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Design of controllers for decoupled TITO systems

using different decoupling techniques

Maher Ben Hariz Faouzi Bouani

Université de Tunis El Manar, Faculté des Sciences de Université de Tunis El Manar, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs
Tunis, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis de Tunis
LR11ES20 Laboratoire Analyse, Conception et Commande LR11ES20 Laboratoire Analyse, Conception et Commande
des Systèmes, des Systèmes,
Tunis, tunisie Tunis, tunisie

Abstract—This paper deals with the design of controllers for settling time and the overshoot. The design of this controller
TITO decoupled systems. The main objective of these controllers for decoupled Multiple Input Multiple Output systems using
is to ensure some time response specifications such as the settling the simplified decoupling technique was proposed in [10] and
time and the overshoot for each output independently. The [11]. The controller synthesis is formulated as an optimization
controller parameters are obtained by solving a nonconvex problem which takes into consideration the desired closed-
optimization problem. In order to obtain the global solution and loop performances. The methodology of fixing the desired
then an optimal control law a global optimization method was closed loop characteristic equation was detailed in [12].
applied to resolve this problem. In order to decouple TITO Given that the controller parameters are determined by
processes, two different decoupling methods have been
minimizing a nonconvex optimization problem, the use of a
global optimization method is recommended. In this work, the
Keywords— time response specifications; TITO systems; Generalized Geometric Programming (GGP) method will be
decoupling systems; nonconvex optimization problem; global exploited in order to solve this problem. The main idea of this
optimization. method involves transforming a nonconvex optimization
problem to a convex one by means of variable
In the industrial field most systems have multiple inputs The outline of this paper is as follows. Section II presents
and multiple outputs [1]. Owing to the interactions between the decoupling techniques used in this work. Section III
inputs and outputs, multivariable systems present usually proposes the controllers design method. In order to show the
difficulties when designing controllers. Thus, in order to efficiency of the proposed controllers some simulation results
surmount this problem, control engineers had resort to are proposed in section VI.
decoupling system techniques. The study of these techniques
has attracted the attention of many researchers over the years II. DECOUPLING SYSTEM METHODS
[2], [3]. Since each decoupling technique has advantages and Let consider the following Two Input Two Output (TITO)
limitations, the choice of one of these methods is relatively process G(s) described by:
complicated. Ideal decoupling, which is not often
implemented, facilitates the focus on the controller transfer
matrix. Simplified decoupling is very used in practice. Its ªG (s) G12 ( s ) º
G ( s ) = « 11 . (1)
G 22 ( s ) »¼
main advantage lies in the simplicity of its elements. Inverted
decoupling is also used in practice. It combines the advantages ¬ G 21 ( s )
of both ideal and simplified techniques. In some works a The process G(s) is represented in Fig. 1. The elements
comparison between different decoupling techniques was G11(s), G12(s), G21(s) and G22(s) are supposed to be known.
performed. References [5] and [6] compared ideal and
From configuration represented in Fig.1, the system
simplified decoupling methods. They concluded that
outputs are given by:
simplified decoupling is more robust than ideal decoupling.
Both simplified and inverted decoupling techniques were
described in [6]. A comparative survey between simplified, ­Y1 ( s ) = G11 ( s )U 1 ( s ) + G12 ( s )U 2 ( s )
ideal and inverted decoupling was made in [7]. In this research ® . (2)
simplified and inverted decoupling methods will be used. In ¯Y2 ( s ) = G 21 ( s )U 1 ( s ) + G 22 ( s )U 2 ( s )
previous work [8], we have presented the design of a fixed
low-order controller for Single Input Single Output (SISO)
systems with some time response performances such as the

978-1-4799-8701-6/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE. 1116

D ( s ) = G ( s ) −1 T ( s )
1 (5)
= .
G11 ( s )G 22 ( s ) − G12 ( s )G 21 ( s )
ª G 22 ( s )T1 ( s ) − G12 ( s )T2 ( s ) º
« − G ( s )T ( s ) G11 ( s )T2 ( s ) »¼
¬ 21 1

T1(s) and T2(s) are the only unknown elements. They

represent the desired dynamics of the decoupled system.
The simplified decoupling consists in selecting the
decoupler as follows:

