One interesting thing that you pointed out
earlier, you were talking about different levels to meditation. Cause I know whenever we
talk, especially with this this Taurus moon that just took place, [00:19:00] you know,
Taurus is all about that. Comfort and security, and most importantly, you know, the
grounding and getting a nature and strengthening our material senses.
[00:19:10] But the thing is when a lot of people think about grounding, the first thing
they think about is. Dirt and, or not dirt, but soil almost cursed right there, but you know,
getting out in nature, getting in the soil and, you know, that's it, but there are so many
different methods of grounding and really strengthening your material senses.
[00:19:33] So like in our chart, when we let's say, if someone lacks fire their their method
of, of grounding and really strengthening that fire and passion, isn't going to be the same
as that person or that individual who lacks water. It may be a little bit more similar to the
person who lacks air, but it wouldn't be the, you know, we would all have our different
modalities that we would need to tap into in order to strengthen the weak point.
[00:19:55] Gordon: [00:19:55] And I think sometimes you also got to look at it also not
as lacking or even weakness, or just [00:20:00] say it was so giving an example, bill gates
doesn't have a lot of earth in his, in his chart, but. That gives them the freedom of being
completely free of thought and curious, and not holding onto an idea, but being able to
adapt with this ever-changing you know, it environment for the last 40 years because he,
he doesn't get stuck.
[00:20:18] Like he doesn't, so it's not lacking is just like, how do you work? Like with
him, right. He is a perfect industry, right. Something has ever changed. And because he
likes that change. So it's not too, don't view it as just lacking because most time when
people in astrology, you don't want them to think like they're lacking something, but if
somebody has a smaller percentage you tell them like, Hey, that's a benefit in regards to
that helps you to do this.
[00:20:44] And because most people it's just like the common thing with the fourth
harmonic with the square, right. People see squares in their chart. Immediately think oh
on my chart, I wish I had another chart. You like, well, let's go towards them. Like, here
are the things, the challenges That's [00:21:00] right. There's lean into them.
[00:21:01] And there's a lot of progression that can happen in paradigm shift. And if you
take the time to look at those verses, you wish you had a bunch of sextiles and trines
because you might stay stuck in that because it's, it's easy. It's just like the, the person you
see that you know, is naturally gifted at basketball, but never takes it seriously.
[00:21:20]They, they never really go that far, but if they add in that level of dedication
and saying like, Hey, I gotta really work hard because of this, because here's what
happens with most of those people that have naturally gifted talents. It takes them to a
certain point. So you might be very good in high school.
[00:21:37] You go to , everybody's that talents. So now you got to have the people that
put the work in behind it, and that's where, you know, that's what separates people. So
you add that level of understanding of your own chart. And that's where you really go
towards that. So again, I have a like public speaking, like we spoke before we started
recording was a major thing for me and speaking [00:22:00] public was a major thing for
[00:22:01] And I went towards it, one like Toastmasters and, you know, really making
sure that I try to speak up as much as I can. And you start, like, it's not people like, oh, I
can't believe that you, you escape talk. I'm like, hell yeah, shaky knees and everything.
But instead of going more in a shell, I went towards that square.
[00:22:20] And I was like, there you go. So yeah, it's, it's, it's pretty cool.
[00:22:26]Dominique: [00:22:26] That's one of the things I admire about your delivery
and especially in the rooms you would always really embody the energy of the room and,
you know, sometimes the rooms can get a little rowdy and for the, oh, I'm talking about
the rooms on the clubhouse app and.
[00:22:42] So you would just come in and when you would speak, people would listen.
And to me, I think that takes a lot of skill, a lot of maturity in the voice. And I think that's
where a lot of people pick up that sense that you were once in the military, but it's that
you know, heavy, Saturn energy in your chart that I pick up on,
[00:22:56] Gordon: [00:22:56] there's a lot of Saturn energy in my chart.
[00:22:58] It's actually conjunct my Sun [00:23:00] but again, it's, it's, it's more so to say
like, Hey I don't want you to feel judged by what I'm saying, and I'm not saying that
you're wrong. Right. So I even go in rooms that I don't, I don't practice tarot but I'm in
Kelly's room a lot, just listening. Like I just listen because I don't know, but I'm not
judging it.
[00:23:17] So if somebody comes in and has different opinions, like a lot of Vedic
astrologists might feel a way because I'm like, it's not us versus them. Like it's for both,
again, we might practice differently. But the intent of the tool that we use is to help out on
another Why worry about it. Like if you drive a Ford and I drive a Chevy, we still driving
in like, you know, it's not, I never viewed anybody as the enemy.
[00:23:39] Like even when people say like, you know, I had people, you know, they were
like, you're an astrologer, I'm a Christian. I'm like, okay. I don't view it as a belief system
one too, if I don't, I'm not saying that. So you're saying I'm the enemy because I believed
differently I, I, I just practice something that you don't believe in.
[00:23:59] And that's where [00:24:00] a lot of our external, I think on a macro scale is as
a lot of problems we have is just people because you're different or you view things
differently that makes you wrong. But I'm like on the holistic way of viewing things. If
we're all a part of nature, what is our intent? Right.
[00:24:15] What's your intent with that? Is it to impress my thoughts? Well, then I don't
like that. No matter what label you put on top of it. But I, when I react to people, I be
like, Hey, you know, I was always, I'm always trying to bring the energy back to a calm
place because I'm like, what's the point? Like, what was your intention of saying that, to
say that I'm wrong?
[00:24:35] And you've even said it in rooms like, Hey, you know Let's bring this back to
our topic, but then just, just relax a little bit. Like it's not us versus them. It's not some
hair to just, you know, postulate on whose theory is the most advanced since Tom, like,
listen, I did a lot of greatest jobs because I always thought of it as the counseling
connection to people.
[00:24:56] Astrology was the tool that I used and that's kind of [00:25:00] how I always
view it, which is why I feel like I can resonate with a lot of different people.
[00:25:04] Dominique: [00:25:04] Absolutely. I really feel like you have to not only have
a niche, but also be able to connect with your, with your audience. I'm not, I'm all for, you
know, knowing all different types of astrology and practicing all of them, but I really feel
like Yeah, it makes you a little bit more effective whenever you have that one niche that
you're sort of known for, like, you know, like a go-to area.
[00:25:27]That's just my opinion.
[00:25:27] Well I'll give
[00:25:28] Gordon: [00:25:28] you an example everybody can kind of relate to this,
right? Maybe I used to be a DJ, right. I used to DJ when I was in high school and after
college I used that from the, my, the DJ. Now there was a guy that was technically one of
the best man at this is back in the day, right?
[00:25:44] When they used to be turntablist and stuff like that. Right. So he was
technically better than all of us. He was, he was better than me by a million miles, but he
couldn't read the audience he couldn't read the crowd, [00:26:00] so he would just be
playing and nobody would dance, but he was technically better than me.
[00:26:05] But I was like, Hey, play this song, play this song, get them up and played a
song, play this song. You got to learn to read the room. So if you are going into an
astrological practice, just to say like, Hey, technically this means this, this means this, and
this means this and you don't, you're not asking and reading the room.
[00:26:23] Well, what's the point, like the point of being a DJ for externally is to help
people to dance and have fun. But if you can't get that connection, because you're so
focused on the semantics of it, then you know, all the details of the, you know, the theory
that, you know, then just do it in your house. But if you're looking to connect with people
that same DJ, that was technically great.
[00:26:49] I could, I know people that are technically better, but they just can't have a
connection with people or even get annoyed when people talk and I'm like, no, that's part
of the energy. That's a part of. You know, [00:27:00] understanding where these people
come from putting, you know, seeing the non-verbals, which I'm very much a part of this,
like, see the non-verbals and that's, that's the special part of, of, of astrology in my
opinion, is that you can, you, you have to have that balance of technical mechanics, but
also the connection.
[00:27:20] And that DJ thing is just a matter of like, that's where, you know, everybody
can relate, like you have somebody playing music, can you like how to even looking at
us? Or they just play it for themselves and that's what you don't want.
[00:27:32] Dominique: [00:27:32] So they were just having a ball in their head.
[00:27:35] Gordon: [00:27:35] Yeah. It's not, you're not here for that.
