Vaccination, Right or Obligation

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VACCINE AS AN OBLIGATION (1) : Response to statements that say vaccines are haram (Respon

terhadap vaksin itu haram)

To answer this controversial issue, the government should consolidate with various parties, for example,
presenting the MUI represented by the fatwa agency, LP POM, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of
Religion. The only solution that might solve this problem is the development of a vaccine that does not use
the ingredients discussed above, for example replacing enzymes from animals with plant-based preparations
or replacing pork enzymes with other halal animal enzymes such as beef.

And as additional information, apart from the AstraZeneca vaccine which has been verified as haram by
the government, there are also vaccines that are lawful to use and the public also has the right to choose
which vaccine they will use. This halal status applies to the COVID-19 vaccines made by Sinovac Life
Science Co Limited China and PT Bio Farma (Persero), namely CoronaVac, Vaccine Covid-19, and

In the MUI Fatwa Number 2 of 2021, the first point is written that the production of the COVID-19
vaccine by the producer is holy and lawful. On the second point, the COVID-19 vaccine can be used as long
as its safety is guaranteed according to experts.
VACCINE AS A RIGHT (1) : The government should not categorize the reluctance of the public to be
injected with the Covid-19 vaccine as a criminal act or an act of refusal that results in sanctions.
(Pemerintah seharusnya tidak mengkategorikan keengganan masyarakat tindak pidana atau tindakan
penolakan yang berakibat sanksi.)

The public's reluctance was caused by a variety of factors, ranging from personal fear to concerns
over the safety of vaccines. For this reason, vaccines are a right of citizens that should not be sanctioned.

The government must be able to distinguish between people who refuse vaccines from people who
are still waiting for a suitable vaccine for themselves. So because people read a lot of information, and think
'oh this vaccine is not suitable for me', we cannot call it refusal, right? Because we all have the right to

In principle, every citizen has the right to receive health services, while the government has an
obligation to fulfill these health service facilities. Thus, the government should not impose people's rights
into an obligation. Instead of using a 'threat mode', the government can adopt a more persuasive and
educative way.
VACCINE AS AN OBLIGATION (2) : “It must be understood, that every personal freedom has
limitations.” (Batasan masyarakat – bisa menuntut – vaksin salah satu cara menghentikan pandemi.)

Okay. Maybe for some individuals, requiring society to vaccinate can be considered a violation of
personal 'right' freedoms. However, we must understand, that everyone’s freedom has limitations. This
limitation of freedom was emphasized by John Stuart Mill who argued, that “Everyone has the right to do
what they wants as long as their actions do not harm others.” In this context, people who are reluctant to
vaccinate will have the potential to violate other people's rights. Those who refuse vaccination can risk
threatening the health of others as a result of their actions. Individuals who refuse to be vaccinated are legally
responsible for the actions they choose. In the sense that people have the right to ask responsibility from
other people who refuse vaccination because it endangers others.

It should be emphasized, although it is not the only way, vaccination is one way to stop this
pandemic. Vaccinations are needed to build every person's immune system, with the hope that the pandemic
can end more quickly. Vaccination is one of the services provided by the government to maintain public
health. Getting vaccinated is part of the health rights of citizens in line with Article 28 paragraph 1 of the
1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and Article 9 of Law Number 39 Year 1999 concerning
Human Rights.
VACCINATION AS A RIGHT (2) : (Keadaan darurat bukan berarti harus mewajibkan vaksin –
Masih banyak penyakit yang lebih berbahaya)

Emergency conditions should not be a reason to oblige the community to vaccinate, because since
the first case was announced by President Joko Widodo on March 2 nd, 2020 until based on the last data
update on April 4th, 2021, it was confirmed that the number of positive patients is 1,534,255 (one million,
five hundred, thirty four thousand, two hundred fivty five), then the number of patients who can recover
is 1,375,877 (one million, three hundred, seventy five thousand, eight hundred seventy seven) and the
number of the deaths due to covid is 41,669 (fourty one thousand, six hundred sixty nine). So only 2.7%
died, and there were 97.3% people who recovered.
Now if we compare it with the conditions in 2019, where :
1. Heart disease is still a disease that threatens many lives in Indonesia and even in the world. Director of
Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases, dr. Cut Putri Arianie said that based on the Sample
Registration System (SRS), heart disease is the second leading cause of death after stroke.
2. Indonesia ranks third in the world with the most cases of Tuberculosis (TBC) after China and India. Even
100 thousand people die every year in Indonesia.
The question that arises is why were 100,000 deaths per year due to tuberculosis in 2019 not declared an
emergency that must be vaccinated as was done during the Covid19 pandemic where only 41,669 deaths?
VACCINATION AS AN OBLIGATION (3) : (Respon terhadap penyakit yang lebih bahaya dari
covid-19 – masih banyak penambahan kasus Covid-19 tiap harinya.)

