MGMT 601: Final Project - Presentation "Future Leader's Self-Reflection"

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MGMT 601: Final Project – Presentation “Future Leader’s Self-Reflection”

This assignment is your key project in this course, a substitute for the final exam, and it holds a value of
30% of your final mark.

You have to create a presentation consisting of two parts: Part 1 SELF-REFLECTION and Part 2 PERSONAL

Part 1: SELF-REFLECTION is designed to demonstrate what you have learned from the course and how
you can use apply this knowledge to your life and career.

In each class we discuss many different ideas, concepts and frameworks. You have to pick 2-3 of them
(not all) which you find particularly relevant for you and apply them to reflect on your past experience.
You do not need to re-write theoretical concepts themselves, but rather provide your audience with
thorough and thoughtful reflection and analysis.
Recommended structure: a separate slide for each concept chosen, so that you have 2-3 slides for each
of 10 live classes you attend during the course (about 25- 26 slides altogether).

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PART should tell the audience about your future plans. You have to
present short-term (1 year), and medium-term (3-5 years) plans separately. Recommended structure:
one slide with list of goals for each plan and 1 more slide with some extra information: KPIs, enablers,
obstacles, measures, time frames, etc. for each plan (4 slides altogether). Try to be as specific as possible
making your plans tailor-made and relevant to you.

To get a good grade for this assignment, ensure that:

1. You demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the course and ability to apply course concepts
to your personal settings and future career.
2. You demonstrate a good level of self-awareness and critical thinking.
3. You provide thorough in-depth analysis, supporting it with data and personal examples.
4. Frameworks, ideas, concept and terminology from each class are used in your presentation.
5. Your ideas are clear and logically structured, each part of your reflection ends with a solid
6. Professional terminology is incorporated naturally and used appropriately.
7. Your slides employ grammar, punctuation and vocabulary appropriate for an MBA-level course.
8. Your slides are engaging for the audience: do not overwhelm them with text, use a variety of
Powerpoint tools available.
9. Your future plans are connected with the results of your reflection.
10. (*) In order to get A-grades for the Final Project you must go beyond the content of the textbook
and in-class explanations in your presentation, self-studying some concepts and using them in
your slides.
Grading Rubric for the Final Project

Criteria Unacceptable Excellent

Self-reflection 0-18 19-25 26-30
❏ Provided thorough evaluation of their own personality traits,
skills, abilities, values, approaches, etc. in relation to the
topics of the course
❏ Provided necessary personal examples
❏ Evaluation was objective and well-balanced
❏ Discussed each supporting point thoroughly and clearly

Integration of concepts from the textbook and other 0-18 19-25 26-30
❏ Names concepts of interest on each week’s intro slide
❏ Gives reason they chose the concept
❏ Naturally incorporated multiple ideas, frameworks and
concepts from each class into the slides
❏ Used professional terminology extensively and
appropriately throughout the slides
❏ Tied self-reflection, course content, and research together
❏ Had at least one outside source per chapter in addition to
❏ Sources were used to support assertions on reflections or
validate actions (not only as comments on the topic)

Conclusions and Action Plans 0-12 13-16 17-20

❏ Each part of the presentation ended with clear, specific and
relevant conclusions
❏ Action plans were specific and realistic; they closely
correlated with problems identified in reflection
Professionalism of the document 0-12 13-16 17-20
❏ Presentation overall was engaging for the audience, various
Powerpoint design tools used
❏ Font no larger than 18pt for main content
❏ Headings were clear; identified each Chapter/Week of the
course and sections of the presentation
❏ Correct grammar and spelling, appropriate vocabulary used
❏ Presentation had required length (25-35 slides)
❏ All used sources were cited properly (correct placement,
APA style)

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