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An Essay about The Philippines: A Country Hence

We all know that this essay written by our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal forecast
what will be the Philippine after a century, he predicted that one day the Philippines will
not be under the power of the Spaniard Government, all Filipinos will be free and
democratic like the way things where when no one who thinks highly of themselves set
foot on the Philippine archipelago. Our national hero wrote many things about our
country, he wants us to enlighten about being free and democratic. Some of his writings
are awaken the heart and mind of all Filipinos on how our country would take flight
when the people have abolished the reign of the colonizers who turned them into slaves
and foreigners in their own country. His works and writings became a fuel to drive the
Filipino people of this country to see that they are not treated as humans but merely a
one of the most essential things where one can easily trade. He awakens inner rebellion
inside each one of the Filipinos so that they would a hindrance to the Spanish
colonizers that can break the ignorance of them to achieve the country’s freedom.
In his essay entitled “The Philippines: A Century Hence” was published in the La
Liga Filipina, which Rizal discussed several things that made all Filipinos suffered. One
of those are the strict implementation of the Spanish military policies that resulted in the
rapid decrease on the population of the Filipino people and poverty became rampant.
The other one is, the Filipino indigenous culture become progressively worse and
disappear as a fact that all Spaniards came with the sword and cross that resulting on
the moderate destruction or deterioration of the native Philippine culture due to the lack
of confidence in the Filipino people to preserve their culture and they lost hope since
they have been enslaved for a long time. Lastly, the power giving by the friars which
became one of the most powerful forces that causes silence or disappearance of our
native culture, because of those friars the Filipino learned the culture of the foreigners
as a fact that this is what Spaniard Government, they were forced into thinking that they
are only good for nothing but become servants and peasants. But Rizal through this
essay wanted to revive the dead culture of the Philippine country.
The Spanish people feared Rizal since he wanted to end the ignorance of the
Filipino people and made them to see what was the main reason why the Spanish
people are inhibiting this country. Therefore, from those things mentioned in the essay, I
think Rizal want the Filipinos to revolt that time because he saw that the Philippines lost
its culture due to the fear that was inculcated by the Spaniards which made the Filipino
people lose confidence in their way of living through that it made them ignorant and
deprived on learning since this country used to be a rich country where culture and
tradition was far more advanced compared to other. Rizal did foresee that one day, we,
Filipinos would overcome the fear that was hindering them to go against the colonizers
and today his vision became a reality.
“An Essay about Rizal’s “To the Young Women of Malolos”
We all know that in our history when Spanish Colonizers have the power over our
country, the biggest victim of this oppression is all women during that time. Before
Spanish period, men and women we’re treated equally, they both had equal rights. The
women had the right to inherit property and active in some important parts in business
or trading sector, but sadly, during the Spanish era on which a lot of Spaniards and
other foreigners used their power to do what they want. Thus, women have been looked
down and merely material things that are being sold to other people, they are turned
into prostitutes and sexual toys by Spanish Friars that torments them physically,
emotionally and mentally since the beginning of Spanish time. On his essay, he
showcased great joy and satisfaction over the battle they had fought over the Spaniard
Government, we can see that his ultimate purpose why he wrote this essay was for
women to be offered the same opportunities as those received by men.
In this essay, Rizal pointed out a lot of things during the Spanish period such as
there’s a rejection of the spiritual authority of the Friars, some of those friars in present
time are corrupted. Rizal also discussed the qualities that must a Filipino mother has,
duties of them to their children and the duties as a wife. Rizal’s first teacher was his
mother. From that, his mother plays an important role on Rizal’s journey, there was a
woman who guided him throughout his life and it has greatly influenced him. Women
have shown their influence as the years go by that they are capable of what men are
also capable of doing. They are breaking the sayings that women should be confined
inside a house, taking care of the children, do cooking and household chores or a toy
for men but they are human being who can surpass what a normal man can do.
Rizal also mentioned the responsibilities of a mother to their children as well as
the qualities that must possess to them. For him, if a woman decided to be a Mother,
she should provide a good environment for the children that full of love and self-respect
as a fact the it would be one of those influencers to the journey of the children. In our
society, women play a big part rather than men but since they are unrecognized, they
are viewed as weak and can’t contribute to the country. Hence, I really disagree with
this like what Rizal did, he stated that the society needs to see that women are the
strong one who can defend themselves and can be a driver on reforming the society,
women are the brainy and has a critical thinking and far more logical than men. Ever
since then they been deprived of their own rights even if though they co-exist with men,
women’s capability is as endless as men if they are given the proper and equal
resources as men, they might have progressed just as the same as those who had
fought for the country. Even though they look like a weak and frail, they would
eventually end up on top. Yes, you can break down a woman temporarily but they will
always pick up the pieces, rebuild herself and became stronger and stronger than ever.
“An Essay about Rizal’s “The Indolence of the Filipinos”
Philippines is a great country with a great people called Filipinos. We, Filipinos,
have a nice trait that are known by other countries, such as we are hospitable,
industrious and hardworking. We possess creative thinking; we have an individual
contribution to the country’s progress. We all know that, in our history before the arrival
of the Spanish people in the Philippines, all Filipinos enjoying the growing system and
industry in the country, they are all free and democratic, but when the Spaniards came
inside country which they started corrupting it like a parasite consuming its host and
eventually eradicating the Filipino mindset, they also ruined and diminish everything like
the native culture, the Filipino traits and Filipinos lose confidence on their identity.
For Jose Rizal the Filipino identity needs to be awakened. As Rizal mentioned in
this essay, due to the arrival of the Spanish people it caused a decrease in the
economic activities because of certain causes such as the ancestors inhibiting this land
lost their true nature and their love for hard work as forementioned by the national hero
since they are forced to do a certain task, they were forced to build roads and shipyards
against their will. The Filipino people also forced to abandon agriculture and commerce,
which causing the decline on the development of the country. Filipinos suffered by
losing her loved ones, they also lost their interest in cultivating their lands. Spanish
colonizers are full of greed, they ruined the life of all Filipinos. They are deceived by the
Friars that made them believing that to enter on the gates of the heaven, they need to
be rich or wealthy and must do contribution on the society, worst of all gambling and
poverty also became rampant during those time, making the lives of Filipino worse.
All those things that Rizal mentioned on his essays was true and I strongly agree.
The Filipino traits such as being a hardworking and industrious hidden. Thus, I think
Rizal wanted us to realize that it is not too late to revive a dead culture. Actually, it is not
totally dead, it was just hidden to all Filipinos because they are frightened on the
Spanish colonizers, so there still a hope to rebuild the old Filipino way of living on which
hard work is one of the traits of the people. We just need to cherish our Philippine
culture since it was rich and wonderful but somehow eradicated because we were
shaped by the wrong people who just wanted to steal the riches of the country. The
Filipino Culture can be reborn with the help of the youth as a fact that the youth plays an
essential part on the success of the country. All Filipinos should be proud of their
identity and culture, from that no one can bring down again the strongest Philippine

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