[00:27:38] Like you're here so that we can have a good time or let's say, you know,
somebody comes to you for reading, you know, ask the question like, Hey, is everything
cool? Like, is everything Does this resonate? Like if it doesn't, you know, or if you see
something that's pretty challenging. I asked for permission, I ask them because I'm
[00:28:00] like, Hey, you know, you might say, no, I don't, I don't like I've had a reading.
[00:28:03] I remember with a young man, I had a reading and he was holding back so bad
that it, it made the reading harder because I could see his. So I, of course I always like to
see, but I could see him holding back because his face was getting flushed red. And also
you want to talk about it. He was like, go on.
[00:28:20] And I'm like, it's not letting go. And but that's fine. There's a reason why he
was doing that. But at least I could see that and had that. I had the awareness not to try to
push, to unlock that if he wasn't willing to open the door either. Yeah.
[00:28:35] Dominique: [00:28:35] Yeah, Like he wasn't even ready himself. And I think
that, like you said, it's one of the most important parts of being an astrologer, that
responsibility, you have to be able to balance the technical side, the mathematics and the
technique, but also being able to really,understand that non mentally oriented energy that
you share with the client, whether it is a face-to-face consultation or if it's [00:29:00] just,
you know, sharing their energy.
[00:29:01] Cause that's basically what we're doing. We're reading energy, we're
connecting with that energy. And even if we're on the phone or wherever you still, you
still connect and being able to handle that in a very mature, responsible way, I think is
something that makes an optimally wonderful astrologer.
[00:29:18] Gordon: [00:29:18] Yeah. And again, it's, it's Again, it's, it's the tool. And
once you have people that understand that that's a level of, like, you're getting to see
behind the cloak or you're getting to see behind it, but just don't make people feel
exposed at the same time. You know, like you're trying to open a door and say, Hey, like I
can see you.
[00:29:37] And people might be like, whoa, you know, cause you got to understand the
pace and the ebb and flows just like music. Like, you know, there's an intro, there's a, you
know, a heightened part of the song and then there's inclusion. But there's also structured
with that. Right. So but just understanding how that resonates with each individual and
seeing the chart, how they potentially would receive the information.
[00:29:59] It's [00:30:00] also a big thing and that's again, understanding the nature of
somebody's chart and then looking at the technicals, but then looking at them and saying
like, Hey, you know, Does this make sense? And some of them are hold back again. You
have some that just don't want to give you a lead because they think you're going to be
vague and that's fine too.
[00:30:18] But then once you have them, once they open up, it's like a faucet that doesn't
[00:30:22] Dominique: [00:30:22] What do you think about that? Do you find that to be
like the hardest part? Let say if you're looking at a chart, cause typically when I do a
consultation, I like to do their, of course their natal. And then I like to do a progress chart
to see where they are now.
[00:30:34] And then I'll also do a lunar return just to get an idea of how they're
emotionally feeling in this moment, as well as, you know, the transits to see what we
have coming up for us and a few months or so. But it's like when you, when you look at
the energy and the chart, I know what I'm, what I'm seeing, but sometimes it can manifest
in so many different ways, but as if we do a lunar return and we know that this is stressful
energy, this is stressful.
[00:30:57]We look at the progress. This is obviously stressful. What's going [00:31:00]
on here? And the client is all, oh, I'm good. I'm good to go. No, that doesn't bother me.
It's like, how, how can we actually get. Push past this part, this portion of the consultation
and actually get to the meat of get them to be honest with, with the meat that I'm seeing
in the chart.
[00:31:15] Gordon: [00:31:15] Yeah. Sometimes it's asking the right question that can't
be answered with a yes or no, because what happens is if you'd like, are you good? Yeah.
you're like. If I asked you what does being, and you know, haven't all, you're emotionally
being in a good place. What does that really mean? Like what does that look like to you?
[00:31:38] You're going to get along. You can't get a yes from that. You can't get a, no,
you want to give them a point there. There's almost like question-based questions. Like,
do you want to be like, all right. I need to ask that the chart has given me the question to
unlock that, but I can't let them see like, Dominique are you good today?
[00:31:54] Yes. You're not going to Dominique. How is what, how's your day? [00:32:00]
What did you do today?
[00:32:02]Dominique: [00:32:02] I'll lie about it. I'm good. What does good mean? Like,
cause I could see it and then you can hit them
[00:32:08] Gordon: [00:32:08] with, you know, some dates and stuff like that. And you
say that sees some potential stress here and I could be wrong.
[00:32:13] Right. So also letting them know that you're not trying to push them into a
place of saying like, I'm, it's, you're safe here. And that's also like making sure that they
understand like, Hey, you know, if you emotionally open up or if there's something, you
know that this is a good time to talk about it. And if you don't want to talk about it, that's
[00:32:33] But who do you let me recommend somebody to you to speak to. Definitely.
And that's where you get it, but just making sure that you ask a question, a frame, the
question in a way that they can't just say I'm good. You know, you can say like, Hey,
what, you know, what's the challenges they've gone on in regards to, to work
[00:32:58] versus do you like your job? [00:33:00] No, you know, and, and that's what
part, what aspects don't you like about what you currently do? And cause I see that
you're, you probably have a lot of creativity and creativity doesn't mean, you know, that
external box, that doesn't mean just painting photography and music. It can mean
architectural, civil engineering and mechanical engineering.
[00:33:21] And so you got to find out what their creativity is, but then you start to have a
conversation with them and then they're starting to open up because they understand that
you're not trying to limit them. You're trying to say look Hey, you know, sometimes you
gotta roll with the punches to kind of say like, all right, what frequency are they
resonating with?
[00:33:41] That's kind of how I I've always been intellectually curious again, like maybe
that's just my my midheaven in Gemini, but I've always had the, the questions. So
actually I like asking the questions if I see certain things, but I got to say the statements to
build a trust initially, so that they're open to the questions.
[00:33:56] And I kind of have a rhythm in regards to that too.
[00:34:00] [00:34:00] Dominique: [00:34:00] You would definitely have to have that
trust, that connection.
[00:34:06]Gordon: [00:34:06] I mean, I always start my session. So how can I help you
do that? Because I don't know why we're here. You gotta tell me why I'm here then you'll
know. Cause that puts them on the spot.
[00:34:18]Dominique: [00:34:18] Yeah. I don't think anyone just comes to an astrologer
just for shits and giggles.
[00:34:21] I really feel like most people who come there they're experiencing some,
something that they need. Not necessarily answers to, but they want some sort of
confirmation for what they're already going through.
[00:34:31] Gordon: [00:34:31] Right.
[00:34:31] Dominique: [00:34:31] And I think it goes back to what we were talking to
earlier about astrology being an actual tool for other people.
[00:34:37] And as astrologers, we have to lessen that burden by not absorbing all of that
responsibility for ourselves, but, but considering ourselves the messenger and then
providing the client with those tools to do the work themselves. And I think that's where a
lot of new astrologists sort of become overwhelmed when they take this craft seriously in
the beginning, when you think
[00:34:59] Well
[00:34:59] Gordon: [00:34:59] you want [00:35:00] to be right, like they put so much
work and put so much time into digesting information puts all the time, but you got to
understand that you gotta make sure that you're able to connect with the person beyond
the labels.
[00:35:12] It's, it's just, the label feels like a box, which then makes them kind of feel
agitated, like, all right. You said this, but when you add a level, a level of complexity or
say like, this is how this potentially can be, but without vagueness, right. And when you
see him, it's almost like the first time people during a strategy session, I can see that
sometimes it's the first time the person actually had somebody that was truly listening to
[00:35:40] I am not trying to get a word and I am listening to you. And once people feel
that, I mean, I've had people then the first couple minutes start really getting them. And
I'm like, Hey, it's fine. Like, you know, an apology, which I always tell people, never
apologize for being an opening up emotionally. It's not a [00:36:00] form of weakness.
[00:36:00] This is what's happening. And if it's this conversation is able to help you open
that up to shift that paradigm, like why be mad at it? I'm not mad at it. I don't think you're
wasting my time. I think it's a great thing. And then just. I think again, it's just a matter of
being newer stuff, but then seeing again, like listening to what is not being said, or the
places they're trying not to go to, like, and then being able to kind of talk them back and
say, Hey, I see we're not going here.
