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FEA Best Practices

Module 07: Solution

Release 2020 R1
Learning Outcome

• After completing this module, you will be more adept at avoiding some of the more
common modeling errors by implementing a “Model Review Checklist” prior to
solution of the finite element model.

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• The direct elimination process involves decomposition (factorization) of the matrix [K]
into lower and upper triangular matrices,
[K] = [L][U]
• Then forward and back substitutions using [L] and [U] are made to compute the
solution vector {u}.
• A typical iterative method involves an initial guess, {u}1, of the solution vector {u} and
then successive steps of iteration leading to a sequence of vectors {u}2, {u}3, . . .until:
[K]{u}n – {F} < e
‐ Where e is some tolerance (close to zero)
‐ The calculation of {u}n + 1 involves [K], {F}, and the {u} vectors from one or two of the previous
iterations. Typically the solution converges to within a specified tolerance after a finite number of

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• There is one direct solver, the sparse direct solver, and a wider choice of iterative
• This chart gives recommendations on when to use each type of solver.

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• Although the Sparse Direct solver is the default for almost all analysis types, often your
solver choice may depend upon computing resources available to you (memory and
disk space).
• Solver selection is accomplished through either EQSLV or Solver Type under Analysis
Settings in Workbench Mechanical.
‐ Direct = Sparse Direct Solver
‐ Iterative = PCG Solver

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• Also, by default, Workbench Mechanical will use the distributed form of each solver,
with a total of 2 cores (and up to 4) without additional HPC licenses.
• Distributed solver and core count options are accessed either from the Product
Launcher or from Tools....Solve Process Settings

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Nonlinear Analysis

• Nonlinear problems pose the following challenges during solution:

‐ An iterative solution is required.
‐ No guarantee that a converged solution will be obtained.
‐ Potentially long run times.
‐ Possibility of encountering structural instabilities.
‐ Potential path dependence of response.
‐ The principle of superposition does not apply.
• These usually require special treatment during the solution phase:
‐ Gradually applied loads.
‐ Review/adjustment of convergence criteria.
‐ Choice of nonlinear solution algorithm.
‐ Proper initial conditions specified.
‐ Proper analysis options activated.

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Nonlinear Analysis

• Typical nonlinearities analyzed using finite elements include:

‐ Geometric nonlinearities
• Large strain
• Large rotation
‐ Material nonlinearities
• Plasticity
• Creep
• Viscoelasticity
• Temperature dependency (thermal analysis)
‐ Change of Status
• Contact
• Birth and Death

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Nonlinear Analysis

• A structure can behave nonlinearly due to changes in its geometry. This this fishing
pole undergoes large rotations during loading:

• This element is experiencing what are called large strains:

• Both effects result in stiffness changes, but neither is accounted for in a small
deflection (linear) analysis.
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Nonlinear Analysis

• If an element’s strains are “small” and produce

a significant in-plane stress state (i.e.,
membrane stresses), the out-of-plane stiffness
can be significantly affected. This
phenomenon is called stress stiffening.
• In the case of a guitar string, an increase in
axial tension produces a corresponding
increase in lateral stiffness:
• Note that when the in-plane stress state is
compressive, stress-stiffening is actually the
driving mechanism for buckling.

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Nonlinear Analysis

• Materials can exhibit nonlinear stress vs. strain relationships:

• These nonlinear material relationships are characteristic of hyperelastic (rubber)

materials, viscoelastic (glass) materials, nonlinear elastic (thermoplastics), and of
metals undergoing plastic or creep deformation.
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Nonlinear Analysis

• Contact problems are highly nonlinear and are

typically the most challenging class of nonlinear
problems to solve.
• In most contact problems the region of contact is an
‐ Surfaces can come into and go out of contact in an abrupt
manner, which results in an abrupt change of the stiffness of
the system.
• Many contact problems include friction.
‐ Friction is a path dependent phenomenon which requires an
accurate load history.
‐ Frictional response also can be chaotic, making solution
convergence difficult .

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Springback Analysis

• Elastic strains are fully recoverable, but plastic strains
are permanent.
• In a nonlinear plasticity analysis, the amount of
springback after load removal is often sought.
‐ The springback represents the elastic strains unloading, with
the plastic strains remaining.
• The typical procedure for predicting springback:
‐ Apply displacement loading to provide initial loading,
including yielding of material.
‐ Delete displacement, apply reaction force as applied load
(equivalent problem, should solve in one step).
‐ Ramp force loading to zero.

