Moving The Capital City Will Encourage Economic Growth Outside Java and Become The Center of New Economic Growth

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Moving the capital city will encourage economic growth outside Java and become the
center of new economic growth

According to the President, so far, the pulse of economic activity in general is still centered in
Jakarta and Java Island. So that the island of Java becomes very dense and creates inequality with
the islands outside Java. If we allow this to continue without any serious effort, the inequality will
get worse.

"For this reason, the plan to relocate the capital city to Kalimantan Island is put in this context, so
that it will encourage new economic growth, as well as spur equity and economic justice outside
Java," said the President.

The new capital city, continued the President, was designed not only as a symbol of identity, but a
representation of the nation's progress, by carrying out the concept of modern, smart, and green city,
using new renewable energy, and not depending on fossil energy.

Regarding funding support for relocating the capital city, the Head of State emphasized that it would
be as small as possible to use the APBN. "We encourage private participation, BUMN participation,
as well as the Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme," said the President.

Previously, when delivering a State Address in the context of the 74th Anniversary of Indonesian
Independence in 2019 before a joint session of the Indonesian Parliament and DPD RI, Friday
(16/8/2019) morning, the President submitted a request for permission to move the nation's capital
from Jakarta.

President Jokowi emphasized that the capital city is not only a symbol of national identity, but also a
representation of the nation's progress. This is done for the sake of the realization of economic
equity and justice. This is for the vision of Advanced Indonesia. Indonesia that can live forever.

2. The relocation of the capital city will have a good impact on equitable development
between regions

The government continues to finalize plans to move the capital city. Minister of National
Development Planning (PPN) / Bappenas Bambang Brodjonegoro said the new location of the
capital city outside Java could trigger a chain effect on economic progress, such as increasing the
growth of the national gross domestic product (GDP). The relocation of the capital city has a
positive impact of 0.1% on national real GDP. This positive effect is due to the use of potential
resources that have not been utilized so far.

It is believed that the relocation to areas outside Java Island will not cause economic contraction in
other regions if the alternative location has adequate resources and a positive linkage of economic
activity with the surrounding areas. In addition, relocating the capital will reduce the gap between
income groups. The economy is more diversified towards a more labor-intensive sector. He added
that the relocation of the capital city also contributed to an increase in price of capital by 0.23% and
an increase in price of labor by 1.37%.

According to Bappenas calculations, more than 50% of Indonesia's territory will experience an
increase in trade flows. Then from the investment perspective, moving the nation's capital city to a
new province will create a wider investment incentive in other regions. In addition, relocating the
capital city will increase the output of several non-traditional sectors, especially the service sector.
Furthermore, Bappenas predicts that this transfer will have an output multiplier effect of 2.3 times
and an employmen multiplier effect of 2.9 times. This prediction is based on the experience of
Brazil, which in 1960 moved its capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia. The move to relocate the
Brazilian capital was recorded to have an output multiplier effect of 2.93 times and 1.7 private jobs
were created from each additional job in the public sector.

In a study conducted in 2015 regarding the economic impact of relocating the Brazilian capital, it
was shown that Rio de Janeiro had no economic losses. Meanwhile, Brasilia experienced a positive
impact in the form of population growth in Brasilia, which reached 14.4% per year in the first 10
years after moving the capital city. Despite the potential to accelerate economic growth, Bambang
assessed that the economic impact of relocating the capital city will be maximized if it is
accompanied by increased productivity, innovation and technology in selected provinces and
surrounding provinces. But this move triggered 0.2% inflation. This is normal and still within the
limits that can be tolerated.

