Sample - Group 6 - Final Report - Recruitment and Selection

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Recruitment & Selection Final Report

Company Name: United Bank Limited (UBL)

Submitted By:

Hamza Zia Ul Haq Akhtar (37383)

Madiha Ashraf (52097)

Tahira Parveen (52382)

Hina Akhtar (39058)

Bharti Madhwani (52324)

Mahwish Abid (38894)

Malaika Khushba Khan (52318)

Jharna Samtani (48281)

Submitted To: Dr. Samina Qasim

Information Provided by:

Junior HR Manager

Name: Hamza Sadiq (03082431882)

Table of Content

Core Values...............................................................................................................5
General HR Objectives..............................................................................................5
Recruitment Function in UBL...................................................................................6
Explanation as per Lecture 2 and 3:.......................................................................7
Selection Criteria.....................................................................................................10
Explanation as per Lectures 13:...........................................................................13
Vitality of Efficiency in Recruitment & Selection..................................................13
Explanation as per Lectures.................................................................................14
Goals of Recruitment & Selection in UBL..............................................................17
Explanation as per lectures no 3:.........................................................................17
Future of Recruitment & Selection in UBL............................................................18
Visiting Card.............................................................................................................29
Over all participation...............................................................................................29


UBL (United Bank Limited) is one of the most leading banks in the sector of

financial services in Pakistan. Having more than 4 million customers across the

country, UBL (United Bank Limited) has created the most extensive network

across the country. Over 1400 branches all over Pakistan with more 37000 UBL

Omni Agents, above 40000 customer touchpoints overall and with thousands of

ATMs across the country, UBL received Pakistan’s best bank in the corporate

finance and capital market development at PBA (Pakistan Banking Awards) in the

year 2017.

Known for its various consumer banking products and services, UBL (United Bank

Limited) is best known because of its initiative in branchless banking with the

launch of its UBL Omni Platform. With its world class internet banking services

available round the clock, customers across the world can now easily use the

bank’s services at their discretion.

UBL started its banking operations on Nov 7, 1959 from its first ever branch on I.I

Chundrigar Road Karachi. Within the next six months, the bank opened up with

branches in the following cities Lahore, Dacca, Lyallpur, Chittagong and a few

others, making it clear that this organization was on its way to the top of the

financial services sector of the country. By 1963, UBL (United Bank Limited) had

become the first Pakistani bank to ever open up a branch overseas.

Over the years, UBL (United Bank Limited) has made a practice to keep pace with

the growing technology and the latest corporate practices to maintain their

prestigious position in the financial services sector in Pakistan. Innovation and

change go hand in hand and understanding this led UBL to become one of the first

banks in the country to come up with services like credit cards, ATM cards,

internet banking and other loan schemes that encouraged many small and medium

scale businesses to operate in the country.

To be a world-class bank dedicated to excellence, and to surpass the highest

expectations of our customers and all other stakeholders

Be the undisputed leader in financial services for our customers

Most innovative and fastest growing bank in targeted businesses

Continue to diversify across chosen geographies

Achieve operational excellence with the highest level of compliance

Consistently create leaders through inspired human capital

Contribute positively to the communities we operate in

Core Values

 Customer first

 Honesty of purpose

 Teamwork

 Excellence

 Meritocracy

General HR Objectives

According to our findings, the Human Resource Dept. at UBL (United Bank

Limited) is dedicated to design policies, which are aligned smoothly with the

Vision, Mission and Core Values of the organization. All our efforts are directed

towards the accomplishment of vision and mission, keeping the core values in


According to the HR personnel, “We prioritize our customers and treat our

employees as our assets because we understand that in order to be the undisputed

leader in the financial services sector, we will need hard working, loyal and

motivated employees.”

To achieve a perfect harmony between the HR practices and the goals of the

organization, certain HR policies are made and the organization ensures that every

employee follows these policies as they are designed in the best interest of the


The job of the HR Dept. overall is to create, scrutinize, update and implement these

policies all over the organization to bring out the best results. Every employee

working in the organization is part of a big machine. Every employee is

responsible and is expected to complete their task at their given deadline in most

professional manner and for this, the HR Dept. is ready to facilitate them in every

way possible so that the machine does not stop working, so each part of the

machine keeps working in the way it is intended to work.