[00:36:30] Right. We're not talking about X. Right. And w what, what happened in that
time? Because I see it potentially give me a lot of stress in regards to that. And if it's not,
that's cool. I'm just, this is what I'm seeing. I can't ignore it. So I have no, I even tell him
like, Hey, you know, in this test, if I'm, if I get a 75, I, I, that's an a, because we're
complex, human beings are complex and I can't get, I'm not here to say I get everything.
[00:36:58] Right. I [00:37:00] know, I damn sure don't get everything wrong, but you
know, if there's something that isn't resonating, that's fine, but I'd rather say it and be
wrong and not say it at all. And they get it's almost like that. Okay. Like, okay. You know,
so No, it's, it's being new again. It's a lot more popular now.
[00:37:15] And again, there's a lot more you know, software packages. I just got
something from time passages. They were telling me to download their app, or I'm trying
to download the app. I have a lot of time passages and AstroGold. So those are my
golden. I use you know, I have a gaze Astro Gold mainly. I use Kepler as well sometimes.
[00:37:35]But it's just, you, you kind of get like, like there's beauty and simplicity and
beauty and connecting to people in a way that feels, yeah. Like in a way that feels
genuine in a way that doesn't feel like that there's a level of judgment because they're
constantly getting judged. Like you're constantly getting feel like you're getting judged by
the way you look the way that you talk to talk in front of people, the way that you've
[00:38:00] had, like, like guess, I mean, even like Like when people say that to be brave,
you know, like bravery doesn't mean an absence of fear.
[00:38:09] Like it's still, you know, don't, you're human. Like you can it's it's you still,
sometimes you've just got to hold your nose and jump, but just understand like, you
know, or plan it out, but don't be planning out so much that you end up self-sabotaging
because it needs to be this perfect level. But when you start to feel the air flows, people
like I've had people where I'm like, all right, it's seventy-five minutes down.
[00:38:31] I like what we've on. And I'm like, yeah, man. Cause you know, it's a good
conversation and like let's, let's pick up something or again, I'm going now into more of a
astrological coaching trying to use that as well. Cause I did get my certification in life
coaching before. So, but you know, just understanding what that space is to, you know,
just understanding that what people need, what people need to hear, what people might
not might need to hear, but don't want to hear.
[00:38:57] And you know, kind of being able to. [00:39:00] Make them have to make the
decision because everybody wants you to make decision for them. Like, what should I
do? Should I quit my term? Like, I don't know. I don't know. What do you have? You
thought this out because you quit your job without a plan. It could get really ugly really
[00:39:16] Like, do you have responsibilities? You know, how's this, you know, what
does this look like? Did you think it out or are you just, you know, just emotional right
now? And there's nothing wrong being emotional. You just don't want to have be very
emotional, making very permanent decisions. You know, even if it's, I, I gave an example
when I was on that show with a reality show on the Oprah Winfreynetwork and total
[00:39:42] And it was a couple and, and trust me, we filmed for like, I had two days of
film in the first day of film, I was like seven hours. The second day of filming was
another two hours. And I got like 10 minutes and I was like, edit. Like, we really had a,
you know, a big conversation, but one of the couples was [00:40:00] going through a
divorce and they both are having, they both were, you know, their charts are very similar
in regards to rising sign and stuff like that.
[00:40:07] So the transit, they all had a very rough transit that they were going through.
And I told them like, Hey, wait, I'm not saying that you're going to get married. You're
not going to, you're going to stay married or , you're going to get divorced. Wait till the
energy is calmer because right now it's, it's stressful way to lose comes in in, during the,
you know, during the, the rough part of the, the When you're sailing the rough seas, you
can make mistakes or let's say for you being military, right?
[00:40:35] Like everybody can, everybody's good at the shooting range for what happens
when you're under live fire. Right. The stress.
[00:40:41] Dominique: [00:40:41] Right?
[00:40:41]Gordon: [00:40:41] So the understanding the stress, or everybody's a good
shadow boxer till they get punched in the mouth, by somebody real, what I'm saying is
that, you know, wait till the energy subsides, so you can make, be clearheaded while
making it like, it's, it's just like somebody being, I'm trying not to be crude, but let's say
somebody is [00:41:00] very aroused, sexually make a lot of bad mistakes during that
time you got to sometimes get,
[00:41:06]Dominique: [00:41:06] That impulsivity
[00:41:07] Gordon: [00:41:07] yeah, you get into a point where you, you can't think
straight, right?
[00:41:11] Because you have in this level of underlying energy, I'm saying, let it back off.
Right. Let the nature subside a little bit. It's funny. We use nature as a, in Jamaica. We
used that as a term of light, your nature rising means horny so I'm actually funny. I'm
like, oh my God, that doesn't matter. So Jamaicans are going to laugh at that, but
basically let it, let yourself relax so that you don't make an impulsive decision, right?
[00:41:39] Like you don't have, you know, a very intimate encounter with somebody you
barely know because you just have that initial attraction and you don't think that through.
And then all of a sudden you're like, wow, I got a permanent connection with this person
because I didn't think past that moment, but here we are, you know?
[00:41:56] So it's just understanding your cycles, understanding your [00:42:00] seasons,
like No, like anything else? Like what do you do during the seasons? Right. So during the
winter season, right from the, the the top of the charter of the Capricorn, the Cardinal
energy to the, the area's energy, you're going to plan, right.
[00:42:11] You're planning, you're planning like right now I have all my tomatoes. Oh,
my basil on all my scallons and all my scotch bonnet pepper, all of that is waiting to be
put in the ground because I'm waiting for the temperatures not to get below freezing.
Right. But then when the spring comes right to the summer, that's when everything is
going to be pushing forward, pushing forward, pushing forward, then, you know, from
that summer to the fall area.
[00:42:38] Right. So from the IC to the, excuse me, from the, yes, from the IC to the
descendant you have that level of like, it's winding down and then of course, you're
getting to the other part where it's really winding down and you start, and then you start
the planning phase of grants, that cycle of nature. Is the same cycle you have.
[00:42:57] So not everybody needs to be doing the same thing at the [00:43:00] same
time, push, push, push. Now it's time to not push. So once you understand your cycles,
because I, I look at your personal spring is, you know, what your ascendant sign in, like
your rising sign is here when your spring starts, that's your season.
[00:43:13] That's when you should be pushing from whatever, you know, when your son
is going from the, from the first to the third or fourth cusp, that's your push time then
from, you know, from the forest to the seventh, because that's your time to, you know, be,
you know, things should be wrapping up again. Then the seventh and then from the 10th
to the first is the same thing.
[00:43:35] So same cycle, even as sun cycles of looking at your son transit, is you
looking at and saying, how am I pushing myself during these times? Because that's
naturally, that's my spring. That's my fault. That's my winter. That's my summer. So.
Making sure that you view yourself in that same type of way to say your harvest is
[00:43:55] Like your crop is different. Like most people will kill plants because they
water them all the same.
[00:44:00] [00:44:00] Right. or forget about them.
[00:44:02] Certain plants can't take sun from water for hours, certain plants, but that's the
same thing with you. You have that same level of uniqueness. So understand what works
for you.
[00:44:11] Some people love intense situations, right? Live to be, you know, find their
meditation, race, car driving. And that's fine. Some people like skydiving as their
meditation. I need that level of that's what calms them down then there's people like,
listen, I like to be by myself. Even if I have a full , you know, I got two kids and a
husband, but I need them to understand that my best time is to be away from them.
[00:44:42] Not because I want to be away from them, but it gives me time to center to
myself. Or, you know, I need to be reading a book or I need to be mentally stimulated.
Like it's all of these energies that once you find it and understand and are aware and
embrace, you can then let external people [00:45:00] know that as well.
[00:45:00] This is how I work while doing this.
[00:45:03] Dominique: [00:45:03] Know your energy before you share your energy,
[00:45:05] Gordon: [00:45:05] correct. Correct. So you can say, Hey I don't like these
things, or let's say you find out what your mate likes, right? Like, so I didn't know. My
wife had you know, Leo moon and I have an Aquarius moon, somebody in my might be
like, you look at you.
[00:45:22] So the thing is, is that, Hey, you know, I'm aware of my energy. Right. And
I'm aware of her energy. So I've made adjustments to be like, Hey, you know,
[00:45:32]Dominique: [00:45:32] but you know what, honestly, I laughed, but I really
feel that opposite moons, you know, You know what the differences are and they tend to
work a little bit easier than a square moon, in my opinion,
[00:45:44]Gordon: [00:45:44] because I didn't understand it.