3. The relocation of the capital city made the defense side not only in Java Island

With the relocation of the capital city of Indonesia from Java to Kalimantan, what has changed is the
position of the center of government (in Kalimantan) and the center of the economy (in Java). What
is important to note is that from a defense strategy point of view the transfer is profitable. Why is
that? First, the two centers of gravity (the center of the economy and the center of government),
which were centered on one region or one island, are now split into two. This diversification closes
the vulnerability of destroying these two functions at once with one attack. Second, the battlefield on
the island of Kalimantan was far more advantageous operationally and tactical when compared to
the island of Java. For Indonesia's defensive (defensive) doctrine of defense, dense forest conditions
and various natural obstacles in the form of large rivers and mountains along the land border of
Indonesia-Malaysia are very beneficial. This field is very suitable for the title of TNI-AD strength.

The same is true for the TNI-Navy and TNI-Air Force. Protecting the capital city from the sea will
be easier and more scalable. The sea terrain around East Kalimantan (Kaltim) is narrower, starting at
the northern and southern ends of the Indonesian Archipelago Sea Channel (ALKI) II when
compared to the sea terrain in Jakarta which is very wide open. Then, the geographical position right
in the middle of Indonesia makes it easy to concentrate air power from the east, west, north and
south when the capital is attacked. On the other hand, if deployed from Kalimantan it is closer to the
west, east, north and south. Some might say that with the advancement of technology, geographical
position is no longer important. The range of missiles can reach thousands of kilometers, so it is
enough to attack from afar. The satellite's ability is also very sophisticated, it can detect deep into
the forest. Maybe this could be true if the aim of the attack was simply to incapacitate, not to
occupy. However, it does not agree with the available empirical evidence.

The conquest of Iraq by the American army and its allies, for example, did not stop with air strikes,
but also had to be completed with ground attacks. Then, still the total American occupation failed
when dealing with Iraqi guerrillas.

The same thing happened in Afghanistan, until more than 17 years the US and coalition troops were
unable to defeat the Taliban guerrillas. Luckier than Iraq, Afghanistan has rugged terrain with
rugged mountains and hills full of caves that are great for defense. So in the end, the terrain factor
and natural conditions are still very important.

Indonesia's 'strategic culture' (culture of war) was born from the history of Indonesia's struggle for
independence and gave birth to the concept of Sihankamrata. Sishankamrata Indonesia will be
stronger with battlefield conditions such as in the forests of Borneo, especially during the
Continuous War stage, with guerrilla tactics, as long as it is designed properly from the start.

President Joko Widodo has repeatedly mentioned the plan to relocate the capital city because of the
burden of DKI Jakarta, which is already too heavy because of its status as the center of government,
business center, financial center, trade and service center. As a result, Jakarta is known as the
seventh most congested city in the world when referring to The TomTom Traffic Index.

Indonesia Traffic Watch (ITW) said that the main trigger for congestion is the uncontrolled
population of vehicles. Meanwhile, the growth of roads is limited, so they cannot accommodate

Bappenas notes even said that economic losses due to congestion in the capital reached Rp. 56
trillion based on the results of a study in 2013 and approaching Rp. 100 trillion in 2019. Meanwhile,
air pollution due to motor vehicle and industrial fumes is unavoidable. According to AirVisual data,
on Saturday (31/08), air quality in Jakarta was recorded as the second worst in the world after the
city of Lahore in Pakistan. Water availability in Java is also expected to reach absolute scarcity by

With all these problems and for the sake of equitable development and economy, Jokowi decided to
move the nation's capital to East Kalimantan. Even though Jakarta, he said, will remain a priority for
development on a global scale.

Deputy for Regional Development, Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas, Rudy
Soeprihadi Prawiradinata said "So it is not Java-centric anymore because it was chosen to
Kalimantan. Because geographically in the middle. Government will be easier, for example if there
is a task to Papua, with a position in in the middle, it will make it easier. From the other side, it can
also reduce the burden on Jakarta and Java to make it more optimal,"
1. Will burden the state budget

Economist at Indef CORE Indonesia said that the total cost submitted by Bappenas was Rp. 466
trillion, which did not include the swelling that had occurred due to land speculation. The cost of
land acquisition is expensive due to land speculators. Not all land will be provided by state land, due
to the large scale of needs, land contours, and so on,

Meanwhile, other costs may also arise, for example force majeure due to crisis factors that must be
included in the budget.

