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Name : Cikal Kurnia

NIM : 31801700010
Subject : Language Assessment
Recount Text.

Instruction: Read the following text to answer questions 1 – 5!

My Camping Experience.
Last week I went to Kampoeng Djawa Sekatul with my students association friends and my
junior in college, I was the committee for this event. It was our first time having an event
there. I already went there when I was on my final grade in Highschool to take my annual
book photo, so i quiet forgot what the place looks like. We went there by using police truck.
The truck was very big and it does not have any door behind so we have to hold tightly in to
the railing behind us.
After we arrived there, me and the others committee start to divide the participants based on
their group. It was quiet crowded because handling aroung 160 people is not that easy. We
asked the group to go to their bedroom first and go get cleaning because we will have our
first schedule at 7.
Our event last for 3 days, start from Friday until Sunday. We have many agenda like
talkshow, pray together, performance night, and also outbond. The most favorit agenda to do
is outbond. Besides it was our last day here, the game was also interesting and challenging.
Find a coin in a flour, tug of war, water gun, and also water relay. We had so much fun there,
it was very amazing experience.
On Sunday around 1 pm, after we packed our belonging then we gathered in the main hall to
announced the winner of every games. They were very happy because each group got a prize.
We went home after ash’r prayer using the same police truck.
It was very interesting to be the committee of my faculty event.

INSTRUCTION: Choose the right answer by crossing the a,b,c,d, or e!

1. What is the writer try to deliver in the first paragraph....
a. The price of the event
b. The scenery of the place
c. The place and the event
d. The scary place of the event
e. The kinds of event
2. In the second line, the words there means....
a. Police truck
b. Kampoeng Djawa Sekatul
c. Campus
d. Main hall
e. Participants bedroom
3. What is the synonim of the word quiet in line 7....
a. Enough
b. Close
c. Precise
d. Less
e. More
4. What is the most favorit agenda based on the text....
a. Departure time
b. Performance night
c. Arrival time
d. Pray together
e. Outbond
5. What kind of event is it....
a. Birthday event
b. Personal event
c. Company event
d. Faculty event
e. Campus event
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. E
5. D

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