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Q1. Which of the following is not a communication technology?

a. Web-based Tracking

b. GPS


d. GIS

Q2. Which of the following is not a benefit of Automatic Identification technologies?

a. Accuracy

b. Cost saving

c. Security

d. Speed

Q3. IT tool that takes into consideration the multiple distribution stages and their characteristics in the
distribution system is known as __.

a. DRP

b. MRP

c. ERP

d. FRP

Q4. The system that is operated through a chain of ‘kiosks’ set up on highways, which records movement of
passing trucks.

a. Highway automation system

b. Very Small Aperture Terminal Communication

c. GPS

d. GIS

Q5. The system that allows the worker or operator to communicate the data to the central computer without
using the keyboard is known as ____

a. Memory Buttons

b. RFT

c. Voice Interactive System

d. Electronic Data Interchange

Which of the following is a measure of how closely a product or service meets the specifications?

a) Quality of Conformance

b) Continuous improvement

c) Competitive benchmarking

d) Statistical process control

All of the following are dimensions of service quality Except:

A. Assurance B. Responsiveness C. Intangibles D. Reliability

The quality of a product is to be measured on the dimension of

(I) Reliability, (II) Durability, (III) Location ofservicecenter,(IV)Assurance,(V)Responsiveness of Staff. •

A. I, IV, V
B. I, III, IV, V

C. I, II, IV, V


The quality of a service is to be measured on the dimension of

(I) Reliability, (II) Performance, (III) Locationoffacility,(IV)Conformanceto specifications,


• A. I, II, III, IV • B. I, II, IV • C. I, II, IV, V • D. I, II, III, IV, V

Which of the following would not normally be considered as a ‘cost of quality’?

A. Training costs

B. Prevention costs

C. Warranty costs

D. Rand D costs

The concept of PDCA was introduced by

A. Walter AShewhart

B. W. Edward Deming

C. Kaoru Ishikawa

D. Joseph MosesJuran

The concept of PDSA was introduced by

A. Walter AShewhart

B. W. Edward Deming

C. Kaoru Ishikawa

D. Joseph MosesJur

Which of the following terms best defines the nature of Total Quality Management? •

a) An art

b) A philosophy
c) A science

d) A social activity

A manufacturer has been receiving excessive numbers of defective standard machine parts from a vendor on a
regular basis. What is the most effective way to design a formal inspection system for incoming parts?

A. Acceptancesampling strategy

B. Statistical process control strategy

C. Control chart strategy

Which of the following is NOT an element of TQM?

a) Leadership

b) Perceived quality

c) Employee empowerment

d) Customer focus

State which of the two statements is correct (i)Assured quality is necessary for building customer confidence.
(ii)Next user within the organization is called internal customer.

A. Both (I) and (II) are correct

B. Only I

C. Only II

D. Both (I) and (II) are incorrect

___________is a philosophy of continually seeking ways to improve operations.

A. Poke–yoke

B. Kaizen

C. Robustness

D. Kanban

__________is central point to the philosophy of continuous improvement:

A. Management involvement

B. Employee involvement

C. Leadership Support

Which of the following terms reflects the notions of “do it right at first time”?

A. Kaizen

B. Quality at the source

C. Quality circles

Normal variance in the operation of processes is due to

A. Common Causes

B. Assignable Causes

C. External Causes

D. Special Causes

A team wants to illustrate which defect types are occurring most frequently. The quality tool they would use is

A. Ishikawa Diagram

B. Flow Chart



E. Scatter Plot

Two variables, x and y, are related. Variable x increases or decreases with y. Which of the following tools could
best be used to graphically show this relationship?

A. Ishikawa Diagram

B. Flow Chart



E. Scatter Plot

Which of the following tools would be most appropriate for analysing data about the various kinds of a

A. Ishikawa Diagram

B. Flow Chart


D.Check Sheet

E. Scatter Plot

State which of the two statements is correct

(i) Pareto chart provides corrective action for high-frequency causes of problems.
(ii) Cause and effect diagram is also called Ishikawa diagram

A. Both (I) and (II) are correct

B. Only I

C. Only II

D. Both (I) and (II) are incorrect

Cpk or Cp value less than 1 represent

A. Process is just capable to meet specification

B. Process is sufficiently capable to meet specification

C.Process is not capable to meet specification

Cpkor Cp value grater than 2 represent

A. Process is just capable to meet specification

B. Process is sufficiently capable to meet specification

C.Process is not capable to meet specification

“We can rely on mass inspection to control quality.”

a) True b) False

Which of the following is not based on Deming’s points?

a) Focus on continuous improvement

b) An ongoing program of education of employees is necessary

c) Reach the slogans and numerical goals for the workplace

d) Elimination of numerical quotas and work standards

How many points did Deming give to elaborate methods for quality improvement?

a) 10 b) 12 c) 23 d) 14

The concept of PDSA was introduced by

A. Walter AShewhart

B. W. Edward Deming

C. Kaoru Ishikawa

D. Joseph MosesJuran

Of the following sampling methods, which is a probability method? •

b) Quota

c) Simple random

d) Convenience

Sample is regarded as a subset of?

(a) Data

(b) Set

(c) Distribution

(d) Population

The probability of selecting an item in probability sampling, from the population is •

(a) Equal to one

(b) Equal to zero

(c) Non zero

(d) None of the above

Which of the following control chart is used to monitor the number of defects per unit?

A. P-chart

B. R-chart

C. C-chart

D. X-bar chart

Recall of Wagon R Car byMarutiLtd. is an example of

A. Prevention costs

B. Appraisal Cost

C. External Failure Cost

D. Internal Failure Cost

Which of the following control chart ismost appropriate to measure the filling in PEPSI cold drink bottles?

A. P-chart

B. R-chart

C. C-chart

D. X-bar chart

E.BOTH R and X
Which of the following control chart is most appropriate to analyze the attendance of students in OPR509?

A. P-chart

B. R-chart

C. C-chart

D. X-bar chart

Which of the following control chart is most appropriate to analyze the CGPA of MBA students of LPU?

A. P-chart

B. R-chart

C. C-chart

D. X-bar chart

E. Either R or X-bar chart

Which of the following does not belong to External Failure Costs?

a) Complaint investigations

b) Warranty claims

c) Liability costs

d) Supplier quality planning

The book “Bible of Quality” Written by

A. Joseph MosesJuran

B. W. Edward Deming

C. Walter AndrewShewhart

D. KaoruIshikawa

E. PhilipCorsby

Who is known as father of Statistical Quality Control?

A. Joseph MosesJuran

B. W. Edward Deming

C. Walter AndrewShewhart

D. KaoruIshikawa
Who defined quality as ‘fitness of use’?

A. Joseph MosesJuran

B. W. Edward Deming

C. Walter AndrewShewhart

D. KaoruIshikawa

The concept of PDCA is associated with

A. Joseph MosesJuran

B. W. Edward Deming

C. Walter AndrewShewhart

D. KaoruIshikawa

The book “Quality is Free” Written by

A. Joseph MosesJuran

B. W. Edward Deming

C. Walter AndrewShewhart

D. KaoruIshikawa

E. PhilipCorsby

Traditional approach focuses on specification limits and Taguchi’s approach focuses on target value.

a) True

b) False

The quality loss function is given by L(x) = k(x-N)2. What does ‘k’ stand for?

a) Tolerance

b) Quality loss coefficient

c) Nominal value of given product

d) Quality characteristic of selected product

Which among the following is the correct formula for evaluating the quality loss coefficient ‘k’?

a) k=c+d

b) k=c/d

c) k=c/d2
d) k=c-d

To anticipate failures and prevent them from happening is the objective of FMEA.

a) True

b) False

Find the odd one out related to the FMEA team.

a) Assembly engineer

b) Manufacturing engineer

c) Quality engineer

d) Process variability data

What are the three categories of scoring in a Process FMEA?

a) Severity, probability of occurrence, and detection

b) Common cause, special cause, and root cause

c) Cause, correlation, and control

d) None of above

A particular product has been given the following rankings for calculating RPN while preparing FMEA chart,
S=10, O=2, D=2. What is the value of RPN? (s*o*d=rpn)?

a) 20

b) 10

c) 40

d) 2

According to common industry scale, what does severity ranking (S) 1 indicate?

a) Very serious effect

b) No effect

c) Sometimes serious effect

d) The value doesn’t exist

According to common industry scale, what does occurrence ranking (O) 10 indicate?

a) Not likely

b) Highly likely

c) Certain to happen
d) The value doesn’t exist

What is RPN?

a) Risk Potential Number

b) Risk Priority Number

c) Risk Preference number

d) Risk Preventive Number

What is the appropriate action when the RPN for a failure on a Process FMEA exceeds the threshold?

a) Mitigate the failure by changing the development process to add more verification testing

b) Mitigate the failure by redesigning the product or process

c) Mitigate the failure by changing the product requirements

d) None of above

If there are four stages of FMEA. i) Specifying the possibilities ii) Quantifying risk iii) Correcting high risk
causes iv) Re-evaluation of Risk Which is the correct order of proceeding with these stages of FMEA?



c) iv),iii),i),ii)

d) iv),iii),ii),i)

‘Performance’ and ‘aesthetics’ in the House of Quality fall under the category of ________

a) Technical descriptors

b) Customer requirements

c) Relationship matrix

d) Competitor Analysis

Which of the following is not an example of customer requirements in the ‘House of Quality’?

a) Reasonable cost

b) Corrosion-resistant

c) Durable

d) Sand casting

Which of the following is an unjustifiable customer requirement for the new product design of a toy product for
a) Reasonable cost

b) Lightweight

c) Good taste

d) Stimulate imagination

Which of the following is not an example of a ‘technical descriptor’inHouseofQuality?

a) Reasonable cost

b) Corrosion-resistant

c) Durable

d) Sand casting

Sand casting, investment casting, and die casting are examples of ‘technical

The task of choosing between steel, aluminium, and titanium for a production a House of Quality falls under the
purview of______

a) Technical descriptors

b) Customer requirements

c) Relationship matrix

d) Benchmarking

‘Material selection’ and ‘manufacturing process’ in the House of Quality fall under the category of______

a) Technical descriptors

b) Customer requirements

c) Relationship matrix

d)Competitor Analysis

The categorization of the relationship between customer requirements and technical descriptors as strong,
medium or weak in a House of Quality is done in the______

a) Technical descriptors

b) Interrelationship matrix

c) Relationship matrix

d)Competitor Analysis

Who is considered to be the father of Six Sigma?

a) Bill Smith

b) Deming
c) Crosby

d) Taguchi

The process of Six Sigma allows only 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO).

a) True

b) False

In which among the following is the Six Sigma process not applicable?

a) Healthcare

b) Business administration

c) Selecting the best employee of the year

d) Supply Chain

Which of the following is not a six sigma belt level ranking?

a) Yellow Belt

b) Pink Belt

c) Green Belt

d) Black Belt


Which among the following does not fall under the category of factors influencing customer perception of
quality before making a purchase?

a) Previous experience

b) Advertised price for performance

c) Store reputation

d) Reliability

Audit is a fact-finding process that compares actual results with ......................

A) specified standards and plans

B) expected results

C) premature results

D) preliminary results

Various types of quality audits are:

A) product

B) process
C) management (system)

D) all of above

An audit is usually conducted in three steps:

(1) A pre-examination or opening meeting with the auditee marks the beginning of the process. (2) involves a
suitability audit of the documented procedures against the selected reference standard. (3) the auditor
examines in depth the implementation of the quality system.

A) True


The audit final report should include, at a minimum, the following: (choose the one NOT required)

1. Type of audit conducted

2. Characteristics of audit

3. Identification of involved parties: auditor, auditee, and third party

4Audit team members

5. Critical nonconformities and other observations

6. Audit standards and reference documents used 7. Determination of proper corrective action(s)

8. Duration of audit

A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) 8

Which ISO 9000 family standard provides the fundamentals and vocabulary for quality the fundamentals and
vocabulary for quality management systems? management systems?

a) ISO 19011

b) ISO 9000

c) ISO 9001

d) ISO 9004

Which is the latest ISO 9001 version in the ISO 9000 family?

a) ISO 9001:1994

b) ISO 9001:2000

c) ISO 9001:2008

d) ISO 9001:2015

e) ISO 9001:2018

Which is the only standard in the ISO 9000 family to which organizations can certify?

a) ISO 9000

b) ISO 9001
c) ISO 14000

d) ISO 9004

Which of the following cannot be considered a reason for implementing a quality system that reason for
implementing a quality system that conforms to ISO standards??

a) Improvement in safe working

b) Reduction in customer complaints

c) Increased inspection efforts

d) Decreased inspection efforts

The quality of a product is to be measured on the dimension of (I) Reliability, (II) Durability, (III) Location of
facility, (IV) Serviceability, (V) Conformance to specification.

A. I, IV, V

B. I, III, IV, V

C. I, II, IV, V

D. I, II, III, IV, V

The quality of a service is to be measured on the dimension of (I) Reliability, (II) Assurance, (III) Aesthetics,
(IV) Tangibles.


B. I, II, IV


D. I, III, IV,

A product performing continuously over a

period of time refers to which of the following dimensions of quality

A. Safety

B. Conformance

C. Durability

D. Reliability
Which of these is NOT a ‘variable’ in context of Control Charts:

(a) Length

(b) Width

(c) Internal Diameter

(d) Smell

The purpose of control chart is to detect

A.Random Variation

B.Non – Random Variation

C.Both, Random and Non – Random Variation

D.Neither Random nor Non – Random Variation

If we want to monitor the defects in a saree, which of the following charts will be most appropriate:

(a) Mean Chart

(b) Range Chart

(c) p-Chart

(d) c-Chart

The book “Bible of Quality” Written by

A.Joseph Moses Juran

B.W. Edward Deming

C.Walter Andrew Shewhart

D.Philip Corsby

The number of defects per unit can be monitored with the help of




D.X-bar chart
The concept of Total Quality Management emphasizes on all except

A. Leadership

B. Perceived quality

C. Employee empowerment

D. Customer focus

The concept of Total Quality Management emphasizes on all except

A. Leadership

B.Perceived quality

C. Employee empowerment

D. Customer focus

If n = 8, R bar = 0.016, X bar = 3, A2 is .37 at 8 no. of observations then upper control limit is

A. 3.006

B. 2.994

C. 3.100

If n = 8, R bar = 0.016, X bar = 3, A2 is .37 at 8 no. of observations then lower control limit is

A. 3.006

B. 2.994

C. 3.100 D. 2.900

Twenty-five samples of n =10 have been taken from a milling process. The average sample range was .04
centimetre. Determine upper control limits for the sample. Where D3 = .22 for n = 10 and D4 = 1.78 for n = 10

A. 0.04

B. 0.07

C. 0.22

D. 1.78

Which of these is NOT a part of Juran Triology:

(a) Quality Planning

(b) Quality Improvement

(c) Quality Control

(d) PDSA

The probability of selecting an item in probability sampling, from the population is

(a) Equal to one

(b) Equal to zero

(c) Non zero

(d) None of above

Possibility of accepting a bad lot is called as

A. Consumer Risk

B. Producer Risk

C. Acceptable Quality Level

D. Lot Tolerance Percent Defective

Express Freight Company is continually been blamed

by customer for poor quality services. To obtain the objective of quality assurance which of the following
strategy can be adopted by the company?

Acceptance sampling strategy

Statistical process control strategy

Complaint handling strategy

Conditional service guarantee strategy

In Operating Characteristic (OC) curve, with the increase in the sample size the probability of acceptance

A. Increases

B. Decreases

C. Remain Constant

D. Can’t be determined.

In Operating Characteristic (OC) curve, With the increase in the AQL(Acceptable Quality Level) the probability
of acceptance

A. Increases

B. Decreases

C. Remain Constant
D. Can’t be determined.

Who is known as father of Statistical Quality Control?

Joseph Moses Juran

W. Edward Deming

Walter Andrew Shewhart

Kaoru Ishikawa

The cost associated with NOT producing quality products or services is called

a) Cost of Quality

b) Cost of Poor Quality Product

c) Cost of Mistake

d) Cost of Poor-Quality Service

Fish bone diagram is also known as?

a. Cause and effect chart

b. Ishikawa diagram

c. Both a. and b.

d. None of the above

Which of the following does not belong to Prevention Costs?

a) Design support activities

b) Product design qualification test

c) Service design qualification

d) Downgraded end-product or service

Which of the following does not belong to External Failure Costs?

a) Complaint investigations

b) Warranty claims

c) Liability costs

d) Supplier quality planning

Training program to educate workers to improve Quality would be an example of:

(a) Prevention Cost

(b) Appraisal Cost

(c) Failure Cost

(d) All of the above

A team wants to illustrate which defect types are occurring most frequently. The quality tool they would use:

A. Ishikawa Diagram

B. Flow Chart

C. Histogram

D. 5W2H

Two variables, x and y, are related. Variable x increases or decreases with y. Which of the following tools could
best be used to graphically show this relationship?

A. Flow Chart

B. Histogram

C. 5W2H

D. Scatter Plot

__ is central point to the philosophy of continuous improvement:

A. Management involvement

B.Employee involvement

C. Organization’s operations

D. Environmental analysis

Which of these is NOT a method for generating Quality Improvement ideas:

(a) Quality Circles

(b) Brainstorming

(c) 5W2H

(d) Acceptance Sampling

Types of FMEA are





A particular product has been given the following rankings for calculating RPN while preparing FMEA chart,
S=5, O=2, D=2 (S= Severity, O= probability of occurrence, and D= detection). What is the value of RPN (Risk
Priority Number)?

a) 20

b) 10

c) 40

d) 2

According to common industry scale, what does severity ranking (S) 1 indicate in FMEA framework?

a) Very serious effect

b) No effect

c) Sometimes serious effect

d) The value doesn’t exist

Performance’ and ‘aesthetics’ in the House of Quality fall under the category of _

a) Technical descriptors

b) Customer requirements

c) Relationship matrix

d) Competitor Analysis

The task of choosing between steel, aluminum, and titanium for a product in a House of Quality falls under the
purview of
a) Technical descriptors

b) Customer requirements

c) Relationship matrix

d) Benchmarking

Which of these is not a ‘Taguchi’ contribution:

(a) Quality Loss Functions

(b) Orthogonal Arrays

(c) Signal-to-Noise Ratio

(d) Fishbone Diagram

The quality loss function is given by L(x) = k(x-N)2. What does ‘k’ stand for?

a) Tolerance

b) Quality loss coefficient

c) Nominal value of given product

d) Quality characteristic of selected product

State which of the two statements is correct

Traditional approach of quality control focuses on specification limits and Taguchi’s approach focuses on target

Taguchi defines Quality as “the loss imparted by the product to society from the time the product is shipped”.

Both (I) and (II) are correct

Only I

Only II

Both (I) and (II) are incorrect

State which of the two statements is correct

The objective of the Design of Experiment approach is to determine the value of design parameters that makes
the variation resistant system performance.

Taguchi suggest that instead of identifying the factors causing Noise and reducing them, it is better to build the
design robust such that the noise cannot affect the system.
Both (I) and (II) are correct

Only I

Only II

Both (I) and (II) are incorrect

State which of the two statements is correct

•Customer Satisfaction is the measure of Quality.

•According to Kano model of customer satisfaction the presence of Basic Features or Must-Be attributes does
not result a significant increase in customer satisfaction.

Both (I) and (II) are correct

Only I

Only II

Both (I) and (II) are incorrect

1-Malcolm Baldrige national quality award is for (MBNQA)

a. Total Quality Management

b. International Standard Organization

c. Total Productive Maintenance

d. Total Quality Control


2-The process mapping is a ______ diagram.

a. Data flow

b. Work flow

c. Circular

d. Audit


3-Control chart is a

a. Process monitoring tool

b. Process control tool

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of the above


4-The objective of ISO-9000 family of Quality management is

a. Customer satisfaction

b. Employee satisfaction

c. Skill enhancement

d. Environmental issues


5-Total Quality Management (TQM) focuses on

a. Employee

b. Customer

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of the above


6-Which of the following is responsible for quality objective?

a. Top level management

b. Middle level management

c. Frontline management

d. All of the above


7-The following is (are) the machine down time.

a. Waste

b. No material

c. Breakdown

d. All of the above


8-TQM & ISO both focuses on

a. Customer

b. Employee
c. Supplier

d. All of the above


9-According to Deming, Quality problems are

a. Due to management

b. Due to method

c. Due to machine

d. Due to material


10-While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered.

a. Material quality

b. Customer need

c. Market demand

d. All of the above


11-Match The Following

A. TQM promotes 1. Small change

B. Kaizen is 2. Continuous improvement

C. Quality circle can solve problem related to 3. Employee participation

D. Quality circle benefit to 4. Employee

The correct order is

a. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4

b. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4

c. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2

d. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4


12-_______ helps organization reduce employee turnover and absenteeism.

a. Job design

b. Training & development

c. Wage revision
d. All of the above


13-CMM stands for

a. Capability maturity model

b. Capability monitoring model

c. Capability measuring model

d. Capability matching model


14-While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered.

a. Customer need

b. Organizational need

c. Supplier need

d. Worker need


15-Which of the following is for Environment management?

a. ISO-9000

b. ISO-14000

c. ISO-26000

d. ISO-31000


1-P-D-C-A stands for

a. Plan-Do-check-Act

b. Plan-Do-correct-Act

c. Proceed-Do-check-Act

d. Proceed-Do-correct-Act


2-What is ISO?

a. Indian organization for standard

b. Internal organization for standard

c. International organization for standard

d. None of the above


3-EMS stands for

a. Environmental management system

b. Employees management system

c. Engineering management system

d. Equipment management system


4-For Cpk (Process capability index) value of 1.33, the PPM is

a. 1

b. 63

c. 2700

d. 45500


5-Match The Following

A. Bureaucratic 1. Satisfy all customer need

B. Leadership from top 2. Working together for excellence

C. Excellence mean 3. Provide consistent vision direction

D. Team work mean 4. Unlimited thinking

The correct order is

a. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4

b. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4

c. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1

d. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2


6-Match the following

A. Dr. Deming believes 1. Common causes

B. Ishikawa development 2. To prevent defect

C. Type of variation is due to 3. Cause & effect diagram

D. Crosby’s objective of quality 4. Histogram

The correct order is

a. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

b. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1

c. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4

d. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2


7-Rectangle represents ________ While plotting flow chart.

a. Step in activity

b. Decision making

c. Direction of flow

d. None of the above


8- Tally chart is

a. Process monitoring tool

b. Data collection tool

c. Process planning tool

d. None of the above


9-Diamond represents ________ while plotting flow chart.

a. Step in activity

b. Decision making

c. Direction of flow

d. None of the above


10-The role of management is to

a. provide Resources

b. define EMS

c. monitor the effectiveness of the system

d. All of the above


11-ISO emphasis on

a. Prevention

b. Inspection

c. Rejection

d. All of the above


12- ISO – 14001 gives stress on

a. Plan – Do -check -Act

b. Environmental protection

c. Prevention rather than detection

d. All of the above


13- Service Assurance is

a. Confidence with customer

b. Customer has trust

c. Employee has knowledge

d. All of the above


14- Following is (are) the phase(s) of intervention

a. Formulation stage

b. Maintenance stage

c. Implementation stage

d. All of the above


15- When cpk is less than one

a. Process is not capable

b. Process is stable

c. Process if highly capable

d. None of the above


1-Match the following

A. Dr. Deming believes 1. Histogram

B. Ishikawa development 2. Common causes

C. Type of variation is due to 3. Cause & effect diagram

D. Crosby’s objective of quality 4. To prevent defect

The correct order is

a. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2

b. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1

c. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1

d. A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1


2-Match the following

A. Dimension 1. To assess customer satisfaction level

B. Service characteristic 2. Vary from time to time

C. Customer satisfaction survey 3. Physical facility

D. Poor service is due to 4. Inadequate resource

The correct order is

a. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4

b. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

c. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1

d. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4


3-Match the following

A. ISO emphasis on 1. ISO – 9000 -2000

B. ISO 2. Qualified personnel

C. Lead assessor 3. International organization for standard

D. ISO currently in use 4. Prevention

The correct order is

a. A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1

b. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2

c. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1

d. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1


4-Match the following

A. Quality approach 1. Productivity quality – cost -Delivery

B. Pillar of TQM 2. Continual improvement management

C. Need for TQM is due 3. Employee

D. TQM focuses on 4. Cut throat competition

The correct order is

a. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

b. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3

c. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4

d. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3


5-Match the following

A. How TQM helps in reducing cost 1. By reducing external sale

B. Calibration activity carried in company is 2. Prevention cost

C. Quality planning is 3. Appraisal cost

D. Vender assessment is 4. Appraisal cost

The correct order is

a. A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3

b. A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2

c. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3

d. A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3


6-Match the following

A. MBQA is eligible for 1. Quality & productivity

B. Malcolm balding award seeks improvement in 2. Manufacturing organization

C. European quality award is for 3. Senior management was activity involved

D. Common elements of winners are 4. Improving efficiency

The correct order is

a. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

b. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3

c. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4

d. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3


7-Match the following

A. Circle symbol 1. Data analysis told

B. Pareto analysis is 2. Average of reading

C. X bar means 3. Binging or end of operation

D. LCT means 4. Lower control limit

The correct order is

a. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

b. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4

c. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4

d. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2


8-Match the following

A. Dimension 1. To assess customer satisfaction

B. Service characteristic 2. Inadequate resource

C. Customer satisfaction survey 3. Vary from time to time

D. Poor service is due to 4. Physical facility

The correct order is

a. A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2

b. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1

c. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2

d. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2


9-Match the following

A. Forecasts 1. Systematic analysis of work

B. Estimate made by management 2. Simplest method of assessment

C. Statistical method 3. Based on measures of productivity

D. Work study method 4. Vary in their degree of sophistication

The correct order is

a. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1

b. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

c. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1

d. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1


10-Match the following

A. Process is managed level 1. Process capability

B. Critical process maturity concept include 2. Performance is model

C. Managed level of process 3. Capability maturity

D. CMM is 4. Process is controlled

The correct order is

a. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3

b. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4

c. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

d. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3


11-Match the following

A. Simulated decision games 1. Unstructured group interaction

B. Coaching 2. Acting out managerial problems

C. Committee assignment 3. Guidance through advice / suggestions

D. Sensitivity training 4. Study of specific organizational problem

The correct order is

a. A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1

b. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4

c. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1

d. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1


12-Match the following

A. The quality manual have 1. Employee

B. Kaizen is 2. Small change

C. Quality circle can solve problem related to 3. Level 3

D. Quality circle benefit to 4. Continuous improvement

The correct order is

a. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1

b. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

c. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1

d. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1


1- Control chart is

i. Process monitoring tool

ii. Process control tool

iii. Process planning tool

The Correct Answer is

a. i only

b. i & ii

c. i, ii & iii

d. None of the above


2-The main business process objective(s) are

i. Customer service

ii. Profit & loss

iii. Employee satisfaction

The Correct Answer is

a. i only

b. i & ii

c. i, ii & iii

d. None of the above


3-Common elements of winners are

i. Senior management was actively involved

ii. Control of overall process

iii. Focus on customer

The Correct Answer is

a. i only

b. i & ii

c. i, ii & iii

d. None of the above


4-TQM focuses on

i. Supplier

ii. Employee

iii. Customer

The Correct Answer is

a. i only

b. ii & iii

c. i, ii & iii

d. None of the above


5-The customer requirement to be reviewed

i. Before supply of product

ii. After supply of product

iii. Before commitment of supply of product

The Correct Answer is

a. i & ii

b. i & iii

c. ii & iii

d. None of the above


6-Current quality concept is

i. Increase in production
ii. Continual improvement

iii. Prevention of defect

The Correct Answer is

a. i & ii

b. i & iii

c. ii & iii

d. None of the above

(Ans: c)

7-Continual improvement is in

i. Environmental objective

ii. Audit Result

iii. Corrective action

The Correct Answer is

a. i & ii

b. i & iii

c. i, ii & iii

d. None of the above


8-Benefit(s) of model based improvement is (are)

i. Establish common language

ii. Models are comprehensive

The Correct Answer is

a. i only

b. ii only

c. i & ii

d. None of the above


9-Employee should be involved in

i. Decision making

ii. Participation

iii. Union
The Correct Answer is

a. i & ii

b. i & iii

c. i, ii & iii

d. None of the above

(Ans: a)

10-In ISO the focus is on

i. Enhancing customer satisfaction

ii. Satisfying customer

iii. Delighting customer

The Correct Answer is

a. i & ii

b. i & iii

c. i, ii & iii

d. None of the above

(Ans: b)

11-While recruiting person he should

i. Competent to perform job

ii. Trained to perform specified job

iii. Able to perform the activity

The Correct Answer is

a. i only

b. i & ii

c. i, ii & iii

d. None of the above


12-Process evaluation is to identify

i. Validation of product

ii. Potential failure prevention

iii. Correctness of product

The Correct Answer is

a. i only

b. i & ii

c. ii & iii

d. None of the above


1-Type of waste are

i. Waiting time

ii. Transport

iii. Processing waste

The correct answer is

a. i only

b. i & ii

c. ii & iii

d. i, ii & iii

(Ans: d)

2-Does TQM approach have relevance to Indian industry in context to

i. Customer satisfaction

ii. People involvement

iii. Policy management

The correct answer is

a. i only

b. i & ii

c. ii & iii

d. i, ii & iii

(Ans: b)

3-By applying basic principle the process improvement will be in organization’s

i. Focus on work process

ii. Maintain self esteem of other

iii. Tone initiative

The correct answer is

a. i only
b. i & ii

c. ii & iii

d. i, ii & iii

(Ans: b)

4-Reliability of product means

i. Consistency of performance

ii. Performance over period

iii. Free of technical errors

The correct answer is

a. i & iii

b. i & ii

c. ii & iii

d. i, ii & iii

(Ans: d)

5- While setting Goal, following things to be consider.

i. Customer need

ii. Marketability of product

iii. Organization need

The correct answer is

a. i only

b. i & ii

c. ii & iii

d. i, ii & iii

(Ans: c)

6-PP & PPK is calculated for

i. Initial production run

ii. Future production

iii. Initial process setting

The correct answer is

a. i & ii

b. ii & iii
c. i & iii

d. i, ii & iii

(Ans: c)

7-The competence of the employee means

i. Competence of personnel performing work effective quality

ii. Evaluate the effectiveness of action taken

iii. Maintain appropriate Record

The correct answer is

a. i only

b. i & ii

c. ii & iii

d. i, ii & iii

(Ans: d)

8-Special characteristic means

i. Product characteristic which affect fit/ function / Regulation

ii. Characteristic of product which are regulatory requirement

iii. Characteristic in Specification

The correct answer is

a. i only

b. i & ii

c. ii & iii

d. i, ii & iii

(Ans: b)

9-Cause & Effect diagram used to

i. Identify & organize possible causes of problem

ii. Identify possible causes of solution

iii. Identify possible causes of problem & determining its relation

The correct answer is

a. i only

b. i & iii

c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii


10-The role of management is

i. To provide Resources

ii. To define EMS

iii. To monitor the effectiveness of the system

The correct answer is

a. i only

b. i & ii

c. ii & iii

d. i, ii & iii

(Ans: d)

11-Common features of CMM is how to produce software product which are

i. Consistence

ii. Repeatable

iii. Predictable

The correct answer is

a. i only

b. ii only

c. ii & iii

d. i, ii & iii

(Ans: d)

12-HRD at organizational level talks of

i. Organization’s manpower planning

ii. Training

iii. Performance appraisal

The correct answer is

a. i only

b. I & ii

c. ii & iii

d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)
______________ is not a process tools for TQM systems

A. process flow analysis

B. histograms
C. plier
D. control charts

Processes that operate with "six sigma quality" over the short term are assumed to
produce long-term defect levels below ______________ defects per million opportunities

A. 2
B. 2.4
C. 3
D. 3.4

Inspection, scrap, and repair are examples of ______________

A. internal costs
B. external costs
C. costs of dissatisfaction
D. societal costs

______________ are used in six sigma

A. black belt
B. green belt
C. both black belt and green belt
D. none of the Above

Customers are primarily concerned with ______________

A. Communication, courtesy, and credibility of the sales person

B. Competence, courtesy, and security of the sales person
C. Competence, responsiveness, and reliability of the sales person
D. Communication, responsiveness, and cleverness of the sales person

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Communication, courtesy, and credibility of the sales person

Assured quality is necessary for building customer confidence.

A. correct
B. correct to some extent
C. correct to great extent
D. incorrect

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

7. ______________ is about supplying customers with what they want when they want it.


View answer
Correct answer: (D)

8. ______________ are the areas that will be covered by the organization's processes

A. process areas
B. product Areas
C. private areas
D. preset areas

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Correct answer: (A)
process areas

9. All of the following costs are likely to decrease as a result of better quality except

A. customer dissatisfaction costs

B. inspection costs
C. maintenance costs
D. warranty and service costs

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Correct answer: (C)
maintenance costs

10. "Quality is defined by the customer" is

A. An unrealistic definition of quality

B. A user-based definition of quality
C. A manufacturing-based definition of quality
D. A product-based definition of quality

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Correct answer: (B)
A user-based definition of quality

11. TQM stands for ______________

A. Total Quality Management

B. Total Quantity Management
C. Total Qualitative Management
D. To question management

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Total Quality Management

12. After E.deming, who is considered to have the greatest impact in quality

A. Kauro Ishikawa
B. Joseph M. Juran
C. W.E. Deming
D. Genichi Tagucchi

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Correct answer: (B)
Joseph M. Juran

13. Deming's 4 step cycle for improvement is______________

A. plan, do, check, act

B. schedule, do, act, check
C. do, act, check, monitor
D. plan, control, act, sustain

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
plan, do, check, act

14. In Six Sigma, a ______________ is defined as any process output that does not meet
customer specifications

A. error
B. cost
C. quality
D. defect

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Correct answer: (D)

15. Plan-do-study-act cycle is a procedure to ______________

A. Overall improvement
B. Continuous improvement
C. Permanent improvement
D. Immediate improvement

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Correct answer: (B)
Continuous improvement

16. Quality practices must be carried out ______________

A. at the start of the project

B. throuout the life of the project
C. at the end of the project
D. no neeed to carry out quality practices

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Correct answer: (B)
throuout the life of the project

17. –––––––– are the charts that identify potential causes for particular quality

A. Control Chart
B. Flow chart
C. Cause and Effect Diagram
D. Pareto chart

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Correct answer: (C)
Cause and Effect Diagram

18. Quality circles work best if employees are initially trained in ______________

A. Group dynamics
B. Motivation principles
C. Communications
D. All of the three. (Not sure)

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Correct answer: (D)
All of the three. (Not sure)

19. Quality Trilogy includes

A. Quality planning
B. quality improvement
C. quality control
D. All the three

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Correct answer: (D)
All the three

20. production issues should be addressed early

A. correct (not sure)

B. correct to some extent
C. correct to great extent
D. incorrect

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Correct answer: (A)
correct (not sure)

inspection is part of the ______________

A. quality control (not sure)

B. Quality Planning
C. Quality improvement
D. Quality circle

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
quality control (not sure)

22. QFD stands for ______________

A. Quantity for deployment

B. Quality for deployment
C. Quality function deployment
D. Quality for decision

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
Quality function deployment

23. reliability is the degree to which a unit of equipment performs its intended function
under ______________ for ______________ of time.

A. specified conditions; specified period

B. any condition; specified period
C. specified conditions; all periods
D. any condition; any period

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Correct answer: (A)
specified conditions; specified period

24. Kaizen is a ______________ process, the purpose of which goes beyond simple
productivity improvement.

A. weekly
B. daily
C. monthly
D. annual

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

25. elements of quality management system are ______________

A. organizational structure
B. responsibilities
C. procedures
D. all the three (not sure)

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Correct answer: (D)
all the three (not sure)

26. At the time of making a purchase agreement with a vendor, what is important to
mention about inspection?
A. the characteristics of the product that are to be inspected
B. the tolerances that would be allowed
C. the reputation of the vendor
D. a & b both (not sure)

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Correct answer: (D)
a & b both (not sure)

27. "Poka-yoke" is the Japanese term for ______________

A. Card
B. Fool proof
C. Continuous improvement
D. Fishbone diagram

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Correct answer: (B)
Fool proof

28. Based on his 14 Points, Deming is a strong proponent of ______________

A. inspection at the end of the production process

B. an increase in numerical quotas to boost productivity
C. looking for the cheapest supplier
D. training and knowledge

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Correct answer: (D)
training and knowledge

29. A fishbone diagram is also known as a .______________

A. cause-and-effect diagram
B. poka-yoke diagram
C. Kaizen diagram
D. Taguchi diagram

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
cause-and-effect diagram

30. According to Deming most of the problems are related to systems and it is the
responsibility of the management to improve the systems
A. correct
B. correct to some extent
C. correct to great extent
D. Taguchi

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

A maturity model can be used as a benchmark for comparison and as an aid to


C. depends
D. can't say

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

32. fourteen points framework for quality and productivity improvement was
suggested by ______________

A. Crosby
B. Ishikawa
C. Deming
D. Juran

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

33. Juran's Quality trilogy emphasizes the roles of quality planning, quality control and

A. Quality Definition
B. Quality enhancement
C. Quality improvement
D. quality maintenance

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Correct answer: (C)
Quality improvement
34. Quality Circles members are ______________

A. Paid according to their contribution to quality

B. External consultants designed to provide training in the use of Quality tools
C. Always machine operators
D. None of the three.

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Correct answer: (D)
None of the three.

35. Identify the cost not likely to reduce as a result of better quality.

A. Maintenance costs
B. Inspection costs
C. Scrap costs
D. Warranty and service costs

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Correct answer: (A)
Maintenance costs

36. Costs of dissatisfaction, repair costs, and warranty costs are elements of cost in the

A. Taguchi Loss Function

B. Pareto Chart
C. ISO 9000 Quality Cost Calculator
D. Process Chart

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Correct answer: (A)
Taguchi Loss Function

37. Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning ______________

A. continuous improvement
B. Just-in-time (JIT)
C. a fishbone diagram
D. setting standards

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Correct answer: (A)
continuous improvement
38. Quality management includes forming and directing a team of people to achieve
a qualitative goal within an effective cost and time frame that results in ______________

A. a project completed in shortest possible time.

B. a product or service that conforms to the required specifications.
C. an award-winning product that brings public recognition to the project
D. an innovative project that establishes qualification of the project team

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Correct answer: (B)
a product or service that conforms to the required specifications.

39. establishing measurements based on customer needs for optimizing product

design is known as ______________

A. Quality planning
B. quality improvement
C. quality control
D. Quality planning (Actual answer is Quality planning roadmap)

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Correct answer: (D)
Quality planning (Actual answer is Quality planning roadmap)

40. DMAIC is ______________

A. develop, multiply, analyze, improve, check

B. define, muliply, analyze, improve, control
C. define, measure, analyze, improve, control
D. define, manufacture, analyze, improve, control

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
define, measure, analyze, improve, control

Quality fulfills a need or expectation that is:

A. Explicitly stated
B. Implied
C. Legally required
D. All of the above

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Correct answer: (D)
All of the above
42. The taste of burgers across all McDonald outlets should be same. This is an
example of ______________.

A. Sensory critical to quality Characteristic

B. Physical critical to Quality Characteristic
C. Time Orientation critical to Quality Characteristic
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (A)
Sensory critical to quality Characteristic

43. Check Sheet is used during ______________ stage of DMAIC.

A. Define
B. Measure
C. Analyze
D. Improve

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

44. ______________ is the set of activities that ensures the quality levels of products and
services are properly maintained and that supplier and customer quality issues are
properly resolved.

A. Quality Assurance
B. Quality Planning
C. Quality Control
D. Quality Management

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Correct answer: (A)
Quality Assurance

45. Presence of ______________ after every stage of DMAIC allows for review of project
and incorporation of suggestions.

A. Review gate
B. Toll gate
C. Decision gate
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (B)
Toll gate

46. The Toyota Production System is based on two pillars namely ______________ and

A. Kaizen, Six Sigma

B. Lean, Six Sigma
C. Just in Time, Jidoka
D. Just in Time, Kaizen

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Correct answer: (C)
Just in Time, Jidoka

47. Which of the following is not a target of Total Quality Management:

A. Customer Satisfaction
B. Reducing manpower
C. Continuous Cost Reduction
D. Continuous Operational Improvement

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Correct answer: (B)
Reducing manpower

48. Let there be a data set {200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208}. This data set can be
represented using stem and leaf where the ______________ is 20 and the ______________ is

A. Stem, Leaf
B. Leaf, Stem
C. Tree, Stem
D. Tree, Leaf

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Stem, Leaf

49. A ______________ diagram shows the location of defects in any unit. This diagram is
used in the analyse step of DMAIC.

A. Affinity
B. Relations
C. Defect Concentration
D. Scatter

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Correct answer: (C)
Defect Concentration

50. The ______________ is used to identify what might go wrong in a plan under

A. Pareto Chart
C. Arrow Diagram
D. Matrix Diagram

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

51. The defect concentration diagram can be used in the ______________ stage of the

A. Define
B. Measure
C. Analyze
D. Improve

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

52. The taste of the burger can be categorized as good or bad This is an example of
which type of data:

A. Variable
B. Attribute
C. Cannot be determined
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (A)

53. For a given sample size (n) and number of defects acceptable ©, the Average Total
Inspection (of units) should ______________ with increase in N (lot size).
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remain Constant
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (A)

54. The pattern of continuous movement in one direction in a control chart is termed

A. Mixture
B. Cyclic Pattern
C. Trend
D. Stratification

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Correct answer: (C)

55. Juran's quality management philosophy is based on three pillars namely planning,
control and ______________.

A. Implementation
B. Improvement
C. Monitor
D. Design

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Correct answer: (B)

56. For a point in the control chart to be out of control, it must lie

A. Above UCL or Below LCL

B. Between Central Line and LCL
C. Between Central Line and UCL
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (A)
Above UCL or Below LCL

57. X bar should never be interpreted when:

A. R chart shows out of control points
B. X bar chart shows out of control points
C. The process mean is not known
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (A)
R chart shows out of control points

58. The average run length can be defined as:

A. The beta risk for an x bar chart

B. The expected number of samples taken before any shift in process quality is
C. The number of samples used in the construction of x bar chart
D. The number of items per sample

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Correct answer: (B)
The expected number of samples taken before any shift in process quality is detected

59. Consider the first method of p bar estimation where each sample is of varying size.
If the 3rd sample has p bar =.01, and the sample size of the 3 rd sample is 10, what will
be the upper control limit for the 3rd sample?

A. .5
B. .6
C. .1 ( (p bar + 3∗ √p bar∗(1-p bar)/n) is a measure of the upper control limit)
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (C)

.1 ( (p bar + 3∗ √p bar∗(1-p bar)/n) is a measure of the upper control limit)

60. A major assumption for p chart is that all units produced are ______________.

A. Independent
B. Dependent
C. None of the above
D. Cannot be determined

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Correct answer: (A)

61. Apart from Poisson distribution, another distribution that can be applied to events
data is:

A. Normal Distribution
B. Geometric Distribution
C. Lognormal Distribution
D. Continuous Distribution

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Correct answer: (B)
Geometric Distribution

62. Which of the following is not true regarding when to select a p, c or u chart:

A. The process is a complex assembly operation and product quality is measured

in terms of the occurrence of nonconformities, successful or unsuccessful
product function, and so forth.
B. Process control is necessary, but measurement data cannot be obtained.
C. A historical summary of process performance is necessary.
D. Destructive testing (or such other expensive testing procedures) is required.

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Correct answer: (D)
Destructive testing (or such other expensive testing procedures) is required.

63. The dimension of reliability is concerned with:

A. How easy it is to repair the product

B. How long does the product last
C. Will the product do the intended job
D. How often does the product fail

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Correct answer: (D)
How often does the product fail

64. From a consumer perspective quality is determined by ______________ while from a

producers perspective quality is determined by ______________.

A. Variability, Cost
B. Cost, Price
C. Price, Cost
D. Cost, Variability

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Correct answer: (C)
Price, Cost

65. The probability distribution function corresponding to tossing of a coin will be a:

A. Probability Density function

B. Probability Mass function
C. Probability Measurement function
D. Probability Cumulative Function

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Correct answer: (B)
Probability Mass function

66. While the first generation of Six sigma focused on ______________, the third
generation of six sigma focused on ______________.

A. Variability reduction, creating value

B. Variability reduction, improved business performance
C. Creating value, Improved business performance
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Variability reduction, creating value

67. The standard normal distribution has mean= ______________ and standard
deviation= ______________.

A. 1,0
B. 0,1
C. 0,0
D. 1,1

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

68. A ______________ chart can be used to identify the most frequently occurring defect.

A. Pareto
B. Ishikawa
C. Histogram
D. Scatter

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

69. The main aim of QFD is to

A. Listen to the voice of customer

B. Lower cost
C. Reduce errors
D. Reduce supplier defect

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Correct answer: (A)
Listen to the voice of customer

70. Average Total Inspection is defined as:

A. Average of rejected lots and accepted lots

B. Average number of units inspected per lot
C. Average of rejected Lots
D. Average of accepted Lots

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Correct answer: (B)
Average number of units inspected per lot

71. R charts are used for controlling ______________ of a process.

A. Central Tendency
B. Dispersion
C. None of the above
D. Both a and b

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

72. If the Average outgoing Quality is plotted against the Incoming Fraction Defective,
the Average Outgoing Quality Limit is the ______________ point.

A. Highest
B. Lowest
C. Middle
D. Cannot be determined

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

73. For the above table, what is the value corresponding to the central line for the x
bar chart?

A. 10.08
B. 10.05
C. 9.89
D. 9.78

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

74. The x bar chart monitors:

A. Between sample variability

B. Within sample variability
C. Instantaneous variability
D. Natural variability

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Between sample variability

75. In case someone is interested in process standard deviation, he should construct

the ______________ chart.

A. X bar
B. R chart
C. S chart
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (C)
S chart

76. If data for MR chat shows non-normality, it is better to determine the control limits
for the individuals control chart based on the ______________ of the correct underlying
A. Percentage
B. Percentiles
C. Rank
D. Mean

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Correct answer: (B)

77. A sample of size 10 contains 50 non-conformities. The average number of non-

conformities is:

A. 7
B. 4
C. 5 (50/10 i.e. total non-conformities/sample size)
D. 1

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Correct answer: (C)
5 (50/10 i.e. total non-conformities/sample size)

78. When the number of defects is low, which of the following is true:

A. We should use c or u chart

B. Most samples will have non-zero defects
C. Create a time between occurrence control chart
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (C)
Create a time between occurrence control chart

79. Bias reflects the:

A. The differences in observed accuracy and/or precision experienced over the

range of measurements made by the system.
B. The difference between observed measurements and a "true" value obtained
from a master or gold standard
C. Different levels of variability in different operating regimes, resulting from
warm-up effects, environmental factors, inconsistent operator performance
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (B)
The difference between observed measurements and a "true" value obtained from a
master or gold standard

80. If variability of a product decreases, its quality ______________

A. remains unchanged
B. decreases
C. increases
D. may increase or decrease

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Correct answer: (C)

81. The focal point of all quality control should be:

A. Price focus
B. Cost Focus
C. Customer Focus
D. Manufacturing Focus

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Correct answer: (C)
Customer Focus

82. The key process input variables (KPIV) and key process output variables are
developed during the ______________ phase.

A. Define
B. Analyze
C. Measure
D. Improve

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Correct answer: (C)

83. An unbiased dice is rolled once. The probability of getting a number greater than
4 is:

A. ¼
B. 1/6
C. ½
D. 1/3
View answer
Correct answer: (D)

84. Which of the following statement is false:

A. Important step of strategic quality management is identification of those

dimensions in which the organization will compete
B. Selection of suppliers should be based on quality, schedule, and cost, rather
than on cost alone
C. All of the individuals in the organization must have an understanding of the
basic tools of quality improvement
D. Manufacturing Unit should be the unit focusing on Quality Improvement
among all units in an organization

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Correct answer: (D)
Manufacturing Unit should be the unit focusing on Quality Improvement among all
units in an organization

85. Cause and Effect Diagram can be used in the ______________ and ______________ step

A. Define, Measure
B. Analyze, Control
C. Analyze, Improve
D. Define, Improve

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Correct answer: (C)
Analyze, Improve

86. Which of the following is false regarding when acceptance sampling is useful:

A. When testing is destructive

B. When 100% inspection cost is very low
C. When there are potentially serious product liability risk
D. When 100% inspection is not technically feasible

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Correct answer: (B)
When 100% inspection cost is very low

87. Let p0 be the incoming fraction defective and p1 be the outgoing fraction defective
(Assume both p1 and p0 is greater than 0). If rectifying inspection is performed then:
A. P0<p1
B. P1<p0
C. None of the above
D. Cannot be determined

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Correct answer: (B)

88. A company wants to measure the length of a fan as a part of its quality control
exercise. The type of data collected will be:

A. Variable
B. Attribute
C. Cannot be determined
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (B)

89. If only ______________ causes of variation are present, the output of a process forms
a distribution that is table over time and is predictable.

A. Assignable
B. Non-Random
C. Natural
D. Cannot be said

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Correct answer: (C)

90. For an x bar chart, β risk can be defined as:

A. The probability of detecting the shift in process mean from μo (in control value)
to μ1
B. The probability of not detecting the shift in process mean from μ 0 (in control
value) to μ1
C. The probability of detecting the shift in process range from μ0 (in control value)
to μ1
D. The probability of not detecting the shift in process range from μ 0 (in control
value) to μ1

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Correct answer: (B)

The probability of not detecting the shift in process mean from μ0 (in control value) to

Consider that for a process s bar (average standard deviation of 50 samples each of
size 4) is found to be 10.04. The value of c4 (corresponding to sample size of .4) is .92.
What is the estimated value of process standard deviation?

A. 10.91 (s bar/ c4 is an unbiased estimator of standard deviation)

B. 11.89
C. 12.67
D. 9.67

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Correct answer: (A)
10.91 (s bar/ c4 is an unbiased estimator of standard deviation)

92. The basic assumption of calculating the control limits based on average sample
size (for a p chart) will ______________ from/as those previously observed.

A. Greatly differ
B. Will be exactly the same
C. Not greatly differ
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (C)
Not greatly differ

93. The g chart is the control chart for:

A. Average number of events

B. Total number of events
C. Mean number of events
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (B)
Total number of events

94. Attribute charts may be used when:

A. Several characteristics can be jointly measured

B. When one particular quality characteristic is of importance
C. Specific information like process mean is required
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (A)
Several characteristics can be jointly measured

95. The thickness of the blade of a fan is specified to lie between 4 cm and 6 cm. The
length of the blades must lie between 10 cm and 20 cm. A fan blade randomly selected
from a sample of 100 blades has a thickness of 5cm and a length of 21cm. The number
of defect(s) the blade has is ______________.

A. One
B. Two
C. There is no defect
D. Three

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Correct answer: (A)

96. The probability of getting a multiple of 2 on throwing a dice once is:

A. 1/6
B. ¼
C. ½
D. 1/3

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Correct answer: (A)

97. Inspection of incoming/outgoing items is an example of ______________.

A. Prevention Cost
B. Appraisal Cost
C. Internal Failure Cost
D. External Failure Cost

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Correct answer: (B)
Appraisal Cost

98. Four basic characteristics of an optimal process are:

A. Economy, efficiency, control, quality
B. Quality, Improvement, efficiency, productivity
C. Economy, efficiency, productivity, cost
D. Economy, efficiency, productivity, quality

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Correct answer: (D)
Economy, efficiency, productivity, quality

99. ______________ diagram is used for identifying potential relationship between two

A. Pareto
B. Ishikawa
C. Histogram
D. Scatter

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Correct answer: (D)

100. Lots for acceptance sampling should be ______________ and ______________.

A. Homogeneous, Large
B. Heterogeneous, Small
C. Homogeneous, Small
D. Heterogeneous, Large

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Correct answer: (A)
Homogeneous, Large

101. The roof of house of quality shows the interrelationship between:

A. Functional Requirements
B. Design Attributes
C. Service Process
D. Manufacturing Process

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Correct answer: (B)
Design Attributes

102. X bar charts are uses to control the ______________ of a process.

A. Dispersion
B. Central tendency
C. None of the above
D. Both a and b

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Correct answer: (B)
Central tendency

103. Given that for the three samples, the value of R bar is .66 and value of d2
corresponding to three is1.128, what is the estimated standard deviation?

A. .43
B. .67
C. .58
D. .75

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Correct answer: (C)

104. In phase 1 of control chart usage, if a point is outside the control limits and some
assignable cause is found for the point, then we should:

A. Discard the point but do not recalculate control limits

B. Discard the point and recalculate the control limit
C. Do not discard the point
D. Cannot be determined

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Correct answer: (B)
Discard the point and recalculate the control limit

105. Given L=3 and p=.03, estimate the sample size that can be used for construction
of a p chart.

A. 534
B. 321
C. 123
D. 291 ((1-p)∗L2/p gives us an estimate of sample size)

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Correct answer: (D)
291 ((1-p)∗L2/p gives us an estimate of sample size)

106. The chart used for tracking number non-conforming is:

A. P
B. Np
C. X bar
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (B)

107. For a c chart, the OC curve plots the ______________ against ______________.

A. Probability of Type 2 error, true mean number of defects

B. Probability of Type 1 error, true mean number of defects
C. Probability of Type 1 error, true total number of defects
D. Probability of Type 2 error, true total number of defects

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Correct answer: (A)
Probability of Type 2 error, true mean number of defects

108. Identification of customers and listening to the Voice of Customer (VoC) are a
part of:

A. Quality Assurance
B. Quality Planning
C. Quality Control and Improvement
D. Quality Execution

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Correct answer: (B)
Quality Planning

109. Ease of repair is associated with ______________ dimension of quality.

A. Serviceability
B. Performance
C. Durability
D. Perceived Quality

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Correct answer: (A)

110. SIPOC diagram, used for understanding the flow in a process is used in
______________ stage of DMAIC.

A. Define
B. Measure
C. Analyze
D. Improve

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Correct answer: (A)

111. Two major components of fitness of use are Quality of Design and ______________.

A. Quality of Conformance
B. Quality of Service
C. Quality of Specification
D. Quality of Manufacturing

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Correct answer: (A)
Quality of Conformance

112. For new product development, the chosen methodology should be

C. Structured Design Methodology

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Correct answer: (A)

113. In DMAIC, redesigning of process to either remove bottlenecks or to reduce

waste takes place in the ______________ stage.

A. Define
B. Measure
C. Improve
D. Control
View answer
Correct answer: (C)

114. The critical path method determines the ______________ path from the beginning
to the end of the project.

A. Shortest
B. Quickest
C. Longest
D. Middle

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Correct answer: (C)

115. The Operating characteristic curve shows the relationship between the
probability of acceptance (on y axis) and ______________ (on x axis).

A. Proportion defective
B. Proportion acceptable
C. Number of lots
D. Size of lot

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Correct answer: (A)
Proportion defective

116. In a double sampling plan, let d1 be the number of defects in the first sample and
d2 be the number of defects in the second sample. Let c2 be the acceptance number
for both samples. The condition for rejection is:

A. D1+d2<c2
B. D1+d2>c2
C. D1∗d2>c2
D. D1∗d2<c2

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Correct answer: (B)

117. While random variability in a system can be removed by ______________, non-

random variability requires ______________.

A. Operator or management action, Improvement in the system

B. Improvement in the system, operator or management action
C. Statistical Quality Control, Quality Checks
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (B)
Improvement in the system, operator or management action

118. The concept of rational sub group means that subgroups or samples be selected
such that if assignable causes are present the chances for differences between
subgroups will be ______________.

A. minimized
B. maximized
C. neutralized
D. optimized

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Correct answer: (B)

119. Q-Q plot is used to check:/p>

A. Normality of the dataset

B. Number of defects
C. Process mean
D. Process standard deviation

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Correct answer: (A)
Normality of the dataset

120. The OC curve provides a measure of the ______________ of the control chart.

A. Sensitivity
B. Duality

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Correct answer: (A)

121. Which of the following is not a type of attribute chart?

A. P chart
B. C chart
C. U char
D. X bar chart

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Correct answer: (D)
X bar chart

122. The thickness of aluminum sheet is specified to be of 6±2 mm. The Upper
Specification Limit and Lower Specification Limit for the sheet are:

A. 4mm, 8mm
B. 8mm, 4mm
C. 6mm, 8mm
D. 4mm, 6mm

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Correct answer: (B)
8mm, 4mm

123. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, which prioritizes different sources of error, is
used in ______________ stage.

A. Define
B. Measure
C. Improve
D. Analyze

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Correct answer: (D)

124. In a six sigma improvement project the least experienced individuals are:

A. Green Belt
B. Black belts
C. Red Belts
D. Master Black Belts

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Correct answer: (A)
Green Belt

125. The ______________ diagram starts with one item which then branches of into two
or more items. This diagram is used to breakdown broad categories into finer levels of
A. Affinity
B. Tree
C. Relations
D. Matrix

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Correct answer: (B)

126. Lot tolerance percent defective (LTPD) is a level of lot quality specified by the

A. Consumer
B. Producer
C. Supplier
D. Sampling Plan

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Correct answer: (A)

127. Machine wear and tear is ______________ source of variation.

A. Random
B. Natural
C. Assignable
D. Cannot be determined

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Correct answer: (C)

128. Pattern in control charts which show the tendency to cluster around central line
is termed as:

A. Stratification
B. Mixture
C. Cyclic pattern
D. Shift in process level

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Correct answer: (A)
129. When output product of several sources is fed into a common stream, the pattern
of the control chart expected is:

A. Stratification
B. Trend
C. Mixture
D. Cyclic Pattern

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Correct answer: (C)

130. A fan blade is specified by length and thickness. While sampling, it was found
that for one particular blade, the length was non-conforming while the thickness was
as per specifications. Should the blade be considered non-conforming for construction
of a p chart?

A. Yes
B. No

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Correct answer: (A)

Consider that for a particular process, the p has shifted to .4 and the process has gone
out of control. The corresponding value of beta is found to be .3356. The value of
Average Run Length is:

A. 2.5
B. 1.5 ((1/1-beta) provides us with average run length)
C. 1.0
D. 2.7

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Correct answer: (B)
1.5 ((1/1-beta) provides us with average run length)

132. Consider for a process in control, the value of alpha is .0015. What is the value of
the average run length?

A. 666 ( 1/alpha gives us an estimate of average run length)

B. 555
C. 444
D. None of the above
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Correct answer: (A)
666 ( 1/alpha gives us an estimate of average run length)

133. Identify the charts which might give an indication of process going out of control
(before the process has actually changed)

A. X bar and c
B. P and c
C. R and u
D. X bar and R

View answer

134. The four phases of the Shewart cycle are:

A. Plan, Do, Scan, Implement

B. Plan , Act , Do, Control
C. Plan, Do, Act, Check
D. Implement, Design, Control, Plan

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135. For a process which is six sigma complaint, the percentage of products within
specifications is:

A. 95.20%
B. 99.73%
C. 99.10%
D. 96.78%

View answer

136. Mistake proofing of process is done in the ______________ stage of DMAIC.

A. Define
B. Measure
C. Improve
D. Control

View answer

137. In ______________ step of Quality Function Deployment, product or service

requirements are collected and analysed through techniques like market research.

A. Identify Customer Attributes

B. Identify Design Attributes / Requirements
C. Conduct an Evaluation of Competing Products.
D. Evaluate Design Attributes and Develop Targets

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138. For a double sampling plan the probability of acceptance on the combined
samples is calculated as:

A. Maximum of probability of acceptance of first and second sample

B. Product of probability of acceptance of first and second sample
C. Average of probability of acceptance of first and second sample
D. Sum of probability of acceptance of first and second sample

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139. ______________ can be defined as small subset of a lot.

A. Defect
B. Fraction Acceptable
C. Sample
D. Acceptance Number

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Correct answer: (C)

140. If the value of D4 = 2.547, D3=0, then what is the UCL and LCL for the R chart?

A. UCL=1.5, LCL=.4
B. UCL= 1.2, LCL=.2
C. UCL=1.5, LCL=0
D. UCL=1.6, LCL=0

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Correct answer: (D)
UCL=1.6, LCL=0

141. Process capability ratio is expressed as:

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Correct answer: (B)

142. Which of the following is the correct combination of specifications while

designing a control chart:

A. Sample size, Frequency of sampling, specification limit

B. Sample size, Frequency of sampling, Number of defects
C. Sample size, Specification limit, process standard deviation
D. Sample size, Process mean, specification limit

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Correct answer: (A)
Sample size, Frequency of sampling, specification limit

143. For a c chart, the LCL comes out to be -.7. The value of LCL that should be used

A. -.7
B. 0
C. 1
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (B)

144. For a Poisson distribution:

A. The mean is greater than the variance

B. The mean is less than variance
C. The mean is equal to the variance
D. Cannot be determined

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Correct answer: (C)
The mean is equal to the variance

145. Effective quality control results in:

A. Increase in customer satisfaction

B. Lower cost
C. None of the above
D. Both a and b
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Correct answer: (D)
Both a and b

146. Effective quality improvement can be instrumental in:

A. Increasing productivity
B. Reducing cost
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (C)
Both a and b

147. Typically in a cause and effect diagram, the ______________ is used for classification
of causes in the service industry.

A. 5Ms
B. 8Ps
C. 5Ss
D. 6Ps

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Correct answer: (C)

148. Producers risk can be defined as:

A. The probability of rejecting a good lot

B. The probability of accepting a bad lot
C. The probability of accepting a good lot
D. The probability of rejecting a bad lot

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Correct answer: (A)
The probability of rejecting a good lot

149. In critical path method, earliest start is the:

A. The largest Earliest Finish leading to that task

B. The smallest Earliest Finish leading to that task
C. Average of Earliest Finish leading to that task
D. Whenever the task can start
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Correct answer: (A)
The largest Earliest Finish leading to that task

150. Which of the following is not a use of arrow diagram:

A. Determining the best schedule for the entire project

B. Potential Scheduling problem and solution
C. Calculate critical path of the project
D. Identifying defects in a process

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Correct answer: (D)
Identifying defects in a process

For an ideal OC curve the probability of acceptance for lot fraction defective less than
.01 is ______________.

A. Equal to 1
B. Less than 1
C. Greater than 1
D. 0

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Correct answer: (A)
Equal to 1

152. Factory A produces 100 pieces of wooden legs used in manufacturing tables in 1
hour. The factory in total works for 3 hours. The quality manager decided to check the
quality of the output by measuring the length of the legs (in cms). He decides to collect
three samples (one for each hour). The sample size for each sample is fixed at 5. The
data collected is present in the following table:

Leg 1 Leg 2 Leg 3

Sample 1 10.2 10.5 9.8
Sample 2 10.4 9.9 10.1
Sample 3 9.9 9.8 10.2

What is the mean and range of leg length in sample 1?