The basic objective of the HR Dept. is to ensure that the organization is going

forward in the right direction. It is the responsibility of the HR Dept. hire, train,

fire and compensate employees in the most efficient and effective way. Performing

all these functions, with the goals clearly defined, lead the organization to a better

and a more productive future.

Recruitment Function in UBL

Now, putting the recruitment function under the microscope, we discovered that

recruitment offers a major role in the success of the organization. All the

employees currently working at UBL and the success of the organization is partly

because of the recruitment functions proactive approach.

Proactive Approach:

According to our findings, the recruitment function simply looks after how to

generate a large pool of candidates for the organization. However, the organization

simply does not sit back and let the candidates come in. The recruiters at UBL

keep a much more proactive approach rather than a reactive approach.

Based on the requirements of organization, candidates are gathered through many

sources. Based on the job title/position, each candidate must have certain skills and

must have certain qualifications. The talent acquisition personnel are always in

search of candidates, who are the best fit for the organization, based on the

organization’s needs and requirements.

Explanation as per Lecture 2 and 3:

Selection of candidates as per requirement of vacant position created by proper

process of recruitment. HR personnel are always in search of best fit candidate

according to needs and requirements of the organization.

Methods Used:

According to our findings, UBL uses a number of ways through which they are

generating a large pool of candidates. Their main concern is to source as many

eligible candidates as possible in the shortest amount of time. For this purpose, the

following recruitment methods are being used:

 Electronic Recruitment (emails)

 Social Media and online recruitment

 Referrals

 Company Website (Careers)

 Internship Programs

 Management Trainee Programs

 Job Fairs

 University Tests

 Print Media Ads

 HR Networking & Relations

Now, normally the whole hiring process may take up to a maximum of 1 month,

which consists of both the recruitment and selection of the candidates. However,

innovative methods and techniques are always being worked on so that this time

period may be shortened as much as possible.

According to our findings, Internet and online ways of recruiting candidates are

now being preferred as these methods are much cost friendlier than other methods.

The use of job portals and other professional networking websites are also being

used on an increasing basis as these latest methods of recruitment are helping the

bank to save time and costs both.

According to the recruitment policies of UBL (United Bank Limited), before the

selection of any candidate a standard thorough background check is made. This

practice is mandatory as the organization needs to verify whether the candidate is

eligible to work in the organization or not. Furthermore, academic qualifications

and all other documents are also verified to check the authenticity of every

document, especially degrees and other academic certifications. Any previous job

experiences are also checked and a thorough candidate review is done prior to the

actual selection is done.

Moreover, UBL (United Bank Limited) is an organization, which offers an equal

employment opportunity (EEO) to all the candidates. The organization firmly

believes in keeping a healthy ratio of male, female, handicapped and disabled,

widows, and divorced, married and single candidates. There is absolutely no

discrimination based on color, gender, race or religion. According to the core

values of the organization, the recruitment and selection process ensures that the

core values of the organization are followed at all times. Merit is the only thing,
which is considered as vital to land a job in UBL (United Bank Limited). If the

candidate meets the eligibility standards of the organization then there is nothing

else required by the organization?

Biasness is always avoided at UBL. However, the organization believes in training

and development of its employees to fill in any vacancies which might open up in

the future. The organization prefers a culture where employees can grow after

getting hired and internal hiring is one of the ways through which the bank can

ensure this.

Selection Criteria

UBL believes in hiring the best candidates and has various systems and

methodologies to ensure that they are making the best choice. The most frequently

used techniques to ensure the selection of the best candidates are as follows:

Application forms and CVs

The initial screening is done after sorting the application forms and CVs

thoroughly. We look at the applicants and judge their skills based on their CVs and

the information provided in the application forms. However, it is a somewhat a

time-consuming process, therefore, we are still trying to make this process faster

and for a much more accurate evaluation.

