Writing Practice

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I’m Laura Thacker and I’ll tell you the truth, I’ve never been quite the fan of

introducing myself. What can I say? I’m sixteen years old, I like cats and I am attending
my first year at Hopes Peak Academy as the 'Ultimate “Lucky” Student'. That title always
gives me a laugh, I would never consider myself a lucky person, quite the opposite
actually. Of course, I have about three meals a day and a bed . . . just I never had anyone
to consider my friend or a real family. It’s lonely but . . . I’m not complaining of course. I
have no connections, no expectations. I come and go as I please.
Now for the School? Hopes Peak Academy, basically it’s just a normal high school
full of spoiled snobs that have been told their whole life that they were going to succeed
due to having talent . . . or an ultimate as they call it. And an Ultimate, well that just
means you are the best of the best at whatever you do, whether that being a basketball
player or tying your shoe. As long as you are the elite of the elite this school promises to
help them harness their true potential and all that other junk you can read in the
brochure. There are exactly two criteria that this school uses when choosing their
students. One you must be a high schooler (shocker) and two (as I said before) be the
best of the best at whatever you do. Except for one student. One student every year is
chosen at random, claiming the title as Ultimate Lucky Student. And this year that was
me. My new life now awaits me through these doors. No one knows me or what I’ve been
through, I can make a new start.
Little did I know this school held something sinister. An evil that I could have
never imagined. Behind these doors, my life did change forever. Of course not in the way
I hoped.
I couldn’t recall when I entered the building, my head was spinning nausea
growing with every step I took. I….I don’t feel nervous. Yet this feeling lingered, feeling
weaker and weaker with every step. Am I going to pass out? With what felt like an
eternity I reached the door of what looked like a gym, pushing it open with the last bit of
my strength tripping through the door.
Sitting down against the entrance I get a look at my surroundings through my
blurred vision. About like… ten maybe more students, I couldn’t quite tell my whole
world was spinning, were standing all around. Chatting away, no one seemed to notice
my presence. I sit for about ten minutes, maybe more before I can finally stand again,
feeling better than before I take another look around. I see another girl standing near the
back reading what looked to me like a textbook by its size. She was surprisingly the least
intimidating person due to everyone else being knee-deep in conversation.
Laura- *I make my way up to the girl, trying my best to not sound awkward or
barely talk to people-ly. I stand in front of her for about 30 seconds before tapping her to
get her attention.* “Hellllloo? Do you have any idea about what is going on?”

???- *She still doesn’t look up at me or acknowledge my existence in any form but
she does answer in a tone that I can only decipher as somewhat irritated. This was already
off to a great start.* “Uh . . . I don’t know.” *Then she goes quiet . . . as if getting
interested in the next part of her book, leaving us in completely awkward silence for
about a minute before continuing.* “I got here, walked the halls and this was the only
door open.”

Laura- “Oh. . . . I guess we are in the same boat huh?” *Anndd it was awkwardly
silent again. I shuffled slightly.* “So is this orientation or . . . ?”

???- “I mean . . . I suppose it is.” *She looks up at me for the first time this whole
conversation.* “Now if you don’t mind I’m going to continue reading.”

Laura- “You never stopped?” *I give her a bewildered expression, met by her
unchanging straight face.*

???- “I meant without interruption.”

Laura- *If I said that didn’t sting I would be lying. I smirk.* “Oh wow, the warmth
just radiates from you huh?” *I scoff softly, anxiously anticipating her reaction but much
to my dismay she just looks back down to her book.*

God, if I could rip that stupid book out of her hands and tear out every single page
I would. This girl was so annoying and cold, like an emotionless robot where her only
function was to read and look pretty. Aka the worst robot ever. I linger around Mrs.
Roboto before deciding it was best to just ditch her before I actually do something to
cause a fight. So where to now? I looked out into the chaos that was the rest of the
student body which was . . . much more interesting to say the least.

???- “What the hell is this!” *Well someone was definitely mad.* “Geez! You’d think
there would be like staff members somewhere, ANYWHERE!” *Ohh someone was really
really mad. The girl crosses her arms to further her angry image.*
???- ”Hey chill out. I know we have been here for like a really really long time. But
hey look at the bright side. We are all becoming friends faster!” *He laughs awkwardly,
putting his arm on her girl. Which was the equivalent of petting a small angry dog.*

???- *The small angry dog immediately bounces up, pulling away from his touch.*
“Don’t touch me-” *She glares at the boy.*

???- “ Okay! Okay! Geez, I’m sorry, relax” *He puts his hands in the air

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