A. Mean=10.3;Range=.3
B. Mean=10.1;Range=.8
C. Mean=10.2;Range=.6
D. Mean=9.9;Range=.5
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Correct answer: (B)

153. If we want to detect small process shifts using x bar chart, we should use a sample
size of:

A. Less than 5
B. 5-10
C. 10-15
D. 15-25

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Correct answer: (D)

154. The parameters of s2 chart is specified using:

A. Normal Distribution
B. Geometric Distribution
C. Binomial Distribution
D. Chi-square distribution

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Correct answer: (D)
Chi-square distribution

155. The focal point of all quality control should be:

A. Price focus
B. Cost Focus
C. Customer Focus
D. Manufacturing Focus

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Correct answer: (C)
Customer Focus

156. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, which prioritizes different sources of error, is
used in _________________ stage.

A. Define
B. Measure
C. Improve
D. Analyze
View answer
Correct answer: (D)

157. Which of the following is the correct combination of specifications while

designing a control chart?

A. Sample size, Frequency of sampling, specification limit

B. Sample size, Frequency of sampling, Number of defects
C. Sample size, Specification limit, process standard deviation
D. Sample size, Process mean, specification limit

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Correct answer: (A)
Sample size, Frequency of sampling, specification limit

158. The South African government is concerned about the high incidence of
HIV/AIDS in South Africa. They wish to estimate the true number of people in South
Africa who are HIV positive. A random sample of 5000 people were tested and 1980
of them were HIV positive. What is the statistic?

A. The 5000 people sampled

B. All the people in South Africa
C. Impossible to calculate from the given information
D. The 1980 people sampled who were HIV positive

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Correct answer: (D)
The 1980 people sampled who were HIV positive

159. The thickness of aluminum sheet is specified to be of 6±2 mm. The Upper
Specification Limit and Lower Specification Limit for the sheet are:

A. 4mm, 8mm
B. 8mm, 4mm
C. 6mm, 8mm
D. 4mm, 6mm

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Correct answer: (B)
8mm, 4mm

160. In case someone is interested in process standard deviation, he should construct

the ______________ chart.
A. X bar
B. R chart
C. S chart
D. None of these

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Correct answer: (C)
S chart

Suppose box A contains 4 red and 5 blue coins and box B contains 6 red and 3 blue
coins. A coin is chosen at random from the box A and placed in box B. Finally, a coin
is chosen at random from among those now in box B. What is the probability a blue
coin was transferred from box A to box B given that the coin chosen from box B is red?

A. 15/29
B. 14/29
C. 1/2
D. 7/10

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Correct answer: (A)

162. The value of Var(3 - 4X) is:

A. 5120 / 9
B. 1280 / 81
C. 5120 / 81
D. 1280 / 9

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Correct answer: (C)
5120 / 81

163. A multiple-choice test has 30 questions. There are 4 choices for each question. A
student who has not studied for the test decides to answer all the questions randomly
by guessing the answer to each question. Which of the following probability
distributions can be used to calculate the student's chance of getting at least 20
questions right?

A. Exponential
B. Normal
C. Poisson
D. Binomial
View answer
Correct answer: (D)

164. Which of the following is NOT true about the standard error of a statistic?

A. The standard error measures, roughly, the average difference between the
statistic and the population parameter.
B. The standard error is the estimated standard deviation of the sampling
distribution for the statistic.
C. The standard error can never be a negative number.
D. The standard error increases as the sample size(s) increases.

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Correct answer: (D)
The standard error increases as the sample size(s) increases.

165. A two-tailed test is one where:

A. results in only one direction can lead to rejection of the null hypothesis
B. negative sample means lead to rejection of the null hypothesis
C. results in either of two directions can lead to rejection of the null hypothesis
D. no results lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis

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Correct answer: (C)
results in either of two directions can lead to rejection of the null hypothesis

166. The chi-square test can be too sensitive if the sample is:

A. very small
B. very large
C. homogeneous
D. predictable

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Correct answer: (B)
very large

167. The treatment mean square (MSTR), Mean Square Error (MSE). If the true means
of the k populations are equal, then MSTR/MSE should be:

A. more than 1.00

B. a positive number close to 1.00
C. a positive number close to 0.00
D. a negative value between 0.00 and - 1.00

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Correct answer: (B)
a positive number close to 1.00

168. The error deviations within the residual sum of squares (SSE) statistic measure

A. within groups
B. between groups
C. between each value and the grand mean
D. none of these

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Correct answer: (A)
within groups

169. In one-way ANOVA, which of the following is used within the F-ratio as a
measurement of the variance of individual observations?

A. The Sum of Square of Treatments (SSTR)

B. The Treatment Mean Square (MSTR)
C. The Residual Sum of Squares (SSE)
D. The Mean Sum of Squares (MSE)

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Correct answer: (C)
The Residual Sum of Squares (SSE)

170. You obtained a significant test statistic when comparing three treatments in a
one-way ANOVA. In words, how would you interpret the alternative hypothesis H(a)?

A. All three treatments have different effects on the mean response.

B. Exactly two of the three treatments have the same effect on the mean response.
C. At least two treatments are different from each other in terms of their effect on
the mean
D. response.
E. None of these

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Correct answer: (C)
At least two treatments are different from each other in terms of their effect on the
mean response.
171. Two factors are said to interact when

A. the simple main effects of one factor are not homogeneous across all levels of
the other.
B. the simple main effects of one factor are homogeneous across the levels of the
C. there are neither main effects nor simple main effects.
D. there are no main effects.

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Correct answer: (A)
the simple main effects of one factor are not homogeneous across all levels of the

172. How many dependent variables does a two-way ANOVA have?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

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Correct answer: (A)

173. A simple experimental design with two levels of an independent variable cannot

A. detect a curvilinear relationship between variables.

B. detect a monotonic relationship.
C. reveal a positive relationship.
D. show a negative relationship outcome.

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Correct answer: (A)
detect a curvilinear relationship between variables.

174. If a researcher planned to have 20 participants in each condition of a 2 x 3

independent groups factorial design, how many participants would be needed for this

A. 40
B. 60
C. 80
D. 120
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Correct answer: (D)

175. What are the factors in a factorial design?

A. the independent variables

B. the dependent variables
C. the organismic variables
D. the experimental variables

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Correct answer: (A)
the independent variables

176. In a factorial design, a main effect is the ______________.

A. the combined effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable

B. interaction effect of the independent variables and their effect on the
C. the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable
D. interaction of the independent variables

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Correct answer: (C)
the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable

177. During experimental design, a variable is defined as:

A. Treatment
B. Factor
C. Variance
D. None of these

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

178. A researcher conducted a 2 x 2 completely repeated measures factorial design

and planned 15 participants in each condition. How many participants would be
required to conduct this experiment?

A. 15
B. 30
C. 45
D. 60

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

179. For question 09 - 15, consider the model with the two factors, each at two levels:

A. 40
B. 20
C. 10
D. 5

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

180. In a 3 x 3 factorial design, how many conditions are there in the experiment?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 9

View answer
Correct answer: (D)

What is the Sum of Squares of Number of Fertilizers (B)?

A. 6.075
B. 39.48
C. 7.19
D. 3.89

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

182. What is the degree of freedom of B?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
View answer
Correct answer: (B)

183. A serious problem can occur in multiple regression analysis if an important

variable is omitted from the list of independent variables. This can lead to

A. unbiased least squares estimators.

B. biased least squares estimators.
C. a biased estimator of the variance.
D. All of these

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
biased least squares estimators.

184. What does the Adjusted R squared value tells us?

A. The Adjusted R squared value tells us if there is a positive relationship

B. The Adjusted R squared value tells us if there is a significant difference
C. The Adjusted R squared value tells us if there is a significant relationship
D. The Adjusted R squared value tells us how much of the variance in the
dependent variable can be accounted for by the independent variable

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
The Adjusted R squared value tells us how much of the variance in the dependent
variable can be accounted for by the independent variable

185. ______________ is the set of activities that ensures the quality levels of products and
services are properly maintained and that supplier and customer quality issues are
properly resolved.

A. Quality Assurance
B. Quality Planning
C. Quality Control
D. Quality Management

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Correct answer: (A)
Quality Assurance

186. The South African government is concerned about the high incidence of
HIV/AIDS in South Africa. They wish to estimate the true number of people in South
Africa who are HIV positive. A random sample of 5000 people were tested and 1980
of them were HIV positive. What is the parameter of interest?

A. The number of people in South Africa

B. The 5000 people sampled
C. The number of people in South Africa who are HIV positive
D. The 1980 people sampled who were HIV positive

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
The number of people in South Africa who are HIV positive

187. An advertising executive is studying television-viewing habits of married men and

women during prime time hours. On the basis of past viewing records, the executive
has determined that during prime time, husbands are watching television 40% of the
time. It has also been determined that when the husband is watching television, 40%
of the time the wife is also watching. When the husband is not watching television,
30% of the time the wife is watching television. Find the probability that the wife is
watching television in prime time.

A. 0.36
B. 0.35
C. 0.34
D. 0.32

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

188. Student's t-test is applicable only when:

A. n ≤ 30 and σ is known
B. n > 30 and σ is unknown
C. n = 30 and σ is known
D. All of these

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
n ≤ 30 and σ is known

189. A result is called "statistically significant" whenever

A. The null hypothesis is true.

B. The alternative hypothesis is true.
C. The p-value is less or equal to the significance level.
D. The p-value is larger than the significance level.

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
The p-value is less or equal to the significance level.

190. The ______________ sum of squares measures the variability of the observed values
around their respective treatment means.

A. treatment
B. error
C. interaction
D. total

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

191. What must you include when reporting an ANOVA?

A. Standard deviations, Degrees of freedom, Means, F statistic, P value

B. Standard deviations, Means, F statistic, P value
C. Standard deviations, Degrees of freedom, Means, F statistic
D. Degrees of freedom, F statistic, P value

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Standard deviations, Degrees of freedom, Means, F statistic, P value

192. As variability due to chance decreases, the value of F will

A. increase
B. stay the same
C. decrease
D. can't tell from the given information

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

193. When conducting an ANOVA, the F-Value calculated from the data will always fall
within what'range?

A. between negative infinity and infinity

B. between 0 and 1
C. between 0 and infinity
D. between 1 and infinity
View answer
Correct answer: (C)
between 0 and infinity

194. Two factors are said to be orthogonal when:

A. they are correlated, that is, they cannot vary independently

B. there are equal numbers of participants in all groups
C. they are uncorrelated, that is, they vary independently
D. there is a single control group, with which all the other groups can be compared

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Correct answer: (C)
they are uncorrelated, that is, they vary independently

195. If we add together the sums of squares for the simple main effects of one factor at all the
different levels of another factor, we shall obtain:

A. The interaction sum of squares for the complete experiment

B. The main effect sum of squares for the second factor, plus the sum of squares for its
interaction with the first factor
C. The main effect sum of squares for the first factor
D. The main effect sum of squares for the first factor, plus the sum of squares for its
interaction with the second factor

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
The main effect sum of squares for the first factor, plus the sum of squares for its interaction
with the second factor

196. In a factorial design, a main effect is the ______________.

A. the combined effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable

B. interaction effect of the independent variables and their effect on the dependent variable
C. the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable
D. interaction of the independent variables

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Correct answer: (C)
the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable

197. You have carried out a Kruskal-Wallis test. There are significant differences between the
three groups you are testing. How might you conduct your pairwise comparisons?

A. Use the Mann Whitney test

B. Use the Wilcoxon test
C. Use a t-test
D. None of the above. Post hoc analyses cannot be carried out with non parametric data

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Use the Mann Whitney test

198. A 2 X 2 factorial

A. is essentially two designs that have been combined into a single study.
B. contains four factors.
C. does not have enough factors to show interactions.
D. is extremely difficult to interpret if interactions are found.

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Correct answer: (A)
is essentially two designs that have been combined into a single study.

199. In factorial designs, the number of times a condition is noted is called:

A. Randomization
B. Factorization
C. Replication
D. None of These

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

200. A factorial design is one in ______________

A. Only one independent variable is studied to determine its effect on the dependent
B. Only two independent variables are simultaneously studied to determine their
independent and interactive effects on the dependent variables
C. Two or more independent variables are simultaneously studied to determine their
independent and interactive effects on the dependent variable
D. Two dependent variables are studied to determine their interactive effects

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
Two or more independent variables are simultaneously studied to determine their
independent and interactive effects on the dependent variable

What is the Interaction between memory and cache (MIPS)?

A. 40
B. 20
C. 10
D. 5

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
202. A researcher is conducting a 3 x 2 factorial experiment. In variable 1 participants are
randomly assigned to one of 3 conditions. In variable 2 participants respond to both levels of
the independent variable. Which of the following best describes this study?

A. it is an independent groups design

B. it is a repeated measures group design
C. it is a mixed factorial design
D. it is a simple main effect design

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Correct answer: (C)
it is a mixed factorial design

203. Dr. AB is conducting a 2 x 3 factorial experiment. He is interested in the impact of college

major and study method on exam performance. He found that study method effected exam
performance regardless of the participants' major. Which of the following is true?

A. Dr. AB found a main effect for study method.

B. Dr. AB found a main effect for college major.
C. Dr. AB found a significant interaction between college major and study method.
D. There is not enough information provided to answer this question.

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Correct answer: (A)
Dr. AB found a main effect for study method.

204. What is the value at the position of (III)?

A. 0.04
B. 0.85
C. 0.15
D. 0.033

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

205. What are residuals?

A. Residuals are the differences between the observed and expected dependent variable
B. Serendipitous findings
C. Extreme scores
D. Uncontrolled variables

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Correct answer: (A)
Residuals are the differences between the observed and expected dependent variable scores

206. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Only factor A is significant; factor B and the two-factor interaction are not significant.
B. Only factor B is significant; factor A and the two-factor interaction are not significant.
C. Only the two-factor interaction is significant; factor A and factor B are not significant.
D. Factor A and factor B is significant; the two-factor interaction is not significant.

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Only factor B is significant; factor A and the two-factor interaction are not significant.

207. What is the purpose of a simple linear regression?

A. To predict scores on a dependent variable from scores on a single independent variable

B. To predict scores on an independent variable from scores on a single dependent variable
C. To predict scores on an independent variable from scores on multiple dependent
D. To predict scores on a dependent variable from scores on multiple independent

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
To predict scores on a dependent variable from scores on a single independent variable

208. An unbiased dice is rolled once. The probability of getting a number greater than 4 is:

A. 1/4
B. 1/6
C. 1/2
D. 1/3

View answer
Correct answer: (D)

209. Attribute charts may be used when:

A. Several characteristics can be jointly measured

B. When one particular quality characteristic is of importance
C. Specific information like process mean is required
D. None of these

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Several characteristics can be jointly measured

210. Two events, A and B, are said to be mutually exclusive if:

A. P(A | B) = 1
B. P(B | A) = 1
C. P(A ∩ B) = 1
D. P(A ∩ B) = 0
View answer
Correct answer: (D)
P(A ∩ B) = 0

Assume the cholesterol levels in a certain population have mean μ = 200 and standard deviation
σ = 24. The cholesterol levels for a random sample of n = 9 individuals are measured and the
sample mean x-bar is determined. What is the z-score for a sample mean x = 180?

A. -3.75
B. -2.50
C. -0.83
D. 2.50

View answer
Correct answer: (D)

202. In hypothesis testing, a Type 2 error occurs when

A. The null hypothesis is not rejected when the null hypothesis is true.
B. The null hypothesis is rejected when the null hypothesis is true.
C. The null hypothesis is not rejected when the alternative hypothesis is true.
D. The null hypothesis is rejected when the alternative hypothesis is true.

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Correct answer: (C)
The null hypothesis is not rejected when the alternative hypothesis is true.

203. Student's t-statistic is applicable in case of:

A. Equal number of samples

B. Unequal number of samples
C. Small samples
D. All of the above

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Correct answer: (D)
All of the above

204. Which of the following assumptions must be met to use an ANOVA?

A. There is only one dependent variable

B. The data must be normally distributed
C. There is homogeneity of variance
D. All of these

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
All of these
205. Which of the following is an assumption of one-way ANOVA comparing samples from
three'or more experimental treatments?

A. All the response variables within the k populations follow Normal distributions.
B. The samples associated with each population are randomly selected and are
independent from all other samples.
C. The response variable within each of the k populations has equal variances.
D. All of the above.

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Correct answer: (D)
All of the above.

206. When conducting a one-way ANOVA, the ______________ the between-treatment

variability is when compared to the within-treatment variability, the ______________ the F-
Value calculated from the data will tend to be.

A. smaller, larger
B. smaller, smaller
C. larger, larger
D. smaller, larger

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Correct answer: (B)
smaller, smaller

207. You carried out an ANOVA on a preliminary sample of data. You then collected
additional data from the same groups; the difference being that the sample sizes for each group
were increased by a factor of 10, and the within-group variability has decreased substantially.
Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

A. The degrees of freedom associated with the error term has increased
B. The degrees of freedom associated with the treatment term has increased
C. The Residual Sum of Squares (SSE) has decreased
D. The F-Value calculated from the data (F-Value) has changed

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Correct answer: (B)
The degrees of freedom associated with the treatment term has increased

208. In the two-factor, between subjects (or two-way) ANOVA:

A. the three F tests always have the same power to reject the null hypothesis.
B. the test for an interaction always has more power than the test for a main effect.
C. the power of the F test is not necessarily increased by having larger samples.
D. the three F tests do not always have the same power to reject the null hypothesis.

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Correct answer: (D)
the three F tests do not always have the same power to reject the null hypothesis.
209. A ______________ effect(s) analysis examines mean differences at each level of the
independent variable.

A. main
B. simple main
C. interaction
D. simple interaction

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Correct answer: (B)
simple main

210. Factorial designs allow us to study both ______________ effects of the independent
variables on the dependent variables.

A. main and interactive

B. dependent and independent
C. symbiotic and dichotomous
D. rank order and correlation

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
main and interactive

231. A researcher conducted a 2 x 2 completely repeated measures factorial design and planned
15 participants in each condition. How many participants would be required to conduct this

A. 15
B. 30
C. 45
D. 60

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

232. Consider two factors A and B, each with two levels. If there is no interaction between
these two factors, the difference in the response variable between the two levels of factor A
would be ______________ the difference between the two levels of factor B.

A. unrelated to
B. equal to
C. half
D. twice

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
equal to
233. Dr. RNS conducted a ______________ factorial design to examine the effects of music
and room temperature on participant's memory. Participants were randomly assigned to study
a list of nonsense words either listening or not listening to music in either a warm or cold room.

A. 1x2
B. 2x4
C. 2x2
D. 4x4

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

234. In factorial designs, the response produced when the treatments of one factor interact with
the treatments of another in influencing the response variable is known as

A. the main effect

B. interaction
C. replication
D. none of these

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

235. What is the Variation due to Cache?

A. 84%
B. 76%
C. 19%
D. 5%

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

236. A three-way interaction is said to occur when:

A. All three possible two-way interactions, plus main effects of all three factors, are
present in the data
B. There are simple main effects of each factor at every level of either of the other two
C. The simple interactions between two factors are not homogeneous across all levels of
the third factor
D. All three possible two-way interactions are present in the data

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
The simple interactions between two factors are not homogeneous across all levels of the
third factor
237. What is the value at the position of (V)?

A. 0.85
B. 0.15
C. 0.97
D. 0.33

View answer
Correct answer: (D)

238. The standard error of regression is

A. the square root of the variance of the error term

B. an estimate of the square root of the variance of the error term
C. the square root of the variance of the dependent variable
D. the square root of the variance of the predictions of the dependent variable

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Correct answer: (D)
the square root of the variance of the predictions of the dependent variable

239. What is the purpose of a multiple regression?

A. To predict scores on a dependent variable from scores on a single independent variable

B. To predict scores on an independent variable from scores on a single dependent variable
C. To predict scores on an independent variable from scores on multiple dependent
D. To predict scores on a dependent variable from scores on multiple independent

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
To predict scores on a dependent variable from scores on multiple independent variables

240. A ______________ chart can be used to identify the most frequently occurring defect.

A. Pareto
B. Ishikawa
C. Histogram
D. Scatter

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

231. Two events, A and B, are said to be independent if:

A. P(A ∩ B) = P(A).P(B)
B. P(A ∩ B) = P(A) + P(B)
C. P(A | B) = P(B)
D. P(B | A) = P(A)

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Correct answer: (A)
P(A ∩ B) = P(A).P(B)

232. The value of E[X] is:

A. 52/18
B. 28/9
C. 52/9
D. 28/18

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

233. A null hypothesis is rejected if the value of a test statistic lies in the:

A. Rejection region
B. Acceptance region
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Neither (a) nor (b)

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Rejection region

234. The chi-square goodness-of-fit test can be used to test for:

A. significance of sample statistics

B. difference between population means
C. normality
D. probability

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Correct answer: (C)

235. What do ANOVA calculate?

A. Z-scores
B. F ratios
C. Chi square
D. T-scores

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
F ratios

236. To determine whether the test statistic of ANOVA is statistically significant, it can
be compared to a critical value. What two pieces of information are needed to
determine the critical value?

A. Sample size, number of groups

B. Mean, sample standard deviation
C. Expected frequency, obtained frequency
D. MSTR The treatment mean square (MSTR), Mean Square Error (MSE)

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Sample size, number of groups

237. In a study, subjects are randomly assigned to one of three groups: control,
experimental A, or experimental B. After treatment, the mean scores for the three
groups are compared. The appropriate statistical test for comparing these means is:

A. the correlation coefficient

B. chi square
C. the t-test
D. the analysis of variance

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
the analysis of variance

238. If the F-Value calculated from the data is 0.9, the result is statistically significant

A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Never
D. Illogical Question

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

239. Which statement is true of an experiment of factorial design?

A. Independence or orthogonality is unaffected by the sizes of the participant
samples in the various treatment combinations.
B. There are always at least two control groups.
C. Control over an independent variable is achieved by orthogonal variation with
respect to the other independent variables.
D. There is always a single control group.

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
Control over an independent variable is achieved by orthogonal variation with
respect to the other independent variables.

240. What would the levels of the independent variables be for a two-way ANOVA
investigating the effect of four different treatments for depression and gender?

A. 4 and 1
B. 2
C. 4 and 2
D. 6

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Correct answer: (C)
4 and 2

241. In ANOVA, a factor is defined as the:

A. dependent variable.
B. independent variable.
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
independent variable.

242. A 2 X 2 factorial design

A. is called a one-way ANOVA.

B. results in a four-cell matrix.
C. cannot yield interactions.
D. must include an organismic independent variable.

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
results in a four-cell matrix.
243. The critical path method determines the ______________ path from the beginning
to the end of the project.

A. Shortest
B. Quickest
C. Longest
D. Middle

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

244. Two events, A and B, are said to be independent if:

A. P(A ∩ B) = P(A).P(B)
B. P(A ∩ B) = P(A) + P(B)
C. P(A | B) = P(B)
D. P(B | A) = P(A)

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
P(A ∩ B) = P(A).P(B)

245. Which of the following distributions is suitable to model the length of time that
elapses before the first employee passes through the security door of a company?

A. Exponential
B. Normal
C. Poisson
D. Binomial

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

246. A null hypothesis is rejected if the value of a test statistic lies in the:

A. Rejection region
B. Acceptance region
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Neither (a) nor (b)

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Rejection region
247. Smaller p-values indicate more evidence in support of:

A. the null hypothesis

B. the alternative hypothesis
C. the quality of the researcher
D. further testing

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Correct answer: (B)
the alternative hypothesis

248. Analysis of variance is a statistical method of comparing the ______________ of

several populations.

A. standard deviations
B. variances
C. means
D. proportions

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

249. If the Mean Square Error MSE of an ANOVA for six treatment groups is known,
you can compute

A. degrees of freedom, df1

B. the standard deviation of each treatment group
C. the pooled standard deviation
D. all answers are correct

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Correct answer: (C)
the pooled standard deviation

250. In a study, subjects are randomly assigned to one of three groups: control,
experimental A, or experimental B. After treatment, the mean scores for the three
groups are compared. The appropriate statistical test for comparing these means is:

A. the correlation coefficient

B. chi square
C. the t-test
D. the analysis of variance

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
the analysis of variance

251. If the F-Value calculated from the data is 5.0, the result is statistically significant

A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Never
D. Illogical Question

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

252. Two factors are said to interact when

A. the simple main effects of one factor are not homogeneous across all levels of
the other.
B. the simple main effects of one factor are homogeneous across the levels of the
C. there are neither main effects nor simple main effects.
D. there are no main effects.

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
the simple main effects of one factor are not homogeneous across all levels of the

253. Which of these characterizes a factorial design?

A. One in which there is a single independent variable.

B. One in which there is more than one independent variable
C. One in which the researcher wants to investigate the interactions between
D. Both B and C

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Correct answer: (D)
Both B and C

254. What statistic is used to check the significance of the Kruskal-Wallis test?

A. Mean rank
B. Partial
C. t-value
D. Chi squared

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Correct answer: (D)
Chi squared

255. What is the appropriate statistical test for a factorial design?

A. the Modes test

C. t-test
D. chi-square

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

256. Give the F test for the interaction effect of factors A and B.

B. F = (SSA)/MSE + (SSB)/MSE
C. F = (MSA)/MSE + (MSB)/MSE

View answer
Correct answer: (D)


257. The Kruskal-Wallis is based upon the ______________ test.

A. Pearson's r
B. Wilcoxon
C. Mann Whitney
D. Friedman

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
Mann Whitney

258. In a factorial experiments, we

A. test one factor at a time

B. cannot estimate interactions
C. test all possible combination of factor levels are tested
D. all of these

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
test all possible combination of factor levels are tested

259. What is the Variation due to Memory?

A. 84%
B. 76%
C. 19%
D. 5%

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

260. In a factorial design, a(an) ______________ between independent variables indicates

that the effect of one independent variable is different at different levels of the other
independent variable.

A. main effect
B. factorial effect
C. interaction
D. moderation

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

261. The chi-square goodness-of-fit test can be used to test for:

A. significance of sample statistics

B. difference between population means
C. normality
D. probability

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

262. What is the Sum of Squares of the interaction (AB)?

A. 6.075
B. 39.48
C. 7.19
D. 3.89

View answer
Correct answer: (D)

263. How many replicates of the experiment were performed?

A. 1 Replicate
B. 2 Replicates
C. 3 Replicates
D. 4 Replicates

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Correct answer: (C)
3 Replicates

264. You conduct a hypothesis test and you observe values for the sample mean and
sample standard deviation when n = 25 that do not lead to the rejection of Ho (null
hypothesis). You calculate a p-value of 0.0667. What will happen to the p-value if you
observe the same sample mean and standard deviation for a sample n>25?

A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Stay the same
D. May either increase or decrease

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

265. What does a beta of 0.478 mean?

A. That the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is not
B. That the regression is not significant
C. That the correlation is significant
D. This means that for every unit increase in your independent variable, your
dependent variable increases by 0.478 units

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
This means that for every unit increase in your independent variable, your dependent
variable increases by 0.478 units

266. Which of the following points are not true when conducting a multiple

A. Multiple regression can be used to assess quadratic relationships

B. Data must be homogeneous for a multiple regression
C. Data must be normally distributed for multiple regression
D. Multiple regression can be used to assess linear relationships

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Multiple regression can be used to assess quadratic relationships

267. Which of the following definitions is correct?

A. An activity, which results in an outcome, is called an event.

B. The probability of an event is expressed in decimal form ranging from -1 to +1.
C. The sample space refers to all possible outcomes of an experiment.
D. The probability that an event will occur is called the experiment.

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
The sample space refers to all possible outcomes of an experiment.

268. The discrete random variable X has the probability function (k is a constant):
Answer question 8 - 10 based on the information given above. The value of k is:

A. 1 point
B. 1/18
C. 1/12
D. 1/6

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

269. The value of E[X] is:

A. 52/18
B. 28/9
C. 52/9
D. 28/18
View answer
Correct answer: (C)

270. A larger standard deviation for a normal distribution with an unchanged mean
indicates that'the distribution becomes:

A. narrower and more peaked

B. flatter and wider
C. more skewed to the right or left
D. a change in the standard deviation does not change the shape of the

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
flatter and wider

271. When the k population means are truly different from each other, it is likely that
the average error deviation:

A. is relatively large compared to the average treatment deviations.

B. is relatively small compared to the average treatment deviations.
C. is about equal to the average treatment deviation.
D. differ significantly between at least two of the populations.

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
is relatively small compared to the average treatment deviations.

272. If the F-Value calculated from the data is 0.9, the result is statistically significant

A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Never
D. Illogical Question

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

273. ______________ designs are research designs with more than one independent

A. Simple
B. Monotonic
C. Factorial
D. Multi

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

274. What statistical procedure is used to assess the statistical significance of the main
effects and the interaction(s) in a factorial design?

A. t-test
B. correlation
C. analysis of covariance
D. analysis of variance

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
analysis of variance

275. In a factorial design, a(an) ______________ between independent variables indicates

that the effect of one independent variable is different at different levels of the other
independent variable.

A. main effect
B. factorial effects
C. interaction
D. collaboration

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

276. Scatter diagrams show the relationship between:

A. Two variables
B. The dependent variable along the y axis
C. The dependent variable along the x axis
D. None of these

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Two variables

277. How would an interaction be indicated in a line graph? 2/5

A. as parallel lines
B. as intersecting lines
C. as overlapping lines
D. as diagonal lines

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
as intersecting lines

278. What is the Effect of Memory (MIPS)?

A. 40
B. 20
C. 10
D. 5

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

279. What is the Effect of Cache (MIPS)?

A. 40
B. 20
C. 10
D. 5

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

280. What is the Variation due to Interaction?

A. 84%
B. 76%
C. 19%
D. 5%

View answer
Correct answer: (D)

1. Dr. AB is designing a 3 x 7 factorial experiment. Which of the following is true about

AB's study?
A. Dr. AB has 21 subjects.
B. Dr. AB's study has 2 independent variables: one with 3 levels and one with 7
C. Dr. AB's study has 21 independent variables.
D. Dr. AB's study has 3 independent variables: one with 3 levels, one with 7 levels,
and one with 21 levels.

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Dr. AB's study has 2 independent variables: one with 3 levels and one with 7 levels

2. How many levels were used for factor B?

A. 1 Level
B. 2 Levels
C. 3 Levels
D. 4 Levels

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
3 Levels

3. This means that for every unit increase in your independent variable, your
dependent variable increases b 0.478 units What degrees of freedom do you report in
a multiple regression?

A. Residual degree of freedom

B. Error and residual degree of freedom
C. Regression and residual degrees of freedom
D. Adjusted R squared and regression degrees of freedom

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
Regression and residual degrees of freedom

4. Suppose you are using the specification:

wage = a + βEducation + δMale + θExperience + & In your data the variables
Education and Experience happen to be highly correlated because the observations
with a lot of education happen NOT to have much experience. As a consequence of
this negative correlation the OLS estimates

A. are likely to be better because the movement of one explanatory variable

offsets the other, allowing the computer more easily to isolate the impact of
each on the dependent variable.
B. are likely to be better because the negative orrelation reduces variance making
estimates more reliable.
C. are likely to be worse because the model can’t tell which variable is causing
changes in the dependent variable.
D. are likely to be worse because compared to positive correlation the negative
correlation increases variance, making estimates less reliable.

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
are likely to be worse because the model can’t tell which variable is causing changes
in the dependent variable.

5. our forecasted value of y is

A. 7
B. 9
C. 25
D. impossible to determine

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

6. What do ANOVA calculate?

A. Z-scores
B. F ratios
C. Chi square
D. T-scores

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
F ratios

7. To determine whether the test statistic of ANOVA is statistically significant, it can be

compared to a critical value. What two pieces of information are needed to determine
the critical value?

A. Sample size, number of groups

B. Mean, sample standard deviation
C. Expected frequency, obtained frequency
D. MSTR The treatment mean square (MSTR), Mean Square Error (MSE)

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Sample size, number of groups

8. The mean square is the sum of squares divided by

A. the total number of observations

B. its corresponding degrees of freedom - 1
C. its corresponding degrees of freedom
D. none of these

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
its corresponding degrees of freedom

9. For the regression specification γ = α + βх + εthe OLS estimates result from

minimizing the sum of

A. (α + βх)2
B. (α + βх + ε)2
C. (γ − α + βх)2
D. None of these

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
None of these

10. Malcolm Baldrige national quality award is for (MBNQA)

A. Total Quality Management

B. International Standard Organization
C. Total Productive Maintenance
D. Total Quality Control

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Total Quality Management

291. Which of the following is responsible for quality objective?

A. Top level management

B. Middle level management
C. Frontline management
D. All of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Top level management

292. Match The Following

A. TQM promotes
B. Kaizen is
C. Quality circle can solve problem related to
D. Quality circle benefit to

The correct order is

a. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4

b. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4
c. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
d. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4

293. P-D-C-A stands for

A. Plan-Do-check-Act
B. Plan-Do-correct-Act
C. Proceed-Do-check-Act
D. Proceed-Do-correct-Act

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

294. Match the following

A. Dr. Deming believes 1. Com

B. Ishikawa development 2. To p
C. Type of variation is due to 3. Cau
D. Crosby’s objective of quality 4. Hist

The correct order is

a. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

b. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
c. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
d. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4

295. Service Assurance is

A. Confidence with customer

B. Customer has trust
C. Employee has knowledge
D. All of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
All of the above

296. Match the following

A. ISO emphasis on
C. International organization for standard
D. Prevention

The correct order is

a. A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1

b. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
c. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
d. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1

297. Match the following

A. Simulated decision games 1. Unstructured group inte

B. Coaching 2. Acting out managerial p
C. Committee assignment 3. Guidance through advice
D. Sensitivity training 4. Study of specific organiz
The correct order is

a. A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1

b. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
c. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
d. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1

298. In ISO the focus is on

i. Enhancing customer satisfaction

ii. Satisfying customer
iii. Delighting customer

The correct order is

A. i & ii
B. i & iii
C. i, ii & iii
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
i & iii

299. Common elements of winners are

i. Senior management was actively involved

ii. Control of overall process
iii. Focus on customer

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & ii
C. i, ii & iii
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
i, ii & iii
300. Continual improvement is in

i. Environmental objective
ii. Audit Result
iii. Corrective action

The correct order is

A. i & ii
B. i & iii
C. i, ii & iii
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
i, ii & iii

301. By applying basic principle the process improvement will be in organization’s

i. Focus on work process

ii. Maintain self esteem of other
iii. Tone initiative

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & ii
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
i & ii

302. PP & PPK is calculated for

i. Initial production run

ii. Future production
iii. Initial process setting

The correct order is

A. i & ii
B. ii & iii
C. i & iii
D. i, ii & iii

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
i & iii

303. Common features of CMM is how to produce software product which are

i. Consistence
ii. Repeatable
iii. Predictable

The correct order is

A. i only
B. ii only
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
i, ii & iii

304. The process mapping is a ______________ diagram.

A. Data flow
B. Work flow
C. Circular
D. Audit

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Work flow

305. According to Deming, Quality problems are

A. Due to management
B. Due to method
C. Due to machine
D. Due to material

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Due to management
306. While setting Quality objective, ______________ to be considered.

A. Customer need
B. Organizational need
C. Supplier need
D. Worker need

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Customer need

307. Match The Following

A. Bureaucratic 1. Satisfy all customer need

B. Leadership from top 2. Working together for exce
C. Excellence mean 3. Provide consistent vision d
D. Team work mean 4. Unlimited thinking

The correct order is

a. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4

b. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
c. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
d. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4

308. Diamond represents ______________ while plotting flow chart.

A. Step in activity
B. Decision making
C. Direction of flow
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Decision making

309. When cpk is less than one

A. Process is not capable

B. Process is stable
C. Process if highly capable
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Process is not capable

310. Match the following

A. Quality approach 1. Productivity quality - cost -D

B. Pillar of TQM 2. Continual improvement man
C. Need for TQM is due 3. Employee
D. TQM focuses on 4. Cut throat competition

The correct order is

a. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

b. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3
c. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
d. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

311. EMS stands for

A. Environmental management system

B. Employees management system
C. Engineering management system
D. Equipment management system

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Environmental management system

312. ISO emphasis on

A. Prevention
B. Inspection
C. Rejection
D. All of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

313. Match the following

A. Dr. Deming believes 1. Histogr

B. Ishikawa development 2. Commo
C. Type of variation is due to 3. Cause #
D. Crosby’s objective of quality 4. To prev

The correct order is

a. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2

b. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1
c. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
d. A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1

314. Match the following

A. Circle symbol 1. Data analysis told

B. Pareto analysis is 2. Average of reading
C. X bar means 3. Binging or end of operat
D. LCT means 4. Lower control limit

The correct order is

a. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

b. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4
c. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4
d. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4

315. Control chart is

i. Process monitoring tool

ii. Process control tool
iii. Process planning tool

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & ii
C. i, ii & iii
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
i & ii

316. Employee should be involved in

i. Decision making
ii. Participation
iii. Union

The correct order is

A. i & ii
B. i & iii
C. i, ii & iii
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
i & ii

317. Does TQM approach have relevance to Indian industry in context to

i. Customer satisfaction
ii. People involvement
iii. Policy management

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & ii
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
i & ii

318. Special characteristic means

i. Product characteristic which affect fit/ function / Regulation

ii. Characteristic of product which are regulatory requirement
iii. Characteristic in Specification

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & ii
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
i & ii

319. HRD at organizational level talks of

i. Organization’s manpower planning

ii. Training
iii. Performance appraisal

The correct order is

A. i only
B. I & ii
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
i, ii & iii

320. Control chart is a

A. Process monitoring tool

B. Process control tool
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
Both (a) and (b)

While setting Quality objective, ______________ to be considered.

A. Material quality
B. Customer need
C. Market demand
D. All of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Customer need

322. What is ISO?

A. Indian organization for standard

B. Internal organization for standard
C. International organization for standard
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
International organization for standard

323. The role of management is to

A. provide Resources
B. define EMS
C. monitor the effectiveness of the system
D. All of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
All of the above

324. Following is (are) the phase(s) of intervention

A. Formulation stage
B. Maintenance stage
C. Implementation stage
D. All of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
All of the above

325. Match the following

A. How TQM helps in reducing cost

B. Calibration activity carried in company is
C. Quality planning is
D. Vender assessment is

The correct order is

a. A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3

b. A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2
c. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3
d. A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3

326. The main business process objective(s) are

i. Customer service
ii. Profit & loss
iii. Employee satisfaction

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & ii
C. i, ii & iii
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
i & ii

327. Benefit(s) of model based improvement is (are)

i. Establish common language

ii. Models are comprehensive

The correct order is

A. i only
B. ii only
C. i & ii
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
i & ii

328. Reliability of product means

i. Consistency of performance
ii. Performance over period
iii. Free of technical errors

The correct order is

A. i & iii
B. i & ii
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
i, ii & iii

329. The role of management is

i. To provide Resources
ii. To define EMS
iii. To monitor the effectiveness of the system

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & ii
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
i, ii & iii

330. The objective of ISO-9000 family of Quality management is

A. Customer satisfaction
B. Employee satisfaction
C. Skill enhancement
D. Environmental issues

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Customer satisfaction

331. The following is (are) the machine down time.

A. Waste
B. No material
C. Breakdown
D. All of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
All of the above

332. Which of the following is for Environment management?

A. ISO-9000
B. ISO-14000
C. ISO-26000
D. ISO-31000

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

333. Rectangle represents ______________ While plotting flow chart.

A. Step in activity
B. Decision making
C. Direction of flow
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Step in activity

334. ISO - 14001 gives stress on

A. Plan - Do -check -Act

B. Environmental protection
C. Prevention rather than detection
D. All of the above
View answer
Correct answer: (D)
All of the above

335. Match the following

A. MBQA is eligible for 1. Quality

B. Malcolm balding award seeks improvement in 2. Manuf
C. European quality award is for 3. Senior
D. Common elements of winners are 4. Improv

The correct order is

a. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

b. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3
c. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
d. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

336. Match the following

A. Process is managed level

B. Critical process maturity concept include
C. Managed level of process
D. CMM is

The correct order is

A. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3

B. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
C. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
D. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

337. The customer requirement to be reviewed

i. Before supply of product

ii. After supply of product
iii. Before commitment of supply of product

The correct order is

A. i & ii
B. i & iii
C. ii & iii
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
i & iii

338. Process evaluation is to identify

i. Validation of product
ii. Potential failure prevention
iii. Correctness of product

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & ii
C. ii & iii
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
ii & iii

339. The competence of the employee means

i. Competence of personnel performing work effective quality

ii. Evaluate the effectiveness of action taken
iii. Maintain appropriate Record

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & ii
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
i, ii & iii

340. Total Quality Management (TQM) focuses on

A. Employee
B. Customer
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
View answer
Correct answer: (C)
Both (a) and (b)

341. TQM & ISO both focuses on

A. Customer
B. Employee
C. Supplier
D. All of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

342. For Cpk (Process capability index) value of 1.33, the PPM is

A. 1
B. 63
C. 2700
D. 45500

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

343. Match the following

A. Dimension 1. To assess cu
B. Service characteristic 2. Inadequate r
C. Customer satisfaction survey 3. Vary from tim
D. Poor service is due to 4. Physical facil

The correct order is

A. A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2

B. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
C. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
D. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
344. TQM focuses on

i. Supplier
ii. Employee
iii. Customer

The correct order is

A. i only
B. ii & iii
C. i, ii & iii
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
ii & iii

345. Type of waste are

i. Waiting time
ii. Transport
iii. Processing waste

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & ii
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
i, ii & iii

346. Cause & Effect diagram used to

i. Identify & organize possible causes of problem

ii. Identify possible causes of solution
iii. Identify possible causes of problem & determining its relation

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & iii
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
i & iii

347. ______________ helps organization reduce employee turnover and absenteeism.

A. Job design
B. Training & development
C. Wage revision
D. All of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Training & development

348. Tally chart is

A. Process monitoring tool

B. Data collection tool
C. Process planning tool
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Data collection tool

349. Match the following

A. Forecasts A. Systematic ana

B. Estimate made by management B. Simplest metho
C. Statistical method C. Based on meas
D. Work study method D. Vary in their de

The correct order is

A. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1

B. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
C. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
D. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1

350. Current quality concept is

i. Increase in production
ii. Continual improvement
iii. Prevention of defect

The correct order is

A. i & ii
B. i & iii
C. ii & iii
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
ii & iii

351. While setting Goal, following things to be consider.

i. Customer need
ii. Marketability of product
iii. Organization need

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & ii
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
ii & iii

352. CMM stands for

A. Capability maturity model

B. Capability monitoring model
C. Capability measuring model
D. Capability matching model

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Capability maturity model
353. While recruiting person he should

i. Competent to perform job

ii. Trained to perform specified job
iii. Able to perform the activity

The correct order is

A. i only
B. i & ii
C. i, ii & iii
D. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
i & ii

354. What does the transcendent view imply for high quality?

A. It is something everlasting
B. It is something timeless and enduring
C. It is something priceless
D. It is something perfect

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
It is something timeless and enduring

355. The products manufactured during 1800s were unique. How quality was ensured in this

A. Through renovation
B. Through inspection
C. Through calculation
D. Through repair

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Through inspection

356. What is the relationship between Ishikawa and Deming?

A. Son and father

B. Nephew and uncle
C. Student and teacher
D. Grandson and grandfather

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
Student and teacher
357. Marketing research carried out to know whether the particular area should be covered in
this course. What the course instructor should develop?

A. The course meeting requirements of the university

B. The course meeting requirements of the instructor
C. The course meeting requirements of the students
D. The course meeting requirements of the bookseller

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
The course meeting requirements of the university

358. ______________ refers to general processes of improvement and encompasses

discontinuous improvements

A. Continuous improvement
B. Continual improvement
C. Constant improvement
D. Consecutive improvement

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Continual improvement

359. Big Q is:

A. Quality of services
B. Quality of people
C. Quality of processes
D. All of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
All of the above

360. The process of evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide
confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards is called:

A. Quality Assurance
B. Quality Control
C. Quality Planning
D. Quality Review

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Quality Assurance

361. CIP is:

A. Continuous improvement process
B. A sustained, gradual change
C. Includes constancy of purpose and commitment to quality as part of its focus
D. a and b
E. all of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (E)
all of the above

362. Cost of quality includes:

A. Cost of all work to build a product or service that conforms to the requirements
B. Training programs
C. Cost of all work resulting from nonconformance to the requirements
D. a and b
E. all of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (E)
all of the above

363. A tool that analyzes the Input to a process to identify the causes of errors is called:

A. Cause and effect diagram

B. Scatter diagram
C. Ishikawa diagram
D. Pareto diagram
E. a and c

View answer
Correct answer: (E)
a and c

364. Control chart theory is based on the differences of the causes of variations in
quality. Variations in quality may be produced by assignable causes. All of the following
are examples of assignable causes except:

A. Differences among machines

B. Differences among workers
C. Differences among materials
D. Differences in each of these factors over time
E. None of the above (all are examples)

View answer
Correct answer: (E)
None of the above (all are examples)

365. Which of the following statements about the cost of quality are true?

A. The cost of quality is the expense of nonconformance to requirements and

B. The costs of quality are mostly the direct responsibility of workers who are
manufacturing the product
C. Quality control programs should only be implemented when the costs of quality
is low
D. A and B
E. A and C

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
The cost of quality is the expense of nonconformance to requirements and

366. In the project environment, the individual ultimately responsible for quality
control is:

A. The line workers who must strive "to do things right the first time" to avoid
quality problems
B. The company's quality control manager who must work with the project
members to ensure the quality control program is effective
C. The head of the production department who retains ultimate quality control
responsibility for all the company's projects
D. The project manager who has ultimately responsibility for the entire project
E. The customer who must ensure that he is receiving a quality product from the

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Correct answer: (D)
The project manager who has ultimately responsibility for the entire project

367. Most quality problems

A. originate in the quality department where the ultimate responsibility for quality
B. originate on the shop floor because of waste and product rework
C. are the result of management's lack of attention to potential quality
improvement ideas
D. could be eliminated if shop supervisors monitored their workers more closely
E. A and B

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Correct answer: (C)
are the result of management's lack of attention to potential quality improvement

368. Quality assurance is

A. top management's intention regarding quality

B. functions determining implementation of the quality policy
C. actions to provide confidence of satisfying quality requirements
D. responsibilities and processes which implement quality management
E. all of the above

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Correct answer: (C)
actions to provide confidence of satisfying quality requirements

369. Using Pareto's Rule, and given the data in the following table, where should
corrective action focus?
Origin of Problem %
of Problems Design 80%
Development 2%
Prototype 9%
Testing 6%
Fabrication 3%

A. Design
B. Design, development, and prototype
C. Design and prototype
D. Development, prototype, and fabrication
E. None of the above

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Correct answer: (A)

370. Quality planning is:

A. identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining
how to satisfy them
B. monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant
quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory
C. evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence
that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards
D. taking action to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the project so as to
provide added benefits to both the performing organization and the project
E. assuring the production of goods that meet the highest standards of luxury

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Correct answer: (A)
identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how
to satisfy them

371. Which of the following best characterizes the results of an increase in quality?

A. increased productivity, increased costeffectiveness, and decreased cost risk

B. reduced productivity and no change to costeffectiveness or cost risk
C. reduced productivity and an increase in overall product or service cost
D. increased productivity and cost-effectiveness
E. increased productivity, decreased costeffectiveness and increased cost risk

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Correct answer: (A)
increased productivity, increased costeffectiveness, and decreased cost risk

372. The concept of quality is based on:

A. meeting luxury goods standards

B. producing excellent products that are superior to other similar items
C. conforming to the requirements specifications
D. maintaining uniformity of design
E. A and C

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Correct answer: (C)
conforming to the requirements specifications

373. Random variance in a process, as measured by the standard deviation, can be

directly reduced by:

A. improving the overall system of production

B. increasing the number of quality inspectors
C. making use of run charts
D. making better use of Pareto charts
E. identifying patterns of variance using control charts
View answer
Correct answer: (E)
identifying patterns of variance using control charts

374. Poor quality in a design project is likely to directly affect ______________ costs.

A. manufacturing / building
B. advertising
C. overhead
D. post-completion support
E. A and D

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Correct answer: (E)
A and D

375. The primary responsibility for establishing design and test specifications should
rest with

A. senior management
B. procurement or purchasing
C. engineering
D. manufacturing
E. quality control

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Correct answer: (C)

376. The primary components of quality management are quality ______________.

A. inspections, certifications, and validations

B. philosophy, assurance, and control
C. form, fit, and function
D. reliability, maintainability, and availability
E. insurance, assurance, and warranty

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Correct answer: (B)
philosophy, assurance, and control

377. Self-inspection by the individual performing the work is used to achieve quality
in a product. The advantages of self-inspection include ______________.

A. immediate feedback to permit adjustments to the process

B. early identification of errors prior to further integration
C. minimization of end product repairs and material waste
D. reduction in the number of end product inspections and tests
E. all of the above

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Correct answer: (E)
all of the above

378. Statistical sampling is a method to determine the conformance to requirement

for some element or product of a project. The advantage of statistical sampling is that
it ______________.

A. does not require an expenditure of resources

B. is accurate enough with a sampling of less than one percent
C. does not require 100 percent sampling of the elements to achieve a satisfactory
inference of the population
D. needs to be conducted only when there is a problem discovered with the end
product or when the customer has some rejects
E. is a good tool o gain customer confidence during a period of high rejects

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Correct answer: (C)
does not require 100 percent sampling of the elements to achieve a satisfactory
inference of the population

379. In a project, the common parameters are cost, schedule, and quality. In
relationship to the others, quality should be ranked ______________.

A. first as the prime driver for a project

B. second behind cost but ahead of schedule
C. second behind schedule but ahead of cost
D. equal to cost and schedule
E. third behind cost and schedule

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Correct answer: (D)
equal to cost and schedule

380. In computing the cost of producing a quality product, the major areas of costs
contribute to the sale price of the product. The ratio of the ______________ costs
determine whether an effective program is fully implemented.

A. direct, indirect, and overhead

B. one-time, recurring, and variable
C. variable, fixed, and semi-fixed
D. prevention, appraisal, and failure
E. build, repair, and test

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Correct answer: (D)
prevention, appraisal, and failure

381. Recognition of personnel achievements is an important building block to the

attainment of a superior quality program. The form of recognition should be

A. an annual bonus increase paid at the end of the year

B. an immediate cash award that is commensurate with the deed
C. a non-monetary award presented in a public forum as soon as the deed is
D. a non-monetary award presented in private
E. a combination of monetary and non-monetary award presented in private

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Correct answer: (C)
a non-monetary award presented in a public forum as soon as the deed is identified

382. Quality control includes inspections to ensure the standards of performance are
being met. Inspection includes ______________ examinations of ______________.

A. visual and non-visual; processes and components

B. visual and aural; processes and materials
C. visual and technical; material and end products
D. aural and tactile; materials and end products
E. aural and tactile; processes and procedures

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Correct answer: (C)
visual and technical; material and end products

383. Process control is distinct and separate from the data gathering function in a
quality program. While process control regulates the functions, data gathering is used
to ______________.

A. collect information on the relative performance standards of the process so the

output can be enhanced through continuous adjustments to the input functions
B. validate the controlling function as performing correctly and provide
information on equipment servicing intervals
C. provide the historical records for production lots as to the specifications and
actual measurements of a product
D. generate the control charts to determine the variances in the product and the
number on nonconforming products
E. ensure the products are within tolerances and to identify those products that
require reworking or crapping

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Correct answer: (B)
validate the controlling function as performing correctly and provide information on
equipment servicing intervals

384. The key to quality is to design and build to the requirements and avoid attempts
to inspect quality into the product. There is a need, however, to conduct inspections a
critical junctures in the assembly process to ensure defective items are identified prior
to making a costly interface or concealing a physical attribute that cannot be inspected
at a later time. inspection plan will identify the points at which examinations of
processes, materials, or assemblies are required. However, inspection plans normally
do not include ______________.

A. examining the vendor's quality procedures

B. examining surfaces
C. testing personnel skills
D. checking dimensions
E. witnessing destructive and nondestructive tests

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Correct answer: (E)
witnessing destructive and nondestructive tests

385. Which of the following is not part of the Total Quality Approach?

A. holistic thinking
B. focus on short-term financial performance
C. focus on desirability
D. team thinking

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Correct answer: (A)
holistic thinking

386. The majority of advertisers appeal the public on thebasis of which of the

A. Quality of product
B. Quality of staff
C. Inferiority of product
D. Inferiority of service

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Correct answer: (A)
Quality of product

387. Learn how to tell when nothing can be gained from further discussion. This refers
to which of the following discussion skills in meetings?

A. Acting as gatekeepers
B. Closing the discussion
C. Asking for clarification
D. Testing for consensus

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Correct answer: (B)
Closing the discussion

388. the job characteristic of quality professionals is:

A. Educating others
B. Achieving personal targets
C. Consultative work with other departments
D. None of the above

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Correct answer: (D)
None of the above

389. ______________ is a graphic tool for defining the relationship between customer
desires and the firm/product capabilities.

A. House of Quality
B. Affinity diagram
C. Arrow diagram
D. None of the give option

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Correct answer: (A)
House of Quality

390. Tools and techniques used during the Quality Planning process include:
A. Benefit / cost analysis
B. Benchmarking
C. Quality audits
D. a and b
E. all of the above

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Correct answer: (D)
a and b

Quality is:

A. Zero defects found

B. Conformance to requirements
C. The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on
its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs
D. b and c
E. all the above

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Correct answer: (D)
b and c

392. 80% of the problems are found in 20% of the work is a concept of:

A. Edward Deming
B. Philip Crosby
C. Juran
D. Pareto

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Correct answer: (D)

393. All of the following statements about control charts are true except:

A. Control charts can be used to establish as well as maintain process control

B. Control charts are used to determine acceptance limits when no limits are
stipulated by the product specification; otherwise, one should use the limits
dictated by the specification
C. All data points outside the control chart limits are variations explained by
D. A and B
E. B and C

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Correct answer: (E)
B and C

394. Quality assurance

A. refers to the prevention of product defects

B. is an auditing function that provides feedback to the project team and client
about the quality of output being produced
C. is the technical process that includes the construction of control charts which
specify acceptability limits for conforming output
D. A and B
E. B and C

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Correct answer: (B)
is an auditing function that provides feedback to the project team and client about
the quality of output being produced

395. The Japanese Quality Control (QC) Circle movement motivated its participants in
many ways. Which of the following represents the most important motivation for the
QC circle participant:

A. Improving the performance of the company

B. Self-Improvement
C. Financial Incentives
D. Recognition among co-workers
E. Strengthening of relationships between co-workers

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Correct answer: (A)
Improving the performance of the company

396. Which are the best two charts to show trends in a process?

A. Pareto and Control

B. Control and Run
C. Histogram and Run
D. Gantt and Pert
E. Gantt and CPM

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Correct answer: (B)
Control and Run
397. The process of determining that technical processes and procedures are being
performed in conformance with scope requirements and quality plans is called quality:

A. management
B. assurance
C. process review
D. control
E. checks

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Correct answer: (D)

398. You are sampling items from a batch and plotting the results on a control chart.
how will an increase in the number of items sample affect the value of the standard
deviation used to set the control limit?

A. increase it
B. decrease it
C. no effect on it
D. first increase it, then decrease it
E. first decrease it, then increase it

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Correct answer: (B)
decrease it

399. From a high level perspective, quality:

A. is ensured by having inspectors

B. cannot be quantitatively measured
C. and productivity are inconsistent objectives
D. is primarily (85 - 95%) a management problem
E. problems are usually caused by unmotivated employees

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Correct answer: (D)
is primarily (85 - 95%) a management problem

400. The project management team's for quality should:

A. extend beyond the completion of the project

B. stop at the point of delivery
C. be significantly reduced by a good warranty
D. be ignored by the project manager
E. A and C

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Correct answer: (A)
extend beyond the completion of the project

401. From the project manager's viewpoint, quality assurance involves:

A. conducting studies to determine if design methods will support quality

B. identifying applicable laws, ordinances and regulations that the project must
comply with
C. monitoring inspection activities to ensure that the work is performed as
D. A, B, and C
E. A and C

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Correct answer: (E)
A and C

402. The quality management tool that can be described as "a diagram that rank and
displays defects in order of frequency of occurrence (from left to right)" is a:

A. control chart
B. vertical bar chart
C. histograms
D. Pareto chart
E. run chart

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Correct answer: (D)
Pareto chart

403. The ISO 9000 series is:

A. a set of instructions for preparing control charts

B. a set of guidelines for quality
C. a set of forms and procedures to ensure quality
D. an international standard that describes a recommended quality system
E. intended to be applied only to manufactured products

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Correct answer: (D)
an international standard that describes a recommended quality system
404. Quality control is the technical processes that ______________ the project's progress
against the performance standards.

A. inspect, certify, and verify

B. examine, analyze, and report
C. inspect, examine, and determine
D. identify, measure, and report
E. reveal, establish, and record

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Correct answer: (B)
examine, analyze, and report

405. When data is plotted on the control charts, the data is of two types: R and -bar.
The R data represent points of a ______________ while the X-bar data represent points
of a(n) ______________.

A. random sample; cross-matrix sample

B. real sample; simulated sample
C. 100 percent sampling; 10 percent sampling
D. sampling run; average of several runs
E. random sampling; continuous sampling

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Correct answer: (D)
sampling run; average of several runs

406. A quality program within a project should be based on ______________ of errors to

improve productivity along with quality levels.

A. early detection
B. early correction
C. late detection
D. late correction
E. prevention

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Correct answer: (E)

407. Trend charts reflect the relative status of a program. Trend charts are effective
means of ______________.

A. visibility reinforcing the growth of quality improvements to the workers

B. reflecting the precise status of quality failures
C. identifying to customers the failure rates of products
D. setting standards and goals for acceptable levels of quality
E. showing that all goals have been achieved

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Correct answer: (A)
visibility reinforcing the growth of quality improvements to the workers

408. As one of its goal the project organization has quality to specified performance
measures. When compared with the functional organization, the project organization

A. achieves higher levels of quality

B. is always tailored to meet the specific quality goals
C. is less disciplined in the implementation of quality
D. is more disciplined in the implementation of quality
E. none of the above

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Correct answer: (C)
is less disciplined in the implementation of quality

409. In a quality management information system, there is a need to collect data and
format such data into an information output that is useful to the project manager. In
developing such an information system, it is good to remember that an optimum
system does not supply all the information because ______________.

A. there is never enough information collected

B. the system is incapable of processing all the required information
C. some information costs more to collect than it is worth
D. some information is not available for collection and input
E. most information relies on related data to generate the proper output

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Correct answer: (E)
most information relies on related data to generate the proper output

410. The use of CAD (computer-aided design) is emerging as a new technology with
the goal of reducing the time and money spent to produce and update design
drawings. In some cases, the CAD is being used to control other computers and
machines to manufacture basic components of equipment. Because the CAD software
has the capability to perform checks of the design and make changes to designs as
they are approved, there has been ______________.

A. a significant reduction in engineering errors

B. less rework required because of design errors
C. improved updating of designs over the former manual methods
D. more timely posting of changes to designs
E. all of the above

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Correct answer: (C)
improved updating of designs over the former manual methods

411. The quality program may include the requirement for "witnessed inspections" of
critical items for the roject. When a subcontractor or vendor is to conduct a destructive
test, the project manager must ensure the test is validated (witnessed) by a qualified
member of his team. The purchase order or contract should contain a statement that
requires the subcontractor or vendor performing the test to ______________.

A. give a 30-day notice of when the test will be conducted and to provide a
certificate of completion within seven days following the test
B. notify the project manager, in writing, of the date and time for witnessing the
C. retain the residue of the item destroyed for a period of one year following
completion of the project
D. have present at the test at least three independent sources (individuals) who
are qualified in destructive testing procedures
E. report the results of the testing to an independent laboratory for confirmation
and validation of the procedures

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Correct answer: (B)
notify the project manager, in writing, of the date and time for witnessing the test

412. Which of the following is typically viewed to lie between fully vertically integrated

A. Supply chain management

B. Production chain management
C. Value chain management
D. Demand chain management

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Correct answer: (A)
Supply chain management

413. What was the primary concern of managers during 1980s?

A. Detection
B. Strategic impact
C. Control
D. Coordination

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Correct answer: (B)
Strategic impact

414. All of the following are the elements of a TQM system EXCEPT:

A. Leadership
B. Communications
C. Measurement
D. Detentions

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Correct answer: (D)

415. The 'Father' of statistical quality control is:

A. F. W. Taylor
B. Joseph M. Juran
C. Philip Crosby
D. Walter Shewhart

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Correct answer: (D)
Walter Shewhart

416. Crosby’s approach to management is

A. A problem that can never be solved

B. Absolutes of Quality Management
C. Interim Management

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Correct answer: (B)
Absolutes of Quality Management

417. The practice of ceasing mass inspections and ending awards based on price is
credited to:

A. Edward Deming
B. Philip Crosby
C. Juran
D. Pareto

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Correct answer: (A)
Edward Deming

418. The ability of a product to be used for different purposes at different capacities
and under different conditions determines its:

A. Usability
B. Flexibility
C. Operability
D. Availability

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Correct answer: (B)

419. All of the following statements about acceptance sampling plans are true except:

A. Acceptance sampling plans are beneficial when the cost of inspections is high
and the resulting loss of passing non-conforming units is not great
B. Acceptance sampling plans are necessary when destructive inspections are
C. Acceptance sampling plans are never as effective at rejecting non-conforming
units as 100 percent inspection, even when the inspection process is very
D. Acceptance sampling plans do not directly control the quality of a series of lots;
they instead specify the risk of accepting lots of given quality
E. Acceptance sampling plans are not very effective for inspecting small lots of
custommade products

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Correct answer: (C)
Acceptance sampling plans are never as effective at rejecting non-conforming units
as 100 percent inspection, even when the inspection process is very tedious

420. Quality management deals with all of the following topics except:

A. Conformance to requirements / specifications

B. Satisfying the needs of the customer
C. Making products more desirable and luxurious
D. A and C
E. B and C

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Correct answer: (C)
Making products more desirable and luxurious

The majority of product defects could be prevented in most processes if manufacturers

would do the following:

A. Increase the use of acceptance control charts instead of standard three-sigma

control charts
B. Make a concerted effort to eliminate the potential for product defects in the
design stage
C. Create a quality control department
D. A and B
E. A and C

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Correct answer: (B)
Make a concerted effort to eliminate the potential for product defects in the design

422. In order to achieve long-term quality improvements, management must do the


A. Motivate the employees with seminars, contests, and institution of programs

such as "Quality Improvement" day
B. Create a quality control department and give the head of the department
ultimate responsibility for quality improvement
C. Implement a formal quality control program with worker and management
D. Establish financial incentive packages for workers
E. A and D

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Correct answer: (C)
Implement a formal quality control program with worker and management

423. Quality control is:

A. identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining
how to satisfy them
B. monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant
quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory
C. evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence
that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards
D. taking action to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the project so as to
provide added benefits to both the performing organization and the project
E. assuming the production of goods that meet the highest standards of luxury

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Correct answer: (B)
monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality
standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance

424. The primary driver(s) behind the demand for continual qualify improvement is /

A. an increase in the number of projects being worked

B. the government cost improvement reports that have created widespread public
interest in quality
C. the prevalence of media reports on quality circles and other quality
improvement techniques
D. the need to both reduce costs and ensure consistency in the performance of
products and services
E. B and D

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Correct answer: (E)
B and D

425. The ______________ of a product or service mostly affects its reliability and
maintenance characteristics.

A. design
B. concept
C. fabrication
D. performance
E. cost

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Correct answer: (A)

426. Of the following statements, which one(s) is / are true?

A. Quality is the usual result when skilled designers and skilled implementors work
on the project
B. Quality is 10% skill and 90% luck
C. Quality can be achieved with the proper combination of personnel, materials,
methods, and time to do the work
D. None of the above
E. A and C

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Correct answer: (E)
A and C

427. Which of the following statements best characterizes the quality management
practice called benchmarking?

A. The ISO term for progress measurement

B. Comparing planned project practices to those of other projects
C. A technique used to test certain types of electronic equipment
D. The difference between grade and quality
E. The measurement of customer satisfaction

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Correct answer: (B)
Comparing planned project practices to those of other projects

428. Zero Defects is an element of the quality management philosophy that is a

______________ for all workers to be achieved ______________.

A. slogan; whenever possible

B. slogan; most of the time
C. standard; at all times
D. standard; whenever possible
E. standard; during critical operations

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Correct answer: (C)
standard; at all times

429. Statistical sampling methods are valid for most projects, regardless of the lack of
repetitive processes, because ______________.