[00:45:46] Dominique: [00:45:46] It's completely foreign.
[00:45:48]Gordon: [00:45:48] It is completely foreign. And I didn't understand why
certain things didn't resonate because without you understanding yourself and then,
because what we typically do is we use our sense [00:46:00] of understanding and want a
person to process it the same way. And that's where you get to the challenge.
[00:46:08] Right? So let's say you have somebody that has a lot of intense energy. That's
kind of quiet and like intense, but it's taking everything down, but then you have
somebody that's very externally passionate. Well, the other person might poke the other
person because they're like, why aren't you not reacting the way I think you should react
or the way I would react.
[00:46:28] So you don't care.
[00:46:30] Dominique: [00:46:30] Yeah, but I think that's where that difference between
codependency and interdependency comes from. And that's why I said, I feel like the
opposite moons are easier to deal with because if I feel like I'm reaching because my
husband and I are, and my moons are opposite as well. Okay.
[00:46:48] And that's when I realized, well, you got to tell me now, okay, I'm cancer,
moon. He's Cap moon.
[00:46:54] Okay.
[00:46:54] Gordon: [00:46:54] Okay.
[00:46:55] Dominique: [00:46:55] And I realized I was more, I was behaving more in a
codependent manner. Like, you know, [00:47:00] when I, when I needed my emotional
security, instead of doing the things that I needed to do to fulfill that need that emotional
need, I was looking to him for it to do that.
[00:47:09] And I feel like in a relationship you're not 50 50, you're a hundred, a hundred.
And I think that with the moon opposites that you can, you can see what's different, you
know how they're going about doing it, but with the square, it's like, it's so internalized
and it's a lot. The air is more thicker in my opinion.
[00:47:25] Well, the
[00:47:25] Gordon: [00:47:25] thing is sometimes it can be, it can be.
[00:47:29] It's Full Moon-ish right. So I'm, we're staring at each other, like we're on
opposite sides and at least I can see, but we have to communicate to understand that we
are on that because if you don't, it still can feel like you're alienated. Like you feel like
the other person doesn't understand. They're complete opposite.
[00:47:46] I'm trying to tell them this, but I'm like, did you verbally say that? No, but
they should pick up on energy. You know, other people pick up on energy different than
you. That's true. You'd be like, okay, [00:48:00] so you, and then you can kind of see like,
all right. Or again, the reason why I love it so much is because I will talk to a couple and
I'm not supposed to know the inner workings of their relationships, but because I'm able
to say like, Hey, this is how this person processes things.
[00:48:18] Try to, I always equate it to music. Like I'm like, listen, you like R and B and
another person likes heavy metal. Neither. One of the genres of music is bad, but you
want to just slightly adjust the frequency, right? Don't change their message, adjust the
frequency so they can hear it. And that's what, you know, cause Ken, you might listen to,
you know, I have a cousin of mine he's into heavy metal, heavy metal.
[00:48:47] Like he loves it and I'm like, this is, I'm not into it dude. Does it sound? Or I
have another friend that's into heavy jazz, like John Coltrane and stuff like that. And I
was like, this just sounds like there's no beat dog. He's [00:49:00] like, this is complex.
You simpelton. And I'm like, no, no, no, there's no rhyme or rhythm.
[00:49:05] Like there's no rhythm. Like it's so abstract. And he's like, that's the beauty of
it. And I'm like, good. Like that's what he enjoys. But I, if I'm talking to somebody, I want
to make sure that I'm giving them that level of, and it's. It's not a complete throwing out
of your message. Right? I don't want people to feel like that.
[00:49:25] I would want people to understand it's a slight adjustment to say things or, you
know, complimented, like, you know, I'm more of a person that does like service and
doing things for my wife, per se, but not complementing certain things. Even if she
laughs after, like, cause I'm not a big person, I don't do pet names and stuff like that.
[00:49:45] I just don't do it. So sometimes I'm like, Hey baby, she's like that. So sad. So
weird. But, but that's the thing, right? So let's say somebody is really into that. Right? Just
going back to the pet names thing. Right. And you don't have a common pet name. They
might [00:50:00] get upset. Like, why don't you call me? We don't know.
[00:50:03] Dominique: [00:50:03] See, that's our thing. Like if you call me by my first,
I'm like, what's wrong? What's wrong with you? What did I do?
[00:50:12]Dominique? What did I do to you?
[00:50:14] Gordon: [00:50:14] Right. So I never, you know, I always call my, my, my
my wife by her name. And that's the funny thing is like, people ask me, like, what do you
call your wife? I'm like, I call her name or I call them, you know, do you call your
mother-in-law mom? Like, no, I have a mother. Her name is,
[00:50:35] Dominique: [00:50:35] and that's the thing with me too. Like I called my
mother-in-law by her last name. I tried calling her mom, but they're just like, I have to put
my suit on and go over there and hello. Like, I just want to be like, Hey mom, what's
going on?
[00:50:52] Gordon: [00:50:52] It's just like understanding those frequencies,
understanding what the energy feels like in an unspoken way it's nature, right?
[00:50:59] To say [00:51:00] like, Hey, you know, a storm is coming right. Sometimes
you could just sense it like something ain't right. Like your spidey sense goes up like,
okay, cool. Make sure you have something tangible behind it to a point, because
sometimes you could just be feeling things that you internally are trying to manifest or
externally push out.
[00:51:17] But, you know, understanding when, Hey, you know, maybe we shouldn't go
in there because the tides rough or this might not be a good place to plant in the yard
because we, you know, it only gets shade and we're not planting, you know, those type of
things, just being aware of, of the psychotic, the psychological nature of the natural
elements of people and also being in nature, I think is always a great thing as well.
[00:51:41] Dominique: [00:51:41] Absolutely. Yeah. I think that is like, that's, that's
pretty much what astrology is. Astrology is getting familiar with it, with the energy,
understanding the different aspects and what the message is relaying. And then once you
understand that message being able to Make predictions as to when things are going to
[00:52:00] take place, you know?
[00:52:01]And the possibilities that they'll play out in that way we can make better
choices and decisions and navigate through life more harmoniously.
[00:52:09] Gordon: [00:52:09] Yeah. I mean, it, it, it's definitely you know, a part of it
and just making sure that you don't over-simplify since certain things, as well as new
astrologists, like, you know, saying the moon is.
[00:52:20] Yeah, feelings. Well, feelings are just feelings. It's like, that's it like, you know,
what if, what are feelings? What's the depth of feelings. What's the past that has been the
root of those feelings. Have you, are you thinking like that and not saying that you have
to be at the level, but are you thinking past that point of saying like, what's the layer
[00:52:40] Like, because sometimes they can be just that over simplification where, you
know, I've listened to it sometimes, and sometimes it can even come back as dogmatic
because it's just over-simplification of, of a person's experience where I'm like, ah, damn,
like that's not good now. Like I've listened. I can't, you [00:53:00] know, it's a person's
room, so I won't ever go and say that's wrong, but I'll try to talk about what the person is
talking about.
[00:53:06] And I always find that they, that resonate versus saying like, oh, you had bad
thing with your mom. You like. dude like really like
[00:53:15] Dominique: [00:53:15] on there though, it's like at a certain point, I'm just
like a book of service. Cause I really want to like tear this part of chart, tear this chart
apart, but it's like, you know, you, you still want to give that person that respect and at
least teach them to respect themselves.
[00:53:31] And that was one of the biggest things that I would always enforce when I
would come into those spaces because I would come into rooms, everybody would have
their charts up and they were like, why are you making such a big deal out of it? You
know? And they were relaying it to like, People doing magic tricks on, on, on other
[00:53:48] And I'm like that's not my my purpose behind it. I feel like I have a
responsibility to teach you to value yourself. And I can start by doing this by teaching
you to feel like this chart is just [00:54:00] as sensitive as your birth as your birth
certificate, as your social security card as your credit or debit card.
[00:54:06] And once they see once they understand that and see that value with this, with
this chart
[00:54:12]Gordon: [00:54:12] sure is your your, your your fingerprints, like your
astrological DNA. It's something to be not hoarded, but again, it's not something I don't
put my profile as my chart. Like not many people have seen my chart, not because I'm
hiding it, but it's something that, you know, just like you said, I'm not showing my social
security card either.
