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Explore Assessment 1

Direction: Answer the following in not less than 5 sentences. Discuss the responsibilities and
accountabilities of entrepreneurs to the following:

a. employees

Good employees are productive, which creates great working environments and increases overall

productivity, they are the fuel source to bring your organization up. As an entrepreneur you should
empower your employees to use their excellent brains and hearts on the job, you will see them create
breakthrough solutions, collaborate and by that you also need to reward them, provide the salary wages
and safe workplace with insurance they deserve. A working environment that is free from discrimination
and is respecting everyone’s right. And a work that could also help them hone their skills and support
them throughout their career.

b. government

We all know that entrepreneurial ventures further contribute to the GDP, an indication of their
importance in raising revenue and financing government projects. And with that it is important to
comply to the law, disclose right financial statement and pay taxes for it helps improve the country’s
economy. It is also their responsibility to follow environmental regulations, labor law, follow right
trading practices and stop corruption. Entrepreneurial establishments also contribute funds for
emergencies and natural calamities, and helps contributing political stability. Entrepreneur must ensure
regularity and honesty in the payment of fees, duties and taxes and help contribute more for the

c. creditors

Creditors need accounting information about a business to help them in their lending decisions.
Creditors should be furnished with right data about the organization to help them to choose about
further investment. The organization have to give a reasonable profit from the venture made by
investors. In the event that investors don't get the appropriate profit, they will wonder whether or not
to contribute extra assets. The organization ought to fortify the offer costs by its development,
advancement, furthermore, broadening to have a continuous and good relationship with their creditors
to maintain their interest investing to the business.


Direction: Write a reflection of these responsibilities and accountabilities of entrepreneurs by answering

the question:

“What is the importance of these responsibilities and accountabilities of the entrepreneurs especially
that the country is affected by health crisis brought about by COVID-19?
Leading a business is complex work. As the leader of your organization, you’ll
be in charge of establishing the internal tone, setting a good example for your
team, resolving conflicts and keeping morale up in times of distress or
hardship. That's not always easy. Acting as a figurehead for the company is a
lot like being a leader, but it’s extrinsically focused.

As an entrepreneur, It’s your job to make the final decision on these matters,
which is often harder than it appears. There’s a lot riding on your shoulders,
and you’ll be taking accountability for how your decisions ultimately turn out.
Added to this are the responsibilities and accountabilities of entrepreneur, as
an individual, as a leader and as citizen of the country.
Being a leader of a business venture, you should set a good example to your
employee, especially during this time of the pandemic. You should include new
rules that abide the regulations and protocols set by the government for the
safety of yourself, people around you and help stop the spread of the virus.
We find ourselves today living in an era where financial matters, stormy political
discourse and facing yet another crisis in our economy as the COVID-19 pandemic
arisen. In the midst of a pandemic, several hardships have arisen- in academia, in
our own home, in our health, and in society. And as entrepreneurs you should
perform obligations to act in a way that will honor the public trust, and
demonstrate commitment to professionalism. A need for reliable
information would exist regardless of the purpose of the firm, and the and the
obligation to provide reliable information. It is your job as a citizen of this country
to give back and help others through paying taxes that could help add more funds
for a start of new projects and betterment of others as well. We could be the start
of the better normal.
What I Have Learned

Who contributed?
Paulino Baro Collo Jr.

When was it published?

April 9, 2021

Where did it happen?

Quezon City

What happened?
The delivery rider burst into
tears after being victimized by a
fake booking. The citizen
recording the situation consoled
the rider. Moreover, nearby
riders helped paid the canceled
Who contributed?
C-an Salaveria Puño

When was it published?

May 26, 2021

Where did it happen?

Siniloan, Laguna

What happened?
A student’s graduation picture
went viral and gained positive
reactions because of their
inspirational story and quote for
her creative shot. Jerdy Grace
Natan, together with her father
Rodolfo Araneta, a balut vendor,
was given a free photoshoot
courtesy of The Flash Siniloan.
Who contributed?
Sarah Gahis De Guzman

When was it published?

May 14, 2021

Where did it happen?

Laur, Nueva Ecija

What happened?
A lady in her 90s accidentally
burned her money. Lola Ingga
was cooking rice when she
accidentally put the used
firewood on top of her purse.
The said amount inside the purse
that was burned is 14 000 pesos.
Nested at the foot of Sierra Madre is the town of Siniloan, a 2nd class municipality in the north-easternmost town of
the province of Laguna. It is home to numerous waterfalls that lie along its different river systems, thus it is only
befitting to be called “The Waterfalls Sanctuary of Eastern Laguna.”

Siniloan is known to have at least thirteen waterfalls and perhaps more that are yet to be exposed to public attention.
The most popular ones are tucked in the slope of Mount Romelo, the southwest border of Sierra Madre Mountain

With summit elevation of only 240 meters above sea level, trekking Mount Romelo is relatively an easy feat and yet
a rewarding one.

So let’s get to know these chasing waterfalls of Mt Romelo!

The most accessible waterfalls from the campsite, Buruwisan Falls is the most famous and possibly the most
beautiful waterfalls in Mount Romelo. It along Siniloan River, with the water cascading from a height of
approximately fifty meters into large natural pool.

Not far from Buruwisan Falls is Lanzones Falls, just few meters away. It is quite smaller in size but it has its own
distinct charm. The water drops from a height of approximately thirty meters to a small shallow pool before meeting
with the water of Buruwisan falls.

Another towering waterfall in Mount Romelo is the majestic Sampaloc Falls. Situated upstream of Buruwisan falls,
it towers at approximately forty feet with the water dropping to another huge circular basin. The trail going here is
dotted with Durian trees, it’s your lucky day if you chance upon some ripe ones.

Diwata Falls is among the least visited waterfalls in Mount Romelo. It is just a small cascade located at the top of
Sampaloc Falls with small yet quite deep catch basin.

The two-level Batya-Batya Falls is pretty amazing at it is composed of two small cascades that drop into circular
tub-like basins thus Batya-Batya, also known as Guiling-Guiling Falls.

Another offbeat waterfalls in the area, Sapang Labo is located at the east of Buruwisan Falls. It is made up of two
levels, the upper level is approximately five meters high with small and shallow catch basin while the second is at
around two meters with larger yet shallow basin.

Also known as Old Buruwisan, Binaytuan Falls is a towering cascade at approximately fifty to sixty meters. But
unlike the other waterfalls in the area, the trail going here is quite a challenge specially during rainy season. It also
lies along Siniloan River, downstream of Buruwusin Falls.

And more…

Aside from these seven, there are two other known waterfalls in Mount Romelo – Sebakon Falls which is said to be
further downstream of Binaytuan Falls and the very challenging Twin Falls where very few dare to visit due to its

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