A. projects rely on external vendors for products that must meet contractual
specifications to conform to the requirements
B. purchased materials will never meet the requirements of the project
C. services are amenable to statistical sampling even for small lots
D. it looks good to the customer when there is a mathematical approach to quality
E. statistics provide a basis for customer acceptance of the projects

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Correct answer: (A)
projects rely on external vendors for products that must meet contractual
specifications to conform to the requirements

430. Customers are the driving force in any project and determine the requirements
to be met. In dealing with customers' complaints, it is important to ______________.

A. avoid commitment to correction on an "out of warranty" item

B. talk to them until they see the reason the complaints are trivial
C. give them something more than they contracted to receive to suppress any
feelings of dissatisfaction
D. provide them with the full scope of the contracted product or service
E. realize that customers ask for too much and to change their perceptions about
the product or service requirements

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Correct answer: (D)
provide them with the full scope of the contracted product or service

431. One of the advantages of team work is:

A. It breaks down barriers between internal

B. customers and suppliers
C. It results in promotion
D. It results in salary increment
E. None of the given options

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Correct answer: (A)
It breaks down barriers between internal

432. Crosby’s approach to management is:

A. A problem that can never be solved

B. Absolutes of Quality Management
C. Interim Management

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Absolutes of Quality Management
433. A histogram ordered by frequency of occurrence that shows how many results were
generated by each identified cause is:

A. Statistical Histogram
B. Juran Histogram
C. Fishbone Diagram
D. Pareto Diagram

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Correct answer: (B)
Juran Histogram

434. A series of consecutive points on the same side of the average is called:

A. Run
B. Trend
C. Outliers
D. Cycle

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

435. A structured tool, usually industry or activity specific, used to verify that a set of required
steps has been performed is called:

A. Quality Policy
B. Check list
C. Trend analysis
D. Pareto diagram

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Correct answer: (B)
Check list

436. Financial compensation is the primary motivational tool for which of the following
management theories or programs?

A. Zero Defects program

B. Theory X management
C. Theory Y management
D. Quality Control Circles
E. A and C

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Correct answer: (B)
Theory X management
437. The Pareto Principle is a technique used by quality managers to determine which quality
control problems concerning a particular service or manufacturing process should be corrected.
Which of the following statements best represents the philosophy employed by this principle?

A. In order to minimize financial losses from quality control problems, all problems which
have a measurable cost associated with them should be corrected
B. The majority of defects are caused by a small percentage of the identifiable problems.
Improvement efforts should be reserved for those few vital problems
C. In order to achieve zero defects, all quality control problems, including those which do
not have a direct financial cost should be corrected
D. Generally, 80% of the quality control problems are justifiable for correction via
costbenefit analysis. The remaining 20% are not financially worthy of improvement
E. A and D

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Correct answer: (B)
The majority of defects are caused by a small percentage of the identifiable problems.
Improvement efforts should be reserved for those few vital problems

438. The pillars of quality is (are)

A. Quality is free
B. Doing it right the first time
C. Zero defects
D. Process improvement
E. B and C

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Correct answer: (E)
B and C

439. According to current quality management thinking, which of the following approaches to
quality improvement is least likely to produce positive results?

A. increased inspection
B. continuous improvement
C. quality circles
D. statistical quality control
E. use of worker suggestion systems

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Correct answer: (A)
increased inspection

440. Which is not a commonly used quality management tool?

A. Fishbone diagram
B. CSSR report
C. Pareto chart
D. Control chart
E. None of the above (all are commonly used)

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Correct answer: (E)
None of the above (all are commonly used)

441. 100% inspection for defects may be neither possible nor desirable, When is
sampling for defects likely to be most useful?

A. When destructive testing is required

B. When the cost of 100% inspection is high
C. When we believe there are not many defects
D. A, B, and C
E. A and B

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Correct answer: (E)
A and B

442. From the project manager's perspective, quality management is ______________

limited to assessing the attributes of the tools provided to do the work.

A. always
B. usually
C. not
D. seldom
E. intermittently

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Correct answer: (C)

443. Quality assurance is defined as the managerial process that determines

______________ that provide the customers with performance standards and feedback
on the performance.

A. time, scope, cost, and resources

B. human resources, dollars, materials, and duration
C. time, location, duration, and completion
D. organization, design, objectives, and resources
E. management, staff, workers, and contractors

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Correct answer: (D)
organization, design, objectives, and resources

444. Statistical Decision Making includes Pareto Analysis as a means of reducing errors
in the total project process. Pareto Analysis ______________.

A. is a method of rejecting errors or variances from standards following self-

B. is a procedure for ranking the errors to identify those contributing the most to
failures [PMBOK p. B-2]
C. counts errors or failures to determine the added cost of all operations that do
not meet the requirements
D. compares the error rate with the pass rate to determine the allowable number
of errors per 1,000
E. compares the error rate of individuals to determine the compensation for

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Correct answer: (B)
is a procedure for ranking the errors to identify those contributing the most to
failures [PMBOK p. B-2]

445. When errors that affect quality are discovered, the procedure to improve the
situation should be to ______________.

A. identify the specific error

B. correct the specific error
C. determine the root causes of the error
D. correct the root cause of the error
E. all of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (E)
all of the above

446. Quality in a project's product is essential for the enhancement of the project
manager and the selling organization. To ensure that the customer perceives a quality
product, the project manager must inform the ustomer of the ______________ to be used
so the customer will not have a perception of ______________.

A. materials; inferior fabrication

B. standards; gold plating
C. practices; poor workmanship
D. pricing; gouging
E. warranty; poor service after product sale

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
standards; gold plating

447. In the quality area, process control is becoming an important element of the
manufacturing to rigorous specifications to provide a consistently uniform output. The
control of a process is divided into controlling temperatures, pressures, flows,
______________, and levels in terms of rates and time.

A. directions, elasticities
B. volumes, distances
C. speeds (velocities), volumes
D. distances, speeds (velocities)
E. lengths, widths

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
distances, speeds (velocities)

448. The inspection of the project through the implementation phase is critical to
ensure that quality standards are being met. The use of vendors is most often required
to obtain critical materials, components, or sub-assemblies. To determine a vendor's
capabilities to produce to the specifications, a "shop survey" or audit of the vendor
may be required. e areas for the audit should include ______________.

A. facilities and shop space

B. experience and capability with similar work
C. quality assurance an control procedures
D. organization and quality of work in process
E. all of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
quality assurance an control procedures

449. Taguchi suggested that loss in a process is'increased with increase in which of the

A. Specifications
B. Standards
C. Competition
D. Variability
View answer
Correct answer: (D)

450. Some organizations emphasizes the use of quality tools but failed to do which of
the following?

A. Focus on what is truly important to the distributors

B. Incorporate continuous improvement efforts
C. Make fundamental changes in their processes and culture
D. Focus on what is truly important to the customer

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Correct answer: (B)
Incorporate continuous improvement efforts

451. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Deming’s philosophy?

A. It is based on improving products and services by reducing uncertainty and variability

in the design and manufacturing processes
B. Quality is either or not present in the whole organization; that quality is the
responsibility of everyone in the organization
C. Increasing conformance to specifications through elimination of defects, supported
extensively by statistical tools for analysis
D. Increasing loss, for the producer, the customer, and society, associated with increasing
variability from a target value

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Quality is either or not present in the whole organization; that quality is the responsibility of
everyone in the organization

452. Nonconformance is an expense of:

A. Profit of quality
B. Defects of quality
C. Quality of product
D. Cost of quality

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
Cost of quality

453. Best price or zero cost is

A. To keep defective products aside, ensuring they

B. do not reach the customers
C. Prerogative cost
D. To count, grade, and rework
E. Cost leadership

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Correct answer: (C)
Prerogative cost

454. The concept that it is easier and less costly to do the work right the first time is called:

A. Zero defects
B. Continuous improvement
D. The customer is the next person in the process

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

455. Which of the following statements concerning acceptance sampling is false?

A. Used when expensive and time-consuming to test the product 100%.

B. The number of allowable defects before lot is rejected is predetermined.
C. Inspection and test standards must be established to ensure that procedures can
adequately determine conformance and nonconformance.
D. If the number of defects found in the sample exceeds the predetermined amount, the
entire lot is rejected.
E. All of the above are true

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Correct answer: (E)
All of the above are true

456. Japanese quality control has improved dramatically in the last 30 years for all of the
following reasons except:

A. The use of quality control circles

B. Small, continuous improvements in quality control
C. The use of worker suggestion systems
D. The use of quality control charts
E. Focusing quality control efforts on production output

View answer
Correct answer: (E)
Focusing quality control efforts on production output

457. Quality attributes

A. are used to determine how effectively the organization accomplishes its goals
B. can be objective or subjective in nature
C. are specific quality characteristics for which a product is designed, built, and tested
D. A and B
E. B and C

View answer
Correct answer: (E)
B and C

458. When a product or service completely meets a customer's requirements:

A. quality is achieved
B. cost of quality is high
C. cost of quality is low
D. the customer pays the minimum price
E. A and B

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Correct answer: (A)
quality is achieved

459. The concept that states: "the optimal quality level is reached at the point where the
incremental revenue from product improvement equals the incremental cost to secure it" comes

A. quality control analysis

B. marginal analysis
C. standard quality analysis
D. conformance analysis
E. systems analysis

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Correct answer: (B)
marginal analysis

460. An assignable variance tells us:

A. our equipment is becoming obsolete

B. top management should initiate increased worker training
C. there is an identifiable problem that must be fixed
D. schedule variances will be reduced
E. our use of quality circles is inadequate

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Correct answer: (C)
there is an identifiable problem that must be fixed
461. A fundamental tenet of modern quality management holds that quality is most
likely to be achieved:

A. by planning it into the project

B. by developing careful mechanisms to inspect for quality
C. by developing prestigious products and processes
D. by striving to do the best job possible
E. by conducting quality circle activities

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
by planning it into the project

462. Which of the following is least likely to contribute to developing an effective

project team supportive of quality?

A. Commitment to the project

B. Team member flexibility
C. Frequent turnover of personnel
D. Team interest in workmanship
E. Clearly defined goals

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Correct answer: (C)
Frequent turnover of personnel

463. Quality management is defined as the process of ensuring that a project meets
the ______________ of the project's clients, participants, and shareholders.

A. specifications and statements of work

B. legal and financial obligations
C. expectations and desires
D. needs and expectations
E. legal and moral requirements

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Correct answer: (D)
needs and expectations

464. Statistical Process Control is used in quality programs to determine whether

repetitive operations meet predictable standards. The process uses ______________ to
permit accurate monitoring of the operation.

A. 100 percent inspection and random rejection

B. acceptance sampling and automatic rejection
C. continuous sampling and error detection methods
D. random sampling and corrective procedures
E. statistical sampling and control procedures

View answer
Correct answer: (E)
statistical sampling and control procedures

465. The cost of quality is needed to identify opportunities for improvement. The cost
of quality is, therefore, defined as the dollar value associated with ______________.

A. producing a product that meets the requirement

B. nonconformance to the requirement
C. any cost for quality personnel and tools
D. any extra cost to hire a quality consultant
E. all extra efforts to implement a quality program

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Correct answer: (B)
nonconformance to the requirement

466. In many projects, the end product is a "service" that does not have physical
characteristics and attributes to be measured to ensure conformance to the
requirement. When service is the end product of a project, measurements

A. do not apply to the service, but the criterion is pass or fail

B. are always artificial and present only false indications of progress
C. can be established based on customer expectations and the responsibility
assigned to individuals
D. are not applicable if the service is to an internal function of the project
E. relate only to the actual expenditures of funds or receipt or revenues

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
can be established based on customer expectations and the responsibility assigned
to individuals

467. Quality control methods extend beyond the external characteristics of the
product or components of the product. The types of testing of the product or
components include ______________.

A. operator, maintainer, and environmental

B. stress, destructive, and operating
C. in-house, public, and private
D. laboratory, destructive, and non-destructive
E. laboratory, fabrication, and product

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Correct answer: (C)
in-house, public, and private

468. In the area of quality, project managers are struggling with the training and
indoctrination of individuals in the need to do the work right the first time to conform
to the requirement. Occasionally, the project manager will discover an individual, either
in the planning or actual work, doing more than is called for in the specification. These
individuals need training to reduce the level of "over building" because ______________.

A. the extra value given to the customer is not recognized or needed to complete
the project
B. the increase to the system specifications place that portion out of balance with
the other system components
C. it leads to increased customer requirements for other parts of the system
D. exceeding the specified requirement is asting time and money at no value
added to the project
E. the project must be reworked in other areas to increase the level of "goodness"
to the same as the "over build"

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
exceeding the specified requirement is asting time and money at no value added to
the project

469. Which of the following models value stability?

A. Organism model
B. Mechanistic model
C. Cultural model
D. Total Quality model

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Correct answer: (B)
Mechanistic model

470. Reworking ______________ the cost of quality.

A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Neutralizes
View answer
Correct answer: (B)

471. Which of the following document(s) is (are)'included in the quality system?

A. A quality policy
B. Customer focus
C. Commitment
D. All of the given options

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Correct answer: (A)
A quality policy

472. The overall intentions and direction of an organization with regard to quality as
formally expressed by top management is a:

A. Quality Plan
B. Quality Statement
C. Quality Policy

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Correct answer: (C)
Quality Policy

473. wich of the following is not considered a cost of nonconformance to quality?

A. Scrap
B. Rework
C. Expediting
D. Process control
E. all of the above are considered nonconformance costs

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Correct answer: (D)
Process control

474. The same quality control manager decides to increase his daily sample size from
three to six. The size of the control band will:

A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remain unchanged
D. Not determinable from given data
E. None of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

475. An acceptance control chart has limits that are based on the specification limits
for the product rather than limits which differentiate between random and assignable
causes. Under which if the following circumstance should a QC manager consider using
an acceptance control chart?

A. When the engineering tolerance on a dimension greatly exceeds the natural

dispersion of the manufacturing process
B. When the number of samples outside the current control chart limits become
too costly and cumbersome to investigate
C. When a process is subject to constant but stable tool wear
D. A and B
E. A and C

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Correct answer: (E)
A and C

476. Cost of quality is a concept that includes:

A. the cost necessary for ensuring conformance to requirements

B. the life cycle cost of the project
C. al research and development costs related to the project
D. only the cost of the quality control function
E. A and B

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Correct answer: (A)
the cost necessary for ensuring conformance to requirements

477. Quality management includes forming and directing a team of people to achieve
a qualitative goal within an effective cost and time frame that results in:

A. a project completed in the shortest possible time

B. a product or service that conforms to the requirement specification
C. an award-winning product that brings public recognition to the project
D. an innovative project that establishes the qualifications of the project team
E. B and C
View answer
Correct answer: (B)
a product or service that conforms to the requirement specification

478. If the level of confidence directly increases as a result of new processes, different
resources, or changed methods, the required cost of monitoring is likely to:

A. increase as well
B. remain the same
C. decrease
D. decrease initially then increase slightly
E. increase then tend to level off

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Correct answer: (C)

479. A project manager notices that all the measurements recorded on a control chart
lie within the control band range. However, most of the measurements are below the
midpoint (negative variance). Quality management practice offers us what guidance in
dealing with this situation?

A. The project manager should apply the "rule of seven"

B. There is no problem as long as the variances lie within the control band
C. Negative variance indicates a problem which should be remedied
D. These variances are most likely caused by random factors
E. Increased worker ownership should be encouraged

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Correct answer: (A)
The project manager should apply the "rule of seven"

480. Just-in-time (JIT) is the concept of reducing inventories to:

A. 25% of former stock

B. Less than half of former stock
C. 75% of peak stock
D. zero stock
E. 15% of the cost of the product for a planned stock

481. Unless evidence indicates otherwise, a process is assured to be:

A. in control
B. out of control
C. working at full capacity
D. working at less than full capacity
E. operating within required engineering tolerances

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Correct answer: (A)
in control

482. Statistical Process Control uses diagrams called "Control Charts." These charts
depict horizontal, parallel lines to represent ______________ standard deviations.

A. six
B. five
C. four
D. three
E. two

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Correct answer: (D)

483. A quality audit is a powerful tool in any quality improvement program. For a
project that is starting a quality improvement program, the initial audit is used to

A. identify all the faculty work that has been completed

B. identify all the work that has been correctly accomplished
C. determine the single most urgent area for improvement
D. determine the quality baseline from which improvements will be made
E. evaluate the quality audit's effectiveness in identifying errors

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Correct answer: (D)
determine the quality baseline from which improvements will be made

484. The 14-step process to quality improvement is a progressive to total involvement

of everyone in a company toward the production of quality products and services. The
14-steps do not include ______________.

A. management commitment
B. quality improvement team
C. quality measurement
D. goal achievement measures
E. supervisor training

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Correct answer: (D)
Goal achievement measures

485. Each project needs a quality program plan to define the parameters of the overall
approach to meeting quality requirements. As a minimum, the quality program plan
addresses ______________.

A. the required processes and procedures

B. the inspection plan
C. the types of test to be conducted
D. the documentation requirements for actions (testing, inspections, etc.)
E. all of the above

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Correct answer: (D)
the documentation requirements for actions (testing, inspections, etc.)

486. Which of the following is not a benefit of long-term suppler relationships?

A. supplier involvement in design

B. information system linkages to customer facilities
C. capacity and facility plans favorable to their customers
D. all of the above are benefits

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Correct answer: (D)
all of the above are benefits

487. Which of the following models has the viewpoint that change and learning are
valued in themselves?

A. Organism mode
B. Mechanistic model
C. Cultural model
D. Total Quality model

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Correct answer: (C)
Cultural model

488. The standards for output based on quality and customer- service requirements
that originate at the organizational and process levels include requirements for all of
the following EXCEPT:

A. Accuracy
B. Innovation
C. Timeliness
D. Turnover

View answer
Correct answer: (D)

489. Why the factory managers created inspection departments?

A. To keep defective products aside, ensuring

B. they do not reach the customers
C. To ensure quantity of goods/services
D. To count, grade, and rework
E. All of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (A)
To keep defective products aside, ensuring

490. Nonconformance is an expense of

A. Profit of quality
B. Defects of quality
C. Quality of product
D. Cost of quality

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
Cost of quality

491. The process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply
with relevant quality standards is called:

A. Quality Assurance
B. Quality Control
C. Quality Planning
D. Quality Review

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Correct answer: (B)
Quality Control

492. What percentage of sales is estimated to be the cost of non-quality?

A. 3-5%
B. 12-20%
C. 30-40%
D. 6-8%

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

493. The zero defects concept

A. is a performance standard for management

B. is a motivational technique that promotes "doing it right the first time"
C. is used by management to communicate to all employees that everyone should
do things right the first time
D. A and C
E. B and C

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Correct answer: (D)
A and C

494. If the acceptance sampling attribute for a lot is 30%, this means that

A. 30% of all lots must be tested

B. 30% of all lots must pass the test
C. any given lot must have 30% or fewer defects
D. a sample of a given lot must have 30% or fewer defects to pass the entire lot
E. C and D

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
a sample of a given lot must have 30% or fewer defects to pass the entire lot

495. Which of the following statements regarding quality is false?

A. Quality improvements depends upon better definition and increased awareness

of the requirements specifications
B. Future gains in quality will often rely on advanced technology
C. Recognition of key actions required of each team member is necessary to meet
quality objectives
D. Computer-aided design systems can improve quality, but only a the expense of
an increase in the cost of design
E. A and C
View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Future gains in quality will often rely on advanced technology

496. Quality is often influenced by all of the following except:

A. fabrication processes and methods

B. supervision
C. inspection
D. cost of materials
E. design

View answer
Correct answer: (C)

497. From the project perspective, quality attributes:

A. are used to determine how effectively the performing organization supports the
B. can be objective or subjective in nature
C. are specific characteristics for which a product is designed, built, and tested
D. B and C
E. A and B

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Correct answer: (D)
B and C

498. Primary responsibility for quality management in the project rests with the:

A. project engineer
B. purchasing agent
C. quality manager
D. project manager
E. company president

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Correct answer: (D)
project manager

499. The cost of quality has been argued as being primarily driven by the workers.
When items were produced that did not meet the customers' expectations, the workers
were "found" to be at fault. Current thinking is that management has at least
______________ percent of the responsibility for the cost of quality.
A. 85
B. 75
C. 65
D. 55
E. 50

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

500. The technical performance of the project is derived from the quality program
instituted by the project manager. Quality control is one part of the uality program
that ______________.

A. defines requirements and performance standards

B. measures results of operations
C. compares measured results to performance standards
D. initiates corrective actions for variances
E. all of the above

View answer
Correct answer: (E)
all of the above

501. Quality is one part of the three major parameters of a project. When the quality
in a project exceeds the specifications, that is called ______________.

A. excellence
B. superior quality
C. deviation plus quality
D. gold plating
E. silver plating

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Correct answer: (C)
deviation plus quality

502. During which century, the manufacturers began to include quality processes in
quality practices?

A. 17th century
B. 18th century
C. 19th century
D. 20th century
View answer
Correct answer: (D)
20th century

503. Which of the following was developed by Motorola to improve its processes by
minimizing defects?

A. ISO 9000
B. Six sigma
C. QS 9000

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Six sigma

504. You can ask direct questions to quiet people'and try to control talkative people",
for which of the following purpose?

A. Mobilizing the group

B. Keeping the group focused
C. Restating purpose
D. Starting punctually

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Correct answer: (A)
Mobilizing the group

505. Total quality costs include:

A. Prevention costs
B. Appraisal costs
C. Failure costs
D. All of the given options

View answer
Correct answer: (D)
All of the given options

506. Example of prevention costs is:

A. Quality improvement projects

B. Downgrading
C. To link outcomes to uses
D. Warranty claims
View answer
Correct answer: (A)
Quality improvement projects

507. The concept of making a giant leap forward followed by a period of maturity is:

A. Innovation
B. Continuous improvement
C. Just in time
D. Paradigm

View answer
Correct answer: (A)

508. The concept of zero inventory is called:

A. Six sigma
B. Continuous improvement
C. Just in Time
D. Zero defects

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
Just in Time

509. Quality is

A. zero defects
B. a problem
C. a specification
D. a cost
E. A, C, and D

View answer
Correct answer: (C)
a specification

510. On a project, quality should generally be of

A. equal priority with cost and schedule

B. lower priority than cost and schedule
C. equal priority with cost, but higher priority than schedule
D. equal priority with schedule, but higher priority than cost
E. higher priority than cost and schedule
View answer
Correct answer: (A)
equal priority with cost and schedule

511. Some organizations today are using "six sigma", to set the upper and lower limits
on control charts rather than the traditional sigmas.

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
E. twelve

View answer
Correct answer: (B)

512. Responsibility within the project for quality must be defined and promulgated to
everyone contributing to the end product. First and foremost, the ______________ has
the ultimate responsibility for conformance to requirements when provided with the
tools, skills, knowledge, and opportunities.

A. corporate president
B. director of project management
C. quality assurance manager
D. project manager
E. individual

View answer
Correct answer: (E)
individual Total Quality
Management – MGT510

Note: Choices with marked * are verified answers

Quiz no.1

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 11:02:05 PM ) Total Marks: 1

In total quality perspective, quality planning, and strategic business planning are treated as which of
the following?





Question # 2 of 15

The marketing team of a company carried out a survey concerning expectations of the customers
from the product. What should be the product development department of the company design?

*The product meeting requirements of the customers

The product meeting requirements of the distributors

The product meeting requirements of the management

The product meeting requirements of the shareholders

Which of the following results in low costs?

*High productivity and high capacity utilization

Low productivity and low capacity utilization

Low productivity and high capacity utilization

High productivity and low capacity utilization

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 11:05:35 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following are generally easy to detect using statistical methods, and it is usually
economical to remove them?

*Common causes

Special causes

Implicit causes

Assignable causes

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 11:07:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which one of the following depicts feature, which is a dimension of quality?

Product looks and sounds

Brand name and price

Bells and whistles of the product

*Ability to repair a product

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 11:08:37 PM ) Total Marks: 1

During which century, the manufacturers began to include quality processes in quality practices?

17th century

18th century

19th century

*20th century

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 11:09:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models has the viewpoint that change and learning are valued in themselves?
*Organism model

Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 11:11:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

After the war, Deming was invited to which of the following countries?





Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 11:12:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE for the organizations focusing problemsolving and
continuous improvement?

Fail to emphasize error prevention and design quality

*Fail to focus on what is truly important to the customer

Fail to identify the best times about the situation in the past

Fail to integrate all organizational functions

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 11:14:06 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Quality applies to which aspect(s) of the organization?

Products only

Products and services

People and product

*Products, services, and people

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 11:14:38 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements holds true for quality assurance?

Top management's intention regarding quality

Functions determining implementation of the quality policy

*Actions to provide confidence of satisfying quality requirements

Responsibilities and processes, which implement quality management

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 11:16:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models reflect horizontal processes beginning with suppliers and ending with

Organism model

Mechanistic model

Cultural model

*Total Quality model

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 11:17:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is concerned about quality for achievement of TQM?

The Managing Director

The Operative

The Quality Manager

*Everyone in the organization

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 11:18:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which one of the following depicts durability – a dimension of quality?

Exterior finish
Quality of work

*Useful life

Ease of repair

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 11:19:36 PM ) Total Marks: 1

"Not giving respect to other people’s contributions", depicts which of the following selforiented





Quiz No .2

which century, the manufacturers began to include quality processes in quality practices? 17th


18th century

19th century

*20th century

In the new paradigm, managers view error as which one of the following?

A threat

A substitute

*An opportunity

An end

Whose concepts are referred to as statistical quality control (SQC)?




In which of the following operations great deal of variations can occur?





Which of the following are generally easy to detect using statistical methods, and it is usually
economical to remove them?

*Common causes

Special causes

Implicit causes

Assignable causes

Who argued that beauty could be understood only after exposure to a series of objects that display
its characteristics?





During which war, Deming taught quality control courses as part of the national defense efforts?

World War I

*World War II

Mexican-American War

The Civil War

Which one of the following depicts feature, which is a dimension of quality?

Product looks and sounds

Brand name and price

Bells and whistles of the product

*Ability to repair a product

The majority of advertisers appeal the public on the basis of which of the following?

*Quality of product

Quality of staff

Inferiority of product

Inferiority of service

The standards for output based on quality and customer-service requirements that originate at the
organizational and process levels include requirements for all of the following EXCEPT:





"Not giving respect to other people’s contributions", depicts which of the following selforiented





After the war, Deming was invited to which of the following countries?

Select correct option:




Which of the following results in low costs?

*High productivity and high capacity utilization

Low productivity and low capacity utilization

Low productivity and high capacity utilization

High productivity and low capacity utilization

The customer value strategy may be addressed in which of the following topics?



* Services


Who developed Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?

Frederick Taylor

Joseph M. Juran

*Y. Akao

Armand Feigenbaum

TQM Quiz no 3

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 12:44:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How the Baldrige Award recognizes the importance of total quality principles?

Through independence with overall business planning

Through a no relation with overall business planning

*Through integration with overall business planning

Through dependence with overall business planning

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 12:45:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models considers the goal of meeting individual needs?

Organism model

Mechanistic model

*Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 12:46:26 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the initial considerations in the Hoshin Kanri approach to business
system change EXCEPT:

Measuring the business system as a whole

Setting core objectives of the business

Understanding the environmental situation in which the business operates

*Ceasing resources for performing activities to achieve business objectives

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 12:47:48 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who argued that beauty could be understood only after exposure to a series of objects that
display its characteristics?





Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 12:48:17 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE for ISO 9000?

*Describes the principles of a quality management system and defines the terminology

Describes the requirements relative to a quality management system either for internal use or for
contractual or certification purposes

Intended for internal use and not for contractual purposes, focuses particularly on continually
improving performance

Contains the guidelines for auditing quality management and/or environmental management
Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:49:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements holds true for quality assurance?

Top management's intention regarding quality

Functions determining implementation of the quality policy

*Actions to provide confidence of satisfying quality requirements

Responsibilities and processes, which implement quality management

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:51:05 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is an answer to the Second Absolute of Quality Management as

summarized by Crosby; what system is needed to cause quality?

Conformance to requirements


Zero defects

Price of nonconformance

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:52:13 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the reasons why Total Quality Management programs are not prolific
for many companies, EXCEPT:

TQM focuses on minimum standards

TQM develops its own cumbersome bureaucracy

TQM has no place for love and passion

*TQM focuses on customers and stakeholders

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:53:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the other name used for Deming Cycle?

*Shewhart cycle
Product life cycle

Data life cycle management

Information life cycle management

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:54:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is necessary for a system to be effective?

*The components of any system must work together for the system

The components of any system must not work together for the system

The components of any system should not be organized for the system

The components of any system should provide disruption for the system

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:55:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT the criterion under Canadian Awards for Business Excellence?


*Planning for contraction

Process optimization

Supplier focus

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:56:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the

following is true for subsystems?

These are not linked together as internal customers and suppliers

These are linked together as external customers and suppliers

These are linked together as external and internal customers and suppliers

*These are linked together as internal customers and suppliers

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:58:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the relationship between Ishikawa and Deming?

Son and father

Nephew and uncle

*Student and teacher

Grandson and grandfather

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:58:51 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE for little q?

*Striving for quality in a limited or specific area

Searching for specific lines of text containing a particular pattern

Matching rules encoded in a string according to certain syntax rules

Giving combination of values for the free variables

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 01:00:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The Capability Maturity Model can help in all of the following EXCEPT:

Setting process improvement goals and priorities

Providing guidance for quality processes

Providing a yardstick for assessing current practices

Documenting procedures as to how the various processes for design operate

Quiz no ---3

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 11:56:02 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The customer value strategy may be addressed in which of the following topics?

Select correct option:




Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 11:57:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Who is known

as a father of modern-day statistical quality control?

Select correct option:





Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 11:57:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following forms the basis of TQM as an organization wide process?

Select correct option:

Not using the resources of the total organization properly

Organizational flexibility and response to change

Not bound in business relationships

Not measuring continuous improvement

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 11:58:54 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How should the benchmarking of individual processes as well as customer satisfaction be employed?

Select correct option:

As a standard tool

As a defective tool

*As an improvement tool

As an instrumental tool

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 11:59:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Identify the example of prevention costs.

Select correct option:

*Quality planning


Product recalls

Customer returns

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:00:51 AM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the

following is NOT included in the ISO registration process?

Select correct option:

Document review by the registrar of the quality system documents or quality manual

Pre-assessment, which identifies potential noncompliance in the quality system or in the


*Review the program descriptions and select the program(s) that will enable you to contribute
more to your organization

Assessment by a team of two or three auditors of the quality system and its documentation

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:02:13 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Who made some salient observations about the failure to understand the components of Profound

Select correct option:




Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:02:56 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following results in low costs?

Select correct option:

*High productivity and high capacity utilization

Low productivity and low capacity utilization

Low productivity and high capacity utilization

High productivity and low capacity utilization

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:03:47 AM ) Total Marks: 1

How can the quality be computed?

Select correct option:

Quality = Expectation/Performance

Quality = Performance/Expectation

Quality = Performance+Expectation

Quality = Performance-Expectation

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:05:14 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Documentation and data on existing products, are an example which of the following?

Select correct option:

External inputs

*Internal inputs

Either internal or external inputs

Neither internal nor external inputs

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:06:19 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following focuses on results, not process, and encourages short-term behavior?

Select correct option:

*Typical American MBO system

Typical Japanese MBO system

Typical Chinese MBO system

Uncommon Chinese MBO system

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:07:08 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Who developed Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?

Select correct option:

Frederick Taylor

Joseph M. Juran

*Y. Akao

Armand Feigenbaum

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:08:06 AM ) Total Marks: 1 All of the

following are the examples of appraisal costs EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Quality measurement criteria

Quality improvement projects

Laboratory acceptance testing

Inspection and testing

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:09:33 AM ) Total Marks: 1

In order to achieve the objectives and stimulate innovation, what the organization should
Select correct option:

The involvement of its human resource

The involvement of its process

The involvement of its system

The involvement of its capital

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 12:10:49 AM ) Total Marks: 1 How the

requirements for documentation and records may not arise?

Select correct option:

Contractual requirements from the customer or other interested parties

Acceptance of international, national, regional and industry sector standards

*Irrelevant statutory and regulatory requirements

Decisions by the organization

Quiz no 3

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 12:18:45 AM ) Total Marks: 1

At which level, does the quality concern centers on meeting internal customer requirements?

Select correct option:

Organizational level

Performer level

Process level

Production level

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 12:20:12 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Who is known as a father of modern-day statistical quality control?

Select correct option:




Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 12:20:43 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is TRUE for higher costs of quality?

Select correct option:

Doing the wrong thing in the wrong way

Doing the wrong thing in the right way

Doing the right thing in the wrong way

Doing the right thing in the right way

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 12:22:09 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following concepts and tools can be used to assess internal customer needs and to
communicate internal supplier capabilities?

Select correct option:





Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 12:23:02 AM ) Total Marks: 1

The management representatives appointed and given authority by the senior management are for
all of the following EXCEPT:

Select correct option:




Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:24:20 AM ) Total Marks: 1

The management preserves the conformity of products during internal processing and final delivery.
Which of the following is included in such preservation?

Select correct option:





Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:25:36 AM ) Total Marks: 1 All of the

following are the basic requirements of ISO 9000 EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

A documented quality system

Consistent adherence to the documented quality system

Check to see that the plan was carried out

Customers and processes be displeased

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:26:50 AM ) Total Marks: 1

During 1990s, the following institution(s) began to pay increase attention to quality.

Select correct option:

Education and health care only

*Education, health care, and government

Health care and government only

Government and financial institutions only

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:27:47 AM ) Total Marks: 1 Which one of the

following depicts reliability – a dimension of quality?

Select correct option:

Bells and whistles of the product

Meeting specifications

Average time for the unit to fail

Quality of work

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:29:07 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models considers the goal of organizational efficiency and performance?

Select correct option:

Organism model

*Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:29:56 AM ) Total Marks: 1 All of the

following are the examples of external failure costs EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Processing customer complaints

Customer returns

Warranty claims

*Quality planning

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:30:34 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Identify the example of external failure costs.

Select correct option:

Quality planning


Material review

*Customer returns

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:31:35 AM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the grounds to give birth to total quality approach EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Obsession with quantity

Confusion and poor leadership

One employee in charge

Political disorder

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:32:59 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is viewed as a Consistent Pair?

Select correct option:

ISO 9000 and ISO 9004

ISO 1987 and ISO 1992

ISO 1992 and ISO 1997

*ISO 9001 and ISO 9004

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 12:33:40 AM ) Total Marks: 1

In which century, the US broke further from the European tradition and adopted a new management
approach developed by Frederick W. Taylor?

Select correct option:

17th century

18th century

*19th century

20th century

Next Quiz

1. All of the following are the grounds to give birth to total quality approach
A. Obsession with quantity
B. Confusion and poor leadership
C. One employee in charge
D. Political disorder

2. Which of the following was developed by Motorola to improve its processes by minimizing
A. ISO 9000
B. *Six sigma
C. QS 9000

3. Quality applies to which aspect(s) of the organization?

A. Products only
B. Products and services
C. People and product
D. *Products, services, and people

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Deming’s philosophy? A. *It is based
on improving products and services by reducing uncertainty and variability in the
design and manufacturing processes
B. Quality is either or not present in the whole organization; that quality is the
responsibility of everyone in the organization
C. Increasing conformance to specifications through elimination of defects, supported
extensively by statistical tools for analysis
D. Increasing loss, for the producer, the customer, and society, associated with
increasing variability from a target value

5. Which of the following statements, in relation to system, is TRUE for people failing to
understand the components of Profound Knowledge?
A. *They see the symptoms but not the deep causes of problems
B. They do not know when expectations are realistic
C. They do not understand motivation/why people do what they do
D. They do not know how to plan and accomplish learning and improvement

6. "Problems will remain unsolved, despite their best efforts." When this will happen?

A. When people don’t understand systems

B. When people don’t understand psychology
C. When people don’t understand variation

D. *When people don’t understand the theory of knowledge

7. Which stage in the Shewhart Cycle implements the change on a small scale?
A. *Do stage
B. Act stage
C. Plan stage
D. Check stage

8. Which of the following s determining what to control, establishing units of measurement

so that data may be objectively evaluated?
A. Quality improvement
B. Quality planning
C. *Quality control
D. Quality process

9. All of the following steps are required for quality planning EXCEPT:
A. Determine who the customers are
B. Deploy the plans to operational levels
C. Identify customers’ needs
D. *Assess actual quality performance

10. Which of the following is an answer to the First Absolute of Quality

Management as summarized by Crosby; what is quality?
A. *Conformance to requirements
B. Prevention
C. Zero defects
D. Price of nonconformance

Next Quiz:

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 09:54:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Quality applies to which aspect(s) of the organization?

Select correct option:

Products only

Products and services

People and product

Products, services, and people

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 09:55:01 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Juran defines quality as “fitness for use”. This can be broken down into how many categories?

Select correct option:




Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 09:56:24 PM ) Total Marks: 1 How many

maturity levels are there in the Capability Maturity Model?

Select correct option:





Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 09:57:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is a unit for measuring process performance according to traditional view of

Select correct option:

Effective parts per thousand produced

Defective parts per thousand produced

Effective parts per hundred produced

*Defective parts per hundred produced

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 09:58:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to system, is TRUE for people failing to understand the
components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

*They see the symptoms but not the deep causes of problems

They do not know when expectations are realistic

They do not understand motivation/why people do what they do

They do not know how to plan and accomplish learning and improvement
Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 09:59:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to variation, is TRUE for people failing to understand
the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

They see events as individuals’ incidents rather than the net result of many interactions and
interdependent forces

*They do not know the difference between prediction, forecasting, and guesswork

They create cynicism, demoralization, de-motivation, guilt, resentment, burnout, craziness, and

They do not understand the difference between improvement and change

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 10:00:18 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the

following models has a vertical chain of command?

Select correct option:

Organism model

*Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 10:01:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What was the role of quality professionals during 1800s?

Select correct option:

Troubleshooting and the application of statistical methods

*Inspection, sorting, counting, and grading

Quality measurement, quality planning, and program design

Goal setting, education and training, and program design

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 10:02:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the major categories and items within each category of Canadian Awards for
Business Excellence EXCEPT:
Select correct option:

Customer focus

Distributor focus

People focus

Supplier focus

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 10:03:44 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How the Baldrige Award recognizes the importance of total quality principles?

Select correct option:

Through independence with overall business planning

Through a no relation with overall business planning

*Through integration with overall business planning

Through dependence with overall business planning

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 10:04:16 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following involves determining what to control, establishing units of measurement so
that data may be objectively evaluated?

Select correct option:

Quality improvement

Quality planning

*Quality control

Quality process

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 10:04:55 PM ) Total Marks: 1 After the war,

Deming was invited to which of the following countries?

Select correct option:




Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 10:05:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the

following organizations has a little chance of survival?

Select correct option:

With no corporate philosophy about how to create long-term customer loyalty

With no corporate objectives about how to create long-term customer loyalty

With no mission about how to create long-term customer loyalty

*With no vision about how to create long-term customer loyalty

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 10:06:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who suggested that there are three categories of performance?

Select correct option:





Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 10:07:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the

following statements holds true for quality assurance?

Select correct option:

Top management's intention regarding quality

Functions determining implementation of the quality policy

*Actions to provide confidence of satisfying quality requirements

Responsibilities and processes, which implement quality management

Quiz No. 3 (Talha)

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 11:43:33 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE about Deming’s philosophy?

Select correct option:

*It is based on improving products and services by reducing uncertainty and variability in the
design and manufacturing processes

Quality is either or not present in the whole organization; that quality is the responsibility of
everyone in the organization

Increasing conformance to specifications through elimination of defects, supported extensively by

statistical tools for analysis

Increasing loss, for the producer, the customer, and society, associated with increasing variability
from a target value

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 11:44:22 AM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the major decision areas in supply chain management EXCEPT:

Select correct option:





Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 12:11:54 PM ) Total Marks: 1

By the mid 1970s, which markets were penetrated by the Japanese companies?

Select correct option:

*Western markets

Eastern markets
Northern markets Southern


Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 12:12:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The input for management review to examine the quality management system shall include
information about all of the following EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Status of preventive and corrective actions

Follow-up actions from previous management reviews

Changes that could affect the quality management system

*Improvement of product related to customer requirements

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 12:13:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Juran advocates a never-ending spiral of activities that includes all of the following EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Product development


Inspection and testing


Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:14:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE for little q?

Select correct option:

*Striving for quality in a limited or specific area

Searching for specific lines of text containing a particular pattern

Matching rules encoded in a string according to certain syntax rules

Giving combination of values for the free variables

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:15:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the Total Quality Tool that is simply a graphical representation of an outline
that presents a chain of causes and effects?

Select correct option:

Check sheet

Fishbone diagram

Scatter diagram

Pareto chart

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:16:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who found that teams are seldom fully used, and their individual members are often complacent?

Select correct option:

Oakland and Schein

*Newall and Dale

Lehr and Cox

Juran and Schein

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:17:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The customer value strategy may be addressed in which of the following topics?

Select correct option:





Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:18:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following should be reviewed by the organization to identify requirements for
operations that realize products or deliver services in order to ensure compliance with
Select correct option:

Inability to comply with contractual requirements

*Training and competence of people

Problem conception

Irrelevant statutory and regulatory requirements

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:19:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who developed Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?

Select correct option:

Frederick Taylor

Joseph M. Juran

*Y. Akao

Armand Feigenbaum

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:20:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What are the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) series standards for industries
such as automobiles?

Select correct option:

ISO 9000

ISO 14000

*QS 9000

AS 9000

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:21:43 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following should be used as input to management review in order to ensure that
continual improvement is the driver for organizational development?

Select correct option:

*Performance information

Performance management

Ethical performance

Performance development

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:23:02 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following are generally easy to detect using statistical methods, and it is usually
economical to remove them?

*Common causes

Special causes

Implicit causes

Assignable causes

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 12:24:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the objective of a TQM system?

Select correct option:

*Continuous improvement

Continual improvement

Business improvement

Process improvement

Next Quiz

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 09:21:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Based in Geneva, Switzerland, International Organization for Standardization is a consortium of the

national standard bodies, which has how many countries?
More than 100

Less than 100

Less than 90

Less than 80

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 09:23:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the contributor to the work method cause in the house paint peeling
cause-and-effect diagram?

Select correct option:

Cheap solvents


Acid rain

Paint over dirt

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 09:24:28 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following concepts and tools can be used to assess internal customer needs and to
communicate internal supplier capabilities?

Select correct option:





Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 09:25:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The input for management review to examine the quality management system shall include
information about all of the following EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Status of preventive and corrective actions

Follow-up actions from previous management reviews

Changes that could affect the quality management system

*Improvement of product related to customer requirements

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 09:26:28 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What the organization must accomplish to achieve the mission, by examination and categorization
of the impacts?

Select correct option:

Critical success factors

Key process indicators

Illegal and policy factors

The enemy indicator

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 09:27:43 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who suggested, “A quality product is one that provides performance or conformance at an

acceptable price or cost"?

Select correct option:





Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 09:28:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Marketing research carried out to know whether the particular area should be covered in this
course. What the course instructor should develop?

Select correct option:

*The course meeting requirements of the university

The course meeting requirements of the instructor

The course meeting requirements of the students

The course meeting requirements of the bookseller

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 09:30:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Under which perspective of the balance scorecard, would you classify the operating cost
management measurement?

Select correct option:

The customer perspective

The business process perspective

The financial perspective

The learning & growth perspective

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 09:31:24 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the purpose of ISO 9001?

Select correct option:

*To define the minimum Quality Management System requirements needed to achieve
customer satisfaction by meeting specified product requirements

To determine metals and metalloids in airborne particulate matter by inductively coupled plasma
atomic emission spectrometry

To ensure that the IT service management processes are aligned both with the needs of the
business and with international best practice

To evaluate ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium by

determination of oxygen demand in a closed respirometer

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 09:32:16 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is a four-step quality model amongst the most widely used tools for
continuous improvement?

Select correct option:

*Deming Cycle

Juran Trilogy

Taguchi’s Loss Function

Quality Circles

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 09:33:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What was the transcendent view of quality?

Select correct option:

Satisfying customers

Meeting needs and wants

*Innate excellence


Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 09:34:18 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following focuses on results, not process, and encourages short-term behavior?

Select correct option:

*Typical American MBO system

Typical Japanese MBO system

Typical Chinese MBO system

Uncommon Chinese MBO system

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 09:35:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the

following is NOT the category in Baldrige Award?

Select correct option:


Business results
*Supply chain

Process management

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 09:36:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the number of principles in Dr. W. Edwards Deming's quality principles?




Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 09:37:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of functional structure?

Select correct option:

It provides organizations with a clear chain of command

*It enables employees to learn about customer expectations

It allows evaluating people based on clear set of responsibilities

It allows people to specialize in the aspect of the work

Quiz No. 4

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 06:46:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is a requirement of ISO 9000:2000?

Select correct option:

*Processes to measure and analyze customer satisfaction

An Environmental Policy to be in existence within the organization

Procedures for registration of font-related identifiers

Irregular improvement of internal process and customer satisfaction

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 06:47:17 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The management responsible for the area being audited is responsible for ensuring that actions
are taken without undue delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes. Which of
the following is a follow-up activity?

Select correct option:

*The verification of the actions taken

The reporting of contradiction results

The contradiction of the actions taken

The verification of contradiction results

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 06:57:48 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following total quality tools is employed in the step “plan and implement a

solution” in problem solving?

Select correct option:

4W and 1H matrix

Pareto chart

*Control chart

Scatter plot

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 06:59:05 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Under which perspective of the balance scorecard, would you classify the customer retention

Select correct option:

The customer perspective

The business process perspective

The financial perspective

The learning & growth perspective

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 06:59:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What was the role of quality professionals during 1950s?

Select correct option:

*Troubleshooting and the application of statistical methods

Inspection, sorting, counting, and grading

Quality measurement, quality planning, and program design

Goal setting, education and training, and program design

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 07:00:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is quality?

Select correct option:

*Meeting and exceeding the customer’s expectations

Adding factors to make the customer happy

The degree to which the project meets requirements

Conformance to management’s objectives

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 07:01:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The quality initiatives focused initially on reducing defects and errors in products and services with
the help of which of the following?

Select correct option:

*Measurement, statistics, and other problem solving tools

Measurement, statistics and cause and effect analysis

Statistics and cause and effect analysis only

Failure modes and cause and effect analysis only

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 07:01:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following performance levels have good results and have emphasized sustained
improvement trends?

Select correct option:

Reactive approach

Stable formal system approach

Best-in-class performance

*Continual improvement emphasized

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 07:02:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Do not permit overlong examples or irrelevant discussion. This refers to which of the following
discussion skills in meetings?

Select correct option:


*Managing time

Closing the discussion

Containing digression

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 07:03:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to psychology, is TRUE for people failing to
understand the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

*They see the symptoms but not the deep causes of problems

They do not know when expectations are realistic

They do not understand motivation/why people do what they do

They do not know how to plan and accomplish learning and improvement

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 07:04:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following results in low costs?

Select correct option:

*High productivity and high capacity utilization

Low productivity and low capacity utilization

Low productivity and high capacity utilization

High productivity and low capacity utilization

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 07:05:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Under which perspective of the balance scorecard, would you classify motivated workforce

Select correct option:

The customer perspective

The business process perspective

The financial perspective

The learning & growth perspective

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 07:05:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models value stability?

Select correct option:

Organism model

*Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 07:06:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who stressed that systems must be focused toward a purpose?

Select correct option:





Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 07:07:58 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following leads to questioning and can be tested and validated?

Select correct option:

*Theory of knowledge


Understanding of variation

Appreciation for a system

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 07:10:06 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to variation, is TRUE for people failing to understand
the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

They see events as individuals’ incidents rather than the net result of many interactions and
interdependent forces

*They do not know the difference between prediction, forecasting, and guesswork

They create cynicism, demoralization, de-motivation, guilt, resentment, burnout, craziness, and

They do not understand the difference between improvement and change

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 07:11:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following represent short-term perspectives and do not encourage long-term
improvement as stated by Deming?

Select correct option:

*Numerical quotas

Constitutional quotas

Political party quotas

Mechanical quotas

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 07:12:41 PM ) Total Marks: 1 All of the

followings are true for zero defects concept EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

A performance standard for management

A standard of the craftsperson regardless of his or her assignment

A tool of management to communicate to do things right the first time

A motivational, widely understood and accepted program

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 07:14:02 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who suggested, “A quality product is one that provides performance or conformance at an

acceptable price or cost"?

Select correct option:





Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 07:14:35 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following tools plots the relationship of one numeric variable to another on a horizontal
and vertical axis and determines the degree of dependency or interdependency of those variables?

Select correct option:

*Scatter diagram

Check sheet

Fishbone diagram

Pareto chart

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 07:15:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who warned against the use of extrinsic controls that compel behavioral changes in people when
rewards and incentive programs are seldom shifted to favor quality improvement?

Select correct option:




Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 07:16:38 PM ) Total Marks: 1 How many

maturity levels are there in the Capability Maturity Model?

Select correct option:





Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 07:17:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which one of the following depicts aesthetics, which is a dimension of quality?

Select correct option:

*Exterior finish

Quality of work

Ranking first

Ease of repair

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 07:18:28 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following firms solely owns the entire material flow and each channel member
operates independently?

Select correct option:

Horizontal integrated firms

Backward vertical integrated firms

Vertical integrated firms

Conglomerate integrated firms

Quiz Start Time: 07:10 PM Time Left 85

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 07:19:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the

following is NOT the deadly disease according to Deming?

Select correct option:

Excessive medical costs

*Excessive transportation costs

Lack of constancy of purpose

Mobility of management

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 07:21:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which stage in the Shewhart Cycle uses data and facts to analyze the results of the change?

Select correct option:

Do stage

Act stage

Plan stage

*Check stage

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 07:21:54 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Why product-based definitions of quality suit engineers?

Select correct option:

They are concerned with designing of the products

They can judge quality

They can reduce specific standards

*They are concerned with translating product requirements into specific components and
physical dimensions thereby produced
Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 07:23:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1 All of the

following are the elements of a TQM system EXCEPT:

Select correct option:





Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 07:24:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the contributor to the equipment cause in the house paint peeling cause-
and-effect diagram?

Select correct option:

Cheap solvents


Bad brush bristle

Paint over dirt

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 07:24:24 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is viewed as a Consistent Pair?

Select correct option:

ISO 9000 and ISO 9004

ISO 1987 and ISO 1992

ISO 1992 and ISO 1997

*ISO 9001 and ISO 9004

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 07:17:17 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the objectives achieved simultaneously for the sustained growth to be
recognized EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Customer satisfaction

Effective leadership

Effective human resources

Integration with the supplier base

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 07:18:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Some organizations emphasizes the use of quality tools but failed to do which of the following?

Select correct option:

Focus on what is truly important to the distributors

*Incorporate continuous improvement efforts

Make fundamental changes in their processes and culture

Focus on what is truly important to the customer

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 07:18:53 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following tools has a weakness that it does not tell whether the variation is the result
of special causes or common causes?

Select correct option:


Check sheet

Pareto chart

Run chart

All of the following are Juran’s basic steps to progress EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Achieve structured improvements on a continual basis combined with dedication and a sense of
Establish an extensive training program

*Establish an extensive marketing program

Establish commitment and leadership on the part of higher management

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 07:20:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to theory of knowledge, is TRUE for people failing to
understand the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

They see events as individuals’ incidents rather than the net result of many interactions and
interdependent forces

*They do not know the difference between prediction, forecasting, and guesswork

They create cynicism, demoralization, de-motivation, guilt, resentment, burnout, craziness, and

They do not understand the difference between improvement and change

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 07:21:09 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following performance levels is a systematic process-based approach, early stage of
systematic improvements?

Select correct option:

No formal approach

Reactive approach

*Stable formal system approach

Best-in-class performance

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 07:21:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1

In creative problem solving, which of the following refers to brainstorming?

Select correct option:

Mess Finding
Fact Finding

Problem Finding

Idea Finding

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 07:22:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following describes a complete data set?

Select correct option:

Measures of dispersion

Measures of central tendency

Deductive statistics

Inductive statistics

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 07:22:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following tools represents the entire process at a high or detailed (depending on your
use) level of observation, allowing analysis and optimization of workflow?

Select correct option:

Check sheet

Pareto diagram

Flow chart


Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 07:23:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of the organizations operating according to the
principles of quality management?

Select correct option:

A total commitment to continually increasing value for customers, investors, and employees
A firm understanding that market driven means that quality is defined by customers, not the

A commitment to leading people with a bias for broken improvement and miscommunication

*A commitment to fundamental improvement through knowledge, skills, problem solving, and


Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 07:24:12 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Ahmad has organized a manual data collection in such a way as to be easily used, understood and
analyzed automatically. Which of the following Ahmad has prepared?

Select correct option:

Check sheet

Pareto diagram

Flow chart


Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 07:24:53 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is TRUE for design and development outputs under ISO 9001:2000 - Quality
Management Systems ?

Select correct option:

It Identifies of and corrects against potential conformance

It is used where excess in product will only be apparent in use

It is Insignificance and concealment of significant features of the processes

*It meets the input requirements for design and development

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 07:25:26 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the purpose of the Control Chart?

Select correct option:

*To indicate variations, trends, and the amount of change from one time period to another

To show where to apply resources by revealing the significant few from the trivial many

To provide a scientific approach to gathering information to improve the validity of decisions and

To monitor effects of the variables on the difference between target and actual performance

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 07:25:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the contributor to the work method cause in the house paint peeling
cause-and-effect diagram?

Select correct option:

Cheap solvents


Acid rain

Paint over dirt


OMR, Chennai – 600119
Department of Electronics and Communication

GE6757- Total Quality Management

Multiple Choice Questions- Answer Key

Unit -1 Introduction
1 How a quality can be quantified D
A. Performance + Expectations
B. Performance X Expectations
C. Performance – Expectations
D. Performance / Expectations Explanation:
Quality can be quantified by
Quality (Q) = Performance (P) /Expectations (E)
So option D is correct
2 Traditional culture of quality requirements focuses on A
A. Product oriented
B. Process oriented
C. Customer oriented
D. Supplier oriented Explanation:
Traditional culture of quality requirements is Product oriented, whereas TQM culture is Process oriented.
So option A is correct

3 American quality guru who took the message of quality to Japan D

A. Genichi Taguchi
B. Masaaki Imai
C. Shigeo Shingo
D. W. Edwards Deming Explanation: American quality Guru’s are W. Edward Deming,
Walter Shewhart, Philip Crosby, Joseph M Juran.
So option D is correct

4 PDCA cycle is the contribution of D

A. Walter Shewhart
B. Philip Crosby
C. Genichi Taguchi
D. W. Edward Deming Explanation:
W. Edward Deming contributions are
1. Deming’s 14 points route to quality
2. Deming Cycle or PDCA cycle
3. Seven deadly diseases of Management
4. System of profound knowledge
So option D is Correct
5 In TQM , the contributions of quality Guru W. Edward Deming D
A. Deming’s 14 points

B. Deming’s Cycle
C. System of profound knowledge
D. All the above Explanation:
W. Edward Deming contributions are
1. Deming’s 14 points route to quality
2. Deming Cycle or PDCA cycle
3. Seven deadly diseases of Management
4. System of profound knowledge
So option D is Correct
6 Which one is Juran’s “three- role model” A
A. Supplier – Process – Customer
B. Customer - Process – Customer
C. Process – Customer – Supplier
D. Process – Supplier – Customer Explanation:
Juran’s “Three role model” is Supplier – Process – Customer So
option A is correct
7 In TQM, how many elements are there in Quality statements C
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3 D. 4 Explanation:
Quality statements has three elements
1. Vision statement
2. Mission statement
3. Quality policy statement So option C is correct

8 What are the elements of Quality statements D

A. Vision statement
B. Mission statement
C. Quality policy statement
D. All the above Explanation:
Quality statements has three elements
1. Vision statement
2. Mission statement
3. Quality policy statement So option D is correct

9 Quality Trilogy is the contributions of C

A. Walter Shewhart
B. Philip Crosby
C. Joseph M Juran
D. W. Edward Deming Explanation:
Juran’s Contributions are
1. Internal customer
2. Cost of quality
3. Fitness of Use
4. Quality trilogy
5. Juran’s 10 steps for quality improvement
6. Breakthrough concept So option C is correct

10 In TQM , the contributions of quality Guru Joseph M Juran D

A. Internal Customer
B. Cost of Quality
C. Breakthrough Concept
D. All the above Explanation:
Juran’s Contributions are
1. Internal customer
2. Cost of quality
3. Quality trilogy
4. Fitness of Use
5. Juran’s 10 steps for quality improvement
6. Breakthrough concept So option D is correct
11 The contributions of quality Guru Philip Crosby in TQM D
A. PDCA Cycle
B. Quality trilogy
D. Concept of Zero defects Explanation:
Philip Crosby’s contributions are
1. Four absolutes of quality
2. 14 steps to quality management
3. Crosby’s quality vaccine
4. Concept of Zero defects So option D is correct

12 The contribution of Four absolute of Quality is given by B

A. Walter Shewhart
B. Philip Crosby
C. Joseph M Juran
D. W. Edward Deming Explanation:
Philip Crosby’s contributions are
1. Four absolutes of quality
2. 14 steps to quality management
3. Crosby’s quality vaccine
4. Concept of Zero defects So option B is correct

13 Cost of quality is given by costs of A

A. Prevention + Appraisal +Internal failure +External failure
B. Prevention + Appraisal
C. Internal failure + External failure
D. Appraisal + Internal failure Explanation:
Cost of quality = Prevention cost + Appraisal cost + Internal failure cost + External failure cost
So option A is correct

14 In components of CoQ, Cost of good quality contains C

A. Prevention cost
B. Appraisal cost
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above Explanation:
CoQ of good quality = Prevention cost + Appraisal cost
So option C is correct

15 In components of CoQ, Cost of poor quality contains C

A. Internal failure cost
B. External failure cost
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above Explanation:
CoQ of good quality = Internal failure cost + External failure cost
So option C is correct
16 The Teboul’s customer satisfaction model depends on C
A. Company offer
B. Customer needs
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above Explanation:
Teboul’s customer satisfaction model is the intersection of Company offer and Customer needs
So option C is correct
17 Customer perception on quality contains D
A. Performance
B. Features
C. Service
D. All the above Explanation:
Customer perception on quality are performance, Features, Service, Warranty, Price and Reputation
So option D is correct

18 Tools used for collecting customer complaints A. D

Comment cards
B. Focus groups
C. Toll free Telephone numbers
D. All the above Explanation:
Tools used for receiving customer complaints 1. Comment Cards 2. Customer Questionnaire 3.
Post-transaction surveys 4. Employee feedback 5.Focus groups 6.Toll free Telephone numbers.
So option D is correct

19 PDCA cycle stands for A. A

Plan Do Check Act
B. Plan Did Check Act
C. Process Do Check Act
D. Process Did Check Acknowledge Explanation:
PDCA cycle stands for Plan Do Check Act as per E. Deming
So option A is correct

20 Dimensions of quality contains D

A. Performance
B. Reliability
C. Conformance
D. All the above Explanation:
Dimensions of quality contain Performance, features, usability, conformance to standards/specifications,
reliability, durability, maintainability.
So option D is correct

21 TQM culture of quality requirements focuses on B

A. Product oriented
B. Process oriented

C. Customer oriented
D. Supplier oriented Explanation:
TQM culture of quality requirements is Process oriented, whereas Traditional culture is Product oriented.
So option B is correct
22 Dimensions of Service quality contains D
A. Tangibles
B. Reliability
C. Assurance
D. All the above Explanation:
Dimensions of Service quality contains Tangibles , Reliability, Assurance, empathy, Responsiveness
So option D is correct

23 Japanese quality guru who developed new concepts in response to the American gurus A. C
Walter Shewhart
B. Philip Crosby
C. Genichi Taguchi
D. W. Edward Deming Explanation:
Japanese quality guru are Genichi Taguchi, Masaaki Imai, Shigeo Shingo. So
option C is correct

24 In TQM, the customer need can be understandable by which model B

A. Taguchi Model
B. Kano Model
C. Deming Model
D. Kaizen Model Explanation:
Kano proposed a model to understand the customer need. Whereas others contributions are not with respect
to customer need. So option B is correct

25 The most common techniques used for analyzing the quality costs are C
A. Trend Analysis
B. Pareto Analysis
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above Explanation:
The techniques used for analyzing the quality costs are Trend Analysis and Pareto Analysis
So option C is correct

26 In continuous improvement, PDSA stands for A

A. Plan Do Study Act
B. Plan Did Study Act
C. Process Do Study Act
D. Process Did Study Acknowledge Explanation:
PDSA stands for Plan Do Study Act
So option A is correct

27 The system for causing quality is preventive, not appraisal is B

A. First absolute
B. Second absolute
C. Third absolute
D. Fourth absolute Explanation:
First absolute: Definition of Quality
Second absolute: The system for causing quality is preventive, not appraisal

Third absolute: Zero defect

Fourth absolute: The measurement of quality is the price of non-conformance, not indexes
So option B is correct
28 The Quality as “ Fitness of Use” is given by C
A. Walter Shewhart
B. Philip Crosby
C. Joseph M Juran
D. W. Edward Deming Explanation:
Juran’s Contributions are
1. Internal customer
2. Cost of quality
3. Fitness of Use
4. Quality trilogy
5. Juran’s 10 steps for quality improvement
6. Breakthrough concept So option C is correct

29 Cost generated before the before a product is shipped as a result of non-conformance to requirements B
A. Appraisal cost
B. Internal failure cost
C. External failure cost
D. Prevention cost Explanation:
Internal failure cost: Cost generated before the before a product is shipped as a result of non-conformance
to requirements.
External failure cost: Cost generated before the after a product is shipped as a result of non-conformance to
So option B is correct

30 The expression of dissatisfaction with a product either orally or written is C

A. Customer retention
B. Customer satisfaction
C. Customer complaints
D. Customer service Explanation:
Customer complaint is defined as The expression of dissatisfaction with a product either orally or written.
So option C is correct

UNIT-II TQM Principles

31 Success of each organization is depending on the performance of c
a) Employer
b) Management
c) Employee
d) Vendor Explanation:
Employee involvement improves the quality and productivity at all levels of organization.
So option c is correct

32 A satisfied employee will be a b

a) Manager
b) High performer
c) Motivator to others
d) Team leader
A satisfied employee will improve their work continuously, find new goals and change challenges.
So option b is correct

33 Motivation includes d
a) Job satisfaction
b) Job enrichment
c) Job enlargement
d) All of the above Explanation:
Motivation promotes job satisfaction and thus reduces absenteeism and turnover. So
option d is correct

34 Which is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals? b

a) Bonus
b) Motivation
c) Performance based incentive
d) Promotion Explanation:
Motivation is the process of inducing people inner drives and action towards certain goals.
So option b is correct

35 Which theory emphasizes that, Unsatisfied need can influence the behavior, satisfied one will a
not act as a motivator?
a) Maslow Theory
b) Herzberg’s Theory
c) Expectancy theory
d) Alderfer’s ERG theory Explanation:
Maslow emphasizes that any unsatisfied need, whether of lower order or higher order, will
motivate individuals.
So option a is correct

36 Which of the following is responsible for quality objective? a) a

Top level management
b) Middle level management
c)Frontline management
d)All of the above
It is the responsibility of top management to implement and maintain the quality policy.
So option a is correct
37 EMS stands for a
a)Environmental management system
b)Employees management system
c)Engineering management system
d)Equipment management system
An Environmental management system focuses resources on meeting the commitments identified
in the organization's policy. So option a is correct

38 Maslow says that Human beings are full of needs & wants. And these needs will lead to b
a) Job
b) Behavior
c) Attitude
d) Motivation Explanation:
Maslow hierarchy states that a lower level must be completely satisfied and fulfilled before moving
onto a higher pursuit.
So option b is correct.