[00:54:29] Like again, if we have that level of connection, I would, but I'm not show you
my chart number, so security grab, but it's just a matter of like, you know Yeah. There's a
lot of oversimplification in regards to strategy sometimes where I'm just like, Hey, you
know, but I'm not trying to be the old dude in the room.
[00:54:47] Right. Like, I'm not trying to be like, oh, you guys don't get it. So I'm
listening. But then I try to add in another level so that people can kind of hear.
[00:54:57]Dominique: [00:54:57] I wanted to ask you about that too. How do you feel
about that? How [00:55:00] do you feel about being in the astrology game for so long and
then just watching things change?
[00:55:05] Cause I know, like I know you're not, you're not a fatalistic astrologer. I love
your mindset. How, how broad minded you are and how flexible you are with your, your
interpretations. But what do you feel? How do you feel about some of those astrology, the
older astrologers who are not as adaptable to the times?
[00:55:21] And there's just extremely fatalistic. For example, I went into a room one day
and the guy was like yeah, you have Saturn in your seventh house. So, you know, no one
is ever going to love you. You're going to have difficulties you're going to have
difficulties in all your relationships, but I'm like, Saturn is saturn and everybody has a
Saturn in their, in their placement and their, in their chart.
[00:55:40] Saturn is where you have your stumbling blocks. It's where you, where are
you going to face challenges in life? And it's also where you may not be able to really
grow into this energy until after your first Saturn return. But nonetheless, it's going to be
a place in your life where it's going to ask you to have integrity, maturity and take
[00:55:58] So just to strengthen [00:56:00] you in your, in your soul's development,
[00:56:02] Gordon: [00:56:02] Right. So I treat it. So again, I just treat those people like,
like potentially what they're doing is bad farming, right. Going back to nature aspect,
because what I also, what you don't want to do, right. Is let's say you're looking to plant
something again.
[00:56:17] I think of the energy is like the soil. Like you amending somebody's soil to
help them to process. Cause like soil, soil can be robbed of nutrients and you just amend
it versus buying new ones. That's why I use the analogy of soil and energy. But what I do
think is that if somebody has brilliant soil and they're not.
[00:56:39] And they're new to this. You have to be careful what seeds you sow because
that's not a good seed and you have to have a responsibility because they can turn from
that. If they're not trained or they, they have a level of potential insecurity in regards to
this, aspect this, this placement you have now planted a seed that they will hold on
[00:57:00] to, and they will say you know, I'm not never going to have, and once you
have them starting to repeat that message, that's a responsibility, regardless of astrology,
in my opinion, that's where you, they will be difficult things, but you never put in a level
of permanence, like, Hey you, well, you know, you're shit out of luck, dude.
[00:57:18] Like, you know, it's, it's you know, you, I wish you had something better, but
this is horrible. And something like that, like what happened if death manifests and what
happens if there's, so it's not only being a bad farm or a bad astrology. But then there
comes a point where you're like your ego got in a way of you trying to help this person
versus you, or you've put them in a cage.
[00:57:40] Now I always tell people that this chart is not a cage. You have just put a cage
in the person. If they're coming sometimes in a level of humility and they're looking for
guidance, you've put them on the wrong course. You could say, Hey, you know, go,
instead of looking externally in [00:58:00] regards to relationships, how I would look at it
as like, all right, what internally do we have to shift to make it that you're not so
dependent or you feel uncertain?
[00:58:08] And why do you feel insert? Get to the core of why they feel like that to a
question versus making a dogmatic statement that potentially can be more provide more
harm than good. And that's what you want to do in a situation like that. So even with age,
doesn't always teach wisdom. So some of these people have been practicing so long.
[00:58:27] There's still people that do things in a way that's different than what I would
do, but it's because you have to have that level. It's just like the doctor, that misdiagnosis
person that has six months live and they internalize it. And they might not die in six
months, but that six months will be mentally the stress level that they had, which then can
in turn, create high blood pressure, which in turn can make a stroke risk, which in turn
makes the cortisol levels go high.
[00:58:55] All these things happen because of the statement that was misdiagnosed.
[00:59:00] And that's where you say like, Hey. We have a responsibility as practitioners
not to help uplift. And if there's something that you've seen, especially in a format like
that, you don't, if that was me, even if I saw something that would be challenged, I would
never say it in public like that.
[00:59:17] And I would, I would frame it in a way that is a caring question that they
should be able to answer, but not a yes or no, like framing that to help them to open up to
potentially even so sometimes, right. Dominique hearing yourself say something that you
kept in your brain on a loop can sometimes break the loop because you say it out loud.
[00:59:42] Like I am afraid of this. Oh, wow. I've never said that outside of my head, now
I can look at it differently. And then when you, you have that level of somebody saying it
to you. And hearing themselves say that, and you say, why, you know what, what's the
worst that [01:00:00] can happen, right? Regardless of relationship or what is the core?
[01:00:05] Now, the core would be something very deep that we can't fix. Right. It could
be some family trauma. I mean, I I've done a lot of voluntary work in my lifetime. I've I
used to cut hair at a men's shelter here in Charlotte.
[01:00:16] Dominique: [01:00:16] What didn't you do?
[01:00:20]Gordon: [01:00:20] I'm Jamaican, what do you expect?
[01:00:22] I used to cut here voluntary though. I mean, I used to cut here and I used to cut
here in high school just a little bit. I wasn't really that good, but I wasn't Xeikon chats
either, but I wasn't like, you know, putting my stuff on IG either then I cut my son's hair
during the pandemic. He's all right. It's a, it's a very, very good Dad haircut.
[01:00:43] How about that? My dad, on the other hand would, I was show my dad's stuff.
He would just laugh. Like you it'll grow back, but the point is, is that, you know, I've
heard through, you know, people look at these people externally as though they
[01:01:00] were homeless people and treat them worse than any, but some of the trauma
that I've heard from these guys, a lot of them are veterans.
[01:01:07] A lot of them have had domestic abuse that honestly, you would say like, Hey,
I don't even see, I don't know how I would be able to live with that. Let alone, you know,
it's just that dark. Like a lot of people can't get past their own reality and don't think like,
Hey, I did it. You did well, no, this person got, you know, had an abuse that is a darkness
that you will never experienced.
[01:01:31] And that's, you know, they had the close up, but you know, that's the part
where you start to have a level of empathy and understand everybody's situation is
different. So going back to that, gentlemen, you know, even though he's an older
astrologer, you'd like that, you've been doing it wrong for a long, a lot of time and you
aren't assuming.
[01:01:51] What is your goal by saying that, I guess what I would be asking him, what
was your goal in that statement? What'd you go to help with a hurt [01:02:00] and he say
help. How do you think that that would have helped the person by saying that they are
always going to be in, you know, damned in regards to any relationship?
[01:02:09] Yeah. How the hell is that helping somebody? Because that's my turn. That's
lazy astrology, right? So, you know, again, I've had a lot of life experiences, a lot of
different things. I've never been afraid to try different things. So I think all of these
combination of experiences have helped me always be able to have, try to be able to get
that connection with people.
[01:02:31] And I think that that's the biggest thing, but the nature part of farming and
astrology has always felt the most natural and speaking to people and. I have that true.
You know, when people have that aha moment, right. Where you see that they can see
themselves properly, or they,
[01:02:47] Dominique: [01:02:47] that is a beautiful feeling that is like ice cream with
peanut butter mixed together with a little bit of Oreo cookie sprinkled on top and the top
with chocolate syrup.
[01:02:57] That's that feeling right there.
[01:02:59]Gordon: [01:02:59] [01:03:00] When they can be seen and they know you see
them and you're not judging them, like, it's just that level of freedom you can just, you
can hear. And it's like, you get that I'm you can see me. And, and a lot of people, thirties,
forties, fifties, even sixties. have never had that experience because it was always fitting
somebody else.
[01:03:21] I have to do this, I do this this is what I need to do, or I was shamed because I
felt this level of pain, you know, I've always held on to that because I never got to let it go
or I didn't understand forgiveness. No, it wasn't forgiveness externally. Sometimes it's
forgiveness internally, but understanding what pain feels like too.
[01:03:39] So I've had bouts of depression, unfortunately. Well, the thing is, is I've always
been able to relate and there's something about talking to somebody about the experience
and they know that you felt it before versus
[01:03:54] Dominique: [01:03:54] Sympathy versus empathy.
