C-323 - Method Statement For Repairing Leaking Concrete Manhole at Chiller Yard Pumphouse 09

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SAUDI ARAMCO. SHAYBAH NGL PROJECTS DEPARTMENT EARLY WORKS & INFRASTRUCTURE DIVISION Residential industrial Complex Unit SAPMTRIC Expanson, Office Shayosoh ‘Brel. No, (03) 578 8113 ‘Apel 28, 2014 TRANSMITTAL -EWaID/RICIT-687/14 olement For R rele MOHAMMED R. JARRAH, Contractor Rep. Manhole Al Chiller Yard Pumphouse ‘Mohammed A-Moll group (MIM) P.0.Box 11, ammam 31411 Saudi Arabia INFO REVIEW APPROVAL UPDATE USE (huerrer oO a [rorms SE oO {ey EX] prawines oO Qa wg QO El omers: ® QO QO | RESPONSE REQUIRED BY: (CTresronse Not require TEM NO. | QUANTITY DESCRIPTION 3-RIC-T-3690/14, TSQ-C-323 o Approved as Noted: Refer to Inspection Department Document Review Response LOG | No. (1222-14) dated on April 24" 2014 regarding repairing leaking concrete manhole. REMARKS: This document has no cost & schedule impact on the RIC expansion project GENE. Lhe Se Engines ecaive Early Works & Infrastructure Division Received By: Nomen R toe 2014 Snot ~~ Bete - ora Transmittal Book G- ML.oURT AA 3) INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Southern Area Project Inspection Division ‘ShPIS-SPL & EW- PIU Tel: 578-3728, Fax: 578-3515 DOCUMENT: REVIEW RESPONSE [J REQUEST() _| !0/saPivishPisiLoc No. 11221-14 TO STATUS NAME: GENE PARLATORRE, Project Engineer DEPARTMENT: —_Shaybah NGL Projects Department a Early Works & infrastructure Division 4S “Ecetoniy Soprned ADDRESS: 'SAPMT RIC Expansion Office, Shaybah re leet = TeL: 02) 572 e108 eee Fax: 'SAPMT Reference no, EWAID-RICT.G72/14 ‘Contractor Reference No, 023-RIG-T- 2690/14, TSQ-6-323 BJO ‘CONTRACTOR PROJEGT DESCRIPTION 1o.00774-0001 | MG ‘Shaybah Residential & Industral Complex: DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: METHOD STATEMENT FOR REPAIRING LEAKING CONCRETE MANHOLE AT CHILLER YARD. PUMPHOUSE COMMENTS ‘ShPIS reviewed the submitted document with following comments: Rem Na Comment 20 _ | Coftractor shal submit proposed material -rapidseting cement-based, water __| stopping mortar RENDEROC PLUG for SAPMT approval — ‘ao _ | Contractor shall submit the prepared area for concrete repair prior to start any I pplication of proposed rapid-setting cement-based, water-stopping mortar Contractor to strictly follow Manufacturer's recommendation on preparation of 42-44 | concrete substrate to receive the product, mortar mixing, and setting. ‘After mortar has cured as per manufacturer recommendation, prepared area shall be kept open and Dewatering equipment turned-off, Contractor shall | submit the prepared area for inspection to checkif any leaks still coming out, f there are no more lesks found, Contractor may praceed to cover / backfl Mr. rahim M Maghrabl ~ SUPeVE8F APR 2014 | signature: _// Date: April 24, 2014 ‘SPISSPLA 8 EW- PIU Shaya Te OF3 876+ c= [sree a MOHAMMAD AL-MOJIL GROUP P.0.BOX 11 DAMMAM 31411 Saudi Arabia TRANSMITTAL lro Me AbdulaizAlMumsid_OEPT. :_SAPMT_AT Saudi Aramco irRom ‘Engr Rabik Rahman, DEPT. : Project Manager AT “MMG (Shaybah ProjCH [rRansomnrTAL No, Des-Ric-T-ses0rta DATE ZEApete Isusmect : PRT ING MANBOLE Project Title: : Recent & Indust Complx Project @ Shaybah NGL, Contact No 6800026564, BI No: 1000774 PRINTDRAWINGS [__] REPRODUCIBLE CoPiES [—] conrRoLLED pocumENTs _[_} pocumentssrecs [] oriGinaL pocuments — [—] CONFIDENTIAL = acrion REUTRED. ‘APPROVAL HE eview creck, ( nererence/necorn = [—] INFORMATION [__] pisTRIBUTION (J rurase provine cI brew x NO: OF JREVISTON] Nox OF re] REFERENCE ‘DESCRIPTION ae ea eee reo 1 Teacsss consneremaote sromrrvanopumwouse |? © fpeerweco) NOTHING FOLLOWS” 1 Two coer ema fis tneitl and pc wih he coreg states 2 Guay ign yt repo sf