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MGMT601 - 3 credits
Leadership in the Global Context: 4 hours/week

Instructor: Office:

Email: Office Hours:

Course Description
Through incorporating elements of leadership at all levels within an organization, students explore
leadership theories and best practices that differentiate successful leaders from others. With a view to
enhancing their ability to lead teams, students are challenged to identify their own leadership style and to
adopt new leadership approaches, skills and strategies. Strategic planning, leadership skills and critical
thinking skills are developed through applying strategic management tools and processes to real world
problems with a particular focus on ethical leadership.
Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course a student will be able to:

 Contrast the role of leadership on communal, corporate and societal levels in terms of styles,
models and the philosophy of leadership in order to lead diverse teams with cross-cultural
 Assess the key role of critical thinking in leadership development and the importance of various
reflection frameworks as powerful tools for enhancing leadership skills
 Categorize a wide range of leadership skills and attributes and assess various sources of power
and multiple approaches to influencing others
 Compare different leadership styles in terms of benefits, limitations and impact of emotional
intelligence and apply different leadership techniques to real world examples
 Assess the role of ethical leadership and the resources available to overcome the challenges to
sustainable leadership development

Required Resources

UCC and Partnership Collaboration to AC
● Hughes, R., R. Ginnett & G. Curphy, Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience, 9th
Edition, 2019, McGraw-Hill
Print ISBN: 9781259963261, 1259963268
eText ISBN: 9781260167702, 1260167704

Recommended Resources
● Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, APA, 7th edition
ISBN: 978-14338- 3216-1
Weekly Schedule


Title Topics Learning Activities -

Outcome Readings

 What is leadership? Hughes, Ginnett

 Leadership myths & Curphy: Chap.
 Interactional framework for analyzing leadership 1 and Chap. 2
Development  Action-Observation-Reflection model 1,2
Assignment #1 -
 Spiral of experience
Article Review
 Reflection and leadership development
 Learning to learn from experience (Presentation)

 Your first 90 days as a leader

 Learning from experience
Hughes, Ginnett
Leadership Skills  Building technical competence 3, 4 & Curphy: Chap.
 Building effective relationships with superiors 3
and peers
 Development planning
 Power and leadership Hughes, Ginnett
 Influence tactics & Curphy:l:
 Leadership and “doing the right things” Chap. 4 and
 Character-based approaches to leadership Chap. 5
Power &
3  The roles of ethics and values in organizational 3,4
Influence Assignment #2 -
 Creating and sustaining an ethical climate Power in
Analysis Paper

 Personality traits and leadership

 Personality types and leadership
 Intelligence and leadership
Leadership  Emotional intelligence and leadership Hughes, Ginnett
4 Attributes &  Studies of leadership behaviour 4,5 & Curphy: Chap.
Behaviours  Leadership pipeline 6 and Chap. 7
 Community leadership
 Assessing leadership behaviours: mutilator
feedback instruments

UCC and Partnership Collaboration to AC

Title Topics Learning Activities -

Outcome Readings
 Skills for building personal credibility and
Credibility and influencing others Hughes, Ginnett
Influence &  Motivation & Curphy: Chap.
5 Motivation,  Performance: team and organizational 4,5 8, Chap. 9 and
effectiveness Chap. 10
Satisfaction &
 Satisfaction
Performance Midterm Exam
 Engagement
 Understanding follower’s potential
 Individual vs groups vs teams
 The nature of groups: size; roles; norms; cohesion Hughes, Ginnett
6 Groups  Teams: effective team characteristics; team 4,5 & Curphy: Chap.
building; team leadership model; leadership 11 and Chap. 17
 Virtual teams
Hughes, Ginnett
 Setting goals & Curphy:: Chap.
 Providing constructive feedback 12 and Chap. 17
Developing  Building high-performing teams: the rocket Assignment #3 -
7 4,5
Others model Business Report:
 Delegating ."Cross-cultural
 Coaching differences in
 The situation: task; organization; environment
Situational  Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory Hughes, Ginnett
Leadership &  Normative decision model 4,5 & Curphy: Chap.
Contingency  Situational leadership model 13 and Chap. 14
Theories  Contingency model
 Path-goal theory
Hughes, Ginnett
 Rational approach to organizational change: & Curphy: Chap.
Leadership & dissatisfaction; model; process; resistance 15
Change  Emotional approach to organizational change:
9 5 Assignment #4 -
charismatic and transformational leadership
 Bass’s theory of transformational and Presentation
transactional leadership "Future leader's
 Destructive leadership
Dark Side of Hughes, Ginnett
 Managerial incompetence
10 Leadership 4,5 & Curphy: Chap.
 Managerial derailment
 Root causes of managerial incompetence and 16
11 Review and Final Exam

UCC and Partnership Collaboration to AC
Student Performance Assessment

Date Assessment Item Description Weight

Assessment of the student’s participation

Ongoing Participation & Professionalism in group and individual activities 15%
throughout the course

Week 1
Article Review Review of the article related to the toplic
(Presenting: studied in class in the format of PPT 10%
Weeks 3- (Presentaton) presentation

Critical analysis of the article “The Role

Power in Leadership Analysis
Week 3 of Power in Effective Leadership” using 10%
Gibbs’ Cycle

Critical analysis of the article assigned

Week 5 Mid-Term Exam 15%
by the instructor using Gibbs’ Cycle

Business Report on "Cross-

Formal business report on Decision
Week 7 cultural differences in 15%
Making in Leadership

Presentation "Future leader's self- Students are supposed to prepare this

reflection". presentation throughout the course,
adding 2-3 slides after each class.
Week 9 Presentation should contain thorough 15%
self-reflection on one's skills, abilities
and personality traits related to different
aspects of leadership