39 The Need which improves the confidence level of an employee is d

a) Social
b) Safety
c) Basic
d) Esteem Explanation:
Self esteem needs include those for self confidence, achievement, self-respect etc So
option d is correct.

40 Which of the following is not a part of hygiene factor of two factor theory c
a) Company policy
b) Administration
c) Responsibilities
d) Interpersonal Relations Explanation:
Hygiene factors are necessary to maintain a reasonable level of satisfaction among employees. So
option c is correct.

41 Responsibility, Advancement etc are example of a

a) Motivators
b) Hygiene factors
c) Improvement factors
d) Advance factors Explanation:
Total quality management is a great motivator for employees as it taps their intellectual treasure
for the success of the organization.
So option a is correct.

42 Continual improvement is in d
a) Environmental objective
b) Audit Result
c) Corrective action
d) All of the above Explanation:
Continual improvement is an ongoing effort to improve products, services, or processes. So
option d is correct.

43 Kaizen is a
a) Small change
b) Big improvement
c) Sudden impact
d) All of the above Explanation:
Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "change for the better" or "continuous improvement." So
option a is correct.
44 While setting Quality objective, which need is to be considered. b
a) Organization need

b) Customer need
c) Employees need
d) All of the above Explanation:
Quality objectives are measurable goals relevant to enhancing customer satisfaction and are
consistent with the quality policy.
So option b is correct.

45 Plan-do-study-act cycle is a procedure to b

a) Overall improvement
b) Continuous improvement
c) Permanent improvement
d) Immediate improvement

PDSA cycle is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and
continuous improvement of processes and products So option b is correct.

46 Quality practices must be carried out b

a. at the start of the project

b. throuout the life of the project
c. at the end of the project
d. no need to carry out quality practices


Quality practices, such as, teamwork and participation, customer focus and satisfaction, continuous
improvement, were identified as best practices for TQM implementation. So option b is correct.

47 Quality Trilogy includes d

a) Quality planning
b) quality improvement
c) quality control
d) All the three


Juran's trilogy," an approach to cross-functional management that is composed of three

managerial processes: quality planning, quality control and quality improvement.

So option d is correct.
48 Kaizen is a – process the purpose of which goes beyond simple productivity improvement. b

a) weekly
b) daily
c) monthly

d) annual

Kaizen focuses on applying small, daily changes that result in major improvements over time. So
option b is correct.
49 “Poko-Yoke” is the Japanese term for b

a) Card
b) Fool proof
c) Continuous improvement
d) Fishbone diagram

SEIKETSU practices such as colour coding, Fool Proofing, Responsibility labels can be followed
at the workplace.
So option b is correct.
50 Identify the cost not likely to reduce as a result of better quality. a

a) Maintenance costs
b) Inspection costs
c) Scrap costs
d) Warranty and service costs

Maintenance cost are incurred not to reduce as a result of better quality So
option a is correct.
51 Quality Management includes forming and directing a team of people to achieve a b
qualitative goal within an effective cost and time frame that results in

a) a project completed in shortest possible time.

b) a product or service that conforms to the required specifications.
c) an award-winning product that brings public recognition to the project
d) an innovative project that establishes qualification of the project team

Organizations seek sustained success through the implementation of a quality management system
So option b is correct.
52 Quality fulfils a need or expectation that is d

a) Explicitly stated
b) Implied
c) Legally required
d) All of the above

Quality refers to the set of inherent properties of an object that allows satisfying stated or implied
So option d is correct.

53 Which of the following is not a target of Total Quality Management b

a) Customer Satisfaction
b) Reducing manpower
c) Continuous Cost Reduction
d) Continuous Operational Improvement

Total quality management (TQM) describes a management approach to long-term success
through customer satisfaction.
So option b is correct.
54 The roof of House of Quality shows the interrelationship between b

a) Functional Requirements
b) Design Attributes
c) Service Process
d) Manufacturing Process

HOQ is considered the primary tool used during quality function deployment to help facilitate group
decision making.
So option b is correct.
55 Two major component of fitness of use are Quality Design and a

a) Quality of Conformance
b) Quality of Service
c) Quality of Specification
d) Quality of Manufacturing

The degree to which products conform to essential requirements and meet the needs of users for
which they are intended.
So option a is correct.
56 Which is the set of activities that ensures the quality levels of product and services are a
properly maintained and that supplier and customer quality issues are properly resolved?

a) Quality Assurance
b) Quality Planning
c) Quality Control
d) Quality Management

Quality Assurance (QA) is defined as an activity to ensure that an organization is providing the best
possible product or service to customers.
So option a is correct.

57 Which of the following are responsible for Quality objective? a

a) Top level management

b) Middle level management
c) Frontline management
d) All of the above

Top level management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the
quality management system.
So option a is correct.
58 While setting Quality objective, which need has to be considered. a

a) Customer need
b) Organizational need
c) Supplier need
d) Worker need Explanation: A customer need is a motive that prompts a customer to buy
a product or service. So option a is correct.

59 The role of management is to d

a) provide Resources
b) define EMS
c) monitor the effectiveness of the system
d) All of the above

Management responsibilities are to ensure operational efficiency, financial reporting quality, and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules, and standards. So option d is correct.
60 Which refers to general processes of improvement and encompasses discontinuous b

a) Continuous improvement
b) Continual improvement
c) Constant improvement
d) Consecutive improvement

Continual improvement is the ongoing improvement of products, services or processes through
incremental and breakthrough improvements.
So option b is correct.
61 Which of the following is not a process tool for TQM C

A. process flow analysis

B. histograms

C. plier
D. control charts

Explanation: A process flow chart is a logical, relatively easy to understand chart, which displays
how a process operates via using standard symbols to represent activity.Control used to study how
a process changes over time. The Histogram is a kind of bar chart showing a distribution of variables
or causes of problems. But plier is not a TQM tool.It is a manufacturing tool.
62 The charts that identify the potential causes for a particular quality problem. C

A. Control Chart
B. Flow chart
C. Cause and Effect Diagram
D. Pareto chart

Explanation: Control used to study how a process changes over time. The Histogram is a kind of
bar chart showing a distribution of variables or causes of problems. Flowcharting is typically used
to map a process flow showing the beginning of a process, decision points, and the end of the
process. A Pareto Chart is a graph that indicates the frequency of defects, as well as their cumulative
impact. Cause and Effect Diagrams are charts that identify the potential causes for a particular
quality problem.
63 In six sigma, which of the following is defined as any process output that does not meet customer D

A. Error
B. Cost
C. Quality
D. Defect

Explanation: Six Sigma strategies seek to improve the quality of the output of a process by
identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimizing impact variability in manufacturing
and business processes.
64 A Fish bone diagram is also known as A

A. cause-and-effect diagram
B. poka-yoke diagram
C. Kaizen diagram
D. Taguchi diagram

Explanation: The fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram is a cause-and-effect diagram that

helps managers to track down the reasons for imperfections, variations, defects, or failures. The
diagram looks just like a fish's skeleton with the problem at its head and the causes for the problem
feeding into the spine.
65 A maturity model can be used as the benchmark for comparison and an aid to understanding A

C. depends
D. can't say

Explanation: Benchmarking is a process of measuring the performance of a company's products,

services, or processes against those of another business considered to be the best in the industry, aka
“best in class.” The point of benchmarking is to identify internal opportunities for improvement.
66 DMAIC is C

A. develop, multiply, analyze, improve, check

B. define, multiply, analyze, improve, control
C. define, measure, analyze, improve, control
D. define, manufacture, analyze, improve, control

Explanation: Define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC) is a data-driven quality
strategy used to improve processes. The letters in the acronym represent the five phases that make
up the process, including the tools to use to complete those phases
67 Check sheet is used during which part of DMAIC B

A. Define
B. Measure
C. Analyze
D. Improve

Explanation: Check Sheets are best used when the data can be collected by the same person or in
the same location. Therefore it is in measure phase.
68 Presence of one of the following after every stage of DMAIC allows for review of project and B
incorporation of suggestions.

A. Review gate
B. Toll gate
C. Decision gate
D. None of these

Explanation: A DMAIC tollgate (also called a “phase-gate” or “stage-gate”) is a checkpoints

allowing you to proceed through the DMAIC model. It marks your project officially progressing
from one stage to the next.
69 The Toyota production system is based on two pillars namely C

A. Kaizen, Six Sigma

B. Lean, Six Sigma
C. Just in Time, Jidoka
D. Just in Time, Kaizen

Explanation:Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, also known as just-in-time production or the

Toyota Production System (TPS), is a methodology aimed primarily at reducing times within the
production system as well as response times from suppliers and to customers.
Jidoka is a Lean method that is widely-adopted in manufacturing and product development. Also
known as autonomation, it is a simple way of protecting your company from delivering products of
low quality or defects to your customers while trying to keep up your takt time.
70 The diagram shows the location of defect in any unit. This diagram is used in the analyze step of C

A. Affinity

B. Relations
C. Defect Concentration
D. Scatter

Explanation: The defect concentration diagram is a graphical tool that is useful in analyzing the
causes of the product or part defects.
71 Which of the diagram is used to identify what might go wrong in a plan under development B

A. Pareto Chart
C. Arrow Diagram
D. Matrix Diagram

Explanation: The process decision program chart (PDPC) is a tool used to systematically identifies
what might go. Obtain or develop a tree diagram of the proposed plan.
72 The standard normal distribution has mean and standard deviation, B

A. 1,0
B. 0,1
C. 0,0 D. 1,1

Explanation: The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with a mean of zero
and standard deviation of 1.

73 The six sigma improvement project the least experienced individuals are A

A. Green Belt
B. Black belts
C. Red Belts
D. Master Black Belts

Explanation: In six sigma training certificates, varies ranking levels are there, that are belt level
rankings. A Green Belt has expertise in Six Sigma and has set their feet on the path toward
74 Which of the following is not a use of arrow diagrams D

A. Determining the best schedule for the entire project

B. Potential Scheduling problem and solution
C. Calculate critical path of the project
D. Identifying defects in a process

Explanation: The arrow diagramming method (ADM) refers to a schedule network

diagramming technique in which the schedule activities within a given project are represented
by the use of arrows. The beginning of the schedule activity is represented by the tail, or base, of
the arrow.
75 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, which prioritizes different sources of error is used in one of the D
following stage

A. Define
B. Measure
C. Improve
D. Analyze

Explanation:Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA; often written with "failure modes" in
plural) is the process of reviewing as many components, assemblies, and subsystems as possible to
identify potential failure modes in a system and their causes and effects.
76 What is the aim of fool proofing technique used for total quality management? A
A. to achieve zero defects
B. to specify time schedules
C. to specify targets
D. none of the above
Explanation: A poka-yoke is any mechanism in any process that helps an equipment operator
avoid (yokeru) mistakes (poka). .... Its purpose is to eliminate product defects by preventing,
correcting, or drawing attention to human errors as they occur.
77 Which of the following statements is/are false? D

1. Fault tree analysis method is used to determine reliability of product

2. The goal of Six Sigma is to reduce number of defects to 2.4 parts per billion
3. Six sigma is represented by normal distribution curve
4. Poka yoke is a policy which prevents occurrence of human errors
A. Only statement 3
B. Statement 2 and statement 3
C. Statement 1, 3 and 4
D. Only statement 2
Explanation: The goal of Six Sigma is to increase profits by eliminating variability, defects and
waste that undermine customer loyalty. Six Sigma can be understood/perceived at three levels:
Metric: 3.4 Defects Per Million Opportunities.
78 Benchmarking determines C

A. Customer requirements
B. Process capability
C. How company is doing relative to others
D. Getting ISO 9000 audit done
E. If management is motivated
Explanation:Benchmarking can become a tool to sustain this new TQM paradigm, providing a
means to increase an organization's competitive performance by a comparison with the best-in-
79 Old Management Tools B
A. Affinity diagram
B. Decision Matrix
C. Flow chart
D. All of these,
Explanation: New 7 tools Affinity
Arrow Diagram.
Matrix Diagram.
Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC)
Relations Diagram.
Tree Diagram.

80 Need for new management Tools D

A. Promote innovation
B. Communicate information
C. Successfully plan projects
D. All of these
E. None of these
Explanation: New tools are more relational and network oriented. New tools may take more
practice to develop proficiency.
81 Bench marking process are D
A. Introgation
B. Action
C. Maturity
D. All the above
Explanation: The key steps in benchmarking process are divided into five phases starting with
the planning phase and evolving through analysis, integration, action, and finally maturity.
82 Types of Bench Marking (BM) E
A. Internal BM
B. Competitive BM
C. Functional BM
D. Generic BM
E. All the above
Explanation: There are four main types of benchmarking: internal, Competitive ,Functional,
Generic BM.
83 Reliability of a product means D

i. Consistency of performance
ii. Performance over period
iii. Free of technical errors

The correct order is

A. i& iii
B. i& ii
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

Explanation:Reliability is defined as the probability that a product, system, or service will

perform its intended function adequately for a specified period of time, or will operate in a defined
environment without failure.
84 Failure Rate is C
A. Engineering system fails per hour B.
Component fails per hour
C. Both.
D. None of the above.
Explanation:Failure rate is the frequency with which an engineered system or component fails,
expressed for example in failures per hour. It is often denoted by the Greek letter λ (lambda) and
is important in reliability theory.
85 Types of FMEA C
A. Process FMEA
B. Design FMEA
C. Both
D. None of these.
Explanation: There are two important types of FMEA are Process FMEA, Design FMEA.
86 Classifications of FMEA E
A. Equipment FMEA
B. Maintenance FMEA
C. Service FMEA
D. System FMEA
E. All the above
Explanation: Classification of FMEA: System FMEA, Design FMEA, Process FMEA,
Service FMEA, Equipment FMEA, Maintenance FMEA, Concept FMEA, Environmental FMEA
87 Professionals, if they have not undergone a formal certification program of six sigma. The following C
belt will be.
A. Green belt
B. Black belt
C. White belt
D. Yellow belt
Explanation: Professionals are considered Six Sigma White Belts if they have not undergone a
formal certification program or extended training.
88 The Zero defect concept D

A. Is a performance standard for management

B. Is a motivational technique that promotes "doing it right the first time"
C. Is used by management to communicate to all employees that everyone should do things
right the first time
D. A and C
E. B and C

Explanation: Zero Defects is a management tool aimed at the reduction of defects through
prevention. It is directed at motivating people to prevent mistakes by developing a constant,
conscious desire to do their job right the first time." — Zero Defects: A New Dimension in Quality
89 The concept of Zero inventory is called C

A. Six sigma
B. Continuous improvement
C. Just in Time
D. Zero defects

Explanation: A system in which a company keeps no or very little inventory in storage, simply
ordering exactly what it needs to sell and receiving it in a timely manner. Zero inventory is the goal
of just-in-time inventory management and the two terms are sometimes used to mean the same
90 Some organizations today are using six sigma to set the upper and lower limits on control charts B
rather than the traditional sigmas

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
E. twelve

Explanation: Control limits on a control chart are commonly drawn at 3s from the center line
because 3-sigma limits are a good balance point between two types of errors: Type I or alpha errors
occur when a point falls outside the control limits even though no special cause is operating.
91 Which statistical technique integrates product design and manufacturing process? a) d
Tree analysis
b) Problem solving techniques
c) Quality function deployment
d) Taguchi approach
Explanation: Taguchi’s approach for quality combines statistical methods and engineering to
achieve rapid movement in quality and cost by optimising the design of a product. It integrates
manufacturing process and product design.
92 What is the key step in Taguchi’s approach? a) c
Tolerance design
b) System design
c) Parameter design
d) Process design
Explanation: Taguchi’s approach is based on integrating system design (initial design stage),
parameter design (Testing various material combinations) and tolerance design (buying material of
better grade). Parameter design is the key step as it offers the concept of uncontrollable factor.

93 What is called the stratification of information? a

a) Breaking down a whole group into smaller sub groups
b) Isolating the vital few from the trivial many

c) Grouping of scattered information

d) Sequencing of processes in a quality system
Explanation: Stratification of information is one of the statistical tools which means breaking
down of the whole group into smaller sub-groups. Run charts, effect diagram, pareto diagram and
scatter diagrams are also the statistical tools.

94 Which technique is used to relate complex cause and effect relationships? a) d

Affinity diagram
b) Pareto diagram
c) Scatter diagram
d) Interrelationship diagram
Explanation: Interrelationship diagram is a quality improvement technique which shows the
relationship between inter-related factors. This diagram displays the factors which are involved in
complex problems.

95 What is PDPC? b
a) A statistical tool
b) Quality improvement technique
c) Quality assurance technique
d) Statistical process control technique
Explanation: PDPC is process decision program chart which helps in the selection of the best
process to obtain desired result. It is a quality improvement technique. It evaluates existing
process and also look at alternatives.
96 What is the first step in problem solving process? a) a
b) Do
c) Check
d) Action Explanation:
Problems are best solved by the cycle: Plan-Do-Check-Action. In planning, a course of action is
planned according to customer requirement and conditions of service then the process must be
executed according to this plan.
97 How many control charts are normally used for statistical control of variables? a) c
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Explanation: Three control charts are normally used for statistical control of variables. These are
i) Mean chart, ii) Range chart, and iii) standard deviation charts. Control charts help in the
understanding of inherent capability of process and bring the process under control.

98 Which tool is used to analyse the effects of a failure of individual components on the system? b
a) FTA
c) Quality circles
d) Fool proofing

Explanation: Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a statistical tool used to review the
new product design with respect to the requirements of customers before it is sent to production.
It is used basically to analyse the failure effect of individual components on the system as a
99 What is the formula for process capability index? a
a) (1-K)Cp
b) (1+K)Cp
c) (1-Cp)K
d) (1+Cp)K
Explanation: Process capability index is also known as measure of process capability and
denoted by Cpk. Cpk = (1-K)*Cp. K is the correction factor and always has a positive value. Cp is
the process capability potential also known as process capability variation and is equal to the
(Specification width divided by process width).
100 What is arrow diagram in TQM? a
a) A diagram used to plan the most appropriate schedule
b) Diagram shows the relationship strength between the variables
c) Used large amount of data and organise it on the basis of natural relationship between items
d) Diagram showing the sequencing and inter relationships between factors
Explanation: Arrow diagram is a statistical tool used to plan the most appropriate schedule for
any task and to effectively control it during the progress of the process. Arrow diagram helps in
establishing the most suitable plan for a project.
101 What is the aim of fool proofing technique used for total quality management? a. a
to achieve zero defects
b. to specify time schedules
c. to specify targets
d. none of the above Explanation:
- The use of fool proofing technique eliminates human errors. Its aim is to obtain zero
defects. - To avoid such errors certain devices are used which produce visual or sonic alarm
when errors occur.
- Proper lightening, clean working conditions and avoiding long hours of work can reduce

102 Match the following group 1 items with group 2 items 1–

1. Sort ------------------------------------------------- A. Seitan C,
2. Set in order ----------------------------------------- B. Seiketsu 2–
3. Shine ------------------------------------------------ C. Seiri 4. Standardize ---------------------------- A,
------------ D. Seiso 3–
a. 1 – D, 2 – A, 3 – B, 4 – C D,
b. 1 – C, 2 – A, 3 – D, 4 – B 4–
c. 1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – A, 4 – D B
d. 1 –A, 2 – C, 3 – D, 4 – B
Explanation: The 5S are as follows:
1) Sort: In this step unnecessary items are eliminated by placing a red flag on them.
2) Set in order: This step helps in effective storage of items in an organized way.
3) Shine: This step refers to cleaning of work piece.
4) Standardize: According to this step, standards assigned in the organization are to be followed

by workers and the duties are to be pre-assigned.

5) Sustain: This step is difficult to implement and achieve.

103 What is meant by Kaizen? c

a. card signal
b. to avoid inadvertent errors
c. change for better quality
d. none of the above
Explanation: Kaizen is a quality improvement method. Innovation along with Kaizen improves
quality. Following are the principles of Kaizen:
1) Collecting relevant information
2) Working as per plan
3) Avoiding wastage
4) Keeping appointments
5) Should follow PDCA cycle
104 Which of the following statements is/are false? d
1. Fault tree analysis method is used to determine reliability of product
2. The goal of Six Sigma is to reduce number of defects to 2.4 parts per billion
3. Six sigma is represented by normal distribution curve
4. Poka yoke is a policy which prevents occurrence of human errors a. Only statement 3
b. Statement 2 and statement 3
c. Statement 1, 3 and 4
d. Only statement 2 Explanation:
Fault tree analysis
- It is a mathematical analysis used to determine reliability of products.
- The reliability (R) of a system is calculated by using the formula: R = 1 – Probability of
failure - It graphically depicts combination of events which lead to failure of products.
Six Sigma
- Six sigma is a quality improvement programme which reduces number of defects to 3.4 parts
per million.
- The number of defects are just 3.4 parts per million, hence is considered as zero defect
- It is represented by normal distribution curve.
- High acceptable parts are produced using limits of ± 6σ Poka yoke
- Poka Yoke is used to prevent human errors in production line.
- The word Poka Yoke means avoiding inadvertent errors.
- Poka Yoke satisfies three levels such as: error elimination, in process detection and out
process detection.

105 Which quality management program is related to the maintenance of plants and d
a. Environmental management systems
b. Fault tree analysis
c. Failure mode effect analysis
d. Total productive maintenance

- Total productive maintenance is related with maintenance of plants and equipments.
- The main purpose of TPM is to avoid wastage, produce goods without any loss of quality,
reduce costs, etc.
- The main pillars of TPM are 5S, Kaizen, quality maintenance, office TPM, planned
maintenance, training, safety, health and environment and autonomous maintenance.
- In this process maintenance is considered useful and is considered as daily routine of the
106 The aim of Just-In-Time manufacturing principle is to eliminate a. d
time wastage
b. labour wastage
c. cost of excessive inventory
d. all of the above Explanation:
- The main principle of JIT is to produce when and what is needed. It also considers the
quantity needed.
- JIT (Just-In-Time) aims at eliminating wastage of labour, time and cost of excessive
- JIT is a pull type system. In this system, production originates only when an order is
107 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is largely focused on: d
a. Reducing costs and preventing unnecessary costs prior to production
b. To reduce the number of parts in a product
c. Testing the robustness of a design
d. Ensuring that the eventual design of a product or service meets customer needs
Explanation: Quality Function Deployment provides documentation for the decision-making
process. QFD helps you to: Translate customer requirements into specific offering specifications.
Prioritize possible offering specifications and make trade-off decisions based on weighted customer
requirements and ranked competitive assessment.

108 The main purpose of Taguchi methods is to: a

a. Test the robustness of a design.
b. Reduce costs and prevent any unnecessary costs before producing the product or service.
c. Create a ‘house of quality’
d. Articulate the ‘voice of the customer’
Explanation: Taguchi method of quality control focuses on design and development to create
efficient, reliable products
109 Taguchi methods may be used in which part of the design process? d
a. Preliminary design
b. Screening
c. Prototyping and final design
d. Evaluation and improvement
Explanation: Taguchi Method is a process/product optimization method that is based on 8-
steps of planning, conducting and evaluating results of matrix experiments to determine the best
levels of control factors
110 Control chart is b
i. Process monitoring tool ii.
Process control tool
iii. Process planning tool
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above
Explanation: Control charts are the tools in control processes to determine whether a
manufacturing process or a business process is in a controlled statistical state. This chart is a graph
which is used to study process changes over time.
111 TQM focuses on b
i. Supplier
ii. Employee
iii. Customer
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. ii & iii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above
Explanation: A primary focus of TQM and most Quality Management Systems is to improve
customer satisfaction by having a customer focus and consistently meeting customer expectations
112 Process evaluation is to identify c
i. Validation of product
ii. Potential failure prevention
iii. Correctness of product
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. None of the above
Explanation: A process evaluation focuses on the implementation process and attempts to
determine how successfully the project followed the strategy laid out in the logic model.
113 Six Sigma is a business-driven, multi-dimensional structured approach to d
a. Reducing process variability
b. Increasing customer satisfaction
c. Lowering Defects & Improving Processes
d. All of the above
Explanation: Six Sigma is a business-driven, multi-dimensional structured approach to:
Choice-1: Reducing process variability. Choice-2: Increasing customer satisfaction. Choice-3:
Lowering Defects.

114 Small/Mid-sized Six Sigma projects are executed by professionals titled as: a. b
b. Green Belt
c. Black Belt
d. Site Champion

115 Which of the following are examples of Internal Failure costs? a

a. Defects and rework
b. Inspection and audits
c. Warranty and returns
d. Purchasing and accounting
Explanation: Examples of internal failure costs are:
Failure analysis activities.
Product rework costs.
Product scrapped, net of scrap sales.
Throughput lost.
116 The main purpose of the measure phase of DMAIC is to d
a. Determine the customer requirements
b. Find root causes
c. Develop solutions
d. Set baseline data to understand how the process is currently performing
Explanation: DMAIC (an acronym for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control)
refers to a data-driven improvement cycle used for improving, optimizing and stabilizing business
processes and designs.
117 What does OEE stand for? a
a. Overall Equipment Effectiveness
b. Overall Estimation Effectiveness
c. Overall Equipment Estimation
d. Overall Effective Estimation
Explanation: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a “best practices” metric that identifies
the percentage of planned production time that is truly productive.
118 The best metric for measuring defectives is: c
b. DPU
c. PPM
d. DPO
Explanation: PPM defective is one of the simplest metrics in Six Sigma to understand. It refers
to the expected number of parts out of one million that you can expect to be defective. It is a
measurement used today by many customers to measure the quality performance of their
119 Which of the following tools is used extensively in quality function deployment? b
a. Affinity diagram
b. Matrix diagram
c. Cause and effect diagram
d. Activity network diagram
Explanation: The House of Quality is an effective tool used to translate the customer wants and
needs into product or service design characteristics utilizing a relationship matrix. It is usually the
first matrix used in the QFD process.
120 The most important factor for the success of six sigma projects is: a
a. Leadership support
b. Team support

c. Teamwork
d. Inter-department harmony
Explanation: Effective Six Sigma management requires commitment and active participation by
senior executives, and leadership and communications by organizational champions.


121 The objective of ISO-9000 family of Quality management is a
A. Customer satisfaction
B. Employee satisfaction
C. Skill enhancement
D. Environmental issues Explanation:
The ISO 9000 family of quality management systems (QMS) is a set of standards that helps
organizations ensure they meet customers satisfaction.
So option A is correct

122 ISO 14000 quality standard is related with a

A. Environmental management systems
B. Automotive quality standards
C. Eliminating poor quality
D. Customer satisfaction Explanation:
ISO 14000 standards are set of norms for Environmental management systems either at organization
process level or product level
So option A is correct

123 ISO stands for c

A. Internal standards and operations
B. International specifications organization
C. International Standards organization
D. None of these are correct Explanation:
ISO is abbreviated as International Standards organization is an association of national standards
bodies of more than 150 countries
So option C is correct

124 ISO 9001 is not concerned with -------------------- of quality records A. c

B. Maintenance
C. Verification
D. Dis-positioning Explanation:
The practices defining the quality records to be maintained in the CMM are distributed throughout
the key process areas in the various Activities Performed practices.
So option C is correct
125 Which of the following requires design control measure, such as holding and recording c
design reviews and qualification test?
B. ISO 9001
C. ISO 9000-3
D. None of the mentioned Explanation:

ISO 9000-3 states that the supplier should carry out reviews to ensure the requirements are met and
design methods are correctly carried out. So option C is correct

126 states that, where appropriate, adequate statistical techniques are identified and used to a
verify the acceptability of process capability and product characteristics. A. ISO 9001
B. ISO 9000-4
D. All of the mentioned Explanation:
ISO 9001 states that, where, appropriate adequate statistical techniques are identified and used to
verify the acceptability of process capability and product characteristics. So option A is correct

127 Documents to prepared for quality system a

A. 1. Policy 2.Procedures 3.Work Instructions 4. Records
B. 1.Products 2.Requirements 3.Performance 4.Processes
C. 1.Arrangements 2.Formats 3.Objectives 4.Quality
D. 1. Standards 2.Implementation 3.Accredation 4. Purposes.
The documents required for implementing Quality system are 1. Quality Policy manual 2.Quality
System Procedures 3.Work Instructions and 4. Records/Formats/Forms So
option A is correct
128 Types of Audit d
A. First Party audit
B. Second Party Audit
C. Third Party Audit
D. All the above Explanation:
The types of are 1. First Party audit (internal audit) 2. Second Party Audit and 3. Third Party Audit
So option D is correct

129 NCR abbreviated as a

A. Non Conformance report
B. National capital Region
C. National Cash register
D. None of the above Explanation:
Non Conformance Report ,During ISO certification things do not comply ISO requirements are
reported in format of NCR
So option A is correct
130 ISO 9000 standards are set of norms for c
A. Environmental Management System
B. Technical Specification form
C. Quality Management system D. Independent Examination Explanation:
ISO 9000 is defined as a set of international standards on quality management and quality
assurance developed to help companies effectively document the quality system elements needed to
maintain an efficient quality system. So option C is correct

131 Which of these is the equivalent Indian standard for ISO :8402 A.ISO b

B.ISO:13999(as per 1994 version)

C.ISO/TS 16949 D.ISO
The equivalent Indian standard for ISO :8402 is ISO 13999 as per 1994 version So
option B is correct
132 ISO/TS 16949 standards are standards for d
A. Organizational benefits
B. Satisfying customer
C. Public authorities
D. Automotive Quality Management system Explanation:
ISO/TS 16949:2009, in conjunction with ISO 9001:2008, defines the quality management system
requirements for the design and development, production and, when relevant, installation and
service of automotive-related products.
So option D is correct

133 The various product evaluation standards of ISO 14000 are d

A. Environmental aspects in product standards
B. Environmental Labels and declaration
C. Life cycle Assessment D. All the above Explanation:
The Environmental aspects in product standards, Environmental Labels and declaration , Life cycle
Assessment are the standards of ISO 140000 So option D is correct

134 The stages of an audit a

A. Planning, Performance, Reporting, Follow-up
B. Specification, Requirements, System, Quality
C. Implementation, Plan, Processes, Document D. Objective, Analysis, Forms, Results
The stages of an audit are 1. Audit planning 2. Audit performance 3. Audit reporting, and 4. Audit
follow –up.
So option A is correct
135 The various organization evolution standards of ISO 14000 series of standards are A. d
Environmental Management system
B. Environmental Auditing
C. Environmental Performance Evaluation D. All the above
The various organization evolution standards of ISO 14000 series of standards are
Environmental Management system (EMS), Environmental Auditing (EA), Environmental
Performance Evaluation (EPE). So option D is correct

136 The benefits realized by implementing an ISO 14000 quality system are b
A. Resource benefits, Party benefits
B. Global benefits, Organizational benefits
C. Public benefits ,Private benefits
D. Management benefits, Employee benefits Explanation:

The benefits realized by implementing an ISO 14000 quality system are

Global benefits: To facilitate trade and remove trade barriers to improve environmental performance
Organizational benefits: Satisfying customer requirements, Assuring customer of a commitment to
So option B is correct
137 ISO 9000 made up of three core standards they are b
A. ISO9001: 9100, ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 9100 : 2008 B.ISO
9000:2005, ISO: 9001:2008, ISO : 9004:2009
C.ISO 9000: 9100, ISO 9000: 2005, ISO: 9000:
2000 D. None of the above Explanation:
The family of ISO 9000 made up of three core standards
• ISO 9000:2005, : QMS : Fundamentals
• ISO: 9001:2008, : QMS : Requirements
• ISO : 9004:2009 QMS : Guidelines for performance Improvement
So option B is correct

138 BIS is abbreviated as b

A. Body of India standards
B. Bureau of Indian Standards
C. Basic India standards D. None of the above Explanation:
BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) is national standards body of India and is a founder members of
So option B is correct
139 Which IS/ISO 9000 standard is meant for certification a
A. IS/ISO 9001
B. IS/ISO 9004
C. IS/ISO 9100 D. TL 9000
Any organization can apply for certification against IS/ISO 9001. The other IS/ISO 9000 and IS/ISO
9004 are guidance standards and are not meant for certification.
So option A is correct

140 The key elements of Audit performance are c

A. Schedules, Personnel, Checklist
B. Requirements, Assurance, Manuals
C. Opening meeting, Audit process, Audit deficiencies
D. None of the above Explanation:
The key elements of Audit performance are
Opening meeting: organized to initially brief the auditee about the scope of
audit Audit process: run to schedule and should cover entire scope as planned
Audit deficiencies: clear and precise discrepancy reports are raised.
So option C is correct

141 ISO 14000 standards divided into two area they are a
A. Organization ,Product Evaluation Standards
B. Global , Environmental Standards
C. Management, Assessment Standards
D. Customer, Public Standards Explanation:

ISO 14000 standards divided into two area they are

Organization standards: the way in which business is to be conducted and govern what is deemed as
acceptable behavior in the workplace.
Product Evaluation Standards: that lays down the requirements to be accomplished by a product or a group
of products to certify its fitness for use.
So option A is correct
142 Which ISO 14000 standard is meant for certification a
A. ISO 14001
B. ISO 14004
C. ISO 9100
D. TS 16949
ISO 14001 is a contractual standard against which organization are certified.ISO 14004 a non-
contractual standard is meant for providing guidance for EMS implementation. So option A is
143 QS 9000 is set of quality system for b
A. Environmental System
B. Automotive suppliers
C. Management System D. Customer satisfaction Explanation:
QS 9000 is set of quality system requirements to help automotive suppliers to ensure that they are
meeting/exceeding customer requirements So option B is correct
144 The purpose of EMS audit is c
A. Co-operation with public authorities.
B. Management commitment
C. To ensure that EMS conforms to plans D. None of the above Explanation:
The purpose of EMS audit is to ensure that the EMS conforms the plans So
option C is correct

145 The third party audit is for b

A. Organization
B. Independent organization
C. Customer D. All the above Explanation:
The third party audit refers to audit by an independent organization on a supplier for accreditation
assessment purposes.
So option B is correct

146 What is the purpose of ISO 9000:2005 in QMS? a

A. Fundamental Vocabulary
B. Certification
C. Customer requirement D. Management Explanation:
The family of ISO 9000 made up of core standards among that
ISO 9000:2005, : Quality Management System : Fundamentals
So option A is correct

147 What is the purpose of ISO 9001:2008 in QMS?

A. Requirement a
B. Planning
C. Documentation
D. Verification
The family of ISO 9000 made up of core standards among that
ISO: 9001:2008, : Quality Management System: Requirements
So option A is correct
148 What is the purpose of ISO 9004:2009 in QMS? c
A. Policy
B. Review
C. Guidelines for performance improvement D. Benefits
The family of ISO 9000 made up of core standards among that
ISO : 9004:2009 Quality Management System: Guidelines for performance Improvement So
option C is correct
149 Why we need Quality Auditing? A
A. To verify whether the system is effective and suitable
B. To decide about the policy
C. To maintain the standards
D. For monitoring and measurement purpose Explanation:
Quality auditing should be carried out in order to verify whether a quality system is effective and
So option A is correct

150 The two generic ISO standards are

A.ISO 9001 & ISO 14001
B.ISO 8402 & ISO 13999
C. QS 9000 &TS 16949 D.
None of the above
The two generic ISO standards are
ISO 9001 : Quality Management system –Requirements
ISO 14001: Environmental Management system-specification with guidance for use.
Generic standards mean that the same standards can be applied to any organization.
So option A is correct
1-P-D-C-A stands for
a. Plan-Do-check-Act
b. Plan-Do-correct-Act
c. Proceed-Do-check-Act
d. Proceed-Do-correct-Act

2-What is ISO?
a. Indian organization for standard
b. Internal organization for standard
c. International organization for standard
d. None of the above

3-EMS stands for

a. Environmental management system
b. Employees management system
c. Engineering management system
d. Equipment management system

4-For Cpk (Process capability index) value of 1.33, the PPM is

a. 1
b. 63
c. 2700
d. 45500

5-Match The Following

A. Bureaucratic 1. Satisfy all customer need

B. Leadership from top 2. Working together for excellence

C. Excellence mean 3. Provide consistent vision direction

D. Team work mean 4. Unlimited thinking

The correct order is
a. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
b. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
c. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
d. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2

6-Match the following

A. Dr. Deming believes 1. Common causes

B. Ishikawa development 2. To prevent defect

C. Type of variation is due to 3. Cause & effect diagram

D. Crosby’s objective of quality 4. Histogram
The correct order is
a. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
b. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
c. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
d. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2

7-Rectangle represents ________ While plotting flow chart.

a. Step in activity
b. Decision making
c. Direction of flow
d. None of the above

8- Tally chart is
a. Process monitoring tool
b. Data collection tool
c. Process planning tool
d. None of the above

9-Diamond represents ________ while plotting flow chart.

a. Step in activity
b. Decision making
c. Direction of flow
d. None of the above

10-The role of management is to

a. provide Resources
b. define EMS
c. monitor the effectiveness of the system
d. All of the above

11-ISO emphasis on
a. Prevention
b. Inspection
c. Rejection
d. All of the above

12- ISO – 14001 gives stress on

a. Plan – Do -check -Act
b. Environmental protection
c. Prevention rather than detection
d. All of the above

13- Service Assurance is

a. Confidence with customer
b. Customer has trust
c. Employee has knowledge
d. All of the above

14- Following is (are) the phase(s) of intervention

a. Formulation stage
b. Maintenance stage
c. Implementation stage
d. All of the above

15- When cpk is less than one

a. Process is not capable
b. Process is stable
c. Process if highly capable
d. None of the above

1-Malcolm Baldrige national quality award is for (MBNQA)

a. Total Quality Management
b. International Standard Organization
c. Total Productive Maintenance
d. Total Quality Control

2-The process mapping is a ______ diagram.

a. Data flow
b. Work flow
c. Circular
d. Audit

3-Control chart is a
a. Process monitoring tool
b. Process control tool
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above

4-The objective of ISO-9000 family of Quality management is

a. Customer satisfaction
b. Employee satisfaction
c. Skill enhancement
d. Environmental issues

5-Total Quality Management (TQM) focuses on

a. Employee
b. Customer
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above

6-Which of the following is responsible for quality objective?

a. Top level management
b. Middle level management
c. Frontline management
d. All of the above

7-The following is (are) the machine down time.

a. Waste
b. No material
c. Breakdown
d. All of the above

8-TQM & ISO both focuses on

a. Customer
b. Employee
c. Supplier
d. All of the above

9-According to Deming, Quality problems are

a. Due to management
b. Due to method
c. Due to machine
d. Due to material

10-While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered.

a. Material quality
b. Customer need
c. Market demand
d. All of the above

11-Match The Following

A. TQM promotes 1. Small change
B. Kaizen is 2. Continuous improvement

C. Quality circle can solve problem related to 3. Employee participation

D. Quality circle benefit to 4. Employee

The correct order is
a. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4
b. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4
c. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
d. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

12-_______ helps organization reduce employee turnover and absenteeism.

a. Job design
b. Training & development
c. Wage revision
d. All of the above

13-CMM stands for

a. Capability maturity model
b. Capability monitoring model
c. Capability measuring model
d. Capability matching model

14-While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered.

a. Customer need
b. Organizational need
c. Supplier need
d. Worker need

15-Which of the following is for Environment management?

a. ISO-9000
b. ISO-14000
c. ISO-26000
d. ISO-31000

1- Control chart is
i. Process monitoring tool
ii. Process control tool
iii. Process planning tool
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above

2-The main business process objective(s) are

i. Customer service
ii. Profit & loss
iii. Employee satisfaction
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above

3-Common elements of winners are

i. Senior management was actively involved
ii. Control of overall process
iii. Focus on customer
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above

4-TQM focuses on
i. Supplier
ii. Employee
iii. Customer
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. ii & iii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above

5-The customer requirement to be reviewed

i. Before supply of product
ii. After supply of product
iii. Before commitment of supply of product
The Correct Answer is
a. i & ii
b. i & iii
c. ii & iii
d. None of the above

6-Current quality concept is

i. Increase in production
ii. Continual improvement
iii. Prevention of defect
The Correct Answer is
a. i & ii
b. i & iii
c. ii & iii
d. None of the above
(Ans: c)

7-Continual improvement is in
i. Environmental objective
ii. Audit Result
iii. Corrective action
The Correct Answer is
a. i & ii
b. i & iii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above

8-Benefit(s) of model based improvement is (are)

i. Establish common language
ii. Models are comprehensive
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. ii only
c. i & ii
d. None of the above

9-Employee should be involved in

i. Decision making
ii. Participation
iii. Union
The Correct Answer is
a. i & ii
b. i & iii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above
(Ans: a)

10-In ISO the focus is on

i. Enhancing customer satisfaction
ii. Satisfying customer
iii. Delighting customer
The Correct Answer is
a. i & ii
b. i & iii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above
(Ans: b)
11-While recruiting person he should
i. Competent to perform job
ii. Trained to perform specified job
iii. Able to perform the activity
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above

12-Process evaluation is to identify

i. Validation of product
ii. Potential failure prevention
iii. Correctness of product
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. None of the above

1-Type of waste are

i. Waiting time
ii. Transport
iii. Processing waste
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)

2-Does TQM approach have relevance to Indian industry in context to

i. Customer satisfaction
ii. People involvement
iii. Policy management
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: b)

3-By applying basic principle the process improvement will be in organization’s

i. Focus on work process
ii. Maintain self esteem of other
iii. Tone initiative
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: b)

4-Reliability of product means

i. Consistency of performance
ii. Performance over period
iii. Free of technical errors
The correct answer is
a. i & iii
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)

5- While setting Goal, following things to be consider.

i. Customer need
ii. Marketability of product
iii. Organization need
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: c)

6-PP & PPK is calculated for

i. Initial production run
ii. Future production
iii. Initial process setting
The correct answer is
a. i & ii
b. ii & iii
c. i & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: c)

7-The competence of the employee means

i. Competence of personnel performing work effective quality
ii. Evaluate the effectiveness of action taken
iii. Maintain appropriate Record
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)
8-Special characteristic means
i. Product characteristic which affect fit/ function / Regulation
ii. Characteristic of product which are regulatory requirement
iii. Characteristic in Specification
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: b)

9-Cause & Effect diagram used to

i. Identify & organize possible causes of problem
ii. Identify possible causes of solution
iii. Identify possible causes of problem & determining its relation
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & iii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii

10-The role of management is

i. To provide Resources
ii. To define EMS
iii. To monitor the effectiveness of the system
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)

11-Common features of CMM is how to produce software product which are

i. Consistence
ii. Repeatable
iii. Predictable
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. ii only
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)

12-HRD at organizational level talks of

i. Organization’s manpower planning
ii. Training
iii. Performance appraisal
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. I & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)
Total Quality Management

Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi
Professor, Mittal School of Busienss, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
Unit 1
• Concept of total quality and its evolution : Introduction,
basic terminology related to quality, dimensions of
quality, introduction to quality gurus

• Total quality loop : PDSA cycle

• Quality characteristics : variable and attributes, control

charts for variables: mean-range charts, control chart for
attributes: p-chart for defectives, control charts for
variables: c-charts for defects
• Unit 2
Acceptance sampling and inspection plans : introduction,
situations warranting sampling inspection, desirable
characteristics of sample, merits of sampling inspection
method, limitations of sampling inspection method,
methods of sampling, factors affecting the selection of
sample, sampling plans, methods of acceptance sampling,
operating characteristics curve.

• SQC and SPC : introduction, objectives and uses of SQC

charts, statistical quality control, statistical process control
What is a Product?
– Goods or services having want satisfaction power
What is Production?
– Production is the creation of goods and services.
– Production/operation system is any system which
• transforms input into output
• and in the mean time creates value
What is Quality?
Quality Management

Quality is the ability of a product or service to consistently

meet or exceed customer expectations.
Defining Quality

The totality of features and characteristics of a

product or service that bears on its ability to
satisfy stated or implied needs
American Society for Quality

Quality is consistent conformance to customers’ expectations.

Different Views

 User-based – better performance,

more features
 Manufacturing-based –
conformance to standards,
making it right the first time
What does the term quality mean?
 Quality is fitness for purpose.

 Quality is degree of customer satisfaction.

 Quality is accuracy in meeting the specification or design.
 Quality is meeting the standards or norms.
 Quality is the degree to which a specific product is
preferred over competing products of equivalent standards.
 Quality is the degree to which a class of products
possesses potential satisfaction for people in terms of price,
availability, guarantee, durability etc.
What does the term quality mean?
 Quality is fitness for purpose.

Multi purpose Product

What does the term quality mean?
 Quality is degree of customer satisfaction.
What does the term quality mean?
 Quality is accuracy in meeting the specification or design.
 Quality is meeting the standards or norms.
What does the term quality mean?
 Quality is the degree to which a specific product is
preferred over competing products of equivalent standards.
What does the term quality mean?
 Quality is the degree to which a class of products
possesses potential satisfaction for people in terms of price,
availability, guarantee, durability etc.
What does the term quality mean?
 Quality is degree of excellence.
What does the term quality mean?
 J.M. Juran defines quality as
“The degree to which a specific product satisfies the wants of
the customer or conforms to the design or specification.”
Test your understanding
Which of the following is a measure of how closely a
product or service meets the specifications?

• a) Quality of Conformance
• b) Continuous improvement
• c) Competitive benchmarking
• d) Statistical process control
Implications of Quality

1. Company reputation
 Perception of new products
 Employment practices
 Supplier relations
2. Product liability
 Reduce risk
3. Global implications
 Improved ability to compete
The Consequences of Poor Quality
• Loss of business
• Liability
• Productivity
• Costs
Key Dimensions of Product Quality
Dimensions of Quality

• Performance - main characteristics of the

• Aesthetics - appearance, feel, smell, taste
• Special Features - extra characteristics
• Conformance - how well product/service
conforms to customer’s expectations
• Reliability - consistency of performance
Dimensions of Quality (Cont’d)

• Durability - useful life of the product/service

• Perceived Quality - indirect evaluation of
quality (e.g. reputation)
• Serviceability - service after sale
Service Quality
Key Dimensions of Service Quality

• Convenience
• Reliability
• Responsiveness
• Time
• Assurance
• Courtesy
• Tangibles
Examples of Service Quality
Dimension Examples
1. Convenience Was the service center conveniently located?

2. Reliability Was the problem fixed?

3. Responsiveness Were customer service personnel willing and able

to answer questions?
4. Time How long did the customer wait?

5. Assurance Did the customer service personnel seem

knowledgeable about the repair?
6. Courtesy Were customer service personnel and the cashier
friendly and courteous?
7. Tangibles Were the facilities clean, personnel neat?

All of the following are dimensions of service quality

A. Assurance
B. Responsiveness
C. Intangibles
D. Reliability
Challenges with Service Quality

• Customer expectations often

• Different customers have different
• Customer participation can affect
perception of quality
Test your understanding
The quality of a product is to be measured on the
dimension of (I) Reliability, (II) Durability, (III) Location
of service center, (IV) Assurance, (V) Responsiveness of
• A. I, IV, V
• B. I, III, IV, V
• C. I, II, IV, V
• D. I, II, III, IV, V
Test your understanding
The quality of a service is to be measured on the
dimension of (I) Reliability, (II) Performance, (III)
Location of facility, (IV) Conformance to specifications,
(V) Responsiveness of Staff.
• A. I, II, III, IV
• B. I, II, IV
• C. I, II, IV, V
• D. I, II, III, IV, V
Accuracy & Precision

 Accuracy: …is the dimension or measurement

that indicates how close the measured value is to
the true value.

Precision: …is a measure that indicates how

frequently a dimension is able to be
produced….about repeatability.
Accuracy & Precision
Accuracy & Precision
Responsibility for Quality

• Top management
• Design
• Procurement
• Production/operations
• Quality assurance
• Packaging and shipping
• Marketing and sales
• Customer service
Determinants of Quality

Ease of

to design Service
Costs of Quality

Appraisal Costs

External Failure Costs of

Costs Prevention Costs

Internal Failure
Costs of Quality
• Failure Costs - costs incurred by defective
parts/products or faulty services.
• Internal Failure Costs
– Costs incurred to fix problems that are detected
before the product/service is delivered to the
• External Failure Costs
– All costs incurred to fix problems that are detected
after the product/service is delivered to the
Costs of Quality

• Appraisal Costs
– Costs of activities designed to ensure quality or
uncover defects
• Prevention Costs
– All TQ training, TQ planning, customer
assessment, process control, and quality
improvement costs to prevent defects from
Which of the following would not normally be
considered as a ‘costs of quality’.

A. Training costs
B. Prevention costs
C. Warranty costs
D. Rand D costs
Basic Terminology
 Quality Assurance
 Quality Control
 Internal Customer (next person who receive goods within company)
 External Customer ( End User)
 Customer Requirements (Performance standards associated with customer
 Detection (reactive strategy)
 Prevention (proactive strategy)
 Defect (nonconformance to customer requirement)
 Inspection (measuring, checking, analyzing, examining and testing
characteristics of an item, product, service or process)
 Productivity
 Specifications (measureable attributes)
Quality Control &Assurance
Quality control-
1. Establishment of standard
2. Measure the actual quality
3. Comparison of actual with set standard
4. Finding out deviations
5. Taking corrective actions

Quality Assurance -Emphasis on finding and correcting

defects before reaching market & to minimize the
chances that output will be sub-standard
• Mr. Amit has decided to open a coaching
institute for CAT/MAT. You have been hired as
a Quality Assurance expert. Kindly discuss a
plan for ensuring the good quality of offered
Methods for
Generating Ideas for Quality Improvement

• Brainstorming
• Quality circles
• Interviewing
• Benchmarking
• 5W2H Thinking
Quality Circles

• Team approach
– Meet, identify and resolve problems on daily

Benchmarking Process

• Identify a critical process that needs

• Identify an organization that excels in this
• Contact that organization
• Analyze the data
• Improve the critical process

• The concept of PDCA was introduced by

A. Walter A Shewhart
B. W. Edward Deming
C. Kaoru Ishikawa
D. Joseph Moses Juran
PDCA cycle of restaurant and retailing businesses
PDCA Example : Social Services

The director of an adolescent shelter care

facility in a northeastern urban area wants you
to assembles a PDCA rapid-cycle action plan to
confront excessive negative behavioral
incidents exhibited by the clients.
PDCA Example : Social Services

Plan – Formulate a six person team; The team

set a target of 25% reduction in negative
behaviors in 90 days time.

Do- When the six people on this team meet,

each person identifies his perceived reason for
the negative behaviors. Each possible reason
is written on a chalkboard.
PDCA Example : Social Services
Check/ Study - At the end of this
brainstorming session, the group arrives at the
conclusion that new employees receive
inadequate training.

ACT- Over the course of the next three

months, specific changes are suggested: New
employees will be assigned to mentors. No
employee will be left alone with clients until
he has worked for two full weeks.
• The concept of PDSA was introduced by

A. Walter A Shewhart
B. W. Edward Deming
C. Kaoru Ishikawa
D. Joseph Moses Juran
• Mr. Amit has decided to open a factory of
electronic appliances. You have been hired as
a Quality Assurance expert. Kindly discuss a
plan for ensuring the good quality of offered
Total Quality Management (TQM)

Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi
Professor, Mittal School of Busienss, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
A manufacturer has been receiving excessive
numbers of defective standard machine parts
from a vendor on a regular basis. What is the
most effective way to design a formal
inspection system for incoming parts?

A. Acceptance sampling strategy

B. Statistical process control strategy
C. Control chart strategy
Total Quality Management

A philosophy that involves everyone in an

organization in a continual effort to improve quality
and achieve customer satisfaction.
The TQM Approach

1. Find out what the customer wants (Customer Focus)

2. Design a product or service that meets or exceeds
customer wants (Production Focus, Specifications,
Standards etc)
3. Design processes that facilitates doing the job right the
first time (Process improvement)
4. Keep track of results (Quality Control, Quality
Assurance, Six Sigma)
5. Extend these concepts to suppliers (Supplier as a
Which of the following terms best defines the nature
of Total Quality Management?
• a) An art
• b) A philosophy
• c) A science
• d) A social activity
Elements of TQM
• Customer Focus
• Continual improvement
• Competitive benchmarking
• Employee empowerment
• Team approach
• Decisions based on facts
• Knowledge of tools
• Leadership and support of Top Management
• Supplier quality
• Quality at the source
• Suppliers
Which of the following is NOT an element of TQM?

• a) Leadership
• b) Perceived quality
• c) Employee empowerment
• d) Customer focus
Customer Focus
State which of the two statements is correct
(i) Assured quality is necessary for building customer confidence.
(ii) Next user within the organization is called internal customer.

A. Both (I) and (II) are correct

B. Only I
C. Only II
D. Both (I) and (II) are incorrect
Benchmarking is the practice of comparing
business processes and performance metrics to
industry bests and best practices from other
companies. Dimensions typically measured are
quality, time and cost.
Continuous Improvement

• Philosophy that seeks to make never-

ending improvements to the process of
converting inputs into outputs.
• Kaizen: Japanese
word for continuous
Continuous Improvement Process
___________ is a philosophy of continually
seeking ways to improve operations.

A. Poke – yoke
B. Kaizen
C. Robustness
D. Kanban
Techniques for Continuous Improvement
• PDCA Cycle/ Deming Wheel
• PDSA Cycle (Walter A Shewhart Approach)
• Quality control tolls
• Standardization of processes
PDCA cycle of restaurant and retailing businesses
Continuous Improvement- Basic
Quality Tools
• 5W2H (What, Why, Where, When, Who, How, How
• Flowcharts
• Check sheets
• Histograms
• Pareto Charts
• Scatter diagrams
• Control charts
• Cause-and-effect diagrams
• PDCA Cycle (Plan – Do- Check – Act)
Continuous Improvement -
Standardization of processes

• Process of documenting the method of

performing an operation (both before and
after improvement)
Employee Empowerment
__________ is central point to the philosophy
of continuous improvement:

A. Management involvement
B. Employee involvement
C. Leadership Support
Team Approach
Evidence based Decision-making
Knowledge of Tools
Support of Top Management
Quality at the Source

The philosophy of making

each worker responsible for
the quality of his or her work.
Which of the following terms reflects the
notions of “do it right at first time”?

A. Kaizen
B. Quality at the source
C. Quality circles
D. Poka-yoke
Supplier as a partner
Supplier as a partner
Supplier as a partner
Supplier as a partner
6 C’s of TQM
Obstacles to Implementing TQM

• Lack of:
– Company-wide definition of quality
–Customer focus
–Real employee empowerment
–Time involvement in quality initiatives
–Leadership: Strong motivation
–Strategic plan for change
Obstacles to Implementing TQM

• Poor inter-organizational communication

• View of quality as a “quick fix”
• Emphasis on short-term financial results
• Internal political and “turf” wars
Methods for
Generating Ideas for Quality Improvement

• Brainstorming
• Quality circles
• Interviewing
• Benchmarking
• 5W2H Thinking
Quality Tools

Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi
Professor, Mittal School of Busienss, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
Normal variance in the operation of processes is
due to

A. Common Causes
B. Assignable Causes
C. External Causes
D. Special Causes
Basic Quality Tools
• 5W2H (What, Why, Where, When, Who, How, How
• Flowcharts
• Check sheets
• Histograms
• Pareto Charts
• Scatter diagrams
• Control charts
• Cause-and-effect diagrams
• PDCA Cycle (Plan – Do- Check – Act)
Flow Chart
Flow Chart
• Can be used to figure out the sequence of events
either taking place sequentially or in parallel
• Can be used to understand a complex process and
understand relationships and dependencies between
• Gives an idea about the critical path of the process
and events/ activities involved in the critical path
• Can be used for any filed and to illustrate events
involving processes of any complexity
Check Sheet
Billing Errors Monday
Wrong Account

Wrong Amount

A/R Errors

Wrong Account

Wrong Amount

Help in collection and classification of data…

Can be extended to illustrate the frequency of error
Check Sheet

Can be extended to illustrate the frequency of occurrences

A team wants to illustrate which defect types are occurring
most frequently. The quality tool they would use is a:

A.Ishikawa Diagram
B. Flow Chart
C. Histogram
E. Scatter Plot
Scatter Diagram
Scatter Diagram
Best way to represent two variable data

Presents the information in graphical manner

Present the relationship between two variables

Further analysis like trend analysis, can be performed

on the values

Can indicate increasing/ decreasing trend of the

defects or repairs or failures etc.
Pareto Analysis
80% of the
may be

Number of defects
attributed to
20% of the

Off Smeared Missing Loose Other

center print label
Control Chart


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Cause-and-Effect Diagram

Methods Materials
Cause Cause
Environment Effect
Cause Cause

Cause Cause
Cause Cause

People Equipment

Cause-and-Effect Diagram

Methods Materials
Cause Cause
Environment Effect
Cause Cause

Cause Cause
Cause Cause

People Equipment

Cause-and-Effect Diagram
Also called Ishikawa diagram

Useful for understanding the problem in order to sort

them effectively

Generally, an output of team effort, for ex., through a

brainstorming effort

Root Cause Analysis can also be done using this tool

Two variables, x and y, are related. Variable x increases or
decreases with y. Which of the following tools could best
be used to graphically show this relationship?

A.Ishikawa Diagram
B. Flow Chart
C. Histogram
E. Scatter Plot
Which of the following tools would be most
appropriate for analyzing data about the various
kinds of a problem?

A.Ishikawa Diagram
B. Flow Chart
C. Histogram
D.Check Sheet
E. Scatter Plot
State which of the two statements is correct
(i) Pareto chart provides corrective action for high-frequency
causes of problems.
(ii) Cause and effect diagram is also called Ishikawa diagram

A. Both (I) and (II) are correct

B. Only I
C. Only II
D. Both (I) and (II) are incorrect
PDCA Cycle
Six Sigma Quality

• A philosophy and set of

methods companies use to
eliminate defects in their
products and processes
• Seeks to reduce variation in
the processes that lead to
product defects
• The name, “six sigma” refers
to the variation that exists
within plus or minus three
standard deviations of the
process outputs
Six Sigma Quality (Continued)
• Six Sigma allows managers to readily describe process
performance using a common metric: Defects Per
Million Opportunities (DPMO)

• No more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities –


Number of defects
DPMO  x 1,000,000
 Number of 
 opportunities 
 for error per  x No. of units
 unit 
 
Tracking Improvements


Additional improvements
LCL Process centered made to the process
Process not centered and stable
and not stable

Six Sigma Quality: DMAIC Cycle

1. Define (D) Customers and their priorities

2. Measure (M) Process and its performance

3. Analyze (A) Causes of defects

4. Improve (I) Remove causes of defects

5. Control (C) Maintain quality

Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi
Professor, Mittal School of Busienss, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
What is a Process ?

A process has been defined as a sequence of

interdependent procedures, operations or
steps that consume resources and convert the
inputs into outputs. Each operation or step
adds to the next to achieve a goal or desired
Process – Live Example
Making a Cup of Coffee
Process – Live Example
Making a Cup of Coffee

Inputs: Coffee, Water, Sugar, Milk (may or may not be)

Processing Equipment: Coffee Maker
Output: A Cup of Coffee
What is Process?
• A process is a unique combination of tools,
materials, methods, and people engaged in
producing a measurable output; for example a
manufacturing line for machine parts. All
processes have inherent statistical variability
which can be evaluated by statistical methods.
Process Variation
In every process, there exists a certain amount
of variation. Variation in a process cannot be
eliminated, but it can be measured, monitored,
reduced and controlled.
Making a Cup of Coffee – Live Example
Reason for Variation:
Amount of coffee or water introduced
Functioning of coffee maker
Making a Cup of Coffee – Live Example
How to reduce the possibility of Variation?

By utilizing process controls, taking

measurements and using reliable, well-
maintained equipment, variation in a process
can have less effect on the quality of the
Specification Limits
Specification limits are the values between
which products or services should operate.
These limits are usually set by customer
Specification Limits
Example of Driving Test Limit
Process Capability
Process capability is defined as a statistical
measure of the inherent process variability of a
given characteristic. You can use a process-
capability study to assess the ability of a process
to meet specifications.
Process Capability
Process Capability (Cp) is a statistical
measurement of a process’s ability to produce
parts within specified limits on a consistent basis.

