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Atividade Extra 8: Past Continuous

1) Use as informações da tabela abaixo para completar as frases sobre Fit Sid e Fat Jack
usando o “Past Continuous”.

Exemplo: Yesterday, at 8:00 Sid was doing exercises while Jack was lying in bed.

a) Yesterday, at 8:30, Sid and Jack were having breakfast.

b) Yesterday, at 9:00 Sid was walking to school while Jack was going to school by car.

c) Yesterday, at 11:00 Sid was playing football while Jack was eating crisps.

d) Yesterday, at 13:00 Sid was preparing a salad for lunch while Jack was buying a hamburger.

e) Yesterday, at 17:00 Sid was doing a 10 km run while Jack was resting.

f) Yesterday, at 19:00 Sid and Jack were playing computer games.

g) Yesterday, at 22:00 Sid was going to bed while Jack was sleeping on the sofa.
2) Leia as frases abaixo e sublinhe a opção correta de acordo com o exemplo.

Exemplo: Dave arrived/ was arriving at Sue’s house at 19.30, but she wasn’t there. She did / was
doing some shopping at the supermarket.

a) At this time last week, we lay / were lying on a beach in the sun.

b) When I walked / was walking into the class, the teacher talk / was talking about the new

c) I watched / was watching the episode on TV when the electricity went off. Can you tell me what
happened / was happening?

d) What a coincidence! When you called / were calling I thought / was thinking about you.

e) The Titanic crossed / was crossing the Atlantic when it hit / was hitting an iceberg.

They started construction of In 1888 they were building In May 1889 they finished
the Eiffel tower in January 1887. the tower. the tower.

Quando usar o “Past Continuous”?

O “Past Continuous” pode ocorrer em várias situações. Ele é usado para expressar duas ou
mais ações que acontecem ao mesmo tempo no passado ou então para expressar uma ação
contínua no passado, que já estava acontecendo, quando outra mais pontual ocorreu.

É importante ressaltar que por ser um tempo contínuo, ele é usado quando o foco da frase está
no processo e não na conclusão da ação.


TEACHER: Lael Eduardo de Oliveira Lima DATE: / / 2021

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