Methods-For-Avoiding-Plagiarism/: Topic 7 Academic Research Writing How To Avoid Committing Plagiarism

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Topic 7 How to avoid committing plagiarism

Academic Research Writing • Check out this link
• A lot of people believe that academic writing is like methods-for-avoiding-plagiarism/
writing a research paper. The truth is, “academic”
means that a student has written an informed, scholarly Writing as a Process
and insightful contribution to ongoing discussions or
relevant topics or issues. • Choosing a topic and limiting it

• Specific and Clear Language - Objectives in writing the paper

- Length requirements of the paper
- Academic writing should be - Time needed in writing the paper
straightforward and simple. - Restrictions or limits in writing the paper
- Avoid big, pompous, vague and ambiguous - Related ideas to the topic of the paper
- As much as possible, simplify jargons • Asking research questions and establishing the
(language of a particular field of study) significance of one’s research

• Balanced and credible voice - What does the “tingi-tingi system” mean?
What is the nature of tingi?
- Refocus the language by emphasizing the - Who exactly practices this?
study rather than the researcher or writer - When did this practice begin?
of the study - Where is this practiced? In what
- Instead of using “I chose this study”, use context/s?
“The researcher/writer chose this study” - Why is tingi-tingi system a prevalent
practice in the Philippines?
• Socially and Culturally Relevant Topics
- How did it develop? How was it practiced
- Topics need not be boring nor redundant in the past? How is it practiced today?
- Choose topics that everybody can relate to
• Brainstorming research questions:
- If a topic seems to have been over-
discussed or overstudied, give it a twist so - What cultural and social values, as well as
that readers will see it in another or realities, led to the practice of buying and
different light selling by tingi? What impact does it have
on buyers and sellers? What larger
• Plagiarism
implications does this have about life in
- When writers experience writer’s block, it the Philippines and its socio-economic
is very tempting to just google everything system, especially today?
and click Ctrl+a, Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v on a
• Main research question:
document. What just happened is stealing
another person’s words or ideas. Check this - Why is the continued use of the tingi-tingi
link and know more about plagiarism. system in twenty-first century Philippines
- significant?
• State your topic:

- I am studying tingi culture in the

• Add a reason for studying it: narrow down to what can be contributory
and which are reliable bases of the study.
- I am studying tingi culture in the
Philippines because I want to find out • Choose a topic and limit it (Cat-calling in the
what it reflects about the values of Philippines)
- Asking research questions and establishing
• Add significance to the study: the significance of one’s research
- Brainstorming research questions
- I am studying tingi culture in the
- Main research question
Philippines because I want to find out
what it reflects about the values of • State your topic (The writer is studying about cat-
Filipinos in order to help my reader calling in the Philippines)
understand why there are larger
implications of the practice in the • Add a reason for studying it (The writer is studying
twentyfirst century. about cat-calling in the Philippines because she wants to
know why men do it)
• Add significance to the study (The writer is studying
- Why is the continued use of the tingi-tingi about cat-calling in the Philippines because she wants to
system in the twenty-first century know why men do it so she can find out how it can be
Philippines significant? stopped)

• Composing a thesis statement • Formulate the research question (Why is cat-calling

still prevalent in the Philippines despite laws against it?)
- Research question: Why is the continued
use of the tingi-tingi system in twenty- • Compose a thesis statement (Cat-calling is still
first century Philippines significant? prevalent in the Philippines despite laws against it
- Thesis statement: The continued use of because it is difficult to prove)
the tingi-tingi sytem in twenty first
• Prepare a writing outline
century Philippines reflects a lack of
change in the economic situation of the • Research and find credible sources
Philippines, as those from the many
poorer sectors of society are forced, due
to lack of available funds, to both buy
small and think in the short term.

• Preparing a writing outline

- An outline is a skeletal guide of your study.

It is the general description plan or
blueprint of what your study is about, but
not giving out the full details.

• Doing research and finding credible sources

- There are other related finds that may be

helpful in the development of your study.
The trick is to filter from the choices and

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