Sample Exam Clinical

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Sample exam Clinical

1. Amino acids are linked to the next amino acid in the sequence of a protein by which of the

following bonds?

a) Hydrogen

b) Ester

c) Glycosidic

d) Peptide

Ans: d) Peptide Bond

linking the α-carboxyl group of one amino acid to the α-amino group of another amino acid with a
peptide bond (also called an amide bond).

2. The process of meiosis in the germline starts:

a) During fetal life in males

b) At puberty in females

c) At puberty in males

d) During the first trimester of gestation in females

Ans: c) At puberty in males

In males, meiosis takes place after puberty. In females, meiosis begins during the fetal stage.

3. Ethylene oxide is commonly used to:

a) Sterilize plastic syringes

b) Sterilize incubators

c) Disinfect benches

d) Disinfect hands

Ans: a) Sterilize plastic syringes

4. pH levels in bicarbonate buffered culture media are:

a) Influenced by the oxygen tension of the air to maintain equilibrium

b) Corrected by other molecules in the culture medium such as amino acids

c) Corrected by partial pressure of CO

d) Not only dependent on bicarbonate ions but on other molecules in the culture medium such as amino acids

Ans: d) Not only dependent on bicarbonate ions but on other molecules in the culture medium such as
amino acids

5. Trophectoderm cells will go on to make parts of the:

a) Fetus

b) Chorionic villi

c) Amniotic sac

d) Uterus

Ans: b) Chorionic villi

6. Which of following is a valid principle of ice formation?

a) Embryos must be stored at temperatures low enough to allow ice crystals to form

b) Increasing permeability of the cell membrane will prevent ice crystal formation

c) Removing most of the water from the embryo will prevent ice formation

d) Removing too little water will result in increased solute concentration and celldamage

Ans: c) Removing most of the water from the embryo will prevent ice formation

7. One widely used cryoprotectant is:

a) 1.2M 1, 5-Propanediol

b) 1.0M 1, 5-Propanediol

c) 0.5M 1, 2-Propanediol

d) 1.5M 1, 2-Propanediol

Ans: 0.5M 1, 2-Propanediol

8. Advantages to vitrification include:

a) Rapid cooling/warming rates

b) Requires no programmable freezer

c) Shortened exposure to cryoprotectants compared to slow cooling

d) All of the above


9. Most cases of Down’s syndrome are due to:

a) Non-disjunction in the oocyte first meiotic division

b) Non-disjunction in the spermatocyte first meiotic division

c) Non-disjunction in the oocyte second meiotic division

d) Non-disjunction in the spermatocyte second meiotic division

Ans: a) Non-disjunction in the oocyte first meiotic division

10. In PGD for X-linked recessive disease, where the female is a heterozygous carrier, and

the male is normal, what proportion of the female embryos will be affected?

a) None

b) 75%

c) 50%

d) 25%

Ans: d) 25%
11. The European Tissues and Cells Directives (EUTCD) apply:

a) Only to units that store gametes

b) To units that store gametes and embryos

c) Only to units that store ovarian and testicular tissue

d) To units that handle fresh and frozen gametes, embryos and gonadal tissue

Ans: d) To units that handle fresh and frozen gametes, embryos and gonadal tissue

12. What aspect of laboratory operations monitors equipment and processes to ensure that

the laboratory is functioning properly on a day to day basis?

a) Documentation

b) Quality improvement

c) Quality control

d) Quality assurance

Ans: c) Quality control

13. This Day-5 blastocyst is scored according to the Istanbul consensus workshop criteria as:

a) Stage=3 (Expanded), ICM=3 (Poor), TE=2 (Fair)

b) Stage=2 (Blastocyst), ICM=3 (Poor), TE=3 (Poor)

c) Stage=3 (Expanded), ICM=2 (Fair), TE=3 (Poor)

d) Stage =2 (Blastocyst), ICM=2 (Fair), TE=2 (Fair)

Ans: Stage=3 (Expanded), ICM=3 (Poor), TE=2 (Fair)

14. According to WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human

Semen (2010), the assessment of sperm morphology must be made in duplicate,

evaluating _______ spermatozoa in each replicate.

a) 50

b) 100

c) 200

d) 300

Ans: c) 200

15. Ovarian primordial follicles begin their development:

a) Via a mechanism that is currently incompletely characterised

b) At the end of the preceding ovarian cycle

c) Only after the beginning of sexual maturity

d) In response to gonadotropins

Ans: d) In response to gonadotropins

16. Gonadotropin hormones are synthesized in the:

a) Hypothalamus

b) Posterior pituitary

c) Anterior pituitary

d) Gonads

Ans: c) Anterior pituitary

17. Immotile sperm and immotile cilia are a feature of:

a) Kartagener’s syndrome

b) Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

c) Kallman’s syndrome

d) Disorders involving mitochondrial DNA deletions

Ans: a) Kartagener’s syndrome

18. A peroxidase stain of semen smears is used to:

a) Differentially stain nuclear and acrosomal regions of sperm head

b) Identify granulocytes

c) Identify sperm cells with fragmented DNA

d) Identify the presence of reactive oxygen species in the semen

Ans: b) Identify granulocytes

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