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Springback Analysis

• In the springback procedure, the reaction force

magnitude must be found and then applied.
‐ This dummy step will have the same loading and will be in
equilibrium since the overall loading has not changed.
‐ This step is simply used to switch from displacement to force
‐ DDELE,node,dof,,,FORCE
‐ This command will automatically delete the applied displacement,
and the FORCE label will automatically ramp the reaction force of
the previous load step to zero in the current step.
• In Workbench:
‐ Right-click on applied displacement table at step to unload.
‐ Select Activate/Deactivate loading at this step!.
‐ This option will delete the displacement, switch to an applied
force equal to the reaction force, and ramp the force to zero,
identical to the above procedure.

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Structural Instability

• Many structures require an evaluation of their structural stability. Thin columns,

compression members, and vacuum tanks are all examples of structures where stability
considerations are important.
• At the onset of instability (buckling) a structure will have a very large change in
displacement {u} under essentially no change in the load (beyond a small load


Stable Unstable

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Structural Instability

• Analysis techniques for pre-buckling and collapse load analysis include:

‐ Linear Eigenvalue Buckling
‐ Nonlinear Buckling Analysis

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Linear Eigenvalue Buckling

• Eigenvalue buckling analysis predicts the theoretical buckling strength (the bifurcation
point) of an ideal linear elastic structure.
• The eigenvalue formulation determines the bifurcation points of a structure.
‐ This method corresponds to the textbook approach of linear elastic buckling analysis.
‐ The eigenvalue buckling solution of a Euler column will match the classical Euler solution.
• However, imperfections and nonlinear behavior prevent most real world structures
from achieving their theoretical elastic buckling strength.
• Eigenvalue buckling generally yields unconservative results and should be used with

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Eigenvalue Buckling Procedure

• Run a static solution to define the stiffening matrix.

‐ Unit loads are usually sufficient. The eigenvalues calculated represent the buckling load factors on the
applied load.
‐ Note that the eigenvalues represent scale factors for all loads. If certain loads are constant while
other loads are variable you will need to ensure that the stress stiffness matrix from the constant
loads is not factored.
‐ For the FE code used, make sure the stress stiffening matrix creation option is set.
• Follow the static solution with an eigenvalue buckling analysis.
‐ Need to specify the method of eigenvalue extraction and the number of buckling modes to calculate.

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Eigenvalue Buckling Procedure

• If the model has constant and variable loads, an iterative solution technique is used:
‐ Apply the full constant load, such as the self weight of the pole shown below.
‐ Apply a value of applied loading A = 1.0, which results in a critical factor of 100.
‐ Repeat the buckling analysis, applying a load A = 100, which results in a critical factor of 1.1.
‐ Repeat the buckling analysis again, applying a load A = 111, which results in a critical factor of 0.99.
This load condition represents the critical load condition.

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Nonlinear Buckling

• In a nonlinear buckling analysis, the goal is to find the first limit point (the largest value
of the load before the solution becomes unstable).
• Nonlinear buckling is more accurate than eigenvalue buckling, and is therefore
recommended for the design or evaluation of structures.
• Post-buckling can also be modeled in nonlinear buckling.
‐ Typically, prediction of post-buckling will require an advanced solution techniques, not described
Buckling Post-

First Limit
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Nonlinear Buckling Procedure

• Performing a nonlinear buckling analysis is similar to most other analyses with the
following additional points:
‐ A small perturbation (such as a small force) or geometric imperfection is required to initiate buckling.
‐ The buckled mode shape from an eigenvalue buckling analysis can be used to generate an initial
imperfection. (See Workbench Project Schematic, next slide, for an example of this workflow.)
‐ The value of the applied load should be set to a value slightly higher (10 to 20%) than critical load
predicted by the eigenvalue buckling analysis.
‐ The analysis must be run with geometric nonlinearities activated.
‐ Be sure to write out results for a sufficient number of results steps, so that you can examine the load
deflection curve in the general postprocessor.

