Development of The Self-Conceptduring Adolescence

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Development of the self-concept

during adolescence
Catherine Sebastian, Stephanie Burnett and Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AR, UK

Adolescence is a period of life in which the sense of ‘self’ ments about them; they also begin to place higher value on
changes profoundly. Here, we review recent behavioural these judgments. Thus, the looking glass self starts to have
and neuroimaging studies on adolescent development a larger role in self-concept. During adolescence, interper-
of the self-concept. These studies have shown that ado- sonal environments undergo rapid change and an individ-
lescence is an important developmental period for the ual takes on new social roles [7], both of which probably
self and its supporting neural structures. Recent neuroi- contribute to changes in the self-concept. Recent neuroi-
maging research has demonstrated that activity in brain maging research indicates that developmental changes in
regions associated with self-processing, including the the self-concept might also be because of neuroanatomical
medial prefrontal cortex, changes between early adoles- development (Box 2) and functional brain changes in
cence and adulthood. These studies indicate that regions involved in self-processing, as described in the
neurocognitive development might contribute to beha- following section.
vioural phenomena characteristic of adolescence, such
as heightened self-consciousness and susceptibility to Neural correlates of the self in adolescence
peer influence. We attempt to integrate this recent neu- Neuroimaging studies of self-reflection in adults, in which
rocognitive research on adolescence with findings from participants think about their own attributes and prefer-
developmental and social psychology. ences, have shown activation in a network of brain regions,
with consistent activations in dorsal MPFC. For example,
Introduction: the self in adolescence
reflecting on one’s own thoughts, or on personality trait
Human adolescence begins at puberty onset and ends with
adjectives that describe oneself, activates dorsal MPFC [8–
stable commitment to an adult role [1]. As such, adoles-
11]. This is one of the brain regions that undergoes ana-
cence has both biological and psychosocial demarcations.
tomical development during adolescence; a recent longi-
Social psychology studies indicate that during and after
tudinal MRI study revealed that the MPFC is one of latest
puberty, children become increasingly self-conscious and
developing regions [12] (see Box 2 and Figure 1).
more aware of, and concerned with, others’ opinions [2,3].
Recent developmental neuroimaging studies have
Recent empirical research has focussed on neurocognitive
begun to look at the neural correlates of self-reflection in
aspects of self-processing in adolescence. These studies
children and adolescents. A functional magnetic resonance
point to continuing development of the self during adoles-
imaging (fMRI) study compared young adolescents (mean
cence, and an increasing integration between one’s own
age 10 years) and adults (mean age 26 years) on a task of
and others’ mental states. Here, we describe the develop-
self versus social knowledge retrieval [13]. Participants
ment of the self-concept (Box 1) and its neural correlates
were scanned while they judged whether phrases such as ‘I
during adolescence, with a focus on the medial prefrontal
like to read just for fun,’ described either themselves (the
cortex (MPFC), a brain region that has a key role in self-
self-condition) or a familiar other (in this case, the fictional
reflection [4]. We also consider how this development
character Harry Potter; the social condition). Adolescents
might be related to changes in perspective-taking and peer
activated the dorsal MPFC to a greater extent than did
adults during the self-condition (Figure 2). By contrast,
adults activated the lateral temporal cortex more than
A changing concept of the self
adolescents did during the self-condition. The authors
There are two main sources of information that we use to
[13] suggest that, given the part played by the lateral
build up a self-concept [5]. Direct appraisals of ‘what we are
temporal cortex in semantic memory retrieval, adults
like’ can be abstracted from our own reactions to past
use stored self-knowledge when performing the task more
events and experience, whereas reflected appraisals result
than adolescents do. By contrast, adolescents might rely
from our beliefs about how we are seen by others, a concept
more on ‘on-line’ self-reflective processing performed by the
termed the looking glass self. Research in developmental
MPFC [8–11]. This indicates that adolescents and adults
psychology has shown that evaluation of oneself becomes
use different neurocognitive strategies when making self-
more comprehensive and differentiated during childhood
referential judgments.
and adolescence [6]. By early adolescence, children are
In addition to being able to reflect on one’s own attri-
more likely to compare themselves with others and to
butes and preferences, the self-concept also comprises the
understand that others are making comparisons and judg-
ability to think about what you are likely to do in a given
Corresponding author: Blakemore, S.-J. ( situation. A recent fMRI study investigated the develop-
1364-6613/$ – see front matter ß 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2008.07.008 Available online 18 September 2008 441
Review Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.12 No.11

