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Exercise I
Answer all the questions given below.
1. What are Parts of Speech?
Groups of words which we use in our speaking and writing.
They are groups of words in English which we use to speak and write.

2. List and explain the function of all the eight (8) Parts of Speech.
i. noun
ii. pronoun
iii. verb
iv. adjective
v. adverb
vi. preposition
vii. conjunction
viii. interjection

3. Identify the parts of speech of the given words below.

Word Parts of Speech
A. ticket noun
B. write verb
C. scold verb
D. performance noun
E. slowly adverb
F. dangerous adjective
G. long adjective
H. walking verb
I. teacher noun
J. careful adjective

will/is/are/was/were/has/have/do/did/does - verb
4. Identify and state the parts of speech of the words found in the sentences given below.
i. Sarah is an intelligent student.
Sarah (________) verb
is (________) article/ adjective
an (________) adjective student (________).
intelligent (________) noun

ii. We have bought an apartment.

pronoun have (________)
We (________) verb verb
bought (________) article/adjective
an (________) noun
apartment (________).
iii. We will buy a new car.
pronoun will (________)
We (________) verb verb
buy (________) adjective car
adjective / articles
a (________) new (________)
iv. She is beautiful.

She (________) is (________) beautiful (________).

v. I like this book.

I (________) like (________) this (________) book (________).

vi. The students were late.

The (________) students (________) were (________) late (________).

vii. The baby is crying.

The (________) baby (________) is (________) crying (________).

viii. Ouch! It is painful.

Ouch! (________) it (________) is (________) painful (________).

ix. She bought an expensive watch.

She (________) bought (________) an (________) expensive (________) watch (________).

x. Suzie is intelligent.

Suzie (________) is (________) intelligent (________).

Exercise II

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