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Nonlinear Buckling Procedure

• The buckled mode shape from

an eigenvalue buckling
analysis can be used to
generate an initial

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• A problem is said to be “ill–conditioned” if small changes in the stiffness matrix or load

vector cause large changes in the displacement solution.
• ANSYS attempts to alert the user if the model is ill–conditioned
‐ The cause of ill–conditioning may be physical, such as the development of a yield hinge or the onset of
‐ However, in most cases, when ill–conditioning is raised as an issue, a user is discussing large changes
in the solution caused by the use of finite precision arithmetic in the computer.
‐ Computer manipulation errors include truncation error and round-off error.

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Source: Master’s Degree in Numerical Simulation in Engineering with ANSYS, UPM Madrid

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• Typical sources of ill–conditioning include:

‐ Stiff regions supported by very flexible regions; this is the most common source of ill–conditioning.
‐ Thin–walled shell structures; ill–conditioning stems from the membrane stiffness being much larger
than the bending stiffness.
‐ Using a Poisson’s ratio very close to 0.5
‐ Using a low–order Gauss rule
‐ Modeling a “rigid” region with very stiff elements; use constraint equations and make the region
totally rigid.
• Various measures of conditioning can be calculated but no single test appears to be
completely reliable.

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Conditioning Measures

• ANSYS will report, during element formulation, the minimum and maximum values,
and corresponding element numbers, of the main diagonal coefficients of the element
stiffness matrices.
‐ A large ratio of max to min indicates the model is composed of very flexible and very stiff elements
and hence may be ill–conditioned.
‐ Ratios of 108 or larger may produce problems; a review of the elements reporting the min and max
values is in order.

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Conditioning Measures

• Very small main diagonal coefficients (pivots) may simply indicate the model has one or
more errors such as:
‐ Incorrect material properties.
‐ Incorrect element properties, e.g., thickness, moment of inertia, etc.
‐ Crack(s), i.e., unmerged nodes, that cause an element(s) to be unsupported.
‐ Elements have different nodal degrees of freedom, share common nodes, but load transfer is not
‐ Improper restraints (support conditions).
‐ Improper units.

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Applying Loads and Boundary Conditions

• Finite element boundary conditions can be divided into 4 categories

‐ DOF Constraints
• Fixed displacement, known temperature.
‐ Nodal (Point) Forces and Moments
• Forces or heat flow rates
‐ Surface Loads
• Loads applied on element faces.
• Pressures, convections, heat fluxes.
‐ Body Loads
• Volumetric loads.
• Inertia loads, heat generation loads.

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Applying Loads and Boundary Conditions

Equivalent Nodal Loads.

• The governing equations require nodal DOFs and nodal forces (moments).

K U  = F 
• Body and surface loadings (pressures, inertia loads, temperature distributions, etc.)
are introduced into these equations by a consistent nodal load vector approach:

F  =  N  bdV +  N  tdA

‐ Where the “b” and “t” vectors are body forces per unit volume and surface forces per unit surface
area, respectively.
‐ Note that the equivalent or consistent nodal load vector depends on the shape or interpolation
functions used in the element formulation.

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Applying Loads and Boundary Conditions

• While linear elements (two nodes/side) have consistent load vectors that are obvious,
quadratic and higher order elements have consistent load vectors that are statically
equivalent but whose load distribution is not intuitive.
• The nodal load distributions for elements subjected to uniform distributions are shown
below, assuming all element edge lengths are equal and mid-nodes at midpoints.

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Applying Loads and Boundary Conditions

• What are the consequences of applying non-consistent nodal loading:

‐ Stresses local to the applied loads will be incorrect.
‐ Far field stresses will be unaffected. (Saint Venant’s principle).

