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sat (69+) EVM: Time and Cost Corto fr Ship Repair Prec | Linked Ma & w £ © £ @ PUTA TNT TE EVM: Time and Cost Control for Ship Repair Projects Fublied on Avgst 30,20 Fernando Remolina, PVP Dyecton ot et ASTIIK SHIPYARD /Booe 28 artiles C+ Follow This article will focus on fow to cortrol ina ship repair project the time and cost during execution using the Earned Value Management (EVM) methodology. The idea withthe EVM is to analyze the progress of the project vs. what was planned, in order t take informed decisions and not just wait until the end to realize thatthe project was out of control ancl didn’t produce the expected profits. This informed decisions are based on KPI's and forecast that will help the Project Manager and team menrbers to analyze current situation of the project. This aspect is very crucial for Shipyard Project Managers. We all know that ship repait projects normally are short in ime (approx. fron 10 t0 15 days average) and any slip on the schedule can impact time and cost ofthe project, (On this article I want share my experience using EVM on ship repair projects, What 1am going to explain isthe theory applied w reality and the results of it. Besides that, Ihave design ry own flow chart where you can see how 10 apply EVM on each project process group (i.e, Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring & Controlling and Closing) and my own design report to check the condition of the project. Tunderstand that any shi yards has a strong and well set procedure to control project and cost but maybe you can find useful some of the components of this article, some others might have a weak process and the article can help ther: to build it stronger. @ vexing hitps:ivalintecn.compulelown tive-cot-cortrl-sip-repai-projecs-fernando-rematina- pe 1“ sat (894) EVM: Time and Cost Cntal or Ship Rept Projects | Linkedin Hs ' ee fool see ee ne eon =e NESS OF OL information from the shipyard I work for. Here I will continue using the project ANDREA (the same as the past articles) as an example to demonstrate how EVI tke Dconeert 9 share EVMREPORT hitps:ivalintecn.compulelown tire-cot-cortrl-sip-repai-prjects-fernando-rematina- pe sat (894) EVM: Time and Cost Control or Ship Rept Projects | Linkedin Feee| | — = n Pe ese se | sa Paes ri t ARNE VALUE MANAGEMENT CHART- MAN HOURS Flere 3. QUEEN ANDREA EVM report The pictures above are some images that you can find among o*hers about EVM article, Here isthe link to the full article: bttps:// projects! Recon tis Published by aries [My recert atic at Project Manecement end Sip Rept Tis tere rete doout ow to contol tie ad cost sing EVM retraolocy Ship ep Fro Reactions AS@QQeEGe .& 1. Comment Most levert © comme @ vessig bee itps:ivalintecn.compulelown tive-cot-cortrl-ship-rapair-projects-fernando-rematina- pe Gm

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