Well, let's say there are still many diseases that are more dangerous than Covid-19. As you
demonstrated earlier, tuberculosis and heart disease. However, as we know, these two diseases have no risk
of being transmitted through physical contact. In contrast to covid-19 which is contagious with a very fast
transmission time. The proof is that to date, there are approximately 1.5 million people who have tested
positive for Covid-19. Even though the percentage of people who recover is much greater than the
percentage of deaths, we cannot close our eyes that there are still thousands of new cases every day. So this
vaccination should be mandatory by the government, because prevention is of course better than cure. By
requiring vaccinations, we can certainly minimize the addition of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia.
VACCINATION AS A RIGHT (3) : (Dengan tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan bisa mengurangi
peningkatan Covid-19)

I emphasize once again, here I am not stating that by making vaccination the right of every
community, it does not mean that we are obstructing the prevention of Covid-19. For me, what I think is
blocking is not those who refuse vaccination, but those who campaign for anti-vaccines. So we can still
minimize the increase of covid-19 without requiring vaccination, because everyone has the right to refuse or
agree with that. And if they refuse to be vaccinated, they can still apply health protocols and live a healthy
lifestyle to increase their immunity body so as not to catch covid. However, if people who refuse to be
vaccinated are careless and do not comply with government regulations for implementing health protocols,
then the government has the right to impose sanctions on these people.
VACCINATION AS AN OBLIGATION (4) : (Kita tidak bisa menjamin orang-orang yang menolak
bisa terus menerapkan protokol kesehatan – vaksin GRATIS – Bukti keamanan vaksin telah teruji)

As we know, making vaccination a right will easily make people refuse to get vaccinated. And we
can't guarantee that everyone who refuses vaccines can commit to implementing health protocols. The proof
is that until now there are still a lot of positive cases of Covid-19. If the government does not make
vaccination as an obligaton, then how long do we want to stay silent watching the increase in Covid-19
patients every day? Even when we have been given a free solution by the government, and the Covid-19
vaccination has been confirmed for its safety and can be consumed, then there should be no more reason to
refuse this solution.

Do you know? Now we have a free and unpaid solution from the government. I mean we don’t have
to pay for it. And also the safety of this vaccine has been proven by the government, so this vaccine can be
consumed. If you asking the proof, our president Joko Widodo is the first person to receive a vaccine and
prove that the vaccine is not dangerous. But, I see that there are still many people who doubt it and even say
that it is possible that the liquid injected into President Jokowi is only vitamin C water. Meanwhile, other
people who have been vaccinated have also proven that the vaccine is safe for our bodies.
VACCINATION AS A RIGHT (4) : (Kita tidak bisa menjamin orang yang sudah di vaksin bisa tetap
menerapkan kesehatan – kasus positif setelah vaksinasi)

We also cannot guarantee that people who have been vaccinated will continue to apply health
protocols. The proof is that there is an artist named Raffi Ahmad, who went to party after having a
vaccination without do the health protocols. We also have to know that even though people have been
vaccinated, it does not mean that they are immediately free from Covid. The possibility of them contracting
covid still exists. Then how do you respond to cases of people infected with Covid-19 vaccinating? There are
even so many cases of people dying after being vaccinated

This topic has been widely discussed. One of them is the regent of Sleman, Mr. Sri Purnomo. A week
after he received the vaccine injection, he was confirmed positive for Covid-19. So it is appropriate if people
doubt and have the right to decide whether they want to be vaccinated or not. Because they think whether it's
vaccinated or not, they still have even the slightest potential to catch Covid. Now I want to ask you, how can
you deal with that?

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