Two parts of process capability are: 1) measure

the variability of the output of a process, and 2)
compare that variability with a proposed
specification or product tolerance.
Process Capability
Process Capability Statistics
Cpk or Cp value less than 1 represent

A. Process is just capable to meet specification

B. Process is sufficiently capable to meet
C. Process is not capable to meet specification
Process Capability Measures
Cp (Process Capability), Cpk (Process Capability
Index), or Pp (Preliminary Process Capability)
and Ppk (Preliminary Process Capability Index)
are some of the measures to access process

The Cp and Cpk calculations use sample

deviation or deviation mean within rational
subgroups. The Pp and Ppk calculations use
standard deviation based on studied data (whole
Process Capability: Live Example
Imagine that you are driving your vehicle over a
bridge. The width of your vehicle is equivalent to
the spread or range of the data. The guardrails on
each side of the bridge are your specification limits.
You must keep your vehicle on the bridge to reach
the other side. The Cp value is equivalent to the
distance your vehicle stays away from the guardrails
and Cpk represents how well you are driving down
the middle of the bridge. Obviously if the spread of
your data is narrower (your car width is smaller),
the more distance there is between the vehicle and
the guardrails and the more likely you are to stay on
the bridge.
Specification Limits

Process Capability: Producing acceptable product on a consistent basis.

Process Capability Measures
Potential capability (Cp) and actual capability
during production (Cpk) are process capability
estimates. Cp and Cpk show how capable a
process is of meeting its specification limits,
used with continuous data. They are valuable
tools for evaluating initial and ongoing capability
of parts and processes.
Process Capability
Process Capability Measures
Cpk or Cp value grater than 2 represent

A. Process is just capable to meet specification

B. Process is sufficiently capable to meet
C. Process is not capable to meet specification
Process Capability
The Cpk index is a fundamental indication of
process capability. The Cpk value is calculated
using the specification limits and the standard
deviation of the process. Most companies
require that the process Cpk = 1.33 or greater.
Implications and Applications:
Process Capability
During a quality improvement initiative, such as
Six Sigma, a capability estimate is typically
obtained at the start and end of the study to
reflect the level of improvement that occurred.

Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi

Professor, Mittal School of Busienss, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
“We can rely on mass inspection to control quality.”

a) True
b) False
Which of the following is not based on Deming’s points?

a) Focus on continuous improvement

b) An ongoing program of education of employees is
c) Reach the slogans and numerical goals for the
d) Elimination of numerical quotas and work standards
How many points did Deming give to elaborate methods
for quality improvement?

a) 10
b) 12
c) 23
d) 14
Individuals in a firm must think,
act and speak quality.
What is Quality Improvement?
 A formal approach to the analysis of performance and
systematic efforts to improve it
An organization can strive for perfection by:
 Viewing all work as a process, whether, production or business

 Making all processes effective, efficient and adaptable

 Anticipating changing customer needs

 Controlling in-process performance using scrap reduction,

cycle time, control charts etc.

 Maintaining constructive dissatisfaction with present level of

An organization can strive for perfection by:
 Eliminating waste and rework wherever it occur

 Investigating activities that do not add value (with the

aim of eliminating those activities)

 Using benchmarking to improve competitive advantage.

 Incorporating lessons learned (in past) in future


 Using techniques such as SPC, QFD, benchmarking etc.

What is a Process?
What is a system?
 System = any assembly of procedures, resources and
routines to carry out a specific activity
How to understand a system/process?
 System = any assembly of procedures, resources and
routines to carry out a specific activity

 Use a flow chart/diagram

 Use different perspectives (a doctor’s perspective is

different to a nurse’s or a porter’s to a patient’s
Process Improvement: Prerequisites
 Who is customer – Internal and External

 An organization exist to serve its customer.

 Customers define the purpose of organization and

every process in it.

 Process improvement must be defined in terms of

increased customer satisfaction as a result of high
quality product and services.
5 ways of Process Improvement
 Reduce Resources
 Reduce Error
 Meet or exceed expectations of internal and external
 Make the process safer
 Make the process more satisfying to the person doing it
5 ways of Process Improvement

 Reduce Resources:

Usage of more
resources than
required is waste
5 ways of Process Improvement
 Reduce Error
5 ways of Process Improvement
 Meet or exceed expectations of internal and external
5 ways of Process Improvement
 Make the process safer
A safer work place is more productive
5 ways of Process Improvement
 Make the process more satisfying to the person doing it
Improvement Strategies:
 Repair – Anything broken needs to be fixed..Two levels i.e.
at proucer level or at customer level to be fixed
immediately, and, to find a permanent solution
 Refinement – Continual improvement on incremental
basis…every employee, every team…organized efforts can
be made
 Renovation – Major or breakthrough improvements,
example, electric drill
 Reinvention – Based on a feeling that current approach
will never satisfy the customer requirements…new
product, service, process or activity is designed…also
desirable to maintain organizational vitality or competitive
Approaches of Continuous
 Three Question Aprroach
 Juran’s Trilogy
 PDSA Cycle
 Kaizen
 Reengineering
 Six Sigma
Three Question Approach
 Process…
 Juran Trilogy – Planning, Control, Improvement
Juran’s Quality Trilogy

 Planning – 5W2H, Who is customer?, what he needs?,

where he is?, Develop a product as per customer need,
define process, determine control limits

 Controlling: Actual Vs. Standards; Accept reject

 Improving: Project the need for improvement, predict

cause, provide remedies, prove that remedies are
effective, provide control.
 The concept of PDSA was introduced by

A. Walter A Shewhart
B. W. Edward Deming
C. Kaoru Ishikawa
D. Joseph Moses Juran
What is Kaizen?
 Japanese word for the philosophy that defines
management’s role in continually encouraging and
implementing small improvements involving

 It is a Japanese workplace philosophy which focuses on

making continuous small improvements which
keep a business at the top of its field

 Objective is to make the process more efficient,

effective, under control and adaptable
What is Kaizen?
 The philosophy involves everyone in the organization
– managers and workers alike – and urges them to
make never-ending efforts for improvement.
Kaizen: Continuous Improvement Process
Continuous Process
Improvement Cycle
1. Identify the Opportunity
2. Analyze the Current Process
3. Develop the Optimal Solution(s)
4. Implement Change
5. Study the Results
6. Standardize the Solution
7. Plan for the future
Toyota's (Ohno's) Seven Forms of Waste

Taiichi Ohno, "father" of the Toyota Production System, originally

identified seven forms of muda or waste:
Employee Empowerment
__________ is central point to the philosophy of
continuous improvement:

A. Management involvement
B. Employee involvement
C. Leadership Support
Focuses on use of:
1. Value-added and non-value added work activities
2. Muda, seven classes of waster i.e. over-production, delay,
transportation, processing, inventory, wasted motion and
defective parts
3. Principle of motion study and use of cell technology
4. Principle of materials handling and use of one-piece flow
5. Documentation of SOP
6. 5-S viz. Seiko (Proper arrangement), Seiton
(Orderliness), Seiketso (Personal Cleanliness), Seiso
(Cleanup), Shisuke (Discipline)
7. Visual management by visual displays
8. JIT
9. Poka Yoke
10. Team dynamics viz. Problem Solving, Communication
Skills and Conflict Resolution
 According to Hammer and Champy, reengineering is the
fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business
processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical
measures of performance.
Six Sigma Quality

 A philosophy and set of

methods companies use to
eliminate defects in their
products and processes
 Seeks to reduce variation
in the processes that lead
to product defects
 The name, “six sigma”
refers to the variation that
exists within plus or minus
three standard deviations
of the process outputs
Six Sigma Quality (Continued)
 Six Sigma allows managers to readily describe
process performance using a common metric:
Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)

 No more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities –


Number of defects
DPMO  x 1,000,000
 Number of 
 opportunities 
 for error per  x No. of units
 unit 
 
Six Sigma Quality: DMAIC Cycle
1. Define (D) Customers and their priorities

2. Measure (M) Process and its performance

3. Analyze (A) Causes of defects

4. Improve (I) Remove causes of defects

5. Control (C) Maintain quality

Total Quality Management

A philosophy that involves everyone in an

organization in a continual effort to improve
quality and achieve customer satisfaction.
The TQM Approach

1. Find out what the customer wants (Customer Focus)

2. Design a product or service that meets or exceeds customer
wants (Production Focus, Specifications, Standards etc)
3. Design processes that facilitates doing the job right the first
time (Process improvement)
4. Keep track of results (Quality Control, Quality Assurance,
Six Sigma)
5. Extend these concepts to suppliers (Supplier as a partner)
Cost of Quality
Quality Control and Assurance

Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi
Professor, Mittal School of Busienss, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
Costs of Quality

Appraisal Costs

External Failure Costs of

Costs Prevention Costs

Internal Failure
Costs of Quality
• Failure Costs - costs incurred by defective
parts/products or faulty services.
• Internal Failure Costs
– Costs incurred to fix problems that are detected
before the product/service is delivered to the
• External Failure Costs
– All costs incurred to fix problems that are detected
after the product/service is delivered to the
Costs of Quality

• Appraisal Costs
– Costs of activities designed to ensure quality or
uncover defects
• Prevention Costs
– All TQ training, TQ planning, customer
assessment, process control, and quality
improvement costs to prevent defects from
Which of the following would not normally be
considered as a ‘costs of quality’.

A. Training costs
B. Prevention costs
C. Warranty costs
D. R and D costs
Quality Control & Assurance - Basic Terminology
Quality Control & Assurance - Basic Terminology

Quality Control-
1. Establishment of standard
2. Measure the actual quality
3. Comparison of actual with standard
4. Finding out deviations
5. Taking corrective actions

Quality Assurance -Emphasis on finding and correcting

defects before reaching market & to minimize the
chances that output will be sub-standard
Quality Control & Assurance - Basic Terminology
Internal Customer (next person who receive goods within company)
 External Customer ( End User)
 Customer Requirements (Performance standards associated with customer needs)
Specifications (measureable attributes)
Quality Control & Assurance - Basic Terminology

Detection (reactive strategy)

 Prevention (proactive strategy)
 Defect (nonconformance to customer requirement)
 Inspection (measuring, checking, analyzing, examining and testing
characteristics of an item, product, service or process)
 Productivity
Phases of Quality Assurance

Inspection and
Inspection of lots corrective Quality built
before/after action during into the
production production process

Acceptance Process Continuous

sampling control improvement

The least The most

progressive progressive
Method of accepting & rejecting a lot on the basis of a sample.
Why Acceptance Sampling ?
• A large population
• Population is homogenous
• A large number of items must be processed in
a short time
• The cost consequences of passing defectives
are low
• Destructive testing is required
• Fatigue or boredom caused by inspecting large
number of items leads to inspection errors.
Acceptance sampling
1. Save of time & money
2. Less staff required
3. Problem of inspection fatigue is eliminated
4. Results in quick inspection

1. Risk of making wrong inference about the quality of lot called
producer’s risk( go error) or consumer’s risk( drop error) may be
Factors affecting the selection of Sample
Size of Population
Resources available
Degree of accuracy and precision
Homogeneity or Heterogeneity of population
Customer requirement
Nature of inspection
Sampling Technique
Sampling Techniques

Judgmental or
Of the following sampling methods, which is
a probability method?
• a) Judgment
• b) Quota
• c) Simple random
• d) Convenience
• Sample is regarded as a subset of?
• (a) Data
• (b) Set
• (c) Distribution
• (d) Population
The probability of selecting an item in
probability sampling, from the population is
• (a) Equal to one
• (b) Equal to zero
• (c) Non zero
• (d) None of the above
Sampling plan
 The number of units in
the incoming lot of Material
 The number of units, a
sample size that is to be
inspected (n).
 The Maximum number
of defective items allowable
in a sample (c).
Sampling plan

Specify Lot Size, N; Sample Size, n; No. of

Samples to be taken, Acceptance/ Rejection
• Single-Sampling Plan
• Double-Sampling Plan
• Multiple-Sampling Plan
It is the process of examining an object for checking it
for verification of quality & quantity in any of its
In simple words , it means sorting out good products
from bad products.
Objectives –
1. To safeguard the quality of finished products
2. To locate the defective items
3. To reduce the risk of rejection by consumer
4. To detect the sources of weakness.

• How Much/How Often

• Where/When
• Centralized vs. On-site

Inputs Transformation Outputs

Acceptance Process Acceptance

sampling control sampling
Cost Inspection Costs

Total Cost
Cost of

Cost of
Amount of Inspection
Steps for inspection

1. Parameters to be inspected must be carefully established

2. Decision regarding when & where inspection must take place is to
be taken
3. Find out how many items are to be inspected i.e. 100% or sampling
inspection. here the level of accuracy desired is taken into
4. Sampling scheme for selection of items from the lots must be
5. Specification limits for acceptance & rejection of items must be
Sampling Risks
• Producers Risk – α: calling the population bad
when it is good; also called Type I error.
• Risk of rejecting an acceptable lot.

• Consumers Risk – β: calling the population

good when it is bad; also called Type II error.
• Risk of accepting a reject-able lot.
Sampling Risks (cont)
Statistical Control

• Statistical Process Control:

Statistical evaluation of the output of a process
during production
• Quality of Conformance:
A product or service conforms to
Statistical Quality Control
The deviation in quality of product can of 2 types:

Chance causes-like sudden changes in temperature

Assignable causes—like difference among workers performance,
difference among machines.

SQC is a tool to determine whether the variation is due to chance

causes or due to assignable causes. If process is found to be
statistical control then it indicates that the variation in quality is
due to chance causes, otherwise the presence of assignable causes
is detected & some corrective action is taken. control charts are the
basis of SQC.
Advantages- Ensures rapid & efficient inspection at min cost; It
minimizes waste ,bias & judgment errors
Control Chart
• Control Chart
– Purpose: to monitor process output to see if it
is random
– A time ordered plot representative sample
statistics obtained from an on going process
(e.g. sample means)
– Upper and lower control limits define the
range of acceptable variation
Control Chart

Abnormal variation Out of

due to assignable sources control

Normal variation
due to chance
Abnormal variation
due to assignable sources

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Sample number
Control charts
It is a chronological recording of data in a graphic form.
Each measurement recorded is represented by a point on
a graph. Thus, control charts are graphic comparison of
process performance data to compute statistical control
limits drawn as limits lines on the chart.
1. It gives indication whether the process is in control or not
2. It ensures a particular level of quality
3. It indicates warning limits
4. It helps in setting of tolerance limits
Control Charts for Variables
Variables generate data that are measured

• Mean control charts

– Used to monitor the central tendency of a process.
– X bar charts

• Range control charts

– Used to monitor the process dispersion
– R charts
Mean and Range Charts

(process mean is
shifting upward)




Mean and Range Charts

Distribution (process variability is increasing)


x-Chart Does not

reveal increase


R-chart Reveals increase

Control Chart for Attributes

• p-Chart - Control chart used to monitor the

proportion of defectives in a process
• c-Chart - Control chart used to monitor the
number of defects per unit

Attributes generate data that are counted

Use of p-Charts

• When observations can be placed into two

– Good or bad
– Pass or fail
– Operate or don’t operate
• When the data consists of multiple
samples of several observations each
Use of c-Charts

• Use only when the number of occurrences per

unit of measure can be counted; non-
occurrences cannot be counted.
– Scratches, chips, dents, or errors per item
– Cracks or faults per unit of distance
– Breaks or Tears per unit of area
– Bacteria or pollutants per unit of volume
– Calls, complaints, failures per unit of time
Test your understanding
A quality inspector took 5 samples, each with four observations, of the length
of time for glue to dry. The analyst computed the mean of each sample. All
values are in minutes. Use this information to obtain three sigma (i.e., z=3)
control limits for means of future times. It is known from previous experience
that the standard deviation of the process is .02 minute.
Sample 1 2 3 4 5
Mean 15.10 15.12 15.11 15.10 15.12
Test your understanding
Twenty samples of n = 8 have been taken from a clearing
operation. The average sample range for was 0.026 minutes, and
the average mean was 3 minutes. Determine three sigma control
limits for the process. Where A2 is .37 at 8 no. of observations
Test your understanding
Twenty five samples of n =10 have been taken from a milling
process. The average sample range was .03 centimeter.
Determine upper and lower control limits for the sample. Where
D3 = .22 for n = 10 and D4 = 1.78 for n = 10
Test your understanding
A Quality control inspector of Future Retail has inspected billing
statement of 20 stores of Punjab for the month of Sep. 2019.
From each store he has inspected 100 bills. He finds some errors
and presented the data of error to head office. Headoffice wants
to see the effectiveness of billing at various stores of Punjab.
Kindly draw an appropriate control chart describing 99.74
percent of chance variation in the process and help headoffice in
this process.

Store No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
4 10 12 3 9 11 10 22 13 10 8 12 9 10 21 10 8 12 10 16
Which of the following control chart is used to
monitor the number of defects per unit?

A. P-chart
B. R-chart
C. C-chart
D. X-bar chart
Tutorial – OPR509
Statistical Process Control

Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi
Professor, Mittal School of Busienss, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
Recall of Wagon R Car by Maruti Ltd. is an
example of

A. Prevention costs
B. Appraisal Cost
C. External Failure Cost
D. Internal Failure Cost
Phases of Quality Assurance

Inspection and
Inspection of lots corrective Quality built
before/after action during into the
production production process

Acceptance Process Continuous

sampling control improvement

The least The most

progressive progressive
Statistical Control

• Statistical Process Control:

Statistical evaluation of the output of a process
during production
• Quality of Conformance:
A product or service conforms to
Statistical Process/Quality Control
The deviation in quality of product can of 2 types:

Chance causes-like sudden changes in temperature

Assignable causes—like difference among workers performance,
difference among machines.

SQC is a tool to determine whether the variation is due to chance

causes or due to assignable causes. If process is found to be
statistical control then it indicates that the variation in quality is
due to chance causes, otherwise the presence of assignable causes
is detected & some corrective action is taken. control charts are the
basis of SQC.
Advantages- Ensures rapid & efficient inspection at min cost; It
minimizes waste ,bias & judgment errors
Control Chart
• Control Chart
– Purpose: to monitor process output to see if it
is random
– A time ordered plot representative sample
statistics obtained from an on going process
(e.g. sample means)
– Upper and lower control limits define the
range of acceptable variation
Control Chart

Abnormal variation Out of

due to assignable sources control

Normal variation
due to chance
Abnormal variation
due to assignable sources

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Sample number
Control Charts
Control charts
It is a chronological recording of data in a graphic form.
Each measurement recorded is represented by a point on
a graph. Thus, control charts are graphic comparison of
process performance data to compute statistical control
limits drawn as limits lines on the chart.
1. It gives indication whether the process is in control or not
2. It ensures a particular level of quality
3. It indicates warning limits
4. It helps in setting of tolerance limits
Control Charts for Variables
Variables generate data that is measureable

• Mean control charts

– Used to monitor the central tendency of a process.
– X bar charts

• Range control charts

– Used to monitor the process dispersion
– R charts
Mean and Range Charts

(process mean is
shifting upward)




Mean and Range Charts

Distribution (process variability is increasing)


x-Chart Does not

reveal increase


R-chart Reveals increase

Control Chart for Attributes

• p-Chart - Control chart used to monitor the

proportion of defectives in a process
• c-Chart - Control chart used to monitor the
number of defects per unit

Attributes generate data that are counted

Use of p-Charts

• When observations can be placed into two

– Good or bad
– Pass or fail
– Operate or don’t operate
• When the data consists of multiple
samples of several observations each
Use of c-Charts

• Use only when the number of occurrences per

unit of measure can be counted; non-
occurrences cannot be counted.
– Scratches, chips, dents, or errors per item
– Cracks or faults per unit of distance
– Breaks or Tears per unit of area
– Bacteria or pollutants per unit of volume
– Calls, complaints, failures per unit of time
Which of the following control chart is used to
monitor the number of defects per unit?

A. P-chart
B. R-chart
C. C-chart
D. X-bar chart
Which of the following control chart is most
appropriate to measure the filling in PEPSI cold
drink bottles?

A. P-chart
B. R-chart
C. C-chart
D. X-bar chart
Which of the following control chart is most
appropriate to analyze the attendance of students
in OPR509?

A. P-chart
B. R-chart
C. C-chart
D. X-bar chart
Which of the following control chart is most
appropriate to analyze the CGPA of MBA students
of LPU?

A. P-chart
B. R-chart
C. C-chart
D. X-bar chart
E. Either R or X-bar chart
Numerical Problems

Control charts
Mean control charts or X bar charts

– Used to monitor the central tendency of a process.

Test your understanding
A quality inspector took 5 samples, each with four observations, of the length
of time for glue to dry. The analyst computed the mean of each sample. All
values are in minutes. Use this information to obtain three sigma (i.e., z=3)
control limits for means of future times. It is known from previous experience
that the standard deviation of the process is .02 minute.
Sample 1 2 3 4 5
Mean 15.10 15.12 15.11 15.10 15.12
Test your understanding
A quality inspector took 5 samples, each with four observations, of the length
of time for glue to dry. The analyst computed the mean of each sample. All
values are in minutes. Use this information to obtain three sigma (i.e., z=3)
control limits for means of future times. It is known from previous experience
that the standard deviation of the process is .02 minute.
Sample 1 2 3 4 5
Mean 15.10 15.12 15.11 15.10 15.12

Combined Mean= 15.11

Z = 3, n = 4, Std. deviation = .02
UCL= 15.11 + 3 (.02/ √4)= 15.14
LCL= 15.11 - 3 (.02/ √4)= 15.08
Mean control charts or X bar charts

• Alternative Approach
– Used to monitor the central tendency of a process.
Test your understanding
Twenty samples of n = 8 have been taken from a clearing
operation. The average sample range for was 0.026 minutes, and
the average mean was 3 minutes. Determine three sigma control
limits for the process. Where A2 is .37 at 8 no. of observations
Test your understanding
Twenty samples of n = 8 have been taken from a clearing
operation. The average sample range for was 0.016 minutes, and
the average mean was 3 minutes. Determine three sigma control
limits for the process. Where A2 is .37 at 8 no. of observations

Combined mean= 3, R = 0.016, A2 is .37 for n= 8

UCL= Combined mean + A2 (R) = 3+ .37(.016)= 3.006 minutes
LCL= Combined mean - A2 (R) = 3- .37(.016)= 2.994 minutes
Range control charts (R Chart)
Variables generate data that are measured

• Range control charts (R Chart)

– Used to monitor the process dispersion
Test your understanding
Twenty five samples of n =10 have been taken from a milling
process. The average sample range was .03 centimeter.
Determine upper and lower control limits for the sample. Where
D3 = .22 for n = 10 and D4 = 1.78 for n = 10
Test your understanding
Twenty five samples of n =10 have been taken from a milling
process. The average sample range was .01 centimeter.
Determine upper and lower control limits for the sample. Where
D3 = .22 for n = 10 and D4 = 1.78 for n = 10

R bar= .01 cm, n=10, D3 = .22 for n = 10 and D4 = 1.78 for n = 10

UCLR = 1.78(.01)= .0178
LCLR = 0.22(.01)= .0022
Control Chart for Attributes
Attributes generate data that are counted
• p-Chart - Control chart used to monitor the
proportion of defectives in a process
Test your understanding
A Quality control inspector of Future Retail has inspected billing
statement of 20 stores of Punjab for the month of Sep. 2019.
From each store he has inspected 100 bills. He finds some errors
and presented the data of error to head office. Headoffice wants
to see the effectiveness of billing at various stores of Punjab.
Kindly draw an appropriate control chart describing 99.74
percent of chance variation in the process and help headoffice in
this process.

Store No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Defective bill 4 10 12 3 9 11 10 22 13 10 8 12 9 10 21 10 8 12 10 16

Total Defective bills = 220

Customer Satisfaction:
TQM Strategy


Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi

Professor, Mittal School of Business, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
Words of Mahatma Gandhi

“The customer is not depending on us; in fact we

are depending on him. He is not an interruption
to our business. He is a part of it. We are not
favoring him, but he is favoring us by giving us an
opportunity to serve him.”
Total Quality Management

A philosophy that involves everyone in an

organization in a continual effort to improve quality
and achieve customer satisfaction.

• Customer focus is the major focus of TQM

• Jargon of TQM
Employees are considered as internal customers, whereas the
customers are considered as external employees.
Customer Focus
Who is the Customer:

1. Internal Customer
2. External Customer
• Consumer
• Purchaser – who buy an item , usually on one time basis
• Buyer – who buy the product repeatedly
• Client – Service industry
• User – who use the durable product
• End user – the last user aster which product will be discarded
• Customer
Customer in Quality Definition:
View Through Customer’s Eye
Customer Satisfaction is the measure of Quality.

Quality is measured on a multidimensional Scale and

some dimensions cannot even be quantified for some

Quality is the degree to which a class of product

possesses potential satisfaction for customers in terms
of price availability, guarantee and durability.
Key Dimensions of Product Quality
Best Practices of TQM
for Customer Satisfaction:

• Customer Focus • Questionnaire Survey

• Customer Orientation • Customer Panel Discussions
• Understanding
• Customer phone in interviews
Customer (KYC)
• Commitment to • Customer complaints
Customer • Customer Data
• Customer-Supplier • Customer Service Manual
Relationship • Customer satisfaction audit
• Effective market tool
Customer Satisfaction
and its Measure:

• The Most important Asset of any Organization is its


• Customer Satisfaction = Enhanced profits

• Customer Dissatisfaction = Increasing Complaints =
Spoilt Reputation
Customer Satisfaction

• Satisfaction is basically a psychological state ,

care should be taken in the effort of
quantitative measurement, although a large
quantity of research in this area has recently
been developed.
Attributes of Customer Satisfaction
• Service Features • Image Attributes
– Delivery as per schedule
• Price
– Lead Time
• Reliability
– Exception Handling
– Technical Support
– Accountability
• Product Features
– Performance of the
– Quality of the product
– Product utility
– Maintainability
Objectives of Customer Satisfaction
• Compare own performance with that of the
• Monitor the changes to find if such changes lead to
• Identify customer perceptions on company’s
performance in meeting customer needs and
• Identify areas where improvement is required
Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Models - Kano
Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Models - Kano
• Basic Features (intended need of customer)
• Performance Features (Expected and stated
need of customer)
• Excitement (Innovation) Features (Innovative
or new attributes in product which are not
expected by the consumer)
Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Models - Kano
• Satisfiers

• Dissatisfiers

• Delighter or Exciters
Basic Features or Must be attributes
Performance Features
Excitement (Innovation) Features
Refrigerator Example
Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Models - Kano
Kano Model - Benefits
Kano Model
Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Models - Teboul


• The Customer is the Ultimate Judge of Value Quality.

• An American society of quality (ASQ) survey on the end

user perceptions of important factors that influence
purchases, are as following:
Performance, Features, Services, Warranty, Price,
Comments/ Issues?
Quality Gurus and their Contribution

Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi
Professor, Mittal School of Busienss, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
Revision - Quiz
• Which of the following does not belong to
External Failure Costs?

a) Complaint investigations
b) Warranty claims
c) Liability costs
d) Supplier quality planning
Revision - Quiz
Cpk or Cp value less than 1 represent

A. Process is just capable to meet specification

B. Process is sufficiently capable to meet
C. Process is not capable to meet specification
Revision - Quiz
Cpk or Cp value grater than 2 represent

A. Process is just capable to meet specification

B. Process is sufficiently capable to meet
C. Process is not capable to meet specification
Quality Gurus
Walter Andrew Shewhart
• Statistical Process Control (SPC)/ Statistical
Quality Control (SQC)
• Process Capability
• Chance and Assignable Cause
• Control charts
Quality Gurus
W. Edward Deming
Knowledge of Variation
W. Edward Deming
W. Edward Deming
W. Edward Deming
PDCA Cycle
5 Deadly Quality Management Diseases

1. Lack of constancy of purpose

2. Short term thinking with emphasis on short term profits
3. Annual system of rating employees
4. Mobility of Management
5. Use of visible figures and ignoring unknown figures.
Joseph Moses Juran
• Defined quality as fitness of use
• Quality Trilogy – Planning, Controlling and
• Classification of Costs- Cost of preventing
defects, cost of detecting the defects, cost of
rejection and rework, cost of reliability and
Quality Gurus
Juran’s Quality Trilogy

• Planning – 5W2H, Who is customer?, what he

needs?, where he is?, Develop a product as
per customer need, define process, determine
control limits
• Controlling: Actual Vs. Standards; Accept
• Improving: Project the need for improvement,
predict cause, provide remedies, prove that
remedies are effective, provide control.
The book “Bible of Quality” Written by

A. Joseph Moses Juran

B. W. Edward Deming
C. Walter Andrew Shewhart
D. Kaoru Ishikawa
E. Philip Corsby
Who is known as father of Statistical Quality

A. Joseph Moses Juran

B. W. Edward Deming
C. Walter Andrew Shewhart
D. Kaoru Ishikawa
Who defined quality as ‘fitness of use’?

A. Joseph Moses Juran

B. W. Edward Deming
C. Walter Andrew Shewhart
D. Kaoru Ishikawa
The concept of PDCA is associated with

A. Joseph Moses Juran

B. W. Edward Deming
C. Walter Andrew Shewhart
D. Kaoru Ishikawa
Quality Gurus
Crosby - Contribution
The book “Quality is Free” Written by

A. Joseph Moses Juran

B. W. Edward Deming
C. Walter Andrew Shewhart
D. Kaoru Ishikawa
E. Philip Corsby
Quality Gurus
Ishikawa - Contribution
Ishikawa - Contribution
Ishikawa - Contribution
Ishikawa - Contribution
Brought a radical change in the way of thinking about work (Fishbone

Quality improvement is a continuous process

Introduced the concept of Quality Circle

Quality Gurus

One of the key steps in lean process and TPS is to identify which activities add
value and which do not, then to progressively work to improve or eliminate them.
Toyota's (Ohno's) Seven Forms of Waste

Taiichi Ohno, "father" of the Toyota Production System, originally identified

seven forms of muda or waste:
Quality Gurus
Shingo - Contribution
Quality Gurus
Armand Vallin Feigenbaum
• Quality is company wide process
• Quality is what the customer says it is
• Quality is an ethic
• Quality requires continuous improvement
• Quality is implemented with a total system
connected with customer and suppliers.
Armand Vallin Feigenbaum
• The concept of hidden plant.
• The cost of quality is because of produing
poor quaity (i.e. extra work/cost in correcting
• Identified three basic costs of quality as cost
of preventing, cost of appraising and cost of
• Contributed towards total Quality Control.
Quality Gurus
Quality Gurus
Quality Gurus
Contribution of GENICHI TAGUCHI


Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi

Professor, Mittal School of Business, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
__________ is central point to the philosophy
of continuous improvement:

A. Management involvement
B. Employee involvement
C. Leadership Support
• Born in Japan, 1924
• Died 2nd June 2012
• Electrical Engineer
• Worked during 1950’s to improve Japan’s
post-WWII telephone communication system.
• Father of the “Taguchi Method” and “Robust

• “In the next century, the capability of

developing robust technology will be
essential to the competitiveness of any
manufacturing enterprise.” (Taguchi)

• To compete successfully in the global

marketplace, organizations must have
the ability to produce a variety of high-
quality, low-cost products that fully
satisfy customers‟ needs.”
TAGUCHI Approach
Design of Experiment or Experimental Design
is regarded as important tool of enhancing
quality and improving productivity.
TAGUCHI Approach
The beauty of Taguchi approach is that the
need for mass inspection is eliminated by
building quality into the product and process
at the design stage.
Quality Robust Design
• Robust design is the design which has the
ability to deal with that variability which is
difficult to eliminate.
• Robust design is a strong and a powerful
• Making the product or process insensitive to
Quality Robust Design

Quality improvement must start at the designing itself

because this is where the quality start developing.
Quality Robust Design
Robust quality products  Consistent performance 
Regular use by customer  Perfect Production 
Robustness in design (Product, Process and Procedures)

 System Design phase (involving creativity and innovation)

 Samsun Mobile

 Parameter Design Phase

 Details of Design, Prototype

 Tolerance Design Phase

• An unwanted element or external factor that
cause reduction in performance level.

• An unwanted element or factor that cause loss

of useful energy.
• Earlier approaches of TQM suggest that the
noise causing factors to be identified and
reduced or eliminated.

• Taguchi suggest that instead of identifying

these factors and reducing them, it is better to
build the design robust such that the noise
cannot affect the system.
TAGUCHI Contribution
• Design of Experiment
• Taguchi Loss Function or Quality Loss Function
• Quality Robust Design
• Noise and Signal to Noise ratio
Design of Experiment
• The design of experiment is a series of
techniques to optimize product/process
design, process operations and limiting the
effect of noise (uncontrollable external

• The objective of the approach is to determine

the value of design parameters that makes the
variation resistant system performance.
Methods of Experimental Design
• Hit and Miss Method
• One factor at a time method
• Full factorial method
• Fractional factor method or Orthogonal Array
Methods of Experimental Design
Hit and Miss Method
One or more factors selected at a random and
response is measured.

A tea manufacturer may try out different

combinations of ingredients such as the flavor of
ginger, cardamom, tulsi and so on. One which
taste better can be selected.

Unscientific method.
Methods of Experimental Design
One factor at a time method
In this method, the response is evaluated by altering
the setting of one factor keeping the other constant.

A tea manufacturer may vary the proportion of one of

the ingredient (out of many such as flavor of ginger,
cardamom, tulsi and so on) and keeping the proportion
of all other ingredient constant.

Simple but of limited use.

Methods of Experimental Design
Full Factorial method
In this method, all combinations of the factors to
be tested are taken into consideration and the
best combination is found out.

if we have (F) factors and (L) levels then total

combination will be LF

if we have (3) factors and (2) levels then total

combination will be (2)3 i.e. 8
Methods of Experimental Design
Fractional factor method or Orthogonal Array Method
In Full Factorial method there are many (too large)
combinations of the factors to be tested and then the
best combination is found out.

if we have (F) factors and (L) levels then total

combination will be LF

if we have (7) factors and (2) levels then total

combination will be (2)7 i.e. 128
Methods of Experimental Design
Fractional factor method or Orthogonal Array
In Fractional factor method or Orthogonal
Array Method only selective fractions of full
design are considered.
Methods of Experimental Design
Fractional factor method or Orthogonal Array
Fractional factor method or Orthogonal Array Method
Taguchi Loss Function
• Taguchi defines Quality as “the loss imparted by
the product to society from the time the product
is shipped”.
• Loss refers to reduction in quality, productivity
and performance of the product
• Loss can be related to
– Customer dissatisfaction,
– Loss of market,
– Increase in stock,
– Performance drop.
Quality Loss – Traditional View
Taguchi Loss Function
Taguchi Loss Function

Quality Loss includes loss to producer as well as loss to customer

Taguchi Loss Function
Traditional approach focuses on specification
limits and Taguchi’s approach focuses on
target value.

a) True
b) False
Taguchi Loss Function
The quality loss function is given by L(x) = k(x-
N)2. What does ‘k’ stand for?

a) Tolerance
b) Quality loss coefficient
c) Nominal value of given product
d) Quality characteristic of selected product
Which among the following is the correct
formula for evaluating the quality loss
coefficient ‘k’?

a) k=c+d
b) k=c/d
c) k=c/d2
d) k=c-d
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi
Professor, Mittal School of Busienss, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
To anticipate failures and prevent them from
happening is the objective of FMEA.

a) True
b) False
Failure Mode Effect Analysis - FMEA
Failure Mode Effect Analysis is an analytical technique
that goes in for combining Technology and Experience of
people to identify foreseen failures in a product or
process and planning to eliminate the product or process
and planning to eliminate the Failure.

FMEA is a group of activities to understand and evaluate

potential failure of product or process and its effects, and
identify actions that eliminate or reduce the potential
Find the odd one out related to the FMEA team.
a) Assembly engineer
b) Manufacturing engineer
c) Quality engineer
d) Process variability data
What are the three categories of scoring in a
Process FMEA?

a) Severity, probability of occurrence, and

b) Common cause, special cause, and root cause
c) Cause, correlation, and control
d) None of above
A particular product has been given the
following rankings for calculating RPN while
preparing FMEA chart, S=10, O=2, D=2. What
is the value of RPN?
a) 20
b) 10
c) 40
d) 2
• Determine all failure modes based on the functional
requirements and their effects.

• A failure effect is defined as the result of a failure mode

on the function of the system as perceived by the user.

• Each effect is given a severity number (S) from 1 (no

danger) to 10 (critical). These numbers help an
engineer to prioritize the failure modes and their
According to common industry scale, what
does severity ranking (S) 1 indicate?

a) Very serious effect

b) No effect
c) Sometimes serious effect
d) The value doesn’t exist
• Looks at the cause of a failure mode and the
number of times it occurs.

• All the potential causes for a failure mode should

be identified and documented in technical terms.

• A failure mode is given an occurrence ranking (O),

again 1–10. This step is called the detailed
development section of the FMEA process.
• According to common industry scale, what
does occurrence ranking (O) 10 indicate?

a) Not likely
b) Highly likely
c) Certain to happen
d) The value doesn’t exist
The current controls system that prevent failure modes and
detect the failure before it reaches the customer.
• What is RPN?

a) Risk Potential Number

b) Risk Priority Number
c) Risk Preference number
d) Risk Preventive Number
• What is the appropriate action when the RPN for a
failure on a Process FMEA exceeds the threshold?

a) Mitigate the failure by changing the development

process to add more verification testing
b) Mitigate the failure by redesigning the product or
c) Mitigate the failure by changing the product
d) None of above
• What is the appropriate action when the RPN for a
failure on a Process FMEA exceeds the threshold?

a) Mitigate the failure by changing the development

process to add more verification testing
b) Mitigate the failure by redesigning the product
or process
c) Mitigate the failure by changing the product
d) None of above
Step 8 – Action Planning
Step 9:
If there are four stages of FMEA.
i) Specifying the possibilities
ii) Quantifying risk
iii) Correcting high risk causes
iv) Re-evaluation of Risk
Which is the correct order of proceeding with
these stages of FMEA?

a) i),ii),iii),iv)
b) i),ii),iv),iii)
c) iv),iii),i),ii)
d) iv),iii),ii),i)
Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi
Professor, Mittal School of Busienss, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
 In order to remain competitive, organizations must
determine what is driving the consumer’s perception of
value or quality in a product or service.

 A firm needs to define which characteristics of the products

such as reliability, styling or performance form the
customer’s perception of quality and value.
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a process and
set of tools used to effectively define customer
requirements (or VOC) and convert them into detailed
engineering specifications and plans to produce the
products that fulfill those requirements.

QFD methodology provides a defined set of matrices

utilized to facilitate this progression.
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

QFD is a focused methodology for

carefully listening to the voice of the
customer and then effectively responding
to those needs and expectations.
Steps in QFD
1. List Customer Requirements (WHAT)
2. Add Wight/ importance to Customer Requirements
3. List Technical Descriptors (HOW)
4. Develop an Interrelationship Matrix between HOWs
5. Develop a Relationship Matrix between WHATs and
6. Competitive Assessment
7. Develop Prioritized Customer Requirements
8. Develop Prioritized Technical Descriptors
Which of the following is not an example of
customer requirements in the ‘House of

a) Reasonable cost
b) Corrosion-resistant
c) Durable
d) Sand casting
‘Performance’ and ‘aesthetics’ in the House of
Quality fall under the category of ________

a) Technical descriptors
b) Customer requirements
c) Relationship matrix
d) Competitor Analysis
Live Example – Designing a SUV
Step 1 – Define Customer Requirement (WHAT)
Live Example – Designing a SUV
Step 1 – Define Customer Requirement (WHAT)
Which of the following is an unjustifiable
customer requirement for the new product
design of a toy product for children?

a) Reasonable cost
b) Lightweight
c) Good taste
d) Stimulate imagination
Live Example – Designing a SUV

Step 2 – Assigning Importance to Customer Requirement

Live Example – Designing a SUV

Step 2 – Assigning Importance to Customer Requirement

Live Example – Designing a SUV

Step 2 – Assigning Importance to Customer Requirement

Live Example – Designing a SUV

Step 2 – Assigning Importance to Customer Requirement

Live Example – Designing a SUV

Step 3 – Design Parameters (HOW)

Live Example – Designing a SUV

Step 3 – Design Parameters (HOW)

Live Example – Designing a SUV

Step 3 – Design Parameters (HOW)

Which of the following is not an example of a
‘technical descriptor’ in House of Quality?

a) Reasonable cost
b) Corrosion-resistant
c) Durable
d) Sand casting
The task of choosing between steel, aluminum,
and titanium for a product in a House of Quality
falls under the purview of ______

a) Technical descriptors
b) Customer requirements
c) Relationship matrix
d) Benchmarking
‘Material selection’ and ‘manufacturing
process’ in the House of Quality fall under the
category of ______

a) Technical descriptors
b) Customer requirements
c) Relationship matrix
d) Competitor Analysis
Step 4 – Design Roof of House:: Interrelationship b/w
various design parameters
Step 4 – Design Roof of House:: Interrelationship b/w
various design parameters
Step 5 – Relationship Matrix between WHATs and HOWs
The categorization of the relationship between
customer requirements and technical descriptors
as strong, medium or weak in a House of Quality is
done in the ______

a) Technical descriptors
b) Interrelationship matrix
c) Relationship matrix
d) Competitor Analysis
Step 5 – Relationship Matrix between WHATs and HOWs
Step 5 – Relationship Matrix between WHATs and HOWs
Step 5 – Relationship Matrix between WHATs and HOWs
- Calculate relative importance
Step 5 – Relationship Matrix between WHATs and HOWs
- Calculate relative importance
Step 5 – Relationship Matrix between WHATs and HOWs
- Calculate relative importance
Step 5 – Relationship Matrix between WHATs and HOWs
- Calculate relative importance
Step 6 – Competitor Analysis
Step 6 – Competitor Analysis

-Rate your self and competitors on a scale of 1-5 on various parameters of

customer requirement
QFD - History
QFD was first developed in Japan by Yoji Akao
in the late 1960s while working for
Mitsubishi’s shipyard. It was later adopted by
other companies including Toyota and its
supply chain. In the early 1980s, QFD was
introduced in the United States mainly by the
big three automotive companies (General Motors,
Fiat, and Ford Motor Company) and a few electronics
QFD - History
Role of QFD
• It is a planning tool used to fulfill customer
• …disciplined approach to product design, engineering
and production and provides in-depth evaluation of a
• An organization that correctly implements QFD can
improve engineering knowledge, productivity, quality
and can reduce costs, product development time, and,
engineering changes
Benefits of QFD:
• Improves Customer Satisfaction
• Reduces Implementation Time
• Promotes Teamwork
• Provides Documentation

Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi

Professor, Mittal School of Business, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
Six Sigma
Six Sigma is a powerful tool of Continuous
Improvement and Total Quality Management.

Continuous Improvement: Philosophy that seeks

to make never-ending improvements to the
process of converting inputs into outputs.

Total Quality Management: A philosophy that

involves everyone in an organization in a
continual effort to improve quality and achieve
customer satisfaction.
Six Sigma
Six Sigma (6σ) is a set of techniques
and tools for process improvement.
It was introduced by American
engineer Bill Smith while working at
Motorola in 1986.A six sigma
process is one in which 99.99966%
of all opportunities to produce
some feature of a part are
statistically expected to be free of
Six Sigma

Six Sigma strategies seek to improve

manufacturing quality by identifying and
removing the causes of defects and
minimizing variability in manufacturing and
business processes.
Six Sigma

• A philosophy and set of methods companies use to

eliminate defects in their products and processes.

• Seeks to reduce variation in the processes that

lead to product defects.

• Six Sigma is a methodology used to improve business

processes by utilizing statistical analysis rather than
Who is considered to be the father of Six Sigma?
a) Bill Smith
b) Deming
c) Crosby
d) Taguchi
Six Sigma

The term Six Sigma originates from statistical

modeling of manufacturing processes.

The maturity of a manufacturing process can be

described by a sigma rating indicating its yield or
the percentage of defect-free products it
creates—specifically, to within how many
standard deviations of a normal distribution the
fraction of defect-free outcomes corresponds.
Six Sigma - History
Since the 1920's the word “sigma”(s) has been used by
mathematicians and engineers as a symbol for a unit of
Measurement in product quality variation.

In the mid-1980's engineers in Motorola in the USA used “Six

Sigma”(S) an informal name for an in-house initiative for reducing
defects in production processes, because it represented a suitably
high level of quality.

In 1995, Six Sigma became well known after Mr. Jack Welch made it
a central focus of his business strategy at General Electric, and
today it is used in different sectors of industry.
The process of Six Sigma allows only 3.4
defects per million opportunities (DPMO).

a) True
b) False
Six Sigma Quality
• Six Sigma allows managers to readily describe
process performance using a common metric:
Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)

Number of defects
DPMO  x 1,000,000
 Number of 
 opportunities 
 for error per  x No. of units
 unit 
 
Six Sigma Quality (Continued)
Example of Defects Per Million So, for every one
Opportunities (DPMO) calculation. million letters
delivered this
Suppose we observe 200 letters delivered city’s postal
incorrectly to the wrong addresses in a managers can
small city during a single day when a expect to have
total of 200,000 letters were delivered. 1,000 letters
What is the DPMO in this situation? incorrectly sent
to the wrong

DPMO  x 1,000,000  1, 000
 1  x 200,000
Cost of Quality: What might that DPMO mean in terms
of over-time employment to correct the errors?
Six Sigma is a method that provides
organizations tools to improve the capability
of their business processes. This increase in
performance and decrease in process
variation helps lead to defect reduction and
improvement in profits, employee morale, and
quality of products or services.
Relationship b/w Six Sigma and
Process Capability Index
In which among the following is the Six Sigma
process not applicable?
a) Healthcare
b) Business administration
c) Selecting the best employee of the year
d) Supply Chain
Steps in Continuous Improvement/TQM

1. Define the problem and establish an

improvement goal
2. Collect data
3. Analyze the problem
4. Generate potential solutions
5. Choose a solution
6. Implement the solution
7. Monitor the solution to see if it accomplishes
the goal
Six Sigma Quality: DMAIC Cycle

1. Define (D) Customers and their priorities

2. Measure (M) Process and its performance

3. Analyze (A) Causes of defects

4. Improve (I) Remove causes of defects

5. Control (C) Maintain quality

Six Sigma Quality: DMAIC Cycle
• Define the system, the voice of the customer and their requirements, and the
project goals, specifically.

• Measure key aspects of the current process and collect relevant data; calculate
process capability

• Analyze the data to investigate and verify cause and effect. Determine what the
relationships are, and attempt to ensure that all factors have been considered.
Seek out the root cause of the defect under investigation.

• Improve or optimize the current process based upon data analysis using
techniques such as design of experiments, poka yoke or mistake proofing, and
standard work to create a new, future state process. Set up pilot runs to establish
process capability.

• Control the future state process to ensure that any deviations from the target are
corrected before they result in defects.
Implement control systems such as statistical process control, production boards,
visual workplaces, and continuously monitor the process. This process is
repeated until the desired quality level is obtained.
Six Sigma Quality: DMADV Cycle
Six Sigma Quality: DMADV Cycle
• Define design goals that are consistent with customer demands and
the enterprise strategy.

• Measure and identify CTQs (characteristics that are Critical To

Quality), measure product capabilities, production process
capability, and measure risks.

• Analyze to develop and design alternatives

• Design an improved alternative, best suited per analysis in the

previous step

• Verify the design, set up pilot runs, implement the production

process and hand it over to the process owner(s).
Six Sigma Quality: DMADV Cycle
Six Sigma Techniques
The Six Sigma Tools
• Flow Chart
• Pareto Chart
• Histogram
• Check Sheet
• Scatter Plot
• Control Chart
• Cause and Effect Analysis
Analytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous
Improvement: Flow Chart
Received Continue…
Material for Defects
Defects found?


Can be used to
find quality Return to
problems Supplier
for Credit
Analytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement:
Pareto Analysis

Can be used 80%

to find when
80% of the
problems Frequency
may be
attributed to
20% of the

Design Assy. Purch. Training

Analytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous
Improvement: Histogram
Can be used to identify the frequency of quality
Number of Lots

defect occurrence and display quality


0 1 2 3 4 Defects
Data Ranges in lot
Analytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous
Improvement: Checksheet

Can be used to keep track of

defects or used to make sure
people collect data in a
Monday correct manner
Billing Errors

Wrong Account

Wrong Amount

A/R Errors

Wrong Account

Wrong Amount
Analytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous
Improvement: Control Charts

Can be used to monitor ongoing production process

quality and quality conformance to stated standards of


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Analytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous
Improvement: Cause & Effect Diagram

Possible causes: The results

or effect
Machine Man

Environment Effect

Method Material

Can be used to systematically track backwards to

find a possible cause of a quality problem (or
Other Six Sigma Tools
• Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (DMEA)
is a structured approach to identify,
estimate, prioritize, and evaluate risk of
possible failures at each stage in the
• Design of Experiments (DOE) a statistical
test to determine cause-and-effect
relationships between process variables
and output
Six Sigma - Objectives
• A comprehensive tool set to increase the
speed and effectiveness of any process.
• Low Variation: Process encounters less defects
• High Consistency: Products & services can be
delivered as expected reliably
• Increase revenue, reduce costs
• Increase Customer Satisfaction.
Example to illustrate the process…

• We are the maker of this cereal.

Consumer reports has just published an
article that shows that we frequently
have less than 15 ounces of cereal in a
• What should we do?
Step 1 - Define

• What is the critical-to-quality

• The CTQ (critical-to-quality) characteristic
in this case is the weight of the cereal in
the box.
2 - Measure

• How would we measure to evaluate the

extent of the problem?
• What are acceptable limits on this
2 – Measure (continued)

• Let’s assume that the government says

that we must be within ± 5 percent of
the weight advertised on the box.
• Upper Tolerance Limit = 16 + .05(16) =
16.8 ounces
• Lower Tolerance Limit = 16 – .05(16) =
15.2 ounces
2. Measure (continued)

• We go out and buy 1,000 boxes of

cereal and find that they weight an
average of 15.875 ounces with a
standard deviation of .529 ounces.
• What percentage of boxes are outside
the tolerance limits?
Lower Tolerance Mean = 15.875 Upper Tolerance
= 15.2 Std. Dev. = .529 = 16.8

What percentage of boxes are defective (i.e. less than 15.2 oz)?

Z = (x – Mean)/Std. Dev. = (15.2 – 15.875)/.529 = -1.276

NORMSDIST(Z) = NORMSDIST(-1.276) = .100978

Approximately, 10 percent of the boxes have less than 15.2

Ounces of cereal in them!
Step 3 - Analyze - How can we improve
the capability of our cereal box filling

–Decrease Variation
–Center Process
–Increase Specifications
Step 4 – Improve – How good is good enough?
Motorola’s “Six Sigma”

– 6 minimum from process center to nearest spec



3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Step 5 – Control

• Statistical Process Control (SPC)

– Use data from the actual process
– Estimate distributions
– Look at capability - is good quality
– Statistically monitor the process over
Six Sigma Levels
• White belt
• Yellow Belt
• Green Belt
• Black Belt
• Master Black Belt
• Champion
Which of the following is not a six sigma belt
level ranking?
a) Yellow Belt
b) Pink Belt
c) Green Belt
d) Black Belt
White Belt
• This includes - Beginners
• Any newcomer can join.
• People work with teams on problem-solving
• The participant is required to understand the
basic Six Sigma concepts.
Yellow Belt
The participant:
• Takes part as a project team member.
• Reviews process improvements.
• Gains understanding of the various
methodologies, and DMAIC.

• E.g. Faculty at LPU

Green Belt
This level includes
• Require Experience
• Understand the tools and methodologies used for
• Hands-on experience on projects involving some
level of business transformation.
• Guidance for Black Belt projects in data collection
and analysis.

• E.g. HOD at LPU

Black Belt
This level includes
• Work experience in a core knowledge area
• Proof of completion of a minimum of two Six Sigma
• Demonstration of expertise at applying multivariate
metrics to diverse business change settings
• Leading diverse teams in problem-solving projects.
• Training and coaching project teams.

E.g. HOS at LPU

Master Black Belt
This level includes
• Be in possession of a Black Belt certification
• Have a rich work experience, or Proof of completion of a
minimum of 10 Six Sigma projects
• A proven work portfolio, with individual specific
requirements, as given here, for instance.
• Have coached and trained Green Belts and Black Belts.
• Develop key metrics and strategies.
• Have worked as an organization's Six Sigma technologist and
internal business transformation advisor.

E.g. HOF at LPU

Six Sigma Champion

The Six Sigma Champion by definition is the

individual in your company who translates the
mission, vision, and values into a Six Sigma
deployment strategy which supports the goals
of the company. They do this by determining
which projects to deploy and identifying
resource needs and removal of roadblocks.
Six Sigma Levels
Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi
Professor, Mittal School of Business, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
Revision – Customer Satisfaction
Which among the following does not fall under the
category of factors influencing customer perception of
quality before making a purchase?

a) Previous experience
b) Advertised price for performance
c) Store reputation
d) Reliability
One way to take your business to the
"next level" is to perform regular
quality audits.
What is Audit?

Audit is the examination or inspection of various books

of accounts by an auditor followed by physical
checking of inventory to make sure that all
departments are following documented system of
recording transactions.

It is done to ascertain the accuracy of financial

statements provided by the organization.
What is Audit?

Audits are an essential management tool to be used for

verifying objective evidence of processes, to assess how
successfully processes have been implemented.
What is Quality Audit?

Quality audit is the process of systematic examination of

a quality system carried out by an internal or external
quality auditor or an audit team.

It is an important part of an organization's quality

management system and is a key element in the ISO
quality system standard, ISO 9001.
What is Quality Audit?
A systematic and
independent examination to
determine whether quality
activities and related
processes comply with
planned arrangements, and
whether these arrangements
are implemented effectively
and are suitable to achieve
What is Quality Audit?

A quality audit is a systematic, independent and documented

process of examining any activity of an organization based
on objective evidence, to determine.

1. The extent to which quality activities and related results comply

with the planned arrangements.

2. The extent to which these arrangements have been implemented

effectively, and

3. Whether these arrangements are suitable to achieve the quality

Audit is a fact-finding process that compares actual
results with ......................

A) specified standards and plans

B) expected results
C) premature results
D) preliminary results
Quality Audit - Significance
 Quality audit ensures that the business is offering a value to
the public.

 Selling a high-quality product or employing high-quality

customer service personnel can fuel future sales.

 Increase consumer confidence and image of an organization.

 Enhancing operational efficiency.

Quality Audit - Significance
Types of Audit

First party audit or self-audit or internal audit: Carried out

by people of the organization or on behalf of the organization itself to
examine its own quality system.

Second party audit or audit by customer or external audit:

Carried out by the customer on the organization or by organization on
the suppliers to examine the quality of suppliers.

Third party audit or independent agency audit or external

audit: Carried out by an external independent agency to assess compliance
usually for the purpose of certification. (For example: USFDA,
Types of Quality Audit

 Internal Audit • Process Audit

 External Audit • Product Audit
• System Audit
Internal Audit
This type includes audits by company employees,
consultants and contractors.

Internal audit acts as the organizations eyes and

ears to gather feedback for correction and
Internal Audit - Purpose
Normally an audit should have positive approach with
the objective of “ finding facts rather than faults ”
(primary goal is correction and improvement).

to identify possible product/process improvements.

to identify deficiencies in products or in the plant/quality management system.

These audits must be conducted regularly in accordance

with the audit plan.
External Audit
Third party audit (Independent Organization)

 Supplier
 Customer or potential customer
 e.g. Audit by Bajaj Electrical on the
manufacturing facility of third party
 Suppler Audit by Amazon.
 Audit by ISO/ WHO/ NAAC etc
Types of Audit
System Audit
A system audit verifies that all elements of a
management system are effective and appropriate,
and have been developed, documented, and
implemented in accordance with the specified

e.g. Quality assurance mechanism implemented by LPU

Various types of quality audits are:

A) product
B) process
C) management (system)
D) all of above
Process Audit / Compliance Audit

A process audit determines whether an organization’s

processes are working within established limits. It
measures conformance to any predetermined or
industry standards, as well as the effectiveness of
any instructions.
Process Audit

This type of audit examines following aspects of a process:

 Conformance to defined requirements such as temperature, accuracy, time,

responsiveness, pressure and composition.

 The resources (materials, equipment, people) used to transform inputs into outputs, the
methods that are followed, the environment in which the process takes place, and the
measurements taken to determine process performance.

 Effectiveness and adequacy of the process controls, as established by work

instructions, procedures, training, and process specifications.
Product Audit
This type of audit examines whether a particular
product or services conforms to the necessary
requirement—whether that’s specifications, customer
requirements, or performance standards.

e.g. Audit of car (finish product)

Types of Audit
Quality Audit - Steps
 Audit Planning
 Communicate the Audit Plan
 Selection of Auditors
 Preparing for Audit
 Pre-audit Information
 Conduct of Audit
 Audit Report
Audit Plan
 The audit plan is a formal document, which covers
every area, process and department for the audit
activity It specifies :

• The area, process or department to be audited.

• Preparation of detail schedule of audit
• The frequency of the audit, preferably the month
in which the area, process or department will be
Communicate the Audit Plan
 Ensure that the schedule is communicated to all site
personnel, especially those whose areas will be
 Clearly list the areas / systems / products to be
audited and list specific dates for each of the
 Adhere to the schedule – don’t risk loosing
credibility by postponing audits.
Selection of Auditors
 Based on educational qualification, industrial
experience, in-house / outside trainings and
technical knowledge of the individual.

 Auditors must treat audit as a fact finding exercise

and so should do a professional job.

 Important precaution to be taken is to ensure that

people do not audit their own area.
Preparing for Audit
 Prepare and send detailed agenda, objective and
scope of the audit.
 Identification and understanding standards.
 Ensure that auditee is well aware of the standards
you will be using during the audit.
 Prepare a detailed checklist.
 Checklist's are methodical way of ensuring that all
necessary areas are audited and right question
asked. A checklist is therefore useful tool.
Pre-audit Information
 Activities performed by auditee
 Site master file
 Quality Manual
 Understand the men material flow
Conduct of Audit
 The opening Meeting
 The site / Area tour
 Auditing Techniques
 QuestioningTechniques
 The Daily Wrap up

The close-out meeting.

 An audit is usually conducted in three steps:

(1) A pre-examination or opening meeting with the

auditee marks the beginning of the process.
(2) involves a suitability audit of the documented
procedures against the selected reference standard.
 (3) the auditor examines in depth the implementation of
the quality system.

A) True
B) False
Audit Report
 Include positive points as well as deficiencies
 Management must have a balanced overview of
conditions within the plant; therefore, provide them
information on areas of strength (best practices)
and areas requiring improvement.
The audit final report should include, at a minimum, the following:
(choose the one NOT required)

1. Type of audit conducted

2. Characteristics of audit
3. Identification of involved parties: auditor, auditee, and third party
4. Audit team members
5. Critical nonconformities and other observations
6. Audit standards and reference documents used
7. Determination of proper corrective action(s)
8. Duration of audit

A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) 8
Quality Awards
 What are quality awards?
 To whom the awards is presented?
 What do awards measure?

 Is Quality award of any use?

The Golden Peacock Award
 Instituted by Institute of Directors in 1991, now regarded as a
benchmark of Corporate Excellence worldwide.
 Total Quality improvements in manufacturing and service
organizations in India
 Stimulates and helps organizations to rapidly accelerate the
pace of consumer-oriented improvement process. Public and
private undertakings
 All sectors of industry and commerce
 Government and Semi-Government departments
 Trade and professional associations
 Educational, Service and Research Establishments

 Scoring and evaluation is based on

 Approach
 Deployment
 Result
The Golden Peacock Award

 Award selection process is based on the Golden Peacock Awards framework which
again is adopted from the Malcolm Baldrige and other European Quality models.
 Receives over 1,000 entries per year for various awards, from over 25 countries
 All sector of the business both in manufacturing and service, whether Public, Private
,Government , NGO’s self accounting Institution , Business Units , are eligible to apply
for the award.
 The Award applications are assessed at 3 three levels by independent assessors and
finally by a Grand Jury.
 Past winners
Benefits to the Organization
 Build their Brand Equity
 Award winners can use the Golden Peacock Award logo
for one year on all their corporate stationery which
evidences to all its customers and suppliers the highest
accolade claimed by the company.
 Company and personal recognition worldwide
 Preparation helps to inspire and align the entire
workforce and rapidly accelerates the pace of their
improvement. Even if they don't win the award, the
feedback from the self-assessment gives a key input to
strategic planning process and puts on way to achieving
world-class status.
 Identifies critical process that need
 Identifies organization that excels in the
 Develop benchmarking, best practice
 Provide guidance
 Stimulate companies to improve quality and
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality
•America’s highest honour for innovation and
performance excellence in quality,
•Named after former United states secretary
of commerce, Mr. Malcolm Baldrige,
•Started in the year 1987
•Issued by United States National Institute Of
Standards And Technology.
 Manufacturing
 Service
 Small Business
 Education (added 1999)
 Health Care (added 1999)
 Nonprofit (2005)
Criteria For Performance Excellence
Some of the Winners
PricewaterhouseCoop 2014 Service
ers Public Sector
Hill Country Memorial, 2014 Health
Fredericksburg, TX
St. David’s 2014 Health
HealthCare, Austin,
Elevations Credit 2014 Non-profit
Union, Boulder, CO
Pewaukee School 2013 Education
District, Pewaukee, W
Sutter Davis Hospital, 2013 Health
Davis, CA
IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National
Quality Award

 To provide quality service to members and the society at large enabling
them to grow qualitatively & quantitatively, to make India a strong economic
 Indian Merchants' Chamber shall strive to be a world class Chamber
of Commerce by:
 Representing views of Commerce and Industry to various levels of
 Networking global trade and commerce to benefit members.
 Devising evaluation criteria for assessment of quality systems that meet
world-class levels/standards.
 Promoting Trade and Industry Internationally through linkages.
 Instituting recognition schemes for individuals & companies to promote
IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National
Quality Award
Instituted in 1997
 Promote quality awareness and

practices in Indian Business

 Recognize achievements of Indian
companies in the field of quality
 Publicize successful quality strategies

and programs
IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National
Quality Award
The Quality Award is presented every year to Companies
1) Manufacturing organizations
2) Small Businesses
3)Overseas Organizations
4)Education and health care
5)Service organizations
IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National
Quality Award- 2014


Mumbai Refinery
EDUCATION Thiagarajar College of Engineering,
HEALTHCARE Sankara Eye Care Institutions,
OVERSEAS GIIS, East Coast Campus, Singapore
What is Deming prize ?

 One of the highest awards given for TQM


 It was established by JUSE in December


 Any company in the world is allowed to

participate and get recognised.