[01:03:55] Gordon: [01:03:55] Right. And then saying like, Hey I've been in that dark
water too.
[01:04:00] [01:04:00] And one to let you know, like get some help I needed help. Like
sometimes even that like, cause everybody thinks is so tough, you know, it has to be
tough. I, I can't show my feelings. I can't show my emotions. And you're like, well, who's
that helping? Like, that's not helping you. It's it's just given this false, external armor that
is heavy.
[01:04:20] Like, don't do that. Like it's okay. It's okay to feel vulnerable. Just Fargo the
who like go get the help to feel how, or because I need help. I'm weak, like weak to who,
you know? And or that level of betrayal, like, you know, in regards to, let's say, you
know, having being married, right. Like, you know, I'm married shit.
[01:04:40] I'm married a long time this year to make 18 years this year.
[01:04:43] Dominique: [01:04:43] Congratulations.
[01:04:44] Gordon: [01:04:44] And but that doesn't mean that it was all smooth sailing
either. Like, there's just this level of like you know, these hallmark moments are really
like, like, listen, it's been rough times and there's been great times and it's overall been
very good.
[01:04:56] And I wouldn't, you know, I wouldn't want to change, you [01:05:00] know,
going to a hot tub time machine changed anything either, but you know, there's that, over-
simplification on the external thing. Like there's that hard work behind a lot of things that
assess steadiness is that, you know, having a plan and sticking to it versus the overnight
successes that take seven years, you know, and most people don't see that.
[01:05:18] Like they might see, people might think I'm going to keep read one book and
that's where you're at right now. Cause that one book give me that one book. You like,
aren't you out of your mind? It wasn't a book. It was hundreds of readings and
clumsiness, and sometimes,
[01:05:34] Dominique: [01:05:34] oh, yeah I have been through some things for some
people out in the consultation.
[01:05:37] Like I was, I was terrible. Like not necessarily fussing him out. No,
[01:05:42] Gordon: [01:05:42] Don't try to back track track now,
[01:05:45] Dominique: [01:05:45] clean it up a little bit and sprinkle it up. No, but you
know how, like you see something in the chart and it's like, I know what this is. I, you,
you just think, you know, but I had to go through this phase where I needed to listen more
and people will tell you their chart.
[01:05:59] If [01:06:00] you just listen to them, all you have to do is ask them a question,
just open the door and they'll come in and you just watch the chart, the energy ping pong
all across the chart, and I'll tell you what's going on. And. Before I would, I would do
most of the talking. Yeah. You're feeling this, you're doing that, but then it wasn't until I
went to someone and I'm like, I'm telling you how I feel.
[01:06:20] You're trying to tell me how I feel, but listen to me. And so, yeah, that's
[01:06:25] Gordon: [01:06:25] great how bad it felt like yeah. This field. So that's the
thing, right? It's it's it's, as you do the consultation, sometimes the chart opens up more
like it's like, you see, like you see it technically, like you have it all written down, you
have your notes and whatever preparation work you do to it.
[01:06:43] Cause again, I never winged my, my consultations. I, I almost always feel like
this might be the first and last time I speak to you, so I need to get it right again. And
what what you have is as people talk, you can see that, oh, this is how this, and then. If
you listen, good enough then [01:07:00] helps you with your other consultations.
[01:07:01] Because now again, it goes beyond the book, like you've heard somebody
actually experience, what does, you know, this Neptune IC felt like an early child and
what it felt like after 40. Right? And then, so when you see it again, it helps you to grow
and you've learned not astrology, but you've learned a psychology that's potential because
of the symbols that were present it to you and you have a human experience versus a
regurgitated report.
[01:07:30] And that's the difference between, you know, I listened to a lot of people use
these. I think that's one of the benefits of the old school. It's like a gift and a curse from
being before, you know, all these apps and social media and, you know, smartphones, you
had to go to a lot of this work you had to go read and you have to do charts.
[01:07:47] I got dozens and hundreds of free charts. Right. Because first of all, you know,
nobody wanted to do it, but like, no, I'm not doing that. It's not as acceptable back then as
it wasn't, it is now, [01:08:00] but it was good. Like, it was good because you had to have
that personal connection. Like a lot of readings were face-to-face, you know, and you had
to have that.
[01:08:10] I mean, I've had readings where I'm like at times off how, you know, I'm like,
cause this always means this and I can be wrong, but not this wrong. So go double-check
I had a girl, I had, I had a reading with face to face and as she was like, I'm like, no, no,
no, no, no.
[01:08:28]Dominique: [01:08:28] I think that's one of the most important things when it
comes to face to face consultations being able to identify, you know, it just helps you with
the ascendant, you know?
[01:08:37]And we have, if you would have to rectify the chart cause there's been times
where you'll be in the middle of an interpretation and they're just like, eh, I don't know
that doesn't really hit. Yeah.
[01:08:46] Gordon: [01:08:46] I'm confident enough to know my skillset now I'm can be
wrong, but this is like this, a softball under hand to a child type of stuff.
[01:08:56] I should be hitting the cover off the ball during this part of the chart.
[01:09:00] I didn't get to the complex stuff. So there's simple stuff that feels off her. Her
child was off three hours. Yes, it was, I think she was born at 10 40 and she gave me
seven 30 and she was, yeah,
[01:09:10] Dominique: [01:09:10] you can look at certain things like I've seen, I've done
a chart and, you know, Saturn aspect and something in the first house, almost always an
individual have like some sort of beauty mark on their face and the individual did not
have anything.
[01:09:24] And then after we rectify the chart was like, oh, okay. Yeah. So you're
definitely not this sign. You're this right here.
[01:09:31] Gordon: [01:09:31] Right, right. So yeah, I mean, but it just that connection
wasn't so I've had it also the opposite sometimes because I'm more listening to what the
person's saying, the chart was off, but there was enough that I was able to, you know, do
the psychology, work, the energy healing work behind it, to understand and have a
conversation with somebody I just needed one or two very [01:10:00] specific points and
the person opened up.
[01:10:02] Then I was like, damn, your time was off. And I like it. This was brilliant. And
I'm like, you gave me the wrong thing. I feel like you got you.
[01:10:09] Dominique: [01:10:09] They don't, they don't know sometimes, but most of
the time the times they don't.
[01:10:12] Gordon: [01:10:12] Yeah, it is. But I think that that's the level of you know,
kind of getting to the point where you trying to even stripping stuff off the chart.
[01:10:20] Like, I don't use much asteroids because I know myself, I know that's gonna
make me start to second guess things and I'm going to, it's just too much going on. Like
it's just, you know, it's, it's, it just can get to a point where it's starting to get noisy and
you're starting to miss the fundamentals. So sometimes I will strip everything off.
[01:10:40] I won't put any aspects on there. I'll mentally know what aspects of course, but
I want to see, you know, get down to the core of it. And it's that level of connection that is
very important. And I think that level of connection comes from just understand it.
There's somebody in front of you. I'm not [01:11:00] somebody that you're, you're here to
talk to.
[01:11:02] Like if somebody in front of you that you're building a connection with,
[01:11:05] Dominique: [01:11:05] you definitely liked the camera on. You said you
definitely like face-to-face or when the camera's on, when you do your consultation.
[01:11:12]Gordon: [01:11:12] I remember when we first talked and you were like, I don't
know. And I'm like, I do not to this day.
[01:11:16] I still don't like it. I can not good. You got to do it because here's the thing,
right? Like you can hear me, but I can mute my mic, Then what you have now, you just
have darkness. But if you
[01:11:27] Dominique: [01:11:27] want to observe the mannerisms
[01:11:29] Gordon: [01:11:29] and not only that, but I need to, if you mute the mic, then
what are you saying after it's just resonates and not like, I need you to be open to a point
and if you're not willing to do that, then okay.
[01:11:41] Like I have people I'm not doing a zoom. I'm like, well, FaceTime. Like I
don't have to record it, but I need to see you. And then they'll be like, oh, okay. Like why
I'm like, because. You everybody, you know, it was just like somebody that's on. I guess I,
you probably don't like, what else do you do? So I used to do sales on the phone.
