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Consider what might go wrong on each shoot and plan a back-up plan to
counteract it.

Location Hans Price

Date 10/05/21

Issue How to combat the issue Who is responsible

Make sure that we check the weather Producer
The weather and see at what times that weather
could affect us in a negative way

Make sure that we are fully charging Camera operator

Batteries could die the batteries before we go out to film
what we wanted to do.

One way that I could make sure this The whole crew
Someone could steal the doesn’t happen is to keep the
equipment equipment near me all the time and
keep in sight on top of this instead
the of bringing the equipment then I
could just use my phone
Equipment could get Make sure that we are very careful producer
damaged with the equipment and constantly
checking it and keeping it in our sights
and I will remember to put the
camera in a place where it wouldn’t
get damaged or hit by a ball
Possible interruptions Make sure that the camera is placed Producer
in a good position so people don’t just
walk in front of it and possibly try and
make it obvious that I am filming so I
don’t get interrupted as frequently

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