 It is annually awarded.
How was Deming prize

Dr. W.E. Deming was invited to Japan by

JUSE in July 1950,

He lectured on statistical quality control to

many of the executives, engineers and
researchers of Japanese industry,

He donated his royalties to JUSE,

In appreciation to the this JUSE unanimously

made a resolution to establish Deming Prize.
Categories of Deming Prize

 The Deming Prize for Individuals

 The Deming Application Prize

 The Quality Control Award for Operation

Business Units.
Checklist for Application

Outline of the
Future Plan and

Overall Defects TQM Promotion

Implementation Policy
Status of Quality
Control Management

Structure And Roles Of Deming Prize

 The committee members consists of TQM

experts from industry and academic field.

The Deming

Steering Examination
committee Committee
Deming Prize winning Indian Companies


2010 National Engineering Industries Limited


2011 Sanden Vikas (India) Limited

2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Limited, Farm

Equipment Sector, Swaraj Division
2012 SRF Limited, Chemicals Business

2013 Rane Brake Lining Limited

2014 Mahindra & Mahindra Limited, Mahindra

Powerol Business

 Instituted by BIS in 1991

 It’s a annual feature

 For organizations who have excelled in the field of

“quality”, either in manufacturing sector or in
service sector

 Designed similar to Malcolm Baldrige National Quality

Award in USA, Deming Prize in Japan and European
Quality Award

 Encouraging improvements, consumer

 Recognize improved quality

 Guideline to evaluate own quality

 Providing specific guidance


Large scale Small Scale

Manufacturing Manufacturing

Large scale Small scale

Service Service
Sector Sector



 Leadership  Leadership
 Policies  HM
 Objectives
 Processes
 Resources  Customer focused
 Process results
 Employee satisfaction  Impact On society
 Business results  Business results

 The organization should,

 Be located in India
 have been in existence for at least three years

 Be situated at one place or a unit of an

organization housed at one location
 Be never convicted by any court for deficiency in
product or service
 Not be a manufacturer of products, like tobacco
and liquor etc. which are injurious to health.

1991-92 ( 1ST
2012 (19TH AWARDS)
 Kirloskar Cummins Limited,  Rail Wheel factory (Ministry of
Pune Railways),Bangalore
Category Award Winners : Category Award Winners :
Large Scale - Large Scale -
 Engineering Industry Widia  Sakthi Masala P. Ltd., Erode,
(India) Limited, Bangalore Tamil Nadu
 Electrical Industry Crompton  Large Scale Service Industry
Greaves Limited, Machine Tata Business Support
Division I, Mumbai Services Limited, Hyderabad
 Chemical Industry Gujarat Small Scale -
Ambuja Cements Limited,  Elin Appliances Pvt. Ltd.,
Gujarat Solan, Himachal Pradesh
 Textile Industry Century Textiles
And Industries Limited, Mumbai
 While leading organisations compete to win
awards, the main purpose of these awards is
to encourage more companies to adopt quality
management principles
 The models are practical tools; they help
organisations to measure where they are now
and where they want to be in the future.
 The models also help organisations to create a
plan to reduce the gap between these
Quality Standards,


Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi

Professor, Mittal School of Business, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:

What Does it Convey?


• Producing high
high--quality products is not sufficient
unless recognized so by the customers
• Customers’ awareness and producers’
competitiveness also drives the process
• Hence the need to have a mechanism to certify the
quality of a product or service or information that
confirms the fulfillment of the stated objectives and
can satisfy the needs of the customer
• ISO, BIS etc
Need for
History and Evolution of ISO 9000:
• In 1926
1926,, International Federation of National Standardizing
was formed focused mainly on Mechanical Engineering

• After war in 1946

1946,, delegates of 25 countries met at
Institute of Civil Engineers in London to create
International Organization of Standardization (ISO

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

• It was formed in 1947 in Geneva Switzerland.
• It is a federation of national standard bodies of 178
• ISO promote worldwide standards for the
improvement of quality, productivity, operating
efficiency through series of Quality standards (ISO
9000, ISO 14000)
Introduction - ISO
Introduction - ISO
ISO 9000 Series

• ISO 9000 series concerns what an organization

does to ensure that it products and services
conforms to it customer requirement
• Set of international standards on quality
management and quality assurance,
assurance, critical
to international business .
• ISO 9000 standards are critical for companies
doing business internationally
ISO 9000 Series

• ISO 9000 Series is

• A series of Quality Management System
(QMS) standards,
• Provide guidance and tools for companies and
• To ensure that their products and services
consistently meet customer’s requirements,
• For Consistent improvement in quality.
ISO 9000 Series
ISO 9000 Series
ISO 9000 Series of Standards:

• ISO9000
ISO9000:: Road map for the series (Define basis terms)
9001 – quality systems to assure quality at design,
development, production, installation
installation,, and, servicing
9002 - … production and installation only
9003 – quality in final inspection and testing
9004 – quality management and quality system
elements and guidelines for non
non--contractual situations

Which ISO 9000 family standard provides

the fundamentals and vocabulary for quality
management systems?

a) ISO 19011
b) ISO 9000
c) ISO 9001
d) ISO 9004

• Which is the latest ISO 9001 version in the ISO

9000 family?

a) ISO 9001:1994
b) ISO 9001:2000
c) ISO 9001:2008
d) ISO 9001:2015
e) ISO 9001:2018
ISO 14000 Series

• ISO 14000 series concerns what an organization

does to minimize harmful effects to the
environment cause by the its operations
• A set of international standards for assessing a
company’s environmental performance
• Both standards (ISO 9000 and 14000
14000)) relate to an
organization processes rather than its products and
services for continuous improvement
ISO 9000
ISO 9000 Quality Management Principles
Customer focus

• The primary focus of quality management is to meet

customer requirements and to strive to exceed
customer expectations
• This principle includes
• To recognize the needs of existing and future customers
• Aligning organizational objectives with customer needs
and expectations
• Meet customer requirements
• Assess customer satisfaction
• Handle customer relationships

Leaders at all levels establish unity of purpose and

direction as well create conditions in which people are
engaged in achieving the organization’s quality objectives
• This principle includes
• Establish a vision and direction for the organization
• Set demanding goals
• Model organizational values
• Establish trust
• Train and empower employees
• Identify employee contributions
Engagement of people
Competent, empowered and engaged people at all
levels throughout the organization are essential to
enhance its capability to create and deliver value.
• This principle concentrates on,
• Ensure that people’s skills are used and valued
• Make people responsible
• Enable participation in continual improvement
• Evaluate individual performance
• Facilitate learning and sharing of knowledge
• Enable open discussion of problems and constraints
Process approach

Consistent and predictable results are achieved more

effectively and efficiently when activities are understood
and managed as interrelated processes that function as a
coherent system.
• This includes,
• Supervise activities as processes
• Assess the capability of activities
• Identify linkages between activities
• Prioritize improvement opportunities
• Organize resources effectively

Successful organizations have an ongoing focus on

• This includes,
• Develop organizational performance and capabilities
• Align advanced activities
• Empower people to make improvements
• Measure improvement consistently
• Celebrate the improvements
Evidence--based decision making

Decisions based on the analysis and evaluation of

data and information are more likely to produce
desired results.
• This principle includes,
• Guarantee the accessibility of accurate and consistent
• Use suitable methods to analyze data
• Make decisions based on analysis
• Balance data analysis with practical experience
Relationship management

For sustained success, an organization manages its

relationships with interested parties, such as
• This principle includes,
• Establish relationships considering both the short and
long term
• Share expertise, resources, information, and plans with
• Collaborate on improvement and development activities
• Recognize supplier successes.

• Which is the only standard in the ISO 9000

family to which organizations can certify?

a) ISO 9000
b) ISO 9001
c) ISO 14000
d) ISO 9004
ISO 9001 Certification
ISO 9001 Certification

Which of the following cannot be considered a

reason for implementing a quality system that
conforms to ISO standards?

a) Improvement in safe working

b) Reduction in customer complaints
c) Increased inspection efforts
d) Decreased inspection efforts
ISO does not perform certification

• Visit the site of International Accreditation Forum

• Click at IAF Members & Signatories
• Click at your country and find the details of your
national accreditation body

• (
ISO 14000
ISO 14000

• ISO 14000 - A set of international

standards for assessing a company’s
environmental performance
• Standards in three major areas
• Management systems
• Operations
• Environmental systems
ISO 14000

• Management systems
– Systems development and integration of
environmental responsibilities into business
• Operations
– Consumption of natural resources and energy
• Environmental systems
– Measuring, assessing and managing
emissions, effluents, and other waste
ISO 14000
ISO 14000:Environment
Management System

• Initiated in 1990
1990,, and, draft was agreed in Oslo
(June, 1995
• The series consists of five clusters
1. Environment Management Systems
2. Environmental Auditing
3. Environmental Labeling
4. Environmental Performance Evaluation
5. Life Cycle Assessment
Salient Features of ISO 14000 :

1. The overall aim of the standard is to support

environment protection and prevention of pollution
in balance with socio
socio--economic needs
2. The specification contains only those requirements
that may be objectively audited for the purposes of
3. The standard does not establish absolute
performance requirements beyond commitment in
policy, conformance with applicable legislation and
regulations and to continued improvement
Comments/ Issues…
Total Quality Management

Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi
Professor, Mittal School of Busienss, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
Unit 1
• Concept of total quality and its evolution : Introduction,
basic terminology related to quality, dimensions of
quality, introduction to quality gurus

• Total quality loop : PDSA cycle

• Quality characteristics : variable and attributes, control

charts for variables: mean-range charts, control chart for
attributes: p-chart for defectives, control charts for
variables: c-charts for defects
• Unit 2
Acceptance sampling and inspection plans : introduction,
situations warranting sampling inspection, desirable
characteristics of sample, merits of sampling inspection
method, limitations of sampling inspection method,
methods of sampling, factors affecting the selection of
sample, sampling plans, methods of acceptance sampling,
operating characteristics curve.

• SQC and SPC : introduction, objectives and uses of SQC

charts, statistical quality control, statistical process control

Unit 3
• Process capability studies : process capability Quality costs :
introduction, cost of quality, classification of quality-related
costs, quality-cost analysis, eliminate Total Quality costs: COQ
approach, quality-cost trade-off
• Seven basic quality control tools : check sheet (tally chart),
flowchart, histograms/ bar graphs, pareto analysis, control
charts, scatter diagram, cause-and-effect diagram
Unit 4
• FTA/ FMEA : introduction, concept and jargon, elements, methodology
• Quality improvement : introduction, process, juran triology, improvement
strategies, types of problems, problem-solving method, kaizen, re engineering
• Quality function deployment (QFD) : introduction, QFD team, benefits of QFD, the
voice of the customer, organization of information, house of quality

Unit 5
• Taguchi loss function : introduction, loss function, orthogonal arrays, quality loss
function, design of experiments, noise
• Marketing aspect of total quality management : customer in quality definition,
who is the customer, customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction measures,
customer satisfaction measurement models, customer perception of quality,
quality of service

Unit 6
• Quality audits : types of audit, audit procedure
• Six sigma : DMAIC cycle, benefits, costs in six sigma,
• Total quality and environment and safety :
introduction to ISO 9000, introduction to ISO 14000
environment management system, industry specific
standards and quality awards
All of the following are dimensions of service quality

A. Assurance
B. Responsiveness
C. Intangibles
D. Reliability
Test your understanding
The quality of a product is to be measured on the
dimension of (I) Reliability, (II) Durability, (III) Location
of facility, (IV) Serviceability, (V) Conformance to
• A. I, IV, V
• B. I, III, IV, V
• C. I, II, IV, V
• D. I, II, III, IV, V
Test your understanding
The quality of a service is to be measured on the
dimension of (I) Reliability, (II) Assurance, (III)
Aesthetics, (IV) Tangibles.
• A. I, II, III, IV
• B. I, II, IV
• C. I, II, III
• D. I, III, IV,
• The concept of PDCA was introduced by

A. Walter A Shewhart
B. W. Edward Deming
C. Kaoru Ishikawa
D. Joseph Moses Juran
• The concept of PDSA was introduced by

A. Walter A Shewhart
B. W. Edward Deming
C. Kaoru Ishikawa
D. Joseph Moses Juran
A product performing continuously over a
period of time refers to which of the following
dimensions of quality
A. Safety
B. Conformance
C. Durability
D. Reliability
• Which of these is NOT a ‘variable’ in context of
Control Charts:

• (a) Length
• (b) Width
• (c) Internal Diameter
• (d) Smell
The purpose of control chart is to detect

A. Random Variation
B. Non – Random Variation
C. Both, Random and Non – Random Variation
D. Neither Random nor Non – Random Variation
• If we want to monitor the defects in a saree,
which of the following charts will be most
• (a) Mean Chart
• (b) Range Chart
• (c) p-Chart
• (d) c-Chart
The book “Bible of Quality” Written by
A. Joseph Moses Juran
B. W. Edward Deming
C. Walter Andrew Shewhart
D. Philip Corsby
The book “Bible of Quality” Written by
A. Joseph Moses Juran
B. W. Edward Deming
C. Walter Andrew Shewhart
D. Philip Corsby
• The number of defects per unit can be
monitored with the help of

A. P-chart
B. R-chart
C. C-chart
D. X-bar chart
• Total Quality Management can be best
described as

A. An art
B. A philosophy
C. A science
D. A social activity
• The concept of Total Quality Management
emphasizes on all except

A. Leadership
B. Perceived quality
C. Employee empowerment
D. Customer focus
• The concept of Total Quality Management
emphasizes on all except

A. Leadership
B. Perceived quality
C. Employee empowerment
D. Customer focus
• If n = 8, R bar = 0.016, X bar = 3, A2 is .37 at 8
no. of observations then upper control limit

A. 3.006
B. 2.994
C. 3.100
D. 2.900
• If n = 8, R bar = 0.016, X bar = 3, A2 is .37 at 8
no. of observations then upper control limit

A. 3.006
B. 2.994
C. 3.100
D. 2.900
• If n = 8, R bar = 0.016, X bar = 3, A2 is .37 at 8
no. of observations then lower control limit

A. 3.006
B. 2.994
C. 3.100
D. 2.900
• If n = 8, R bar = 0.016, X bar = 3, A2 is .37 at 8
no. of observations then lower control limit

A. 3.006
B. 2.994
C. 3.100
D. 2.900
• Twenty five samples of n =10 have been taken from
a milling process. The average sample range was .04
centimeter. Determine upper control limits for the
sample. Where D3 = .22 for n = 10 and D4 = 1.78 for
n = 10

A. 0.04
B. 0.07
C. 0.22
D. 1.78
• Twenty five samples of n =10 have been taken from
a milling process. The average sample range was .04
centimeter. Determine upper control limits for the
sample. Where D3 = .22 for n = 10 and D4 = 1.78 for
n = 10

A. 0.04
B. 0.07
C. 0.22
D. 1.78

• Which of these is NOT a part of Juran Triology:

• (a) Quality Planning

• (b) Quality Improvement
• (c) Quality Control
• (d) PDSA

• The probability of selecting an item in

probability sampling, from the population is

• (a) Equal to one

• (b) Equal to zero
• (c) Non zero
• (d) None of above

• Possibility of accepting a bad lot is called as

• A. Consumer Risk
• B. Producer Risk
• C. Acceptable Quality Level
• D. Lot Tolerance Percent Defective

Express Freight Company is continually been blamed

by customer for poor quality services. To obtain the
objective of quality assurance which of the following
strategy can be adopted by the company?

• Acceptance sampling strategy

• Statistical process control strategy
• Complaint handling strategy
• Conditional service guarantee strategy

• In Operating Characteristic (OC) curve, with the

increase in the sample size the probability of

• A. Increases
• B. Decreases
• C. Remain Constant
• D. Can’t be determined.

• In Operating Characteristic (OC) curve, with the

increase in the sample size the probability of

• A. Increases
• B. Decreases
• C. Remain Constant
• D. Can’t be determined.

• In Operating Characteristic (OC) curve, With the

increase in the AQL(Acceptable Quality Level) the
probability of acceptance

• A. Increases
• B. Decreases
• C. Remain Constant
• D. Can’t be determined.

• In Operating Characteristic (OC) curve, With the

increase in the AQL(Acceptable Quality Level) the
probability of acceptance

• A. Increases
• B. Decreases
• C. Remain Constant
• D. Can’t be determined.

• Who is known as father of Statistical Quality Control?

• Joseph Moses Juran

• W. Edward Deming
• Walter Andrew Shewhart
• Kaoru Ishikawa

• The Process Capability index Cpk or Cp value less

than 1 represent

A. Process is just capable to meet specification

B. Process is sufficiently capable to meet specification
C. C. Process is not capable to meet specification
D. D. None of above

• The Process Capability index Cpk or Cp value greater

than 2 represent

A. Process is just capable to meet specification

B. Process is sufficiently capable to meet specification
C. C. Process is not capable to meet specification
D. D. None of above

• The cost associated with NOT producing quality

products or services is called

a) Cost of Quality
b) Cost of Poor Quality Product
c) Cost of Mistake
d) Cost of Poor Quality Service

• Fish bone diagram is also known as?

a. Cause and effect chart

b. Ishikawa diagram
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above

• Which of the following does not belong to

Prevention Costs?

a) Design support activities

b) Product design qualification test
c) Service design qualification
d) Downgraded end-product or service

• Which of the following does not belong to External

Failure Costs?

a) Complaint investigations
b) Warranty claims
c) Liability costs
d) Supplier quality planning

• Training program to educate workers to improve

Quality would be an example of:

• (a) Prevention Cost

• (b) Appraisal Cost
• (c) Failure Cost
• (d) All of the above

• A team wants to illustrate which defect types are

occurring most frequently. The quality tool they
would use:

A. Ishikawa Diagram
B. Flow Chart
C. Histogram
D. 5W2H

• Two variables, x and y, are related. Variable x

increases or decreases with y. Which of the following
tools could best be used to graphically show this

A. Flow Chart
B. Histogram
C. 5W2H
D. Scatter Plot

• __ is central point to the philosophy of

continuous improvement:

A. Management involvement
B. Employee involvement
C. Organization’s operations
D. Environmental analysis

• Which of these is NOT a method for generating

Quality Improvement ideas:

• (a) Quality Circles

• (b) Brainstorming
• (c) 5W2H
• (d) Acceptance Sampling

• Types of FMEA are



• A particular product has been given the following

rankings for calculating RPN while preparing FMEA
chart, S=5, O=2, D=2 (S= Severity, O= probability of
occurrence, and D= detection). What is the value of
RPN (Risk Priority Number)?

a) 20
b) 10
c) 40
d) 2

• According to common industry scale, what does

severity ranking (S) 1 indicate in FMEA framework?

a) Very serious effect

b) No effect
c) Sometimes serious effect
d) The value doesn’t exist

• According to common industry scale, what does

occurrence ranking (O) 10 indicate in FMEA

a) Not likely
b) Highly likely
c) Almost Certain to happen
d) The value doesn’t exist

• What is the appropriate action when the RPN for a

failure on a Process FMEA exceeds the threshold?

a) Mitigate the failure by changing the development

process to add more verification testing
b) Mitigate the failure by redesigning the product or
c) Mitigate the failure by changing the product
d) None of above

• Performance’ and ‘aesthetics’ in the House of Quality

fall under the category of _

a) Technical descriptors
b) Customer requirements
c) Relationship matrix
d) Competitor Analysis

• The task of choosing between steel, aluminum, and

titanium for a product in a House of Quality falls
under the purview of

a) Technical descriptors
b) Customer requirements
c) Relationship matrix
d) Benchmarking

• Which of these is not a ‘Taguchi’ contribution:

• (a) Quality Loss Functions

• (b) Orthogonal Arrays
• (c) Signal-to-Noise Ratio
• (d) Fishbone Diagram

• The quality loss function is given by L(x) = k(x-N)2.

What does ‘k’ stand for?

a) Tolerance
b) Quality loss coefficient
c) Nominal value of given product
d) Quality characteristic of selected product

• Which among the following is the correct formula for

evaluating the quality loss coefficient ‘k’?

a) k=c+d
b) k=c/d
c) k=c/d2
d) k=c-d
• State which of the two statements is correct
• Traditional approach of quality control focuses on specification
limits and Taguchi’s approach focuses on target value.
• Taguchi defines Quality as “the loss imparted by the product to
society from the time the product is shipped”.

• Both (I) and (II) are correct

• Only I
• Only II
• Both (I) and (II) are incorrect
• State which of the two statements is correct
• The objective of the Design of Experiment approach is to
determine the value of design parameters that makes the
variation resistant system performance.
• Taguchi suggest that instead of identifying the factors
causing Noise and reducing them, it is better to build
the design robust such that the noise cannot affect the

• Both (I) and (II) are correct

• Only I
• Only II
• Both (I) and (II) are incorrect
• State which of the two statements is correct
• Customer Satisfaction is the measure of Quality.
• According to Kano model of customer satisfaction the
presence of Basic Features or Must-Be attributes does not
result a significant increase in customer satisfaction.

• Both (I) and (II) are correct

• Only I
• Only II
• Both (I) and (II) are incorrect

Total Quality Management – MGT510

Note: Choices with marked * are verified answers

Quiz no.1

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 11:02:05 PM ) Total Marks: 1

In total quality perspective, quality planning, and strategic business planning are treated
as which of the following?





Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 11:03:13 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The marketing team of a company carried out a survey concerning expectations of the
customers from the product. What should be the product development department of the
company design?

*The product meeting requirements of the customers

The product meeting requirements of the distributors

The product meeting requirements of the management

The product meeting requirements of the shareholders

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 11:04:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following results in low costs?

*High productivity and high capacity utilization

Low productivity and low capacity utilization

Low productivity and high capacity utilization

High productivity and low capacity utilization

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 11:05:35 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following are generally easy to detect using statistical methods, and it is
usually economical to remove them?

*Common causes

Special causes

Implicit causes

Assignable causes

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 11:07:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which one of the following depicts feature, which is a dimension of quality?

Product looks and sounds

Brand name and price

Bells and whistles of the product

*Ability to repair a product

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 11:08:37 PM ) Total Marks: 1

During which century, the manufacturers began to include quality processes in quality

17th century

18th century

19th century

*20th century

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 11:09:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models has the viewpoint that change and learning are valued in

*Organism model

Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 11:11:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

After the war, Deming was invited to which of the following countries?





Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 11:12:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE for the organizations focusing problem-
solving and continuous improvement?

Fail to emphasize error prevention and design quality

*Fail to focus on what is truly important to the customer

Fail to identify the best times about the situation in the past

Fail to integrate all organizational functions

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 11:14:06 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Quality applies to which aspect(s) of the organization?

Products only

Products and services

People and product

*Products, services, and people

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 11:14:38 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements holds true for quality assurance?

Top management's intention regarding quality

Functions determining implementation of the quality policy

*Actions to provide confidence of satisfying quality requirements

Responsibilities and processes, which implement quality management

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 11:16:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models reflect horizontal processes beginning with suppliers and
ending with customers?

Organism model

Mechanistic model

Cultural model

*Total Quality model

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 11:17:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is concerned about quality for achievement of TQM?

The Managing Director

The Operative

The Quality Manager

*Everyone in the organization

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 11:18:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which one of the following depicts durability – a dimension of quality?

Exterior finish

Quality of work

*Useful life

Ease of repair

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 11:19:36 PM ) Total Marks: 1

"Not giving respect to other people’s contributions", depicts which of the following self-
oriented behavior?





Quiz No .2

which century, the manufacturers began to include quality processes in quality practices?

17th century

18th century

19th century

*20th century

In the new paradigm, managers view error as which one of the following?

A threat

A substitute

*An opportunity

An end

Whose concepts are referred to as statistical quality control (SQC)?





In which of the following operations great deal of variations can occur?





Which of the following are generally easy to detect using statistical methods, and it is
usually economical to remove them?

*Common causes

Special causes

Implicit causes

Assignable causes

Who argued that beauty could be understood only after exposure to a series of objects
that display its characteristics?





During which war, Deming taught quality control courses as part of the national defense

World War I

*World War II

Mexican-American War

The Civil War

Which one of the following depicts feature, which is a dimension of quality?

Product looks and sounds

Brand name and price

Bells and whistles of the product

*Ability to repair a product

The majority of advertisers appeal the public on the basis of which of the following?

*Quality of product

Quality of staff

Inferiority of product

Inferiority of service

The standards for output based on quality and customer-service requirements that
originate at the organizational and process levels include requirements for all of the
following EXCEPT:





"Not giving respect to other people’s contributions", depicts which of the following self-
oriented behavior?





After the war, Deming was invited to which of the following countries?

Select correct option:





Which of the following results in low costs?

*High productivity and high capacity utilization

Low productivity and low capacity utilization

Low productivity and high capacity utilization

High productivity and low capacity utilization

The customer value strategy may be addressed in which of the following topics?



* Services


Who developed Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?

Frederick Taylor

Joseph M. Juran

*Y. Akao

Armand Feigenbaum

TQM Quiz no 3

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 12:44:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How the Baldrige Award recognizes the importance of total quality principles?

Through independence with overall business planning

Through a no relation with overall business planning

*Through integration with overall business planning

Through dependence with overall business planning

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 12:45:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models considers the goal of meeting individual needs?

Organism model

Mechanistic model

*Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 12:46:26 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the initial considerations in the Hoshin Kanri approach to
business system change EXCEPT:

Measuring the business system as a whole

Setting core objectives of the business

Understanding the environmental situation in which the business operates

*Ceasing resources for performing activities to achieve business objectives

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 12:47:48 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who argued that beauty could be understood only after exposure to a series of
objects that display its characteristics?





Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 12:48:17 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE for ISO 9000?

*Describes the principles of a quality management system and defines the


Describes the requirements relative to a quality management system either for internal
use or for contractual or certification purposes

Intended for internal use and not for contractual purposes, focuses particularly on
continually improving performance

Contains the guidelines for auditing quality management and/or environmental

management systems

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:49:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements holds true for quality assurance?

Top management's intention regarding quality

Functions determining implementation of the quality policy

*Actions to provide confidence of satisfying quality requirements

Responsibilities and processes, which implement quality management

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:51:05 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is an answer to the Second Absolute of Quality Management

as summarized by Crosby; what system is needed to cause quality?

Conformance to requirements


Zero defects

Price of nonconformance

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:52:13 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the reasons why Total Quality Management programs are
not prolific for many companies, EXCEPT:

TQM focuses on minimum standards

TQM develops its own cumbersome bureaucracy

TQM has no place for love and passion

*TQM focuses on customers and stakeholders

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:53:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the other name used for Deming Cycle?

*Shewhart cycle

Product life cycle

Data life cycle management

Information life cycle management

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:54:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is necessary for a system to be effective?

*The components of any system must work together for the system

The components of any system must not work together for the system

The components of any system should not be organized for the system

The components of any system should provide disruption for the system

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:55:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT the criterion under Canadian Awards for Business


*Planning for contraction

Process optimization

Supplier focus

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:56:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is true for subsystems?

These are not linked together as internal customers and suppliers

These are linked together as external customers and suppliers

These are linked together as external and internal customers and suppliers

*These are linked together as internal customers and suppliers

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:58:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the relationship between Ishikawa and Deming?

Son and father

Nephew and uncle

*Student and teacher

Grandson and grandfather

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:58:51 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE for little q?

*Striving for quality in a limited or specific area

Searching for specific lines of text containing a particular pattern

Matching rules encoded in a string according to certain syntax rules

Giving combination of values for the free variables

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 01:00:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The Capability Maturity Model can help in all of the following EXCEPT:

Setting process improvement goals and priorities

Providing guidance for quality processes

Providing a yardstick for assessing current practices

Documenting procedures as to how the various processes for design operate

Quiz no ---3

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 11:56:02 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The customer value strategy may be addressed in which of the following topics?

Select correct option:





Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 11:57:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who is known as a father of modern-day statistical quality control?

Select correct option:





Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 11:57:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following forms the basis of TQM as an organization wide process?

Select correct option:

Not using the resources of the total organization properly

Organizational flexibility and response to change

Not bound in business relationships

Not measuring continuous improvement

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 11:58:54 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How should the benchmarking of individual processes as well as customer satisfaction be


Select correct option:

As a standard tool

As a defective tool

*As an improvement tool

As an instrumental tool

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 11:59:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Identify the example of prevention costs.

Select correct option:

*Quality planning


Product recalls

Customer returns

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:00:51 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT included in the ISO registration process?

Select correct option:

Document review by the registrar of the quality system documents or quality manual

Pre-assessment, which identifies potential noncompliance in the quality system or in the


*Review the program descriptions and select the program(s) that will enable you to
contribute more to your organization

Assessment by a team of two or three auditors of the quality system and its

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:02:13 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Who made some salient observations about the failure to understand the components of
Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:





Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:02:56 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following results in low costs?

Select correct option:

*High productivity and high capacity utilization

Low productivity and low capacity utilization

Low productivity and high capacity utilization

High productivity and low capacity utilization

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:03:47 AM ) Total Marks: 1

How can the quality be computed?

Select correct option:

Quality = Expectation/Performance

Quality = Performance/Expectation

Quality = Performance+Expectation

Quality = Performance-Expectation

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:05:14 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Documentation and data on existing products, are an example which of the following?

Select correct option:

External inputs

*Internal inputs

Either internal or external inputs

Neither internal nor external inputs

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:06:19 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following focuses on results, not process, and encourages short-term

Select correct option:

*Typical American MBO system

Typical Japanese MBO system

Typical Chinese MBO system

Uncommon Chinese MBO system

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:07:08 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Who developed Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?

Select correct option:

Frederick Taylor

Joseph M. Juran

*Y. Akao

Armand Feigenbaum

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:08:06 AM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the examples of appraisal costs EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Quality measurement criteria

Quality improvement projects

Laboratory acceptance testing

Inspection and testing

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:09:33 AM ) Total Marks: 1

In order to achieve the objectives and stimulate innovation, what the organization should

Select correct option:

The involvement of its human resource

The involvement of its process

The involvement of its system

The involvement of its capital

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 12:10:49 AM ) Total Marks: 1

How the requirements for documentation and records may not arise?

Select correct option:

Contractual requirements from the customer or other interested parties

Acceptance of international, national, regional and industry sector standards

*Irrelevant statutory and regulatory requirements

Decisions by the organization

Quiz no 3

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 12:18:45 AM ) Total Marks: 1

At which level, does the quality concern centers on meeting internal customer

Select correct option:

Organizational level

Performer level

Process level

Production level

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 12:20:12 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Who is known as a father of modern-day statistical quality control?

Select correct option:





Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 12:20:43 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is TRUE for higher costs of quality?

Select correct option:

Doing the wrong thing in the wrong way

Doing the wrong thing in the right way

Doing the right thing in the wrong way

Doing the right thing in the right way

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 12:22:09 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following concepts and tools can be used to assess internal customer needs
and to communicate internal supplier capabilities?

Select correct option:





Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 12:23:02 AM ) Total Marks: 1

The management representatives appointed and given authority by the senior

management are for all of the following EXCEPT:

Select correct option:





Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:24:20 AM ) Total Marks: 1

The management preserves the conformity of products during internal processing and
final delivery. Which of the following is included in such preservation?

Select correct option:





Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:25:36 AM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the basic requirements of ISO 9000 EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

A documented quality system

Consistent adherence to the documented quality system

Check to see that the plan was carried out

Customers and processes be displeased

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:26:50 AM ) Total Marks: 1

During 1990s, the following institution(s) began to pay increase attention to quality.

Select correct option:

Education and health care only

*Education, health care, and government

Health care and government only

Government and financial institutions only

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:27:47 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which one of the following depicts reliability – a dimension of quality?

Select correct option:

Bells and whistles of the product

Meeting specifications

Average time for the unit to fail

Quality of work

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:29:07 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models considers the goal of organizational efficiency and

Select correct option:

Organism model

*Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:29:56 AM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the examples of external failure costs EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Processing customer complaints

Customer returns

Warranty claims

*Quality planning

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:30:34 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Identify the example of external failure costs.

Select correct option:

Quality planning


Material review

*Customer returns

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:31:35 AM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the grounds to give birth to total quality approach EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Obsession with quantity

Confusion and poor leadership

One employee in charge

Political disorder

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:32:59 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is viewed as a Consistent Pair?

Select correct option:

ISO 9000 and ISO 9004

ISO 1987 and ISO 1992

ISO 1992 and ISO 1997

*ISO 9001 and ISO 9004

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 12:33:40 AM ) Total Marks: 1

In which century, the US broke further from the European tradition and adopted a new
management approach developed by Frederick W. Taylor?

Select correct option:

17th century

18th century

*19th century

20th century

Next Quiz

1. All of the following are the grounds to give birth to total quality approach

A. Obsession with quantity

B. Confusion and poor leadership
C. One employee in charge
D. Political disorder

2. Which of the following was developed by Motorola to improve its processes by

minimizing defects?
A. ISO 9000
B. *Six sigma
C. QS 9000

3. Quality applies to which aspect(s) of the organization?

A. Products only
B. Products and services
C. People and product
D. *Products, services, and people

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Deming’s philosophy?

A. *It is based on improving products and services by reducing uncertainty
and variability in the design and manufacturing processes
B. Quality is either or not present in the whole organization; that quality is the
responsibility of everyone in the organization
C. Increasing conformance to specifications through elimination of defects,
supported extensively by statistical tools for analysis
D. Increasing loss, for the producer, the customer, and society, associated with
increasing variability from a target value

5. Which of the following statements, in relation to system, is TRUE for people

failing to understand the components of Profound Knowledge?
A. *They see the symptoms but not the deep causes of problems
B. They do not know when expectations are realistic
C. They do not understand motivation/why people do what they do
D. They do not know how to plan and accomplish learning and improvement

6. "Problems will remain unsolved, despite their best efforts." When this will

A. When people don’t understand systems

B. When people don’t understand psychology
C. When people don’t understand variation

D. *When people don’t understand the theory of knowledge

7. Which stage in the Shewhart Cycle implements the change on a small scale?
A. *Do stage
B. Act stage
C. Plan stage
D. Check stage

8. Which of the following s determining what to control, establishing units of

measurement so that data may be objectively evaluated?
A. Quality improvement
B. Quality planning
C. *Quality control
D. Quality process

9. All of the following steps are required for quality planning EXCEPT:
A. Determine who the customers are
B. Deploy the plans to operational levels
C. Identify customers’ needs
D. *Assess actual quality performance

10. Which of the following is an answer to the First Absolute of Quality

as summarized by Crosby; what is quality?
A. *Conformance to requirements
B. Prevention
C. Zero defects
D. Price of nonconformance

Next Quiz:

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 09:54:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Quality applies to which aspect(s) of the organization?

Select correct option:

Products only

Products and services

People and product

Products, services, and people

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 09:55:01 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Juran defines quality as “fitness for use”. This can be broken down into how many

Select correct option:





Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 09:56:24 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How many maturity levels are there in the Capability Maturity Model?

Select correct option:





Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 09:57:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is a unit for measuring process performance according to

traditional view of quality?

Select correct option:

Effective parts per thousand produced

Defective parts per thousand produced

Effective parts per hundred produced

*Defective parts per hundred produced

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 09:58:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to system, is TRUE for people failing to
understand the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

*They see the symptoms but not the deep causes of problems

They do not know when expectations are realistic

They do not understand motivation/why people do what they do

They do not know how to plan and accomplish learning and improvement

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 09:59:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to variation, is TRUE for people failing to
understand the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

They see events as individuals’ incidents rather than the net result of many interactions
and interdependent forces

*They do not know the difference between prediction, forecasting, and guesswork

They create cynicism, demoralization, de-motivation, guilt, resentment, burnout,

craziness, and turnover

They do not understand the difference between improvement and change

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 10:00:18 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models has a vertical chain of command?

Select correct option:

Organism model

*Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 10:01:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What was the role of quality professionals during 1800s?

Select correct option:

Troubleshooting and the application of statistical methods

*Inspection, sorting, counting, and grading

Quality measurement, quality planning, and program design

Goal setting, education and training, and program design

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 10:02:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the major categories and items within each category of Canadian
Awards for Business Excellence EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Customer focus

Distributor focus

People focus

Supplier focus

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 10:03:44 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How the Baldrige Award recognizes the importance of total quality principles?

Select correct option:

Through independence with overall business planning

Through a no relation with overall business planning

*Through integration with overall business planning

Through dependence with overall business planning

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 10:04:16 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following involves determining what to control, establishing units of

measurement so that data may be objectively evaluated?

Select correct option:

Quality improvement

Quality planning

*Quality control

Quality process

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 10:04:55 PM ) Total Marks: 1

After the war, Deming was invited to which of the following countries?

Select correct option:





Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 10:05:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following organizations has a little chance of survival?

Select correct option:

With no corporate philosophy about how to create long-term customer loyalty

With no corporate objectives about how to create long-term customer loyalty

With no mission about how to create long-term customer loyalty

*With no vision about how to create long-term customer loyalty

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 10:06:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who suggested that there are three categories of performance?

Select correct option:





Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 10:07:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements holds true for quality assurance?

Select correct option:

Top management's intention regarding quality

Functions determining implementation of the quality policy

*Actions to provide confidence of satisfying quality requirements

Responsibilities and processes, which implement quality management

Quiz No. 3 (Talha)

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 11:43:33 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE about Deming’s philosophy?

Select correct option:

*It is based on improving products and services by reducing uncertainty and

variability in the design and manufacturing processes

Quality is either or not present in the whole organization; that quality is the
responsibility of everyone in the organization

Increasing conformance to specifications through elimination of defects, supported

extensively by statistical tools for analysis

Increasing loss, for the producer, the customer, and society, associated with increasing
variability from a target value

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 11:44:22 AM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the major decision areas in supply chain management EXCEPT:

Select correct option:





Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 12:11:54 PM ) Total Marks: 1

By the mid 1970s, which markets were penetrated by the Japanese companies?

Select correct option:

*Western markets

Eastern markets

Northern markets

Southern markets

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 12:12:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The input for management review to examine the quality management system shall
include information about all of the following EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Status of preventive and corrective actions

Follow-up actions from previous management reviews

Changes that could affect the quality management system

*Improvement of product related to customer requirements

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 12:13:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Juran advocates a never-ending spiral of activities that includes all of the following

Select correct option:

Product development


Inspection and testing


Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:14:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE for little q?

Select correct option:

*Striving for quality in a limited or specific area

Searching for specific lines of text containing a particular pattern

Matching rules encoded in a string according to certain syntax rules

Giving combination of values for the free variables

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:15:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the Total Quality Tool that is simply a graphical representation
of an outline that presents a chain of causes and effects?

Select correct option:

Check sheet

Fishbone diagram

Scatter diagram

Pareto chart

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:16:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who found that teams are seldom fully used, and their individual members are often

Select correct option:

Oakland and Schein

*Newall and Dale

Lehr and Cox

Juran and Schein

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:17:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The customer value strategy may be addressed in which of the following topics?

Select correct option:





Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:18:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following should be reviewed by the organization to identify requirements

for operations that realize products or deliver services in order to ensure compliance with

Select correct option:

Inability to comply with contractual requirements

*Training and competence of people

Problem conception

Irrelevant statutory and regulatory requirements

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:19:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who developed Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?

Select correct option:

Frederick Taylor

Joseph M. Juran

*Y. Akao

Armand Feigenbaum

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:20:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What are the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) series standards for
industries such as automobiles?

Select correct option:

ISO 9000

ISO 14000

*QS 9000

AS 9000

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:21:43 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following should be used as input to management review in order to ensure
that continual improvement is the driver for organizational development?

Select correct option:

*Performance information

Performance management

Ethical performance

Performance development

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:23:02 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following are generally easy to detect using statistical methods, and it is
usually economical to remove them?

*Common causes

Special causes

Implicit causes

Assignable causes

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 12:24:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the objective of a TQM system?

Select correct option:

*Continuous improvement

Continual improvement

Business improvement

Process improvement

Next Quiz

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 09:21:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Based in Geneva, Switzerland, International Organization for Standardization is a

consortium of the national standard bodies, which has how many countries?

More than 100

Less than 100

Less than 90

Less than 80

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 09:23:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the contributor to the work method cause in the house paint
peeling cause-and-effect diagram?

Select correct option:

Cheap solvents


Acid rain

Paint over dirt

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 09:24:28 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following concepts and tools can be used to assess internal customer needs
and to communicate internal supplier capabilities?

Select correct option:





Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 09:25:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The input for management review to examine the quality management system shall
include information about all of the following EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Status of preventive and corrective actions

Follow-up actions from previous management reviews

Changes that could affect the quality management system

*Improvement of product related to customer requirements

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 09:26:28 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What the organization must accomplish to achieve the mission, by examination and
categorization of the impacts?

Select correct option:

Critical success factors

Key process indicators

Illegal and policy factors

The enemy indicator

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 09:27:43 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who suggested, “A quality product is one that provides performance or conformance at

an acceptable price or cost"?

Select correct option:





Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 09:28:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Marketing research carried out to know whether the particular area should be covered in
this course. What the course instructor should develop?

Select correct option:

*The course meeting requirements of the university

The course meeting requirements of the instructor

The course meeting requirements of the students

The course meeting requirements of the bookseller

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 09:30:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Under which perspective of the balance scorecard, would you classify the operating cost
management measurement?

Select correct option:

The customer perspective

The business process perspective

The financial perspective

The learning & growth perspective

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 09:31:24 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the purpose of ISO 9001?

Select correct option:

*To define the minimum Quality Management System requirements needed to

achieve customer satisfaction by meeting specified product requirements

To determine metals and metalloids in airborne particulate matter by inductively coupled

plasma atomic emission spectrometry

To ensure that the IT service management processes are aligned both with the needs of
the business and with international best practice

To evaluate ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium

by determination of oxygen demand in a closed respirometer

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 09:32:16 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is a four-step quality model amongst the most widely used tools
for continuous improvement?

Select correct option:

*Deming Cycle

Juran Trilogy

Taguchi’s Loss Function

Quality Circles

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 09:33:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What was the transcendent view of quality?

Select correct option:

Satisfying customers

Meeting needs and wants

*Innate excellence


Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 09:34:18 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following focuses on results, not process, and encourages short-term

Select correct option:

*Typical American MBO system

Typical Japanese MBO system

Typical Chinese MBO system

Uncommon Chinese MBO system

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 09:35:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT the category in Baldrige Award?

Select correct option:


Business results

*Supply chain

Process management

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 09:36:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the number of principles in Dr. W. Edwards Deming's quality principles?




Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 09:37:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of functional structure?

Select correct option:

It provides organizations with a clear chain of command

*It enables employees to learn about customer expectations

It allows evaluating people based on clear set of responsibilities

It allows people to specialize in the aspect of the work

Quiz No. 4

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 06:46:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is a requirement of ISO 9000:2000?

Select correct option:

*Processes to measure and analyze customer satisfaction

An Environmental Policy to be in existence within the organization

Procedures for registration of font-related identifiers

Irregular improvement of internal process and customer satisfaction

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 06:47:17 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The management responsible for the area being audited is responsible for ensuring that
actions are taken without undue delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their
causes. Which of the following is a follow-up activity?

Select correct option:

*The verification of the actions taken

The reporting of contradiction results

The contradiction of the actions taken

The verification of contradiction results

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 06:57:48 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following total quality tools is employed in the step “plan and implement a
solution” in problem solving?

Select correct option:

4W and 1H matrix

Pareto chart

*Control chart

Scatter plot

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 06:59:05 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Under which perspective of the balance scorecard, would you classify the customer
retention measurement?

Select correct option:

The customer perspective

The business process perspective

The financial perspective

The learning & growth perspective

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 06:59:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What was the role of quality professionals during 1950s?

Select correct option:

*Troubleshooting and the application of statistical methods

Inspection, sorting, counting, and grading

Quality measurement, quality planning, and program design

Goal setting, education and training, and program design

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 07:00:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is quality?

Select correct option:

*Meeting and exceeding the customer’s expectations

Adding factors to make the customer happy

The degree to which the project meets requirements

Conformance to management’s objectives

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 07:01:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The quality initiatives focused initially on reducing defects and errors in products and
services with the help of which of the following?

Select correct option:

*Measurement, statistics, and other problem solving tools

Measurement, statistics and cause and effect analysis

Statistics and cause and effect analysis only

Failure modes and cause and effect analysis only

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 07:01:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following performance levels have good results and have emphasized
sustained improvement trends?

Select correct option:

Reactive approach

Stable formal system approach

Best-in-class performance

*Continual improvement emphasized

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 07:02:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Do not permit overlong examples or irrelevant discussion. This refers to which of the
following discussion skills in meetings?

Select correct option:


*Managing time

Closing the discussion

Containing digression

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 07:03:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to psychology, is TRUE for people failing
to understand the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

*They see the symptoms but not the deep causes of problems

They do not know when expectations are realistic

They do not understand motivation/why people do what they do

They do not know how to plan and accomplish learning and improvement

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 07:04:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following results in low costs?

Select correct option:

*High productivity and high capacity utilization

Low productivity and low capacity utilization

Low productivity and high capacity utilization

High productivity and low capacity utilization

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 07:05:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Under which perspective of the balance scorecard, would you classify motivated
workforce measurement?

Select correct option:

The customer perspective

The business process perspective

The financial perspective

The learning & growth perspective

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 07:05:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models value stability?

Select correct option:

Organism model

*Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 07:06:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who stressed that systems must be focused toward a purpose?

Select correct option:





Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 07:07:58 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following leads to questioning and can be tested and validated?

Select correct option:

*Theory of knowledge


Understanding of variation

Appreciation for a system

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 07:10:06 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to variation, is TRUE for people failing to
understand the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

They see events as individuals’ incidents rather than the net result of many interactions
and interdependent forces

*They do not know the difference between prediction, forecasting, and guesswork

They create cynicism, demoralization, de-motivation, guilt, resentment, burnout,

craziness, and turnover

They do not understand the difference between improvement and change

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 07:11:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following represent short-term perspectives and do not encourage long-term
improvement as stated by Deming?

Select correct option:

*Numerical quotas

Constitutional quotas

Political party quotas

Mechanical quotas

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 07:12:41 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the followings are true for zero defects concept EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

A performance standard for management

A standard of the craftsperson regardless of his or her assignment

A tool of management to communicate to do things right the first time

A motivational, widely understood and accepted program

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 07:14:02 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who suggested, “A quality product is one that provides performance or conformance at

an acceptable price or cost"?

Select correct option:





Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 07:14:35 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following tools plots the relationship of one numeric variable to another on
a horizontal and vertical axis and determines the degree of dependency or
interdependency of those variables?

Select correct option:

*Scatter diagram

Check sheet

Fishbone diagram

Pareto chart

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 07:15:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who warned against the use of extrinsic controls that compel behavioral changes in
people when rewards and incentive programs are seldom shifted to favor quality

Select correct option:





Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 07:16:38 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How many maturity levels are there in the Capability Maturity Model?

Select correct option:





Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 07:17:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which one of the following depicts aesthetics, which is a dimension of quality?

Select correct option:

*Exterior finish

Quality of work

Ranking first

Ease of repair

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 07:18:28 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following firms solely owns the entire material flow and each channel
member operates independently?

Select correct option:

Horizontal integrated firms

Backward vertical integrated firms

Vertical integrated firms

Conglomerate integrated firms

Quiz Start Time: 07:10 PM Time Left 85


Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 07:19:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT the deadly disease according to Deming?

Select correct option:

Excessive medical costs

*Excessive transportation costs

Lack of constancy of purpose

Mobility of management

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 07:21:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which stage in the Shewhart Cycle uses data and facts to analyze the results of the

Select correct option:

Do stage

Act stage

Plan stage

*Check stage

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 07:21:54 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Why product-based definitions of quality suit engineers?

Select correct option:

They are concerned with designing of the products

They can judge quality

They can reduce specific standards

*They are concerned with translating product requirements into specific

components and physical dimensions thereby produced

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 07:23:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the elements of a TQM system EXCEPT:

Select correct option:





Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 07:24:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the contributor to the equipment cause in the house paint
peeling cause-and-effect diagram?

Select correct option:

Cheap solvents


Bad brush bristle

Paint over dirt

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 07:24:24 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is viewed as a Consistent Pair?

Select correct option:

ISO 9000 and ISO 9004

ISO 1987 and ISO 1992

ISO 1992 and ISO 1997

*ISO 9001 and ISO 9004

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 07:17:17 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the objectives achieved simultaneously for the sustained growth
to be recognized EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Customer satisfaction

Effective leadership

Effective human resources

Integration with the supplier base

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 07:18:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Some organizations emphasizes the use of quality tools but failed to do which of the

Select correct option:

Focus on what is truly important to the distributors

*Incorporate continuous improvement efforts

Make fundamental changes in their processes and culture

Focus on what is truly important to the customer

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 07:18:53 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following tools has a weakness that it does not tell whether the variation is
the result of special causes or common causes?

Select correct option:


Check sheet

Pareto chart

Run chart

All of the following are Juran’s basic steps to progress EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Achieve structured improvements on a continual basis combined with dedication and a

sense of urgency

Establish an extensive training program

*Establish an extensive marketing program

Establish commitment and leadership on the part of higher management

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 07:20:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to theory of knowledge, is TRUE for

people failing to understand the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

They see events as individuals’ incidents rather than the net result of many interactions
and interdependent forces

*They do not know the difference between prediction, forecasting, and guesswork

They create cynicism, demoralization, de-motivation, guilt, resentment, burnout,

craziness, and turnover

They do not understand the difference between improvement and change

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 07:21:09 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following performance levels is a systematic process-based approach, early

stage of systematic improvements?

Select correct option:

No formal approach

Reactive approach

*Stable formal system approach

Best-in-class performance

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 07:21:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1

In creative problem solving, which of the following refers to brainstorming?

Select correct option:

Mess Finding

Fact Finding

Problem Finding

Idea Finding

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 07:22:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following describes a complete data set?

Select correct option:

Measures of dispersion

Measures of central tendency

Deductive statistics

Inductive statistics

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 07:22:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following tools represents the entire process at a high or detailed
(depending on your use) level of observation, allowing analysis and optimization of

Select correct option:

Check sheet

Pareto diagram

Flow chart


Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 07:23:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of the organizations operating

according to the principles of quality management?

Select correct option:

A total commitment to continually increasing value for customers, investors, and


A firm understanding that market driven means that quality is defined by customers, not
the company

A commitment to leading people with a bias for broken improvement and


*A commitment to fundamental improvement through knowledge, skills, problem

solving, and teamwork

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 07:24:12 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Ahmad has organized a manual data collection in such a way as to be easily used,
understood and analyzed automatically. Which of the following Ahmad has prepared?

Select correct option:

Check sheet

Pareto diagram

Flow chart


Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 07:24:53 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is TRUE for design and development outputs under ISO
9001:2000 - Quality Management Systems ?

Select correct option:

It Identifies of and corrects against potential conformance

It is used where excess in product will only be apparent in use

It is Insignificance and concealment of significant features of the processes

*It meets the input requirements for design and development

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 07:25:26 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the purpose of the Control Chart?

Select correct option:

*To indicate variations, trends, and the amount of change from one time period to

To show where to apply resources by revealing the significant few from the trivial many

To provide a scientific approach to gathering information to improve the validity of

decisions and interventions

To monitor effects of the variables on the difference between target and actual

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 07:25:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the contributor to the work method cause in the house paint
peeling cause-and-effect diagram?

Select correct option:

Cheap solvents


Acid rain

Paint over dirt
1. Match the following:

a) Quality is everyone's responsibility. 1) J.M. Juran

b) Quality means conformance to requirements 2) ISO 9000

c) Quality is fitness for use. 3) Edwards Deming

d) Quality is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements.
4) Philip B. Crosby


A. a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1

B. a-2, b-4, c-1, d-3
C. a-2, b-4, c-3, d-1
D. a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2
8/15/2014 1

From the figure displayed below, identify the curves:

A. 1- Costs of prevention, 2- Total quality costs, 3- Failure costs

B. 1- Failure costs, 2-Total quality costs, 3- Costs of appraisal plus prevention

C. 1- Total quality costs, 2- Failure costs, 3- Costs of appraisal plus prevention

D. 1- Total quality costs, 2- Failure costs, 3- Costs of appraisal

8/15/2014 2
3. Identify the odd one:
a) Complaint adjustment expense
b) Warranty charges
c) Rework cost
d) Cost associated with receipt and replacement of
returned defective product.

8/15/2014 3
4. “Yield losses” belongs to which among the four core
categories of cost of quality?
A. Appraisal Costs
B. Prevention Costs.
C. External Failure Costs
D. Internal Failure Costs

8/15/2014 4
5. Identify the odd one:

a) Cost incurred in testing and inspection

b) Training cost
c) Supplier quality evaluation cost
d) Cost of New-products review

8/15/2014 5
6. A paper mill supplies a corrugated container manufacturer with Kraft paper. The
corrugated container manufacturer uses Kraft paper to manufacture corrugated
shipping containers that are then sold to a cereal manufacturer. Which of the
following is true?

A. The corrugated container manufacturer is an internal customer to the cereal

B. The corrugated container manufacturer is an external customer to the paper mill.
C. Both the paper mill and corrugated container manufacturer are internal customers to
the cereal manufacturer.
D. There are no external customers.

8/15/2014 6
7. David Garvin categorized quality into 5 different approaches: the
transcendent, the manufacturing-based, the user based, the product
based and the value based. Making sure a product or service is "fit for
its purpose" is which kind of approach?

A. Transcendent
B. User-based
C. Product based
D. Manufacturing-based

8/15/2014 7
8. Which of the following would not normally be considered as a
‘costs of quality’?

A. Supplier quality evaluation cost

B. Downgrading cost
C. Warranty costs
D. Research and development costs
E. Quality planning cost
F. Inspection costs

8/15/2014 8
9. Match the examples to costs of quality.
1) Re-inspection and investigation a. prevention costs
2) Handling of returned items b. internal failure cost
3) Quality audits c. external failure cost
4) Identification of customers' quality requirements d. appraisal cost
A. 1-b,2-c,3-a,4-d
B. 1-c,2-b,3-d,4-a
C. 1-b,2-c,3-d,4-a
D. 1-a,2-c,3-d,4-b

8/15/2014 9
10. Which of these statements are true?
a. “Big Q” focuses on those processes directly related to the manufacture of goods
b. Dr. Edward Deming coined the term “Big Q”
c. “Little Q” applies to all industries; manufacturing, services, government, etc., whether for
profit or not.
d. “Big Q” is performance to specifications, i.e. the approach that is dominant in Six Sigma and
ISO 9000.
A. a, c, d
B. only b
C. a and b
D. none of the above
E. all of the above

8/15/2014 10
11. The concepts of quality planning, quality control, quality improvement
known as ‘Trilogy of quality’ was introduced by ………………….
A. Philip B. Crosby
B. Edward Deming
C. A. Shewhart
D. Dr. Juran
E. Taguchi

8/15/2014 11
12. Costs of keeping measuring instruments and equipments in
calibration can be categorized under which of the following categories of
cost of quality?
A. Prevention Costs

B. Appraisal Costs

C. External Failure Costs

D. Internal Failure Costs

8/15/2014 12
13. Identify the odd one among the list of items given below:

A. Potential lost sales

B. Cost incurred in maintaining extra capacity
C. Premium freight cost
D. Cost incurred in testing products in stock to evaluate degradation.
E. Loss of good will

8/15/2014 13
14. Attainment of quality requires the performance of a wide variety
of identifiable activities or quality tasks. The entire collection of
these activities performed to achieve fitness for purpose is known

A. Quality improvement
B. Quality deployment
C. Quality control
D. Quality function
E. Quality Assurance
8/15/2014 14

From the below given figure of optimum quality cost model, Identify the values of a, b, c, d, e, f
(given in red color font in the picture).

A. a=70%, b=10%, c=30%, d=10%, e=60%, f=30%

B. a=80%, b=10%, c=30%, d=10%, e=60%, f=20%
C. a=80%, b=10%, c=20%, d=10%, e=60%, f=40%
D. a=70%, b=10%, c=50%, d=10%, e=40%, f=50%
8/15/2014 15
16. Which of these below mentioned items can be included under the ‘hidden cost of
a. Lost sales
b. Incorrect orders shipped
c. Extra process capacity
d. Loss of goodwill
e. Customer returns
A. all of the above items
B. only a and b
C. only c, d and e
D. all except c
E. all except e
8/15/2014 16
17. Product features and freedom from deficiencies are two major components of quality. Keeping this
in mind, analyze the following statements and find out which of these statements are not true.
A: Product features have a major effect on sales income.
B: Product features refers to quality of conformance
C: Freedom from deficiencies has a major effect on cost.
D: Freedom from deficiencies refers to quality of design
A. Only A and B are true
B. All of the above statements are true
C. Only A and C are true
D. None of the above statements are true

8/15/2014 17
18. Which of the below mentioned items can be grouped under ‘product features in service
a. Accuracy
b. Timeliness
c. Friendliness and courtesy
d. Durability
e. Esthetics
A. all the items
B. all except ‘e’
C. a, b, c, e
D. a, b, c, d
E. none of the items
8/15/2014 18
19. Quality is most difficult to measure and analyze under which of
the following definitions /approaches?

A. Product-based view
B. User-based view
C. Transcendent view
D. Value-based view

8/15/2014 19

The model below shows the relationship between quality and Return on Investment. Some items are missing, select the
most appropriate answer from the choice given below to complete the diagram.

A. A- cost, B- share, C-throughput, D- income

B. A- sales, B- cost , C-throughput, D- share
C. A- income, B- share, C- Warranty, D- Cost
D. A- sales, B- share, C- Warranty, D- Cost
8/15/2014 20
21. Quality aims at satisfying both internal and external customers. Which of the
following can be considered as customers of the higher education system:

A. Government regulatory bodies

B. Parents
C. Students
D. All of the above

8/15/2014 21
Q22 22. According to Juran, there are two views of quality, internal and external. Which of
these below mentioned statements supports internal view of quality?
a. Using customer based quality measures
b. Viewing quality as a business issue
c. Viewing quality as a technical issue
d. Compare product to specification
e. Focus on preventing plant and field defects.
A. All except c
B. c, d and e
C. only a and b
D. a, b and e
E. all except b

8/15/2014 22
23. A consumer purchases a generic product at a cost of 5$ instead of a branded
product that sells for 7$.the consumer feels that there is no difference between the
two products. This scenario illustrates which of the following definitions of quality?

A. Manufacturing based
B. Value based
C. User based
D. Product based
E. none of the above

8/15/2014 23
24. The various definitions of quality do NOT include:
A. The value-based approach
B. The transcendent approach
C. The minimum specification approach
D. The manufacturing-based approach

8/15/2014 24
25. Which of these statements are not true:

A. Prior to world war 2nd Japanese products were perceived as poor in quality.

B. ‘Prevention cost’ is inversely proportional to the sum of failure costs and appraisal costs.

C. There is always a tradeoff between quality and cost.

D. Higher grade implies higher quality.


A. all statements are true

B. none of the above are true
C. only a and b are true
D. only a is true
E. only b and d are true

8/15/2014 25
26. According to Juran, anyone is a customer of a product or service if that
A. purchases it
B. uses it
C. is affected by it
D. produces it

8/15/2014 26
27. Attributes and variables data are best described as which of
the following?
Attributes Variables
(A) Counted values Measured values
(B) Counted values Visual features
(C) Measured values Counted values
(D) Visual features Counted values

8/15/2014 27
28. In a manufacturing company, the machine shop is what kind of
customer in relation to the human resource department?
A. Intermediate
B. Hidden
C. External
D. Internal

8/15/2014 28
29. Which of the following is the final step in the Quality Trilogy?

A. Quality control
B. Quality planning
C. Quality documentation
D. Quality improvement

8/15/2014 29
30. Which of the following would be considered an appraisal cost of

A. Training workers to perform their jobs

B. Purchasing better tools for workers to perform their jobs
C. Repairing an item under the warranty
D. Running a functional test on each item before it is boxed for

8/15/2014 30


1. The very purpose of organizations is to meet customer needs and satisfy

their expectations. TRUE/FALSE
2. Process improvement is the foundation on which customer satisfaction is
3. With TQM, the worker is viewed as a source of process improvement.
4. The commitment to data-based decision making implies a need to train all
employees in the appropriate use of statistics. TRUE/FALSE
5. In the holistic approach to problem solving, complex problems are broken
down into independent sub problems. TRUE/FALSE
6. TQM focuses on acceptability. TRUE/FALSE
7. TQM focuses on short-term financial performance. TRUE/FALSE
8. TQM seeks proactive solutions for customers TRUE/FALSE
9. Japanese managers tend to place greater emphasis on long-term market
10. The term service recovery refers to converting a customer who is
dissatisfied with a service into one who is satisfied. TRUE/FALSE
11. Joseph Juran is well known for his fourteen point philosophy.
12. Juran's four quality costs are not applicable to the service environment.
13. Thinking of quality in financial terms helps top manager see the
importance of their own participation in quality related functions.
14. The Baldrige Award is Japan's national quality award TRUE/FALSE
15. The ISO 9000 standards have been revised to focus more on customer
satisfaction and process improvement. TRUE/FALSE
16. Various groups outside an organization have no bearing on the quality of
its product or service and its productivity. TRUE/FALSE
17. Nonhuman resources and how they are processed are the primary
concerns under the heading of internal influences. TRUE/FALSE
18. Research and development projects represent a sizable investment of
time and money that help to guarantee an organization's future through a
steady stream of customer-pleasing goods and services. TRUE/FALSE
19. Careful coordination through regular interactions with suppliers is vital to
satisfying internal needs and external customers. TRUE/FALSE
20. Locating manufacturing and distribution facilities close to inexpensive
sources of raw materials can greatly increase a producer's cost.
21. Quality can be used as a strategic, offensive weapon rather than a
defensive one. TRUE/FALSE

22. Performance is the probability that a product will fail within a specified

23. Conformance relates to the number of product models and/or variations a

company can offer its customers. TRUE/FALSE

24. The Baldrige award is only for health care and educational institutions.

25. A key to employee involvement is quality at the source. TRUE/FALSE


1. Which of the following is not one of the commitments of Total Quality

a. technical quality
b. understanding and improving the organization's processes
c. data-based decision making
d. employee involvement

2. Which of the following is not part of the Total Quality Approach?

a. holistic thinking
b. focus on short-term financial performance
c. focus on desirability
d. team thinking

3. Team thinking involves all of the following except

a. functional classification and competition
b. focus on teamwork
c. focus on system improvement
d. focus on satisfying internal customers
4.Which of the following is not a benefit of long-term suppler relationships?
a. supplier involvement in design
b. information system linkages to customer facilities
c. capacity and facility plans favorable to their customers
d. all of the above are benefits
5. Which of the following is not a benefit to the supplier of a cooperative
supplier-purchaser relationship?
a. more competitive customers
b. better information for planning and control
c. advance notice of new product design and technologies
d. all of the above are benefits to the supplier
6. Which of the following is not a part of the Deming cycle?
a. plan
b. do
c. consider
d. all of the above are part of the Deming cycle
7 Which of the following individuals believed that quality improvement issues
should be presented in the language of management?
a. W. Edwards Deming
b. Joseph M. Juran
c. Walter Shewhart
d. Phillip Crosby
8. Which of the following costs refers to expenditures associated with
products, subassemblies, or components that are not fit for use, but have not
yet been transferred to the customer
a. internal failure cost
b. external failure cost
c. appraisal
d. prevention
9. In manufacturing settings, the hidden costs of poor quality include
a. lost sales
b. lost good will
c. process downtime
d. all of the above are hidden costs of poor quality
10. Which of the following is not a linkage between quality management and
environmental management.
a. quality management means fewer defective items, thus generating
less environmental waste
b. quality management means more durable products, therefore less
items go to landfills
c. quality management produces efficient operation, thus generating
less environmentally damaging emissions.
d. all of the above are linkages between quality management and
environmental management

11. A disciplined approach to solving quality problems before the design

phase of a product is called a
a. benchmark.
b. production standard.
c. systems approach.
d. quality function deployment.
e. product analysis.
12. A strategy for continuously improving performance at every level, and in
all areas of responsibility is called
a. total quality control.
b. total quality production.
c. total systems approach.
d. total organizational redesign.
e. total quality management.
13. The relationship between the amount of input needed to produce a given
amount of output and the output itself, usually expressed as a ratio, is
a. productivity.
b. input/output values.
c. production analysis.
d. quality control.
e. correlational studies.
14. A clear, concise, written declaration of an organization's central and
common purpose, or its reason for existence is defined as a(n)
a. vision.
b. value.
c. mission.
d. ethical principle.
e. none of the above.
15. Changing an organization in any significant way is a primary responsibility
a. stockholders.
b. employees.
c. first-line management.
d. organizational advisors.
e. top management.
16. According to James Collins, a company consultant, a great company is
great because it has and holds on to, regardless of the costs, its "bedrock
principles," otherwise known as its
a. ethical concepts.
b. core values.
c. moral attitudes.
d. visionary values.
e. cultural ethics.
17. ____________________ commits organizations and their people to
continual learning and requires that well-trained people be allowed to apply,
without fear, what they learn.
a. The company mission
b. Open-book management
c. Antidiscrimination laws
d. Synergy in the workplace
e. None of the above
18. Employees who think and act like owners are called
a. entrepreneurs.
b. empowered employees.
c. intrapreneurs.
d. management trainees.
e. all of the above.
19. What gives employees ownership of their tasks and the freedom to
experiment and even fail, without fear of reprisal?
a. scoreboarding
b. benchmarks
c. self-help seminars
d. empowerment
e. promotions
20. A temporary team consisting primarily of workers who share a problem
and meet regularly until the problem is solved is called a
a. quality circle.
b. quality improvement team.
c. quality control team.
d. research and development team.
e. support team.
21. The European Quality Award is similar to the:

a. Leadership Award.

b. Baldrige Award.

c. Deming Prize.

d. Shingo Award.

e. ISO 14000.