[01:12:00] [01:12:00] Right? You could hide behind the phone. Like you could be
whoever you want behind the phone. Right? You could say your name is this. You can say
that did this. I can do this. You could change your tone. You can mute it. You can turn the
phone, like old school phones and turn them from your head. You know, you can kind of
cut muffle a thing.
[01:12:17] But if I can't, if I see you muffling the thing, I'm like, what are you saying?
What's going on? Or if I hear you're, you know, you go from, to.
[01:12:29] Dominique: [01:12:29] I see what you're saying. I kind of feel like I pick up
on that anyway. Like I, when I do my consultations, like I really tap into the sound of
their voice, the tone of their voice, the rhythm of their voice, how fast they're talking,
how slow they're talking, how they pause when they pause.
[01:12:45]And then just really looking at the placements and then just really taking in
that. And then even as it was, I feel so drained afterwards. Just, I don't know, maybe that's
[01:12:57] kind of, I thought you moved a cup or [01:13:00] something.
[01:13:00] Gordon: [01:13:00] Right? So that's my point is that they can, I commute my
Mike and you would know you would just be like, oh, maybe you move something, but.
If you saw me, you would be like, all right, what's going on? It just gives you a lot more
level of nonverbal communication, additional senses that you can use.
[01:13:21] Not too.
[01:13:21] Dominique: [01:13:21] You can be over there rolling your eyes. Oh yeah, I
[01:13:29] Gordon: [01:13:29] mine. So it's just up in that, that level of connective
energy that really helps to helps you and the person on the side. Like it's not just you to
get, you know, to, you want them to be seen and you want there to be that level of
connection of like I'm locked in.
[01:13:45] There was nothing else distracting me from what's going on. I'm not just, I'm
here. Like how I'm asking you questions. I want to get your response to it. And if you
have, you know, sight in the least sound, all [01:14:00] the other things, you know, that,
that even though again, in-person probably the best, but again, of course you got to be
careful with one in-person, especially as a female.
[01:14:07]But either way, like I know Steven forest, he doesn't like to do anything over
the phone. He's like, you got to come into my office in California.
[01:14:13] Dominique: [01:14:13] Oh
[01:14:14]Gordon: [01:14:14] yeah. You'd like that it and he's world renowned. I think
Ricky Williams. Yeah. He does his online, but I know Steven Forest likes to have his,
and he's done readings for Sting and Robert Downey Jr.
[01:14:31] And he has a vast amount of celebrity clients that
[01:14:35] And you don't do paper
[01:14:36] Dominique: [01:14:36] reports either, right?
[01:14:37] Gordon: [01:14:37] No, no. Cause it's just like, then you just don't want an
[01:14:41] Dominique: [01:14:41] like said they can, you can go on Google for all that.
I'm not going to waste my time
[01:14:45] Gordon: [01:14:45] because then what's the point? Like it's it's to me, it's just,
yeah. I wouldn't ever want to just be regurgitating stuff like that.
[01:14:52] That's why I actually like audible work versus I like the audible side of it
versus just writing, like, cause I [01:15:00] feel that connection and you can hear me and
that's what I'm going to be doing for my next ventures. Again, it's more audible work. It
really helps me out.
[01:15:09] Dominique: [01:15:09] Definitely. You're so you're so good at it.
[01:15:12] I love ityou're one of my favorite astrologers
[01:15:16] Gordon: [01:15:16] again, thanks so much for the space. Like you guys, you
putting this space together on clubhouse and being so welcoming and I've seen your
growth, you know, during this little time, like things that you, you know, I'm like, oh
she's, oh, look at her. Okay. Like coming in, like, listen, hold my beer
[01:15:32] you know, and getting that at it. It's, it's good because it, it just, as you do it
more, the confidence comes more. And again, it's not cockiness. It's more of like, Hey,
you know, these are things that are in people will feel your level of certainty and it's, it's a
comforting feeling for them, especially.
[01:15:50] Dominique: [01:15:50] Thank you. Thank you for, thank you for rocking with
me. I wouldn't be here or be able to grow if it weren't for supportive astrologers like
yourself, because so many times , so many young astrologers [01:16:00] come into the
game and then you come across more seasoned astrologers and you immediately get shut
[01:16:05] You know, I feel like once you reach a certain level of professionalism, you
should always have your open arms and embrace, you know, those who are coming up
behind you, you know, and I feel like we set the standard
[01:16:16] Gordon: [01:16:16] and that's something that people don't realize is if you
think of the astronomy, right?
[01:16:20] Like we're on a planet, the planet earth is moving a thousand miles per hour
right now. You don't feel it. I don't feel it, but it's constantly moving. So you have to also
be if there's new techniques that you see that compliment, right? So it's not a matter of
seeing a new technique and throwing away the foundational stuff that you learn.
[01:16:39] But if it's adding a level of that's helping the person helping you to understand
and help this person grow. Like, why would I, you know, age, like again, age doesn't feel
like wisdom to me regarding certain things it does in regards to maybe you have
experienced if you've done it, right. You've experienced a lot of the pitfalls and you've
seen this [01:17:00] before, so you know how to react, but you should never, you know, I
don't know.
[01:17:06] I just never looked at it. I always looked at it from a level of humility, a level
of like, this is a constant growing practice and you're trying to capture water if you're
trying to hold it, trying to grab water and why do that? And Y and then it's, it's, it's also
ego based. Sometimes you just started.
[01:17:24] I'm like, well, so we all just started, right? Like w what does that mean when
you say just started that they have to have a certain, like, this is not. You know, you don't
have to have a degree in regards to this. I mean, you do have to set up a certain level of
foundational study to help yourself be a better technician or a better practitioner, but you
shouldn't just is, I will never go up to somebody be like, did you take such in such's
[01:17:49] Like I've took a course at the London school of astrology. That doesn't mean
I'm better at forecasting than you, I might learn a lot by listening, but if I come into a
place saying like, oh, y'all know about [01:18:00] that. Cause you, I practice like shut up.
Like you're ruining this thing, you know? But there is a level of, you know, I think the
delivery can be better by people that are better, you know, more seasoned to say, Hey,
don't over simplify it.
[01:18:16] There's a lot of depth go there. I don't think like, cause a lot of bunch of
scratching surface, but it's, it can feel clumsy and could feel like, but I never tell them that
I just. Blank, because then you're going to, people are going to get offended and they're
going to clam up. And am I trying to expose you to, to make myself a better, or I'm trying
to make you better to make you better.
[01:18:37] So here's how I would look at that a little bit differently, but I think you're
right. Is so much better than that, right? I'm not about to say that I had a room that I went
on to, that it wasn't doing relationship chart. They wanted to do relationship readings and
they, they were, it was a club not astrologically based.
[01:18:56] And they wanted me to just say like, Hey, [01:19:00] you know, what signs
should I be with? And I was like, that's not astrology, dude. That's, that's your over
simplifying the complicated nature of how you grew up. Like, how could I, even if you
had the same chart, but you came from a very stable home and you came from a very
quote unquote in air quotes, unstable home that had a level of abuse.
[01:19:21] wouldn't you guys, you view relationships differently. If you had a different
mother, wouldn't you be different. I come on, like let's not do that. I'm I'm not going to do
that with you guys. And a lot of some got upset, like I'm alright, enough. Like, I don't just
tell us, I'm like, that's not, we're never going to do that, but I want you to understand why,
like, you're putting me in a place that I'm not going to tell you one 12th of the population.
[01:19:47] This world is not going to be compatible, which, because that's dumb and they
kinda got it. Like I'm like, there's some 0.5, 3 billion people. You want me to put all you
in 12 boxes and just shuffle them around goofy. Like, no, [01:20:00] that's fine.
[01:20:00] Dominique: [01:20:00] Hard part when it comes to being a an astrologer
because most popular form of astrology is tropical, Western.
[01:20:08] And then. Anything that gets westernized. It gets over-sexualized over
masculinated and then the pure essence of it gets ripped completely out of it. And it's just
all for shits and giggles at the end of the day. So whenever you come in and you say
you're an astrologer immediately, you have to fight against you know, all the stereotypes
of what an astrologer actually is, you know, oh, you're Hocus Pocus stuff, or is it, is it
something to be taken seriously?
[01:20:32] Gordon: [01:20:32] Which is, you know, which is why I like to, you know,
tell people of my background of what I do. And I did technical infrastructure, project
management on a high level for, you know, major corporation and built major buildings
and stuff like that. And still let them know, like I have, you know, I've done other stuff,
but then I don't curse the sun astrology stuff.
