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We will now talk about clothing and food as they pertain to Christians. First, we will speak about clothing
for Christians.


A. The Significance of Clothing

First, let us consider the meaning of clothing. In order to understand the need for clothing, we must go back
to the very beginning.

1. Clothing Not Needed before the Fall

Before man fell into sin, his clothing, perhaps, was a mere form of light around him. He was innocent, and
he had no feeling of shame before the fall. Although he did not wear anything, he was not ashamed.

2. Clothing Needed to Cover Man’s Shame after the Fall

When sin came in, the first effect on man was the realization of his own nakedness; he felt ashamed
immediately. Adam and Eve made aprons of fig leaves and put them on. This shows us the basic significance
of clothing; it is for covering. Clothing is necessary because we need to cover ourselves. It is a pity that the
aprons of fig leaves did not last. The leaves soon dried up, broke into pieces, and disintegrated. God then
clothed man with animal skins. He prepared something solid and lasting for man. The purpose of this
clothing was to cover the body.

Hence, clothes are for covering the body; they are not for exhibition. Any clothes which do not serve the
simple purpose of covering the body are wrong. Clothing is for covering the body.

3. The Blood Being Needed for Exposed Areas

The Israelites wore sandals in the land of Judea. They did not have socks, and their feet were exposed to the
earth. The rest of their body was covered with clothing. Other than their hands, feet, and head, their whole
body was covered. When the priests went before God with the blood, the blood was applied to the thumb of
the hand, the toe of the foot, and the ear. This shows us that the exposed areas had to be covered by the
blood. The blood was not applied to the other parts of the body. The hands, feet, and head were the only
areas which needed the blood. The other areas were covered by clothing. This shows us that the purpose of
clothing is for covering. We must realize before God that it is proper for man to be covered.

Today’s degradation can be traced to man’s degeneration to his uncivilized state. In such a state he clothes
himself scantily. It is improper for man to be scantily clothed. Clothing is for covering, and any clothing that
is not for covering violates God’s definition of a covering. The blood is a type. Its spiritual significance points
to the need of covering. Man has sinned and needs covering before God. Today any shortening of sleeves or
hems, or any clothing which exhibits rather than covers the body, is of the world. God is not pleased with
such clothing.

In view of this, the more covering a garment affords, the better it is. I am a sinner, and my need is to be
completely covered before the Lord. I do not want any part of my being to be exposed before Him. We are
Christians who are saved and who have put our trust in the Lord. However, we have no standing before the
Lord unless we are fully covered by Him. We look for covering and pray that our whole being would be fully
covered by Him so that every part of our being would be redeemed and saved. According to the type in the
Scripture, whatever is not covered by one’s clothing must be covered by the blood. Our hands, feet, and
head must all be under the blood.
4. Man’s Second Fall Due to Nakedness

When Adam and Eve sinned, their nakedness exposed their sin. Noah came out of the ark 1,656 years later.
He planted a vineyard and became drunk. As a result, he took off his clothes and exposed himself. The first
man ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and found himself naked. The next man found
himself naked after eating the fruit of the vine. The second fall of man came when he did not put on the
clothing he was supposed to put on. Adam fell from a state where he needed no clothing to a state where he
needed clothing. Noah fell when he had clothing but did not put it on. In the Bible nakedness is a shame. It
is something forbidden by the Scripture. This is the result of the second fall of man.

5. The Altar Having No Steps

When God instituted the law at Mount Sinai in Exodus, He commanded the Israelites to build an altar with
no steps because He did not want their bodies to be exposed when they went up the steps to offer sacrifices.
God abhors the principle of exposure. He does not want man to expose his body. Other than the hands, feet,
and head, every part of the body must be covered, and the hands, feet, and head must be covered with the
blood. The modern trend of exposing one’s body is a violation of God’s original principle. God’s original
purpose is for man to cover himself with clothing. Even when he goes up to the altar to offer sacrifices, he
should not expose his body. It is not right for man to be without covering.

6. The Priest Wearing a Long Robe and Breeches

The priests’ garments were very fine. They were sewn with fine needlework, which allowed for no opening
in the seams. God did not permit them to expose themselves. The priests were not allowed to expose
themselves in any way before God. Their ephod was especially long. In addition, they had to wear breeches,
lest their body be exposed (Exo. 28:42). The Bible is consistent in its emphasis; clothing is for covering, not
for exposure. This is one main characteristic of clothing.