Uniform forces applied to nodes

Lower Order Elements Higher order elements

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Applying Loads and Boundary Conditions
Uniform Pressure

• In general, the use of mid-side nodes with node-to-

node contact elements should be avoided.
F=K at each
‐ Node-to-node contact elements with a constant contact node
stiffness will transmit non-consistent nodal loads on higher
order elements.
‐ Some users incorrectly assume this means that the contact
elements should be left off of the mid-nodes. This produces Incorrect load
distribution of
an even more inconsistent nodal loading. ½-0-½

‐ The correct approach is to remove the mid-nodes on the

edges of the elements where contact is defined.
• Surface to surface contact elements evaluate contact
at the element integration points, so they can freely
be used with mid-side node elements

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Applying Loads and Boundary Conditions

• In ANSYS all nodal forces and applied DOFs act in the nodal coordinate system.
‐ The default nodal coordinate system in ANSYS is the global Cartesian system. If that system does not
meet the users needs, then the nodal system can be rotated to the required orientation.
‐ Nodal DOF solution data is calculated in the nodal coordinate system. When viewing results, the data
is usually transformed back to the global or other local coordinate system.
‐ Nodal coordinate systems do not update during a large deflection analysis, therefore nodal forces are
NOT follower forces.

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Applying Loads and Boundary Conditions

• Nodal coordinate systems are ALWAYS Cartesian systems.

‐ Rotating nodes into a cylindrical system just aligns the nodal Cartesian system with the cylindrical
• The nodal directions will align such that there is a radial, axial and tangential (NOT angular) direction.
‐ This becomes particularly important when trying to apply a torque or twist load in large deflection

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Natural Boundary Conditions

• On a surface where the user does not explicitly impose a boundary condition, an
implicit or “natural” boundary condition exists.
• The natural boundary condition for structural analysis is the condition that the stress
normal to the surface and the shear stresses tangent to the surface are zero.
• In a thermal analysis, if no boundary condition is specified, the surface is adiabatic
(insulated), i.e., the heat flux normal to the surface is zero.
‐ In a thermal analysis, a symmetry condition is also a natural boundary condition, i.e., the condition is
imposed implicitly by simply leaving the surface with no applied boundary condition.
‐ While unloaded surfaces are common in a structural analysis, (I.e. neglect the effects of atmospheric
pressure), most real surfaces in a thermal analysis will have some heat flow across them due to
radiation or convection.

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Constraining Rigid Body Motion

• What is rigid body motion?

‐ Rigid body motions are displacement fields (motions) that do not
cause any deformation.
‐ A part or system that is unsupported, or inadequately supported,
will have a singular stiffness matrix, [K].
‐ A singular matrix is one whose determinant is zero and hence which
has no inverse.
‐ If a static analysis is performed on such a system, no unique solution
exists and finite element software will not be able to solve the
overall system equations.
‐ To make [K] nonsingular, sufficient displacement boundary
conditions must be imposed to constrain all possible rigid body
‐ Some codes automatically provide “soft springs” to tie down the
model (Workbench).

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Thermal Equivalent to Rigid Body Motion

• Thermal equivalent to rigid body motion:

‐ In a thermal analysis, the equivalent to rigid body motion is a steady–state analysis that predicts an
infinite nodal temperature solution.
‐ An example of such a system would be a part subjected to nodal heat flow, or element heat flux, and
no boundary condition (convection, specified nodal temperature) to extract (balance) the heat flow.
The steady–state solution to constant heat input, with no heat output, is a part at infinite

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Error Messages for Rigid Body Motion

• Rigid body motion in a static solution may

cause ANSYS to issue one of several
different error/warning messages:
‐ Negative main diagonal during solution.
‐ Small pivots.
‐ DOF limit exceeded
• In some instances, the solution will run but
the results contain displacements that are
very large in one or more directions.
• All of the above indicate a poorly posed
problem, there is no unique solution!

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Rigid Body Motion - Minimum Constraints

• Assuming the model consists of only one part, the following list gives the minimum
constraints for a given class of problem:
‐ 2D plane stress/strain, 2D beams/spars need a minimum of 3 restraints, assuming that the nodes only
have in–plane translations and the out–of–plane rotation as DOF.
‐ 2D axisymmetric model needs 1 constraint in the axial direction, assuming that the model only has
radial and axial DOF at each node.
‐ 3D solids/shells need a minimum of 6 constraints.
• Note these are the minimum number but one cannot simply apply any constraints of
that number and obtain a correct solution!

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Rigid Body Motion - Minimum Constraints

• The constraint guidelines described for common element types are presented
graphically in the following table:

• Table continued on next page.

