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“life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your
quote that best describes my life is

balance, you must keep moving” – Albert Einstein

these 3 words describe me.

Worst and Best memories:

Worst : When I was at the age of 6 , I was riding in an tricycle in the dining room to my room , I can’t
remember anything as I was probably too young to come to my senses and memories, so I went to the
kitchen and accidentally pushed my mom who was holding bucket full of boiling water
Me when I was 3
and she fell but the boiling water fell on me , it was very painful lucky it fell on my left
hand , I somehow survived and my parents to the hospital so when I was recovered I was
feeling okay but still I still have a huge burned skin mark on my left hand.
Best: When I was class 4, my father used to think that he knows everything but he turned out wrong he
got me 2 home tutors one for English, maths and science and other for bangla and history, so after
coming home from school, I used to get only 1 hour rest but then my private tutor came and used to
teach me for 2 hours maximum then came my second one she also did the same. Then at night some
how the entire night passes by eating dinner and sleep. But in first term grade I got A*, I was happy
and in second term, my father did which was giving me more pressure in studies so that I
get full marks in everything so he added 1 more teacher, so her home was far so my Me at age of 10
father used to take me to her house and she taught me, so 3 teachers in each day was
getting pressurised as hell, but somehow, I managed it. In second term I got A* again so
I was happy. In 3rd term I finally got to rid of 1 teacher who used to give me lot of pressure and then I
was happy and I also got A* in second term too. This was one of my best memories.

My grandparents:
When I was even born, grandparents of me in paternal side which means my father’s
parents died passed away very soon, so neither could I see their picture nor I could talk to
them or even take picture. In maternal side which means the parents of my mom, my
mom’s father passed away when she was about to get to be a doctor but due to her father
died , her mother couldn’t pay the fees and my mom got depression
for long time. I feel sad for my mom. But we all gotta move on but My mom’s mother
luckily my grandmother is still alive in a good health now her age
is 75 .

Family :
When we went to India, it was first time for me to go to India as my elder
brother and me had an vacation from school so we all decided to go there we
took multiple pictures , it was 2 years ago . It was lot of fun. cvsvsfdvsdfsfgsrf
Siblings and pets: Well I have only one elder brother, he is the most annoying person I
ever made. He disturbs me all the time and till now . He is so full of anger and rage just like
his father. Well I told my parents to get me a pet and they got me one husky, I loved that dog
more by elder stupid brother and I take care of him, having pets in anyone’s life is the only
cure to depression so I trained it , gave it food and played with it even now. I even named it
Snowy . Even though it cant speak , but it can communicate with me by it’s expression and
actions plus he wakes me up in the morning at 9 am for school.

My elder brother
My favourite:
My favourite time in my life was spending time with my friends at school before
Corona spreaded the world and doing a class party together. Football is my
favourite sport. It is also a famous sport all over the world. By playing football,
we can keep our body strong, fit and flexible, to play football is a good exercise
and good for health. ... The players have to maintain the rules of the sport. My
favourite celebrity is Elon Musk. Elon Musk is a person I have been listening to
over the past two weeks. He has inspired me to expand. He has inspired me far
beyond I could have imagined. His words have inspired me new thoughts.
However, my relatives like my cousin, uncle and aunt always influence me by
study hard, and hard work is the key to unlock success.
I achieved lot of achievements in my life and I am sure I will achieve more in the
future, till now I have won art competition, swimming competition and many
more were I don’t remember. I do have certain weaknesses like in Bangla and
History, these two subjects are bit harder than the others, so I find them as my
weakness. My goal of the future is to become CEO of any space company. Plus I
would also like to develop quick learning skills and remember anything for a
long time, these 2 skills are really important to me for the future. I really would
like to visit Malaysia as a vacation and go to Canada for my studies and
experience how foreigners study there. Most important lesson I ever learned is to
study any subject with interest and it will always be in my mind. Well we all got
to move on, even though we are staying far from each other for our own safety
and take precautions from this deadly virus.

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