Fig. 1 TITO process representation

ª G12 ( s ) º
« 1 −
Decoupling a TITO process G(s) needs the design of a G11 ( s ) » (6)
transfer matrix D(s), such that G(s)D(s) is a diagonal transfer D (s) = « ».
matrix T(s). « G 21 ( s ) »
« − G (s) 1 »
¬ 22 ¼
ª D (s) D12 ( s ) º (3)
D ( s ) = « 11 By using (1), (4) and (6), the resulting transfer matrix is,
¬ D 21 ( s ) D 22 ( s ) »¼ then, given by:
ª G12 ( s ) G 21 ( s ) º
ªT ( s ) 0 º « G11 ( s ) − G 22 ( s )
0 »
T (s) = « 1 = G ( s ) D ( s ). (4) » (7)
T (s) = «
¬ 0 T2 ( s ) »¼ « G12 ( s )G 21 ( s ) »
« 0 G 22 ( s ) − »
Now, the two decoupling methods used in this work will ¬ G11 ( s ) ¼
be presented.
A. Simplified Decoupling
G12 ( s ) G 21 ( s ) (8)
A simplified decoupling system design for a TITO process T1 ( s ) = G11 ( s ) −
is shown in Fig. 2. G 22 ( s )

G12 ( s )G 21 ( s ) (9)
T2 ( s ) = G 22 ( s ) − .
G11 ( s )
The control signals are given by:

­ G12 ( s )
°U 1 ( s ) = V1 ( s ) − G ( s ) V 2 ( s )
° 11 (10)
® .
°U ( s ) = V ( s ) − 21 ( s ) V ( s )
°̄ 2 2
G 22 ( s )

B. Inverted Decoupling
Fig. 2 Block diagram of the simplified decoupling By considering this decoupling technique, the transfer
matrix T(s) will be given by:
The variables V1(s) and V2(s) represent the controller
outputs, U1(s) and U2(s) are the control signals and Y1(s) and
Y2(s) are the process outputs. ªG ( s ) 0 º (11)
T ( s ) = « 11 .
By using equations (1) and (3), equation (4) can be ¬ 0 G 22 ( s ) »¼
expressed by:
From expressions (5) and (11) we find the following
relation [7]:

The objective, now, is the design of the controllers C1(s)
ª G11 (s)G22 ( s) −G12 ( s)G22 (s) º and C2(s) which will ensure the desired closed loop
« specifications.
ªU1 (s) º « G11G22 (s) − G12 (s)G21 (s) G11G22 (s) − G12 (s)G21 (s) »
«U ( s) » = « »
¬ 2 ¼ −G21 ( s)G11 (s) G11 (s)G22 (s) » (12) III. CONTROLLERS DESIGN METHOD
« G G (s) − G ( s)G (s) G11G22 (s) − G12 (s)G21 (s) »¼
¬ 11 22 12 21
A. Problem Statement
ªV1 (s) º
«V ( s) » As mentioned previously, a TITO process can be
¬ 2 ¼ represented by two SISO systems using a decoupling method.
A SISO process can be defined by a transfer function Ti(s) for
Then, the expressions of the control signals can be deduced i=1, 2 as shown in Fig. 4. The transfer function is given by:
and given by [7]:
N i (s)
Ti ( s ) =
­ G12 ( s ) Di ( s )
°U 1 ( s ) = V1 ( s ) − U 2 ( s ) G ( s ) (15)
° 11 (13) m m −1
n m s + n m −1 s + " + n0
® . = .
°U ( s ) = V ( s ) − U ( s ) 21 ( s )
G d l s l + d l −1 s l −1 + " + d 0
°̄ 2 2 1
G 22 ( s )
Hence, The controller transfer function is defined by:
­U 1 ( s ) = V1 ( s ) + U 2 ( s ) D12 ( s ) (14)
® .
¯U 2 ( s ) = V 2 ( s ) + U 1 ( s ) D 21 ( s ) Ci ( s ) =
Bi ( s ) (16)
Ai ( s )
From equation (14) we can deduce the control system with where
the decoupling structure depicted in Fig. 3. This representation
was introduced by Wade and called “inverted decoupling”
[13]. We remind that the transfer functions of the decoupler, in ­° Ai ( s ) = s t + at −1 s t −1 + " + a1 s + a 0
. (17)
the case of inverted decoupling, are the same as those used ® r r −1
°̄ Bi ( s ) = br s + br −1 s + " + b1 s + b0
with simplified decoupling.
For a fixed low order controller, the following relation
must be verified: r ≤ t < l − 1.
So as to obtain a null steady state error, a polynomial Fi(s)
is introduced:

Fi ( s ) = f q s q + f q −1 s q −1 + " + f1 s + f 0 . (18)

By using relations (15), (16) and (18) the closed loop

transfer function can be deduced:

Fi ( s ) Bi ( s ) N i ( s ) (19)
H i (s) = .
Ai ( s ) Di ( s ) + Bi ( s ) N i ( s )
Fig. 3 Block diagram of the inverted decoupling

The decoupling methods applied to TITO systems allow us Then, the closed loop characteristic equation will be
to obtain the following configuration which is composed by expressed by:
two SISO systems as shown in Fig. 4. Each system is
constituted by a controller Ci(s) and a transfer function Ti(s) δ i ( s ) = Ai ( s ) Di ( s ) + Bi ( s ) N i ( s )
for i=1, 2. (20)
= δ n s n + δ n −1 s n −1 + " + δ 1 s + δ 0
where n = l + t .