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Rigid Body Motion - Minimum Constraints

• Continuation of table describing minimum constraints to inhibit rigid body motion:

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Rigid Body Motion - Minimum Constraints

• For assemblies, one must consider how rigid body motion

is restrained for each part as well as the overall assembly.
‐ In general, translations in all 3 directions and rotation about 3
arbitrary perpendicular axes must be restrained.
‐ In other words, the displacement constraints must be able to resist
an arbitrary force in any direction and an arbitrary moment about
any axis.
• A common modeling check to verify rigid body motion
constraints is to apply a uniform elevated temperature
load to a model. A properly-constrained, homogeneous
model should not generate any stress under a free thermal
expansion loading condition.

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Rigid Body Motion - Minimum Constraints

• Bolted connections can be sources of rigid body motion.

‐ Review available results to determine location and reason for rigid body motion.
‐ Can use contact settings to eliminate: adjust to touch, contact offsets.

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Finding Problems in Complex Models

• For complex models having numerous element types

and/or parts, it may be difficult to determine which
regions of the model are experiencing rigid body motion
and what constraints are needed to inhibit such motion.
• For example, it is not immediately apparent that the
system of constraints shown on the model here permits
rigid body rotation about axis A-B.
• Note that all the constraints have a line of action that
intersects A-B and hence have no resistance to rotation
about A-B.

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Rigid Body Motion - Finding Problems

• An additional constraint must be added (bringing the total number of constraints to six)
to eliminate all possible rigid body motions:

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Rigid Body Motion - Finding Problems

• Finding error via modal analysis:

‐ While computationally more expensive than a static analysis, a modal analysis will frequently expose
the weaknesses of an improperly constrained static model.
‐ After ensuring that all elements have density/inertia in all directions, a modal analysis is performed.
‐ One mode and a zero, or near zero frequency, will be found for every possible rigid body motion.
‐ Animating the mode shape will graphically illustrate the direction in which the model is free to
translate and/or rotate.



1 0.16556E-02 1 1 1 mode
2 3888.2 1 2 2
3 7910.8 1 3 3
4 8212.9 1 4 4
5 15161. 1 5 5

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Model Review Checklist

• Assuming the model is consistent with the true part/system environment, model
review consists of checking the finite element model for actual errors, i.e., input that is
inconsistent with the modeling assumptions.
• The following list is a checklist for static analysis.
• Dynamic analyses require these checks as well as additional checks associated with
resolving the input loading(s) curve, the dynamic response, and the types and
quantities of output required.

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Model Review Checklist

• Verify the following:

‐ Analysis type is properly specified to static analysis.
‐ Required analysis options are activated:
• Stress–stiffening (normally used to enhance convergence in large deflection analyses)
• Large deflection
• Large strain
• Material nonlinearity
▪ Creep, primary and/or secondary
▪ Plasticity, etc.

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Model Review Checklist

• For nonlinear analysis:

‐ Convergence criteria
• Are the default values appropriate?
▪ Small loads may cause a problem.
‐ Load application sequence
• Full load or incremental loads, depends on the nature of the nonlinearities.
• Sequence of load application, for path–dependent problems such as contact with friction, plasticity, and other energy–
dissipating phenomenon; the solution is path–dependent.
‐ Frequency/quantity of data written to the results file/database/printed output.
• Insufficient frequency could make de-bugging difficult

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Model Review Checklist

• Path Dependency of Solution

• Two loads:
‐ Applied uniform temperature of 1000 degrees
‐ Applied pressure of 2000 psi.
• Results differ based on the order of applied loads

Pressure, Temp Temp, Pressure

Smax=25,918 Smax=48,300
Smin=-62,094 Smin=-67,389

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Model Review Checklist

• Easiest way to check analysis options is to issue /STAT,SOLU from the command line.
• Other solution details can be reviewed by listing individual solution items (Utility Menu
> List > Status > Solution).
• In Workbench Mechanical, Solution Information will list entire solver output from the

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Model Review Checklist

• Check for Consistent Units:

‐ Geometry
‐ Materials
‐ Properties
‐ Loads

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Model Review Checklist

• Proper element types/properties/materials are assigned to the proper regions of the

model. Verify graphically by color-coding based on these quantities. (Utility Menu >
PlotCtrls > Numbering > Elem/Attribute Numbering > … ), or...
• In Workbench Mechanical, using the Worksheet view on the Geometry branch, along
with Display Style set to Material

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Model Review Checklist

• Element options can be checked either by listing element types (Utility Menu > List >
Properties > Element Types) or by opening the options menu from the element types
selection (Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete > Options).

