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Table of Contents

Answer No: 01...........................................................................................................................3
Answer No: 02...........................................................................................................................3
 Market penetration.......................................................................................................3
 Market development....................................................................................................3
 Product development...................................................................................................3
Answer No: 03...........................................................................................................................3
Answer No: 04...........................................................................................................................4
Answer No: 05...........................................................................................................................4
SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................................................4
 Strengths......................................................................................................................4
 Weaknesses..................................................................................................................4
 Opportunities:..............................................................................................................5
 Threats:........................................................................................................................5
Answer No: 06...........................................................................................................................5
Facebook has introduced to the world of industry a whole new dimension of personal
marketing. The social networking platform fulfils the need of individuals to connect and
engage with each other and uses the influence to help other businesses reach very particular
customers with customized posts. Mark Zuckerberg, who was a Harvard University student at
the time and created the first edition of the website in his dorm space, founded Facebook in
2004. "I also felt that being able to get access to the accounts of other individuals would be
fascinating," Zuckerberg remembered. Obviously, unless people are tossing up accounts,
there's no way you would get access to that information, so I decided to create an application
that would encourage people to do that to post as much data as they wanted while
maintaining control of what they put up. In the first 24 hours, between 1,200 and 1,500
Harvard students enrolled on the Facebook website and became part of the Facebook culture.
Half of the campus had enrolled within the first month.
Today, with more than 500 million registered users, Facebook is the largest social networking
site in the world. With details such as their hometowns, jobs, educational history, favorite
items, and religious affiliation, the site helps users to build personal profiles. By introducing
other people as contacts, it allows them to expand their network, and many individuals want
to see how many "friends" they will gain. Users can send messages in order to communicate
with Facebook friends; "poke" each other; upload and view albums, images, games, and
videos; and "name" or mark people in their photos. They will post feedback on the "walls" of
friends and build status changes that are available to everyone. In short, Facebook is fulfilling
its mission of inspiring people to share and make the World more accessible and connected.
In 2010, based on unique visits per month, Facebook surpassed Google as the world's largest
web site and also ranked number one for the number of pages visited per month. Facebook
has become an integral part of the daily lives of consumers and is also a vital component of
personal marketing campaigns.
Answer No: 01

Yes, because “Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share and make the world
more open connected”
Their goal is focused on Users and the use of Facebook to keep connected with friends and
families, to learn what's going on in the world, and to communicate and communicate what
matters to them. It also highlighted the strengths of the business by making the word more
accessible and linked and illustrated how it plans to win by providing one forum to connect
people from all over the world.
The success of Facebook can be due to a fearless emphasis on its goal, "to give individuals
the power to communicate and make the world more accessible and linked." [CITATION
Fac17 \l 1033 ]

Answer No: 02
The foundation stone for the purpose of Facebook was to make the world more accessible
and connected, and it is evident that its goal influenced their approach.
The approach of Facebook focused on giving its customers the best social network,
concentrating their tactics on ways to expand the number of users and making their network
available to everyone on all networks. [ CITATION Hof16 \l 1033 ]
It's also clear that the approach of Facebook is growth oriented:
 Market penetration: Facebook emerged as a website that only supported Harvard
students, and the platform has now managed to attract 20% of the world's population.
 Market development: to use Facebook, you don't need a PC or an email address; 1.5
billion users can use the network on a mobile computer.
 Product development: Facebook introduces new updates every day to cater more to
everyone the development of their product is a constant process non-stop.

Answer No: 03
Yeah, it was a smart choice because it allowed Facebook the ability to concentrate on its
single-minded aim of linking people in the globe and supplying people with the resources,
they need to share anything to everyone in a natural manner, rather than getting overwhelmed
by building various business divisions and attempting to make money by diversified means.
Facebook continued to concentrate on developing its users, and it managed to raise sales from
$2 billion to $18 billion. And their mission is also not to make as much profit as they can, but
to engage and help individuals get into an open and connected community.
But it is equally important to mention that on the other side of the table Facebook has the
details of their millions of users so they are taking advantage of that in their revenue
generation model, as everyone knows that Facebook sell their users’ personal data to the
advertisement companies and make profit from that source. So, their free services are not as
free as they are looking, Facebook’s users are actually paying to Facebook for its services in
form of their own personal data.

Answer No: 04
Facebook alone does not create higher demand for consumers, they must collaborate
successfully with other organizations in their work system to form a competitively higher
value distribution network in order to accomplish their goal. It requires such technology to
exist in the world in order for Facebook to accomplish its purpose, and this is so complicated,
for instance, that Facebook created laser drones that will help link people to the internet,
these drones would be able to shower entire rural areas, towns and cities with incredibly high
bandwidth at faster speeds at more economical rates than the systems currently used.
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's founder, feels that he has not yet accomplished his goal of
linking the globe, and so their potential worry is; Facebook needs to take this responsibility if
no one creates and introduces new technology that will help people get connected.

