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ECN 1203 Tutorial Week 4)

Tutor: Mr. Luckie

Question 1
Henry likes to collect stamps. The cost of 150 of his favourite stamps is
summarized in the table below.
Calculate the following:
a. Class boundaries
b. Midpoint
c. Relative Frequency
d. Cumulative Frequency
e. fX
f. Sign Deviations, show that the signed deviations sum to zero.
g. Calculate an estimate for the mean.
h. Calculate the median
i. Calculate the mode
j. The value of n is _______
k. The class size is _______
l. The range using the Midpoint ______
m. The range using the class boundaries is_______
Stamp f Class Midpoint Relative Cumulative fX Sign
Price boundaries Frequency Frequency Deviations

20-26 24
27-33 39
34-40 50
41-47 37
ECN 1203 Tutorial Week 4)
Tutor: Mr. Luckie
Question 2
a. What is the mode for the following sample of n=8 scores?
Scores: 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3


b. Which of the following statements is true?

(i) It is possible for a distribution to have two modes.
(ii) It is possible for a distribution to have two medians.

c. A researcher measures eye colour for a sample of n=50 people. Which measure of central
tendency would be appropriate to summarise the measurements? __________

d. For a distribution with one or two extreme scores, the median is usually a more representative
value than the mean. This is a ________statement. (True/False).

e. Statistics is best described as a set of tools and techniques that is used for describing, organizing,
and interpreting data. This is a _______statement. (True/False)

f. Parts of descriptive statistics do NOT include interpreting data. This is a _____statement. (True/

g. Inferential statistics are used to___________ data. (summarise/interpret)

h. A collection of information is otherwise known as a________ (sample statistic/population

subset/data set.)

i. Once data is collected, the first step is to _______the information. (analyze/check/organize)

j. ∑x/n is the formula for computing the ________(mode/median/mean)

k. Measures of Central Tendency are also typically known as_______(statistical

measures/averages/measures of variability).

l. A large N represents ______, where a small n represents_______ (the sample size/population


m. The mean for the following values (10, 35, 40, 60, 55, 25, 50) is ________.

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