Ebook - Tesla - Solid State Tesla Coil

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ee Solid-state Tesla Coil (TCL3) “The following project shows how to construct high-frequency, high-vellage device capable of ‘ausing a fluorescent lamp to light (without wires), the corona ttect (St. Elmo's Fite), aud the wirele=» transmissions of radio-frequency energy. The de- vice as a safely feature may be powered from a 12-yatt battery soucce as well as 120 Vac. It is completely solid-state, simple to comstract, and is to be considered as an introduction to the larger eneratinig devives such as the 250 kV Tesie Coil and otler high-powered devices. ‘CIRCUIT THEORY ‘As can he seen by the schematic (Fig, 18-1 and ‘Table 16-1) the device is a high-voltage inverter circuit taking advantage of the high step up in volt: age and low capacitance resonant seconcary prop crties inherent in TV flyoack \ransformers. This high-voltage, high-frequency output energy can Fight lamps without wires and perform many other wise impossible feats. Power is obtained either by 282 an external baltery of a conventional transformer full-bridge reciifier circuit 2 TRANSFORMER REWORK 1, Two new windings primary” and “feed- ack” windings) are added to the flyback trans- former TL (Fig. 18-2) that connects to the switching transistors QU, 2. These windings are hand-wound ‘en the bottom leg of the ferrite core where the original twe-tum filament winding was located. In iis place, wind a ter-tum, canter-tapped winding (designated PL and P2) using approximately 30 inches of #18 or heavier insulated hook-up wite, Thisis easily accomplished by winding five turns at ‘ue end of the core and bringing out a loop and ‘owisling for a center-tap lead (PCT) before adding the second five tam. The complete ten-turn wind ing shoud then be held in place witha turn oF two of ‘electrical tape with the twvo ends (PI and P2) and the center tap (PCT) loop all protruding. Connec- tion can be made to the center-iap loop when the: snguletion has been carefully removed. fit becomes Ai externas ve ca[er ine 2 crew a0 Fe Bo rere cantons ‘Toble 184, 12 Univarast Sofi-Stata Tele Galt 1.603.878.4780 for cag ac deve? Rt 0) BP oben Ye at rnttor ra ()) Badan Sa wat easier 3 () sea ke iewat reser a Qh eon h/e v oberelyie capacitor best Samo 50 vor retiey i fh) eva ep ranstome 2 Oh Deiynack 2028 bv aie fe) BNGdSG npr TOR anecer wn 6) TOs maui wt tar )—Maon fap ath iad to" (| Motod power cord St fl Toeade sain 8 amps ent fy) peed al box Ns} fH) Buat 03 near nu 4) Gove eer bushing Buz fH} SP aesiousning bus fy) septate hueing wat (8) fB strandad neck up wie wr, (2) -ReGrardad nookup wie Te fy term tip exe By dopa 40 PVC nny cat fi) 3" panics xB (1) Derger HV woe TER! {Pept tmaatt erat door knob for stp Compe kt avaiable trough Ilomason Unit In, P.O, Box 710, Aniort, NAL BRC Wa bows or eal necessary w cut the contor lonp, be sure that the two ends ave scraped and joined (o forma meciani- ‘al 2s well as an electrical connection to the wit ing. 2, The second winding (feedback) should be ‘wound directly on top ofthe first, Lut it shoal only: ave o total of four tiene —twe each side of the ‘center tap, Wind two tams of #22 hovk-up wires pull and twist a eenter-tap loop (FBCT) ane wind the other two turns. Tape this winding in place on top ofthe first. Do nat let the center-tap loops of he two windings touch each other, however, they Miuuld not be mora than one~guacter of an inch apart. (Note Fig. 18-2 thal shows larger separation for the cake of clarity.) GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 3. Pabricate the metal ease as shown irom 7 x 5 % 3° aluminum minibox. Drill holes for the indicator lamp, feeé-through bushing for powst, ‘switch on the frant panel, hree holes for‘F2, shield 268 LEN2, four holes for rubber feet, and Lwo holes for the heatsink Figs. 183 and 18-4). “4. Mount QL and Q2 to heatsink using ‘mounting hardvyare as shown, Be sure thatthe TOR tnounting cases are insulated from the heatsink. Apply heatsink: compound for best results. 