Box 1. Multiple selves

There is no single unified definition of self [32]. Here, we focus on
the development of one aspect of self: the self-concept. The self-
concept is defined as how one perceives oneself (e.g. ‘I am
outgoing’). The self-concept also includes the ‘social self-concept’,
that is, one’s perceptions of how others perceive them (e.g. ‘people
think I am shy’). This is sometimes referred to as the ‘looking glass
self’ [5].
More primitive aspects of self require less explicit self-reflection,
and are present from an early age [33]. Even newborn babies seem
to have some forms of ‘implicit self-awareness’, that is, they show
signs of being able to distinguish between self and other. Within Figure 1. Cortical thickness development in MPFC data from a longitudinal study
24 h of birth, babies root (orient their face towards the source of of 375 participants aged 3.5 to 33 years [12]. The figure shows cortical thickness
tactile stimulation) more to external touch compared with sponta- trajectories across age in different regions of the right medial prefrontal cortex.
neous self-touch to the cheek [34]. By 5–6 months of age, infants Phylogenetically recent (isocortex) areas develop along a cubic trajectory with age
show preferential looking to a pre-recorded video of another, same (in red). More primitive regions follow either a quadratic trajectory (with an initial
age infant, compared to a pre-recorded video of themselves wearing increase in cortical thickness followed by a decrease – in green) or a simple linear
identical clothes [35]. At around 18 months, self-awareness decline in thickness (blue). For regions in which development followed a cubic or
quadratic trajectory, cortical thickness peaks at an earlier age (around 7 years) in
becomes more explicit: there is evidence that children this age
primary sensory and motor areas than in secondary areas. Parietal regions peak at
show signs of understanding that they exist as an individual, around 9–10 years, whereas dorsolateral prefrontal, medial prefrontal (shown
separate from other people. For example, children this age start to here) and cingulate cortices reach peak thickness last (around or after 10.5 years).
recognize themselves in mirrors [36]. In the second and third years, Data from Ref. [12].
infants start to show an understanding that other people are
similarly self-aware, and differentiate between themselves and
other people in speech [37].
you look in a newspaper?’), or physical causality (e.g. ‘A
huge tree suddenly comes crashing down in a forest; does it
ment of this ability by asking participants to think about make a loud noise?’). Consistent with the self versus social
what action they would take, given a particular intention knowledge study described earlier, adolescents activated
[14]. Adolescents (aged 12–18) and adults (aged 22–37) part of the dorsal MPFC more than adults did when
were scanned while answering questions about intentional thinking about their own intentions, compared to during
causality (e.g. ‘You want to see what’s on at the cinema; do physical causality judgments (Figure 2). By contrast, in the
same comparison (intentional – physical), adults activated
Box 2. MRI studies of the adolescent brain part of the right superior temporal sulcus more than
adolescents did. Therefore, these two studies show that
Recent structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have during development there is a shift in the pattern of
shown that brain regions involved in self-related processing
continue to develop during the second decade of life [38,39] (see
activity associated with self-reflection, such that MPFC
Figure 1 in main text). The amount of white matter in various cortical regions are used more in adolescence and posterior
regions, including the prefrontal cortex (PFC), temporal and parietal temporal regions are used more in adulthood. There are
cortex, increases between childhood and adulthood [40]. This several possible explanations for this shift in activation
increase in white matter is thought to reflect continued axonal
pattern. One possibility is that adolescents and adults use
myelination [41]. At the same time, grey matter volume in several
cortical regions decreases between childhood and adolescence [38]. different neurocognitive strategies when performing the
Some MRI studies have found that grey matter volume follows an same task. A second possibility is that the functional brain
inverted U shape during adolescence [37]. An initial increase in grey changes are related to the neuroanatomical changes that
matter volume, thought to reflect a period of synaptogenesis during take place during adolescence (Box 2).
childhood, gives way to a protracted decrease in grey matter
volume, hypothesized to reflect synaptic pruning during adoles-
cence [42]. These changes in the grey and white matter do not occur Development of perspective-taking during adolescence
on the same timescale throughout the brain. Areas subserving The looking glass self refers to the self as viewed by other
primary functions, such as sensory or motor systems, tend to people. Therefore, an increasing awareness of others’
mature before puberty [40]. By contrast, higher order associative perspectives might provide additional information from
regions, including prefrontal, parietal and temporal cortices, are still
maturing after puberty and this continues even into the twenties. A
which to construct the self-concept. A behavioural study
subset of these late-maturing brain regions are involved in self- investigated the development of perspective-taking during
related processing including MPFC. adolescence [15]. Children (mean age 9 years), adolescents
It has been proposed that these neuroanatomical changes (mean age 13) and adults (mean age 24) were tested using a
contribute to the functional changes (increased prefrontal activity) perspective-taking task that required the participant to
between adolescence and adulthood reported in several fMRI
studies. The continued axonal myelination and pruning of synapses
imagine which of two emotions either she or he (first-
in certain regions in adolescence might render the neuronal circuitry person perspective) or a protagonist (third-person
more efficient so that less activity would be required to perform a perspective) would feel in various emotional scenarios.
given task [43]. This explanation might account for the decrease in The results demonstrated that the difference in reaction
activity in the MPFC in self-referential tasks between early adoles-
time between first-person and third-person perspective-
cence and adulthood [13,14,21]. This idea is speculative and makes
several assumptions about neuronal activity and its relation to the taking decreased with age. This indicates that proficiency
BOLD signal (see Ref. [44] for further discussion). Furthermore, it of perspective-taking improves between childhood and
cannot account for brain regions such as the temporal cortex, in adulthood. Alternatively, as the self-concept becomes more
which activity increases with age according to several studies coherent with age, adolescents might increasingly use the
self as the basis for judging others.

