4 Done Completing Sentence

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Question No-4

Completing Sentence
Rule-1: If+sub+V1 + S + shall/will + V1
- If you come, I will go
If + sub+ V2 + S + should/would + V1
- If you came, I would go
If + had + V3 + S + should/would+ have+V3
- If I had seen him, I could have told him the matter.
Had+s+V3 + S+should/would+have + V3
-Had I seen him, I would have told him the matter
Rule-2: .......... Lest + s + might/should + V1
- Walk fast lest you should miss the train.
- Read attentively lest you might fail in the exam.
Rule-3: …..(result/consequence) Unless + S + V1 + O (Affirmative conditional job)
- You will fail unless you study well.
- You will not get money unless you do the job.
S+V1+O + so that/ in order that + S+may/can+V1
S+V2+O + so that/in order that + S+might/could+V1
- We eat so that we can live.
- He killed his wife so that he could conceal his ill doings.
Rule-5: ....... so ....... that + 1st sub+can/cannot+ V1
..... in order ...... that + 1st sub+can/could/may+V1
........ too ....... to + V1
- He is so intelligent that he can get any job.
- She read attentively in order that she can get marks.
- He is too old to work.
Rule-6: I wish/would that+ sub+ were + meaningful sentence
- I wish I were a bird.
- Would that I were a king.
Rule-7: …… In case + meaningful sentence
- Call me in case you need me.
- Remember Allah/God in case you fall in danger.
Rule-8: ...... as long as + meaningful sentence
...... till/until + meaningful sentence
- Wait here as long as I come back.
- Do not go outside until the rain stops.
Rule-9: ...... would rather +verb+ than + verb/Noun
- I would rather die than beg.
- I would rather read than browsing facebook.
Rule-10: ...... had better + verb+ meaningful sentence
- You had better get out from the classroom
- I had better leave bad company.
Rule-11: since/as/because + meaningful sentence
- Everyone loves him because, he is honest.
- Since there is an effect of Corona in the whole world, the world’s economy is
decreasing slightly.
Rule-12: Though/ although/in spite of/despite + meaningful sentence
-In spite of his poverty, he helps the poor
-Though he is poor, he is honest.
Rule-13: By+ Ving + meaningful (Affirmative) sentence
Without+ Ving + meaningful (Negative) sentence
- By reading attentively, you can do well in the exam.
- Without praying, we cannot escape from our evil deeds.
Rule-14: ...... how to + V1
- I know how to do well in exam.
- He knows well, how to deal with problem.
Rule-15: ..... that + meaningful sentence
- I know that my mother loves me.
- It is a matter of sorrow that she is no more.
Rule-16: ..... let alone + meaningful sentence
- He cannot even pass let alone GPA-5.
- He cannot afford a bike let alone car.
Rule-17: ...... the place + Where+ meaningful sentence
- I know the place were he lives
- It was Dhaka where I was born.
..... the time/yesterday + When + meaningful sentence
- It was 1971 When Bangladesh got freedom
- Yesterday I met him when I was crossing the read.
Rule-18: It is high time/ It is time + S+V2+O
- It is high time we took action against rape.
- It is time we left bad company.
It is time to + V1
- It is time to start the work.
- It is time to leave the place.
Rule-19: Sub+ can/could/may/might/shall/should/will+ V1+ Provided that/providing
that + V1
- I will go provided that you buy my ticket
- Kashem can read attentively providing that he gets help from his friends.

Rule-20: No sooner had + V3 than + V2

Scarcely had + V3 when + V2
Hardly had + V3 when + V2
Barely had + V3 When + V2
- No sooner had he reached the station than the train left.
- Scarcely had I reached home when it starts raining.

V1 (present form) since V2
V2 (past form) as if had + V3
as though

- He acts as if/ as though he knew everything.

- Five years have passed since we last met.
had + V3 Before V2
V2 After had + V3
- The patient had died before the doctor came.
- The function begun after the chief guest had arrived.
Rule-23: If + sub + were + you + 1st sub + would/might+ not + V1+
meaningful sentence
- If I were you, I would not do this.
- If I were you, I would not tell him the matter.


Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases:

Dhaka Board – 2019
(a) We are late. The class will start soon. Walk fast lest—
(b) There goes a proverb that —. So, we must make proper use of time.
(c) The condition of Mitu’s father was not well. If I knew his mobile number, —
(d) Though Bangladesh is a small country, —. We are proud of our world heritage sites.
(e) We are a free nation now. 1971 is the year when—
(f) English is an international language. —you cannot get a good job.
(g) I found a box in the room. The box was too heavy for—
(h) I was really in a great danger. He came here with a view to —
(i) I can’t recall his name. It is long since—
(j) Time will decide everything. Do your best—

Dinajpur Board 2019

(a) He is a liar. Do not rely –
(b) Mobile phone is a wonder of modern science. But –
(c) Time has its wings. It was five years since we —
(d) Our country is beset with many problems. We all should come forward
with a view to –
(e) Whenever he speaks in English, —. But we learn through mistakes.
(f) Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is high time —.
(g) A student has to be punctual. He has to study regularly lest –
(h) There is nobody -. Hence happiness is a relative term.
(i) Trees are essential for our existence. So, we should plant —.
(j) Early rising gives a man enough free time. Since I am an early riser, –.