5, Solder RI and Rz as shown, Solder FBL and FR2 to bases (B) of QL and 2 respectively. Te pliers ae 1 heatsinle whenever soldering dk rectly o a transistor 6. Solder lead from EBCT wo TEL at une‘ion of RL and R2, 7. Attach +12 voit power lead to PCT eon ect Ql and U2 collectors to Fang P2, Attach 12 Ve to emitter buss jump of QL arc) Q2 as shown. ‘This points ehasss ground, connect ground retum of T2 to chassis ground, & Kinal wire TI, Cl, LAL, RO, and TEL. Watch out for primacy 120'V wiring. Make sure thece are no ac. grounds. Cover leads of 1 swith REV or equivalent 39% ——, _TURNS SHOULD BEEVENLY SPREAD OUTON es < ENTIRE LENGTH OF CORE LES TAPE IN PLACE. oF BCT STARTCPD, ourpur ca E> cenrenmetest) gc Sh Prins (r2) Y (STAMINDING, FO'TORNSOr #18 WIRE CENTER TAPPED 2N0 WINDING, a TURNS OF #24 WIRE CENTER TAPPED [AND WOUND OVERIST WINDING WINDING | “TWO NEW WINDINGS ("PRIMARY AND'FEEDBACK" WINDNGSYARE ADDED TO THE FLY BACK TRANSFORMER(T2) THAT. INNER tO THEORIWER TRANSISTORS. THESE WINDINGS ARE HAND WOUND ON THE BOT TOMLES OF Tre FERRITE CORE WHERE THE ORISIAL THO TLAN FILAMENT WINCING WAS LOCATED REMOVE AND DISCARD INE UroiNa | FICAMENT WINDING IN (7S PLACE, WIND FIRST & [EN-TUBN, CENTER-TAPPED WINDING (DESIGNATED Pt -P2) USING DPOMORMATELY SOAICHES OF #18 OR LARGER INSULATED HOOKUP WIRE. THSIS EASLY ACCOMPLISHED BY WINDING FIVE TURNS AT ONE ENDO THECORE AND THEN TWISTING & LOOP IN THE FREE END BEFORE ADDING THE SECOND FIVE TURNS. THE COMPLETE TEN TURN WINDING SHOULD THEN BE HELDIN PLACE WITH A TURN CR TWOCE ELECTRICAL TAPE WITH THE TWOENDS (PI 5.P2) AND THE CENTER TAP (PCT) LODPALL PROTRUDING. CONNECTION CAN BE MADE 10 THE CENTER TAP LOOP WHEN THE INSULATION HAS EEN CAREFULLY REMOVED. IF IT AE COMES NECESSARY TO CUT THE GENTER LOOF, SE SURE THAT THE TWO LADS |AS WELL AS AN ELECTRICAL CENTER TAP CONNECTION TO THE WINDING. WINDING 11 THE SECOND WINDING [FEEDBACK) SHOULD BE WOUND DIRECTLY ON TOP OF THE FIRST, BUT IT SHOULD ONLY HAVE J TOIL OF POUR TURNS- TWO EAGH SIDE OF THE CENTER TAP. WIND TWO TURNS OF #22 HOOK-UP WIRE, PULL hub TWiST A CENTER TAP LOOP (FOCT) AND WIND THEOTHER TINO TURNS. TAPE THIS WINDING IN PLACE ON Top OF THEPIRST, DO NOT LET THECENTER TAP LOOPS OF THE TWO WINDINGS TOUGH EACHOTHER IAHE SCRAPCD AND ICINED TO FORM & MECHANICAL Fig, 182. 2 rework winding nstuctons. __—-START OF Hy OIL70 BE GROUNDED, TREGHMeTER TO De rene CoRAECT LUG WHEN USING OTHER FLY BACK TRANSFOMMERS, fe vor LS mow ‘Tre Wor SHOWN. Connect To zac PONTE ON TEL Fig, 185. Assen skeih blowup. 286 GOL'g TO OFTAN A SMALL TO 20 Hay Frvoeesten Game ANB OBSERUNE Ir TO Slaw wat bauer near Wer avreur Femi nase Calero wy roe nice FReGUoN:y EEE wesNETIC FELD TOWENG THE ates IME. TUBE, Fe EEE Ace beers Wer SE OPERATED FROM A SMALL STORE Bartenr Must DC CAPABLE GP SANDS ME Sat pomerey Eranoe Lap rence> Mone Fo Iowan mares Fig, 18-4, Final accamby. 9. Tape and insulate all bare leads where yossible shorting ean occur. Check for witing and shorts. 10, Thefolowing should bedonewith ade meier indicating current flow. Apply power and im- tnediately ne that high vollage lead of T1 secon dary (asually white lead with cap) emits corona discharge (purplish sparks) when brought near sround, This should axcto about one inch Ifthe unit dees not work, reverse wires FBI and FR2, check wire and soldering for accuracy, base and emitter leads of Q1 and Q2 reversed, improper mounting of ‘transistors (without insulating mounting kits). QL and O2 must be completely electrically insulated {com the heatsink. 11. Once the unit is functioning property, check the transistors for heating. You should be shle to touch them with your finger after several ninutes of operation. I not, «larger heatsink may bbe nocessary for prolonged operation. 207

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