Online screening and shortlisting

Our hiring process also carries out a thorough screening process of the candidates

who are applying via website and emails. There academic qualifications and

experience credentials are all reviewed and verified and the only candidates who

are eligible make it to the next round.

One on one interviews

For understanding the candidates better and to review their skills and personality in

a better way, candidates are called for one on one interviews with the HR Dept. If

they qualify then they are further called for panel interviews.

Panel interviews

If the candidates qualify the initial interviews, they are then called for a panel

interview, where the candidates are further evaluated by the concerned

department’s line managers, senior managers and the HR personnel.

Aptitude tests

For programs like management trainees and other fresh positions, the bank usually

hires and selects candidates by testing their abilities and skills through an aptitude

test. The candidates with the highest scores are deemed eligible for interviews and

further evaluations.

Personality profiling

Our HR professionals are experts in personality profiling of the candidates. UBL

believes that skills and abilities can be taught to candidates if they lack in certain

areas. However, if there are any behavioral issues or major personality flaws then

the candidates do not fit the criteria of the organization. Skills can be learnt but

behavior is often a problematic area, where the organization does not compromise.

UBL wants to create a culture of a friendly, respectable and ethical working

environment, which is only possible if the candidate does not have any behavioral

issues and is willing to learn and grow with the organization.

The main objective of the selection criteria is to analyze the competency, skills and

behavior of the candidates in the most thorough manner and in the shortest amount

of time. UBL wants employees with a mindset that allows the organization to grow

along with themselves.

Conflict of Interest

At UBL, we are extremely cautious about the fact that our organization’s goals are

aligned with the candidate’s personal goals. If, during the selection process, it is

pointed out that the candidate has different goals and objectives then the

organization and there is a risk that conflict of interest may arise then such

candidates are not selected.

Explanation as per Lectures 13:

Selection Criteria is a list of essential Skill, knowledge, experience that we see

regarding the particular vacancy, the main criteria is told to every individual in the

recruitment and as they qualify they candidates are short listed. The vacancy does

matters once we are talking about the selection criteria.

The process contains the initial screening of the candidate which that again makes

them eligible to proceed for the One on one interview that is also called face to

face interview, the person is told about the vacancy in this process and about the

detailed considering designation job roles and vacancy. The candidate is than

processed forward for the aptitude test which consist of a general test required for

the particular position. Then the candidate is presented to the operational team and

the HR specialist for the further evaluation, than the discussion regarding the salary

package is told and about the company’s policies if the candidate agrees on those

processes than he is selected for that vacant position.

Vitality of Efficiency in Recruitment & Selection

At UBL (United Bank Limited), we have always tried to keep pace with the

technology enhancements in the corporate sector. With the advancements in

technology, most of the financial sector was seen to make use of online and

electronic recruitment methods to reduce their hiring time. In order to ensure that

we maintain our leading position in the financial services sector in Pakistan, UBL

also understands that reducing the hiring time will lead to a better chance at

reaching productive outcomes.

At UBL, we comprehend that reducing the hiring time is not done on the cost of

bad hiring. Using technology and making the hiring process faster includes the use

of technology, more thorough and intricate techniques of evaluating candidates.

With efficiency, UBL also believes and is working to make their recruitment and

selection process much more effective because hiring dependable, loyal and

talented individuals may require time. However, we believe that if we hire quickly

and end up losing a candidate because of any reason such as a better offer from a

competitor, then it will lead to wastage of more time and cost for the organization.

This is precisely why UBL provides market competitive compensation and benefits

to not only attract the candidates and encourage them to apply but also provides

them with a continuous opportunity to grow along with it as well.

Explanation as per Lectures

Hiring the right person to fit it best for Job Position in order to embed best talented

individuals while consider the cost reduction and continuous upgrade of

Organization’s reputation in the market is term as Effective Recruitment. The

Vitality of Effective Recruitment according to Human Capital Theory of

Armstrong is; Humans having skills, capabilities and experiences deploy in job

position of their field of interest in organization has profound contribution in

comprise of Competitive Advantage and Organizational Success (Armstrong,

2006). United Bank Limited is known for its strategic planning and

implementation regarding HR Policies. It worked on development of specialized

force-work for Quality work Performance that consequents in its market reputation

and successful position.

