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SAUDI ARAMCO SHAYBAH NGL PROJECTS DEPARTMENT EARLY WORKS & INFRASTRUCTURE DIVISION Residential Industrial Complex Unit ‘SAPMT RIC Expansion, Office Shaybah el No. (03) 578.8101, ay 06, 2014 TRANSMITTAL EWBID/RIC/T-733/1 MOHAMMED JARRAH, Project Manager —_‘TS@-C-326 Method Stolement for ‘Mohammed Al-Mojl group (MMG) Em 1 P.0.80x11, Dammam 31411 ‘oom suspended slob ‘aug Arabia INFO REVIEW APPROVAL UPDATE USE Cer ells] oO oO Trorms Oo og O O [) prawines O oO Oo O gO elomers: ® oO Oo oO 8 Co resronse requireo ay: resronse nor requiren TEM NO. | QUANTITY DESCRIPTION (023-RIC-T-3586/14 7 ] 1 22 | Method Statement for embedment of conduit pipe in Residential Building | POge HN? Mechanical room suspended slab (2°4 and 3+ Floor) ‘Approved az noted: |. Reviewed and found acceptable. 2. Modification should be reflected on the As-Buil drawing, REMARKS | The TO and ‘ftached documents have NO cod or schedule Impact fo the RIC expansion project Bem: cane Tee SS eens ae iagron ao" ive Early Works & Infrastructure Division OpNay 4 Received By: Nome: Signature: bate: MS ce: ——Tranamital ook Bor papi /un dow aride un earar/0. ore ic/oe. coped/ne- [tpaber put. §26y), INSPECTION DEPARTMENT ‘Southern Area Project Inspection Division SPL. & EW- PIU Tol: 578-3728, Fax: 578-351! DOCUMENT: REVIEW RESPONSE & REQUEST (] IDISAPIDISHPIS/LOG No. 11302-14 70 STATUS ae: GENE. PARLATORE, ject ngnae DEPARTMENT: —_Shaybah NGL Projets Oaprirent ae Early Wort & rast Dison feelin ears ADDRESS: ‘SAPMT RIC Expansion Office, Shayoah 4 Crete” TEL: (03) 578 8104 comments fe SAPMT Reference no. EWAID-RIG-Tr14 Contactor Reference No, 02-RI-T- 268616 TSOLC-326 BIO CONTRACTOR PROJECT DESCRIPTION s0-0077-001 we ‘haybah Reson & Indust Complex DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: METHOD STATEMENT FOR EMBEDMENT OF CONDUIT PIPE TO MECHANICAL ROOM ‘SUSPENDED SLAB COMMENTS ShPIS reviewed the submitted method statement with following comments: item No. Comment In lieu to post installed conduits and pipes embedded in concrete for required additional grounding inside mechanical rooms. Contractor to conform ACI 318, sec-6.3 ~ conduits and pipes embedded in concrete; ACI 318, sec. 7.7 ~ concrete protection for reinforcement “concrete cover” SAER 5803, Sec 5.8.1 & 5.8.2~Concrete Repair Manual 40 ‘This procedure is subject to SAPMT approval in bi a P ager Sionatre | Date: Api 30, ‘ShPIS-SPL4 & EW- | MOY pares ‘er | mead ago fr Ae MOHAMMAD AL-MOJIL GROUP P.O.BOX 11 DAMMAM 3141 saudi Arabia TRANSMITTAL lro. Me AbdulaslzAIMumelé_ DEPT. :_SAPMT_AT Saudi Arameo IrRom Engr RabicRanman DEPT. : Project anager AT MNG (Shayboh Bo [TRANSMITTAL No. : OZs.Rlc-T-searta DATE Apeta lsunsecr 26 METHOD STATEMENT FOR EM ‘CONDUIT TARIEALROOH, SUSPENDED SLAB Project Title: Resident & Indust! Complex Project @ Shaybah NGL, Coaract No: 6600026504, 8 No 10-00774 prinriprawines —[__] RePRopuciBLE Copies [__] CONTROLLED pocumENTs [—] pocumentssrecs [—] ORIGINAL pocumENTs — [—] conripentiaL i ATION ReDUTRED APPROVAL HE eviews crc (J tererence/necow = J isrorwation —— [—] pistrisutioy [Presse provipe | [rer on WOOF [REVISION] Na. OF fa | REFERENCE SCRIPTION, seers |umper| cory 4 — twe1#00 STATEMENT FoR EWSEDMENT OF CONDUIT PPE TOWECMAMICAL ROOM SUSPENDED saa | & 9 |aserweeo| ‘Two copies are made of this transmit and dispatched wit the aceompaaying stachmens. ‘One coy is signed bythe recipient afer confirmation of receipt an tune to the ORIGINATOR, ‘Second copys eaned hy the ripen record of transmit ‘ets he rgha pital le nd ile rune aeknoledgmets alongside th origi Contes Cop Wael fet mas cad ctl stab nak a0 SO RGC Oe fobs 28 APR 20th ‘SIGNED (Repiend, f i Project Manager DATE (Received) aba Revision 3,30 061 3 (Uasollaonsdcgasa TECHNICAL SITE QUERY [fos te Aedta Rumaie rom Mohsnnad MOH Soup Projet Engineer 0.x armen 224 Su Aramco ergcom ofS Ab Jno: 1020778 Sate At 2 Shan ESDENTAL 6 WOUSTANL COMPLE ne) ExPANSOW PROEET [hereriioscten [peneoxenrten [Jprveutens Li lfryursonon! [ohtepeess — Emurn winced [Tprecontm — []reryurie METHOD STATEMENT FOR EMBEDMENT OF ‘CONDUIT