22. Which of the following is not a tenet of Crosby?

a. Conformance to requirements.
b. Zero defects.

c. Fitness for use.

d. Quality is free.

e. All of the above.

23. The quality dimension that relates to the expected operational life of a
product is:

a. Durability.

b. Aesthetics.

c. Serviceability.

d. Perceived Quality.

e. Reliability.

24. The inherent value of the product in the marketplace and also a strategic
decision of the firm is:

a. Conformance quality.

b. Total quality.

c. Design quality.

d. Quality function deployment.

e. Quality at the source.

25. Who among the following is not considered to be a quality guru?

a. Deming.

b. Crosby.

c. Juran

d. Maslow

e. Takaguchi

Section C: Short-answer Questions.

Reference: TQM by Dale H. Besterfield et al. The following questions will be
suitably modified and asked in the examination.
Pages 52/53: Qns. 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 17
Pages 86/87: Qns 1, 2, 3, 6, 9
Pages123/124: Qns 4, 6, 7, 8,16, 17
Page 151/152: Qns 2, 3, 7
Chapter 2 : Leadership

Question 3 : Working as an individual or in a team of three or more people,

evaluate one or more of the following organizations concerning the role of the
senior managers.
(a) Large bank
(b) Health-care facility
(c) University academic
(d) University nonacademic department
(e) Large department store
(f) Grade School
(g) Manufacturing facility
(h) Large grocery store
Answer :

Question 4 : Selecct one or more of Deming’s 14 points and describe how you
would achieve or implement it.
Answer :

Question 5 : Develop a code of ethics for one of the organizations listed in

Excercise 3.
Answer :

Question 8 : Working as an individual or in a team of three or more people,

determine the quality statements for one or more of the organizations listed in
Exercice 3.
Answer :

Question 11 : Working as an individual or in a team of three or more

people,mwrite an annual quality improvement program for one of the
organizations listed in Exercise 3.
Answer :

Question 12 : Working as an individual or in a team of three or more people, write

a communications plan for a small organization and one for a large organization.
How do they differ ?
Answer :

Question 17 : Describe how a suervisor from one of the organizations listed in

Excercise 3 measures up to the characterstics of leaders.
Answer :
Chapter 3 : Customer Satisfaction
Question 1 : Difine the terms internal and external customer.
Answer :
- An external customer exists outside the organization and generally falls
into three categories : current, prospective, and lost customers.
- An internal customer is just as important. Every function, whether it be
engineering, order processing, or production, has an internl customer.

Qustion 2 : Is the main concern of most consumers the price of the product or
service ? Explain :
Answer :

Question 3 : List and explain the six most important factors that influence
consumer purchases.
Answer :
1. Performance
2. Features
3. Service
4. Warranty
5. Price
6. Reputation

Question 6 : As a manager of a small sporting goods store, describe how you

would train front-line employees to handle customer complain.
Answer :

Question 9 : Machinical productts, such as cars, break down. Cars often are
serviced by the car dealer. How can a car dealer use the service department to
encourage futer car sales ?
Answer :
Chapter 4 : Employee Involvement

Question 4 : List at least five reasons given by supervisors when resisting change.
Answer :

Question 6 : You recently completed a performance appraisal for one of your

employees. THe employee is not happy with the evaluation and has asked for an
appointment to discuss the evaluation porcess. Discuss the following :
(b) The purpose of the performance evaluation
(c) The evaluation criteria
(d) The employee’s options regarding the evaluation
Answer :

Question 7 : You have been asked to develop an emploee involvement policy for
you organization. Respond to the following :
(a) Why do you need union involvement ?
(b) How will you get the union involved ?
(c) What resistance should you expect ?
Answer :

Quesiton 8 : Describe the role of employees’ involmennt in TQM by respoding to

the following :
(a) Why is employee involvement important to TQM ?
(b) Why do we need involved emploees ? We haven’t before.
(c) Emplouee time is valuable. How will it pay reasonable dvidends ?
Answer :

Question 16 : List five common barriers to team progress.

Answer :
Question 17 : Evaluate an organization’s
(a) Suggestion system
(b) Performance appraisal
(c) Recognition and reward system
(d) Decision-making methods
Answer :
Chapter 5 : Continuous Process Improvement
Question 2 : Working as an individual or in a team of three or more people,
evaluate one or more of the following organizations concerning their use of the
Juran Trilogy.
(a) Large bank
(b) Health-care facility
(c) University academic
(d) University nonacademic department
(e) Large department store
(f) Grade School
(g) Manufacturing facility
(h) Large grocery store
Answer :

Question 3 : Using a product such as a house, machine, or car, give an example of

the four improvement stategies.
Answer :

Question 7 : Describe how empovement, work groujps, and multifunctional teams

whould or would not affect the five types of problems.
Answer :

Total Quality Management – MGT510

Note: Choices with marked * are verified answers

Quiz no.1

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 11:02:05 PM ) Total Marks: 1

In total quality perspective, quality planning, and strategic business planning are treated
as which of the following?





Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 11:03:13 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The marketing team of a company carried out a survey concerning expectations of the
customers from the product. What should be the product development department of the
company design?

*The product meeting requirements of the customers

The product meeting requirements of the distributors

The product meeting requirements of the management

The product meeting requirements of the shareholders

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 11:04:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following results in low costs?

*High productivity and high capacity utilization

Low productivity and low capacity utilization

Low productivity and high capacity utilization

High productivity and low capacity utilization

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 11:05:35 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following are generally easy to detect using statistical methods, and it is
usually economical to remove them?

*Common causes

Special causes

Implicit causes

Assignable causes

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 11:07:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which one of the following depicts feature, which is a dimension of quality?

Product looks and sounds

Brand name and price

Bells and whistles of the product

*Ability to repair a product

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 11:08:37 PM ) Total Marks: 1

During which century, the manufacturers began to include quality processes in quality

17th century

18th century

19th century

*20th century

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 11:09:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models has the viewpoint that change and learning are valued in

*Organism model

Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 11:11:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

After the war, Deming was invited to which of the following countries?





Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 11:12:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE for the organizations focusing problem-
solving and continuous improvement?

Fail to emphasize error prevention and design quality

*Fail to focus on what is truly important to the customer

Fail to identify the best times about the situation in the past

Fail to integrate all organizational functions

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 11:14:06 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Quality applies to which aspect(s) of the organization?

Products only

Products and services

People and product

*Products, services, and people

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 11:14:38 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements holds true for quality assurance?

Top management's intention regarding quality

Functions determining implementation of the quality policy

*Actions to provide confidence of satisfying quality requirements

Responsibilities and processes, which implement quality management

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 11:16:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models reflect horizontal processes beginning with suppliers and
ending with customers?

Organism model

Mechanistic model

Cultural model

*Total Quality model

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 11:17:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is concerned about quality for achievement of TQM?

The Managing Director

The Operative

The Quality Manager

*Everyone in the organization

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 11:18:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which one of the following depicts durability – a dimension of quality?

Exterior finish

Quality of work

*Useful life

Ease of repair

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 11:19:36 PM ) Total Marks: 1

"Not giving respect to other people’s contributions", depicts which of the following self-
oriented behavior?





Quiz No .2

which century, the manufacturers began to include quality processes in quality practices?

17th century

18th century

19th century

*20th century

In the new paradigm, managers view error as which one of the following?

A threat

A substitute

*An opportunity

An end

Whose concepts are referred to as statistical quality control (SQC)?





In which of the following operations great deal of variations can occur?





Which of the following are generally easy to detect using statistical methods, and it is
usually economical to remove them?

*Common causes

Special causes

Implicit causes

Assignable causes

Who argued that beauty could be understood only after exposure to a series of objects
that display its characteristics?





During which war, Deming taught quality control courses as part of the national defense

World War I

*World War II

Mexican-American War

The Civil War

Which one of the following depicts feature, which is a dimension of quality?

Product looks and sounds

Brand name and price

Bells and whistles of the product

*Ability to repair a product

The majority of advertisers appeal the public on the basis of which of the following?

*Quality of product

Quality of staff

Inferiority of product

Inferiority of service

The standards for output based on quality and customer-service requirements that
originate at the organizational and process levels include requirements for all of the
following EXCEPT:





"Not giving respect to other people’s contributions", depicts which of the following self-
oriented behavior?





After the war, Deming was invited to which of the following countries?

Select correct option:





Which of the following results in low costs?

*High productivity and high capacity utilization

Low productivity and low capacity utilization

Low productivity and high capacity utilization

High productivity and low capacity utilization

The customer value strategy may be addressed in which of the following topics?



* Services


Who developed Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?

Frederick Taylor

Joseph M. Juran

*Y. Akao

Armand Feigenbaum

TQM Quiz no 3

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 12:44:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How the Baldrige Award recognizes the importance of total quality principles?

Through independence with overall business planning

Through a no relation with overall business planning

*Through integration with overall business planning

Through dependence with overall business planning

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 12:45:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models considers the goal of meeting individual needs?

Organism model

Mechanistic model

*Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 12:46:26 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the initial considerations in the Hoshin Kanri approach to
business system change EXCEPT:

Measuring the business system as a whole

Setting core objectives of the business

Understanding the environmental situation in which the business operates

*Ceasing resources for performing activities to achieve business objectives

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 12:47:48 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who argued that beauty could be understood only after exposure to a series of
objects that display its characteristics?





Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 12:48:17 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE for ISO 9000?

*Describes the principles of a quality management system and defines the


Describes the requirements relative to a quality management system either for internal
use or for contractual or certification purposes

Intended for internal use and not for contractual purposes, focuses particularly on
continually improving performance

Contains the guidelines for auditing quality management and/or environmental

management systems

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:49:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements holds true for quality assurance?

Top management's intention regarding quality

Functions determining implementation of the quality policy

*Actions to provide confidence of satisfying quality requirements

Responsibilities and processes, which implement quality management

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:51:05 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is an answer to the Second Absolute of Quality Management

as summarized by Crosby; what system is needed to cause quality?

Conformance to requirements


Zero defects

Price of nonconformance

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:52:13 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the reasons why Total Quality Management programs are
not prolific for many companies, EXCEPT:

TQM focuses on minimum standards

TQM develops its own cumbersome bureaucracy

TQM has no place for love and passion

*TQM focuses on customers and stakeholders

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:53:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the other name used for Deming Cycle?

*Shewhart cycle

Product life cycle

Data life cycle management

Information life cycle management

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:54:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is necessary for a system to be effective?

*The components of any system must work together for the system

The components of any system must not work together for the system

The components of any system should not be organized for the system

The components of any system should provide disruption for the system

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:55:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT the criterion under Canadian Awards for Business


*Planning for contraction

Process optimization

Supplier focus

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:56:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is true for subsystems?

These are not linked together as internal customers and suppliers

These are linked together as external customers and suppliers

These are linked together as external and internal customers and suppliers

*These are linked together as internal customers and suppliers

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:58:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the relationship between Ishikawa and Deming?

Son and father

Nephew and uncle

*Student and teacher

Grandson and grandfather

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:58:51 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE for little q?

*Striving for quality in a limited or specific area

Searching for specific lines of text containing a particular pattern

Matching rules encoded in a string according to certain syntax rules

Giving combination of values for the free variables

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 01:00:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The Capability Maturity Model can help in all of the following EXCEPT:

Setting process improvement goals and priorities

Providing guidance for quality processes

Providing a yardstick for assessing current practices

Documenting procedures as to how the various processes for design operate

Quiz no ---3

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 11:56:02 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The customer value strategy may be addressed in which of the following topics?

Select correct option:





Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 11:57:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who is known as a father of modern-day statistical quality control?

Select correct option:





Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 11:57:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following forms the basis of TQM as an organization wide process?

Select correct option:

Not using the resources of the total organization properly

Organizational flexibility and response to change

Not bound in business relationships

Not measuring continuous improvement

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 11:58:54 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How should the benchmarking of individual processes as well as customer satisfaction be


Select correct option:

As a standard tool

As a defective tool

*As an improvement tool

As an instrumental tool

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 11:59:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Identify the example of prevention costs.

Select correct option:

*Quality planning


Product recalls

Customer returns

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:00:51 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT included in the ISO registration process?

Select correct option:

Document review by the registrar of the quality system documents or quality manual

Pre-assessment, which identifies potential noncompliance in the quality system or in the


*Review the program descriptions and select the program(s) that will enable you to
contribute more to your organization

Assessment by a team of two or three auditors of the quality system and its

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:02:13 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Who made some salient observations about the failure to understand the components of
Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:





Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:02:56 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following results in low costs?

Select correct option:

*High productivity and high capacity utilization

Low productivity and low capacity utilization

Low productivity and high capacity utilization

High productivity and low capacity utilization

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:03:47 AM ) Total Marks: 1

How can the quality be computed?

Select correct option:

Quality = Expectation/Performance

Quality = Performance/Expectation

Quality = Performance+Expectation

Quality = Performance-Expectation

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:05:14 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Documentation and data on existing products, are an example which of the following?

Select correct option:

External inputs

*Internal inputs

Either internal or external inputs

Neither internal nor external inputs

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:06:19 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following focuses on results, not process, and encourages short-term

Select correct option:

*Typical American MBO system

Typical Japanese MBO system

Typical Chinese MBO system

Uncommon Chinese MBO system

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:07:08 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Who developed Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?

Select correct option:

Frederick Taylor

Joseph M. Juran

*Y. Akao

Armand Feigenbaum

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:08:06 AM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the examples of appraisal costs EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Quality measurement criteria

Quality improvement projects

Laboratory acceptance testing

Inspection and testing

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:09:33 AM ) Total Marks: 1

In order to achieve the objectives and stimulate innovation, what the organization should

Select correct option:

The involvement of its human resource

The involvement of its process

The involvement of its system

The involvement of its capital

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 12:10:49 AM ) Total Marks: 1

How the requirements for documentation and records may not arise?

Select correct option:

Contractual requirements from the customer or other interested parties

Acceptance of international, national, regional and industry sector standards

*Irrelevant statutory and regulatory requirements

Decisions by the organization

Quiz no 3

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 12:18:45 AM ) Total Marks: 1

At which level, does the quality concern centers on meeting internal customer

Select correct option:

Organizational level

Performer level

Process level

Production level

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 12:20:12 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Who is known as a father of modern-day statistical quality control?

Select correct option:





Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 12:20:43 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is TRUE for higher costs of quality?

Select correct option:

Doing the wrong thing in the wrong way

Doing the wrong thing in the right way

Doing the right thing in the wrong way

Doing the right thing in the right way

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 12:22:09 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following concepts and tools can be used to assess internal customer needs
and to communicate internal supplier capabilities?

Select correct option:





Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 12:23:02 AM ) Total Marks: 1

The management representatives appointed and given authority by the senior

management are for all of the following EXCEPT:

Select correct option:





Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:24:20 AM ) Total Marks: 1

The management preserves the conformity of products during internal processing and
final delivery. Which of the following is included in such preservation?

Select correct option:





Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:25:36 AM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the basic requirements of ISO 9000 EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

A documented quality system

Consistent adherence to the documented quality system

Check to see that the plan was carried out

Customers and processes be displeased

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:26:50 AM ) Total Marks: 1

During 1990s, the following institution(s) began to pay increase attention to quality.

Select correct option:

Education and health care only

*Education, health care, and government

Health care and government only

Government and financial institutions only

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:27:47 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which one of the following depicts reliability – a dimension of quality?

Select correct option:

Bells and whistles of the product

Meeting specifications

Average time for the unit to fail

Quality of work

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:29:07 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models considers the goal of organizational efficiency and

Select correct option:

Organism model

*Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:29:56 AM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the examples of external failure costs EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Processing customer complaints

Customer returns

Warranty claims

*Quality planning

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:30:34 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Identify the example of external failure costs.

Select correct option:

Quality planning


Material review

*Customer returns

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:31:35 AM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the grounds to give birth to total quality approach EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Obsession with quantity

Confusion and poor leadership

One employee in charge

Political disorder

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:32:59 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is viewed as a Consistent Pair?

Select correct option:

ISO 9000 and ISO 9004

ISO 1987 and ISO 1992

ISO 1992 and ISO 1997

*ISO 9001 and ISO 9004

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 12:33:40 AM ) Total Marks: 1

In which century, the US broke further from the European tradition and adopted a new
management approach developed by Frederick W. Taylor?

Select correct option:

17th century

18th century

*19th century

20th century

Next Quiz

1. All of the following are the grounds to give birth to total quality approach

A. Obsession with quantity

B. Confusion and poor leadership
C. One employee in charge
D. Political disorder

2. Which of the following was developed by Motorola to improve its processes by

minimizing defects?
A. ISO 9000
B. *Six sigma
C. QS 9000

3. Quality applies to which aspect(s) of the organization?

A. Products only
B. Products and services
C. People and product
D. *Products, services, and people

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Deming’s philosophy?

A. *It is based on improving products and services by reducing uncertainty
and variability in the design and manufacturing processes
B. Quality is either or not present in the whole organization; that quality is the
responsibility of everyone in the organization
C. Increasing conformance to specifications through elimination of defects,
supported extensively by statistical tools for analysis
D. Increasing loss, for the producer, the customer, and society, associated with
increasing variability from a target value

5. Which of the following statements, in relation to system, is TRUE for people

failing to understand the components of Profound Knowledge?
A. *They see the symptoms but not the deep causes of problems
B. They do not know when expectations are realistic
C. They do not understand motivation/why people do what they do
D. They do not know how to plan and accomplish learning and improvement

6. "Problems will remain unsolved, despite their best efforts." When this will

A. When people don’t understand systems

B. When people don’t understand psychology
C. When people don’t understand variation

D. *When people don’t understand the theory of knowledge

7. Which stage in the Shewhart Cycle implements the change on a small scale?
A. *Do stage
B. Act stage
C. Plan stage
D. Check stage

8. Which of the following s determining what to control, establishing units of

measurement so that data may be objectively evaluated?
A. Quality improvement
B. Quality planning
C. *Quality control
D. Quality process

9. All of the following steps are required for quality planning EXCEPT:
A. Determine who the customers are
B. Deploy the plans to operational levels
C. Identify customers’ needs
D. *Assess actual quality performance

10. Which of the following is an answer to the First Absolute of Quality

as summarized by Crosby; what is quality?
A. *Conformance to requirements
B. Prevention
C. Zero defects
D. Price of nonconformance

Next Quiz:

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 09:54:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Quality applies to which aspect(s) of the organization?

Select correct option:

Products only

Products and services

People and product

Products, services, and people

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 09:55:01 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Juran defines quality as “fitness for use”. This can be broken down into how many

Select correct option:





Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 09:56:24 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How many maturity levels are there in the Capability Maturity Model?

Select correct option:





Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 09:57:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is a unit for measuring process performance according to

traditional view of quality?

Select correct option:

Effective parts per thousand produced

Defective parts per thousand produced

Effective parts per hundred produced

*Defective parts per hundred produced

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 09:58:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to system, is TRUE for people failing to
understand the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

*They see the symptoms but not the deep causes of problems

They do not know when expectations are realistic

They do not understand motivation/why people do what they do

They do not know how to plan and accomplish learning and improvement

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 09:59:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to variation, is TRUE for people failing to
understand the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

They see events as individuals’ incidents rather than the net result of many interactions
and interdependent forces

*They do not know the difference between prediction, forecasting, and guesswork

They create cynicism, demoralization, de-motivation, guilt, resentment, burnout,

craziness, and turnover

They do not understand the difference between improvement and change

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 10:00:18 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models has a vertical chain of command?

Select correct option:

Organism model

*Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 10:01:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What was the role of quality professionals during 1800s?

Select correct option:

Troubleshooting and the application of statistical methods

*Inspection, sorting, counting, and grading

Quality measurement, quality planning, and program design

Goal setting, education and training, and program design

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 10:02:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the major categories and items within each category of Canadian
Awards for Business Excellence EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Customer focus

Distributor focus

People focus

Supplier focus

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 10:03:44 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How the Baldrige Award recognizes the importance of total quality principles?

Select correct option:

Through independence with overall business planning

Through a no relation with overall business planning

*Through integration with overall business planning

Through dependence with overall business planning

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 10:04:16 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following involves determining what to control, establishing units of

measurement so that data may be objectively evaluated?

Select correct option:

Quality improvement

Quality planning

*Quality control

Quality process

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 10:04:55 PM ) Total Marks: 1

After the war, Deming was invited to which of the following countries?

Select correct option:





Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 10:05:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following organizations has a little chance of survival?

Select correct option:

With no corporate philosophy about how to create long-term customer loyalty

With no corporate objectives about how to create long-term customer loyalty

With no mission about how to create long-term customer loyalty

*With no vision about how to create long-term customer loyalty

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 10:06:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who suggested that there are three categories of performance?

Select correct option:





Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 10:07:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements holds true for quality assurance?

Select correct option:

Top management's intention regarding quality

Functions determining implementation of the quality policy

*Actions to provide confidence of satisfying quality requirements

Responsibilities and processes, which implement quality management

Quiz No. 3 (Talha)

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 11:43:33 AM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE about Deming’s philosophy?

Select correct option:

*It is based on improving products and services by reducing uncertainty and

variability in the design and manufacturing processes

Quality is either or not present in the whole organization; that quality is the
responsibility of everyone in the organization

Increasing conformance to specifications through elimination of defects, supported

extensively by statistical tools for analysis

Increasing loss, for the producer, the customer, and society, associated with increasing
variability from a target value

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 11:44:22 AM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the major decision areas in supply chain management EXCEPT:

Select correct option:





Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 12:11:54 PM ) Total Marks: 1

By the mid 1970s, which markets were penetrated by the Japanese companies?

Select correct option:

*Western markets

Eastern markets

Northern markets

Southern markets

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 12:12:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The input for management review to examine the quality management system shall
include information about all of the following EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Status of preventive and corrective actions

Follow-up actions from previous management reviews

Changes that could affect the quality management system

*Improvement of product related to customer requirements

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 12:13:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Juran advocates a never-ending spiral of activities that includes all of the following

Select correct option:

Product development


Inspection and testing


Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:14:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements is TRUE for little q?

Select correct option:

*Striving for quality in a limited or specific area

Searching for specific lines of text containing a particular pattern

Matching rules encoded in a string according to certain syntax rules

Giving combination of values for the free variables

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:15:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the Total Quality Tool that is simply a graphical representation
of an outline that presents a chain of causes and effects?

Select correct option:

Check sheet

Fishbone diagram

Scatter diagram

Pareto chart

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:16:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who found that teams are seldom fully used, and their individual members are often

Select correct option:

Oakland and Schein

*Newall and Dale

Lehr and Cox

Juran and Schein

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:17:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The customer value strategy may be addressed in which of the following topics?

Select correct option:





Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:18:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following should be reviewed by the organization to identify requirements

for operations that realize products or deliver services in order to ensure compliance with

Select correct option:

Inability to comply with contractual requirements

*Training and competence of people

Problem conception

Irrelevant statutory and regulatory requirements

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:19:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who developed Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?

Select correct option:

Frederick Taylor

Joseph M. Juran

*Y. Akao

Armand Feigenbaum

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:20:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What are the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) series standards for
industries such as automobiles?

Select correct option:

ISO 9000

ISO 14000

*QS 9000

AS 9000

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:21:43 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following should be used as input to management review in order to ensure
that continual improvement is the driver for organizational development?

Select correct option:

*Performance information

Performance management

Ethical performance

Performance development

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:23:02 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following are generally easy to detect using statistical methods, and it is
usually economical to remove them?

*Common causes

Special causes

Implicit causes

Assignable causes

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 12:24:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the objective of a TQM system?

Select correct option:

*Continuous improvement

Continual improvement

Business improvement

Process improvement

Next Quiz

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 09:21:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Based in Geneva, Switzerland, International Organization for Standardization is a

consortium of the national standard bodies, which has how many countries?

More than 100

Less than 100

Less than 90

Less than 80

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 09:23:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the contributor to the work method cause in the house paint
peeling cause-and-effect diagram?

Select correct option:

Cheap solvents


Acid rain

Paint over dirt

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 09:24:28 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following concepts and tools can be used to assess internal customer needs
and to communicate internal supplier capabilities?

Select correct option:





Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 09:25:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The input for management review to examine the quality management system shall
include information about all of the following EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Status of preventive and corrective actions

Follow-up actions from previous management reviews

Changes that could affect the quality management system

*Improvement of product related to customer requirements

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 09:26:28 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What the organization must accomplish to achieve the mission, by examination and
categorization of the impacts?

Select correct option:

Critical success factors

Key process indicators

Illegal and policy factors

The enemy indicator

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 09:27:43 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who suggested, “A quality product is one that provides performance or conformance at

an acceptable price or cost"?

Select correct option:





Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 09:28:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Marketing research carried out to know whether the particular area should be covered in
this course. What the course instructor should develop?

Select correct option:

*The course meeting requirements of the university

The course meeting requirements of the instructor

The course meeting requirements of the students

The course meeting requirements of the bookseller

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 09:30:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Under which perspective of the balance scorecard, would you classify the operating cost
management measurement?

Select correct option:

The customer perspective

The business process perspective

The financial perspective

The learning & growth perspective

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 09:31:24 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the purpose of ISO 9001?

Select correct option:

*To define the minimum Quality Management System requirements needed to

achieve customer satisfaction by meeting specified product requirements

To determine metals and metalloids in airborne particulate matter by inductively coupled

plasma atomic emission spectrometry

To ensure that the IT service management processes are aligned both with the needs of
the business and with international best practice

To evaluate ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium

by determination of oxygen demand in a closed respirometer

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 09:32:16 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is a four-step quality model amongst the most widely used tools
for continuous improvement?

Select correct option:

*Deming Cycle

Juran Trilogy

Taguchi’s Loss Function

Quality Circles

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 09:33:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What was the transcendent view of quality?

Select correct option:

Satisfying customers

Meeting needs and wants

*Innate excellence


Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 09:34:18 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following focuses on results, not process, and encourages short-term

Select correct option:

*Typical American MBO system

Typical Japanese MBO system

Typical Chinese MBO system

Uncommon Chinese MBO system

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 09:35:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT the category in Baldrige Award?

Select correct option:


Business results

*Supply chain

Process management

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 09:36:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the number of principles in Dr. W. Edwards Deming's quality principles?




Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 09:37:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of functional structure?

Select correct option:

It provides organizations with a clear chain of command

*It enables employees to learn about customer expectations

It allows evaluating people based on clear set of responsibilities

It allows people to specialize in the aspect of the work

Quiz No. 4

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 06:46:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is a requirement of ISO 9000:2000?

Select correct option:

*Processes to measure and analyze customer satisfaction

An Environmental Policy to be in existence within the organization

Procedures for registration of font-related identifiers

Irregular improvement of internal process and customer satisfaction

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 06:47:17 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The management responsible for the area being audited is responsible for ensuring that
actions are taken without undue delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their
causes. Which of the following is a follow-up activity?

Select correct option:

*The verification of the actions taken

The reporting of contradiction results

The contradiction of the actions taken

The verification of contradiction results

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 06:57:48 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following total quality tools is employed in the step “plan and implement a
solution” in problem solving?

Select correct option:

4W and 1H matrix

Pareto chart

*Control chart

Scatter plot

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 06:59:05 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Under which perspective of the balance scorecard, would you classify the customer
retention measurement?

Select correct option:

The customer perspective

The business process perspective

The financial perspective

The learning & growth perspective

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 06:59:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What was the role of quality professionals during 1950s?

Select correct option:

*Troubleshooting and the application of statistical methods

Inspection, sorting, counting, and grading

Quality measurement, quality planning, and program design

Goal setting, education and training, and program design

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 07:00:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is quality?

Select correct option:

*Meeting and exceeding the customer’s expectations

Adding factors to make the customer happy

The degree to which the project meets requirements

Conformance to management’s objectives

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 07:01:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1

The quality initiatives focused initially on reducing defects and errors in products and
services with the help of which of the following?

Select correct option:

*Measurement, statistics, and other problem solving tools

Measurement, statistics and cause and effect analysis

Statistics and cause and effect analysis only

Failure modes and cause and effect analysis only

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 07:01:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following performance levels have good results and have emphasized
sustained improvement trends?

Select correct option:

Reactive approach

Stable formal system approach

Best-in-class performance

*Continual improvement emphasized

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 07:02:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Do not permit overlong examples or irrelevant discussion. This refers to which of the
following discussion skills in meetings?

Select correct option:


*Managing time

Closing the discussion

Containing digression

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 07:03:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to psychology, is TRUE for people failing
to understand the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

*They see the symptoms but not the deep causes of problems

They do not know when expectations are realistic

They do not understand motivation/why people do what they do

They do not know how to plan and accomplish learning and improvement

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 07:04:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following results in low costs?

Select correct option:

*High productivity and high capacity utilization

Low productivity and low capacity utilization

Low productivity and high capacity utilization

High productivity and low capacity utilization

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 07:05:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Under which perspective of the balance scorecard, would you classify motivated
workforce measurement?

Select correct option:

The customer perspective

The business process perspective

The financial perspective

The learning & growth perspective

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 07:05:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following models value stability?

Select correct option:

Organism model

*Mechanistic model

Cultural model

Total Quality model

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 07:06:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who stressed that systems must be focused toward a purpose?

Select correct option:





Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 07:07:58 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following leads to questioning and can be tested and validated?

Select correct option:

*Theory of knowledge


Understanding of variation

Appreciation for a system

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 07:10:06 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to variation, is TRUE for people failing to
understand the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

They see events as individuals’ incidents rather than the net result of many interactions
and interdependent forces

*They do not know the difference between prediction, forecasting, and guesswork

They create cynicism, demoralization, de-motivation, guilt, resentment, burnout,

craziness, and turnover

They do not understand the difference between improvement and change

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 07:11:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following represent short-term perspectives and do not encourage long-term
improvement as stated by Deming?

Select correct option:

*Numerical quotas

Constitutional quotas

Political party quotas

Mechanical quotas

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 07:12:41 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the followings are true for zero defects concept EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

A performance standard for management

A standard of the craftsperson regardless of his or her assignment

A tool of management to communicate to do things right the first time

A motivational, widely understood and accepted program

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 07:14:02 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who suggested, “A quality product is one that provides performance or conformance at

an acceptable price or cost"?

Select correct option:





Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 07:14:35 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following tools plots the relationship of one numeric variable to another on
a horizontal and vertical axis and determines the degree of dependency or
interdependency of those variables?

Select correct option:

*Scatter diagram

Check sheet

Fishbone diagram

Pareto chart

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 07:15:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Who warned against the use of extrinsic controls that compel behavioral changes in
people when rewards and incentive programs are seldom shifted to favor quality

Select correct option:





Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 07:16:38 PM ) Total Marks: 1

How many maturity levels are there in the Capability Maturity Model?

Select correct option:





Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 07:17:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which one of the following depicts aesthetics, which is a dimension of quality?

Select correct option:

*Exterior finish

Quality of work

Ranking first

Ease of repair

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 07:18:28 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following firms solely owns the entire material flow and each channel
member operates independently?

Select correct option:

Horizontal integrated firms

Backward vertical integrated firms

Vertical integrated firms

Conglomerate integrated firms

Quiz Start Time: 07:10 PM Time Left 85


Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 07:19:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT the deadly disease according to Deming?

Select correct option:

Excessive medical costs

*Excessive transportation costs

Lack of constancy of purpose

Mobility of management

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 07:21:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which stage in the Shewhart Cycle uses data and facts to analyze the results of the

Select correct option:

Do stage

Act stage

Plan stage

*Check stage

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 07:21:54 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Why product-based definitions of quality suit engineers?

Select correct option:

They are concerned with designing of the products

They can judge quality

They can reduce specific standards

*They are concerned with translating product requirements into specific

components and physical dimensions thereby produced

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 07:23:08 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the elements of a TQM system EXCEPT:

Select correct option:





Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 07:24:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the contributor to the equipment cause in the house paint
peeling cause-and-effect diagram?

Select correct option:

Cheap solvents


Bad brush bristle

Paint over dirt

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 07:24:24 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is viewed as a Consistent Pair?

Select correct option:

ISO 9000 and ISO 9004

ISO 1987 and ISO 1992

ISO 1992 and ISO 1997

*ISO 9001 and ISO 9004

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 07:17:17 PM ) Total Marks: 1

All of the following are the objectives achieved simultaneously for the sustained growth
to be recognized EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Customer satisfaction

Effective leadership

Effective human resources

Integration with the supplier base

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 07:18:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Some organizations emphasizes the use of quality tools but failed to do which of the

Select correct option:

Focus on what is truly important to the distributors

*Incorporate continuous improvement efforts

Make fundamental changes in their processes and culture

Focus on what is truly important to the customer

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 07:18:53 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following tools has a weakness that it does not tell whether the variation is
the result of special causes or common causes?

Select correct option:


Check sheet

Pareto chart

Run chart

All of the following are Juran’s basic steps to progress EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

Achieve structured improvements on a continual basis combined with dedication and a

sense of urgency

Establish an extensive training program

*Establish an extensive marketing program

Establish commitment and leadership on the part of higher management

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 07:20:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following statements, in relation to theory of knowledge, is TRUE for

people failing to understand the components of Profound Knowledge?

Select correct option:

They see events as individuals’ incidents rather than the net result of many interactions
and interdependent forces

*They do not know the difference between prediction, forecasting, and guesswork

They create cynicism, demoralization, de-motivation, guilt, resentment, burnout,

craziness, and turnover

They do not understand the difference between improvement and change

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 07:21:09 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following performance levels is a systematic process-based approach, early

stage of systematic improvements?

Select correct option:

No formal approach

Reactive approach

*Stable formal system approach

Best-in-class performance

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 07:21:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1

In creative problem solving, which of the following refers to brainstorming?

Select correct option:

Mess Finding

Fact Finding

Problem Finding

Idea Finding

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 07:22:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following describes a complete data set?

Select correct option:

Measures of dispersion

Measures of central tendency

Deductive statistics

Inductive statistics

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 07:22:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following tools represents the entire process at a high or detailed
(depending on your use) level of observation, allowing analysis and optimization of

Select correct option:

Check sheet

Pareto diagram

Flow chart


Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 07:23:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of the organizations operating

according to the principles of quality management?

Select correct option:

A total commitment to continually increasing value for customers, investors, and


A firm understanding that market driven means that quality is defined by customers, not
the company

A commitment to leading people with a bias for broken improvement and


*A commitment to fundamental improvement through knowledge, skills, problem

solving, and teamwork

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 07:24:12 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Ahmad has organized a manual data collection in such a way as to be easily used,
understood and analyzed automatically. Which of the following Ahmad has prepared?

Select correct option:

Check sheet

Pareto diagram

Flow chart


Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 07:24:53 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is TRUE for design and development outputs under ISO
9001:2000 - Quality Management Systems ?

Select correct option:

It Identifies of and corrects against potential conformance

It is used where excess in product will only be apparent in use

It is Insignificance and concealment of significant features of the processes

*It meets the input requirements for design and development

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 07:25:26 PM ) Total Marks: 1

What is the purpose of the Control Chart?

Select correct option:

*To indicate variations, trends, and the amount of change from one time period to

To show where to apply resources by revealing the significant few from the trivial many

To provide a scientific approach to gathering information to improve the validity of

decisions and interventions

To monitor effects of the variables on the difference between target and actual

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 07:25:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the following is the contributor to the work method cause in the house paint
peeling cause-and-effect diagram?

Select correct option:

Cheap solvents


Acid rain

Paint over dirt
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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Total Quality Management (TQM) – Set 1

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1-Malcolm Baldrige national quality award is for (MBNQA)

a. Total Quality Management

b. International Standard Organization
c. Total Productive Maintenance
d. Total Quality Control


2-The process mapping is a ______ diagram.

a. Data flow
b. Work flow
c. Circular
d. Audit


3-Control chart is a  1/4
5/6/2020 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Total Quality Management (TQM) – Set 1 - Scholarexpress

Categories a. Process monitoring tool

c. Both (a) and (b)
Engineering (48)


Papers (6)
4-The objective of ISO-9000 family of Quality management is IT Question Papers (4) ME Question Papers (6) a. Customer satisfaction

b. Employee satisfaction
CBSE 10th Objective Questions (13) c. Skill enhancement
CBSE Objective Questions (13) d. Environmental issues

Civil Engineering (2)

Computer Science Engineering (8)
Environmental Science (27)

General Studies (133) 5-Total Quality Management (TQM) focuses on

Management Studies (108) a. Employee

Mathematics (1) b. Customer
c. Both (a) and (b)
MCQ on ages (1) d. None of the above
MCQ on area and volume (4)

MCQ on Automobile Engineering (24) (Ans:c)

MCQ on Electrical engineering (13)  

MCQ on Engineering Drawing (3)
6-Which of the following is responsible for quality objective?
MCQ on Fluid machinery / Turbo
machines (2) a. Top level management
b. Middle level management
MCQ on Fluid mechanics (6) c. Frontline management
MCQ on General aptitude (17)
d. All of the above

MCQ on General awareness (46)

MCQ on General Science (9)
MCQ on HCF and LCM (1)

MCQ on height and distance (1) 7-The following is (are) the machine down time.

MCQ on logical reasoning (2) a. Waste

MCQ on Manufacturing management (28) b. No material
c. Breakdown
MCQ on Manufacturing processes (38) d. All of the above
MCQ on mean, mode and median (2)
MCQ on Mechanical engineering (15)

MCQ on mechanics (5)  

MCQ on numbers (3)

8-TQM & ISO both focuses on
MCQ on percentage (3)
a. Customer
MCQ on Power plant engineering (11) b. Employee
MCQ on pro t, loss and discount (3) c. Supplier
d. All of the above
MCQ on Refrigeration and air
conditioning (7)
MCQ on series (3)
MCQ on simple and compound interest

MCQ on speed, distance and time (1)

MCQ on Strength of materials (12)

MCQ on Theory of machines (15) 9-According to Deming, Quality problems are  2/4
5/6/2020 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Total Quality Management (TQM) – Set 1 - Scholarexpress

MCQ on Thermodynamics (3) a. Due to management

b. Due to CIVIL
MCQ on work done and time (1) c. Due to machine
Mechanical Engineering (136)

Science (13)
Uncategorized (25)

10-While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered.

a. Material quality
b. Customer need
c. Market demand
d. All of the above


11-Match The Following

A. TQM promotes 1. Small change

B. Kaizen is 2. Continuous improvement

C. Quality circle can solve problem related to 3. Employee participation

D. Quality circle benefit to 4. Employee

The correct order is

advertising and sales management mcq assignment on quality managem

class 10 cbse mcq questions gishiki mcq

a. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4

b. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4
c. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
d. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4


12-_______ helps organization reduce employee turnover and absenteeism.

list of quality management systems master total quality manageme

operation management mcq with answers advertising and sales management

a. Job design
b. Training & development
c. Wage revision
d. All of the above


13-CMM stands for

a. Capability maturity model

b. Capability monitoring model
c. Capability measuring model 3/4
5/6/2020 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Total Quality Management (TQM) – Set 1 - Scholarexpress
d. Capability matching model





14-While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered.

a. Customer need
b. Organizational need
c. Supplier need
d. Worker need


15-Which of the following is for Environment management?

a. ISO-9000
b. ISO-14000
c. ISO-26000
d. ISO-31000


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GE6757- Total Quality Management

Multiple Choice Questions- Answer Key

Unit -1 Introduction
1 How a quality can be quantified D
A. Performance + Expectations
B. Performance X Expectations
C. Performance – Expectations
D. Performance / Expectations
Quality can be quantified by
Quality (Q) = Performance (P) /Expectations (E)
So option D is correct
2 Traditional culture of quality requirements focuses on A
A. Product oriented
B. Process oriented
C. Customer oriented
D. Supplier oriented
Traditional culture of quality requirements is Product oriented, whereas TQM culture is Process oriented.
So option A is correct
3 American quality guru who took the message of quality to Japan D
A. Genichi Taguchi
B. Masaaki Imai
C. Shigeo Shingo
D. W. Edwards Deming
American quality Guru’s are W. Edward Deming, Walter Shewhart, Philip Crosby, Joseph M Juran.
So option D is correct
4 PDCA cycle is the contribution of D
A. Walter Shewhart
B. Philip Crosby
C. Genichi Taguchi
D. W. Edward Deming
W. Edward Deming contributions are
1. Deming’s 14 points route to quality
2. Deming Cycle or PDCA cycle
3. Seven deadly diseases of Management
4. System of profound knowledge
So option D is Correct
5 In TQM , the contributions of quality Guru W. Edward Deming D
A. Deming’s 14 points
B. Deming’s Cycle
C. System of profound knowledge
D. All the above
W. Edward Deming contributions are
1. Deming’s 14 points route to quality
2. Deming Cycle or PDCA cycle
3. Seven deadly diseases of Management
4. System of profound knowledge
So option D is Correct
6 Which one is Juran’s “three- role model” A
A. Supplier – Process – Customer
B. Customer - Process – Customer
C. Process – Customer – Supplier
D. Process – Supplier – Customer
Juran’s “Three role model” is Supplier – Process – Customer
So option A is correct
7 In TQM, how many elements are there in Quality statements C
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Quality statements has three elements
1. Vision statement
2. Mission statement
3. Quality policy statement
So option C is correct
8 What are the elements of Quality statements D
A. Vision statement
B. Mission statement
C. Quality policy statement
D. All the above
Quality statements has three elements
1. Vision statement
2. Mission statement
3. Quality policy statement
So option D is correct
9 Quality Trilogy is the contributions of C
A. Walter Shewhart
B. Philip Crosby
C. Joseph M Juran
D. W. Edward Deming
Juran’s Contributions are
1. Internal customer
2. Cost of quality
3. Fitness of Use
4. Quality trilogy
5. Juran’s 10 steps for quality improvement
6. Breakthrough concept
So option C is correct
10 In TQM , the contributions of quality Guru Joseph M Juran D
A. Internal Customer
B. Cost of Quality
C. Breakthrough Concept
D. All the above
Juran’s Contributions are
1. Internal customer
2. Cost of quality
3. Quality trilogy
4. Fitness of Use
5. Juran’s 10 steps for quality improvement
6. Breakthrough concept
So option D is correct
11 The contributions of quality Guru Philip Crosby in TQM D
A. PDCA Cycle
B. Quality trilogy
D. Concept of Zero defects
Philip Crosby’s contributions are
1. Four absolutes of quality
2. 14 steps to quality management
3. Crosby’s quality vaccine
4. Concept of Zero defects
So option D is correct
12 The contribution of Four absolute of Quality is given by B
A. Walter Shewhart
B. Philip Crosby
C. Joseph M Juran
D. W. Edward Deming
Philip Crosby’s contributions are
1. Four absolutes of quality
2. 14 steps to quality management
3. Crosby’s quality vaccine
4. Concept of Zero defects
So option B is correct
13 Cost of quality is given by costs of A
A. Prevention + Appraisal +Internal failure +External failure
B. Prevention + Appraisal
C. Internal failure + External failure
D. Appraisal + Internal failure
Cost of quality = Prevention cost + Appraisal cost + Internal failure cost + External failure cost
So option A is correct
14 In components of CoQ, Cost of good quality contains C
A. Prevention cost
B. Appraisal cost
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
CoQ of good quality = Prevention cost + Appraisal cost
So option C is correct
15 In components of CoQ, Cost of poor quality contains C
A. Internal failure cost
B. External failure cost
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
CoQ of good quality = Internal failure cost + External failure cost
So option C is correct
16 The Teboul’s customer satisfaction model depends on C
A. Company offer
B. Customer needs
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Teboul’s customer satisfaction model is the intersection of Company offer and Customer needs
So option C is correct
17 Customer perception on quality contains D
A. Performance
B. Features
C. Service
D. All the above
Customer perception on quality are performance, Features, Service, Warranty, Price and Reputation
So option D is correct
18 Tools used for collecting customer complaints D
A. Comment cards
B. Focus groups
C. Toll free Telephone numbers
D. All the above
Tools used for receiving customer complaints 1. Comment Cards 2. Customer Questionnaire 3.
Post-transaction surveys 4. Employee feedback 5.Focus groups 6.Toll free Telephone numbers.
So option D is correct

19 PDCA cycle stands for A

A. Plan Do Check Act
B. Plan Did Check Act
C. Process Do Check Act
D. Process Did Check Acknowledge
PDCA cycle stands for Plan Do Check Act as per E. Deming
So option A is correct
20 Dimensions of quality contains D
A. Performance
B. Reliability
C. Conformance
D. All the above
Dimensions of quality contain Performance, features, usability, conformance to standards/specifications,
reliability, durability, maintainability.
So option D is correct
21 TQM culture of quality requirements focuses on B
A. Product oriented
B. Process oriented
C. Customer oriented
D. Supplier oriented
TQM culture of quality requirements is Process oriented, whereas Traditional culture is Product oriented.
So option B is correct
22 Dimensions of Service quality contains D
A. Tangibles
B. Reliability
C. Assurance
D. All the above
Dimensions of Service quality contains Tangibles , Reliability, Assurance, empathy, Responsiveness
So option D is correct
23 Japanese quality guru who developed new concepts in response to the American gurus C
A. Walter Shewhart
B. Philip Crosby
C. Genichi Taguchi
D. W. Edward Deming
Japanese quality guru are Genichi Taguchi, Masaaki Imai, Shigeo Shingo.
So option C is correct
24 In TQM, the customer need can be understandable by which model B
A. Taguchi Model
B. Kano Model
C. Deming Model
D. Kaizen Model
Kano proposed a model to understand the customer need. Whereas others contributions are not with respect
to customer need.
So option B is correct
25 The most common techniques used for analyzing the quality costs are C
A. Trend Analysis
B. Pareto Analysis
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
The techniques used for analyzing the quality costs are Trend Analysis and Pareto Analysis
So option C is correct
26 In continuous improvement, PDSA stands for A
A. Plan Do Study Act
B. Plan Did Study Act
C. Process Do Study Act
D. Process Did Study Acknowledge
PDSA stands for Plan Do Study Act
So option A is correct
27 The system for causing quality is preventive, not appraisal is B
A. First absolute
B. Second absolute
C. Third absolute
D. Fourth absolute
First absolute: Definition of Quality
Second absolute: The system for causing quality is preventive, not appraisal
Third absolute: Zero defect
Fourth absolute: The measurement of quality is the price of non-conformance, not indexes
So option B is correct
28 The Quality as “ Fitness of Use” is given by C
A. Walter Shewhart
B. Philip Crosby
C. Joseph M Juran
D. W. Edward Deming
Juran’s Contributions are
1. Internal customer
2. Cost of quality
3. Fitness of Use
4. Quality trilogy
5. Juran’s 10 steps for quality improvement
6. Breakthrough concept
So option C is correct
29 Cost generated before the before a product is shipped as a result of non-conformance to B
requirements is
A. Appraisal cost
B. Internal failure cost
C. External failure cost
D. Prevention cost
Internal failure cost: Cost generated before the before a product is shipped as a result of non-conformance
to requirements.
External failure cost: Cost generated before the after a product is shipped as a result of non-conformance to
So option B is correct
30 The expression of dissatisfaction with a product either orally or written is C
A. Customer retention
B. Customer satisfaction
C. Customer complaints
D. Customer service
Customer complaint is defined as The expression of dissatisfaction with a product either orally or written.
So option C is correct
UNIT-II TQM Principles
31 Success of each organization is depending on the performance of c
a) Employer
b) Management
c) Employee
d) Vendor
Employee involvement improves the quality and productivity at all levels of organization.
So option c is correct
32 A satisfied employee will be a b
a) Manager
b) High performer
c) Motivator to others
d) Team leader
A satisfied employee will improve their work continuously, find new goals and change challenges.
So option b is correct

33 Motivation includes d
a) Job satisfaction
b) Job enrichment
c) Job enlargement
d) All of the above
Motivation promotes job satisfaction and thus reduces absenteeism and turnover.
So option d is correct
34 Which is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals? b
a) Bonus
b) Motivation
c) Performance based incentive
d) Promotion
Motivation is the process of inducing people inner drives and action towards certain goals.
So option b is correct
35 Which theory emphasizes that, Unsatisfied need can influence the behavior, satisfied one will a
not act as a motivator?
a) Maslow Theory
b) Herzberg’s Theory
c) Expectancy theory
d) Alderfer’s ERG theory
Maslow emphasizes that any unsatisfied need, whether of lower order or higher order, will
motivate individuals.
So option a is correct
36 Which of the following is responsible for quality objective? a
a) Top level management
b) Middle level management
c)Frontline management
d)All of the above
It is the responsibility of top management to implement and maintain the quality policy.
So option a is correct
37 EMS stands for a
a)Environmental management system
b)Employees management system
c)Engineering management system
d)Equipment management system
An Environmental management system focuses resources on meeting the commitments identified
in the organization's policy.
So option a is correct
38 Maslow says that Human beings are full of needs & wants. And these needs will lead to b
a) Job
b) Behavior
c) Attitude
d) Motivation
Maslow hierarchy states that a lower level must be completely satisfied and fulfilled before moving
onto a higher pursuit.
So option b is correct.
39 The Need which improves the confidence level of an employee is d
a) Social
b) Safety
c) Basic
d) Esteem
Self esteem needs include those for self confidence, achievement, self-respect etc
So option d is correct.
40 Which of the following is not a part of hygiene factor of two factor theory c
a) Company policy
b) Administration
c) Responsibilities
d) Interpersonal Relations
Hygiene factors are necessary to maintain a reasonable level of satisfaction among employees.
So option c is correct.
41 Responsibility, Advancement etc are example of a
a) Motivators
b) Hygiene factors
c) Improvement factors
d) Advance factors
Total quality management is a great motivator for employees as it taps their intellectual treasure
for the success of the organization.
So option a is correct.

42 Continual improvement is in d
a) Environmental objective
b) Audit Result
c) Corrective action
d) All of the above
Continual improvement is an ongoing effort to improve products, services, or processes.
So option d is correct.
43 Kaizen is a
a) Small change
b) Big improvement
c) Sudden impact
d) All of the above
Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "change for the better" or "continuous improvement."
So option a is correct.

44 While setting Quality objective, which need is to be considered. b

a) Organization need
b) Customer need
c) Employees need
d) All of the above
Quality objectives are measurable goals relevant to enhancing customer satisfaction and are
consistent with the quality policy.
So option b is correct.
45 Plan-do-study-act cycle is a procedure to b

a) Overall improvement
b) Continuous improvement
c) Permanent improvement
d) Immediate improvement

PDSA cycle is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and
continuous improvement of processes and products
So option b is correct.
46 Quality practices must be carried out b

a. at the start of the project

b. throuout the life of the project
c. at the end of the project
d. no need to carry out quality practices


Quality practices, such as, teamwork and participation, customer focus and satisfaction, continuous
improvement, were identified as best practices for TQM implementation.
So option b is correct.
47 Quality Trilogy includes d

a) Quality planning
b) quality improvement
c) quality control
d) All the three


Juran's trilogy," an approach to cross-functional management that is composed of three

managerial processes: quality planning, quality control and quality improvement.

So option d is correct.
48 Kaizen is a – process the purpose of which goes beyond simple productivity improvement. b

a) weekly
b) daily
c) monthly
d) annual

Kaizen focuses on applying small, daily changes that result in major improvements over time.
So option b is correct.
49 “Poko-Yoke” is the Japanese term for b

a) Card
b) Fool proof
c) Continuous improvement
d) Fishbone diagram

SEIKETSU practices such as colour coding, Fool Proofing, Responsibility labels can be followed
at the workplace.
So option b is correct.
50 Identify the cost not likely to reduce as a result of better quality. a

a) Maintenance costs
b) Inspection costs
c) Scrap costs
d) Warranty and service costs

Maintenance cost are incurred not to reduce as a result of better quality
So option a is correct.
51 Quality Management includes forming and directing a team of people to achieve a b
qualitative goal within an effective cost and time frame that results in

a) a project completed in shortest possible time.

b) a product or service that conforms to the required specifications.
c) an award-winning product that brings public recognition to the project
d) an innovative project that establishes qualification of the project team

Organizations seek sustained success through the implementation of a quality management system
So option b is correct.
52 Quality fulfils a need or expectation that is d

a) Explicitly stated
b) Implied
c) Legally required
d) All of the above

Quality refers to the set of inherent properties of an object that allows satisfying stated or implied
So option d is correct.

53 Which of the following is not a target of Total Quality Management b

a) Customer Satisfaction
b) Reducing manpower
c) Continuous Cost Reduction
d) Continuous Operational Improvement

Total quality management (TQM) describes a management approach to long-term success
through customer satisfaction.
So option b is correct.
54 The roof of House of Quality shows the interrelationship between b

a) Functional Requirements
b) Design Attributes
c) Service Process
d) Manufacturing Process

HOQ is considered the primary tool used during quality function deployment to help facilitate group
decision making.
So option b is correct.
55 Two major component of fitness of use are Quality Design and a

a) Quality of Conformance
b) Quality of Service
c) Quality of Specification
d) Quality of Manufacturing

The degree to which products conform to essential requirements and meet the needs of users for
which they are intended.
So option a is correct.
56 Which is the set of activities that ensures the quality levels of product and services are a
properly maintained and that supplier and customer quality issues are properly resolved?

a) Quality Assurance
b) Quality Planning
c) Quality Control
d) Quality Management

Quality Assurance (QA) is defined as an activity to ensure that an organization is providing the best
possible product or service to customers.
So option a is correct.

57 Which of the following are responsible for Quality objective? a

a) Top level management
b) Middle level management
c) Frontline management
d) All of the above

Top level management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the
quality management system.
So option a is correct.
58 While setting Quality objective, which need has to be considered. a

a) Customer need
b) Organizational need
c) Supplier need
d) Worker need

A customer need is a motive that prompts a customer to buy a product or service.
So option a is correct.
59 The role of management is to d

a) provide Resources
b) define EMS
c) monitor the effectiveness of the system
d) All of the above

Management responsibilities are to ensure operational efficiency, financial reporting quality, and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules, and standards.
So option d is correct.
60 Which refers to general processes of improvement and encompasses discontinuous b

a) Continuous improvement
b) Continual improvement
c) Constant improvement
d) Consecutive improvement

Continual improvement is the ongoing improvement of products, services or processes through
incremental and breakthrough improvements.
So option b is correct.
61 Which of the following is not a process tool for TQM C

A. process flow analysis

B. histograms

C. plier
D. control charts

Explanation: A process flow chart is a logical, relatively easy to understand chart, which displays
how a process operates via using standard symbols to represent activity.Control used to study how
a process changes over time. The Histogram is a kind of bar chart showing a distribution of variables
or causes of problems. But plier is not a TQM tool.It is a manufacturing tool.
62 The charts that identify the potential causes for a particular quality problem. C

A. Control Chart
B. Flow chart
C. Cause and Effect Diagram
D. Pareto chart

Explanation: Control used to study how a process changes over time. The Histogram is a kind of
bar chart showing a distribution of variables or causes of problems. Flowcharting is typically used
to map a process flow showing the beginning of a process, decision points, and the end of the
process. A Pareto Chart is a graph that indicates the frequency of defects, as well as their cumulative
impact. Cause and Effect Diagrams are charts that identify the potential causes for a particular
quality problem.
63 In six sigma, which of the following is defined as any process output that does not meet customer D

A. Error
B. Cost
C. Quality
D. Defect

Explanation: Six Sigma strategies seek to improve the quality of the output of a process by
identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimizing impact variability in manufacturing
and business processes.
64 A Fish bone diagram is also known as A

A. cause-and-effect diagram
B. poka-yoke diagram
C. Kaizen diagram
D. Taguchi diagram

Explanation: The fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram is a cause-and-effect diagram that

helps managers to track down the reasons for imperfections, variations, defects, or failures.
The diagram looks just like a fish's skeleton with the problem at its head and the causes for the
problem feeding into the spine.
65 A maturity model can be used as the benchmark for comparison and an aid to understanding A

C. depends
D. can't say

Explanation: Benchmarking is a process of measuring the performance of a company's products,
services, or processes against those of another business considered to be the best in the industry, aka
“best in class.” The point of benchmarking is to identify internal opportunities for improvement.
66 DMAIC is C

A. develop, multiply, analyze, improve, check

B. define, multiply, analyze, improve, control
C. define, measure, analyze, improve, control
D. define, manufacture, analyze, improve, control

Explanation: Define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC) is a data-driven quality
strategy used to improve processes. The letters in the acronym represent the five phases that make
up the process, including the tools to use to complete those phases
67 Check sheet is used during which part of DMAIC B

A. Define
B. Measure
C. Analyze
D. Improve

Explanation: Check Sheets are best used when the data can be collected by the same person or
in the same location. Therefore it is in measure phase.
68 Presence of one of the following after every stage of DMAIC allows for review of project and B
incorporation of suggestions.

A. Review gate
B. Toll gate
C. Decision gate
D. None of these

Explanation: A DMAIC tollgate (also called a “phase-gate” or “stage-gate”) is a checkpoints

allowing you to proceed through the DMAIC model. It marks your project officially progressing
from one stage to the next.
69 The Toyota production system is based on two pillars namely C

A. Kaizen, Six Sigma

B. Lean, Six Sigma
C. Just in Time, Jidoka
D. Just in Time, Kaizen

Explanation:Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, also known as just-in-time production or the

Toyota Production System (TPS), is a methodology aimed primarily at reducing times within
the production system as well as response times from suppliers and to customers.
Jidoka is a Lean method that is widely-adopted in manufacturing and product development. Also
known as autonomation, it is a simple way of protecting your company from delivering products of
low quality or defects to your customers while trying to keep up your takt time.
70 The diagram shows the location of defect in any unit. This diagram is used in the analyze step of C

A. Affinity

B. Relations
C. Defect Concentration
D. Scatter

Explanation: The defect concentration diagram is a graphical tool that is useful in analyzing the
causes of the product or part defects.
71 Which of the diagram is used to identify what might go wrong in a plan under development B

A. Pareto Chart
C. Arrow Diagram
D. Matrix Diagram

Explanation: The process decision program chart (PDPC) is a tool used to systematically identifies
what might go. Obtain or develop a tree diagram of the proposed plan.
72 The standard normal distribution has mean and standard deviation, B

A. 1,0
B. 0,1
C. 0,0
D. 1,1

Explanation: The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with a mean of zero
and standard deviation of 1.

73 The six sigma improvement project the least experienced individuals are A

A. Green Belt
B. Black belts
C. Red Belts
D. Master Black Belts

Explanation: In six sigma training certificates, varies ranking levels are there, that are belt level
rankings. A Green Belt has expertise in Six Sigma and has set their feet on the path toward
74 Which of the following is not a use of arrow diagrams D

A. Determining the best schedule for the entire project

B. Potential Scheduling problem and solution
C. Calculate critical path of the project

D. Identifying defects in a process

Explanation: The arrow diagramming method (ADM) refers to a schedule

network diagramming technique in which the schedule activities within a given project are
represented by the use of arrows. The beginning of the schedule activity is represented by the tail,
or base, of the arrow.
75 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, which prioritizes different sources of error is used in one of the D
following stage

A. Define
B. Measure
C. Improve
D. Analyze

Explanation:Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA; often written with "failure modes" in
plural) is the process of reviewing as many components, assemblies, and subsystems as possible to
identify potential failure modes in a system and their causes and effects.
76 What is the aim of fool proofing technique used for total quality management? A
A. to achieve zero defects
B. to specify time schedules
C. to specify targets
D. none of the above
Explanation: A poka-yoke is any mechanism in any process that helps an equipment operator
avoid (yokeru) mistakes (poka). .... Its purpose is to eliminate product defects by preventing,
correcting, or drawing attention to human errors as they occur.
77 Which of the following statements is/are false? D

1. Fault tree analysis method is used to determine reliability of product

2. The goal of Six Sigma is to reduce number of defects to 2.4 parts per billion
3. Six sigma is represented by normal distribution curve
4. Poka yoke is a policy which prevents occurrence of human errors
A. Only statement 3
B. Statement 2 and statement 3
C. Statement 1, 3 and 4
D. Only statement 2
Explanation: The goal of Six Sigma is to increase profits by eliminating variability, defects and
waste that undermine customer loyalty. Six Sigma can be understood/perceived at three levels:
Metric: 3.4 Defects Per Million Opportunities.
78 Benchmarking determines C

A. Customer requirements
B. Process capability
C. How company is doing relative to others
D. Getting ISO 9000 audit done
E. If management is motivated

Explanation:Benchmarking can become a tool to sustain this new TQM paradigm, providing a
means to increase an organization's competitive performance by a comparison with the best-in-
79 Old Management Tools B
A. Affinity diagram
B. Decision Matrix
C. Flow chart
D. All of these,
Explanation: New 7 tools
Affinity Diagram.
Arrow Diagram.
Matrix Diagram.
Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC)
Relations Diagram.
Tree Diagram.

