General Program: That Was An Amazing Performance. Congratulations For Him!!!

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Tunja, 20th May, 2021

Good morning everyone, welcome to the 13th English Song Contest. The
second virtual Contest.

We cordially invite you all to enjoy this presentation that our students have
prepared for you this special morning.

We continue with our principal’s speech.


¡So, let’s start!

1. Judge’s Introduction

2. Contest Rules

Now, we are ready to start with our group of soloists. This group is made up
of 13 students from 6th grade to 11th grade.

The first presentation is from Sneyder Mauricio Cruz solano, who represents 6th
A graders, he is going to sing “Faded”.

That was an amazing performance. Congratulations for him!!!

“Without music, life would be a mistake”

Friedrich Nietzsche

We invite Katherine Martínez Arias from 6th B to sing her song. ““Photograph” by
Ed Sheeran.

What a beautiful presentation! Congratulations for her!

Next on the program is Amada Estefanía Campos Uribe. She represents 6th B
grade with the song “One small thing” from my Little Pony movie”.

What a wonderful presentation! Congratulations to Amada Estefanía

Campos Uribe”!!!

We continue with the soloist’s performances. So, be ready to listen to Yohed

Garzón Mosquera, he is representing 6th D group with the Song “Stand by me”.

Well Done! It has been a very good presentation from all participants!!!

With the song “We´ll meet again”, Laura Alejandra Malaver will represent her
group 6th D.
Let´s listen to her!

Congratulations Laura Alejandra Malaver for your outstanding


Now the next show is from Danna Valentina López Pico, who represents 7th A
graders with the song “Drugs”, by Upshal.

What an amazing presentation!!! Congratulations for Danna Valentina

López Pico!!!

Now we are inviting Sara Corredor Quevedo from 7th A, who is going to sing
“Human”, by Cristina Perri.

Congratulations for Sara Corredor Quevedo!!!

We continue with Luis Felipe Vargas Pinzón from 7th B grade with the song “Turn
Down for What”

Applauses and Congratulations to him!!!

This time is for Kevin Alejandro Boyacá Albarracín, who represents 8th A graders
with the song “¿Have you ever seen the rain?”.
What a wonderful presentation! Congratulations for Kevin Alejandro
Boyacá Albarracín!!!

From 9th A group we are going to listen to Daniel Rubio. He will sing “Fools
Garden Lemon Tree”

It has been a nice presentation! Congratulations and thank you.

Lina Fernanda Daza will be our next Singer from 9th B, with the song “Crystals”
by Monsters of Men.

We congratulate her for her presentation!!!!!

Now the turn is for Jeimy Marcela Gómez from 10th grade, who will delight us
with the song “Demons” by Imagine Dragons.

What an incredible presentation. A bunch of applauses and congratulations

for Jeimy Marcela Gómez.

We finish these Soloists performances with Laura Fernanda Gómez, she

represents 11th graders with the song “Someone like you” by Adele.

Thank you, Laura Fernanda, for sharing with us your song. Congratulations
to you!!!

“And, in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make”
Paul McCartney


Thanks to all the participants in the category of soloist’s performances. You

have done a very good job. Congratulations for all of you.

Teacher William Sánchez presentation

Now, we are going to welcome our Duets in this round.
The first performance is from Katherine Sofía Urrutia Urrutia & Vivian Sofía
Coronado. Their song is: “Dance Monkey” and they represent 6th A grade.

Congratulations for their performance!!!

Now we are going to listen to two students from 6th B grade Juan Carlos Nonsoque
Cárdenas & Esteban Nonsoque Cárdenas, with their song “One more time”.

What a beautiful presentation! Congratulations for them!

Next, we have Ariadna Soraya Medina & María Camila Medina from 7th A with the
song “Snowman” by Sia.

Thank you for your presentation. Congratulations for you!!!

Next presentation is for our 9th A graders Nicole Raban & Susan Camacho with
the song “Glorius”.

It has been a nice work. Congratulations to you!!!

Now, we invite María José Morillo & Angie Carolina Molina, with the song “Lovely”
by Billie Eilish and Khalid. They are representing the class 9th B.

What a wonderful presentation! Congratulations for María José Morillo & Angie
Carolina Molina!!!

“You’re a song written by the hands of God”


I invite you to listen carefully to our next singers Janfer Enrique Guanipa & Liseth
Dayana Hernández, from 10th Grade, their song is called “Someone you Loved” by
Lewis Capaldi.

Thank you for enjoying us with your great song!!! I congratulate you two!!!
And last but not the least, I invite Jorge Jiménez & Héctor Iván Roberto from 11th
grade to be our final duet. They are going to sing “Paranoid” by Black

Thank you for this great song. Congratulations to you!!!

What a nice song! Congratulations to you!!!

At this point, we shall end the high school soloists and duets presentation!!!
The panel Miss Erika González and Mr. Rufus Amenya will announce the

First place goes to ____________
Second Place goes to __________
Third place goes to ____________

First Place goes to _____________
Second Place goes to ____________
Third place goes to ________________

Soloist and duet first places will represent our Institution in the Municipal English Song
Contest that will be held in September. Therefore, we invite you to prepare…

Teacher Ricardo Villamil Performance.

Song: Greensleeves

Closing Ceremony and acknowledgements:

All the participants will receive a certification…

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