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MSIM4311 Business Intelligence and Data Mining

Individual assignment
Wong Hiu Wai
libname ass "/folders/myfolders";

proc logistic data = ass.gym_label descending;

class gender (ref = FIRST) discount (ref = FIRST) / param= ref;
model renew = gender discount year_with_co gender*discount;

Y = renew
X​1 =​ gender
X​2 ​= discount
X​3 = ​ year_with_co

There are 336 observations in this data, where 166 members did not renew their membership
and 179 members renewed their membership.

Assume there is a significant interaction between gender and discount and that the estimated
Variable Coeff. (B)

Constant (year_with_co) -0.1337

gender -2.2899

discount -2.5441

intercept 0.5116

Intercept (gender * discount) 3.8887

Table of log-odds for each category of discount and gender:


gender None (0) Discount (1)

Male (0) 0 -2.5441

Female (1) -2.2899 (-2.5441)+(-2.2899)+3.8887 =


Odds are calculated:


gender None (0) Discount (1)

Male (0) 1 0.07854

Female (1) 0.1013 0.3886

If the customer is a male,

odds(discount)/ odds(no discount) = 0.07854 / 1 = 0.07854
For male customers, the odds of repurchase for discount decreases 1 - 0.07854 = 92.15 %.

If this is a female customer,

odds(discount)/ odds(no discount) = 0.3886 / 0.1013 = 3.836
For female customers, the odds of repurchase for discount is 3.836 times.

Hence, the effect of the variables on renew membership is dependent on the value of the third

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