Preview Activity (I) : Answer: Joke

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PREVIEW ACTIVITY (I) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.

Will Smith Tries Online Dating (B1 - B2)

Work with a partner, group, or your teacher. Do the activities below together.

PART I Discuss the questions below about robots.

1 What’s your definition of a “robot”? What are some examples of them?

2 What are the benefits of robots? How can they help humans?

PART II If you had a conversation with a humanoid robot (a robot that looks like a human),
what are 2 questions you would want to ask it?

EX. What is your first memory?

PART III Try to answer the joke below by filling in the missing letters.

JOKE: What is a robot’s favorite kind of music?

ANSWER: H y m t

PART IV Think about a good movie you’ve seen or a good book you’ve read about robots. Write
the name of the movie or book below and describe the plot.


PART V Describe your idea of a romantic date and unromantic date.

ROMANTIC DATE (Describe the location, situation, and what happens on the date.)

UNROMANTIC DATE (Describe the location, situation and what happens on the date.)

PREVIEW ACTIVITY (II) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
Will Smith Tries Online Dating (B1 - B2)

PART I Choose the correct definition for the adjectives below based on the examples.

1 My brother has an irrational fear of cats.

irrational means... a. without a lot of money
b. without logic or reason
c. without time
2 In many movies, robots are portrayed as evil and dangerous!
portrayed means... a. surprised or shocked
b. removed or taken away
c. presented or shown
3 3D printing is state-of-the-art technology used in many industries.
state-of-the-art means... a. dangerous
b. broken
c. advanced

PART II Match the verbs / phrasal verbs with the definitions below the context examples.

1 I called my best friend to ask if he wanted to hang out and play video games.
2 Going out to dinner with your colleagues is a good way to get to know them.
3 It can sometimes be difficult to interpret the tone of someone’s email.
4 The mirror in the bathroom fogs up when I take a shower.
5 It will rain later, so don’t forget to grab an umbrella when you leave home.

1 hang out a. to cover a glass surface with water vapor

2 get to know b. to take something with your hand
3 interpret c. to spend free time with
4 fog up d. to make sense or understand information in a specific way
5 grab e. to become more familiar with someone / something

Bonus Terms!
shout-out = a public “thank you”. If you give a shout-out, you give credit to somebody.
EXAMPLE When Don accepted the award, he gave a shout-out to his family for their support.

humidity = water vapor in the air that makes the air feel wet (when it’s hot weather)
EXAMPLE It’s really hot outside today, and the humidity makes it even hotter!

flaw = a defect, error, or imperfection

EXAMPLE Sometimes tech products have development flaws that need to be fixed.
WILL SMITH TRIES ONLINE DATING Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
Will Smith Tries Online Dating (B1 - B2)


Do you think humans should try to become

companions* of robots?

*companion: another word for “friend” or some-

one you spend a lot of time with


PART I Write short answers according to the information in the video.

0:50 1 What kinds of things or topics do Will Smith and Sophia talk about?

1:33 2 What makes Will Smith attracted to Sophia?

1:53 3 What does Will Smith try to do when talking with Sophia? How does she react?

2:47 4 What are Sophia’s special functions as a robot?

PART II Choose true or false according to the information from the video.

0:41 1 TRUE FALSE Sophia laughs at Will Smith’s joke about robots.

1:06 2 TRUE FALSE Sophia likes Will Smith’s hip hop albums he made in the 80s.

1:23 3 TRUE FALSE Will Smith was an actor in a movie with robots.

PART III Discuss and/or write what you think the following sentence means.

Will Smith tries to make a move on Sophia, but she turns him down.
POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY (I) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
Will Smith Tries Online Dating (B1 - B2)

PART I What does Will Smith do when Sophia doesn’t kiss him back?

a. He asks her why she doesn’t want to kiss him.

b. He tries to break the silence by saying that he sees a whale.
c. He suggests that they should become friends before dating.

PART II Choose the correct terms to fit each sentence below. One term isn’t used!

shout art flaw companion humidity

1 Will Smith suggests that it could be the atmosphere of the island air and
the causing him to have special feelings for Sophia.

2 Will Smith gives a special -out to the company ‘Hanson

Robotics’ for creating Sophia.

3 Will Smith says that Sophia represents state-of-the-

artificial intelligence.