Review Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.12 No.11

Figure 2. Functional development of MPFC in self-tasks. Activity changes in MPFC between early adolescence and adulthood from two developmental fMRI studies in which
participants reflected on the self. (a) Activity in MPFC (Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates [MNI] coordinates 10, 54, 14) was higher in young adolescents than in
adults on a task of self versus social (other) knowledge retrieval [13]. Participants were asked to indicate whether phrases accurately described them (self-condition) or a
fictional, familiar other (social condition). (b) Activity in a similar region within MPFC (MNI coordinates 12, 42, 21) was more active in adolescents than in adults when
thinking about one’s own intentions and actions relative to thinking about physical events [14].

Increased awareness of others’ perspectives during ado- vided evidence that the neural processing underlying con-
lescence might also be related to the ‘imaginary audience’. text-based inference in social encounters develops during
This term describes the phenomenon whereby adolescents adolescence [21]. Adolescents (aged 9–14) and adults (aged
believe that others are constantly observing and evaluat- 23–33) judged whether a series of phrases (e.g. ‘Nice
ing them [16], even if this is not actually the case. The New going!’) were sincere or ironic. Adolescents showed stron-
Look Theory [17,18] suggests that the phenomenon results ger activation of the dorsal MPFC during this task than
from a combination of two processes. First, adolescents adults did. Adults activated posterior regions, including
need to develop their own identity as separate from their the superior temporal and fusiform gyri, more than ado-
parents (separation-individuation). As they begin to ques- lescents did. This study shows that the pattern of neural
tion who they are and how they fit in, they might become activity associated with taking into account the wider
increasingly self-conscious, leading to the imaginary audi- context of a social encounter changes during adolescence.
ence. Second, the development of social perspective-taking These results are similar to the developmental neuroima-
results in adolescents becoming increasingly aware that ging studies of self-processing described earlier, showing
others have the capacity to evaluate them. This could again that activity moves from anterior (dorsal MPFC) to
subsequently lead them to overestimate the extent to posterior (temporal) structures with age.
which this actually occurs [19]. It should be noted that A similar result was found in a recent fMRI study that
studies conducted more recently indicate that the imagin- investigated changes in the neural processing of social
ary audience peaks in adolescence but persists into young emotion in the first or third person perspective during
adulthood, and that even older adults exhibit some adolescence. [22]. Adult (age 22–32) and adolescent (age
phenomena associated with it [20]. 10–18) participants read scenarios that described either
The ability to integrate the wider context in a social social emotions (guilt or embarrassment) or basic emotions
encounter is another form of perspective-taking that might (fear or disgust), and were asked to imagine these scenarios
affect self-concept. For example, to understand whether a happening either to themselves (self-condition) or to some-
remark is meant sincerely or ironically, an individual one else (their mother – other condition). First, akin to the
needs to be able to appraise the effect of recent events findings of several developmental social cognition studies
on the speaker’s mental state, and use this to interpret reviewed earlier, activity in the dorsal MPFC during social
their implied meaning. A recent neuroimaging study pro- emotion relative to basic emotion was higher in the ado-