Answer No: 05
Segmentation, promotion and positioning of Facebook consists of a series of practices aimed
at defining specific groups within the group as potential consumers (site users) and creating
services and goods in accordance with the needs and desires of the particular community.
Segmentation entails separating the community according to certain characteristics into
divisions, while targeting requires defining individual classes that are generated as a part of
segmentation in order to market goods. After inception of 2004, Facebook's target consumer
market has consistently grown as a social networking forum exclusively for students from
Harvard. Today, the social networking leader represents a huge variety of users from 13 years
and up.
Positioning leads to preference of the most optimal mix for the intended customer audience
for the campaign. Facebook employs multi-segment positioning and thereby simultaneously
targets multiple user groups with separate social networks. For example, the Facebook social
network website target users who are having interest in a broad variety of social media
services, like accounts, news feeds, etc., whereas Instagram aims user groups who are only
having interest in image sharing.
Also Facebook employs an adaptive positioning approach through its brand, repositioning
goods and services in accordance with shifts in the intended consumer segment's tastes.
[ CITATION Dud17 \l 1033 ]

SWOT Analysis
 Strengths: In social networking, Facebook is the largest and biggest brand name.
With the presence of over 70 languages, Facebook has become a global phenomenon
that provides comfort, particularly for those users who cannot understand English. It's
quick and free to sign up for Facebook. Therefore, Facebook's existing users are about
600 million and growing. Facebook provides friends and acquaintances from all over
the world with the simplest form of contact.
 Weaknesses: Facebook earns more than 80 percent of its earnings from advertising
on its social network. The income, however, relies proportionally on user expansion,
which can essentially only be negligible when the social network already has so many
users. Other than that, even the latter represent about 60 percent of the total Facebook
subscribers, Facebook is unable to benefit from its smartphone users.[ CITATION
Moh \l 1033 ]
 Opportunities: While Facebook owns WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, and other
sites, social media and advertisement rely on the majority of its company income.
Facebook has the potential to expand its portfolios into the social media market. In
order to compete with giants such as Amazon, eBay, Twitter, Netflix, Apple, Tinder,
PayPal, etc., Facebook could broaden its existing services such as marketplace, online
video streaming, online dating, company tools, e-wallet, etc. for billions of customers
 Threats: Rivalry by old or new both websites is endangering to limit Facebook
subscribers. Facebook's potential grows dimmer and dimmer as new entrants to the
sector, such as Tik Tok, have personalized channels targeting younger generations.
The number of unfavorable Facebook rules, triggered by recent scandals such as
Cambridge Analytica, is being enacted and applied at an exponential rate. There have
been several occasions where Facebook has compromised its data, impacting millions
of its subscribers. For instance, following major data leak, about 267 million
Facebook subscribers’ confidential data (names, user ID, phone numbers) was leaked
to deep web in December 2019.[ CITATION Fac20 \l 1033 ]

Answer No: 06
The operational outcomes that the corporation provides to its target market are defined by this
aspect of the marketing mix. The below are the company's primary products:
1. WhatsApp
2. Oculus
3. Messenger
4. Instagram
5. Facebook
Based on their social character, contact efficiency, and technical progress, these goods draw
consumers. As a basis for its show ads operation, the organization uses the success of its
social media services.

The venues where the business sells its goods are decided by this aspect of the marketing
mix. These places are in this case, as follows:
1. Website
2. Mobile App
3. Retail Store
Via its blogs and smartphone devices, Facebook offers social media platforms and digital
advertising services. Users can for example, view accounts via a browser or through a related
smartphone app. Marketers also use websites and applications to navigate the show
advertisement facilities of the organization.

The company of Facebook comprises the following promotion operations, grouped according
to significance:
1. Public relations
2. Direct marketing
3. Viral marketing
4. Advertising
Facebook's industry is highly dependent on social media which includes slur advertising. To
begin with, due to peer persuasion, newcomers create profiles on the organization's social
media website. Viral messaging is a major performance element in advertising process as
well as the widespread appeal of the social media platform.

For its online display ads program, the organization uses the following pricing strategies:
1. Pay-what-you-want pricing
2. Market-oriented pricing
Facebook Inc. requires marketers to determine how much to spend over a given base price by
using the pay-what-you-want pricing approach. Flexibility in pricing is a consideration that
brings marketers to the company's online display advertisement service based on this aspect
of the marketing mix. On the other hand, in the market-oriented pricing approach, Facebook
Inc. uses the prices of rivals as a guideline for pricing its advertisement services for show.
Among other user-generated activities on the company's social networking website and
smartphone applications, these thresholds are usually applied per experience or per click.
[ CITATION Dan18 \l 1033 ]
The “all things to all people" strategy of Facebook, however, left many users, mostly newer
generation, visiting Facebook very little and switching time to more focused competitive
social networks.
Facebook switched gears from a "one site for all" approach to a multi-app strategy to have
anything for all and everyone." Facebook spent a stunning $1 billion to buy Instagram, the
growing picture sharing service, as the first step under its multi-app plan.
Not long after the purchase of Instagram, Facebook announced the development of
Innovative Labs, a Facebook division tasked with creating single-purpose smartphone
applications, in its pursuit to add exclusive new products and consumer segments.
Facebook recognizes that such type of content could result to a totally new style of
networking, one which could apply to Facebook's own VR headsets. As far as the gaming of
3D augmented reality is kind of a wide margin, it's easy pickings, relating to Facebook's
biggest new initiative.
While other companies describe them-by a craft, such as producing the best costumer
electronic devices or addressing the productivity challenges of businesses, Facebook has
founded on a single-mind aim of linking everybody in this world and supplying everyone
with the resources, they need to " to share anything and everything in a natural way."
Facebook thus focuses on what it does best, being the best.
Dudovskiy, J. (2017). Facebook Inc. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning: Targeting the
Widest Customer Segment. https://research-methodology.net/research-
Facebook SWOT Analysis. (2020, November). From Business Strategy Hub:
Hoffmann, A. &. (2016). Making the world more open and connected: Mark Zuckerberg and
the discursive construction of Facebook and its users. New Media & Society.
Kissinger, D. (2018). Facebook Inc.’s Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis. BUSINESS,
Raj, M. (n.d.). Case Study Facebook. https://www.academia.edu/.
VentureBeat. (2017, June 22). From Facebook gives up on making the world more open and
connected, now wants to bring the world closer together:

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