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Model Review Checklist

• Element properties defined correctly.

‐ Real constants can be checked by either listing them (Utility Menu > List > Properties > All Real
Constants) or by checking them in the Real Constants menu (Preprocessor > Real Constants >
‐ Many of these settings can be verified by turning on element shapes with the command /ESHAPE,1
(or Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Size and Shape > Display of Element (On) ).
‐ In Workbench Mechanical, View Cross Section Solids and Thick Shells and Beams.

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Model Review Checklist

• Use /ESHAPE to check beam cross section assignments, or turn on Cross Section Solids
and Thick Shells and Beams in Workbench Mechanical.



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Model Review Checklist

• Material properties are defined correctly:

‐ Isotropic, orthotropic, anisotropic.
‐ Temperature–dependent material properties,
• List and graph material data at all temperatures (Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models, or Engineering Data in
• Use proper reference temperature for thermal strain.
• Verify that model temperatures are within limits of material definition
‐ Nonlinear material properties
• List and plot nonlinear material data (Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models or Engineering Data in Workbench)
• For large strain problems, has data been provided as true stress–strain ?
• Tangent modulus for plasticity has positive slope
• Properties are compatible with associated element type
‐ Time–dependent material properties for creep, viscoelasticity, viscoplasticity.

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Model Review Checklist

Mesh = 1 Element

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Model Review Checklist

• Examples of Temperature Dependent Modulus and Multilinear Isotropic Plasticity in

Workbench Engineering Data.

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Model Review Checklist

• Model geometry checks:

‐ Check key dimensions (Preprocessor > Modeling > Check Geom).
‐ Check mass and center of mass with expected values from CAD system.
• Solid geometry check (Preprocessor > Modeling > Operate > Calc Geom Items > Of Volumes, Of Areas).
• Finite element check (Solution > Solve > Partial Solution > Calc Element Matrices).
‐ Identify geometric singularities and confirm they are not in regions of interest.

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Model Review Checklist

• Model geometry checks in Workbench Mechanical:

‐ Check key dimensions (Geometry Worksheet view and Selection Information).
‐ Check mass and center of mass with expected values from CAD system.

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Model Review Checklist

• Mesh checks:
‐ Check shell normals using PowerGraphics and reverse, if required.
• Reverse normals of selected shell elements (Preprocessor > Modeling > Move/Modify > Reverse Normals (of Shell Elems) )
• Reverse normals of selected areas and attached shells (Preprocessor > Modeling > Move/Modify > Reverse Normals (of
Areas) )
• Orient normals to be consistent with the selected shell element (Preprocessor > Modeling > Move/Modify > Elements >
Shell Normals) )
• Orient normals of selected areas and attached shells to be consistent with the selected area (Preprocessor > Modeling >
Move/Modify > Areas > Area Normals) )

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Model Review Checklist

• Element coordinate systems:

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Model Review Checklist

• Mesh checks in Workbench Mechanical:

‐ Shell normals in Workbench Mechanical are aligned with surface normals; the top of the surface
highlights when selected in Mechanical; the bottom of the surface shows an outline only.
‐ Surface Normals should be flipped in SpaceClaim or DesignModeler if necessary.

Selected surface with top highlighted Same selected surface when viewed from other side

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Model Review Checklist

• Mesh checks:
‐ Beam orientations (Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Symbols)
‐ Element coordinate systems for orthotropic properties (Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Symbols)
‐ Directions of contact element normals (Contact Manager)
‐ Verify type of contact -bonded, no separation, MPC, etc. (Contact Manager)

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Model Review Checklist

• Mesh checks in Workbench Mechanical:

‐ Beam orientations (View>Thick Shells and Beams)
‐ Element coordinate systems for orthotropic properties (Coordinate System Definition in Details of
Surface body; Element Triads in Solution branch)

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Model Review Checklist

• Mesh checks in Workbench Mechanical:

‐ Verify type of contact -bonded, no separation, MPC, etc. (Worksheet view on Contacts branch;
Contact Tool>Initial Information)