2. The risk of operational disruption to government activities 3. if the transfer does not go smoothly.

3. Risk of environmental damage in new areas.

4. Socio-cultural turmoil in a new area.


It has been more than one year that the Covid-19 pandemic has been taking place in Indonesia. In
accordance with government regulations, everyone is required to do 3M (wearing a mask, washing
hands, and maintaining distance). This is done to break the deadly chain of the Covid-19 pandemic
(Corona Virus Disease). The Covid-19 pandemic is not only felt in Indonesia, but throughout the
world. Various efforts have been made so that the pandemic period will end soon because the
pandemic destroys all sectors of life, one of which is the education sector.

In the midst of an ongoing pandemic, the world of education must continue to receive special
attention so that it is not badly affected. When discussing the world of education, it will discuss the
future of a nation. Looking at it from the current general point of view, the Covid-19 pandemic
poses many threats to the world of education, but it can be seen from a different point of view, so
that threats can be turned into an impact on opportunities to advance the world of education.

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world of education starting from the learning process,
which is usually done in the classroom face-to-face, but since the pandemic took place it has turned
into online learning (online). Teachers, students and parents are required to be able to present an
effective and active learning process even though it is carried out from their respective homes.

The Covid-19 pandemic which has had so many negative impacts has also had a positive impact
on the world of education in Indonesia. This positive impact can motivate through difficult times to
continue to achieve the more advanced goals of Indonesian education.

1. Triggering the Acceleration of Educational Transformation

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the closure of schools as an effort to spread it to Indonesian
society. In short, the government has implemented a Distance Learning (PJJ) system or what is
known as online learning. A bold technology-based system certainly requires educational
institutions, teachers, students and even parents to be technology literate. This has greatly
accelerated the transformation of educational technology in the country. This certainly has a positive
impact because the use of technology in the world of education is in line with the era of the
Industrial Revolution 4.0 which continues to develop.

2. Many Online Learning Applications Appear

The acceleration of educational technology transformation due to the Covid-19 pandemic has given
birth to various online learning program platforms to support bold learning. Many online study
programs make learning more effective. Online learning applications are developed by providing
features that facilitate online learning. Like Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and

3. Number of Free Online Courses

Free online courses are starting to flourish amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Many tutoring agencies
provide free online courses or some at discounted prices. As applied by Ruangguru, Zenius, Study
Room, Quipper, our Class Application and so on.

4. The Emergence of Unlimited Creativity

The Covid-19 pandemic has come up with new ideas. Scientists, researchers, lecturers and even
students try to do experiments to find new creativity and present an affective and efficient learning
process so that they can carry out a learning process that is fun and not boring.

5. Collaboration of Parents and Teachers

During this pandemic, students will certainly spend their time studying at home. Where this requires
innovative collaboration between parents and teachers so that students can continue to learn online
effectively. In addition, innovative collaborations can address various complaints during online
learning. This will have a positive impact on the world of education both now and in the future.

6. Application of Science in the Family

When all schools are closed, this becomes an opportunity for students to apply knowledge in the
midst of their families. Whether it's just opening a small discussion or by teaching the knowledge
gained to the family. This plays an important role in increasing students' understanding of a science
through direct application. Knowledge that is applied directly will affect not only those who apply it
but also those who receive it.

7. Teachers become more familiar and technology literate

It cannot be denied that the learning process in the midst of a pandemic must be done through online
methods. So that the use of technological devices is needed. During this pandemic, many trainings
were carried out for teachers with the aim of providing guidance to determine learning methods that
could be applied during a pandemic, which of course were based on technology.

8. Internet as a source of positive information

If the learning process generally uses printed books as the main learning resource, then in the online
learning process the internet is a source of information that can be used. The internet is no longer
only used by students as a means of entertainment or playing social media, but is also used to get
information about the lessons being taught. Such as accessing digital books, learning videos and so
on. Even so, of course, this must still receive assistance from both teachers and parents of students,
so that students do not get the wrong information and avoid hoaxes.

