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Instructions on how to use syrup medicine:

1. Notice the rules of taking the medicine. Read the label or leaflet which contains
important information, such as dosage, recommended storage method, and
reactions of side effects.

2. Take the medication as directed. Two times a day means that the medicine is taken
every twelve hours. Three times a day means that the medication must be taken
every eight hours. Four times a day means that the medicine must be taken every six
hours. Drink before and after eating.

3. Always clean the syrup spoon before and after use. Use the spoon in a dry state.

4. Follow the dosage of the drug. If the dosage is one teaspoon, it means 5 ml. If the
dosage is tablespoon, it means 15 ml.

5. Shake well before use, so that medicine is mixed evenly.

6. Take medication with warm water.

What do we need to do before we consume the syrup medicine?

A. Take the medication as directed.

B. Shake the bottle.

C. Dry the spoon.

D. Wash syrup spoon before and after use.

Kunci : B

How to make Herbal Medicine Health Body


 One sachet of herbal medicine

 + 100 cc warm water

 One teaspoon of salt

 A sachet of sweet syrup

 spoon

 glass


 Put the salt and sweet syrup into the water and herbal medicine mix, and mix
them well

 Pour in + 100 cc warm water

 First, put a few of herbal medicine into a glass

 Finally, it’s ready to drink

The best arrangement of the text is….

A. 3 – 4 – 1 – 2

B. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4

C. 3 – 2 – 1 – 4

D. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1

Kunci : C

She came while I …, so I could not hear her knocking my door.

Which of these following phrases is appropriate to fill the blank?

A. was sleeping

B. is sleeping

C. slept

D. was sleep

Text 1
Question number 1
What does the text mean?

A. It tells us about the cliffs, children, and trails.

B. It asks us to stay in our car with our children.

C. It forbids us to do bring pets and money.

D. It reminds us about safety in the cliffs.

Text 2

Question number 2
What has Wawan won?

A. Race

B. Tour

C. Success

D. Big win
Question number 3
What is Yulia’s purpose for writing the text?

A. to celebrate the win

B. to congratulate Wawan

C. to wish for success

D. to look forward to winning

Text 3

Question number 4
What does Sukarman mean in his statement “…need somebody who is strong enough”?

A. Sulaiman is weak

B. Scout leader is a hard job

C. Sulaiman is too smart

D. Scout doesn’t want Sulaiman

Question number 5
What is the application about?

A. Science club
B. Scout leader

C. Science competition

D. Our program manager

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