Writing - Prova Do 4º Bimestre

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Oficina de Leitura e Produção Escrita em Língua Inglesa I

Writing – Prova do 4º Bimestre

Aluno: Lael Eduardo de Oliveira Lima
RA: 84699

I used to get some childhood friends together to play tabletop roleplaying

games twice a month before the pandemic. It wasn’t just a game, but an
appointment, a way to make sure that I still would be seeing my friends even
though we don’t attend the same places anymore. Good friendships are hard to
make when we grow up, and the old ones need work to persist time. The
meeting was cancelled because we know the virus is dangerous and we want to
protect our families and ourselves. But it is frustrating, because parties are still
being made, prolonging the duration and the consequences of the pandemic.
People don’t seem to understand how serious the world situation is right now. I
understand that quarantine is difficult and some people just can’t afford it. But,
there are lots of people who can quarantine but instead choose to ignore what
it’s happening. I haven't seen my friends' faces outside of a screen for more
than a year, and I just want to meet with them again, but sadly I don’t believe
this is going to happen soon.      

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