Pe Vocab

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Daniel Avila

Pe vocabulary
1. integrity= the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral
uprightness. doing the right thing even when no one is watching. (Ex. Picking up trash is
a basic integrity.)
2. evolve= develop gradually , even in a simple to a complex form (Ex. Every human
mindset evolves over time.)
3. complex= consisting from many different and connected parts. Complicated, intricate,
difficult. (Ex. Explaining the concept of time travel can be complex for many people.)
4. Systematic racism= institutional racism. Form of racism that is embedded as normal
practice within society or an organization. It can lead to such issues as discrimiation in
criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education,
among other issues. (Ex. Systemic racism is an everyday thing when it comes to the
government and laws.)
5. caucasian= white skinned; of european origin. (ex. In the beaches there are a handful of
caucasian people walking around)
6. resume= a formal document that a job applicant creates to itemize his or her
qualifications for a position/job (Ex. every person needs a resume of they want to apply
at a job)
7. hydro= water, H2O (Ex. water guns usually have Hydro in there names)
8. hydrate= a compound typically a crystalline one, in which water molecules are
chemically bound to another compound or an element (ex. When i finish working out i
get a water bottle so i can hydrate myself)
9. hydrated= having absorbed enough water or other liquid . the process of providing an
adequate amount of water to body tissues (ex. After i'm done with the water bottle i feel
10. dehydration= not having absorbed enough water or liquid (ex. When i don't have water
after a workout i feel dehydrated )
11. prevail= prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious (ex. When i play a
sport i always try to prevail)
12. humble= having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance (ex. i can
be a very humble person depending on the topic)
13. ambiguous= unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been
made. (Ex. when i am craving a salad i am ambiguous when it comes to my choices)
14. feeble= lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness (ex. A few years
ago i got really sick to the point where i was feeble)
15. array= an impressive display or range of a particular type of thing (ex. Collectors have an
array of collectables in their house.
16. democracy= a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members
of a state, typically through elected representatives. Controlled by the majority of its
members. Freedom (ex. Democracy can sometimes be corrupted)
17. REM sleep= rapid eye movement. It normally happens 90 minutes after you fall asleep.
It can last from 10 minutes to 1 hour, the brain is more active. It provides energy to your
brain and it restores your mind. Essential for muscle recovery and restoring the body.
The blood supply to the muscles increases more oxygen nutrients go to the muscle
which facilitates muscle healing and growth (Ex. Is rem sleep a common thing or
something many people can do?)
18. Empathy = the ability to understand and share the feelings of another (ex. My friends
were able to give empathy when i broke my leg)
19. docile= ready to accept control or instruction; submissive (Ex. People who go to the
military become docile to the government)

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