The target, now, is to design a controller which will be able

to guarantee some time response performances such as the
overshoot and the settling time. We indicate that the desired
closed loop characteristic equation should be fixed using the
Fig. 4 Control structure of a SISO system polynomial characteristic ratios which was explained in [8],

B. Controllers Design
( ) ( )
F3 = q − δ W q −δ
We note by x the following controller parameters vector:
and W is a weighting matrix.
It has been reported in [12] that the coefficients of lower
x = [ b0 a t −1 ] .
" br a0 " (21)
powers of s in the transfer function are the most associated to
the step response. Then, the weighting matrix elements must
We mention that each controller Ci(s) possess be selected while respecting this hypothesis.
r + t + 1 parameters. The controller parameters can be obtained by solving
The coefficient vectors of the closed-loop characteristic the following nonconvex optimization problem:
polynomial δ and the desired closed-loop polynomial δ are
given respectively by: min f ( x ). (26)
The resolution of this nonconvex optimization problem by
δ = [δ 0 δn ]
δ 1 " δ n −1 (22) a local approach may lead to a local solution. Consequently, in
T order to obtain an optimal control law, the use of a global
δ = ª¬δ 0 δ 1 " δ n −1 δ n º¼ . (23)
optimization method is suggested. In this work, the GGP
method is exploited. This method was explained in [10], [11],
The coefficient vector of the closed-loop characteristic [14]-[17].
polynomial δ can be expressed in function of x by: IV. SIMULATIONS RESULTS

δ = Px + q (24) A. System Presentation

Let consider the following TITO process:
where the matrix P and the vector q which depend on the
transfer function parameters are given respectively by: ª s 2 + 2s + 2 1 º
« s 4 + 3s3 + 7.5s 2 + 5s + 1 2
s + 8s + 3 » (27)
ª n0 0 " 0 d0 0 " 0 º G( s) = « ».
«n » « 1 2
s + 2s + 1 »
" " «¬ s 4 + 3s3 + 6s 2 + 4s + 1»¼
n0 0 d1 d0 0
« 1 » s 2 + 6s + 2
« # # # d2 d1 " 0 »
« » Then according to expression (7), the decoupler can be
n n m −1 " nm − r # # #
P=« m » determined and its elements are given by:
« # # # dl d l −1 " d l − t +1 »
« »
«0 0 " nm # # # » s 4 + 3 s 3 + 7.5 s 2 + 5 s + 1
« # D12 ( s ) = −
# # 0 0 " dl » s 4 + 10 s 3 + 21s 2 + 22 s + 6
« »
«¬ 0 0 " 0 0 0 " 0 »¼ s 4 + 3s 3 + 6 s 2 + 4 s + 1
D 21 ( s ) = − 4 .
s + 8 s 3 + 15 s 2 + 10 s + 2
q = [0 " dl ]
0 d0 " d l −t "
We remind that D11(s)=D22(s)=1.

P ∈ R ( n +1)× ( r + t +1) , x ∈ R r + t +1 , q ∈ R n +1 . B. Case of Inverted Decoupling

By adopting this decoupling technique, the TITO system
The controller parameters are computed such that the G(s) will be described by the following transfer matrix:
difference between the closed-loop characteristic polynomial
δ and the desired closed-loop polynomial δ is minimal. This ª s 2 + 2s + 2 º
« s 4 + 3s3 + 7.5s 2 + 5s + 1 0 » (28)
objective can be achieved by defining the following cost
function: T ( s) = « ».
« s 2 + 2s + 1 »
«¬ 0
T s 4 + 3s3 + 6s 2 + 4s + 1»¼
f ( x ) = ª¬δ − δ º¼ W ª¬δ − δ º¼ (25)
The next step is the design of controllers that will be able
= x T F1 x + 2 F2 x + F3
to guarantee some time specifications for each system output.
where Let our target be the synthesis of a controller for T1(s)
F1 = P T WP which will satisfy the following performances:
i. Overshoot ≤ 2%.
F2 = q − δ WP ) ii. 2% settling time ≤ 10s.
The controller is defined by the following polynomials:

Setpoints and outputs

­° A(s) = s + a1s + a0
(29) 3
Setpoint 1

® . Output 1

°̄ B(s) = b1s + b0
Setpoint 2
2.5 Output 2

With an aim of achieving these specifications a desired


characteristic polynomial δ ( s ) is chosen using the procedure 1.5

presented in [12]. The optimization problem is given by the 1

following objective function f(X ): 0.5

f ( X ) = c1 x1 x2 + c2 x1x3 + c3 x1x4 + c4 x2 x3 + c5 x2 x4 + c6 x3 x4 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (s)
2 2 2 2
+c x + c x + c x + c x − c11x1 − c12 x2 − c13 x3 (30)
7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 Fig. 5 Evolution of set points and outputs using the inverted decoupling
−c14 x4 + c15 Control signals

where ci > 0 for i = 1, ! ,15.