PIPE TO MECHANICAL ROOM SUSPENDED aie ERB feoaeaeavert «LT reponse Ragured By (Ste) ASAP fates sin ralason tothe atonal enbedent of ond pipes for ect prounding requirement in Rossel lég. Mechanic Jraomsfndand re Floor We propor the attached Metod of Statement for Eben the cond pes into the ening fuspendessio Hong fo your immediate esponte and approval aes Engeeng anager Project Manager ExeanszOn Ps rede ctiien ‘Conrnncr No: 6600026594 SI NO10-09774-0001 saa ‘Shaveau Resipewrial & InpUsTRiat COMPLEX MNG pow uuasngcstoas METHOD STATEMENT ‘Approved by | Title y EMBEDDING CONDUIT Doc. No. Rev. | Page PIPES INTO EXISTING | MS-RB-062 lof 3 SUSPENDED SLABS 1.0 PURPOSE To develop guidelines for embedding conduit pipe into existing structure which shall be in accordance with the procedure, methods and safety requirements as defined and stated in this method statement. 2.0 SCOPE This Method Statement shall be applied in all areas for embedment of conduit piping to existing structure. Work Includes but is not limited to the following: 2.1. Grinding and Chipping 2.2 concreting 23° Curing 3.0 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 3.1 Obtain the approval of the work permit from the concerned Saudi Aramco Department before starting any work. 3.2 Observe safety precautions in handling construction chemical. Refer to safety data prior to application. 3.3 Execute the work in accordance with the approved method statement 4.0 EXECUTION 4.1 Construction site personnel should coordinate first to the concerned engineering department priar ta execution. 4.2 Locate on the concrete slab the layout of conduit as per shop drawing provided by the department engineer. Establish the location using a chalk Tine “Approved by] Title EMBEDDING CONDUIT poe ee) Reve |" )Pege PIPE INTO EXISTING MS-RB-062 2of 3 SUSPENDED SLAB 5.0 4.3 Cut the marked surface using electric concrete grinder at a depth of 20 to 30 mm. This serves as the boundary and groove by which chipping shall be started thereafter. 4.4 Once grinding is done, chip the concrete slab using electric chipping gun 4.5 Use cold chisel on portions that cannot be reached by the chipping gun or ‘on portions too hazardous for the use of chipping gun. 4.6 The maximum depth of embedment shall be 40mm. This Is to make sure that the required depth of levelling screed which is 50mm will be met. 4.7. Remove the concrete debris and blow out dust using air compressor. Debris scattered shall be taken out immediately 4.8 After the area has been cleaned and cleared, proceed with the laying of ‘conduit pipes. Pipes shall be anchored to existing concrete to maintain its position during concreting Note; The chipped segment shall be filled with screed concret 4.9. The concrete surface shall be saturated within 24 hrs, 4.10 Once saturated, apply approved bonding compound around the surface of the existing concrete prior to concreting 4.11 After application of bonding compound, pour ready mix concrete, During concrete placement, ensure a good vibration work but do not over vibrate to avoid settling of aggregates at the bottom. CURING 5.1 After settling of concrete wrap the concrete and mortar with 2 layers of burlap cloth and shall be sprayed by sweet water. 5.2 Cover the saturated burtaps with a plasticized sheet vapour barrier. Burlaps and plastic sheet shall be kept in contact with the surface all the time, ‘Approved by | Title EMBEDDING CONDUIT pipe | PIPE INTO EXISTING MS-RB-062 SUSPENDED SLAB Page 3of 3 6.0 7.0 5.3. Water curing shall be done continuously with 7 days duration or until the compressive strength has reached 70% of the specified strength, 5.4 A dedicated person must be assigned to monitor the water curing, this is to tensure that water curing wil be done continuously wet for 7 days and must be monitored by the QC Civil Inspector. EQUIPMENT/TOOLS 6.1 Electric Concrete/Metal Grinder 6.2. Electric Demolition Hammer 6.3 Compressor Machine 6.4 Trowel & Mason's Tools 6.5 Concrete Vibrator REFERENCES: 7.4 Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (SAES Q-001)

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