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Model Review Checklist

• Mesh checks:
‐ DOF mismatch where dissimilar element types connect:
• Beams/shells connected to solids.
• Beams connected normal to shells.
‐ Mesh compatibility:
• Midside nodes dropped when connecting lower order to higher order elements.
• Pyramids at the interface between brick and tetrahedral mesh.
‐ Check element shapes (Preprocessor > Meshing > Check Mesh > Individual Elem > Plot or Select

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Model Review Checklist

• Mesh checks - check for cracks in the model:

‐ Graphically
• Set the hidden line options to non-hidden (Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Hidden Line Options > Non-hidden).
• Change to wireframe mode (Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Device Options > Vector Mode (On) ).
• Display only common lines between non-coplanar faces (Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Edge Options > /EDGE (Edge
Only/All) ).
‐ Non-Graphically
• Select all coincident nodes in the selected set (Preprocessor > Numbering Ctrls > Merge Items > Type of Item (Nodes) >
Select w/o merge).
• Use the MCHECK command to select or list elements that may be attached to internal voids or cracks (Preprocessor >
Meshing > Check Mesh > Connectivity > Ck Connectvty or Sel Bad Connt).

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Model Review Checklist

• Checking for cracks:

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Model Review Checklist

• Mesh checks - check for cracks in the model in Workbench Mechanical:

‐ Graphically
• Use Edge Coloring Toolbar

‐ Non-Graphically
• Use Mesh Edit and Automatic Node Merge to merge any coincident nodes that may result from adjacent surfaces that are
not properly connected.

71 ©2020 ANSYS, Inc. Unauthorized use, distribution, or duplication is prohibited.

Model Review Checklist

• Check coupling/constraint equations:

‐ Uniform thermal expansion check.
• Impose minimum fixed constraints to prevent rigid body motion.
▪ 2-D: 3 DOF
▪ 3-D: 6 DOF
• Modify all elements to have the same material property.
• Specify a coefficient of thermal expansion.
• Apply a uniform temperature to the model, using a reference temperature of zero. Temperature should be defined to create
a thermal strain on the order of .001.
• Resulting stresses should be negligible.

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Model Review Checklist

• Constraint equations used to connect dissimilar

meshes (CEINTF)
‐ Uniform temp applied.
‐ Rigid body motion constrained.

Proper definition
Negligible stresses
Improper definition – nodes
rotated subsequent to
constraint equation
Non-negligible stresses

73 ©2020 ANSYS, Inc. Unauthorized use, distribution, or duplication is prohibited.

Model Review Checklist

• Check applied loads:

‐ Plot loads: (Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Symbols > All Applied BCs, Surface Load Symbols (pressures
for example), Body Load Symbols (temperatures for example) )
‐ List loads: (Utility Menu > List > Loads)
‐ Solid or FE loads – Solid model loads will overwrite FE loads.

74 ©2020 ANSYS, Inc. Unauthorized use, distribution, or duplication is prohibited.

Model Review Checklist

• Nodal forces/displacements:
‐ Point forces/displacements will create singularities.
‐ Review implications (if applicable) of large deflections; displacement and force directions usually do
not update as the system deforms and hence the original “load” directions may not be appropriate
with significant motion.
‐ Verify symmetry constraints are appropriately used
• Reflective
• Periodic
• Cyclic
‐ Sufficient constraints are imposed to prevent rigid body motion
• 2-D: 3 DOF
• 3-D: 6 DOF

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Model Review Checklist

• Pressure loads:
‐ Consider implications of large deflection and large strain, pressure loads, in general, are follower loads
and hence the load direction updates as the geometry deforms.
‐ Under large strain, the application area may change, which changes the total load acting on the

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Model Review Checklist

• Force loading – 150 lbs total.

‐ UZ = 7.922
‐ Reactions
• FX=0
• FZ=-150

• Pressure loading – Equivalent to 150 lbs total force.

‐ UZ = 8.797
‐ Reactions
• FX=95.43
• FZ=-115.49

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Model Review Checklist

• Thermal loads:
‐ Is thermal expansion coefficient defined for all materials?
‐ Are temperatures applied to the entire model?
• Default to TUNIF (zero).
‐ Is a reference temperature for thermal expansion defined?
‐ How are temperatures defined?
• Nodes
• Elements

78 ©2020 ANSYS, Inc. Unauthorized use, distribution, or duplication is prohibited.

End of presentation

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