Factors of Effective Recruitment at UBL:

1. Online Recruitment Process:

At UBL (United Bank Limited), we have always tried to keep pace HR Strategic

Policies with the technology enhancements in the corporate sector. The

advancements in technology has given the advantage to financial sector, as it has

seen to make use of online and electronic recruitment methods in order to reduce

their hiring cost. In the same way, Effective Online Hiring Process of UBL gives

value to time, reduce the time in Recruitment Process with reaching to Productive

Outcome that ensure it to maintain Our Leading Position in Banking Sector of


2. Quality Control Check:

It focused on Quality Control of Hiring Process while reduce time and cost in order

to make sure the selection of best Potential employees for our workplace. It has

buildup specialized Recruitment team to make sure about the applicant screening

and quality of Employees’ Aptitude during take them into employment.

3. Standard Recruitment Test Drive:

In UBL recruitment Process, it has developed standard techniques of evaluating

Candidates in order to screen out the potential candidates. The Recruitment Drive

is designed to recheck the intellectual abilities of candidates while selective

individual will go forward for final Test. Our HR Corporate take recruitment as a

very serious job, they deal with candidate very sensitively to get the accurate

responses. It gives merit based selections on the Evaluating Standards which

ensure its reputation and success in the business market.

4. Competitive Benefits to Employees

UBL believes and works Effective recruitment and selection results Employee

dependable, loyal and Team formation of talented individuals which may require

time. However, we believe that if we hire quickly and end up losing a candidate

because of any reason such as a better offer from a competitor, then it will lead to

wastage of more time and cost for the organization. This is precisely why UBL

provides market competitive compensation and benefits to not only attract the

candidates and encourage them to apply but also provides them with a continuous

opportunity to grow along with it as well.

Goals of Recruitment & Selection in UBL

The goals of recruitment & selection process in UBL, is very simple to understand.

All our recruitment and selection practices are aligned and designed in such a

manner that leads the organization towards achieving their goals (both long-term

and short-term).

All our recruitment and selection practices are designed to meet the core values of

the bank. We understand that as long as we keep our targets aligned and straight in

line with the organization’s basic goals and objectives then our processes will also

become fruitful for the organization as well.

Explanation as per lectures no 3:

As per my understanding, we can relate the goals of recruitment and selection of

UBL with the method discussed in lecture no 3 Electronic Recruiting. UBL is

following almost all the recruitment and selection methods for their employee

selection criteria, but the Electronic recruiting method is on the top because

through this method it is become very easier for bank to get potential employee.

The main motive of UBL is to achieve its short & long term goals & its targets, for

this purpose they need a capable or reliable employee who can work hard and give

maximum profit to the bank. Completing the targets, fulfilling the deadline is a

very difficult thing to achieve, not everyone have good convincing skills. So for

this purpose electronic recruitment method is one of the best way to select perfect

candidate for any given position. UBL is currently following Electronic Recruiting

method for their selection criteria to get better employee because through this you

can take online assessment or gamified assessments which are important to judge

the intelligence of a person, it also evaluate the capability of a candidate in

achieving future targets or goals. These assessments based evaluations are

necessary to perform because they are some what tricky and not everyone can pass

them so easily so whoever get clear in the assessment get chance to come forward

and become a part of UBL.

Future of Recruitment & Selection in UBL

At UBL (United Bank Limited), the HR Dept. understands that future of the

recruitment and selection is only going to get tougher. The competition in the

market is becoming fiercer and in order for the organization to function at its

optimum level, loyal, competent and motivated employees will be needed. To

make this possible, the recruitment and selection policies are always under

consideration and constant revisions are being done.

New and improved methods of recruitment and selection are being sought and are

made a part of the overall hiring process. It is a basic understanding of the

recruitment and selection personnel that the better they perform, the better the

whole organization will perform because indirectly the performance of the whole

organization rests on the shoulders of the people who are responsible for hiring the

employees who will take the organization further.