9. Students can be directly supervised by parents

Basically, every child has unlimited potential. But there are several factors that can influence
whether they can ultimately fulfill this potential. Experts believe that the role of parents in a child's
life has a broad impact and with parental supervision it will be easy to monitor their development
directly. Parental involvement is very important so that children do well in school. Some parents
may think that it is the teacher's role to teach, not theirs. However, such belief does not harm parents
and children. Children don't start and stop learning only during the school day. They are always used
to studying, at home, with friends, and through other influences.

Those are some of the positives of the Covid-19 pandemic. Of course there are many more positive
things that we can feel. However, we still hope that the pandemic will end soon and face-to-face
learning will be carried out again soon.

The covid-19 pandemic has been going on since a year, hitting almost all lines of life. Apart from
the economy, the education sector, which has been carried out online, was also affected.

One of them, dozens of students in Karangasem chose to drop out of school due to the difficulty of
the online teaching and learning process which lasted for a year.

This condition was confirmed by the Head of the Karangasem Youth and Sports Education Office
(Kadisdikpora), I Gusti Ngurah Kartika, Monday (1/3). From the data obtained, there were 64
students who chose to stop attending school.

1. Without school, children have the potential to become victims of domestic violence that the
teacher does not detect.

The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA Ministry) stated that the rate
of violence against children was high in the first half of 2020. The PPPA Ministry recorded at least
4,116 cases of violence against children in the period 1 January to 31 July 2020, which also occurred
during the Covid pandemic. -19. Based on the online information system for the protection of
women and children (Simofa PPA) as of January 1 to July 31, 2020 there were 3,296 girls and 1,319
boys who were victims of violence.

what we should know, in order to optimize efforts to protect children, including children who need
special protection during the Covid-19 pandemic, PATBM has a strategic role in implementing child
protection. This is as stated in Article 20 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to
Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. The regulation states that the implementation
of child protection is not only the responsibility of the government or local governments, but
requires massive community involvement. For this reason, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment
and Child Protection carried out activities to Accelerate the Development of PATBM during the
Covid-19 Pademi Period.

2. Limitations of internet devices and quotas as online learning support facilities.

The world of education has changed since the Covid-19 pandemic. Face-to-face learning between
teachers and students is replaced by online learning. The implementation of distance learning
between teachers and students by utilizing the internet network sometimes raises its own problems
for teachers and students who live in areas with limited internet networks.

3. Children are at risk of losing learning or learning loss.

face-to-face learning activities in class produce better academic achievement than Distance

4. Children do not socialize enough.

Play, interaction and socialization are needed by a student, especially those who are in the growth
stage. Interactions are usually carried out by children at school, play areas, tutoring centers or when
they are doing activities with their peers.

In a pandemic situation like now, this is impossible because it is very dangerous and can increase the
risk of Covid-19 transmission. The impact is that the child has psychological problems.

Clinical Psychologist and Founder of Self-Awareness, Fadhilah Eryananda, mentioned four impacts
for your little one because you have to go to school from home. First, school from home makes it
difficult for children to meet their friends.

5. Threats of children dropping out of school

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, every child's economic condition is different. So that children
are at risk of dropping out of school because they are forced to work to help the family economy.

6. Children are at risk of losing learning or learning loss.

This condition ultimately makes them confused and uncomfortable because there is a change in the
interaction patterns of authority figures with both teachers and parents. Before a pandemic, children
usually learned by sitting in class and being able to interact with their peers. In fact, during recess
they can run, snack together, and do other fun activities.

“Now that he is at home studying, the school situation is brought home. They can no longer study
while occasionally walking to their friends' desks. This exposes them to impactful and possibly
stressful changes due to schooling from home,

7. Limited mobile devices and internet quotas as facilities to support children's online learning.

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