contro cian reuse ORGNATOR dread rcpt arend ot wri Foor ie Fal ic and capes sumvlegenen gsi e ig {on iy les wpe ss aya a Serene ones | 23,APR 20th Ag« & Brgy Kab DATE Reseed ‘Project Manager qaD-4202 Revision, 30006094 Uasallaensdcgana monanmao avmon Grour MIG TECHNICAL SITE QUERY Oboe Dammam 3140 ‘ange osu i five Boiron Es on 2008 SHAYBAH RESIDENTIAL & INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX RIC) EXPANSION PROJECT ole rtrcten rere procss Lene 0x rm rerrarteguet Coenen wines ceo [Jr cotin [Dror our sowont rere obec Fete METHOD STATEMENT FOR REPAIRING LEAKING seat MANHOLE ae Fea «LT Iezone Roque te) ASAP ea vs [1 w FI [sischentc (Use PART: [BETAS Jorn oryaurimmest respons and seerva Jesse see attached Matos Statement for Repaing Leaking Concrete Mantel cereal Manhole) 3 Chile Yar Pumphouse ome:_a34pese ‘ShayaaHt Reszoewrrat & IupusTazat COMPLEX MMG Poamitbumset seins cours No: 6600026594 BI No™ 1-00774-0001 ee EDU RST METHOD STATEMENT Approved by | Title Doc. No. Rev.| Page REPAIRING OF CONCRETE MANHOLE SEGMENT WITH | MS-PH-061 1of 3 LEAK 1.0 PURPOSE To develop guidelines for repairing concrete manhole segment with leak which shall be in accordance with the procedure, methods and safety requirements as defined and stated in this method statement. 2.0 SCOPE ‘This Method Statement shall be applied in all areas for concrete manholes were leaks founded. Work includes but is not limited to the following 2.4 Preparation 2.2 Mixing, application and curing of Renderoc Plug. 3.0 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 3.1 Obtain the approval of the work permit from the concerned Saudi Aramco Department before starting any work. 3.2. Observe safety precautions in handling construction chemical. Refer to safety data prior to application 3.3. Execute the work in accordance with the approved method statement: 4.0. EXECUTION 4.1 Preparation 4.1.1 Prepare all necessary equipment and tools needed for dewatering (this includes pump, pipes and holding tank/container). 4.1.2. Once materials are all prepared and set to its respective location. Start dewatering. But before starting, this activity must be supervised by a Safety Practitioner. 4.1.3 Once area is safe and water is depleted, locate where the leak is coming. ‘Approved by] Title Doc. No. | Rev.] Page REPAIRING OF CONCRETE MANHOLE SEGMENT WITH | MS-PH-061 2of 3 LEAK 42 43 44 4s 4.1.4 Leaking area should be cut back to a depth of 15mm and given a good mechanical key. Surface should be brushed clean to remove loose material, dust and laitance. 4.2.1 Renderoc Plug should be added to clean water in the following proportions: One part clean water to three parts Renderoc Plug (by Volume). 4.2.2 Mix to a stiff consistency in a suitable mixing vessel, using a trowel for gloved hand. Due to the rapid set characteristics of the product, only prepare @ quantity of mortar which can be placed within the prescribed set time. Application 4.3.1 Trowel apply or hand-knead the mixed mortar in place, ensuring maximum contact with the substrate before the material sets. If Used to plug running water, Renderoc Plug 1 should be used and held in place until the initial set Is reached. The maximum application of thickness of Renderoc plug products is 15mm curing 4.4.1. In cold conditions down to 1°C, the use of warm water (up to 20°C) is advisable to accelerate strength development. For ambient temperatures and above 35°C, the material should be stored in the shade in the shade and cooler water (down to 20°C) used for mixing, Cleaning 4.5.1 Renderoc FC & TG should be removed from tools, equipment and mixers with clean water immediately after use. Cured material can only removed mechanically. ‘Approved by | Title = REPAIRING OF concrete | _D°:"o. | Rev. Page MANHOLE SEGMENT WITH | MS-PH-061 30f 3 LEAK 4.6 Equipment/ Tool: 46.1 Tools and material needed to execute the Repairing of concrete manhole segment with leak: Chisel (pointed & flat) Hammer Hilti Jackhammer Mixing drum or bucket Pump and piping Holding container Glick hore for Safety Shoots Renderoc Plug Rapid setting cement-based, water-stopping Forth apd temporary tenga lugging of concrete segment, concrete and rik tine iin, sewage yt, below ground aosees chambers, pipes baseman, Emergency waterstopping costly Sig component xcalent bond tothe suba Lom extnarm minimis hems ceeing Pr-bagged to overcome variation nai batching Chiodos Renderoc Plug 20: DW proved Render Pi 20; DM Repation251(8) Aoproved enceroc Plug i rap set mora which is a5 0 range oltacinesees. Tete we two grades ava eneroc hg | win an taste of approxmaly spprotnaialy 29 mines (et tes ae based on ambient subsvaotonparaures of °C) (Penderoc Pg 2) Renderoc Plug 20: Aspromasy 20 nutes @ 20° Note: st tes wile extended en mike stoner Compressive strength (68 9319 P12:1 Renderoe Plug thous ON hows —_T0Ninme exinne 2ahoue E eNine Tears Slimane aeaaye Eid “oN Heal generation characteristics High heat cuput {evotnerm) nad toundsraby igh alae ane low neat upto Rendrce Plug which minimise the Fiskfsnkage and hers racing | *| est cup endo Pag Application instructions ropa ‘osstobepaichedebeul bectbacktoadephot 1Smmardignenagood mechanical. Fat edgeemist robe lowed Stas ehaddetnahed entrar sleeved sie ceenger high presse wae Glick hore for Safety Shoots = Tose oaks,rackopenings mustbe chased out ppronmately 20mm equa. The chase shuld always be hereto va eaung av-ection. Altose moral and debris shou bere aig Renders Pg should be addedto clean water the folowing propertors: One pst aan water totvee pare Fenders Pig fy lure), bc to att conitnayn susie mixing veal using trowel or gved hard. Due tothe rapid st characteris of the produc. ony propa aquaraty ef mortar whieh canbe Placed within he presebed set em. -Appicaion “Trowel appt othand knesdhe ited morn lacs neu maximum contact wth the subse bor the atest. beng used to plug running water, Render Plug ould be used and hal in place uni hein et ‘erence ‘The miu application thickness of Render Pag produce 18 mm Low temperature working Inco conditions down 0 Che us of warm wat (up 10270) adviabla to accelerate strengin developers Nera precautions or ine woking wih camentous maori shouldbe acoptd. The metal shoul nat be op when te ube cra tepertres 0 fang. AMC stati temperate or at 1°C an ring. ‘he aploaion may proceed in doubt contact he ea High temperature working {ambient tempertres above 35, the matt sud Be ‘tore nth hace and coca wate (no 29) used Important nate Cleaning Fenderos Pug products should be removed mn squpment wth clean wale prior tthe in ast Cred ‘rater can cnt be ramos macnn Fendros Pug is suppod in hg age each yen. Ses. Rendroc Pug 20s suppl n 25 ig bag ech ying ‘Storage contions ‘Stren dy condone in the ga unopened bag ‘Shettte 12 morhe sored se shove. store a high amperes shdorhiah unity contre te et fe maybe rece Heat and etely Fendeoo Pl preducss contin coment powers which whan mixes Become dap, lear sais hich canbe halt kin. Dring use, 90 nhalaton of ust and coract wih kin and eye Viear ulate protective shingles eye protection an respi prtctve ‘supent Incase of contact wih sn ie with plenty clean water hen danse with soap and water Incace oh contact wih eyes, ae irmecaty wi plot on ‘water and soekmedial ace, ewaloned eck cea Stenton medial ~ donot indies voting, Fre enceroe Pug produ ara non farmabi For futher information, rer ta te Produ Seley Data Shee Fencroste head mark of Fosroe Inemaona Lites

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