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Module 5 english 3rd quarter

What I know

1. A
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. C

What’s in

Task 1

Paragraph What Filipino values Do you still practice Why or why not?
are emphasized in the these values? (Yes/No)
Paragraph 2 Strong and close family Yes Family is important,
ties they are the one who is
always there if I am
feeling down.
Paragraph 3 Respectful Yes To express respect for
the elders

What’s new

Task 2

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. E
5. D

What’s more

Task 3

1. Question: In the poem, what makes the sheep happy?

Answer: His wool
Evidence: The author states, “they have no buttons to undo, nor hair to brush like me and you”.
It means that the sheep’s life is much easier than a person.
What I have learned

Task 4

1. Note taking
- It helps you not to forget the important details of the text and helps you locate evidence in
the text.
2. Strong and Valid Claim
- Get strong evidence from the text and prove your point or claim.
3. Text Evidence
- Use the notes that you made during the reading of text. This will be much easier to locate
using the page number or paragraph number.

What I can do

Task 5

1. A
Evidence: In the passage, it is stated that “the number of germs around us, especially in crowded
rooms, is tremendous.”
2. B
Evidence: On the first paragraph, it is stated that “He was the only one elected by a unanimous


1. – Washing Machine looks simple but an engineer takes a lot of time to make it.
-Computer looks simple but is really tough to make it
2. Nowadays amusement park are introducing so many exiting rights it's hard to keep track of all of
them there is always the world but most exciting roller coaster ride - it is a train going up and
down to the tracks. Recent most interesting ride is vr ride.
3. This topic is really controversial in the current world. But if we discuss about this, we can find
out that striving towards perfection has both its blessing and curse. Enhancing the technology
everyday makes our life easier, but the natural resources of the earth are definitely exploited by
our indiscriminate usage. We need to create a balance between upgrading technology and using
Additional activities

ANSWER the question CITE evidence from the EXPLAIN your answer
using your learnings from media (television, radio, with evidence by
the lesson: newspaper, or social paraphrasing or directly
Is health really a wealth? media) or the internet to quoting.
(Yes/No) support your thoughts or

Yes How the pandemic brought us According to Armstrong

opportunity for health, wealth Williams, “It is often said that
and happiness health is wealth, and at no time
in our lives has this truism
proven more correct than
during the COVID-19

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