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1 'Just as he himself in a certain sense exists and yet again does not exist in world history, so his significance

in the
development of the world spirit is precisely to be and yet not to be, or not to be and yet to be; he is the nothing from
which the beginning must nevertheless begin.' The View made necessary, in The Concept of Irony, pag. 198,
Princeton University.

2 'The idea is concret and therefore must become concrete, bur the idea's becoming concrete is precisely the historical
actuality.' Irony after Fichte, íbid, pág. 279.

3 Íbid, pág. 211

4 Ibid.

5 'Socrates reached was rather the negative qualification that subjectivity intrinsically determines itself, but he lacked
the objectivity in which subjectivity in its intrinsic freedom is free', Ibid, pág. 210-11.

6 ' He ist the last classical figure, but he consumes this sterling quality and natural fullness of his in the divine service
by which he destroys classicism.' pág 212.

7 pág 272.

8 ' Here we perceive that this irony was not in the service of the world spirit. It was not an element of the given actuality
that must be negated and superseded by a new element, but it was all of historical actuality that it negated in order to
make room for a self-created actuality. We also perceive here that this irony was totally unjustified and that Hegel's
hostile behavior toward it is entirely in order.' pág 275.

9 'All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his
real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind. ' Communist Manifesto, pág 16, Marxist Internet Archive.

10 'the whole of existence has become alien to the ironic subject and the ironic subject in turn alien to existence, that as
actuality has lost its validity for the ironic subject, he himself has to a certain degree become unactual'. Pág 259.

11 A. Gramsci, C.XX, pag 281, 'Antology' Akal editions, Spain, 2011.

12 'For the ironic subject, the given actuality has lost its validity entirely; it has become for him an imperfect form that
is a hindrance everywhere. But on the other hand, he does not possess the new.' pag 261.

13 'the principle of movement in Socrates' whole life-that it proceeded not from the abstract to the concrete but from the
concrete to the abstract and continually arrived at this.' pag 267.

14 VVAA 'La rebelión de los indignados', Ed. Popular, Spain, 2011.

15 'Irony as a controlled element manifests itself in its truth precisely by teaching how to actualize actuality, by placing
the appropriate emphasis on actuality. In no way can this be interpreted as wanting to deify actuality in good. Pag

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