4 Will Smith says that Sophia has a development

because she didn’t want to kiss him.

PART III Write the correct preposition used in the video.

1 Will Smith asks Sophia if her head fogs in the humid island air.

2 After Will Smith tries to kiss her, Sophia suggests that they should hang
as friends and get know each other first.

PART IV Choose which sentence is grammatically correct. Only one is correct in each group.

1. a. Hi Sophia, I want to meet you for a really long time.

b. Hi Sophia, I’ve want to meet you for a really long time.
c. Hi Sophia, I’ve wanted to meet you for a really long time.

2. a. Sophia has been in development since over two years.

b. Sophia has been in development for over two years.
c. Sophia have been in development for over two years.
POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY (II) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
Will Smith Tries Online Dating (B1 - B2)

PART I Study the usage and examples of the present perfect simple / continuous below.

In the beginning of the video, Will Smith tells Sophia...

“ I’ve wanted to meet you for a really long time.

We use the present perfect form to describe actions, feelings, states, or thoughts which started
in the past and continue until now.

long time ago During this time until now, Will Smith Time expressions:
has wanted to meet Sofia
Since + Point in time (...since I was a teenager)
Past Present Future For + Period of time (...for a very long time)


I / You / We / They have wanted to meet you for a really long time.
He / She / It has been in development for over two years.

We use the present perfect simple in this context only for state verbs (be, want, love, etc.).

I have wanted to meet you for a really long time. be love believe
I’m not sure how long Will Smith has known Sophia. want have know

With action verbs, you must use present perfect continuous (act, plan, talk, improve, etc.).

Will Smith has been acting for over 20 years. act behave study
I have been studying robotics since last year. plan talk drink

PART II Transform each sentence on the left using the present perfect simple or continuous.
Write since or for depending on the ending.

1 I know Sophia. I have known Sofia since she was created.

2 I am chatting with Sophia. a few minutes.

3 I am a fan of sci-fi movies. I was a teen.

4 We are on the Cayman Islands. a few days.

5 It is sunny on the island. we arrived.

6 We are drinking wine and talking. a few hours.

7 Will Smith has a crush on Sophia. he met her.

8 Sophia is behaving strangely. yesterday.

9 My friend is interested in robotics. many years.

POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY (III) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
Will Smith Tries Online Dating (B1 - B2)


Your teacher will choose a few of the speaking topics below to discuss. Discuss the topics
with your teacher or partner. In your discussion, explain your ideas in detail.

1 What do you think about Sophia? Do you think we should

be afraid of this kind of technology?

2 Do you think robots will ever have emotions in the same

way as humans? Do you think they will be able to love?

3 Sophia became a citizen of Saudi Arabia in 2017. What do

you think about robots having human or civil rights (E.g.,
the right to vote, freedom of speech, etc.)?

4 What kind of role or impact do you think robots will have

in the lives of humans 100 years from now?

Imagine you are Will Smith and you are writing a letter to Sophia a few days after your
meeting on the Cayman Islands. Tell her your feelings about your date together in the
Cayman Islands. Read your letter out loud to your partner or your teacher.
QUIZ & REVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
Will Smith Tries Online Dating (B1 - B2)

Work with a partner. Complete the quiz and review activities below.

PART I Questions. Discuss the answers to the questions / topics below.

1. What is Will Smith’s joke? How does Sophia respond?

2. What kinds of things or topics do Will Smith and Sophia talk about?
3. How does Sophia react when Will Smith makes a move on her?
4. What are Sophia’s special functions as a humanoid robot?

PART II Vocabulary: Discuss what each term means. Write how it was used in the video.

1. portrayed

2. capable

3. flaw

PART III Write the correct preposition used in the video.

1 Will Smith asks Sophia if her head fogs in the humid island air.

2 After Will Smith tries to kiss her, Sophia suggests that they should hang
as friends and get know each other first.

3 Will Smith says that Sophia represents state- - the-art artificial


Grammar: Explain when to use the present perfect simple and the present perfect
continuous. Finish writing the example of the present perfect simple that Will Smith
used when he first meets Sophia.

Hi Sophia, I a really long time.

Write two of your own sentences in each grammatical form below.

*PPS = Present Perfect Simple *PPC = Present Perfect Continuous



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