80 Need for new management Tools D

A. Promote innovation
B. Communicate information
C. Successfully plan projects
D. All of these
E. None of these
Explanation: New tools are more relational and network oriented. New tools may take more
practice to develop proficiency.
81 Bench marking process are D
A. Introgation
B. Action
C. Maturity
D. All the above
Explanation: The key steps in benchmarking process are divided into five phases starting with
the planning phase and evolving through analysis, integration, action, and finally maturity.
82 Types of Bench Marking (BM) E
A. Internal BM
B. Competitive BM
C. Functional BM
D. Generic BM
E. All the above
Explanation: There are four main types of benchmarking: internal, Competitive ,Functional,
Generic BM.
83 Reliability of a product means D

i. Consistency of performance
ii. Performance over period
iii. Free of technical errors

The correct order is

A. i& iii
B. i& ii
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

Explanation:Reliability is defined as the probability that a product, system, or service will

perform its intended function adequately for a specified period of time, or will operate in a defined
environment without failure.
84 Failure Rate is C
A. Engineering system fails per hour
B. Component fails per hour
C. Both.
D. None of the above.
Explanation:Failure rate is the frequency with which an engineered system or component fails,
expressed for example in failures per hour. It is often denoted by the Greek letter λ (lambda) and
is important in reliability theory.
85 Types of FMEA C
A. Process FMEA
B. Design FMEA
C. Both
D. None of these.
Explanation: There are two important types of FMEA are Process FMEA, Design FMEA.
86 Classifications of FMEA E
A. Equipment FMEA
B. Maintenance FMEA
C. Service FMEA
D. System FMEA
E. All the above
Explanation: Classification of FMEA: System FMEA, Design FMEA, Process FMEA,
Service FMEA, Equipment FMEA, Maintenance FMEA, Concept FMEA, Environmental FMEA
87 Professionals, if they have not undergone a formal certification program of six sigma. The C
following belt will be.
A. Green belt
B. Black belt
C. White belt
D. Yellow belt
Explanation: Professionals are considered Six Sigma White Belts if they have not undergone a
formal certification program or extended training.
88 The Zero defect concept D

A. Is a performance standard for management

B. Is a motivational technique that promotes "doing it right the first time"
C. Is used by management to communicate to all employees that everyone should do things
right the first time
D. A and C
E. B and C

Explanation: Zero Defects is a management tool aimed at the reduction of defects through
prevention. It is directed at motivating people to prevent mistakes by developing a constant,
conscious desire to do their job right the first time." — Zero Defects: A New Dimension in Quality
89 The concept of Zero inventory is called C

A. Six sigma
B. Continuous improvement
C. Just in Time
D. Zero defects

Explanation: A system in which a company keeps no or very little inventory in storage, simply
ordering exactly what it needs to sell and receiving it in a timely manner. Zero inventory is the goal
of just-in-time inventory management and the two terms are sometimes used to mean the same
90 Some organizations today are using six sigma to set the upper and lower limits on control charts B
rather than the traditional sigmas

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
E. twelve

Explanation: Control limits on a control chart are commonly drawn at 3s from the center line
because 3-sigma limits are a good balance point between two types of errors: Type I or alpha errors
occur when a point falls outside the control limits even though no special cause is operating.
91 Which statistical technique integrates product design and manufacturing process? d
a) Tree analysis
b) Problem solving techniques
c) Quality function deployment
d) Taguchi approach
Explanation: Taguchi’s approach for quality combines statistical methods and engineering to
achieve rapid movement in quality and cost by optimising the design of a product. It integrates
manufacturing process and product design.

92 What is the key step in Taguchi’s approach? c

a) Tolerance design
b) System design
c) Parameter design
d) Process design
Explanation: Taguchi’s approach is based on integrating system design (initial design stage),
parameter design (Testing various material combinations) and tolerance design (buying material of
better grade). Parameter design is the key step as it offers the concept of uncontrollable factor.

93 What is called the stratification of information? a

a) Breaking down a whole group into smaller sub groups
b) Isolating the vital few from the trivial many

c) Grouping of scattered information
d) Sequencing of processes in a quality system
Explanation: Stratification of information is one of the statistical tools which means breaking
down of the whole group into smaller sub-groups. Run charts, effect diagram, pareto diagram and
scatter diagrams are also the statistical tools.

94 Which technique is used to relate complex cause and effect relationships? d

a) Affinity diagram
b) Pareto diagram
c) Scatter diagram
d) Interrelationship diagram
Explanation: Interrelationship diagram is a quality improvement technique which shows the
relationship between inter-related factors. This diagram displays the factors which are involved in
complex problems.

95 What is PDPC? b
a) A statistical tool
b) Quality improvement technique
c) Quality assurance technique
d) Statistical process control technique
Explanation: PDPC is process decision program chart which helps in the selection of the best
process to obtain desired result. It is a quality improvement technique. It evaluates existing
process and also look at alternatives.

96 What is the first step in problem solving process? a

a) Plan
b) Do
c) Check
d) Action
Problems are best solved by the cycle: Plan-Do-Check-Action. In planning, a course of action is
planned according to customer requirement and conditions of service then the process must be
executed according to this plan.

97 How many control charts are normally used for statistical control of variables? c
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Explanation: Three control charts are normally used for statistical control of variables. These are
i) Mean chart, ii) Range chart, and iii) standard deviation charts. Control charts help in the
understanding of inherent capability of process and bring the process under control.

98 Which tool is used to analyse the effects of a failure of individual components on the system? b
a) FTA
c) Quality circles
d) Fool proofing

Explanation: Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a statistical tool used to review the
new product design with respect to the requirements of customers before it is sent to production. It
is used basically to analyse the failure effect of individual components on the system as a whole.

99 What is the formula for process capability index? a

a) (1-K)Cp
b) (1+K)Cp
c) (1-Cp)K
d) (1+Cp)K
Explanation: Process capability index is also known as measure of process capability and
denoted by Cpk. Cpk = (1-K)*Cp. K is the correction factor and always has a positive value. C p is
the process capability potential also known as process capability variation and is equal to the
(Specification width divided by process width).

100 What is arrow diagram in TQM? a

a) A diagram used to plan the most appropriate schedule
b) Diagram shows the relationship strength between the variables
c) Used large amount of data and organise it on the basis of natural relationship between items
d) Diagram showing the sequencing and inter relationships between factors
Explanation: Arrow diagram is a statistical tool used to plan the most appropriate schedule for
any task and to effectively control it during the progress of the process. Arrow diagram helps in
establishing the most suitable plan for a project.

101 What is the aim of fool proofing technique used for total quality management? a
a. to achieve zero defects
b. to specify time schedules
c. to specify targets
d. none of the above
- The use of fool proofing technique eliminates human errors. Its aim is to obtain zero defects.
- To avoid such errors certain devices are used which produce visual or sonic alarm when errors
- Proper lightening, clean working conditions and avoiding long hours of work can reduce errors.

102 Match the following group 1 items with group 2 items 1–

1. Sort ------------------------------------------------- A. Seitan C,
2. Set in order----------------------------------------- B. Seiketsu 2–
3. Shine ------------------------------------------------ C. Seiri A,
4. Standardize ---------------------------------------- D. Seiso 3–
a. 1 – D, 2 – A, 3 – B, 4 – C D,
b. 1 – C, 2 – A, 3 – D, 4 – B 4–
c. 1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – A, 4 – D B
d. 1 –A, 2 – C, 3 – D, 4 – B
Explanation: The 5S are as follows:
1) Sort: In this step unnecessary items are eliminated by placing a red flag on them.
2) Set in order: This step helps in effective storage of items in an organized way.
3) Shine: This step refers to cleaning of work piece.
4) Standardize: According to this step, standards assigned in the organization are to be followed

by workers and the duties are to be pre-assigned.
5) Sustain: This step is difficult to implement and achieve.

103 What is meant by Kaizen? c

a. card signal
b. to avoid inadvertent errors
c. change for better quality
d. none of the above
Explanation: Kaizen is a quality improvement method. Innovation along with Kaizen improves
quality. Following are the principles of Kaizen:
1) Collecting relevant information
2) Working as per plan
3) Avoiding wastage
4) Keeping appointments
5) Should follow PDCA cycle

104 Which of the following statements is/are false? d

1. Fault tree analysis method is used to determine reliability of product
2. The goal of Six Sigma is to reduce number of defects to 2.4 parts per billion
3. Six sigma is represented by normal distribution curve
4. Poka yoke is a policy which prevents occurrence of human errors
a. Only statement 3
b. Statement 2 and statement 3
c. Statement 1, 3 and 4
d. Only statement 2
Fault tree analysis
- It is a mathematical analysis used to determine reliability of products.
- The reliability (R) of a system is calculated by using the formula: R = 1 – Probability of failure
- It graphically depicts combination of events which lead to failure of products.
Six Sigma
- Six sigma is a quality improvement programme which reduces number of defects to 3.4 parts per
- The number of defects are just 3.4 parts per million, hence is considered as zero defect
- It is represented by normal distribution curve.
- High acceptable parts are produced using limits of ± 6σ
Poka yoke
- Poka Yoke is used to prevent human errors in production line.
- The word Poka Yoke means avoiding inadvertent errors.
- Poka Yoke satisfies three levels such as: error elimination, in process detection and out process

105 Which quality management program is related to the maintenance of plants and d
a. Environmental management systems
b. Fault tree analysis
c. Failure mode effect analysis
d. Total productive maintenance

- Total productive maintenance is related with maintenance of plants and equipments.
- The main purpose of TPM is to avoid wastage, produce goods without any loss of quality, reduce
costs, etc.
- The main pillars of TPM are 5S, Kaizen, quality maintenance, office TPM, planned maintenance,
training, safety, health and environment and autonomous maintenance.
- In this process maintenance is considered useful and is considered as daily routine of the

106 The aim of Just-In-Time manufacturing principle is to eliminate d

a. time wastage
b. labour wastage
c. cost of excessive inventory
d. all of the above
- The main principle of JIT is to produce when and what is needed. It also considers the quantity
- JIT (Just-In-Time) aims at eliminating wastage of labour, time and cost of excessive inventory.
- JIT is a pull type system. In this system, production originates only when an order is received.

107 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is largely focused on: d

a. Reducing costs and preventing unnecessary costs prior to production
b. To reduce the number of parts in a product
c. Testing the robustness of a design
d. Ensuring that the eventual design of a product or service meets customer needs
Explanation: Quality Function Deployment provides documentation for the decision-making
process. QFD helps you to: Translate customer requirements into specific offering specifications.
Prioritize possible offering specifications and make trade-off decisions based on weighted
customer requirements and ranked competitive assessment.

108 The main purpose of Taguchi methods is to: a

a. Test the robustness of a design.
b. Reduce costs and prevent any unnecessary costs before producing the product or service.
c. Create a ‘house of quality’
d. Articulate the ‘voice of the customer’
Explanation: Taguchi method of quality control focuses on design and development to create
efficient, reliable products

109 Taguchi methods may be used in which part of the design process? d
a. Preliminary design
b. Screening
c. Prototyping and final design
d. Evaluation and improvement
Explanation: Taguchi Method is a process/product optimization method that is based on 8-
steps of planning, conducting and evaluating results of matrix experiments to determine the best
levels of control factors
110 Control chart is b
i. Process monitoring tool
ii. Process control tool

iii. Process planning tool
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above
Explanation: Control charts are the tools in control processes to determine whether a
manufacturing process or a business process is in a controlled statistical state. This chart is a
graph which is used to study process changes over time.

111 TQM focuses on b

i. Supplier
ii. Employee
iii. Customer
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. ii & iii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above
Explanation: A primary focus of TQM and most Quality Management Systems is to improve
customer satisfaction by having a customer focus and consistently meeting customer expectations

112 Process evaluation is to identify c

i. Validation of product
ii. Potential failure prevention
iii. Correctness of product
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. None of the above
Explanation: A process evaluation focuses on the implementation process and attempts to
determine how successfully the project followed the strategy laid out in the logic model.

113 Six Sigma is a business-driven, multi-dimensional structured approach to d

a. Reducing process variability
b. Increasing customer satisfaction
c. Lowering Defects & Improving Processes
d. All of the above
Explanation: Six Sigma is a business-driven, multi-dimensional structured approach to:
Choice-1: Reducing process variability. Choice-2: Increasing customer satisfaction. Choice-3:
Lowering Defects.

114 Small/Mid-sized Six Sigma projects are executed by professionals titled as: b
a. Champion
b. Green Belt
c. Black Belt
d. Site Champion

115 Which of the following are examples of Internal Failure costs? a

a. Defects and rework
b. Inspection and audits
c. Warranty and returns
d. Purchasing and accounting
Explanation: Examples of internal failure costs are:
Failure analysis activities.
Product rework costs.
Product scrapped, net of scrap sales.
Throughput lost.

116 The main purpose of the measure phase of DMAIC is to d

a. Determine the customer requirements
b. Find root causes
c. Develop solutions
d. Set baseline data to understand how the process is currently performing
Explanation: DMAIC (an acronym for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control)
refers to a data-driven improvement cycle used for improving, optimizing and stabilizing business
processes and designs.

117 What does OEE stand for? a

a. Overall Equipment Effectiveness
b. Overall Estimation Effectiveness
c. Overall Equipment Estimation
d. Overall Effective Estimation
Explanation: OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a “best practices” metric that
identifies the percentage of planned production time that is truly productive.

118 The best metric for measuring defectives is: c

b. DPU
c. PPM
d. DPO
Explanation: PPM defective is one of the simplest metrics in Six Sigma to understand. It refers
to the expected number of parts out of one million that you can expect to be defective. It is a
measurement used today by many customers to measure the quality performance of their suppliers.

119 Which of the following tools is used extensively in quality function deployment? b
a. Affinity diagram
b. Matrix diagram
c. Cause and effect diagram
d. Activity network diagram
Explanation: The House of Quality is an effective tool used to translate the customer wants and
needs into product or service design characteristics utilizing a relationship matrix. It is usually the
first matrix used in the QFD process.

120 The most important factor for the success of six sigma projects is: a
a. Leadership support
b. Team support

c. Teamwork
d. Inter-department harmony
Explanation: Effective Six Sigma management requires commitment and active participation by
senior executives, and leadership and communications by organizational champions.


121 The objective of ISO-9000 family of Quality management is a
A. Customer satisfaction
B. Employee satisfaction
C. Skill enhancement
D. Environmental issues
The ISO 9000 family of quality management systems (QMS) is a set of standards that helps
organizations ensure they meet customers satisfaction.
So option A is correct
122 ISO 14000 quality standard is related with a
A. Environmental management systems
B. Automotive quality standards
C. Eliminating poor quality
D. Customer satisfaction
ISO 14000 standards are set of norms for Environmental management systems either at organization
process level or product level
So option A is correct
123 ISO stands for c
A. Internal standards and operations
B. International specifications organization
C. International Standards organization
D. None of these are correct
ISO is abbreviated as International Standards organization is an association of national standards
bodies of more than 150 countries
So option C is correct
124 ISO 9001 is not concerned with -------------------- of quality records c
A. Collection
B. Maintenance
C. Verification
D. Dis-positioning
The practices defining the quality records to be maintained in the CMM are distributed throughout
the key process areas in the various Activities Performed practices.
So option C is correct
125 Which of the following requires design control measure, such as holding and recording c
design reviews and qualification test?
B. ISO 9001
C. ISO 9000-3
D. None of the mentioned

ISO 9000-3 states that the supplier should carry out reviews to ensure the requirements are met and
design methods are correctly carried out.
So option C is correct
126 states that, where appropriate, adequate statistical techniques are identified a
and used to verify the acceptability of process capability and product characteristics.
A. ISO 9001
B. ISO 9000-4
D. All of the mentioned
ISO 9001 states that, where, appropriate adequate statistical techniques are identified and used to
verify the acceptability of process capability and product characteristics.
So option A is correct
127 Documents to prepared for quality system a
A. 1. Policy 2.Procedures 3.Work Instructions 4. Records
B. 1.Products 2.Requirements 3.Performance 4.Processes
C. 1.Arrangements 2.Formats 3.Objectives 4.Quality
D. 1. Standards 2.Implementation 3.Accredation 4. Purposes.
The documents required for implementing Quality system are 1. Quality Policy manual 2.Quality
System Procedures 3.Work Instructions and 4. Records/Formats/Forms
So option A is correct
128 Types of Audit d
A. First Party audit
B. Second Party Audit
C. Third Party Audit
D. All the above
The types of are 1. First Party audit (internal audit) 2. Second Party Audit and 3. Third Party Audit
So option D is correct
129 NCR abbreviated as a
A. Non Conformance report
B. National capital Region
C. National Cash register
D. None of the above
Non Conformance Report ,During ISO certification things do not comply ISO requirements are
reported in format of NCR
So option A is correct
130 ISO 9000 standards are set of norms for c
A. Environmental Management System
B. Technical Specification form
C. Quality Management system
D. Independent Examination
ISO 9000 is defined as a set of international standards on quality management and quality
assurance developed to help companies effectively document the quality system elements needed to
maintain an efficient quality system.
So option C is correct
131 Which of these is the equivalent Indian standard for ISO :8402 b
A.ISO 9000

B.ISO:13999(as per 1994 version)
C.ISO/TS 16949
D.ISO 14000
The equivalent Indian standard for ISO :8402 is ISO 13999 as per 1994 version
So option B is correct
132 ISO/TS 16949 standards are standards for d
A. Organizational benefits
B. Satisfying customer
C. Public authorities
D. Automotive Quality Management system
ISO/TS 16949:2009, in conjunction with ISO 9001:2008, defines the quality management
system requirements for the design and development, production and, when relevant, installation
and service of automotive-related products.
So option D is correct
133 The various product evaluation standards of ISO 14000 are d
A. Environmental aspects in product standards
B. Environmental Labels and declaration
C. Life cycle Assessment
D. All the above
The Environmental aspects in product standards, Environmental Labels and declaration , Life cycle
Assessment are the standards of ISO 140000
So option D is correct
134 The stages of an audit a
A. Planning, Performance, Reporting, Follow-up
B. Specification, Requirements, System, Quality
C. Implementation, Plan, Processes, Document
D. Objective, Analysis, Forms, Results
The stages of an audit are 1. Audit planning 2. Audit performance 3. Audit reporting, and 4. Audit
follow –up.
So option A is correct
135 The various organization evolution standards of ISO 14000 series of standards are d
A. Environmental Management system
B. Environmental Auditing
C. Environmental Performance Evaluation
D. All the above
The various organization evolution standards of ISO 14000 series of standards are
Environmental Management system (EMS), Environmental Auditing (EA), Environmental
Performance Evaluation (EPE).
So option D is correct
136 The benefits realized by implementing an ISO 14000 quality system are b
A. Resource benefits, Party benefits
B. Global benefits, Organizational benefits
C. Public benefits ,Private benefits
D. Management benefits, Employee benefits

The benefits realized by implementing an ISO 14000 quality system are
Global benefits: To facilitate trade and remove trade barriers to improve environmental performance
Organizational benefits: Satisfying customer requirements, Assuring customer of a commitment to
So option B is correct
137 ISO 9000 made up of three core standards they are b
A. ISO9001: 9100, ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 9100 : 2008
B.ISO 9000:2005, ISO: 9001:2008, ISO : 9004:2009
C.ISO 9000: 9100, ISO 9000: 2005, ISO: 9000: 2000
D. None of the above
The family of ISO 9000 made up of three core standards
 ISO 9000:2005, : QMS : Fundamentals
 ISO: 9001:2008, : QMS : Requirements
 ISO : 9004:2009 QMS : Guidelines for performance Improvement
So option B is correct
138 BIS is abbreviated as b
A. Body of India standards
B. Bureau of Indian Standards
C. Basic India standards
D. None of the above
BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) is national standards body of India and is a founder members of
So option B is correct
139 Which IS/ISO 9000 standard is meant for certification a
A. IS/ISO 9001
B. IS/ISO 9004
C. IS/ISO 9100
D. TL 9000
Any organization can apply for certification against IS/ISO 9001. The other IS/ISO 9000 and IS/ISO
9004 are guidance standards and are not meant for certification.
So option A is correct
140 The key elements of Audit performance are c
A. Schedules, Personnel, Checklist
B. Requirements, Assurance, Manuals
C. Opening meeting, Audit process, Audit deficiencies
D. None of the above
The key elements of Audit performance are
Opening meeting: organized to initially brief the auditee about the scope of audit
Audit process: run to schedule and should cover entire scope as planned
Audit deficiencies: clear and precise discrepancy reports are raised.
So option C is correct
141 ISO 14000 standards divided into two area they are a
A. Organization ,Product Evaluation Standards
B. Global , Environmental Standards
C. Management, Assessment Standards
D. Customer, Public Standards

ISO 14000 standards divided into two area they are
Organization standards: the way in which business is to be conducted and govern what is deemed as
acceptable behavior in the workplace.
Product Evaluation Standards: that lays down the requirements to be accomplished by a product or a group
of products to certify its fitness for use.
So option A is correct
142 Which ISO 14000 standard is meant for certification a
A. ISO 14001
B. ISO 14004
C. ISO 9100
D. TS 16949
ISO 14001 is a contractual standard against which organization are certified.ISO 14004 a non-
contractual standard is meant for providing guidance for EMS implementation.
So option A is correct
143 QS 9000 is set of quality system for b
A. Environmental System
B. Automotive suppliers
C. Management System
D. Customer satisfaction
QS 9000 is set of quality system requirements to help automotive suppliers to ensure that they are
meeting/exceeding customer requirements
So option B is correct
144 The purpose of EMS audit is c
A. Co-operation with public authorities.
B. Management commitment
C. To ensure that EMS conforms to plans
D. None of the above
The purpose of EMS audit is to ensure that the EMS conforms the plans
So option C is correct
145 The third party audit is for b
A. Organization
B. Independent organization
C. Customer
D. All the above
The third party audit refers to audit by an independent organization on a supplier for accreditation
assessment purposes.
So option B is correct
146 What is the purpose of ISO 9000:2005 in QMS? a
A. Fundamental Vocabulary
B. Certification
C. Customer requirement
D. Management
The family of ISO 9000 made up of core standards among that
ISO 9000:2005, : Quality Management System : Fundamentals
So option A is correct
147 What is the purpose of ISO 9001:2008 in QMS?
A. Requirement a

B. Planning
C. Documentation
D. Verification
The family of ISO 9000 made up of core standards among that
ISO: 9001:2008, : Quality Management System: Requirements
So option A is correct
148 What is the purpose of ISO 9004:2009 in QMS? c
A. Policy
B. Review
C. Guidelines for performance improvement
D. Benefits
The family of ISO 9000 made up of core standards among that
ISO : 9004:2009 Quality Management System: Guidelines for performance Improvement
So option C is correct
149 Why we need Quality Auditing? A
A. To verify whether the system is effective and suitable
B. To decide about the policy
C. To maintain the standards
D. For monitoring and measurement purpose
Quality auditing should be carried out in order to verify whether a quality system is effective and
So option A is correct
150 The two generic ISO standards are
A.ISO 9001 & ISO 14001
B.ISO 8402 & ISO 13999
C. QS 9000 &TS 16949
D. None of the above
The two generic ISO standards are
ISO 9001 : Quality Management system –Requirements
ISO 14001: Environmental Management system-specification with guidance for use.
Generic standards mean that the same standards can be applied to any organization.
So option A is correct

Total Quality Management

Dr. Harpreet Singh Bedi
Professor, Mittal School of Busienss, LPU
Mb. 9855267392; Email:
Unit 1
• Concept of total quality and its evolution : Introduction,
basic terminology related to quality, dimensions of
quality, introduction to quality gurus

• Total quality loop : PDSA cycle

• Quality characteristics : variable and attributes, control

charts for variables: mean-range charts, control chart for
attributes: p-chart for defectives, control charts for
variables: c-charts for defects
• Unit 2
Acceptance sampling and inspection plans : introduction,
situations warranting sampling inspection, desirable
characteristics of sample, merits of sampling inspection
method, limitations of sampling inspection method,
methods of sampling, factors affecting the selection of
sample, sampling plans, methods of acceptance sampling,
operating characteristics curve.

• SQC and SPC : introduction, objectives and uses of SQC

charts, statistical quality control, statistical process control

Unit 3
• Process capability studies : process capability Quality costs :
introduction, cost of quality, classification of quality-related
costs, quality-cost analysis, eliminate Total Quality costs: COQ
approach, quality-cost trade-off
• Seven basic quality control tools : check sheet (tally chart),
flowchart, histograms/ bar graphs, pareto analysis, control
charts, scatter diagram, cause-and-effect diagram
Unit 4
• FTA/ FMEA : introduction, concept and jargon, elements, methodology
• Quality improvement : introduction, process, juran triology, improvement
strategies, types of problems, problem-solving method, kaizen, re engineering
• Quality function deployment (QFD) : introduction, QFD team, benefits of QFD, the
voice of the customer, organization of information, house of quality

Unit 5
• Taguchi loss function : introduction, loss function, orthogonal arrays, quality loss
function, design of experiments, noise
• Marketing aspect of total quality management : customer in quality definition,
who is the customer, customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction measures,
customer satisfaction measurement models, customer perception of quality,
quality of service

Unit 6
• Quality audits : types of audit, audit procedure
• Six sigma : DMAIC cycle, benefits, costs in six sigma,
• Total quality and environment and safety :
introduction to ISO 9000, introduction to ISO 14000
environment management system, industry specific
standards and quality awards
All of the following are dimensions of service quality

A. Assurance
B. Responsiveness
C. Intangibles
D. Reliability
Test your understanding
The quality of a product is to be measured on the
dimension of (I) Reliability, (II) Durability, (III) Location
of facility, (IV) Serviceability, (V) Conformance to
• A. I, IV, V
• B. I, III, IV, V
• C. I, II, IV, V
• D. I, II, III, IV, V
Test your understanding
The quality of a service is to be measured on the
dimension of (I) Reliability, (II) Assurance, (III)
Aesthetics, (IV) Tangibles.
• A. I, II, III, IV
• B. I, II, IV
• C. I, II, III
• D. I, III, IV,
• The concept of PDCA was introduced by

A. Walter A Shewhart
B. W. Edward Deming
C. Kaoru Ishikawa
D. Joseph Moses Juran
• The concept of PDSA was introduced by

A. Walter A Shewhart
B. W. Edward Deming
C. Kaoru Ishikawa
D. Joseph Moses Juran
A product performing continuously over a
period of time refers to which of the following
dimensions of quality
A. Safety
B. Conformance
C. Durability
D. Reliability
• Which of these is NOT a ‘variable’ in context of
Control Charts:

• (a) Length
• (b) Width
• (c) Internal Diameter
• (d) Smell
The purpose of control chart is to detect

A. Random Variation
B. Non – Random Variation
C. Both, Random and Non – Random Variation
D. Neither Random nor Non – Random Variation
• If we want to monitor the defects in a saree,
which of the following charts will be most
• (a) Mean Chart
• (b) Range Chart
• (c) p-Chart
• (d) c-Chart
The book “Bible of Quality” Written by
A. Joseph Moses Juran
B. W. Edward Deming
C. Walter Andrew Shewhart
D. Philip Corsby
The book “Bible of Quality” Written by
A. Joseph Moses Juran
B. W. Edward Deming
C. Walter Andrew Shewhart
D. Philip Corsby
• The number of defects per unit can be
monitored with the help of

A. P-chart
B. R-chart
C. C-chart
D. X-bar chart
• Total Quality Management can be best
described as

A. An art
B. A philosophy
C. A science
D. A social activity
• The concept of Total Quality Management
emphasizes on all except

A. Leadership
B. Perceived quality
C. Employee empowerment
D. Customer focus
• The concept of Total Quality Management
emphasizes on all except

A. Leadership
B. Perceived quality
C. Employee empowerment
D. Customer focus
• If n = 8, R bar = 0.016, X bar = 3, A2 is .37 at 8
no. of observations then upper control limit

A. 3.006
B. 2.994
C. 3.100
D. 2.900
• If n = 8, R bar = 0.016, X bar = 3, A2 is .37 at 8
no. of observations then upper control limit

A. 3.006
B. 2.994
C. 3.100
D. 2.900
• If n = 8, R bar = 0.016, X bar = 3, A2 is .37 at 8
no. of observations then lower control limit

A. 3.006
B. 2.994
C. 3.100
D. 2.900
• If n = 8, R bar = 0.016, X bar = 3, A2 is .37 at 8
no. of observations then lower control limit

A. 3.006
B. 2.994
C. 3.100
D. 2.900
• Twenty five samples of n =10 have been taken from
a milling process. The average sample range was .04
centimeter. Determine upper control limits for the
sample. Where D3 = .22 for n = 10 and D4 = 1.78 for
n = 10

A. 0.04
B. 0.07
C. 0.22
D. 1.78
• Twenty five samples of n =10 have been taken from
a milling process. The average sample range was .04
centimeter. Determine upper control limits for the
sample. Where D3 = .22 for n = 10 and D4 = 1.78 for
n = 10

A. 0.04
B. 0.07
C. 0.22
D. 1.78

• Which of these is NOT a part of Juran Triology:

• (a) Quality Planning

• (b) Quality Improvement
• (c) Quality Control
• (d) PDSA

• The probability of selecting an item in

probability sampling, from the population is

• (a) Equal to one

• (b) Equal to zero
• (c) Non zero
• (d) None of above

• Possibility of accepting a bad lot is called as

• A. Consumer Risk
• B. Producer Risk
• C. Acceptable Quality Level
• D. Lot Tolerance Percent Defective

Express Freight Company is continually been blamed

by customer for poor quality services. To obtain the
objective of quality assurance which of the following
strategy can be adopted by the company?

• Acceptance sampling strategy

• Statistical process control strategy
• Complaint handling strategy
• Conditional service guarantee strategy

• In Operating Characteristic (OC) curve, with the

increase in the sample size the probability of

• A. Increases
• B. Decreases
• C. Remain Constant
• D. Can’t be determined.

• In Operating Characteristic (OC) curve, with the

increase in the sample size the probability of

• A. Increases
• B. Decreases
• C. Remain Constant
• D. Can’t be determined.

• In Operating Characteristic (OC) curve, With the

increase in the AQL(Acceptable Quality Level) the
probability of acceptance

• A. Increases
• B. Decreases
• C. Remain Constant
• D. Can’t be determined.

• In Operating Characteristic (OC) curve, With the

increase in the AQL(Acceptable Quality Level) the
probability of acceptance

• A. Increases
• B. Decreases
• C. Remain Constant
• D. Can’t be determined.

• Who is known as father of Statistical Quality Control?

• Joseph Moses Juran

• W. Edward Deming
• Walter Andrew Shewhart
• Kaoru Ishikawa

• The Process Capability index Cpk or Cp value less

than 1 represent

A. Process is just capable to meet specification

B. Process is sufficiently capable to meet specification
C. C. Process is not capable to meet specification
D. D. None of above

• The Process Capability index Cpk or Cp value greater

than 2 represent

A. Process is just capable to meet specification

B. Process is sufficiently capable to meet specification
C. C. Process is not capable to meet specification
D. D. None of above

• The cost associated with NOT producing quality

products or services is called

a) Cost of Quality
b) Cost of Poor Quality Product
c) Cost of Mistake
d) Cost of Poor Quality Service

• Fish bone diagram is also known as?

a. Cause and effect chart

b. Ishikawa diagram
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above

• Which of the following does not belong to

Prevention Costs?

a) Design support activities

b) Product design qualification test
c) Service design qualification
d) Downgraded end-product or service

• Which of the following does not belong to External

Failure Costs?

a) Complaint investigations
b) Warranty claims
c) Liability costs
d) Supplier quality planning

• Training program to educate workers to improve

Quality would be an example of:

• (a) Prevention Cost

• (b) Appraisal Cost
• (c) Failure Cost
• (d) All of the above

• A team wants to illustrate which defect types are

occurring most frequently. The quality tool they
would use:

A. Ishikawa Diagram
B. Flow Chart
C. Histogram
D. 5W2H

• Two variables, x and y, are related. Variable x

increases or decreases with y. Which of the following
tools could best be used to graphically show this

A. Flow Chart
B. Histogram
C. 5W2H
D. Scatter Plot

• __ is central point to the philosophy of

continuous improvement:

A. Management involvement
B. Employee involvement
C. Organization’s operations
D. Environmental analysis

• Which of these is NOT a method for generating

Quality Improvement ideas:

• (a) Quality Circles

• (b) Brainstorming
• (c) 5W2H
• (d) Acceptance Sampling

• Types of FMEA are



• A particular product has been given the following

rankings for calculating RPN while preparing FMEA
chart, S=5, O=2, D=2 (S= Severity, O= probability of
occurrence, and D= detection). What is the value of
RPN (Risk Priority Number)?

a) 20
b) 10
c) 40
d) 2

• According to common industry scale, what does

severity ranking (S) 1 indicate in FMEA framework?

a) Very serious effect

b) No effect
c) Sometimes serious effect
d) The value doesn’t exist

• According to common industry scale, what does

occurrence ranking (O) 10 indicate in FMEA

a) Not likely
b) Highly likely
c) Almost Certain to happen
d) The value doesn’t exist

• What is the appropriate action when the RPN for a

failure on a Process FMEA exceeds the threshold?

a) Mitigate the failure by changing the development

process to add more verification testing
b) Mitigate the failure by redesigning the product or
c) Mitigate the failure by changing the product
d) None of above

• Performance’ and ‘aesthetics’ in the House of Quality

fall under the category of _

a) Technical descriptors
b) Customer requirements
c) Relationship matrix
d) Competitor Analysis

• The task of choosing between steel, aluminum, and

titanium for a product in a House of Quality falls
under the purview of

a) Technical descriptors
b) Customer requirements
c) Relationship matrix
d) Benchmarking

• Which of these is not a ‘Taguchi’ contribution:

• (a) Quality Loss Functions

• (b) Orthogonal Arrays
• (c) Signal-to-Noise Ratio
• (d) Fishbone Diagram

• The quality loss function is given by L(x) = k(x-N)2.

What does ‘k’ stand for?

a) Tolerance
b) Quality loss coefficient
c) Nominal value of given product
d) Quality characteristic of selected product

• Which among the following is the correct formula for

evaluating the quality loss coefficient ‘k’?

a) k=c+d
b) k=c/d
c) k=c/d2
d) k=c-d
• State which of the two statements is correct
• Traditional approach of quality control focuses on specification
limits and Taguchi’s approach focuses on target value.
• Taguchi defines Quality as “the loss imparted by the product to
society from the time the product is shipped”.

• Both (I) and (II) are correct

• Only I
• Only II
• Both (I) and (II) are incorrect
• State which of the two statements is correct
• The objective of the Design of Experiment approach is to
determine the value of design parameters that makes the
variation resistant system performance.
• Taguchi suggest that instead of identifying the factors
causing Noise and reducing them, it is better to build
the design robust such that the noise cannot affect the

• Both (I) and (II) are correct

• Only I
• Only II
• Both (I) and (II) are incorrect
• State which of the two statements is correct
• Customer Satisfaction is the measure of Quality.
• According to Kano model of customer satisfaction the
presence of Basic Features or Must-Be attributes does not
result a significant increase in customer satisfaction.

• Both (I) and (II) are correct

• Only I
• Only II
• Both (I) and (II) are incorrect
1-Malcolm Baldrige national quality award is for (MBNQA)
a. Total Quality Management
b. International Standard Organization
c. Total Productive Maintenance
d. Total Quality Control

2-The process mapping is a ______ diagram.

a. Data flow
b. Work flow
c. Circular
d. Audit

3-Control chart is a
a. Process monitoring tool
b. Process control tool
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above

4-The objective of ISO-9000 family of Quality management is

a. Customer satisfaction
b. Employee satisfaction
c. Skill enhancement
d. Environmental issues

5-Total Quality Management (TQM) focuses on

a. Employee
b. Customer
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above

6-Which of the following is responsible for quality objective?

a. Top level management
b. Middle level management
c. Frontline management
d. All of the above

7-The following is (are) the machine down time.

a. Waste
b. No material
c. Breakdown
d. All of the above
8-TQM & ISO both focuses on
a. Customer
b. Employee
c. Supplier
d. All of the above

9-According to Deming, Quality problems are

a. Due to management
b. Due to method
c. Due to machine
d. Due to material

10-While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered.

a. Material quality
b. Customer need
c. Market demand
d. All of the above

11-Match The Following

A. TQM promotes 1. Small change

B. Kaizen is 2. Continuous improvement

C. Quality circle can solve problem related to 3. Employee participation

D. Quality circle benefit to 4. Employee

The correct order is
a. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4
b. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4
c. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
d. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

12-_______ helps organization reduce employee turnover and absenteeism.

a. Job design
b. Training & development
c. Wage revision
d. All of the above

13-CMM stands for

a. Capability maturity model
b. Capability monitoring model
c. Capability measuring model
d. Capability matching model

14-While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered.

a. Customer need
b. Organizational need
c. Supplier need
d. Worker need

15-Which of the following is for Environment management?

a. ISO-9000
b. ISO-14000
c. ISO-26000
d. ISO-31000

1-P-D-C-A stands for

a. Plan-Do-check-Act
b. Plan-Do-correct-Act
c. Proceed-Do-check-Act
d. Proceed-Do-correct-Act

2-What is ISO?
a. Indian organization for standard
b. Internal organization for standard
c. International organization for standard
d. None of the above

3-EMS stands for

a. Environmental management system
b. Employees management system
c. Engineering management system
d. Equipment management system

4-For Cpk (Process capability index) value of 1.33, the PPM is

a. 1
b. 63
c. 2700
d. 45500
5-Match The Following
A. Bureaucratic 1. Satisfy all customer need

B. Leadership from top 2. Working together for excellence

C. Excellence mean 3. Provide consistent vision direction

D. Team work mean 4. Unlimited thinking

The correct order is
a. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
b. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
c. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
d. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2

6-Match the following

A. Dr. Deming believes 1. Common causes

B. Ishikawa development 2. To prevent defect

C. Type of variation is due to 3. Cause & effect diagram

D. Crosby’s objective of quality 4. Histogram

The correct order is
a. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
b. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
c. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
d. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2

7-Rectangle represents ________ While plotting flow chart.

a. Step in activity
b. Decision making
c. Direction of flow
d. None of the above

8- Tally chart is
a. Process monitoring tool
b. Data collection tool
c. Process planning tool
d. None of the above

9-Diamond represents ________ while plotting flow chart.

a. Step in activity
b. Decision making
c. Direction of flow
d. None of the above

10-The role of management is to

a. provide Resources
b. define EMS
c. monitor the effectiveness of the system
d. All of the above

11-ISO emphasis on
a. Prevention
b. Inspection
c. Rejection
d. All of the above

12- ISO – 14001 gives stress on

a. Plan – Do -check -Act
b. Environmental protection
c. Prevention rather than detection
d. All of the above

13- Service Assurance is

a. Confidence with customer
b. Customer has trust
c. Employee has knowledge
d. All of the above

14- Following is (are) the phase(s) of intervention

a. Formulation stage
b. Maintenance stage
c. Implementation stage
d. All of the above

15- When cpk is less than one

a. Process is not capable
b. Process is stable
c. Process if highly capable
d. None of the above

1-Match the following

A. Dr. Deming believes 1. Histogram

B. Ishikawa development 2. Common causes

C. Type of variation is due to 3. Cause & effect diagram

D. Crosby’s objective of quality 4. To prevent defect

The correct order is
a. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
b. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1
c. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
d. A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1

2-Match the following

A. Dimension 1. To assess customer satisfaction level

B. Service characteristic 2. Vary from time to time

C. Customer satisfaction survey 3. Physical facility

D. Poor service is due to 4. Inadequate resource

The correct order is
a. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
b. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
c. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1
d. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4

3-Match the following

A. ISO emphasis on 1. ISO – 9000 -2000

B. ISO 2. Qualified personnel

C. Lead assessor 3. International organization for standard

D. ISO currently in use 4. Prevention

The correct order is
a. A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1
b. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
c. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
d. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1
4-Match the following
A. Quality approach 1. Productivity quality – cost -Delivery

B. Pillar of TQM 2. Continual improvement management

C. Need for TQM is due 3. Employee

D. TQM focuses on 4. Cut throat competition

The correct order is
a. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
b. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3
c. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
d. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3

5-Match the following

A. How TQM helps in reducing cost 1. By reducing external sale

B. Calibration activity carried in company is 2. Prevention cost

C. Quality planning is 3. Appraisal cost

D. Vender assessment is 4. Appraisal cost

The correct order is
a. A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
b. A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2
c. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3
d. A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3

6-Match the following

A. MBQA is eligible for 1. Quality & productivity

B. Malcolm balding award seeks improvement in 2. Manufacturing organization

C. European quality award is for 3. Senior management was activity involved

D. Common elements of winners are 4. Improving efficiency

The correct order is
a. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
b. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3
c. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
d. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3

7-Match the following

A. Circle symbol 1. Data analysis told

B. Pareto analysis is 2. Average of reading

C. X bar means 3. Binging or end of operation

D. LCT means 4. Lower control limit

The correct order is
a. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
b. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4
c. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4
d. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2

8-Match the following

A. Dimension 1. To assess customer satisfaction

B. Service characteristic 2. Inadequate resource

C. Customer satisfaction survey 3. Vary from time to time

D. Poor service is due to 4. Physical facility

The correct order is
a. A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2
b. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
c. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
d. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2

9-Match the following

A. Forecasts 1. Systematic analysis of work

B. Estimate made by management 2. Simplest method of assessment

C. Statistical method 3. Based on measures of productivity

D. Work study method 4. Vary in their degree of sophistication

The correct order is
a. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1
b. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
c. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
d. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1

10-Match the following

A. Process is managed level 1. Process capability
B. Critical process maturity concept include 2. Performance is model

C. Managed level of process 3. Capability maturity

D. CMM is 4. Process is controlled

The correct order is
a. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3
b. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
c. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
d. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3

11-Match the following

A. Simulated decision games 1. Unstructured group interaction

B. Coaching 2. Acting out managerial problems

C. Committee assignment 3. Guidance through advice / suggestions

D. Sensitivity training 4. Study of specific organizational problem

The correct order is
a. A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1
b. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
c. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
d. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1

12-Match the following

A. The quality manual have 1. Employee

B. Kaizen is 2. Small change

C. Quality circle can solve problem related to 3. Level 3

D. Quality circle benefit to 4. Continuous improvement

The correct order is
a. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
b. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
c. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1
d. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1

1- Control chart is
i. Process monitoring tool
ii. Process control tool
iii. Process planning tool
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above

2-The main business process objective(s) are

i. Customer service
ii. Profit & loss
iii. Employee satisfaction
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above

3-Common elements of winners are

i. Senior management was actively involved
ii. Control of overall process
iii. Focus on customer
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above

4-TQM focuses on
i. Supplier
ii. Employee
iii. Customer
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. ii & iii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above

5-The customer requirement to be reviewed

i. Before supply of product
ii. After supply of product
iii. Before commitment of supply of product
The Correct Answer is
a. i & ii
b. i & iii
c. ii & iii
d. None of the above

6-Current quality concept is

i. Increase in production
ii. Continual improvement
iii. Prevention of defect
The Correct Answer is
a. i & ii
b. i & iii
c. ii & iii
d. None of the above
(Ans: c)

7-Continual improvement is in
i. Environmental objective
ii. Audit Result
iii. Corrective action
The Correct Answer is
a. i & ii
b. i & iii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above

8-Benefit(s) of model based improvement is (are)

i. Establish common language
ii. Models are comprehensive
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. ii only
c. i & ii
d. None of the above

9-Employee should be involved in

i. Decision making
ii. Participation
iii. Union
The Correct Answer is
a. i & ii
b. i & iii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above
(Ans: a)
10-In ISO the focus is on
i. Enhancing customer satisfaction
ii. Satisfying customer
iii. Delighting customer
The Correct Answer is
a. i & ii
b. i & iii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above
(Ans: b)

11-While recruiting person he should

i. Competent to perform job
ii. Trained to perform specified job
iii. Able to perform the activity
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. i, ii & iii
d. None of the above

12-Process evaluation is to identify

i. Validation of product
ii. Potential failure prevention
iii. Correctness of product
The Correct Answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. None of the above

1-Type of waste are

i. Waiting time
ii. Transport
iii. Processing waste
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)

2-Does TQM approach have relevance to Indian industry in context to

i. Customer satisfaction
ii. People involvement
iii. Policy management
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: b)

3-By applying basic principle the process improvement will be in organization’s

i. Focus on work process
ii. Maintain self esteem of other
iii. Tone initiative
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: b)

4-Reliability of product means

i. Consistency of performance
ii. Performance over period
iii. Free of technical errors
The correct answer is
a. i & iii
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)

5- While setting Goal, following things to be consider.

i. Customer need
ii. Marketability of product
iii. Organization need
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: c)

6-PP & PPK is calculated for

i. Initial production run
ii. Future production
iii. Initial process setting
The correct answer is
a. i & ii
b. ii & iii
c. i & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: c)

7-The competence of the employee means

i. Competence of personnel performing work effective quality
ii. Evaluate the effectiveness of action taken
iii. Maintain appropriate Record
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)

8-Special characteristic means

i. Product characteristic which affect fit/ function / Regulation
ii. Characteristic of product which are regulatory requirement
iii. Characteristic in Specification
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: b)

9-Cause & Effect diagram used to

i. Identify & organize possible causes of problem
ii. Identify possible causes of solution
iii. Identify possible causes of problem & determining its relation
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & iii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii

10-The role of management is

i. To provide Resources
ii. To define EMS
iii. To monitor the effectiveness of the system
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. i & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)

11-Common features of CMM is how to produce software product which are

i. Consistence
ii. Repeatable
iii. Predictable
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. ii only
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)

12-HRD at organizational level talks of

i. Organization’s manpower planning
ii. Training
iii. Performance appraisal
The correct answer is
a. i only
b. I & ii
c. ii & iii
d. i, ii & iii
(Ans: d)

This set of Total Quality Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Continuous
Process Improvement – Juran Trilogy”.

1. Quality Planning is also known as ________

a) Quality by Design
b) Process Control and Regulatory
c) Lean Six Sigma
d) Rapid Six Sigma
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Answer: a
Explanation: Juran’s Quality Trilogy includes Quality Planning, Quality Control, and Quality Improvement. Quality
Planning is also referred to as Quality by Design.

2. The development processes in an organization for product or service is referred to as _________

a) Quality by Design
b) Process Control and Regulatory
c) Lean Six Sigma
d) Rapid Six Sigma
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Answer: a
Explanation: The development processes in an organization for product or service is referred to as Quality by
Design. Quality by Design is also known as Design for Six Sigma.

3. Process Control and Regulatory is a part of _______

a) Quality Planning
b) Quality Control
c) Quality Improvement
d) Quality Assurance
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Answer: b
Explanation: Process Control and Regulatory is a part of Quality Control. The aim of Quality Control is to comply
with international standards such as ISO 9000. Quality Planning, Quality Control, and Quality Improvement are part
of Juran’s Quality Trilogy.

4. It is important to know about ________ for quality planning.

a) Customer needs
b) Customer quality
c) Customer satisfaction
d) Manager satisfaction
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is important to know about Customer needs for quality planning. If the product or service is not
aligned with customer needs, then the product will not have any marketability.

5. Which of the following is associated with defining of product or service features and specifications?
a) Quality Planning
b) Quality Control
c) Quality Improvement
d) Quality Assurance
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Answer: a
Explanation: Quality Planning is associated with defining of product or service features and specifications. The
input to product or service specifications and features is taken from customer. The customer needs are translated
to the product or service features and specifications.


6. Which of the following is associated with developing the processes that are needed to deliver quality products
or services complying with customer needs?
a) Quality Planning
b) Quality Control
c) Quality Improvement
d) Quality Assurance
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Answer: a
Explanation: Quality Planning is associated with developing the processes that are needed to deliver quality
products or services complying with customer needs. Customer needs are translated to the product or service
specifications and features. The specifications and features then become the basis for developing the further
processes involved.

7. The planning of periodic checks and inspection to ensure product specifications and features are met is
associated with __________
a) Quality Meet
b) Quality Control
c) Quality Planning
d) Quality Improvement
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Answer: b
Explanation: The planning of periodic checks and inspection to ensure product specifications and features are met
is associated with Quality Control. It is done after Quality Planning in which processes are developed.

8. The process of checking the actual performance with the standard performance is associated with __________
a) Quality Meet
b) Quality Control
c) Quality Planning
d) Quality Improvement
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Answer: b
Explanation: The process of checking the actual performance with the standard performance is associated with
Quality Control. The metrics are determined as soon as the processes for production are developed.

9. The process of identifying the scope for process improvement is associated with ________
a) Quality Meet
b) Quality Control
c) Quality Planning
d) Quality Improvement
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Answer: d
Explanation: The process of identifying the scope for process improvement is associated with Quality
Improvement. Even though we try to ensure quality by planning and control but sometimes the scope of
improvement develops. So, the organization must look at even Quality Improvement.
10. Juran’s Trilogy diagram is a plot between ______ and _______
a) Time, percent defective
b) Distance, percent defective
c) Speed, percent defective
d) Velocity, percent defective
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Answer: a
Explanation: Juran’s Trilogy diagram is a plot between time and percent defective. It shows the way in which
Juran’s Trilogy is designed to reduce the cost of quality over time.

11. According to Juran’s Trilogy diagram, errors made in the planning process give rise to _________
a) Chronic waste region
b) Waste region
c) Temporary waste region
d) Improvement region
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to Juran’s Trilogy diagram, errors made in the planning process give rise to chronic waste
region. Quality control enables defects to be identified and controlled.

12. According to Juran’s Trilogy diagram, errors made in the quality control process give rise to ________
a) Chronic waste region
b) Waste region
c) Temporary waste region
d) Sporadic spike
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Answer: d
Explanation: According to Juran’s Trilogy diagram, errors made in the quality control process give rise to sporadic
spike. The defects during such an event are close to 40%.

13. Sporadic waste can be identified and corrected through quality control.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sporadic waste can be identified and corrected through quality control. The defects according to the
Juran’s trilogy diagram are close to 40% when a sporadic spike occurs.

14. Chronic waste requires improvement process.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Chronic waste requires improvement process. They occur due to errors made during the planning
process and cannot be rectified by quality control.

15. Juran’s Trilogy is a ______ and ______ continuous process improvement approach.
a) Open, never-ending
b) Open, ending
c) Cyclic, never-ending
d) Cyclic, ending
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Answer: c

1. According to ISO, the quality system is the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes, and
resources for implementing quality management.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to ISO, the quality system is the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures,
processes, and resources for implementing quality management. ISO refers to the International Organization for

2. Which of the following must not be a characteristic of a quality system?

a) It must be well-understood
b) Products or services actually do satisfy customer expectations
c) Emphasis on problem prevention
d) It must be ineffective
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Answer: d
Explanation: The characteristics of a quality system must be that it must be well-understood, products or services
actually do satisfy customer expectations, and emphasis on problem prevention. It must be effective too.

3. A quality system is involved in all phases from initial identification to final satisfaction of requirements and
meeting customer satisfaction.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: A quality system is involved in all phases from initial identification to final satisfaction of requirements
and meeting customer satisfaction. It is applied to all activities that focus on the quality of product/service.

4. Which of the following is not an advantage of implementing a quality system that conforms to ISO standards?
a) Improvement in employee involvement
b) Improvement in housekeeping
c) Improvement in customer satisfaction
d) Inefficient decision making
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Answer: d
Explanation: Improvement in employee involvement, improvement in housekeeping, and improvement in
customer satisfaction are some of the advantages of implementing a quality system that conforms to ISO
standards. Decision making based on facts and data also improves.

5. Which of the following cannot be considered a reason for implementing a quality system that conforms to ISO
a) Improvement in safe working
b) Reduction in customer complaints
c) Increased inspection efforts
d) Decreased inspection efforts
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Answer: c
Explanation: Improvement in safe working, reduction in customer complaints, and a decrease in inspection efforts
are some of the reasons for implementing a quality system that conforms to ISO standards. Quality costs also

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6. Which of the following represents India in ISO?

c) BIS
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Answer: c
Explanation: BIS represents India in ISO. It is known as the Bureau of Indian Standards. It is the National Standards
Body of India and is a founding member of the ISO.

7. Which is the latest ISO 9001 version in the ISO 9000 family?
a) ISO 9001:1994
b) ISO 9001:2000
c) ISO 9001:2008
d) ISO 9001:2015
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Answer: d
Explanation: The latest version of the international standard ISO 9001 is the 2015 version which is known as ISO
9001:2015. The first edition of ISO 9001 was released in 1987.

8. Which of the following is/are the advantage(s) of using the ISO 9001 standard?
a) Organizing processes
b) Improving the efficiency of processes
c) Continuous improvement
d) Organizing processes, improving the efficiency of processes, and continuous improvement
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Answer: d
Explanation: The advantages of the international standard ISO 9001 are organizing processes, improving the
efficiency of processes, and continuous improvement. It can be applied to any organization regardless of size and

9. Which is the only standard in the ISO 9000 family to which organizations can certify?
a) ISO 9000
b) ISO 9001
c) ISO 14000
d) ISO 9004
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Answer: b
Explanation: The only standard in the ISO 9000 family to which organizations can certify is the ISO 9001. The latest
version of it is the ISO 9001:2015.

10. Which ISO standard provides guidelines for auditing management systems?
a) ISO 19011:2018
b) ISO 9000:2015
c) ISO 9001:2015
d) ISO 9004:2018
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Answer: a
Explanation: The ISO 19011: 2018 provides guidelines for auditing management systems. It is applicable to

11. Which ISO 9000 family standard provides the fundamentals and vocabulary for quality management systems?
a) ISO 19011:2018
b) ISO 9000:2015
c) ISO 9001:2015
d) ISO 9004:2018
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ISO 9000:2015 is the standard in the ISO 9000 family that provides the fundamentals and
vocabulary for quality management systems. It was first published in 1987.

12. Which is the latest ISO 9000 version in the ISO 9000 family?
a) ISO 9000:1987
b) ISO 9000:2000
c) ISO 19011:2018
d) ISO 9000:2015
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Answer: d
Explanation: The latest ISO 9000 version in the ISO 9000 family is the ISO 9000:2015. The other standards in the
ISO 9000 family are the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 9004:2018.

13. Which ISO standard provides guidance to achieve sustained success and the continuous improvement of an
a) ISO 19011:2018
b) ISO 9000:2015
c) ISO 9001:2015
d) ISO 9004:2018
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Answer: d
Explanation: The ISO 9004:2018 provides guidance to achieve sustained success and the continuous improvement
of an organization. It is applicable to all organizations.

14. Which of the following is not a quality management principle on the basis of which ISO 9000:2015 and ISO
9001:2015 are based on?
a) Customer focus
b) Leadership
c) Customer dissatisfaction
d) Evidence based decision making
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Answer: c

1. ISO 14000 standards are for the _________

a) Quality Management System
b) Environmental Management System
c) Administration
d) Supply chain
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Answer: b
Explanation: ISO 14000 standards are for the Environmental Management System. It is either at the organization
and process level or product level.

2. In which year did the ISO create the ISO 14000 family of standards?
a) 1956
b) 1966
c) 1978
d) 1996
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Answer: d
Explanation: In 1996, ISO created the ISO 14000 family of standards. ISO refers to the International Organization
for Standardization.

3. Which is the first environmental management system standard?

a) BS 7750
b) ISO 9000
c) ISO 9001
d) ISO 9004
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Answer: a
Explanation: BS 7750 is the first environmental management system standard. It was published in 1992 by BSI

4. In which year did the current revision of ISO 14001 get published?
a) 2010
b) 2011
c) 2015
d) 2016
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Answer: c
Explanation: The current revision of ISO 14001 was published in 2015. ISO 14001 also underwent a revision in

5. Which one of the following is not within the purview of ISO 14000 family of standards?
a) Environmental management system
b) Environment auditing
c) Life-cycle assessment
d) Quality management system
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Answer: d
Explanation: Environmental management system, environment auditing, and life-cycle assessment are within the
purview of ISO 14000 family of standards. In addition to this, environmental performance evaluation and
environmental aspects in product standards are also considered.

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6. Which one of the following does not belong to the area of Organization Evaluation Standards in ISO 14000
a) Environmental management system
b) Environmental auditing
c) Environmental performance evaluation
d) Environmental labels and declarations
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Answer: d
Explanation: Environmental management system, environmental auditing, and environmental performance
evaluation belong to the area of Organization Evaluation Standards in ISO 14000 series. ISO 14000 series is broadly
divided into two areas, Organization Evaluation Standards and Product Evaluation Standards.

7. Environmental aspects in product standards belong to the area of Product Evaluation Standards in ISO 14000
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Environmental aspects in product standards belong to the area of Product Evaluation Standards in ISO
14000 series. Life cycle assessment also belongs to the area of Product Evaluation Standards in ISO 14000 series.

8. Which of the following pair of ISO 14000 standards fall under the category of Environmental Management
a) ISO 14001 and ISO 14004
b) ISO 14010 and ISO 14001
c) ISO 14011 and ISO 14001
d) ISO 14011 and ISO 14004
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Answer: a
Explanation: ISO 14001 and ISO 14004 are the pair of ISO 14000 standards which fall under the category of
Environmental Management System. ISO 14001 refers to Environmental Management Systems specifications and
ISO 14004 refers to Environmental Management Systems guidelines on principles, systems, and supporting

9. Which of the following pair of ISO 14000 standards fall under the category of Environmental Auditing?
a) ISO 14001 and ISO 14004
b) ISO 14010 and ISO 14011
c) ISO 14011 and ISO 14001
d) ISO 14012 and ISO 14004
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Answer: b
Explanation: ISO 14010 and ISO 14011 are the pair of ISO 14000 standards that fall under the category of
Environmental Auditing. ISO 14010 refers to general principles on environmental auditing and ISO 14011 refers to
the audit procedures.

10. ISO 14012 refers to qualification criteria for environmental auditors.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: ISO 14012 refers to qualification criteria for environmental auditors. It falls under the category of
Environmental Auditing.

11. Which ISO 14000 series standard refers to the guidelines on Environmental Performance Evaluation?
a) ISO 14001
b) ISO 14004
c) ISO 14010
d) ISO 14031
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Answer: d
Explanation: ISO 14031 refers to the guidelines on Environmental Performance Evaluation. It falls under the
category of environmental performance evaluation.

12. Which of the following pair of ISO 14000 standards fall under the category of Environmental Labelling?
a) ISO 14001 and ISO 14004
b) ISO 14010 and ISO 14011
c) ISO 14020 and ISO 14021
d) ISO 14012 and ISO 14020
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Answer: c
Explanation: ISO 14020 and ISO 14021 are the pair of ISO 14000 standards that fall under the category of
Environmental Labelling. ISO 14020 refers to the basic principles for environmental labelling and ISO 14021 refers
to the self-declaration of environmental claims.

13. Which of the following pair of ISO 14000 standards belong to the category of Environmental Labelling?
a) ISO 14022 and ISO 14023
b) ISO 14001 and ISO 14004
c) ISO 14001 and ISO 14021
d) ISO 14012 and ISO 14020
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Answer: a
Explanation: ISO 14022 and ISO 14023 are the pair of ISO 14000 standards that fall under the category of
Environmental Labelling. ISO 14022 refers to the symbols and ISO 14023 refers to the testing and verification.

14. Which of the following pair of ISO 14000 standards belong to the category of Life Cycle Assessment?
a) ISO 14041 and ISO 14023
b) ISO 14041 and ISO 14004
c) ISO 14040 and ISO 14041
d) ISO 14040 and ISO 14020
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Answer: c
Explanation: ISO 14040 and ISO 14041 are the pair of ISO 14000 standards that fall under the category of Life Cycle
Assessment. ISO 14040 refers to the principles and framework and ISO 14041 refers to the goals and guidelines.
15. Which of the following pair of ISO 14000 standards fall under the category of Life Cycle Assessment?
a) ISO 14041 and ISO 14023
b) ISO 14041 and ISO 14004
c) ISO 14042 and ISO 14043
d) ISO 14040 and ISO 14020
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Answer: c

1. Who is considered to be the father of Six Sigma?

a) Bill Smith
b) Deming
c) Crosby
d) Taguchi
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bill Smith is considered the father of Six Sigma. He was an engineer at Motorola. Motorola was one
amongst the first company to win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

2. The process of Six Sigma allows only 3.4 defects per million opportunities.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Six Sigma allows only 3.4 defects per million opportunities. Major companies like Motorola and
General Electric have successfully implemented Six Sigma.

3. DPMO stands for ______

a) Defects per meter opportunities
b) Defects per million opportunities
c) Defects per month of opportunities
d) Defects per millimeter of opportunities
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Answer: b
Explanation: DPMO stands for defects per million opportunities. The objective of Six Sigma is to approach zero
defects and allows only 3.4 defects per million opportunities.

4. Which of the following is not an advantage of using Six Sigma?

a) Process improvement
b) Product improvement
c) Defect reduction
d) A decrease in customer satisfaction
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Answer: d
Explanation: Process improvement and product improvement are the direct benefits of incorporating Six Sigma.
This leads to a reduction in defects and improves customer satisfaction.


5. The combination of Six Sigma and lean manufacturing is known as ______

a) Lean Sigma
b) Lean Two Sigma
c) Lean Six Sigma
d) Lean Three Sigma
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Answer: c
Explanation: The combination of Six Sigma and lean manufacturing is known as Lean Six Sigma. It is a combination
of two continuous improvement methods.

6. What is the percentage accuracy in the six sigma process?

a) 99.8%
b) 99.1%
c) 99.05%
d) 99.99966%
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Answer: d
Explanation: The percentage accuracy in the six sigma process is 99.99966%. The six sigma process allows only 3.4
defects per million opportunities.

7. In which among the following is the Six Sigma process not applicable?
a) Healthcare
b) Business administration
c) Selecting the best employee of the year
d) Supply Chain
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Answer: c
Explanation: The six sigma process is applicable in healthcare, business administration, supply chain and in many
other industrial sectors. The process of six sigma was pioneered by Bill Smith.

8. Which of the following is not a six sigma belt level ranking?

a) Yellow Belt
b) Pink Belt
c) Green Belt
d) Black Belt
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Answer: b

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