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Bilbo meets Smaug – Hobbit Air = Ar

Alive = Vivo
Smaug: Well thief. I smell you. I hear your breath. I feel your air. Ask = Perguntar
Where are you? Where are you? Come now. Don’t be shy. Step Before = Antes
into the light. Breath = Respirar
Carry = Carregar
Smaug: There is something about you. Something you carry. Come = Venha
Something made of gold, but far more precious. Fall = Cair
There you are, thief in the shadows. Feel = Sentir
Flattery = Bajular
Bilbo: I did not come to steal from you. O smaug the Gaze = Comtemplar
Unneccessably wealth. I merely wanted to gaze upon your Gold = Ouro
magnificence. To see if you really were as great as the old tales Hear = Ouvir
says. I did not belive them. Keep = Manter, permanecer
Light = Luz
Smaug: And do you now!! Remember = Lembrar
Say = Dizer
Bilbo: Truly. The tales and songs fall utterly short of your See = Ver
enormity O Smaug the Stupendos Shadow = Sombra
Shy = Tímido
Smaug: Do you think flattery will keep you alive? Short = Curto
Smell = Cheirar
Bilbo: No, no Something = Algo
Song = Música
Smaug: No, indeed! You seen familiar with my name but I don’t Steal = Roubar
remember smelling your kind before. Who are you and where do Step = Pisar
you come from may I ask? Old = Velho
Tale = Contos, lendas
Thief = ladrão
a) O que Smaug sente quando percebe Bilbo? Think = Pensar
___________________________________________________ Want = Querer
___________________________________________________ Who = Quem
___________________________________________________ Where = Onde
___________________________________________________ Wealth = Rico

b) Qual a primeira fala de Bilbo após ser descoberto?


c) O que Smaug pergunta a Bilbo no final do vídeo?


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