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1 What is this course history of the Nigerian built environment about?

2 Why is history important to architectural education discipline and practice of


3 Styles and periods may be used to organize the architectural history of Nigeria. What problems
arise from this approach?

4 Itemize and explain what you consider the problems of writing a History of the Nigerian
built environment.

5 What is a conceptual framework? How is it different from Theory and Model? What are
the qualities of a good conceptual framework in this context?

6 Itemize the strengths and the weaknesses of the conceptual framework that we devised
for this course.

7 What did Dell Upton refer to as Landscape History?

8 What did Nnamdi Elleh refer to as the Triple Heritage?

9 Imagine that you have to apply the triple heritage to the Nigerian context, what are the
conceptual problems that this will bring to the historical study?

10 Define Nigerian Traditional Architecture

11 With the aid of examples illustrate the methods of interpreting traditional architecture

12 Define Vernacular Architecture.

13 Nigerian indigenous architecture has been greatly impacted by external contacts. Name
the external contacts and explain how each of them has influenced Nigerian indigenous

14 What is colonial architecture? In the Nigerian context, in what ways is colonial

architecture different or similar to vernacular architecture?

15 High style/modern architecture

16 Differentiate between Nigerian colonial architecture and modern or high style


17 Write briefly about History Theory and Criticism in Architecture.

18 Term Paper

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