Review Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.12 No.11

Figure 3. Social emotion from the self- and other-perspective. Adults and adolescents imagined social and basic emotion scenarios (a) from their own or from their
mother’s perspective. A region within left temporo-parietal junction (b) differentiated better between self and other in adults than it did in adolescents [22].

lescent group than in the adult group. Second, the left of prefrontal regions than in adults. The authors [26]
temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) showed differential suggest that this change in activation pattern might be
activity to protagonist and emotion, depending on age related to anatomical development within these regions
group (Figure 3). Specifically, this region differentiated (Box 2).
better between self and other in adults than it did in Adolescence is a particularly important time for the
adolescents, whereas in adolescents the left TPJ was more self-concept to be shaped by other people, especially peers.
responsive to the difference between social and basic Self-report studies have shown that adolescents find
emotion irrespective of perspective. This finding indicates spending time with peers particularly rewarding and
that the neurocognitive strategies for attributing social are particularly influenced by their peers [27,28].
and basic emotions to self and other develop with age. A Susceptibility to peer influence is thought to contribute
possible interpretation is that adolescents rely more heav- to adolescents’ greater propensity to engage in risky
ily than adults do on a simulation-based strategy when activities, compared to other age groups [29]. A recent
imagining the emotional response of another person. behavioural study measured the incidence of risky driving
events in a car simulation video game, in which adoles-
Emotion regulation and resistance to peer influence cents and adults played alone or with two friends present
It has been argued that positive social feedback becomes [30]. For adolescents, the presence of peers more than
increasingly rewarding during adolescence and that nega- doubled the number of risks taken, whereas for adults
tive social experiences can contribute to the increased the presence of peers had little effect on risky driving. This
incidence of affective disorders such as depression during empirical study corroborates anecdotal evidence that ado-
this period of life [23]. A recent study showed that having a lescents are more likely to make risky decisions in the
negative self-concept in adolescence (defined by high scores presence of peers.
on measures of self-hate, self-neglect and self-blame) is A recent fMRI study found that children (aged 10 years)
associated with both internalising behaviours such as with high resistance to peer influence showed greater
depression and anxiety, and externalising behaviours such functional connectivity between several brain regions
as delinquency and aggression [24]. Regulating the dis- when observing emotional (angry) gestures, compared to
tress associated with negative social events, in addition to children with low resistance to peer influence [31]. This
other negative stimuli, is important in self-concept devel- was interpreted as indicating that children with low resist-
opment. An fMRI study recently looked at self-regulation of ance to peer influence scores were more reactive to
emotion, which relies on lateral and medial PFC in adults emotionally laden actions. It would be interesting in future
[25], in a group of children aged 8–10 years [26]. When the studies to investigate systematically how susceptibility to
children voluntarily suppressed their emotional reactions peer influence relates to self-concept and how its neural
to sad film excerpts, there was activity in a larger number basis develops within the same individual over time.

