Guidens - The Politics of Climate Change

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“THE POLITICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE Books by Anthony Giddens api ant a Sc ey sand Seay nthe Tough of Max Weber ‘Tae Clas Shctne of th Advancd Stes, [New Rubs Sail Method Sin Scat and Palin Tory Ene Daten Cont Poems Sock Tory ACamtanporary Cre of Historical Materia Seog A Bre at Cie Iaducton ‘Profle ad Cts Socal Thay Tacoma ofS The Nato Sate and Vien Beton tesa he See Sica Toy ad Moore Slog Stony Sah Eton Thecomequencs of Maderity Mater an een The angormation of ety Bayon if aed Rie eee ateratatn (ith Ubeh Beck and Scot Lash) Plies, Socegy and Sse Tory In Do af ey The Tard Hay The Td Way ond it Cotes ‘Whar Now for Nw eo? Sto on heb ited Works: Eri Dt Sct Wings Protinom and Socaogy Els an Pere Bch Sock (th Philp Stanwoeh) Clases Conf nd Poe (ne Edge: Ling it loa Capitation (th WI Hutton) ‘he Gib Tard Wey Dene ‘Th Prose Ma ‘he New Elta it Pick Diamond) Geta ape, Sie ope (with Pack Diamond and Roger Lid) THE POLITICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE Anthony Giddens polity Copyright © Antony Giddens 208 ‘neigh Anthony Cider tbe iene Aub of hi Work fepbSsne mexehc wiht py Seed Fist publ in 20% by Pay os oped 20 our ee) ality Pres Bene Ecsege CUR, UK Py Pros BOM See Malden HAGENS, USA, Ppbecel esta endlnnew 9 pute ur pba be ‘proses red ins rea pote, oF tetany orm by ‘fm laconic mecha phncopyng coding oF hers Saou pre pemsian fe pls iamisomoriseses IBDN. 70S He Gp) Acatalogue ord for ths oki ave rm the Bria iray ‘Typeset in on 1 Paatino ‘ere Posting Li Sackport Cheshire Pina! and bound So Cx Ban by the MI Boks Group ‘The publaherhas aed ts best endeavours to enue thatthe URLs for eal ener in craton aie ti ie ‘Si guin o pee lwrever the pubehertas no sporty othe ‘edb ca ake no guarantee ate wl ema eta he ‘Shunt wll emai poopie vey lot hasten nae ec al npyright olde, but fay hase ‘sian trey overnite petri pease Siyncesary ons ny ibsefent ep edn For farther information on Paty vs our weble: wr pai CONTENTS Acknowledgements Introduction 1 Climate Change, Risk and Danger ‘Running Out, Running Down? The Greens and After The Track Record So Far AA Return to Planning?” ‘Technologies and Taxes ‘The Politics of Adaptation International Negotiations, the EU and Carbon Markets 9 The Geopolitics of Climate Change Afterword Notes References Inder v » ot 9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘This book grew out of my involvement in a project organized under the auspices of the think-tank Policy Network and the Centre for the Study of Global Governance at the London School of Economics should like to thank my colleagies in both institutions for their help and advice during the writing process. My grattudeis due in particular to Roger Liddle, Olaf Cramme, Simon Latham and Jade Groves at Policy Network: and to David Held at the Centre. Anne de Sayrah helped the project in more ways than Tean count. Karen Birdsall did a ‘marvellous job checking footnotes and assembling the bibl ‘ography, Joe Livesey carefully and skilfully checked over the Figures in some of the chapters. Olaf Cory provided some important feedback on a draft manuscript. Lowe an especially largedebt to Hugh Compston, who commented inameticulous ‘ay on an early version of the book; and to Johanna Juslins, ‘who did the same ata later point. Vitor Philip Dahdaleh gen ‘erously provided the funding for the collective project, so abig, ‘ote of thanks to him. Towe a great debt toeveryane at Polity Press, including especially John Thompson, Gill Motley (as always), Sarah Lambert and Emma Hutchinson, I would ike to thank Emma in particular for her attention to detail and for the amount of work she put into the project. Sarah Dancy did ‘2 great job with the copy-editing and I'm most grateful She is 2 delight to work with. Finally, my thanks are due as always to Alena for her constant support and encouragement, and for her insouciance on the days when the whole project looked just too difficult. I dedicate the work to Indie and Matilda,

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