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Tai Lung’s Past About = Sobre

Acording = De acordo
Mantis: I know he can seen like a heartless. But you know, he Actually = Realmente
wasn’t always like that. Always = Sempre
Anyone = Ninguém
Viper: Acording to legend there was once a time that master Bad = Mau
Shifu actually used to smile. Before = Antes
Believe = Acreditar
Po: No! Boy = Garoto
But = Mas
Mantis: Yes! Come = Vir
Create = Criar
Viper: But that was before.... Darkness = Escuridão
Destroy = Destruir
Po: Before what? Dragon = Dragão
Ever = Sempre
Tigress: Before Tai lung. Enough = Bastante, Suficiente
Go = Ir
Crane: We are not really supossed to talk about him. First = Primeiro
Find = Encontrar
Tigress: If he is going to stay here, he should know. Have = Ter
Heart = Coração
Po: Guys, guys, I know about Tai Long, he was a student, the first Heartless = Sem Coração
ever to master the Thousand Scrolls of kung fu and then he How = Como
turned bad and doesn’t you.... Just = Apenas
Know = Saber
Tigress: He wasn’t just a student. Shifu found him as it come and Laid = Espalhar
he raised him as a son. And when the boy showed talent and Legend = Lenda
kung fu. Shifu trained him. He believed in him. He told him he Love = Amar
was destined for greatness. It was never enough for Tai Lung. He Master = Mestre
wanted the dragon scroll but Uguay saw darkness in his heart Never = Nunca
and refused. Outraged Tai Lung laid waste to the valley. He tried Once = Uma vez
to take the scroll by force. And Shifu had to destroy what he had Outraged = Enfurecido
created. But how could he? Shifu loved Tai Lung like he had never Raise = Crescer
loved anyone before ...... or since. Really = Realmente
Refuse = Recusar
a) O que a lenda dizia sobre o mestre Shifu? See = Ver
____________________________________________________ Scroll = Pergaminho
____________________________________________________ Since = Desde então
Smile = Sorrir
b) O que Po não sabia sobre Tai Lung. Stay = Ficar, permanecer
____________________________________________________ Student = Aluno
____________________________________________________ Son = Filho
____________________________________________________ Supossed = Suposto
Show = Mostrar
c) Por que Uguay não quis dar o Pergaminho do Dragão para Tai Talk = Falar
Lung? Take = Tirar, pegar
____________________________________________________ Tell = Contar
____________________________________________________ Time = Tempo
____________________________________________________ Thousand = Mil
Train = Treinar
d) Qual era a missão de Shifu quando Tai lung tentou pegar o Try = Tentar
pergaminho pela força? Turn = Virar, se tornar
____________________________________________________ Valley = Vale
____________________________________________________ Want = Quer
____________________________________________________ Waste = gastar, desperdiçar, perdição

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