Review Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.12 No.11

Box 3. Outstanding questions 9 Johnson, M.K. et al. (2006) Dissociating medial frontal and posterior
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- Are there gender differences in the development of the self- 10 Macrae, C.N. et al. (2004) Medial prefrontal activity predicts memory
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- Does development of self-concept proceed through a series of 11 D’Argembeau, A. et al. (2007) Distinct regions of the medial prefrontal
discrete cognitive stages during adolescence? cortex are associated with self-referential processing and perspective
- How is the development of self-concept affected by individual taking. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 19, 935–944
differences in genetic background? 12 Shaw, P. et al. (2008) Neurodevelopmental trajectories of the human
- How does the environment influence development of the self- cerebral cortex. J. Neurosci. 28, 3586–3594
concept and its neural correlates? 13 Pfeifer, J.H. et al. (2007) ‘I know you are but what am I?!’: neural bases
- How is self-concept development related to neuroanatomical of self- and social knowledge retrieval in children and adults. J. Cogn.
maturation, and how is this related to functional brain activity in Neurosci. 19, 1323–1337
adolescence? 14 Blakemore, S-J. et al. (2007) Adolescent development of the neural
- Is the development of self-concept in adolescence related to the circuitry for thinking about intentions. Soc. Cogn. Affect. Neurosci. 2,
increased incidence of affective and anxiety disorders during this 130–139
period of life? 15 Choudhury, S. et al. (2006) Social cognitive development during
adolescence. Soc. Cogn. Affect. Neurosci. 1, 165–174
16 Elkind, D. (1967) Egocentrism in adolescence. Child Dev. 38, 1025–
Conclusion 1034
Adolescence is an important period for development of the 17 Lapsley, D.K. (1991) Egocentrism theory and the ‘New Look’ at the
socially integrated self-concept. The evidence discussed imaginary audience and personal fable in adolescence. In Encyclopaedia
here indicates that neurocognitive development during of Adolescence (Lerner, R.M. et al., eds), pp. 281–286, Garland
18 Lapsley, D.K. (1993) Toward an integrated theory of adolescent ego
adolescence occurs in brain regions involved in reflecting
development: the ‘‘new look’’ at adolescent egocentrism. Am. J.
on the self. In particular, changes in activation pattern Orthopsychiatry 63, 562–571
with age have been demonstrated in several recent neu- 19 Lapsely, D.K. and Murphy, M.N. (1985) Another look at the theoretical
roimaging studies in the MPFC. Specifically, fMRI studies assumptions of adolescent egocentrism. Dev. Rev. 5, 201–217
have shown that there is a shift in activity from MPFC to 20 Frankenberger, K. (2000) Adolescent egocentrism: a comparison
among adolescents and adults. J. Adolesc. 23, 343–354
temporal regions between adolescence and adulthood. 21 Wang, A.T. et al. (2006) Neural basis of irony comprehension in children
Common to all paradigms in these fMRI studies is the with autism: the role of prosody and context. Brain 129, 932–943
requirement for self-related processing or for the proces- 22 Burnett, S. et al. Development during adolescence of the neural
sing of self-relevant social cues. Changes in self-concept processing of social emotion. J. Cogn. Neurosci. (in press)
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development of the prefrontal cortex and the representation of reward.
adolescence, such as heightened self-consciousness and Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 32, 1–19
susceptibility to peer pressure. Future studies might 24 Ybrandt, H. (2008) The relation between self-concept and social
address these links (Box 3), and explore structure–func- functioning in adolescence. J. Adolesc. 31, 1–16
tion relationships in late maturing regions such as the 25 Ochsner, K.N. et al. (2002) Rethinking feelings: an FMRI study of the
cognitive regulation of emotion. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 14, 1215–1229
26 Lévesque, J. et al. (2006) Neural basis of emotional self-regulation in
childhood. Neuroscience 129, 361–369
Acknowledgements 27 Csikszentmihalyi, M. et al. (1977) The ecology of adolescent activity
The authors’ research is funded by the BBSRC, Wellcome Trust and and experience. J. Youth Adolesc. 6, 281–294
Royal Society, UK. We are grateful to I. Dumontheil for commenting on 28 Larson, R. and Richards, M.H. (1991) Daily companionship in late
previous versions of the manuscript. childhood and early adolescence: changing developmental contexts.
Child Dev. 62, 284–300
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