Chattagram Board 2019

(a) English is an international language. So, to keep pace with the process of
globalization —.
(b) I am an early riser. I am used to —.
(c)You are getting fat. If you want to lose weight, —.
(d) Many people of our country are illiterate. They do not know —.
(e) Women constitute half of the total population. No progress is possible —.
(f) An unhealthy man cannot enjoy life. A proverb goes that —.
(g) She loves reading. She will be reading while we —.
(h) Habit of eating is also important for good health. We should eat a balance diet —.
(i) Environment pollution is a serious problem nowadays. We should plant trees —.
(j) Environment is polluted in many ways. It is high time —.
Rajshahi Board – 2019
(a) Florence Nightingale wanted to be a nurse with a view to —.
(b) She was thirty years old when —.
(c) If a man sows good seed, —.
(d) I got up late today. Let’s take a taxi so that —.
(e) A village doctor is a person who —. He is the best friend to the villagers.
(f) She said, “It is high time we —.”
(g) I wish I could fly in the sky. If I had the wings of a bird, I —.
(h) I don’t know why you go there, most probably—.
(i) But all sorts of attempts to solve food problem will fail unless —.
(j) He who follows two hares —.
Jashore Board 2019
(a) We cannot buy a car if —. It costs a lot of money.
(b) You are now very helpless. Call me whenever —.
(c) The man was so weak that —. He should consult with a doctor.
(d) Since it was raining heavily —. We stayed at home.
(e) Though he is dull of hearing, —. He can make a good result.
(f) Danger comes when—. So, we have to be careful in our life.
(g) When I was a child,—. I was fond of playing cricket.
(h) Hardly had we seen the police when ––. Thus we were saved.
(i) Speak the truth or—. A truthful man is always honoured everywhere.
(j) He took –– in lieu of biology. Biology is difficult for him.

Cumilla Board-2019
(a) Samudra Haque is a great journalist. Do you know where——?
(b) Unity is power. Unless you are united, you ——
(c) Work carefully lest – ——
(d) Shabbir Khan is a quack. He behaves as though ——
(e) It is very cold. I have to put on warm clothes so that ——

Sylhet Board 2019

(a) “Do you know this man?” “Yes, I know him. — since he was a boy.”
(b) What a lovely view that was! If I had had a camera, –.
(c) I have never been suspicious of his honesty. I have always believed –.
(d) It was very hot outside. Nobody actually wanted –.
(e) The woman – was taken to hospital.
(f) When my sister was young, she hid chocolate in impossible places. Once I found a bar
(g) My grandfather has no interest in TV. He often talks about the old days –.
(h) I am not a rich man. So, I never go to the shops –.
(i) Don’t worry. We are going to be there right on time. I am driving –.
(j) She never travels alone. She is – of travelling alone.

HSC Examination 2018 [Dhaka Board; Dinajpur Board; Jashore Board; Sylhet
(a) Industry is the —.
(b) A man cannot succeed in life —.
(c) — of the world are industrious.
(d) The man can maintain a sound health —.
(e) We should not like those persons —.
(f) I always —.
(g) I know the story of an industrious person —.
(h) That man always inspires me —.
(i) I have a poor uncle. He could be rich —.
(j) He has become poor — of his idleness.

HSC Examination 2018 [Rajshahi Board; Cumilla Board; Chattogram Board;

Barishal Board]
(a) John is fond of reading. Whenever he goes to the book fạir, —. He has a good
collection of books now.
(b) Smoking is detrimental to health. It is high time you—.
(c) The students saw the teacher. No sooner had the teacher entered the classroom than—.
(d) Birds fly in the sky. I wish I —.
(e) My mother was a philanthropist. She loved to live among the poor villagers so that —.
(f) Samia is good at all of her subjects except English. She cannot compete with her
classmates because of —.
(g) We had to walk through a jungle. We saw a snake while we —.
(h) I don’t have enough money. Had I been a rich man, —.
(i) Death is inevitable. There is nobody who —.
(j) Boys, I’m going to discuss an important topic today. Be attentive to my lecture,

Prepared & Edited by

Mir Yamin Uddin Zidan
BBA (Management Information Systems)
University of Dhaka

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