[01:20:51] Cause most people, that's what he started. Like all astrology might start
there. So I don't it's, it's just when they hold on to just that and say [01:21:00] that is
astrology , but I say, no, there's other elements to it. And I mean, I've even had readings
where people like, and they, they, they catch themselves. Like, they'll be like, oh, I'll tell
you about those Aries men. And I'm like, wait, and they're like, that's right. You are the
Astrologer I'm like, all right. And I don't say it like, you know, to slap their hand, but
they catch themselves, which is a good thing. But if you can add a level of depth to it
which is what we're here to do, but the introduction, most of your introduction is going to
be that stuff.
[01:21:26] And then it's going to be reading that newspaper article and, you know, nine
out of 10 times, it ain't going to hit, but that one time that they're like, whoa. And then
hopefully they dig deeper. I think Liz Greene, she found her stuff from You know
everybody, that's how I, you know, I, I never really liked that part because I felt it was
[01:21:47] And I had friends that one of my best friends in Jamaica was like, I hate
astrology because they try to put people into a box. And I was like, exactly.
[01:21:53] Dominique: [01:21:53] Yeah. I was embarrassed of my Sun, my Sun sign
before I actually got familiarized with it. And I was like, [01:22:00] Leo,
[01:22:05]Gordon: [01:22:05] Really? mine too
[01:22:06] Dominique: [01:22:06] but you know, when we think about Leo immediately,
oh, you want attention this, this and this blah, blah, blah. And then when you re, when I
realized the story of Leo and why Leos are the way they are and what your sun sign
actually is, I believe that the sun sign is what you're actually learning to become.
[01:22:24] We're not an actual Leo yet. Most of us will probably never achieve the full
fulfillment of being a Leo, which is self-mastery the sun. And so we're learning to be a
more evolved Leo and. Oh, you mean?
[01:22:39] Gordon: [01:22:39] No, I was gonna say at my, my Sun is conjunct Saturn, so
that never have I had anybody to guess.
[01:22:46] My Sun all right then. Most people never,
[01:22:48] Dominique: [01:22:48] I would've been like Taurus I would, I think, I
guessed Taurus Capricorn,
[01:22:52] Gordon: [01:22:52] all of the military stuff.
[01:22:55] Dominique: [01:22:55] It was just strong earth.
[01:22:58] Gordon: [01:22:58] Right. But my rising sign [01:23:00] again is, is oh yeah.
But again, it's, it's it's just not to make those, like once you find it out. All right.
[01:23:08] I'll probably send you my chart after this. Then you, you kind of can see the
person, like, okay. Oh, okay. Okay. I bet how this manifested for this person and okay.
That's cool. These are potential challenges person still has going on, but Yeah astrology is
a brilliant art. And I think that once people understand that it's it's branching, astronomy,
which is nature, right?
[01:23:29] And then the elements, which is nature, fire earth, air, water, right. Adding in
these, these seasons and saying, that's all within you. Like it's all within you. You're not
limited by that. You're a part of nature versus using nature. And if you understand that
you'll understand there's a time and a place, right.
[01:23:48] Is that, that Taurean time to kind of scope things out. And, let your gut tell
you how to do things, and there's a time to push forward. There's a time to rest as a time
to be curious as a time to [01:24:00] understand your base and what creativity means and
you know, all those different aspects and stuff like that.
[01:24:07] But it's all encompassing you like it's, we are very complex and that's a good
thing, but this gives you a little bit of insight in regards to showing you underneath the
[01:24:19] Dominique: [01:24:19] Absolutely. Yeah. And I think that once we get more
familiarized with astrology and the message that it entails when someone shows you your
chart, I feel like I'm more appreciative of that.
[01:24:32] I'm just like, oh wow. You know, we're, we're sharing, you know, the coding of
our soul and the more and more you get familiarized with your own energy, like you said,
you get to understand how you actually participate in nature.
[01:24:46] Gordon: [01:24:46] Yeah. Or how you process things. Right. How you
process things or, you know, that soil needs a little bit more time.
[01:24:57] It needs a little bit more time to get the pH. Right. [01:25:00] It may be a little
difficult. Right. So even if you look at right like, so even if you look at like, even the it's
kinda crazy how the cycles, like if you look at Saturn right. The seven years, but the
understanding that in pH. Being neutral, is seven, right.
[01:25:14] Being acidic is zero and being alkaline is 14, but the goal is to get in. And then
what happens is like, when you talk about soil, right? You certain things need the pH to
be certain ways, like certain things like it a little bit more acidic on the 5.5 sizes. Some
things like it at 6.6 or maybe 7.5.
[01:25:34] Right. But do with certain energy, certain things can grow better, but is that
what you want to grow? So if you, if it's, if it's, if it's not balanced, right, it can grow with
negative things, right? There's certain weeds when soil is not built, right. Weeds grow
well, when you're lacking things and that's the same thing with our own internal energy.
[01:25:59] If you look at [01:26:00] nature, you'll see it. And I'll give you little lessons
that you like. Oh, okay. But if you start to amend soil and start to let the soil, you know,
you put in this thing and give it time and it starts to get this level of balancing the
negative well quote, unquote negative things like the weeds, the weeds of the mind can't
flourish because you've been constantly taking care of and keeping them balanced.
[01:26:23] It's not a set it and forget it when people be like, oh, I planted it and it won't
grow. You'd be like, well, Is it a, is it a feeder? Like you gotta recharge that soil.
Sometimes some things are more frequent than others. So succulents, you can put no
water in, but tomatoes, you might have to put amendments every week.
[01:26:40] It's a heavy feeder. Same thing with your mind. Like same thing with your
psychology is to say, okay, affirmations daily help aroma therapy helps saging with Palo
Santo after help. You know, aroma therapy helps being outside helps, but not just like, I
went to a [01:27:00] therapist once and it didn't work.
[01:27:02] Like that's how this shit works. Like, no, like it's, so it's having that level of
patience of even the process that nature, sometimes people don't realize.
[01:27:14] Dominique: [01:27:14] Wow. Thank you so much Gordon for that. And
speaking of affirmations, that was one of the things I love about your consultation style.
You always like to empower people that you speak to, even if this is not a paid
consultation, you're always, you know, motivating and inspiring lifting people up through
your affirmations.
[01:27:32] And that's one of the things that I look forward to on your social media.
[01:27:35] Gordon: [01:27:35] Yeah. Thanks. I'm actually going to do a lot more, again,
I'm actually going to start probably in about a week. I'm doing some morning affirmation
stuff that I'll be posted on YouTube and and Instagram. So I'm going to be doing that.
[01:27:48] And then it's, it's going to be the messages. We'll have the astrology club after.
So I want it to be people understanding the morning messages that they should be in tune
with what's happening out in nature, [01:28:00] but I don't need you to understand
astrology to, to benefit from it. Absolutely, but it should be in tune with that.
[01:28:06] Right. So if there's something going on, let's say the new moon, right? Like
the message behind this. There's a lot of complexity, not just the moon, but what's
happening. Was it squaring? What is it? You know, sextiling , what is it? But what does
that message mean in a tangible way versus me just telling you the technicals, but I want
to put that out so that it's, but some of these messages resonate, no matter if it's happening
or not.
[01:28:27] So want to make sure that I put right. And just making sure like, Hey, you
know, the astrology behind this message is this, but if you enjoy the message, keep
listening to it.
[01:28:40] Dominique: [01:28:40] Thank you so much for for joining me this evening.
[01:28:43]Gordon: [01:28:43] No problem at all.
[01:28:45] Dominique: [01:28:45] And what was your website again?
[01:28:47] Gordon: [01:28:47] It's and that's pretty
much my,@theunlikelyastrologer post on my social media.
[01:28:56] Dominique: [01:28:56] Thank you so much. And thank you so much. This
was, this was awesome. Like [01:29:00] we, wow almost two hours just timeless
information. I really enjoy speaking with you and I'm sure we'll be able to do this again.
Another time.
[01:29:09] Gordon: [01:29:09] Absolutely. I'm here to help and if you . I love thank you
for giving me this opportunity as well to speak to you. Hopefully it's helping and
resonating with somebody. That's the goal. That's what Astrologers should want to do.

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