It is quite obvious that the future of recruitment and selection will require a better

understanding of innovations in technology. This is precisely why UBL ensures

that their recruitment and selection professionals are always kept updated with the

latest innovations and practices in their respective field and the technology field as

well. Trainings and development courses are part of their growth process as the

better and flawless the recruitment process will be, the better chance bank has of

gaining outstanding employees.


This report is based on the information provided by the company through the

questions that we had asked from UBL HR professionals. The research signifies

the recruitment and selection process of UBL and how the company has used

different methods to gather the data of applicants/candidates to apply for a job in


As we all know that recruitment and selection plays a vital role in any

organization, Likewise it is important for UBL to find the right person for the right

job to meet the requirements and to retain the employee, the above report also

elaborates the processes that applicant has to go through in order to get finalized

for the final designation which is vacant, the process includes initial screening,

Face to face interview aptitude tests and panel interview according to the

designation and the job description of the vacancy the process varies. Of course

organization can train and develop candidate’s technical skills the right fit for the

job is that person whose goals are aligned with organizations goals.

It would not be wrong if we say that the recruitment and selection process of

banks are effective and efficient. As they provide job security and future

prospective due to which people are more inclined towards getting a job in bank.


Q How much value could be added to our current process for high volume,

lower level roles?

A: High volume recruitment process must contain the large number of new and

effective hiring within less number of days also decreasing recruitment cost by

reducing unnecessary recruitment steps and level of interviews.

Q Does interviewing impact HR efficiency or Quality of hire?

A Yes, Interviewing impact HR efficiency or Quality of hire. It helps to measures

the value your new hires brings to your organization. It also evaluates your

recruiting process and how effective you are at finding and retaining top talent.

Furthermore, it also depends on assessment process and attrition rate of your


Q how do you get the best completion rate?

A Completion rate of recruiting is a measurement scale where candidates shares

their documents and fill the mandatory candidate application form or submit their

applications through websites of you organizations. If there are less number of

activated users of e-applicant form or less number of candidates have applied to

your published job. Then there must be need to go through your screens. For

improving this you must provide user friendly portal of HR for applicants where

they can easily fill their details. And it form must be concise.

Q which method best to select the employee?

A There are several methods to select the employee. The best of among these

methods few are sited below:

1. Application forms and CVs

2. Online Screening & Shortlisting

3. Interviews

4. Aptitude Tests

5. And Personality Profiling

Q In What Ways Is A Recruitment Assistant Involved In Interaction With

Personnel After Their Hiring?

A There are following ways of interaction after hiring of personnel with

recruitment assistant:

1. At time of post hiring documentations

2. At time of orientation

3. At time of completion of probation period

Q What Are Characteristics Which An Interviewer Needs To Observe Or

Test In a Applicant?

The applicant must aware of his future goals. Also must have integrity in

personality traits. He must have positive attitude and positive thinking. He also

have good ambitions in life.

Q How will you know when you’ve found the right person?

At time of recruiting a person you should notice few things that helps you to find a

right person in interview. First of all, the candidate must possess integrity.

Furthermore, he should know basic about your company and vision. Before

onboarding an employee we must assure that the employee is having same vision

as our company have. The candidate must know about your company’s portfolio.

And the candidate must have positive attitude and gesture.

Q How does the hiring process reinforce the behaviors of your value and

discourage those you don’t?

Being a manager, you should keep eye on employee’s behavior that are rewarded

and also discourages those behavior or action that are not supposed to be a part of

an esteemed organization.

Q What strengths quality you as good recruiting assistant? 

Being a good recruiting assistant, I must possess following attributes to strengthen

my qualities:

1. Listening Skills

2. Confidence

3. Relationship Building Skills

4. Communication Skills

5. Patience

6. Time Management Skills

7. Team Working Skills

8. Conflict Management

Q What is your Organizational Recruitment Policy and process?

A requisition is opened from the operational department in order to hire a person

they then provide the description or the experience they require for that particular

candidate, the HR team like wise keeping the requirement in mind advertise for the

particular position. As per the data that comes from the different medium/ channels

of advertisement the candidates are screened as per the requirement, one’s who are

selected are than called for a face to face interview and are proceeded for aptitude

test if they qualify the interview then they are presented to the operational team for

the panel interview to get hired.