Control 1

It is noted that the first six terms of the second member of 1

Control 2

(30) are nonconvex. So, we will apply the convexification

strategy of the GGP method [10], [11], [15]. We remark that

these six terms have positively signed terms, and then the 0.5

exponential transformation will be applied. New variables yi

are introduced for i=1,…,4 such that: 0

xi = exp( yi ). (31)
A new objective function f(X,Y) which convex is obtained: -0.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (s)

f ( X ,Y ) = c1 exp( y1 )exp( y2 ) + c2 exp( y1 )exp( y3 ) + c3 exp( y1 )exp( y4 ) Fig. 6 Evolution of control signals using the inverted decoupling

+c4 exp( y2 )exp( y3 ) + c5 exp( y2 )exp( y4 ) + c6 exp( y3 )exp( y4 ) (32)

+c7 x12 + c8 x22 + c9 x32 + c10 x42 − c11 x1 − c12 x2 − c13 x3 − c14 x4 + c15 In the next section, we will be interested by the design of
controllers for the TITO system (27), but using another
The minimization of this optimization problem using a decoupling technique which is the simplified decoupling.
local optimization method leads to the following controller: C. Case of simplified Decoupling
In this case, the resulting transfer matrix (7) is given by:
1.268 s + 0.51 (33)
C1 ( s ) = . T1 (s) =
N1 (s) G (s)G21 (s)
= G11 (s) − 12
s 2 + 9.164 s + 2.96 D1 (s) G22 (s)
12s7 + 93.5s6 + 300.5s5 + 525s4 + 542s3 + 318.5s2 + 95s +11
Let our objective be the synthesis of a controller for T2(s) =
s +19s +137.5s8 + 525s7 +1285s6 + 2008s5 +1948.5s4 +1152s3 + 402s2 + 76s + 6
10 9

which will ensure the following specifications:

i. Overshoot ≤ 5%.
N (s ) G (s)G21 (s)
ii. 2% settling time ≤ 8s. T2 (s) = 2 = G22 (s) − 12
D2 (s) G11 (s)
By applying the same strategy adopted for T1(s), we obtain
the following controller: 12s7 + 93.5s6 + 300.5s5 + 525s4 + 542s3 + 318.5s2 + 95s +11
s10 +19s9 +137s8 + 517s7 +1247s6 +1976s5 + 2087s4 +1404s3 + 572s2 +128s +12
1.29 s + 2.906 (36)
C2 (s) = . (34) Suppose that our objective is the design of a controller for
s + 4.992 s + 3.113 T1(s) which will guarantee the same desired performances for
the first output in the case of simplified decoupling.
By using these controllers to the system, we obtain the At this stage, the controller is defined by the following
evolutions of the output signals and the control signals polynomials:
represented in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 respectively.
According to Fig. 5, we note that the controllers ensure the
°­ A(s) = s + a4 s + a3 s + a2 s + a1s + a0
5 4 3 2
desired requirements for the two outputs. . (37)
® 3 2
°̄ B(s) = b3s + b2 s + b1s + b0

The resolution of the optimization problem using the GGP

method allows us to obtain the following controller:

96.016s3 + 272.119s2 +180.423s + 36.408 It is noted that the resulting transfer matrix of the inverted
C3 (s) = − decoupling presents two transfer functions with a low degree
s5 +14.629s4 + 83.022s3 +196.464s2 + 208.364s +111.114 thus the designed controllers have, also, lower degrees.
Assume that our purpose is the synthesis of a controller In this work, the design of controller for decoupled TITO
while ensuring the same time specifications for the second systems was presented. The main objective of this controller is
output as in the case of simplified decoupling. to guarantee some time response specifications. The controller
The minimization of the objective function by means of parameters are obtained by solving nonconvex optimization
the GGP method leads to the following controller: problem by using a global optimization method. Two
decoupling techniques have been applied to decouple
11.98s3 + 88.717s2 + 72.67s + 20.255 multivariable system. Simulation results show that it is possible
C4 (s) = − to use one of these methods in the design of the proposed
s5 +10.428s4 + 54.42s3 +102.119s2 +101.851s + 39.016
(39) controller.
A practical implementation of the proposed controllers will
be the subject of future research.
The evolutions of the output signals and the control signals
are plotted in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 respectively. REFERENCES
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