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Name: Shumaila Azam

Reg no: 70098213

Section: B

Mam:Gul E Sehar

Topic:Transference and counter Transference

 Transference And Counter Transference :-

1. Transference :-

 The phenomenon whereby we unconsciously transfer feelings and attudes from a person or

situaton in the past on to a person or situaton in the present. The process is at least partly

inappropriate to the present.

 It is the transferring of a relatonship, not a person.

 Only an aspect of a relatonship, not the entre relatonship, is transferred.


Anxiety and social isolaton may lead to the therapist being central in a client's life; as such they

may be one of their only social contacts

 Reduced opportunites for romantc interests (Asperger's, LD, etc.)

 People with 'Borderline Personality Disorder' or very difcult interpersonal relatonship styles,

where they shif rapidly from loving and hatng and see self and others as 'all good' or all bad. This

can be played out in the therapy room.

 Use of Transference :-

There are three stages in dealing and using transference in social casework. these

stages are.

1. Understanding the Transference

2. Utliizing the transference.

3. Interpretng the transference.

 Treatment :-

 The worker, when he does not respond neurotcally, helps the client tosee and bear the


 Identficaton with the worker gradually helps the client to strengthen hisego power and

capacity for reality testng and problem solving.

 Counter Transference :-

The response that is elicited in the recipient (therapist) by the other's (patent's) unconscious

transference communicatons

• It includes both feelings and associated thoughts. When transference feelings are not an

important part of the therapeutc relatonship, there can obviously be no countertransference.

• a useful guide to the patent's expectatons of relatonships

 Reasons:-

 Client reminds us of someone we have or had strong feelings for (positve or negatve).

 We over identfy with them (difcultes we have resolved in the past/similar personality/social

standing/age/gender etc.

 Feeling parental towards client.

 Sexual atracton.

 Potential Difcult utcomes of Counter-transference:-

 Blurred boundaries

 Inappropriate levels of disclosure that compounds transference

 Not working with the countertransference

 Not acknowledging the countertransference

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