Q What alternatives of Recruitment that Ubl follows? Kindly mention.

UBL follows two measure types of alternative recruitment. Where they tend to hire

outsourcing companies. Furthermore, they also hire for contract base.

Q What is the one thing that you enjoy most about working in HR?

Being an HR and recruiter I enjoyed the listening of employees. I always learn

something new whenever I talked with them this shows our listing skills. Second

thing motivate others and when I motivate others this motivate my inner esteem.

Q As an HR manager, what will be your strategy to drive results?

Being a recruiter listing skills must be good. And whenever we move in screening

process our motive has to select the best candidate for our employer.

When we see the selection criteria we must keep in mind how to tackle the

candidate and how to let take information from the candidate during interview or

panel interview.

Q How do you treat candidates who don’t get the job?

No one candidate is worthless everyone has some skills and knowledge but we

choose the one who has the highest level of skills. So we treat all the candidates

equally we don’t misbehave them. If they don’t hire for that particular position so

being an Hr person we inform them via an email acknowledgement is mandatory.

Q What’s the most rewarding part of being a recruiter?

If the hired person is being achieved all the set targets then this is the greatest

movement for being an Hr that you have selected the right candidate.

Q What recruitment strategies do this company follows.

We follow both recruitment and selection and talent acquisition proactive strategy.

Q What the the plans that are made to get referrals from the employees that

are working, why referrals are important in your company?

We use word of mouth like formally we call the candidates. Employees are being

hired by references are supposed to no fraudulent activity.

Q what are the steps through which the candidate has to go through once her

is here for a job.

The candidate has t go through initial screening first than has a face to face

interview, then if he qualifies he is moved forward to aptitude test and then the

final panel interview taken by the Operational department and HR professionals

Q How do you measure the competency of employees in the recruitment


It depends on the company recruitment procedure. Two rounds are supposed to

happen at UBL first is with HR then Mangers. When HR post vacancy we already

done analysis. We already knows the performance criteria and if the candidates

come And the candidate says I know this and knowledge about ERP so we use

Hands on experience and test them so we get an idea about his competency.

Q How are your recruitment processes aligned with EEO and how do you

diminish any chances of discrimination in the recruitment process?

Normally hiring requires one month time period if recruitment and selection

process is continuing. And if talent acquisition approach is going on than hiring

process continues 2 to 3 weeks. We use the approach of EEO( equal employment

opportunity) hiring should be consist of healthy ratio of male, female, handicapped

and disabled, widow, divorced, married and unmarried candidates. Because if we

hire all the candidates as same then there is a chances of monopoly happen. We

avoid biasness. We give training session after hiring. Mostly for higher positions

we prefer internal hiring.

Visiting Card

Over all participation

Name Work done
Hamza Zia Ul Haq Akhtar 1- Provided Questions to Collect Information
(37383) 2- Wrote the report provided basic structure for
the full report.
3- Will Participate in Presentation
Madiha Ashraf (52097) 1- Provided Questions to Collect Information
2- Worked on full PPT
3- Will Participate in Presentation
Tahira Parveen (52382) 1- Provided Questions to Collect Information
2- Vision and mission of the company
3- Will Participate in Presentation
Hina Akhtar (39058) 1- Provided Questions to Collect Information
2- Collected Information from the company
3- Will Participate in Presentation
Bharti Madhwani (52324) 1- Provided Questions to Collect Information
2- Worked on Conclusion
3- Will Participate in Presentation
Mahwish Abid (38894) 1- Provided Questions to Collect Information
2- Goals of Recruitment & Selection in UBL

3- Will Participate in Presentation
Malaika Khushba Khan 1- Provided Questions to Collect Information
(52318) 2- Vitality of Efficiency in Recruitment &
3- Will Participate in Presentation
Jharna Samtani (48281) 1- Provided Questions to Collect Information
2- Worked on Selection Process
3- Worked on overall Formatting and editing
the report.
4- Will Participate in Presentation


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