Critical analysis of the article assigned

Week 11 Final Exam 20%
by the instructor using Gibbs’ Cycle

Total 100%

Applicable Policies

UCC and Partnership Collaboration to AC
The following documents form an integral part of this Syllabus, therefore need to be updated each term
by the Instructor and made accessible at the same time as this Syllabus to students:
Term-dependent policies:
 Format for Assignment Report (see course page)
 Grading Rubric for Papers (see course page)
 Class Participation / Expectations. Class participation is an essential aspect of the course.
Students are expected to come to class prepared, having completed all necessary pre-class work,
which includes: reading the textbook; exploring presentations and articles on the portal, looking
up the meaning of unknown terms; formulating questions, etc. Students are expected to be
prepared and willing to engage in exploratory and discovery-based discussions. Participation can
take the form of the oral response as well as the voluntary presentation of new ideas, concepts,
relevant and interesting sources and other positive interaction in the class environment described
below. Students are also expected to be punctual and attentive, and points will be deducted for
lateness, inappropriate conduct, and other kinds of distracting behaviour such as text messaging,
inappropriate internet surfing, etc.
Students' contributions will be assessed according to the following guidelines:
90% - Excellent Contribution - substantial participation, offers relevant ideas, has clear and
thoughtful views, offers analysis and interpretation, encourages others' understanding, and
initiates original comments and direction, moves the discussion to conclusion or synthesis.
80% - Good Contribution - significant participation, expresses views, offers related analysis, and
facilitates some clarification of others' thoughts.
70% - Fair Contribution - some contribution of facts but minimal analysis.
< 70% - Minimal or no contribution - participate by attending but little more; minimal awareness
of the flow of discussion.
 Late Assignments: The penalty for late submission without a pre-approved extension is 10
percentage points per calendar day

Standard UCW policies (hyperlinked and under various sections on the policy website):

 APA Guidelines
 Policy 6006 – Copyright (Library section)
 Policy 6751 – Information Privacy and Security (Records Management)
 Policy 9024 – Examinations (Registrar’s Office)
o Out-of Time Final Examination Form (Registrar’s Office)
o Out-of-Time Final Examination Form (Registrar’s Office)

UCC and Partnership Collaboration to AC
 Policy 5002 – Turnitin (Academics)
o You may be asked to submit some assignments electronically to Turnitin (via the UCW
portal), which checks for originality before evaluation by the instructor.
 Grade Point and Letter Grades – see table below.

Exceptional: Normally achieved by a small minority of students who
90-100% A+
have consistently exceeded performance expectations in all evaluation
Excellent: Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of subject matter and achievement of learning outcomes 85-89% A (4.00)
at high levels of performance in almost all of the evaluation criteria.
Very good: Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of the subject matter and achievement of learning 80-84% A-
outcomes at well above average levels of performance in most of the (3.67)
course evaluation criteria.
Good: Demonstrates substantial knowledge and understanding of the 76-79% B+
subject matter and achievement of learning outcomes at average to (3.33)
above average performance levels in most of the course evaluation
criteria 72-75% B (3.00)
Satisfactory: Demonstrates sufficient knowledge and understanding of
68-71% B-
the subject matter and achievement of learning outcomes at average
levels of performance in most of the course evaluation criteria.

Pass: Demonstrates acceptable knowledge and understanding of the

subject matter and achievement of learning outcomes at low to average 60-67% C (2.00)
level of performance in many of the course evaluation criteria.

Fail: Unacceptable performance in most or all of the course evaluation

0-59% F (0)

Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct:

Plagiarism: includes, but is not limited to:
 Submission of another person’s work as original;
 Inadequate attribution given to an author or creator whose work is incorporated in the student's
work; and
 Paraphrase or use of material verbatim from a source without sufficient acknowledgement.

Falsifying Materials: includes, but is not limited to:

 Fraudulently manipulating laboratory processes, electronic data, or research data in order to achieve
desired results;
 Submitting work prepared by someone else (e.g., commercially prepared essays) as one's own;
 Citing a source from which material was not obtained; and

UCC and Partnership Collaboration to AC
 Submitting false records, information or data, in writing or orally.
Cheating : includes, but is not limited to:
 Submitting the same work for different courses without prior permission from the faculty member;
 Copying another person’s answers or other work;
 Sharing information or answers when doing take-home assignments, tests, and examinations except
where the instructor has authorized collaborative work;
 Having any unauthorized materials or equipment in an examination or test;
 Submitting an assignment completed (or partially completed) by someone else;
 Falsifying or making up data or bibliographic information;
 Impersonating a candidate in an examination or test, or being assigned the results of such
 Reproducing, sharing or otherwise making unauthorized copies of UCW materials in any format;
 Using technological means such as cell phones, data storage units and other electronic devices
without prior permission from the faculty; and
 Assisting others or attempt to help others to engage in any conduct described above or any other
activities prohibited by UCW.
Penalties for Academic Misconduct
Penalties for academic misconduct include, but are not limited to:
At the course level:
 Written reprimand for retention in the student file (no transcript entry)
 Repetition of the assignment or completion of a different, but similar, assignment (no transcript entry)
 Failing grade for the assignment (no transcript entry)
 Failing grade for the course (recorded on transcript)
At the program level:
 Disciplinary probation for a defined period with written documentation retained in the student’s file
(transcript notation for period of probation)
At the University level:
 Suspension (permanent transcript entry)
 Expulsion (permanent transcript entry)
 Rescission of degrees granted (permanent transcript entry)

Instructor biography:

The Instructor for MGMT 601: Leadership in the Global Context is

UCC and Partnership Collaboration to AC

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