7. The Garment Symbolizing Redemption

and the Lord Jesus Himself
God uses the garment as a symbol of our redemption. It is also a symbol of the Lord Jesus Himself. We are
clothed with God’s salvation, and we are those who have put on Christ Jesus. We are those who have put on
the new man. God does not want to see any openings or breaches among us. We are completely clothed with
salvation, with Christ, and with the new man. Our whole being is covered by God. We are saved and clothed
with salvation.

Each time we put on our clothing, our inner eyes need to be opened to Christ and salvation. Before we put
on our garment, we were naked. We were not covered at all before God, and we could not hide from God’s
light or His judgment. Thank God! Today we are clothed. Before God we have put on His salvation and His
righteousness. We have put on the garment which God has given to us. We have put on Christ and the new
man. The completeness of the covering of our garment symbolizes the completeness of the covering we have
received from the Lord. This significance must not be overlooked. How marvelous it is that God is merciful
enough to cover us! We are completely covered before God.

The principle of clothing is for covering. Christians should not wear any clothing which does not cover them.
Any garment which exposes one’s body should be discarded. The purpose of clothing is for covering, not for
exposing. No one should make or wear any clothing which is in the principle of exposure rather than
covering. The principle of exposure is incompatible with the principle of a Christian.

B. Garments Plagued with Leprosy

Second, Leviticus says that a man can be plagued with leprosy. A house and a piece of garment can also be
plagued with leprosy. Much of today’s clothing on earth, especially ladies’ dresses, are plagued with leprosy.
We must deal with the subject of clothing in a sober way.
1. Two Different Kinds of Dealings
Leviticus 13 shows us two different ways to deal with a garment plagued with leprosy. Some garments had
to be sent to the priest. The priest would examine the leprosy on them. If the leprosy grew and spread, the
garment had to be burned; it had to be removed completely. It could no longer be used. In some cases
leprosy may not have spread; the garment merely turned dark. The priest would then cut out part of the
fabric and have the garment washed. If the leprosy remained, the garment had to be burned. After the priest
washed the garment and cut off the undesirable parts, if the leprosy stopped, the garment could be spared.

2. Bringing Clothes to the Lord

and Dealing with Them One by One
A new believer must pay attention to the matter of clothing. If you have any doubt about any of your clothes,
you should bring them to the priest for examination. The Lord is the High Priest today. You must ask Him
whether or not you can wear this clothing. Do not think that this is a small matter. Clothing is a big issue to
a new believer. If you do not know which clothes are plagued with leprosy, you should bring them to the
Priest and let the Lord tell you whether they are plagued.

Remember that a person has to separate himself from a leper. A house plagued with leprosy had to be torn
down and a garment plagued with leprosy had to be burned. Of course, today you do not need to burn your
clothing. But at least you must not wear those things anymore. There are many garments which are plagued
with leprosy. Many of them can be worn again after the sleeves are lengthened and the dress dyed to a
different color or changed to a different style. Some clothing can be kept after it is examined by the priest
and altered a little. Some clothing has the nature of leprosy even after it is examined and altered. It must be
thrown away. As soon as a person believes in the Lord, he has to present his clothes piece by piece to the
Lord and allow Him to examine each one in detail. He should let the Lord tell him whether or not the
clothing is appropriate for him. All of it must be dealt with piece by piece.

I hope new believers will behave as Christians when they present themselves before men. I do not want to
see anyone doubting a Christian’s genuineness because of the kind of clothes he or she wears. Others will
say whether or not we are Christians by the kind of clothes we wear. A cleansed person would never wear
plagued clothing. Our leprosy has been cleansed and our sins are forgiven. From now on, we should not
wear any leprosy-infested garments.

New believers must present everything in their wardrobe piece by piece to the Lord and pray over each item.
Do not expect others to come and tell you what is good and what is not. You must bring everything to the
Lord yourself and let the Lord judge you. You must ask the Lord, “I have become a believer now. Is this
clothing all right? Is this clothing right?” Some items of clothing have to be thrown away, while others must
be altered. Let the Lord teach you what to do. Some garments cannot be altered at all. You must decide for
yourself whether sin is involved in a certain garment. Your clothing has much to do with you. This matter
must be dealt with soberly.

3. A Clear Distinction
between Males and Females
The Bible forbids men to wear women’s clothing and vice versa (Deut. 22:5). The tendency today is to annul
the distinction between men’s and women’s clothing. Already this distinction is becoming less and less. If
the world continues this trend, there will soon be no difference between the two. All the brothers and sisters
have to pay attention to this matter. Men should not wear women’s clothing, and women should not wear
men’s clothing. You must maintain the separation established by God. Men must wear men’s clothes and
women must wear women’s clothes. Anything which confuses the distinction in gender does not glorify God.
God’s people and His children must learn to have proper distinction in their clothing.

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